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The British Chronicle or Pugh's Hereford Journal


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The British Chronicle or Pugh's Hereford Journal

Date of Article: 09/02/1775
Printer / Publisher: C. Pugh 
Address: High Town, Hereford
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 236
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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sX OR, PUGHS HEREFORD JOURNAL. Printed by C. PUGH, in the High Town, HEREFORD; by whom Advertisements and Essays for this Paper are received. ADVERTISEMENTS are also taken in by Mr. R. BALDWIN, Bookseller, in London; Messrs. PALMER and BECKET, Booksellers, in Bristol Mr. JOHN PYTT, Printer, in Gloucester Mr. E. ANDREWS, in Worcester Mr. HARTELBURY, in Tewkesbury; Mr. NOTT, in Ledbury, Mr. BLEW, in Bromyard-, Mr. STAFFORD PRYSE, in Shrewsbury-, Mr. TURNER, Bookseller, in Ludlow, Mr. BARROW, Bookseller, in leominster Mr. MORRIS, in Kington, Mr. J. JAMES, in Builth ; Mr. J. PARRY, in Aberystwith ; Mr. B. MiLLINGCHAMP, in Cardigan ; Mr. J. JONES, in Lampeter, Mr., W. BowEN, in Haverfordwest; Mr. WiLMOT, in Pembroke, Mr. ROBERTS, in Narberth, Mrs. EDWARDS, in Tenby, Mr. WM. DAVIES, in Swansea; Mr. R. PRICE, in Neath, Mr. R. JONES, in Bridgend, Mr. B. THOMAS, in Cowbridge; Mr. J. THOMAS, , n Cardiff, Mr. N. BEADLES, in Pontypool; Mr. W. WILLIAMS, in Monmouth. Mr. ROBERTS, in Abergavenny-, Mr. BENJ. M'GIBBON, in The Hay, Mr. MICH. JONES, in Brecon, Mr. PRICE, in Landovery; Mr. J. GRIFFITHS, in Llandilo; and Mr. WILLIAMS, Stationer, m Carmarthen. By whom this Journal is regularly distributed, in their respective neighbourhoods, as loon as polfible after its publication. Price Two- Pence Halfpenny.] THURSDAY- February 9, 1775. [ VOL. VI. Numb. 236. Sunday and Mondays Posts. AMERICA. Williamsburgh, in Virginia, Dec. 21. wE have it from good autho- rity, that his Excellency the Governor is on his way to this capital, having con- cluded a peace with the se- veral tribes of Indians that have been at war with us, and taken hostages of them for their faithful complying with the terms of it; the principal of which are, that they shall totally abandon the lands on this side the Ohio ( which river is to be the boundary between them and the white people) and never more take up the hatchet against the English. Thus, in little more than the space of five months, an- end is put to a war which portended much trouble and mischief to the inhabitants on the Frontiers, owing to the zeal and good conduct of the officers and command- ers who went out in their country's defence, and the bravery and perseverance of all the troops. COuNTRY NEWS. Leeds, Jan. 31. A Country Squire, not an hundred miles from Bishop- Burton, in the East- Riding of this county, observing a man coursing in his grounds, one day last week, ordered his Game- keeper to take a servant along with him, well armed and loaded with ball, and shoot the person's dogs, and if he made the least resistance, to dispatch him also.— Agreeable to the orders of their humane master, they set out in pursuit of the culpiit, whom they did not come up with till they had travelled six miles from their master's house, when they immediately dispatched his dogs; the courser complaining of their ill usage, the Game- keeper fired at him, and wounded him in so terrible a manner that it is thought he cannot recover.— The Game- keeper was immediately secured; but being thc servant of a great man, 1000I. Bail was given for his appearance.— The wounded person lived at Hull in good credit. LONDON, Feb. 2. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. On Tuesday a complaint was made to thc House of Peers by Lord Lyttleton against the publisher of a morn- ing paper, for having, in his paper of the 23d of Janu- ary last, published several false and scandalous speeches supposed to have been spoken by the different Rt. Hon. members mentioned in the above paper, but which were false and erroneous. A person attended to prove the authenticity of the paper; upon which the publisher was ordered to be taken into the custody of the Usher of the Black Rod. A noble Lord, who spoke on the above occasion, said, " That every man, as an Englishman, had an un- doubted light to give an opinion upon measures taken by government; but at thc same time, no man had a right to revise thc persons of the legislature." Yesterday the Upper Assembly was crouded below the Bar at half after one o'clock, in expectation of Lord Chatham making a motion respecting America. At two his Lordship made his appearance ; and, after wait- ing for above an hour for the several Members of Ad- ministration, he acquainted the House, that he had a bill of a conciliating nature in his hand, which he pro- posed to submit to their consideration. He now enter- ed very fully into the main objects it had in view, apo- logized for the rude, informal manner it was drawn up, entreated their indulgence and assistance to model and bring it into form, and reminded them that it was in performance of a promise he had given the last day, which then seemed to be well received, of proposing to their consideration some wide, extensive, compre- hensive plan of reconciliation. Wheh his Lordship had finished, he delivered in the bill at the table. The title of it was read, and is as follows : " A provisional bill for quieting the troubles in the American colonies, and for asserting the legisla- tive Supremacy aud controuling superintending Power of the British Parliament over thc same." / The bill is directed to a variety of important objects, but the two main points on which it principally turns are the repeal of the declaratory act of 1766, which as- serts the supremacy of the British parliament in all cases whatsoevcr, and substitutes in its place a supremacy di- rected to acts of mere legislation and controul only, and to make it lawful for a Congress to meet at Phila- delphia on the 9th of May next, where the whole con- tinent of America ( thc infant colonies and Quebec ex- cepted) should acknowledge this restricted supremacy, and grant a certain benevolence or sum of money to his Majesty, to be under the disposal of Parliament, and to be employed towards alleviating the public burthens the Mother Country NOW labours under. Lord Dartmouth consented that the bill should lie on the table, and be taken into consideration on some future day, after the papers referred by his Majesty were read and considered. Lord Sandwich opposed this strenuously; said he had received letters a few days since, informing him, that vessels were now loading at Amsterdam, L'Orient and Rochfort, the cargoes of which were intended for America ; that all conciliating measures were to no purpose; and that he should therefore move, that the said bill be rejected in the first instance. A very able and well supported debate now ensued, which continued till three quarters after nine o'clock, when thc question being put, there appeared for Lord Sandwich's motion, Contents 61, Proxies 7, in all 68. Noil Contents 32 ; fo the bill was rejected by. a ma- jority of 36; On Tuesday a conversation arose in the House of commonS relative to the wode of procuring the politi- cal, or war petition, as it is called, from the inhabitants of Birmingham ; and several Gentlemen insisting that it was fairly obtained, Mr. Burke framed a long motion for an enquiry into the manner in which that petition was obtained, as well as that presented from the Mer- chants, Traders, and Manufacturers of the said town, trading or directly concerned in thc trade to North America. This motion was directed to expose the scandalous improper means made use to promote this warlike petition, and to shew that although no arts or undue influence had been exerted on the occasion, yet the persons who signed it being not Traders, or at least not concerned either directly or indirectly in the Ame- rican commerce, it could, nor ought not to have the least weight with parliament on the present occasion. This occasioned a long and very warm debate; it was however contended, that if they were not Merchants, Manufacturers, & c. they answered their description well enough, that of inhabitants of the town and neigh- bourhood of Birmingham. At half after six the question being put on Mr. Burke's motion, there appeared for it 37, against it 87. A petition of the Manufacturers and Dealers in felt hats, and also of the Shoemakers in thc town of New- castle in StaffordshirE, was presented, representing the distressed situation of thc lower class of people there, by a total stop being put to their trade to America, on account of the unhappy differences between this king- dom and thc colonies. A petition of thc like nature was also presented from the Manufacturers and Dealers in Earthenware, residing in Burslem, Tunstall, Co- bridge, Shelton, Hanley, Stoke lane, and Delf lane End. Both petitions arc referred 10 the Committee on the London petition. Yesterday the House was called over, pursuant to the Resolution of the lCth of December, and about three o'clock Mr. Sawbridge made his annual motion for leave to bring in a bill for shortening the duration of Parliaments. He was seconded by Mr. Alderman Oliver, and followed by the Lord- Mayor, Mr. Moy- sey ( Member for Bath, who spoke very pertinently on the subject), Mr. Grosvenor, Mr. Drake, jun. Mr. Charles Turner, and Serjeant Glynn. The conversa- tion was over in less than an hour, not a syllable being offered on thc part of Adminiftrati. n ; and the queflion being put, the House divided, Ayes 100; Noes 19.5. The Speaker then quitted the Chair, and the House went into thc Committee on thc American papers, when Lord North gave notice, as many of the members were withdrawing, that thc remainder of the papers would be soon gone through, probably the same even- ing, and that he had something afterwards ( probably the next day) to propose to the House. The reading of the papers to a very thin House was finished about half after seven, including those brought to the House yesterday by Lord North. Gen. Gage's last letter is dated Boston, Dec. 26, 1774 ; and the last letter from Mr. Colden, Lieutenant Governor of New York, is dated from thence January the 4th. The most remark- able incident contained in these fresh advices is, that on the 14th of December 400 persons, armed, attacked and seized Fort William at New York, and made the Commander of thc Fort with his whole garrison, con- sisting of five men, prisoners; after which they took away 100 barrels of gunpowder belonging to his Ma- jesty. Thc Committee desired leave to sit again, which was granted. Mr. Sawbridge yesterday moved and carried the put- ting off the Bristol election petition from Friday next to Friday the 10th. The Radnor petition from Tues- day next to Tuesday the 14th. And the Cricklade petition to a distant day. A new writ is issued out for electing a member for Plympton, in Devonshire, in the room of Captain Ourry, who has acccpted the office of a Commissioner in the navy. Letters from Leghorn, dated Jan. 3, say, " We learn from the ifle of Cyprus, that a most terrible earth- quake happened there in thc beginning of last month, by which thc cities Nicosia and Famagusta were intirely ruined, and a vast number of people killed. The following remarkable cures of cancers, without incision, by Miss PLUNKETT, may be depended upon: most of the cancers are preserved in spirts, viz Mrs. Davies, of PontypOol, in the county of Mon- mouth, aged 65, cured of a dangerous cancer in the right breast, which she had been afflicted with 4 years. Mrs. Davies, of Pentirk, in the county of Cardigan, cured of a dangerous cancer in the left breast, with which she had been afflicted 8 years. Mr. Walters, of Wick, near Cowbridge, Glamor- ganshire, cured of a dangerous cancer on thc temple, with which he had been afflicted 12 years. Mr. Mathews, of Brentwarth, near Cowbridge, Gla- morganshire, cured of a cancer on the cheek, with which he had been afflicted 7 years. Mrs. Franklin, of Newinn- hall, Oxford, aged 62, cured of a dangerous cancer in the cheek, with which she had been afflicted 4 years. Mrs. Ann Franklin, of St. Peter's in the East, in the city of Oxford, cured of a dangerous bleeding cancer in her left breast, which she was afflicted with 7 years. Mr. Freeman, of Burford, in the county of Oxford, cured of a cancer in the under lip. Mr. Mosely, of Willersly, in the county of Glou- cester, cured of a cancer in the under lip, which he had been afflicted with 7 years. Mrs. Ann Crow, of Little King- street, Bristol, cured of a cancer in the left breast. Mrs. Sarah Bassely, of the parish of St. Lawrence, in the county of Worcester, cured of a cancer in the check.