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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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Stage Coaches. 41 STAGE COACHES, in Nov. 177;. FOUR KILKENNY STAGE COACHES set out from Mr. O'Brien's in George's- lane on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, and from Kilkenny, on Monday, Wednesday, Thuriday and Saturday, go in Sum ' ler in one Day, and in Winter in one Day and a . i half. The CAVAN STAGE COACH sets out from Bryan Reiley's in Smithfield 011 . . aghlin coming to Dublin, and at Kells. going to'Cavan, goes in one Day in . immer, and a Day and an half in Winter, lets out at 5 ia Summer and 7 1 Winter. TWO ATHLONE COACHES at Mr. Roe's in " Smithfield, fet . out on Mon day and Thursday in Winter at 8 ; and at 4 on'Wednefday and Saturday in > uenmer. TWO MULLINGAR COACHES at Mr. Roc's Grocer, in Smithfield, 011c tts out at 7, and another comes in, every Mond. Wedn. Frid. and Sat. . The BIRR Stage fets out from Mr. Jenki- nfoii'V, Ho. 7, in Bolton- 1 reet, on Monday.; and from the Widow Palmer1!, in oin,, 011 Thuridav, : "> es tlirough Portaliington. The DROGHEDA STAGE COACH feis out from Mr. Kelly's, No. 1, )! l Bolton- street, on Tuef. Thurf. and Sat. Returns *> n Mond. Wed. and Ft i. Another DROGHEDA STAGE COACH fets out from Mrs. Robinson's in ! olton- ftr. Corner of Capel- itr. Mond. Wed. Frid. Returns Tuef. Thur]". Sat. The NEWRY STAGE fets out from Mr. Kelly's No. J, in Bolton-. ftreet, I:' n WINTER on Tuef. and Friday ; and from Newry on Mon. and Fri. And i SUMMER, irione. Day, from Dublin, 011 Wednefday and'Saturday; and rom Newry on Monday and Friday. Beginning March 19. . The DUNDALK STAGE COACH fets out from Mr. Kelly's, No. t, in Solton- ftreet, on'Monday and Thurfday at 6 ; and from Mathew's in Dun- llalk, on Tuefday and Saturday. TWO LIMERICK STAGE COACHES ( i- t out from Mr, Jenkinson's in Bolton- street on Monday and Thurfday, and from Mr. Thomas Taylor's at the Square in Limerick on Monday and Thurfday, goes through Nenagh. , The BANAGHER STAGE fets off from the Root in Bolton- ftreet, on Fridays, and from Banag- ber an Mondays. The CLONES STAGE COACH fet? out from Nicholas Harford's ( No. 46 ) King ( Leet near Smithfield, at 7 on Friday, and from Clones at ' on Tuefday, goes through Coothill.
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