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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

The following text is a digital copy of this issue in its entirety, but it may not be readable and does not contain any formatting. To view the original copy of this newspaper you can carry out some searches for text within it (to view snapshot images of the original edition) and you can then purchase a page or the whole document using the 'Purchase Options' box above.

O SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER OCTOBER M Roftrevor Down Saintfield Down Templeftown Wic Tubbermurry Lim 20 fr. Bray Wic Goofberryhill Cork Keney Wef Loughmafk Mayo Mullabifh Ker Sevenchurch. es K. C. 21 fa. Ballycanow Wex Caltragh Gal Calverftown Kild Cullyvoie Longl Donafle Cla c. f- Frenchpark Role Galv/ ay fq. plot Eaft Gate Kilcummer Coik Kilmurry Kilk Molgrove Cork Tir. trin Wex 23 m. Ardnaglas Sli B. aliihaunis Mayo Dromon Lim Emly Tip Farnicarncv Sli Mullinahow Kilk Newtown Cork Rathfriland Down Stonehall Lim 26 th. Anglefburro' Lim Burrafakane Tip Claremore Gal Doobally Cav Dromore Cla Moningagagh Cav Needen Ker Sc 27 27fr. Carrickmacrofs Mon Ballively Mayo a « fa. Tedounet Mon Balnalack Wef 30 m. Anngrove Cork Balbriggen Dub MounthillAntr NewcaftLe Lim Trim Mea Tulla Cla 2 w. Aughadown Cork' Ballibay Mon Balliheene Cork to 10 Ballikeroge Wat Ballinagh Cav Ballinahinch Down Baliintra Don Balliconnell Cav Ballinhaffig Cork Ballinlough Rofc Ballifcanlan Lim Ballyclerihan Tip Ballyhack Wex Ballyhays Cav Ballytrain Mon c. f. Birchgrove Wex Cappagh Tip Caftledermot Kild Largy Cav by BclcoobridgeCaftlelyons Cork Milltownpaft Rofc Montanagee{ ohnlfn. Ker Mountcharles Don Newtownard- Down 24 tu. Athleague Rofc Bail Mayo Ballybought Arm Be ale Ker Cluggin Lim Glanwort Cork Holycrofs Tip 25 w. Arklow Wic Ballibogan Mea Ballyhibbuek Kilk Ballynfpidale Cork Sc 26 CaftlecomerKilk Cavan Town Coolboy Wic c. f. Drimelegue Cork Drumcannon Wat Johnflon's bridge Arm Kilbalinerin Kild Leighlinbridge Carl c. f. Lifmore Wat Cr. ftletownlands Mayo Caftletownroche Coik Forkhill Arm Kilcock Kild Kilcorkey Rofc Kildangan Kild Kiiialhee Longf Kiimore Down c. f. Kilteel Kild Oldcaltle Mea Rsthmoiion Mea calil? Rathowen Wef Rockfield Rofc Rulh Dub Shannon K. C. Tinehinch Carl Balneglera Arm Cafh Ferm CafUtblakeney Gal Caftlecarberry Kild Caftlehacket Gal Cafllemartyr Cork Connagh Cork Cronrow Wic Cullihill Q^ C. Dunfanaghy Don Ennifkean Cork Jeuer's Town Cla Kennety K. C. Kilcullen Kild Kilmaclening Cork Kilmurry Kilk Knockanv Lim Magherevooly Ferm Magwire's bridge Ferm Milltown Wef Moatagrenoge Wef Moneyhore Wex Narrawater Down Omagh Tyr Orchard Carl Tenehely Wic. Tubberhany Tip • Wood ord Gal & 3 3 th. Ahacrofs Cork fine cattle TurloughmoreCla/ Jec^ fefc Clones Mon OCTOBER, 1770. Ferrypoint Wat oiY^ OyleRoTc Foxfo. d Mayo Caftleilland Ker Fr. edrickltown Tyr Cork City innefhanon Cork Granard Longf Ulke Ki'Ld & 4 Knocklong Lim 4 fr. Ballinclare Ker Meelick Gal Mounthamilton Tyr Ravenfdale 1 tu.
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