— With many others, some of whom arc unwill- ing to have their names inserted. Miss Plunkett may be spoke with at Mr. Hutt's, Wade's passage, Bath. HEREFORDSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby GIVEN. THAT the Toll arising at Lancloudy Gate, belonging to the Hereford Turnpike, will be let by auction to the best bidder, for the term of three years, at the house of John Abrahall, the Redstreak Tree, in the city of Hereford, on Tuesday ihe \$ th day of February next, between the hours of ten in the morning and two in the afternoon, \ n the manner directed by the act passed in the 13th year of his present Majesty for regulating the turnpike- roads in this kingdom-, which toll produced last year the sum of Twenty- six pounds eight shillings and nine- pence halfpenny, clear of the salary of collecting, and will be put up at that sum, which any person intending to be a bidder may be informed of on application to the Clerk. Whoever is declared the best bidder must produce sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for the payment of the rent monthly, making always one month's pay in advance. Hereford, By Order of the Trustees,. Jan. 9, 1775. THOMAS LUNTLEY, Clerk. HEREFORDSHIRE. Leominster Turnpike, Notice is hereby given, THAT the Tolls arising at the several gates upon the turnpike- roads leading into the town of Leominster, in the county of Hereford, will be lett by auction, for one year, to the best bidder, at the house of Mr. Thomas Martin, known by the sign of the Royal Oak, in Leominster aforesaid, on Wednesday the eighth day of March next, between the hours of ten and two o'clock of the same day, in manner directed by the aCt passed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the turnpike- roads ; which tolls produce this present year the sum of five hundred and fifty pounds above thc expence of collecting them, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties, to the sa- tisfaCtion. of the trustees of the said turnpike- roads, for pay- ment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. T. WARD, Clerk to the Trustees. 30th Jan. 1775. HEREFORD INCLOSING ACT. '" THE following clause, extracted from an act of par- liament passed in the ninth year of his present Ma- jesty's reign, chap. 29, is published as a caution to the unwary. " IF any person or persons fhall, at any time after the first day of July, one thousand seven hundred and sixty- nine, wilfully or maliciously set fire to, burn, demolish, pull down, or otherwise destroy or damage any fence or fences that are or shall be erected, set up, provided, or made, for dividing or inclosing any common, waste or other lands or grounds, in pursuance of any aCt or acts of par- liament, every such person, being lawfully convicted of any or either of the said several offences, or of causing or procuring the same to be done, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and the Court by or before whom such person shall be tried shall have power and authority to transport such felon for the term of seven years." N. B. The prosecution must be commenced within eighteen months after the offence committed. > By Order of the Commissioners, THOMAS DAVIES, Clerk. HEREFORDSHIRE. TO be Sold very reasonable, about Sixty Tons of exeecding good Oak Timber. For fur- ther particulars apply to John Collier, Joiner, in Leomin- ster, or Mathew Low, at Darvel near Aymstrey, where the Timber is to be seen. LONDON. RENT- CHARGES. To be SOLD, for Thirty Year Purchase, OnE or more RENTS, charged on lands in perpetuity, to the amount of 13001. per annum. Enquire of Mr. Popham, Attorney, Lincoln's- Inn Fields, London. HEREFORDSHIRE. THE several Creditors of JACOB HOL- LAND of Eardesland, Timber merchant, arc desired forthwith to send a particular account of their respective demands to Mr. Brewster in Hereford, in order that pro- per measures may be taken to satisfy them. And all persons indebted to the said Jacob Holland, are desired immediately to pay what they owe him to tiie laid Mr. Brewster. RADNORSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Swan Inn, in Kington, in the county of Hereford, on Wednesday the 15th day of February inst. between thc hours of two and four in thc afternoon, if not dis- posed of in thc mean time by private contract, of which notice will be given in this paper. AMESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called LLANLDDOW, situate in the parishes of Cregrina, Llanbaddern, and Rewlen, in the county of Radnor, to- gether with a Water Corn Grist Mill thereunto belong, ing, in the parish of Llanbaddein aforesaid, and an ex- tensive right of common on the adjacent hills of Cregrina, Lampeter, and Pains Castle. The premises are Freehold of Inheritance, and consist of a substantial farm, and ex- ceeding good arable, meadow, and pasture land ; the whole let upon lease to a good tenant, at the yearly rem of 48I. and not subject to any out going ( except a chief rent of 2S. 6d. per ann.) B. There is a quantity of very good Timber on thc premises ready to sell. For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Parry and Lechmere, Attornies in Hereford. Coach- Office, Gloucester, Nov. 2, 1774. Gloucester Flying Machines, In ONE DAY, Six Times a Week, CONTINUE Flying from the Coach- Office in Gloucester, and the Bolt- and- Tun in Fleet- street London, every Evening, ( Saturdays excepted) at it, o'clock. Fare 14s.— Outsides Half Price. HEREFORD MACHINE. In a Day and a Half, Twice a Week CONTINUES Flying from the Swan- and- Falcon. Hereford, Monday and Thurlday mornings, and fr- • Bolt- and- Tun, Monday and Thurfday evenings. F v . 19s. Outsides Half. BRECON MACHINE, In Two Days, Twice a Week, CONTINUES Flying from the Golden Lion in Brecon, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and from the Bolt- and- Tun, Sunday and Tuesday evenings. Fare 11. 11s. 6d. Outfides 16s. CARMARTHEN MACHINE, In Three Days, Twice a Week, CONTINUES Flying from the Greyhound in Carmar- then, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and from the Bolt- and- Tun, Sunday and Tuesday evenings. Fare il- 5s. Outsides Half. CARMARTHEN. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Large Commodious HOUSE and GAR- DEN, consisting of two parlours, a kitchen, a brew- ing kitchen, an arch'd cellar, two pantries, a malt- floor, a storehouse, and six good lodging rooms, with other con- veniences, situate in King street, within the town of Car- marthen; and for further particulars enquire of Mr. David Jones, of Pistill- gwin, in the borough of Kidwelly, who is to be met with every Saturday at thc sign of the Red- Cow, Bridge- street, in the said town of Carmarthen. N. B. A lease will be granted for a term of years to a tenant that is well recommended. CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE LETT, For a term of years, and entered upon at May next, AVery improveable Farm, known by the name of GALLT VADOG in the parish of Llan- badarn- Vawr in the said county, containing 520 statute acres of good arable, meadow and pasture lands, within 4 miles of the market town of Aberystwith, its of Mach- unlleth, and 1 4 of Llanidloes. Any substantial tenant of approved character will meet with suitable encourage- ment. For particulars enquire of Mr. Jones, at Troedyrhiw in the above parish, or of Thomas Lewis, Land surveyor, at Llanbadarn Vawr. January, 1775. HEREFORDSHIRE. TO BE SOLD, A Freehold Estate, consisting of a Messuage or tenement, called The BALCH, situate in the parish of Almely, in the County of Hereford, and late in the possession of Mr. James Dunn, together with two pieces of very good orcharding, adjoining to the said messuage The land lies in a rich soil and is uncommonly good, situated on a rising ground and capable of much im- provement; distant from Kington 4 miles. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Morgan, High street, Presteigne, or Mr. William Archibald of the Whitcwal, near Presteigne, or Mr. Hall of Kinnersley, Newton, will shew the premises. BRECONSHIRE. To be Lett, and entered upon at Lady- day next, TWO Farms, together or separate, in the parish of Llanvechan, within four miles of Builth, known by the several names of Ty Mawr and Ty Segir, containing 450 customary acres, the whole within a ring- hedge, and well divided with quick fences ; the dwelling houses new ; the outhouses in perfect repair; a right to a small common adjoining. A good farmer may expevt encouragement. For further particulars inquire of Mr. Edward Thomas of Lloynma- dock, or of Mr. Thomas Pritchard at Builth. HEREFORDSHIRE To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Green- Dragon in the city of Hereford, on Friday the Tenth day of February inst. between the hours of three and six in the afternoon unless disposed of in the mean time by private contract, of which timely notice will be given) together or in lots, subject to such condi tions of file as shall be then produced. LOT I. A Messuage or Dwelling- House with the garden and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in Plow- lane in the city of Hereford, in the occupation of William Maddox, Esq. LOT II. A large new erected barn or warehouse, stable and other buildings thereto belonging and adjoining to the above messuage. LOT III. A stable or building, situate in Packers- lane in the said city, in the possession of Mr. John Griffiths. LOT IV. A picce of meadow ground, called The MANGY ACRES, containing by estimation 5 acres, lying near Scut Mill, within the liberties of the city of Hereford, in the possession of Mr. John Darke. LOT V. A tenement with a garden and orchard thereto belonging, situate in the parish of Burghill in the county of Hereford, in the possession of Lewis Parry. LOT 1, c, 3, are freehold, lot 4. is copyhold of inhe- ritance, held under the manor of Barton, subject uj a chief rent of is. 8d. only, and lot 5. is part leasehold for 999 years, and part leasehold for 99 years, whereof 25 are yet to come. . ,, Further particulars may be had of Samuel Johnson, At- torney at Law and Proctor, in Hereford. , . Sunday and Mondays Posts. COUNTRY NEWS. Portsmouth, February 2. YESTERDAY we had a much higher tide in this harbour than ever was known in the remembrance of the oldest inhabit- ant living, attended with a hard gale ol wind at south. Every house on the Point had from one to two feet water in their lower rooms, and boats were rowed from the beach up to the Point- bridge. This island was in a manner laid under water, and we hear that several hundreds of cat- tle, sheep, & c. have been drowned, and much damage done to the fields sowed with corn. A whole row of houses was entirely swept away from the back of the Point by the strength of the sea, but happily no lives ( as we hear yet) are lost. The gale still continues, but not with that violence, and the tide will not flow this day much above its customary height. Another letter from Portsmouth confirms the above, and adds, that great damage has been done at Cowes in the isle of Wight, where two men were drowned in the storehouses, in endeavouring to save some goods. Cambridge, Feb. 3. Wednesday came on the elec- tion of a master of St. John's, in which it was neces- sary that there should be a majority of the whole in favour of one candidate, else there could be no elec- tion ; the numbers were for Dr. Ogden 3 ; for Mr. Chevalier 21 ; and for Mr. Beadon 17 ; upon which Mr. Chevalier was declared duly elected upon the first Scrutiny. A protest was afterWards made against the validity of one of the votes, in consequence of which, we arc informed, an appeal will be lodged with the Bishop of Ely, as visitor of the College. LONDON, January 4. House OF COMMONS. On Thursday last, a few minutes after four, L. North rose, and in a speech which lasted near two hours reca- pitulated the contents of the American papers which had been read to the House, and pronounced the pro- vince of Massachusett's Bay, and other parts of New- England, to be in a state of actual rebellion, and pro- posed a conference with the House of Lords, that a joint address might be carried up to the throne. He said that Administration wished to adopt conciliatory mea- sures, if America would permit them ; but at all events, in the first instancc, the present step was become indi- spensably necessary. Among other things, his Lordship stated the burthens borne by Britain and America, from which he drew this decduction, that every person in the former, on an average, contributed at the rate of 25s a head, whereas the latter did not contribute 6d. His Lordship likewise in the course of his speech pointed nut the measures intended to be pursued in case the King should agree to comply with their address. He said, he should propose a temporary act to put a stop to all the foreign trade of New England, and particularly to their fishery on the banks of Newfoundland, till they returned to their duty; at the same time declaring, that whenever they should acknowledge the supreme autho- rity of the British legislature, pay obedience to the laws of this realm, and make a due submission to the King, their real grievances, upon their making proper appli cation, would be redressed. His Lordship further ob- served, that the other colonies were not so culpable, and he hoped might yet be brought to a sense of their duty to the mother country by more lenient measures, and he then concluded with a motion, " That an hum- ble address be presented to his Majesty, to return thanks to his Majesty for communicating to the House the A- merican papers, and that he would be pleased to take such measures as might be suitable to his wisdom for enforcing the laws against America, and promising to support him in a full and vigorous execution of the same with their lives and fortunes."