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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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CHIEF GOVERNORS 0/ IRELAND. 43 ifa'/ CHIEF GOVERNORS of IRELAND fmce 1711. The Dates are Old ' Stile, all before x Sept. 1751, included; And New Stile, beginning the '. al- lowing Day, viz. 14 Sept. 1752. Compared < with the Council Books. it. July 3. JAMES, Duke of Ormond, fworn Lord Lieutenant. J Dec. 3. Ld. Chanc. Phipps and Lt. Gen Ingoldsby, L. J. The General died in the Government, 29 Janu. 1711. Mar. 10. Sir Constantine Phipps, and John Vesey, Abp. of Tuam, L. J. " 13. Oft. 27. Charles Talbot Duke of Shrewsbury, fworn L. L. " 14. June 7. Tho. Abp. of Armagh, Sir Const. Phipps, John, Abp of Tuam, L. J. Sept. 9. Wm. Abp. of Dublin, John, Abp. of Tuam, Rob. E of KiLdare, L. J. Oft. 9. The same L. J. fworn, as alfo all the Privy- Council. " 15. Nov. 1. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Henry, Earl or Galway, L. J. ' ifi. Mar. 20. Lord Chancr. Midleton, Wm. Abp. of Dublin, and Wm. Conolly, Esq; Speaker, L. J. Ld. Chanc. and Speaker fworn. " 117 July 20. William, Archbishop of Dublin, then fworn one of the L J. Aug. 7. Charles, Duke of Bolton, fworn L. 1.. Jan. 9. Wm. Abp. of Dublin, Wm. Conolly, esq; appointed and sworn L J ' ; t8. May 22. Ld. Ch. Midleton, Wm. Abp. of Dublin, Wm. Conolly, Esq; L. j " 19. Mar. 31. Charles, Duke of Bolton, L. L. landed. Nov. 20. Lord Chancellor Midleton, and William Conolly, Esq; L J. ' 21. Aug. 28. Charles, Duke of Grafton, L. I.. fworn. Feb. 24. Wm. Abp. of Dublin, Rd. Visc. Shannon, Wm. Conolly, Esq; L. f. 723. June 13. Lord Chancellor Midleton, William, Abp. of Dublin, Richard Viscount Shannon, William Conolly, Esq; L. J. Aug. 13. Charles, Duke of Grafton, L. L. landed. 724. May 9. Ld. Chanc. Midleton, Rd. Shannon, Wm. Conolly, Esq; L. J. Oft. 22. John Lord Carteret, L. L. landed and sworn. 726. April x. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Ld. Chanc. West, Wm. Conolly, Esq; L. J. Lord Chancellor West died in the Government, 3 Dec. 1716. Dec. 23. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Ld. Ch. Wyndham, Wm. Conolly, Esq; L. J. 727. Nov. 19. John, Lord Carteret, sworn L. L. on the Death of King George I. 17I8. May 15. Hugh, Ahp. of Armagh, Ld: Ch. Wyndham, Wm. Conolly, esq; L. j. ' 729. Sept. 13. John, Lord Carteret, L. L. landed William Conolly, Esq; died, 30 Oil. 1729. [ Speaker, L. J. : 730. Apr. -. 4. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Ld. Ch. Wyndham, Sir Ralph Gore, Bt. 731. Sept. 11. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, L. L. landed and sworn. 732. Apr. 24. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Tho. Ld. Wyndham, Sir Ralph Gore, Bt. L. J. Sir Ralph Gore died in the Government, 23 Febr. I732. 733. May 23. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Tho. Ld. Wyndham, L. J. to act severally. Sept. 24. Lionel Duke of Dorset, L. L. landed. ; 734- May 3. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Tho. Ld. Wyndham, Henry Boyle, Esq; Speaker, L. ]. 735. Sept. 26. Lionel Duke of Dorset, L. L. landed. 736. May 19. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Tho. Ld. Wyndham, Henry Boyle, Esq. 1737- Sept. 7. William, Duke of Devonshire, L.- L. landed and sworn. 1738. Mar. 18. Hugh, Abp of Armagh, Tho. Ld Wyndham, Henry Boyle, Esq; L. 1739. Sept. 27. William, Duke of Devonshire, L. L. landed. 1740. Apr. 18. Hugh, Abp. or Armagh, Ld. Ch. Jocelyn, and Henry Boyle, esq; appointed L. J. The Lord Chancellor and Speaker sworn then May 13. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Iworn One of the L. J. 1741. Sept. 23. William Duke of Devonshire, L. L. landed. Feb. 18. Hugh, Abp. of Armagh, Ld. Ch. Jocelyn, Henry Boyle, E< q; L J. ' 742' June 4. The same Three L. J. or any Two to act.
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