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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 12/11/1772
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4092
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. T H U R S D A Y , ; November 12, 1772. Numb. 409 Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. Extract of a Letter from Zell, Oct. 20. THIS Afternoon Queen Caroline Matilda arrived here from the Castle at Goerde, escorted by a Squadron of Springel's Regiment of Dragoons, & C- The Citizens with their Colours ranged ; and the People testified their Joy with incessant Acclamations at seeing her. Upon her Arrival at our Castle, her Majesty found there a Company of the Regiment of Prince Ernest of Mecklenburgh, with their Colours flying, and was received by the Princes Charles and George of Mecklenburgh. We have this Moment the Pleasure to see her Majesty walking through the City, which is most magnificently illuminated. " By Order of the King of Great- Britain, our Sovereign, the Royal Etiquette will be observed in all Points towards the Queen his Sister. All the Royal Houshold are already arrived from Hanover." C O U N T R Y N E W S. Salisbury, Nov. 2. A few Days ago an Officer in the 35th Regiment of Foot, now quartered here, who has been in the Army thirteen Years, during which Time he has made several unsuccessful Attempts to get promoted, received a Letter from an unknown Person, inclosing Notes for a considerable Sum, at the same Time informing him, that a Commission in his own Regiment would soon be vacant, and that the Writer hoped he would now be enabled to purchase that Advancement, which had been hitherto denied to his Services and acknowledged Merit. We hear from Whitcomb, near Dorchester, that during the Storm on Sunday last, the Lightning set Fire to a Barn, which was full of Corn astd Clover- Seed; and the Whole, with a fine Stack of Oats, was consumed. Canterbury, Nov. 3. On the 26th of October a Single- Horse Chaise was stopped in St. Dunstan's near this City, by Messrs. Lampert and Brown, Officers in the Excise ; and on searching the Seat were found 40lb. of fine Tea, and several Sets of China Jars and Beakers, a large Trunk behind, containing several Pieces of India Silk Handkerchiefs, some Pieces of fine Cambricks, Muslin, Corded Muslin, and several Pair of French Russles, which, with a Pared of Writings and the Carriage, were all conveyed to his Majesty's Warehouse. Oxford, Nov. Yesterday the Rev. Thomas Griffith, Rector of Bishopstoke, Hants, and Fellow of Pembroke College, was admitted to the Degree of Doctor in Divinity. The same Day the Rev. Phipps Weston, Rector of Rushall, Wilts, was also admitted to the Degree of Doctor in Divinity. On Tuesday last Mr. Drake, of Braze Nose, and the Hon. Mr. Finch, of Christ Church, were elected Fellows of All Souls College. On Tuesday also the Rev. Mr. Sheffield, Fellow of Worcester College, was appointed Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum. This Week Benjamin Brotherton, Esq; Gentleman Commoner of St. Mary Hall; James Fisher, Esq; Gentleman Commoner of Corpus Christi; and John Boyde, Esq; Gentleman Commoner of Christ Church; were severally admitted to the honorary Degree of Master of Arts. Saturday last died, greatly regretted, the Rev. Mr. Loggin, Fellow of New College. L O N D O N , Friday, Nov. 6. It is now reported that no Supervision will be lent to India till after the Parliament has considered the Propriety of the Measure. On Tuesday a Grant paired the Great Seal to the Right Hon. George Viscount Townshend, of the Office of Master General of his Majesty's Ordnance, & c. to hold the same from the Day on which he shall be succeeded in his Government of Ireland, by the Arrival of the Earl of Harcourt in that Kingdom. It is said that if the Duke of Grafton resigns the Office of Privy Seal, Mr. Charles Fox will be complimented with it. We hear that a Great Personage intends to renew the Theatrical Amusements at Court, as has been practised in former Reigns, to prevent a Repetition of the Treatment he received the last Night of his going to Drury- Lane Theatre. This Hint, it is. said, has been given him by the Managers, who, notwithstanding all their Care, cannot take upon themselves to be answerable in future for the unruly Part of the Audience. By an Account delivered in some Time since it appears, that the Court of Chancery has in Trust, for different Persons, a Sum little short of Six Millions. Wednesday came on before the Lord Chancellor, at Lincoln's Inn Hall, a Petition signed by a Number of the Creditors of Mr. Fordyce, late a Bankrupt, complaining of the Allowances or Gifts made by several other Creditors, without the Consent of the Petitioners, to Mr. James, Mr. Neal, and Mr. Down, late Partners with Mr. Fordyce, and praying that the same might be set aside; and likewise praying that the present Assignees might be discharged, or another added to those already appointed. After hearing Council fully on all Sides, his Lordship observed, that as to the first Part of the Prayer, he could not set signee, if they thought proper; but he was of Opinion that they could not do better than keep those Gentlemen of Integrity and Abilities already appointed.