— The measures proposed to be taken the better to enforce obedience in New England were mentioned generally, viz. To send fourteen frigates to Boston, and 10,000 troops, includ- ing Preston's regiment of horse ; to ask a supply of 2000 seamen more to man the fleet for Boston, and to supply the naval establishment at home, which falls short, be- cause Admiral Harland is not arrived, as was expected with the fleet from India. After Lord North had finished his speech, the mo tion was read by the Chairman; when Mr. Dunning rose and spoke to the following purport : " The noble Lord has endeavoured by every light into which he can throw the question, to prove that the resistance of the Americans, though it has gone no fu ther than votes and resolutions, is actual and open re bellion; and we are to come to a resolution declaratory of the same idea; I think, Mr. Speaker, that there i n0 difficulty in proving the direct contrary position that the Americans are not in rebellion, that the votes and resolutions of the several Congresses, both provin cial and continental, are decent and moderate, though firm declarations of the estimation in which liberty ought to be held, and tempered with the highest ex- pressions of loyalty and duty to their Sovereign Against what is it that they rebel ? Do they deny allegiance to his Majesty ? Are they in arms in opposing the King troops ? By what explanation, or by what misconcep- tion their conduct is now to be branded with so violent and so fatal an epithet, I cannot apprehend. You passed acts in the last session, which instead of governing America, carried tyranny into the bowels of America, and overturned all legal constitution in one of their provinces; and you utterly ruined the capital of the empire in that part of the world, by way of punishing the insolence of a mob— you executed those acts by force of arms; the people of the colonies thinking themselves tyrannically used, and conceiving that the nature of their dependency upon the parliament of Great- Britain, was not well understood on either side the water, in order to treat with this country upon such momentous points, convened a general congress— the deputies met in that congress came to resolutions de- claratory of their ideas of their submission unto Bri- tain, full of duty and allegiance to the King, and re- spect of parliament; but as all free countries have li- centious subjects, and freedom in that country is attend- ed with licentious news- papers, we the parliament of Great Britain are to overlook the conduct of the con gress, and search for proofs of rebellion among the American mobs and colony news- papers, which have actually been laid before us as state- papers, upon which we are to form our resolutions ; yet in the action of those mobs, and in the expressions of these news- papers rebellion is not to be found. And it must be by the most sophistical of all arguments, that such a deduc- tion is to be drawn ; a people governed by a constitu- tion Subordinate to our own, but the extent and powers of which are unknown even to ourselves, professing the utmost loyalty and obedience to the King, and using nO violence against his troops, nor being any where in arms, cannot but by the utmost perversion of sense and expression, be denominated rebels." Mr. Attorney General answered Mr. Dunning with great sense and Spirit. A general debate now ensued, • in which all the able speakers on both sides shewed their abilities. Col. Barre pointed out the inextricable difficulties Into which admistration were now plunging the whole empire, by declaring the resistance of the Americans 10 be rebellion; that when once that declaration was passed by the legislature, the civil American war would be commenced, the sword would be drawn to punish the rebellion that was declared ; and he warned the House against a miserable and unhappy catalogue of evils of the deepest hue, and the most alarming magni- tude that would follow. Mr. Burke laid forth the numerous ill consequences that must inevitably follow— called the present moment the true crisis of Britain's fate, painted the dreadful abyss into which the nation was going to be plunged ; he called upon the commercial part of the House to rouse themselves at the open declaration of their ap- proaching ruin. He pathetically described to the landed interest the fatal effects that must inevitably reach them. The Solicitor General in his speech defended the measure in a very able manner. He gave every allow- ance for, and paid all deference to, the interests of commerce and manufactures; but contended, that in the present case interests were concerned of yet greater consequence ; that all the world must acknowledge that when the clearest rights of the legislative power of a country are invaded and denied, and when in conse- quence the people so denying are in actual and open re- bellion, that then there are points of greater im- portance to be settled and decided than points of com- merce and manufacture. An enemy in the bowels of a kingdom is surely to be resisted, opposed and con- quered; notwithstanding the trade that may suffer, and the fabrics that may be ruined. That descriptions of the immense consequence of our American trade were arguments rather against the opposing members than for them ; for the greater the consequence of the com- merce, the greater the care ought to be, and the firmer the policy that is to preserve it ; that the question is not now the importance of American colonies, but the possession of the colonies at all. The Right Hon. Mr. C. Fox made a motion for an amendment to Lord North's motion, by leaving out almost the whole of it, except thanks for the papers: and when the question was called for, it was, whether the words proposed to be left out, stand part of the motion. The House then divided, ayes 304, noes 105. On the main question being put, the numbers were, for the address 296, against it 106. Yesterday the House of Commons deferred ways and means and the supply to Monday. Also, deferred the consideration of the London Merchants petition, and the other petitions on American affairs till Wednesday next. And chose fifteen gentlemen as a Select Com- mittee to try the merits of the Downton election. Yesterday the Lords took into consideration the American papers. Proceed again on Tuesday. The Lords summoned. A very interesting event was expected to have taken place this day, in Shoe- Lane, Fleet- Street: a messenger being expected to come down to seize the body of a Printer, some Gentlemen attended, and Peace- officers were in waiting, from nine in the morning, in order to apprehend the said messenger, in case he should be guilty of any violence in the execution of his office, it being, it seems, pre- determined, that the Printer should not obey the summons. Some Magistrates like- wise were said to be in readiness to commit the Mes- senger when brought before them. After waiting till two, and no messenger appearing, word was then sent to him to know the reason why he did not come down ; to which, no answer has as yet been returned. Yesterday his Majesty in Council was pleased to con- fer the honour of the most noble order of the Bath on William Gordon, Esq. his Majesty's Minister at Brus- sels, with the ensigns and ribband of the same, belong- ing to the late Lord Clive. A report was current yesterday, at the west end of the town, that some alarming intelligence had been received this week from Admiral Gayton, Commander in Chief on the Jamaica station, which occasioned an express to be sent away yesterday to Lord Grantham, our Ambas- sador at Madrid. BRECONSHIRE. TO BE SOLD, A Complete Freehold Messuage and Farm, situ- ate in the parish of Crickhowell, in the said county, consisting of 120 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture lands adjoining to an extensive common, where the pur- chaser or tenant may keep many hundred sheep, young cattle, and horses, all the year. N. B. The farm house, barn, and out- houses are all new erected. Also, a dwelling- house, shop, and garden, in the town of Crickhowell, in the possession of William Nicholas, at the yearly rent of 10I. Also, a meadow, in the said town of Crickhowell, in the possession of Mr. Henry Williams, Attorney at Law, at the yearly rent- of 4I. 4s. Also, a dwelling- house and garden, in the possession of John Griffith, carpenter, situate in the said town of Crick- howell, at 2I. 2s. Also, a meadow, in the possession of Henry Williams, purser, situate in the said town of Crickhowell; worth to be lett, 81. 8*. And also, a dwelling- house. and three closes of land, in the possession of Levy Williams, situate in the parish of Cwmdu, at the yearly rent of 61. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Williams, Attorney in Brecon. HEREFORDSHIRE. To be Sold by AUCTION, Either together or in distinct lots, at the New- Inn, in the ciiy of Hereford, on Tuesday the 28th of February inst. between the hours of four and five in the afternoon ( if not disposed of in the mean time by private contract, of which notice shall be given), subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced, A Messuage, with the Garden and appurte- d- nances thereunto belonging, situate in the Above Eign in the liberties of the city of Hereford, now in the occupa- tion of Mr. Thomas Hodges; and also, four several small Tenements, in one range of building, lying near unto the above messuage, with a piece of garden- ground belonging to each tenement, now occupied by four several persons, as tenants at will; and also a Gtanary, at one end of the said range of building. The tenements are new and substantial, and in good repair. They are all leasehold, under the Corporation of Hereford. For further particulars enquire of Messrs, Parry and Lechmere, Attornies, in Hereford. BELL's Edition of SHAKESPEARE is now compleated and published; THE subscribers to the first five volumes are therefore re- quested to apply as soon as possible for the continua- tion, in order that the publisher may be able to accommodate them with brilliant impressions of the new plates; and those who are not in possession of any part of this agreeable and elegant work, are hereby respectfully informed, that a new edition of the whole, including, the author's poems and the frontispieces in high preservation, is now com- pleatcd, in nine volumes on large royal paper, price ; 1. 