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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

The following text is a digital copy of this issue in its entirety, but it may not be readable and does not contain any formatting. To view the original copy of this newspaper you can carry out some searches for text within it (to view snapshot images of the original edition) and you can then purchase a page or the whole document using the 'Purchase Options' box above.

Atiornies. Katherns ( Mar.) K E. Abbey- st. Katherns ( Samuel) K. Office, Kennedy's lane. Kearney ( Hen.) E. Mountrath- st Kearney ( James) Denmark- str. Keating ( Th.) E. Gloucester- st. Kellet ( Christ.) E. Kennedy's- l. Kelly ( Allen) E. Bride- street. Kelly ( Bernard) K. Galway. Kelly ( Denis) K. E. Six Clerk, gr. Ship- street. Kelly ( John) E. Stephen- street. Kelly ( Luke) K. E. Ross- lane. Kelly ( Thomas) E. Bolton- str. Kemmis ( Tho.) E. Jervis- str. Kennan ( Wm.) K. E. William- st. Kennedy ( Pat. Simpson) K. Fisher's- lane. Keogh ( John) K. E. Capel- str. Keoghoe ( Thomas) C. Keon ( Robert) E. Chancery Keon ( William) E. Kerin ( Ter.) E. Michaels- lane. Kilkenny ( Peter) K. C. E. Ma- ry's- abbey. King ( Cha.) E. Examinator of the E. jervis- street. King ( Edward) C. Henry- str. King ( James) E. Back- lane. King ( Peter) E. Deputy Clerk of the Pleas, and Clerk of the Rules of the Law- side of the E. Fishamble- street. King ( Thomas) E. Kennedy s- l. Knight ( Christ.) K. C. E. Bride- street. Knott ( Robert) C. Knox ( John) E. Abbey- street. Knox ( William) E. Mary's- ab. Laboissiere ( Peter) K. Back- la. Laler ( Powell) E. Chancery- lane. Lambert ( Jn.) K. gr. Ship- str. Landey ( Thomas Gaugain) E Wood- street. Lane ( Ambrose) E. Peter- str. Lane ( Thomas) E. Limerick. Lane ( Wm.) K. C. E. Peter- st. Law ( Samuel) K. Mountrath- st Lawrence ( Wm.) E. Winetav street. Lecky ( Hugh) E. Lee ( Thomas) K. Abbey- street. Le Febure ( John) E. s. Cum- berland street. Lendrum ( James) E. Lennon ( Landon) E. Lewis ( Mich.) E. Sub- sheriff of the City of Dublin, Skinner- row Lindsay ( Cha.) K. Lodge ( George) E. Bride- street. Lowndes ( Francis) E. Lukey ( Basil) E. Peter- street. Lukey ( George) E. Nicholas- st. Lynch ( Neptune) E. Lynch ( Thomas) E. Bow- street. Lyons ( Rob.) K. E. Yorke- str. Lysaght ( Thomas) E. Back- lane. ' Lyster ( Wm.) K. C. E. Law Agent to the College, Abbey- street. Mc. Can ( Edmond) E. Bolton- st. Mc. Causland ( D.) E. Stafford- st. Mc. Clatchy ( James) K Golden- lane. Mc. Clenachan ( Ch.) E. Abbey- street. Mc. Clintock ( Alexander) C. Dominick- street. Mc. Clure ( Ham.) E. Jervis- st. Mc. Gusty ( Dan.) K. E. great Ship- street. Mc. Gwire ( Arthur) E. Six Clerk, Chancery- lane. Mc. Ilwain
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