18s. sewed and on small fine paper ll. y>. sewed. The continuation, including the poems, in four volumes, 011 large royal paper, 17a. sewed, or on fine demy small paper, 12s. sewed. Each play is enriched with a delightful frontispiece, and the poems are embellished with a profile head of the au- thor, a defensive interview between Venus end Adonis, and an affecting pastoral scene designed by Mr. Edwards, of the Royal Academy, and other British masters of emi- nence; the engravings are executed by most of the English artists, and very justly claim a preference to any other book- prints which have been done in this kingdom. In order, however, to satisfy the public of the evident excellence of the prints in this work, the proprietor Soli- cits from the curious, a critical companion of them with any other book prints, and offers a complete sett of the books elegantly bound, gratis, to any person who can pro- duce superior merit that has been executed in the British dominions. A few prime impressions of the complete sett of prints, consisting of 41 striking dramatic subjects, and includes the much admired likeness of the author, and of David Gar- rick, Esq. are preserved on proof paper, and will be sold for cabinet furniture, or to bind up with any other edi- tions, at one guinea and a half per sett. London : Printed lor JOHN BELL, near Exeter- change, in the Strand, and C. Etherington, at York; and may be had of C. Pugh, in Hereford, and the distributors of this Journal. Of whom may also be had, The Substance of LORD CHESTERFIELD'. LETTERS, which at present form the conversation amongst all po- lite companies, is now comprized in a small elegant volume, dedicated, by Permission, to the Right Hon. LORD VISCOUNT LIGONIER. This day is published, Price 2s. 6d. The PRINCIPLES of POLITENESS, By the late LORD CHESTERFIELD, Methodized and digested under distinct heads, with additions, by the Rev. Dr. JOHN TRUSLER Containing every instruction necessary to complete the Gentleman and Man of Fashion, to teach him a knowled of life, and make him well received in all companies; for the improvement of youth, yet not beneath the attention of any Person. London: Printed by J. Bell, near Exeter Exchange in the Strand; and C. Etherington, at York. Lately published by Mr. HAMILTON, at ROME, and executed under his inspection ( at a very great expence) by the most eminent engravers, a beautiful and much admired work, intitled, The ITALIAN SCOOL of PAINTING; Consisting of forty prints, taken from the works of all the great Italian masters, beginning with Michael Angelo, and ending with the Carracci: of which there now re- mains but a very few copies, and those of the first im- pressions, price 4I. 14s. 6d.' HENRY the SECOND; or, The FALL of ROSAMOND. The fifth edition, ornamented with a beautiful engraved vigenette, representing the beauteous Rosamond falling a Sacrifice to the vengeance of the injured Queen. By Mr. HULL. Engraved from an original design, made 011 purpose for this interesting subject. Price is 6d. REMARKS on Mr. THOMAS HENRY's Improved method of preparing Magnesia Alba, with an easy chemical process of procuring it in the utmost per- fection, without leaving any gritty remainder. To which is added, An Appendix, by a Physician. Price is. 6d. An ESSAY on the GLANDULAR SECRETION; Containing an experimental enquiry into the formation of Pus, and a critical examination into, an opinion of Mr. John Hunter's, " That the blood is alive." By Mr. JAMES HENDY, M. D. P. ice 2s. ADAM's' TALE; Or, The First Metamorphosis. Pricc is. 6d. A POEM, in quarto, Likewise, NEW EDITIONS of the following USEFUL LITTLE TRACTS just Published. AN EASY WAY to pROLONG LIFE, be- ing a Chemical Analysis, or An Enquiry into the nature and properties of all kind of Food, how far they are wholesome and agree with different constitutions. Written so as to be intelligent to every capacity. By a Medical Gentleman. Price 2s, The Third Edition. ALSO the SECOND PART. Containing many salutary observations on exercise, deep, drinking, smoaking, bleeding, dram- drinking and the utility ot taking physic in the spring. Pricc is. 6d. The second edition. The Gentleman and Lady's Companion in the Garden, Or a Calendar, pointing out what should be done every month in the green- house, flower, fruit, and kitchen- garden, with the proper seasons for sowing, planting, & c. l'o as t0 have a regular succession of flowers and vegetables throughout the year. To which is added, a complete list of the flowers that blow each month. Though of so small a size, no one thing is omitted. Price is. neatly printed, no bigger than a pocket almanack. N. B. With the help of this book. Gentlemen may in- struct any country servant to look after a small piece of ground, at a very little expence make that ground go a great way, and supply their tables with every thing in season. It will enable the Ladies also to dispose their flowers to the best advantage, and procure a general bloom throughout tho year. 3 The ECONOMIST, Shewing in a variety of estimates from 8pl. a year to upwards of 800I. how comfortably and genteelly a family may live with frugality, for a little money; together with the cheapest method of keeping horses. Note. An attention to these estimates will infallibly tend to the comfort and happiness of thousands, as they will teach the reader how to make a little go a great way, and shew him what expences he may enter into con sistent with his fortune and situation in life. Price is. the ninth edition. TEN MINUTES ADVICE To every Gentleman going to purchase a horse out of a dealer, jockey, or groom's stables, in which are laid down established rules for discovering the perfections and blemishes of that noble animal. Price is. BELL's Edition of the GENTLEMAN'S POCKET FARRIER, Shewing how to use your horse on a journey, and what remedies are proper for common accidents that may be- fal him on the road. Price is. neatly printed on thin post paper, very small Gze, on purpose to lay in a pocket book. This little tract has been in great estimation for these fifty years past, and has gone through many editions in Ireland. The remedies it prescribes are simple and easily obtained, and never fail of a cure, where the disorder is curable, and no man who values his horse should presume to travel without it. N. B. Be careful to ask for BELL's edition of this use- fiil little book, as the extraordinary encouragement it daily experiences, has excited the envy of some other booksellers, who have descended so very low as to copy the title of it nearly verbatim, with a pretence of giving some other useless additions, in order to obtrude with more fa- cility their own trumpery, when this useful treatise may be wanted. HEREFORDSHIRE; To li SOLD by AUCTION, At the Green Dragon in the city of Hereford, on Wednes day the eighth day of March next, between the hours of four and five in the afternoon, if not disposed of in the mean time by private contract, of which proper notice will be given, subject to such conditions of sale as shall then and there be produced, A LL that Freehold Messuage or Tenement} Farm and Lands, situate in the parish of Little Birch in the said county, now in the occupation of William Higgs, who will shew the premises.—— for further parti- culars enquire of Messrs. Parry and Lechmere, Attornies in Hertford. to the INHABITANTS of the City and County of HERE- FORD in particular, and also to the INHABITANTS of the NEIGHBOURING CoNNTieS of the PRIN- CipALiTY. PERMIT an Inhabitant of the county of Hereford, who feels for the distresses of the poor and laborious part of the community through the present exorbitant price of every necessary of life, to refer to your serious conlideration the following Letter ( first published in The Hereford Journal ol the 131I1 Sept. 1770, and addressed to the Printer of that paper): " IT is a well- known fact, that some years ago, salmon was so plenty in the city of Hereford, that particular covenants were often inserted in the indenture* of apprentices, restraining their masters from obliging- them to eat fish oftener than so many times a week ; on the contrary, it is now equally well known that the scarcity of that fish has been for many years so great, that the lower sort of people never taste it till it becomes un- wholsome, and indeed the rest of the people only under' a heavy expence ; the reason of this scarcity is universally allowed to be owing to the fifhery at New wear, which is become a great injury to this, and many other neigh- bouring counties. It must be obvious to every capacity how much a great plenty of fish would tend to lower the present exorbitant price of butcher's meat, and in short. most other necessaries of life. To remedy this evil, give me leave to recommend to the Grand Jury of this county, or to the Justices at the county sessions, the consideration of this most important article; and particularly to re- mind them, that by several acts of parliament, now in force, the proprietors of New- wear are restrained from catching salmon there, or in any other part of the river Wye, under the severe penalty of having the said Wear taken down, and 100I. for every fish so taken. I would beg leave to recite part of an act, passed in the 7th and 8th of William III. wherein it is " Enacted that, in consideration of an allowance being given to Anthony Earl of Kent ( proprietor of the iron works, and several other estates at New- wear), to erect and keep up the said Wear, for the use of his iron- works there, he the said Anthony Earl of Kent, his heirs or assigns, should, at his or their expence, cause the said wear to be taken down one foot lower than it was at the making of this act, and also should cause ten yards in length, next to the lock, to be erected at the said wear, to be taken down one foot lower than any other part of the said Wear; and such part so taken down, to be made of a gradual descent or slope to the bottom of 1 lie said river, so that the salmon fish should, at all times and seasons, have a free and uninterrupted passage up the said river. And in order to prevent the salmon from being taken in their passage, it is further enacted, That the several leases of fisheries in the river Wye, belong- ing to the said Earl of Kent, either for lives or other- wise should be void, and satisfaction for the same made to the said lessees by the said Earl of Kent: And it is further enacted, That neither the said Anthony, Earl of Kent, his heirs or assigns, nor any other person or per- sons who may thenceafter become proprietors or tenants of the said iron- works at New- wear, or of any other of the said Earl's estates or lands there, should take, kill, or dedroy any salmon- fish with net, wheel, en- gine, or any other device whatsoever, at or near the said Wear, or in any other part of the faid river Wye, from under the penalty of iool. for every fish so taken or destroyed, to any person who shall sue for the same: There are other subsequent acts which strengthen the above clauses. The perpetual trustees to this act are the Bishop of Hereford for the time being; the Mayor of Hereford; the Bailiff of Lcominster, and the Vicar of Leominster; all for the time being. Should the Gentle- men of the county, who are present upon the Jury at the Great Sessions, or at the County Sessions think proper 10 appoint a meeting for consulting upon proper methods to be taken tor enforcing the said acts, aud for preventing the salmon which should come up this river ( and conse- quently would circulate in this and the neighbouring Welch counties) from being catched at new wear, and from thence sent to Bath and London to the great injury of this county and city in particular; and in having tho wear constructed according to the intention and letter of the act, they need not be in any doubt but a very large subscription may be raised for such purpose, and every assistance given that can tend 10 promote the same. Should this enquiry take place, and I hope it will, I shall have the satisfaction of having contributed to the sub- sistence of many distressed families, who are at present utterly incapable of getting at such wholsome food, from the exorbitant price it has borne for several years past." THERE is no occasion of argument, to convince the un- prejudiced part of this county of the necessity there is at this time of enforcing the above- recited act of parliament respecting the Salmon Fishery carried on at New- wear for many years past, in open defiance cf the above and se- veral other acts of patliament now in force; the enor- mous quantity of fish sent from that fishery to London and other places in the early part of the season, would asto- nish any man not acquainted with that fact, and must de- monstrably convince him of ihc great advantage that would arise to the inhabitant, of this county if those fish ( many tons in weight) were suffered to pass the said Wear uninterrupted, and by that means be taken by persons whole connections would oblige them to dispose of them to ihc inhabitants of this and the neigbouring counties. It is earnestly wished that the present worthy Chief Ma. gistrate of the city of Hereford, as one of the perpetual trustees to the above recited act, would take this matter under his protection ; there cannot be a doubt of the con- currence of the other trustees, and more particularly of the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord, whose goodness of heart prompts him on every occasion to be foremost in relieving the distresses of mankind.— Should the above worthy Ma- gistrate, upon mature consideration of ihe advantages which would undoubtedly arise to the Public by enforcing the execution of the said act, think proper to call a meet- ing of the Trustees and other gentlemen of this county', and to propose a subscription for that purpose, I am authorised to say, that a sum sufficient to answer every intention of the said act would soon, il not immediately, be subscribed.- When the distresses ot many hundreds, nay I may say thousands, would in some measure be relieved, surely the private emolument of a few individuals should not have the least weight; nor will it, I am convinced, with the present trustees, whose capability of pursuing measures most likely to attain the desired effect, cannot leave a doubt of its success, whenever they shall think proper to pursue them ; which, that they may effectually do, is the sincere wish of A FREEHOLDER of HEREFORDSHIRE. N. B. By a subsequent act, passed in the ninth year of George I. for amending and explaining the aforesaid act of William III. the Mayor of Monmouth is annexed to the Perpetual Trustees, and they or anyone or more of them are impowered, in case of death or removal of the trustees appointed by the said acts, by writing under his or their hands and seals, to appoint any number of new trustees not exceeding the number first appointed, and confirming 10 the said new trustees in the most ample manner the powers granted by the first mentioned act. [ By Particular Desire.] For the BENEFIT of Mr. and Mrs. SIDNEY. A T the THEATRE in HEREFORD, on Friday a t evening, February 10, will be presented a celebrated TRAGEDY ( never acted here), called, The Grecian Daughter. Evander ( the dethron'd King) j Mr. Morris; Phocian Euphrasia's husband), Mr. Thomson ; Philotas, Mr. Hinde; Melanthon, Mr. Moss; Calippus, Mr. Donnell; Arcas, Mr. Chambers; Greek Herald, Mr. Sidney ; and Dionysius ( the Tyrant), . Mr. Vaughan. Erixene, Mrs. Osborne ; Virgins, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Donnell, Mrs. Saunders, and Mrs. Sidney; and Euphrusia ( the Grecian Daughter), Mrs. Kemble.— End of Act II, a favourite SONG by Mrs. Sidney.— To which will be added a Musical Entertain- ment, called, The PADLOCK. +„+ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney's respects to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hereford, and it's Neighourhood, beg leave to assure them, the reason of their soliciting a Benefit, so early in the season, is the absolute necessity Mr. Sidney is under of leaving Europe immediately. Tickets to be had at the Swan and Falcon ; at Mr. Pugh's Printing- Office ; and of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney, at Mr. C. Parry's, Maltster in Wye- Bridge- street. Gloucester, Feb 8, 1775. IT is hoped those LADIES and GENTLEMEN who have hitherto sent their orders to Mr. Pytt's CIRCULATING LIBRARY in Gloucester, will not at- tribute his declining to serve them in that way in future to any want of respect, as the whole of that Library, consist ing of several hundred volumes of choice Novels and Plays is now for Sale, together or in parcels. The Printing and Bookbinding business will be carried on as usual, at the Printing- Office in Longsmith- street, where Ladies and Gentlemen may be supplied with a 11 sorts of stationary wants on the most reasonable terms. BRECONSHIRE. TO be Sold at Newton, near Brecon, Two Hundred and Sixty APPLE TREES, grafted about four years ago, amongst which are several nonpareils, and golden- pippins; the rest are the best kind ol cyder- fruit, Enquire of Howel Gwynne, Esq. at Newton aforesaid. RADNORSHIrE Ironmongery. TO be Sold by Auction, on Friday the j 7th inst. at the shop of Mr. JOHN JENKS, In Presteign, THE ENTIRE STOCK IN TRADE of the said Mr. JENKS, Ironmonger. ~ HEREFORD. ABIGAIL POWLES, Widow of Richard Powles, Glover, Skinner and Breeches maker, de- ceased, takes the liberty of acquainting her Friends and the Public, that she intends carrying 0n her late Husband's business in all its branches, and hopes for a continuance of their favours. All persons who have any demands on the estate and effects of Richard Powles, are desired. to bring in the same for payment to the Widow of the deceased, or to Mr. John Powles, Grocer; and all persons indebted to the estate and effects of the said Richard Powles, are desired to pay the same as above, on or before the ill day of March next. February 9, 1775. BRISTOL, 25th Jan. 1775. FOR SALE by AUCTION, in the GREAT ROOM at the Bell in Broad- Street, on Friday the tenth of February next, at six o'clock in the evening precisely, 84C. Whole Norway deals, from 3 to 4 inches thick. 8C. Half deals, from 1 qr. to 3 inches thick. 5C. Ends ditto, from iqr. 10 3 inches thick. EbC. Battins, from iqr. to 5 inches thick. 5C. Users, from 28 to 36 feet long. lying in Cannon's Marsh. Catalogues of which will be timely dispersed by J. BONBONOUS, Broker. HEREFORD. HOUSES TO be Sold by Auction to the best bidder, at the Green Dragon, in ths city of Hereford, on Thursday the twenty- third day of March next, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, agreeable to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced, TWO MESSUAGES, TENEMENTS, and DWEL- LING. HOUSES, situate in the Broad Capuchine Lane: in the said ' city, late in the occupation of Thomas Honiatt, Brazier, and the Widow Steward ; the said Two Houses are held by lease under the College for twenty- nine years, renewable every seven, of which five are al- ready expired. For further particulars enquire of Mr. John Bach, Land- Surveyor. HEREFORDSHIRE. STolcn or Strayed, on Sunday night the 29th of January, 1775, out of a fold belonging to John Woodhouse, of Yatton court, Esquire, A BAY GELDING, about fifteen hands and a half high, with a very remarkable white spot on his left shoulder, also some white hairs in the girth place. Whoever will give intelligence, that he may be had again, to William Preece, of the Crown Inn, in Aym- strey, in the county of Hereford, shall receive One Guinea reward ; and if stolen shall, on conviction of the of- fender or offenders, receive Five Guineas, of WILLIAM PREECE Aymstrey, Feb. 5, 1775, J -. . , " HEREFORDSHIRE. To be LET and entered upon immediately, A Blacksmith's Shop, with a good Dwelling- House and Garden, situate in the parish of Eardis- land. in this county, near the Church. For particulars enquire of Henry Wager. HEREFORD PAVING ACT. Notice is hereby given, THAT the Common or Waste Ground, called Monk Moor, within the liberties of this City, will be let ( to Auction) to the best bidder, for the term of twenty- one years, upon Monday the so th day of February infant, between the hours of Eleven and two of the clock, at The New Tholsey in this City. By Order of the Commissioners, Feb. i, 1775. THOMAS DAV1ES, Clerk. Carmarthen, February 1, 1775 w! WHEREAS many scandalous and very false reports have been spread through this town and country, that my late illness was owing to the abuse and ill- treatment of my master George Philipps, Esq I think it my duty, for the sake of justice, and the real truth being known, to publish this my voluntary affida- vit ; that my complaint was occasioned entirely by the effects of a very violent fit, and from no other cause whatsoever. L The mark of JOHN EVANS • ,1 also, who have attended the aforesaid John Evans, as ML, apothecary, during his illness, do upon oath declare, that his complaint in my opinion, from the strictest examina- tion, proceeded from no other cause whatfoever than an over- loaded stomach, which occasioned a very violent fit. WILLIAM PRICE, Apothecary. ' W Sworn by the abovenamed John Evans and William Price, this first day of February, 1775, before me RICHARD LE DAVIDS, Mayor. Witness present, VAUGHAN HORTON. , HEREFORDSHIRE. WHEREAS JANE, the Wife of FRANCIS FREENE, of the parish of Hampton Bishop, in the county of Hereford, yeoman, hath some time since eloped from her said Husband, and contracted several debts in his name, in Monmouth and other places. All persons therefore arse hereby forbid trusting the said Jane Freene, on any account whatever for the future, as I shall pay no debt that she shall contract after the publication of this advertisement. Hampton Bishop, frRANCIS frEENE. Feb. 7, 1775 Wednefday and thursdays Posts. EXPRESS from London.] Fram the LONDON GAZETTE. T the Court at St. James's, the 6th day of February, 1775, PRESENT, The KING'S most Excellent Majesty in Council. SHERIFFS appointed by His Majesty in Council for the year 1775. Gloucestershire. Postponed. Herefordshire. John Freeman, of Letton, Esq. Monmouthshire. William Nicholls, of Caetleon Esq. Oxfordshire. Henry Barber, of Adderbury West, Esq. Shropshire. John Kinchant, of Park, Esq. Warzwickshire. Seth Nelson, of Hatton, Esq. Worcestershire. Sam. West, of Earls Croomb, Esq. SOUTH WALES. Glamorganshire. Daniel Jones, of Glanbrane, Esq Breconshire. Wm. Powell, of Llanurthwl, Esq. Radnorshire. John Griffiths, of Cwmheyop, Esq. Carmarthenshire. Walter Rice Howell, of Maes- gwyn, esq. Pembrokeshire. John Lort, of Prickaston, Esq. Cardiganshire. Postponed. " NORTH WALES. Anglesey. Wm. Lloyd, of Llwyndiart, Esq. Carnarvonshire, William Stodart, of Deganwy, Esq. Merionethshire. Lewis Nanney, of Llwyn, Esq. Montgomerysh. Clopton Prhys, of Llandrinio, Esq. Denbighshire. Richard Parry, of Llanraiahdar, Esq. Flintshire. John Davies, of Gwsaneg, Esq. [ Thus far London Gazette.~\ Hague [ Holland), January 17. According to the last advices from Petersburgh, the famous Rebel Pugatchew has undergone along exami- nation, during which he is said to have made some insolent answers. Being asked why he revolted against his lawful Sovereign, he answered, I did not revolt, I only endea- voured to bring the lawful Heir to the Throne of Russia. Being asked why he suffered so many murders of innocent people, who had in respect offended him ; he answered, that whatever violences were committed were con- trary to his orders and desire. Being asked why he did not severely punish the authors of such violence, he answered, that he did not dare to act with severity against those of his party, for fear of exasperating them against himself. Being asked why he ravaged the country, and distressed the inhabitants, he said, he was forced to act more rigorously than he wished to do, in order to procure subsistence for his people.— The Public is much divided in opinion with respect to his fate. i—^ mnii— LONDON, February 7. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Yesterday about four o'clock, Sir Charles Whitworth, from the Committee appointed to take into consideration the papers presented by Lord North on the 19th of January, by his Majesty's command, reported the resolution of Thursday, " that an humble address be pre- sented to his Majesty." The Speaker was proceeding to put the question to agree with the report, when Lord John Cavendish moved that the said resolu- tion be re- committed. A very able debate now ensued, which continued till half past two o'clock in the morning, when the question being put on Lord John's motion, the House divided, ayes 105, noes 288. The report was then received, and Lord North ordered, in pursuance thereof, to draw up an address, which being complied with, the same was read and agreed to by the House, and ordered to be communicated to the Lords, at a conference to desire their concurrence thereto. In the course of the evidence given on Sa- turday, before the Select Committee appointed to try and determine the Hindon election, the following circumstance came out in the course of the examination. On a day previous to the election, a man, disguised in a fantastic female habit, went about the town for two successive days, to canvass for two of the candidates. This figure, which was called the dancing Punch, called at the door of almost every elec- tor and gave each five or ten guineas, and sent for such as they had not canvassed to an inn in the town, and there distributed its favours in the same manner. The other mode of corrupt- ing the electors was equally new, and was con- ducted in the following manner: their oppo- nents agents attended in an outer apartment, and there obliged the elestors to sign an ac knowledgment for a certain sum of money, which, as soon as done through a hole in the door, large enough to admit of a man's hand, a paper, containing ten or fifteen guineas, was handed out to each elector by some unknown person. It appeared likewise, by the hearsay evidence of the persons who proved those facts, that there had been a meeting in the interest of the two other Gentlemen at a malt- house in the fa d town; where sums of money were dis- tributed among the electors, not by a dancing Punch, nor through a hole in the door, but by a person in propria persona, and in the face of upwards ot fourscore persons. We hear from East Retford in Nottingham- shire, that the Hon. William Hanger was chosen Member for that borough, without op- position, in the room of Lord Thomas Pelham Clinton, who made his election for the city of Weftminster. A further alteration for petitions for con- tested elections took place yesterday ; the Bristol now stands for the 10th of this month, the Cricklade for the 14th, the Radnor for the 17th, and the Dorchester for the 21st. Yesterday Mr. J. P. Hungerford, Esq. the newly elected member for the county of Lei- CESter, took his seat in the house of Commons: as also did the Hon. Mr. Curzon, for the county of Derby. At the election at Leicester, John Holmes, a farmer in the vale of Belvoir ( though in an ill state of health, yet being desirous to shew his attachment to Loid Granby), went to vote for Mr. Pochin, and within a few hours after he had polled, expired. The circumstance of this melancholy affair being made known to Lord Granby his Lordship ordered that the widow should be allowed forty pounds a year. Yesterday the Hon. — Gunning, brother to her Grace the Duchess of Argyle, kissed his Majesty's hand at St. James's, on being pro- moted to the rank of Colonel; and at the same time took leave of his Majesty previous to his departure with his regiment for Boston. As did the Generals Howe and Burgoyne on the same occasion. It is reported that some secret and unlooked for intelligence was late on Saturday evening received express from Madrid; since which it is reported, that the Kings of France, Spain, and Sardinia, have lately concluded a private treaty, in which there are said to be no less than twenty articles. Yesterday noon at a numerous meeting of merchants, traders, & c. concerned in the Ame- rican commerce, at the King's Arms Tavern, Cornhill, it was unanimously resolved forth- with, to petition the House of Lords.— The substance of the petion is—" first stating the very great consequence of the American com- merce to these kingdoms, and how it has been injured by the operations of parliament— Se- cond, soliciting redress from them as the here- ditary guardians of the nation— And lastly, praying the petitioners may be heard by Coun- sel at the bar of the House, previous to their Lordships having any conference with the House of Commons on that subject." A motion was made, " that a general meet- ing should be called as soon as the fate of the petition Was known." Mr. Baker jocularly observed, he had no other objection to this motion but the word fate, which sounded a little ominous; he would therefore beg leave to amend the motion by the word success ; which being agreed to, the meeting adjourned; during the course of which every meacure was conducted with the greatest spirit, temper, and unanimity. Sunday morning, about five o'clock the wind drove the tide up so violently in the Thames, that all the houses in Scotland- yard were several feet in water. At six o'clock it was ten inches higher than ever was known. Al- most all the lower part of Westminster was the same. It continued so violent, that the guards could not go from the guard- room in Scotland- yard to the relief- guard. Four en- gines were employed to carry the current of water to the sewers before many of the inha- bitants could go out of their houses, and many of them had the water running under their beds. It set in upon the Southwark shore in an astonishing manner ; it rose five feet in a few minutes, and the cellars were all full that lay contiguous to the river, on both sides of the water. The stream ran so strong down Tooley- street, that a boat might have sailed for near an hour. It was attended with an extra- ordinary noise, something like a thunder storm or the approach of an eathquake.— The da- mage on the quays and wharfs is computed at 100, oool. damages. OXFORD CIRCUIT. BARON BURLAND and JUSTICE NARES. Berkshire, Monday March 6, at Reading. Oxfordshire, Wednesday 8, at Oxford. Worcestershire, Saturday 11, at Worcester. City of Worcester the same day, at the city of Worcester. Staffordshire, Thursday 16, at Stafford. Shropshire, Monday 20, at Shrewsbury. Herefordshire, Saturday 25, at Hereford. Monmouthshire, Thursday 30, at Monmouth. Gloucestershire, Saturday April 1, at Gloucester. City of Gloucester the same day, at the city of Gloucester. PREFERRED.] The Rev. William Dodd, D. L. formerly of Clarehall, Cambridge, to the vicarage of Winge, in Bucks, with the rectories of Hockliff and Chalgrave annexed, in the cOunty of Bedford, worth 300]. a year— The Rev. Thomas Prichard, M. A. for- merly of Trinity College, Oxford, to the vicarage of Winslow, in Bucks, and also to the vicarage of Missen- den Parva, in the same county, worth s6oi. per ann. DIED.] At Bath, John Osborn, Esq. of Turville- court, major in the Buckinghamshire militia, and for- merly an eminent bookseller in Pater- noster Row.— Suddenly, the Rev. Mr. Harrington, vicar of Meldreth, in Cambridgeshire, and one of the senior fellows of Christ College. BANKRUPTS. Francis Burrows, of Valley, in the county of South ampton, dealer and chapman.— William Cooper the elder and William Cooper the younger, of the town of Nottingham, Hosiers.— henry Bland, of Puddling lane, London, merchant.— William Rogers, of the city of Bath, in the county of, Somerset, jeweller.— Henry Squire, of Swansea, in the county of Glamor- gan, shipwright.— Samuel Buller, of Snow- hill, Lon- don, leather cutter.— William Frost of Middlesex, taylor and capmaker. James Lowe, of Bradbury, Cheshire, dealer and chapman. Lewis Diedrick, dealer and chapman. , Heshuysen, of Manchester, Lancashire,. manufacturer of tape.— William Preston, of Monkgate, Yorkshire, common- brewer •—- Thomas Morgan, ot March, Cam- bridgeshire merchant.— Breholt Cleveland, of Lon- don, mariner. HEREFORD, February 9. %* The Sale of the Messuage, & c. in Plow- lane is, for particular reasons, further postponed to Friday the 24th instant. - , On Thursday last the Annual Meeting of the Here- fordshire Society was held at the Crown and Rolls Tavern, Chancery- Lane, and was honoured with the company of a very respectable number of the gentlemen of this county; amongst whom were, Andrew Foley, and John Croose, Esqrs. two of the Stewards; the Right Hon. Thomas Harley ; the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Archdeacon Harley; Sir George Cornewall; Bart.; Sir Francis Charleton Bart.; John Scudamore, Cha. Howard, jun. Richard Blyke, Kemp Brydges, F. W. T, Brydges of Tibberton, Edward Lewis. John Wood- house, and. John Woodhouse, jun. Esqrs. & c. & c. after several constitutional toasts, that of SuccEss tJ the LEDBURY CANAL met with universal appro- bation. The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Bateman, Sir Richard Symons, Bart, and f. W. T. Brydges, Esq. are appointed Stewards for the ensuing year. . On Saturday lad the Rev. Richard Davies, Clerk, B. A was instituted. by the Lord Bishop of Hereford, to the rectory of Cardeston, in the county of Salop and diocese abovementioned, on the presentation of Sir Charlton Leighton, of Imley Park, in the county of Northampton, Bart. • On Sunday last died, at her house in this city, Mrs. Lacy, a Lady whose firm and hearty friendship, and most amiable disposition, will render her sudden de- parture sincerely regretted by all her intimate ac- quaintance. And The same morning died suddenly,' Mr. Richard Powles, an eminent glover in this city. Two men having been lately committed to our county gaol, as mentioned in this paper of last week, for pul- ling down a set of mills; a number of people from thi country, amongst whom were some colliers, assembled in a tumultuous manner at the outer door of the gaol on Monday evening, and demanded the release of the two prisoners ; which not being complied with, the/ began with sledge hammers to batter down the gaol door. Some gentlemen of the city, from a motive of humanity, mixed in the crowd, and remonstrated to them the ill consequences that would attend so daring an attempt, but all to no purpose. Our worthy and vigilant Chief Magistrate immediately assembled the civil power, and with several of the principal inhabit- ants proceeded towards the gaol, and caused the riot ast t0 be twice read, during which time the rioters had forced the outer- door of the gaol , when several fire- arms were discharged from within, by which one man, James Greenhouse, was shot dead on the spot, and several others wounded ; which had so good an effect on the remainder, that they soon after dispersed, but with threats to return again in a larger body. The Mayor caused his officers and constables to patroll round their respective wards, during the remainder of the night, after which every thing was peaceable, the rioters having decamped. The day following an inquisition was held on the body of the deceased; when the jury stated particularly the occasion of his death, which Was accidental, by ii shot he received during the said riot. Yesterday was committed to gaol, by W: Maddox, Esq. one of the aldermen of this city, Mary Vaughan alias Harding, charged with feloniously stealing three Pattens, out of the shop of Mr. James Walker, iron- monger in this city. Tuesday night some villains broke into the house of the Rev. Mr. Sparkes, in Palace- yard, Gloucester, and dole thereout fourteen silver spoons, large and small, a pair of tea- tongs, a cream- boat, and sundry other ar- ticles, besides a gammon of bacon, part of an old cheese, & c. & c. with which they got off undiscovered SOUTH WALES CIRCUIT. JOHN WILLIAMS. Esq. and Mr. Serj. WHITAKER. Radnorshire, Wednesday April 5, at Presteign. Breconshire, Tuesday April 11, at Brecon. Glamorganshire, Tuesday 18, at Cowbridge. Bristol, Feb. 4. Imported this week from Philadel- phia 21709 bushels of wheat, 1770 barrels i9 half bar- rels flour, and 45 barrels biscuit— from New- York, 19317 bushels wheat, 1168 barrels flour— from Mary- land, 13145 bushels 20 barrels wheat, 717 barrels flour; and 20 barrels biscuit-— from Amsterdam, 6400 bushels wheat— and from Ireland, 210 quarters barley.— Total* 60571 bushels and 20 barrels wheat, 3655 whole and 19 half barrels flour, 65 barrels biscuit, and 210 quar- ters barley. Notwithstanding the above import, our markets con- tinue high, owing to the great demand for the interior part of the kingdom. Gloucester, Feb. 6. Wc hear ftom Newnham, that the tide on Wednesday morning was so high that it ran over the sea walls, and laid the low country on the Arlingham side all under water. The weather was sO very tempestuous that only one vessel upon the Severn dared to quit her moorings, a sloop from Gatcomb to Frampton laden with coals, and she was lost with two men and a boy. The poor men have left widows, one with five, and the other with six children. Another vessel belonging to Mr. Barnard, of Frampton, was also driven from her moorings and lost, but the Crew were saved. Since receiving the above account we hear, that another Gatcomb sloop was lost, and that she belonged to the owner of that before mentioned, one Barres, who, we are informed, by this double misfortune, is reduced to great distress. PRiCES of GRAIN at HEREFORD, Ten Gallons to the Bushel. Wheat from 8s. to gs. 6d. Barley, from 4s to 4s. 4d. Oats, from 2s. fid. to p. s. jL beans, from . to 4s. Si, Rye, none. An ACCOUNT Of THE TWO MISERS, A MUSICAL fArCE; the Words written, and Music selected and adapted to the Airs by Mr. O'HARA, Author of Mi- DAS, and THE GOLdEN PIpPIN. PERSONS of the DRAMA. Gripe and Hunks, the two Misers, Mr. Quick and Mr. Reinhold. Harriet, Gripe's niece, Miss Catley. Jen- ny, her maid, Mrs. Mattocks'. Lively, Hunks's nephew, Mr. Mattocks. Osman, Ali, Mustapha, Janizaries, Mr. Dunstall, Mr. Baker, Mr. Fox. The Author says, in an advertisement prefixed to his piece, that " the following scenes are taken from a justly Admired piece, entitled, Les Deux Avares. The bare outline only of the finished characters, with just enough of the dialogue to connect the incidents, has been retained, in order to reduce the whole within the compass of an English farce; with what success, the candid public will be judge." FABLE. THE two Misers live at opposite corners to each other in the Great Square in Smyrna, where the scene is laid; the one has a nephew, and the other a niece, between whom a courtship is carried on by the niece's maid, Jenny; and the young folks often ex- change their mutual vows of constancy and affection from each other's window. The farce opens with Lively and Harriet at their re- spective windows. In the front of the scene a quadran- gular pyramid is seen, under which the Mufti is sup- posed to be buried with all his jewels; on one side is a draw- well, surrounded by a low wall. The tender inter- view is soon interrupted by the appearance of Hunks, who has formed a scheme to break open the Mufti's tomb and rob it of the jewels, and comes there in the night to reconnoitre the premises: thinking it too dif- ficult a talk to undertake alone, he resolves to call in the assistance of Gripe, who luckily just then enters the square, when ihe following dialogue ensues: Hunks Gripe ! Gossip Gripe Gripe, ( just looking back with a nod) Good night; an't stay Hunks. A moment. Lord, man I what's your hurry ? Gripe. ( coming back) Hurry!— why— Squander, the young factor— fall'n in at hazard yonder, with some knowing ones; is fleec'd, sous'd, broke down : So, I'm fetching him a supply; two hundred pieces. Hunks, ( earnesty J And at what interest ? Gripe. Pise on it, a mere nothing : Two per cent Hunks, { in surprize) Are you turn'd fool ? Two per cent ? Gripe. Ay— by the hour. Hunks. Oh! cry you mercy. But Gossip —( with a mysterious air I— Observe that pyramid— Yesterday, in a vault— beneath that pyramid— was interred the late Mufti. Gripe, with indifference) Well— peace be with him. Hunks. Ye- s, and his rhino with us! for you must know, that, here in Smyrna, when a Mufti dies, they bury all his riches with him ; they do, i'fecks. Gripe. Indeed in that case, ' twould scarce vex a man to die. Hunks. It— does mitigate, to be sure. Gripe. ( after a pause) All his riches bury'd with him [ eyeing the pyramid, then eagerly to Hunks] Pise on it Gossip! here were a venture now ! Eh Hunks. ( seeming to hesitate) And yet, I have my scruples. An't it a sin, think you ? so rich a prize ! Gripe. We're to go halves. Hunks. A sacrilege ? Eh ! Gripe. Not if we go halves. RECITATIVE. Gripe. Indeed, had he a Christian been, Hunks. O, ay, had he a Christian been Gripe. Nice casuists might perhaps ! Hunks. Might what ! Gripe. Pronounce it sin. AIR DUET. Gripe. But a vile Turk, a Mufti too. Hunks. Yes, Turk, a Mufti too. Gripe. ( A soe to wine, ' tis true, ' tis true, J A soe to wine, ' tis true, ' tis true. Let's take. Hunks. Let's seize on all he left, ' Tis lawful spoil. Gripe. Not sinful theft. Hun. ' Tis lawful spoil, not sinful theft. They shake hands and are going off, when Lively appears at his window. Live. Rot ' em, will they sleep here ? Ah he saw me. ( shuts it. Gripe, [ turning hastly) Ha ! somebody at that win- dow methought! Hun. My hopeful nephew ' tis like, a scapc- grace ! but, i'fecks,' I shall soon rid my hands of him : I'll shut him in a mad house ! Gripe. An excellent scheme I Ay, ay, clean straw, and a dark cell. The whipster flirts with my niece too; but, by your leave, I forbid the banns there; they'd instantly call us to account for their fortunes. Hun. They wou'd, and be ever gaping, gaping at curs. But, we waste time; come, come along with me, to get the implements for our enterprize. Gripe. Can't you as well step for them yourself? one business must not obstruct another, I'll but carry my spark this cash, just hard by, and be back presently. Thc young folks despairing of getting thc consent of the old wretches to their nuptials, Jenny advises them to go off together to an aunt's that Harriet has in Dub- lin, to which they readily agree, but don't know what to do for money. They are now interrupted by Gripe, who enters with a bond for two hundred pounds, which he has been lending to young Squander, the factor, at the reasonable interest above- mentioned. Having secured his bond, he returns into the Square, and is so full of his new project, that he goes away in search of Hunks, and leaves his keys behind him, which Jenny soon seizes, and calling the, lovers together, they soon bundle up all the old man's treasure, and are going to depart, when Harriet, being curious, desires to take a view of a pair of fine brilliants, and in order to open thc box that contains them, the lovers seat themselves on the low wall of the draw- well, when Lively snatching a kiss rather too eagerly, the whole treasure falls into thc well. This throws them into the utmost confusion; but Jenny recollecting that the well is dry, they agree to let Lively down in a bucket; however, they are for the present interruped by the Janizaries going their rounds, who enter singing some words to a Turkish march, which concludes the first act. The second act opens with the following humourous parody sung by Gripe, in recitative accompanied. Gripe. if it were done, when ' tis done— Then ' twere well, It were done quickly. Th' attempt, and not the deed, confounds us— strictly, the sleeping and the dead are but as pictures, .— Then— we shall both be Croesus's, if victors. I'll fetch Hunks—( ponders) May I trusT him on this job? besides, the rigour of these Turkish laws I to swing forfeit my wealth ? Ay, there's the rub, Must give us pause After he goes off, the lovers enter, and Lively de- scends into the well in search of the treasure, but be- fore they have time to draw him up, Gripe and Hunks enter with a large hammer and crow, in order to break open the tomb, and a ladder to descend into it, but having broke open the door they find a pair of steps, the ladder therefore is placed against Hunks's window.— Hunks entering, the vault finds nothing but the Mufti's gown and turban, which he throws up to Gripe; this puts him in such a passion that he throws it into the well, and tells Hunks that he wants to cheat him ; a quarrel now ensues between them, and Gripe lets down the iron grate at the mouth of the vault and in- closes Hunks in the tomb. This done, he hurries to his house, and missing his keys, is half distracted ; at this instant the watch or Janizaries enter, half drunk, and the old man to avoid them climbs the ladder, and conceals himself in the hollow of a window. After singing a catch, they seat themselves round the well, and one of them being more thirsty than the rest is determined to have some water; they accordingly wind up the bucket, but are very much surprised to find, instend of the water, Lively in the bucket dressed in the Mufti's gown and turban. Supposing it the ghost of the Mufti they all run away, and in the scuffle throw down the ladder and leave the old man in the hollow of the one pair of stairs window. The lovers now enter, and after making terms with Gripe and Hunks, they agree to release them, and the piece concludes with a quintet and chorus, to thc satis- faction of all parties. The following BOOKS and MEDICINES may be had of C. Pugh, at the Printing- Office, in Hereford; of Mr. Williams, Bookseller, in Car- marthen: Mr Wilmot, Bookseller, in Pembroke; Mr. W. Bowen, in Haverfordwest ; Mr. J. Griffiths, in Llandilo; Mr. Michael Jones, Bookseller, in Brecon; Mr. Williams, Bookseller, in Monmouth; Mr. Price, Bookseller, in Glou- cester; Mr. Nott, in Ledbury ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in Leominster; Mr. Turner, Book- seller, in Ludlow; Mr. S. Pryse, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. M'Gibbon, in the Hay, Mr. Hartelbury, in. Tewkesbury ; and of the distri- buters of this Paper. To the Lovers of Natural Curiosities, in thc City of Hereford and County thereof, a Work, being now under Publication, in Weekly Numbers; entitled, THE CURIOSITIES, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL, OP THE ISLAND of GREAT- BRITAIN', which work ' tis allowed by every one, will he of infinite service to the inhabitants of this kingdom, not only for the conveniency and information of those who travel from one county to the other, but the pleasure of those who have not an opportunity of visiting them in their respective situations. The proprietors being willing, as far as in them lies, to render this as complete a work as has ever yet been offered to the public, humbly solicit any Gentleman, having a knowledge of any natural curiosity on his own estate, or any other part of thc county, which may as yet never have been taken notice of, to transmit an account of the same to R. Snagg, the publisher, No. 129, Pa- ter- noster- row, which will be thankfully received. The several accounts they have already received, and the great success of the sale of the work, is far beyond the expecta- tions of thc proprietors; in gratitude for which, they aic determined no pains or expence shall be spared to make it more useful and entertaining than any work of the kind hitherto published. The eighth number was published 011 Saturday last, Feb. 4, and will be continued every Satur- day till thc whole is compleated, making in all sixty numbers, and may be had of the Booksellers in the country. LIST of thc PLATES already given. In No. I. A capital Frontispicce.— II. A view of the inside of St. Paul's Cathedral.— III. A view of that ele- gant building, St. Stephen's, Walbrook.— IV. A view of the Adelphi.— V. A view of the inside of the Pantheon — VI. A view of Mother Ludlam's Hole, near Farnham, Surry.— VII. A view of Hampton Court Palace.— VIII. A view of the Hermitage near Warkworth, in Northum- berland. ALSO, 7 his day was published, printed in octavo, price One Shilling ( to be continued monthly) No. I. For JANUARY, 1775, Of THE LONDON REVIEW OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE. Containing, a critical account of all New Books and Pamphlets, pub- lished at home and imported from abroad. 14y W. KENRICK, LL. D. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. H. REIMARUS, J. U. D. E. WARNER, A. M. The Rev. S. T. MATY, and Others. Quid sit pulchrum, quid turpe, quid utile, quid non. HOR. London : Printed for the Authors; and sold by T. Evans, in Pater- noster- row. E W I S E, 1, will be published, Price L I K Wednesday, February publifhed, 6d. Number LXXIX. ( To be continued monthly), of THE TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGA- AZINE, OR, UNIVERSAL REPOSITORY OF KNOWLEDGE, INSTRUCTION, AND ENTERTAINMENT, For JANUARY, 1775. Illustrated and embellished with the following beautiful copper- plates, the subjects of which are, 1. An elegant emblematical Frontispiece, designed and engraved by that capital mafter Mr. Isaac Taylor. 2. An engraved Title Page to Vol. VII. 3. A striking Portrait of the gallant Capt. H y, and the agreeable Mrs. N— sb— t; and 4. A most beautiful Head of the late Lord Clive. Containing, besides the usual variety of interesting and original articles, History of the Tete- a- Tete; or, the memoirs of the gal- lant Capt. H y, and the agreeable Mrs. N— sb— t. An Epitome of Hawkesworth's voyages. The State of Learning in Britain, from the earliest times to thc reigns of the Tudors. The Observer. Thc Man of Pleasure. Oddities. Characters. Anecdotes of the Life of Lord Clive, & c. & c. London : Printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near St. John's- gate; and sold by G. Robinson, No. 25, Pater- noster- row. Of whom may be had the six first volumes, Price 7s. 6d. each half bound, or any odd numbers. To the PUBLIC. IT is always with the sincerest pleasure that the. Pro- prietors of the Town and Country Magazine pay an annual acknowledgement to their Readers, for the favourable reception this work has so peculiarly experienced. Six successive years have stamped thc approbation of the Pub- lic on this Miscellany, and fixed its reputation upon fo permanent a basis, that every attempt which has been made to undermine it has proved abortive. Magazines and Miscellanies, under various titles, have been started from various quarters, in expectation of rivalling this Repository its plan and disposition have been in many respects copied, but so aukwardly, that it was not requisite for the eye of criticism to pronounce upon their demerit The event was natural; they served as temporary foils to the original, and sunk into oblivion by coinparison.( Thc Proprietors shall therefore only add, that all pc ' attention will be paid to support the original plan ( Magazine, and to watch all opportunities to improve it. They at thc same time request the continuance : iit. - correspondents favours, which have so greatly contributed to enrich and enhancc the value of this Miscellany. AND, On Wednesday, February 1, will be published, ( Price Sixpence, to be continued monthly) Embellished with the following Engravings, t. A most beautiful emblematical Frontispiece, designed by the celebrated Mrs. Angelico Kauffman, and engraved by that admired artist Mr. J. Collyer. 2. An elegant pattern for an Handkerchief or Apron: and 3. A new Song, set to music by Mr. Hudson. NUMBER LVIII. Of THE LADY'S MAGAZINE; or. Enter- taining Companion for the Fair- Sex. Appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement. For JANUARY, 1775. Containing, A Sentimental journey through England, by a Lady, continued— The Unfortunate Marriage. A Novel— Advice to the Ladies in the choice of a Husband — The Matron. No. XIV.— The History of an Humble Friend— The Sybil. A Tale.— History of Aurelia— Let- ters from Amelia dean to Louisa Danby— Memoirs of Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle— Solutions and Questions Poetry— News Foreign and Domestic— Births— Mar- riages and Deaths— With a great number of other articles, too tedious to enumerate in an advertisement, worthy the . attention of the Ladies. London : Printed for G. Robinson, No. 25, Pater noster- row.— Of whom may be had the five first volumes, Price il. 14s. 6d. half- bound, or any single number. To the PUBLIC. THE rapid, we will not say the surprising annual increase of this Pamphlet ( because the Fair- Sex have been the only contributors and patronesses of the Lady's Magazine), lays the Proprietors under inexpressible obligations to the Sex in particular, and to the Public in general. But, as almost an inundation of new hints and fresh cor- respondents have offered their services towards the success- of this publication for the ensuing year, we more, than flatter ourselves that our next volume will merit still more encouragement than we have already met with. Our Ad- dress to the Ladies will in some respect display many of our new stores; but the increase of our Literary Donations will say more for us, than the Female Conductor of a Maga- zine, <> r the Female Correspondents would choose to say for themselves. AND ALSO, This day is published, price u. THE CRITICAL REVIEW; or ANNALS of LITERATURE. For January, 1775. This work contains a critical and impartial in- quiry into the merits of the new books and pamphlets of our own country, as well as the publications of the lite- rati in other parts of Europe. Printed for A. Hamilton, and G. Robinson; and sold by R. Baldwin, in Pater- noster- Row; C. Pugh, Hereford, and the distributors of this paper;— Of whom may be had any the preceding numbers. Lit need be said in favour of a work which has been ix/ drc^ . the public esteem for near twenty years The Autlv happy to find, that however the necessary freed.' censure may excite the reproaches of unsuc- cessful candidates for literary fame, the public receive with approbation whatever conduces to the regulation of taste, and the improvement of useful learning. Thus animated, they will ever be ambitious of deserving that favour, with which they are so highly honoured by the best judges of literary merit. A regular monthly account of foreign publications will continue to be given, without loading the public with the expence of an appendix. Those gentlemen who are desirous of receiving the earliest accounts of new publications, may be supplied with the Critical Review by the publishers, or by any bookseller in Great Britain or Ireland. MEDICINES. To the PUBLIC. The following remarkable CURES suffi- ciently prove the efficacy of MAREDANT'S DROPS, ( prepared by Mr. NORTON, furgeon, of Golden- fquare, near Piccadilly), superior to any medicine hitherto known for curing the leprosy, scurvy, ulcers, the evil, fistulas, piles, the rheumatism, long continued inflammations of the eyes, and every other disorder arising from a foulness in thc blood. Mr. John Ingram, of Codford, St. Mary Wilts, cured of a most inveterate scurvy of twenty years standing j his body was covered all over with blotches and ulcers, which scaled off like the scales of a fish Witnes, JOHN GENNER of Hetchbury. Mr. Isaac Goodman, of High- street, Worcester, curcd of a most violent scorbutic humour on his head and elbow; besides which he had three holes in one of his legs. He was so reduced that he was thought to be in a consumption. The son of Thomas Trueman, of Kensington, a child of four years old, cured of the scrophula, or king's evil. He was so feverely afflicted, that it was proposed in the hos- pital ( as the only means of saving his life) to take off a leg and an arm. Witnesses to the cure, who live at Kensing- ton, Thomas Todd, Frances Curtis, Ann Broxon, John Elly, Ann Bowdry. Mr. Edward Marqure, of Long- lane, Southwark, cured of a most dreadful pain in the stomach, with lowness of spirits and a most severe pain in thc head. Mrs. Elizabeth Stringer, at Mrs. Norman's, in Clarges- street, Piccadilly, cured of a scorbutic humour, so severe as to deprive her of the use of her limbs. She was also afflicted with the piles, a bilious cholic, and indigestion. For thc truth of this enquire at Mr. Gibson's, No. 7, or at Mr. Broome's, in Charles street, Hatton- street, Holborn ; at Mr. Taberrer's. grocer, in Hatton street, and at Mrs. Biard's, in Clarges street. Mrs. Mary Lute, at Mr. Field's, in Castle- street, Leices- ter- fields, cured of the evil, or scrophula. Her bones were greatly enlarged, and several pieces separated and came away. Witnesses, Thomas Field, Castle street, and Hen- ry Hyde, butcher, in St. James's market. Mrs. Mary Bride, Number 78, Snow- hill, near West- Smithfield, curcd of an inveterate scorbutic humour in her face; her eyes were so much affected as to render her almost incapable of seeing; she had also the piles. Mary Copson, of Brompton, cured of a scorbutic humour on her head and face, attended with a violent hoarseness and shortness of breath. Witness Mr. Orton, coal merchant, in Whitcomb- street, near Leicester- Fields. Mrs. Ann Joycc. in Pound- lane, Clapton, cured of an inveterate scurvy of twenty years standing. Witnesses, Claude Croquee, Esquirc, and John Webb, cornfactor, Hackney. Mr. Henry Trenchard Goodenough, steward to the Mag- dalen hospital, curcd of an inveterate scurvy of 22 years standing. Mr. John Hall, attorney, in Johnson's court, Fleet- street, curcd of a scorbutic disorder on his shoulders, neck, and ears, attended with a continual pain in the stomach, and loss of appetite. Lieutenant- colonel Feyrac, late of his Majesty's 18th or royal regiment of foot in Ireland, cured of a most violent scurvy, having no part- free from pimples, scurf, and ul- cers, except the palms of his hands, his face and breast, attended with a total want of appetite, sleep, and spirits. Mr. John Crew, of thc Dolphin- Inn, at Kingston- upon- Thames, cured of several obstinate fores, or ulcers, on his legs. Mr. John Foster, at the Rose, at Welling, in Kent, cured of a leprosy, attended with violent rheumatic pains. Mr. John Good,- late surgeon to his Majesty's sloop Ferrit, cured of a most dangerous and obstinate fistula. *,* Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of these dROPS may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the west- side of Golden- square, near Piccadilly, London, thc . . Author and Proprietor, where they are sold in bot rt 6s. each) be more fully convinced of their good Ef- ',! y being referred to many more People of Credit, who taken in any Season without thc least inconveni nee or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Diges- tion, and amazingly create an Appetite.— None are genuine but what are signed by John Norton, in his own Hand- writing. 2. For Complaints of the HEAD and EYES, By Virtue of the KING'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT, IS PUBLISHED, "" THE CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF, which by long experience has been found an effectual remedy for most disorders of the head, especially the common head- ach, to which it hardly ever fails giving immediate ease, and by frequent use prevents its return. It admirably opens and purges the head, strengthens the nerves, revives the spirits, and has a most grateful aromatic smell. It removes drowsiness, sleepiness, giddiness, and vapours; relieves dimness of the eyes, is excellent in curing recent deafness, and has been of great service in hysteric and paralytic complaints, and in restoring the memory when impaired by disorders ot the head. It is also extremely proper for all persons who visit the sick, or go into unhealthy places, and hot climates, as it fortifies the head against noxious exhalations ar. d infectious air. It is sold only by Francis Newbery, junior, at his Medicinal Warehouse, No 65, in St. Paul's Church- yard, London; and by B, Collins, in Salisbury ; P. Davis, ia Leominster; R. Thompson, in Wellington; H. Berrow, R. Lewis, and W. Smart, in Worcester; R. Raikes, in Gloucester; C. Pugh, in Hereford; and by thc distribu- tots of this Journal. Price Sixpence the bottle. 3- FAR EXCEEDING ALL OF THAT NAME. DR. ANDERSON'S PILLS, OR PILLS OF MANY VIRTUES, are prepared by me only; and as I have had a regard for thc public good, and made the same my study, therefore I have made application to a very famous and learned Physician, who has made a veiy great improvement in these PiLLS by adding some very- valuable ingredients thereto, which prevent them from griping, or making sick, or giving that disagreeable heat in the fundament which others do. Wherever physic ia wanted these Pills may be depended on to answer the ends mentioned in. the bills of use. The great encourage- ment given to my PILLS, and the benefit the public have received from them, has induced numbers of ignorant persons and violent impostors to counterfeit them, parti- cularly one ALEXANDER and Co. who have copicd my bills almost every word; and CHARTERS and Co. who have in some places called themselves my servants, and in others pretended that they were in co- partner ship with me, in order that they might the more easily impose their trash upon the public, which is at best useless. These Pills are found to be the best ever prepared by any Pill maker in Great- Britain, which every person finds who uses them. One fair trader, in any town which is not supplied, may be served by writing to me as under. They are sold at One Shilling the Box, which contains Forty Pills, and by ap- pointment by Mr. A. Brown, Tcwkesbury; Mr. Raikes Gloucester; Mr. Nicols, Cheltenham; Mr. Beadles, Pon- typool; Mrs. S. Barbar, Newport; Mr. Savouers, Cardiff- Mr. T. Thomas, Cowbridge; Mr. D. Evans, Swansea Mr. R. Burt in the Mumbles; Mrs. A. Price, Lannelley ; Mr. G. Elliott, Surgeon, Langharn; Mr. G. Wilmot Pembroke; Miss Johns, Huberson; Mr. T. Rice Ha- verford west; Mr. Gwynn, Surgeon, Narberth; Mr. R. Ryriddro, Carmarthen; Mr. J. Griffiths, Llandilo; Mr W. Floyd, Landovery; Mr. Williams, Brecon;' Mr Webb, Talgarth; Mr. B. M'Gibbon, Hay; Mr. Owen Ludlow; Mr. W. Smart and S. Powell, Worcester; w! Ogilvie, Bishop's- castle; W. Green, Bromyard; and by the Printer of this Paper and the men who carry it Thefc PILLS are faithfully prepared and sold by me THOMAS WILSON, from St. Andrews in Scotland, but now residing at No. 8, in Slaney street, Birmingham, where any reputable Shopkeeper, Surgeon or Apothecary! Captains of Ships, or Others, may be supplied with my genuine PILLS, with allowance for selling them. That mine may be known from those made and sold by quacks, strollers, impostors and under sellers, I have sealed all my Boxes with my cypher, and my name is at the bottom o£ every direction bill or they are counterfeits. THOMAS WILSON. Of whom may be had the genuine BRITISH OIL, at One Shilling thc Bottle, Dr. HOOPER'S pILLS, at One Shilling the box. 4- Dr. WALKER'S PATENT JESUITS DROPS And SPECIFIC PURGING REMEDY, All Persons unhappily afflicted with the VENEREAL DISEASE, are earnestly requested to read the following Advertisement with thc most serious Attention-; WHEREAS there are numberless Quack v v Mcdicines, such as Pills, Electuarics, Sec. & c. ad- vertifed for the Cure of the above Disordcr, all of which consist chiefly of Mercurials, the Taking of which is sure to be attended with the most dreadful Consequences to the unhappy Patients, we beg leave to inform thc afflicted, that Dr. Walker's Genuine, True and Original Patent Jesuits Drops, and his Specific Purging Remedy ( in which there is not the least Panicle of Mercury, as may be seen by any one who chuses to examine our Patent) are sold at our Warehouse, No. 45, the Corner of Fleet- Lane, Old- Bailey, London, at 5s. and 2s. 6d. and the Specific Purging Remedy in pots, at 2s. 6d. each. The many thousands who have experienced the happy and quick Effects of these invaluable Medicines, are the most, convincing Proofs that they are the most certain, pleasant,' safe, and immediate- Cure ever discovered for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, which both Sexes are subjeCt to, tho' ever fo obstinate and long standing or bv whatsoever Means occasioncd : and for thc Venereal Disease, from its slighted to its most malignant Symptoms ; and likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scorbutic Cases. With every Bottle are given the fullest Directions how every Patient may cure himself, without the Knowledge even of a Bed- fellow. N. B. The Patentees have come to a resolution to write, on each Bottle their Name, J. WESSELS and Co.. in their own Hand- writing, that the public may be no longer im- posed on 5- The ENGLISH COFFEE, Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks Plants, & c.. and variety of balsamic productions, TO be drank, for breakfast, and in the even- ing in common, as tea or common coffee. It is inconceivable how soft, smooth, and pleasing it is. It not only ferves fqr drink, but is nourifhipg ( as food) tr> the most weak and delicate constitutions. This coffee is beyond parallel for the following complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremblings, Giddiness, Rcachings, Appetite gone, and all kinds of Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders. flora what cause soever they proceed. In many parts abroad the Nobility, Gentry, and others, make constant use of it. The most eminent of the facility dcclare most Nervous Disorders spring from thc frequent drinking of India tea, which they call gradual poison. Pr ice Two Shillings and Sixpence a canister,( which is cheaper than other coffee, or common India tea, with printed directions for using it. ' Sold ( by appointment of the proprietor) at LEE ROE'S Warehouse, No. 9, Silver- street, White Fryars, thc large Archway by the Bolt and Tun Inn, in Fleet- street, Londons and may be had of C. Pugh, Printer in Hereford ; ard Miss Evans at Northbert. Good allowance to be made to shopkeepers by applying to No, p, as above. N. B. Since thc publication ot the above Coffee. the Proprietor is informed that a counterfeit sort is hawked about, but none is genuine but what is sealed with the Proprietor's Arms, Gules, three cross croslets on a bend, between three wheat sheaves, two and One, and sold at the places before mentioned.
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