— The above- mentioned Petition was signed by near sixty Persons, Creditors to the Amount of Twenty- Seven Thousand Pounds. On Tuesday a Motion was made in the Court of Chancery to quash a Writ of Excommunication capando, which had been issued against a Person for Non- performance of Conjugal Rites. The Ground on which the Motion was made, was, its not being one of the Causes particularly named in the Act of the 5th of Elizabeth ; on which the Lord Chancellor remarked, that many a Quaker would be glad if every Cause not mentioned in that Act could not be prosecuted by the Spiritual Court, as Tythes are not one ; but he was of Opinion, on the Cursitor's receiving the Bishop's Significavit, he did his Duty in making out the Writ, and as he thought the Cursitor unjustly complained of, he should give him the Costs of the Motion, which the Cursitor declined accepting. The Friends of Freedom and Independency met on Wednesday Night at the Standard Tavarn in Leicester- Square, and came to several very patriotic Resolutions; and the following Toasts were drank: The glorious and immortal Memory of King William the Third. May double Faces have double Halters. May the Treachery of the 29th of October more firmly unite the Friends of Liberty. May the Firmness of the Livery of London continue to triumph over the Frauds of the Court. Mr. Alderman Ball, Mr. Alderman Lewes, and several worthy patriotic Gentlemen were ballotted for and unanimously admitted Members. Upon its being lately agitated in Company who at present were the two greatest Men in Europe, it was allowed by a Majority, that the King of Prussia and Mr. Wilkes were the two : the one being most remarkable for his Abilities in subverting Liberty, the other in his Abilities in supporting it. On Tuesday the Lord Mayor elect sent for the City Marshals, and acquainted them that he should expect a strict and regular Attention to the Duties of their Office with respect to the Markets of this City, the Abuses whereof have been very prejudicial of late Years to the Community ; and also ordered them to cloath their Men in the Colour of his Lordship's Livery, according to their original Instructions from the Court of Common Council; and that those Men do diligently patrole the Streets of this City, and apprehend all Vagrants, Beggars, and other disorderly Persons who prey on the humane, benevolent, and industrious Inhabitants, and that each of them should be passed to their respective Parishes. His Lordship likewise gave very particular Instructions to the Meal- Weighers, and declared, if regular Returns were not made to him of the various Prices of Corn, he would provide proper Persons, at his own Cost and Charges, to inspect the same, and punish every Defaulter as far as the Law empowers him. His Lordship also ordered William Dawson, Esq; carefully to inspect the several Vessels employed in the Fishery, and to prevent their lying, up at Gravesend, in their Passage to London, within a limited Time, which is the Practice at present, and which enables the Sellers to feed the Market as they see fit, and, consequently, to enhance the Price at Pleasure; he is likewise to watch carefully the West- Country Barges from Staines to London, in order to prevent Combinations, by stopping in their Way, which hath too frequently been practised ; and his Lordship also further declared, he would be ever ready to hear, and endeavour to redress every Grievance and Complaint under which his Fellow- Citizens suffered, to the utmost Extent of his Power, during his Mayoralty. We hear from Pais, that the French East- India ships, fitted out on Account of private Trade, will not defray the Expences of their Voyage; not even to those to whom the King lent Ships; so that an End is nearly put to the French East- India Trade, unless they can immediately devise some Scheme to revive it. Shoreditch Church, which was granted, as the Service was then beginning. Wednesday Night 16 Persons, supposed to be Footpads and House- breakers, were taken up by the Watch in an empty House near Marybone, two of whom were Soldiers, and four Lads not 14 Years old. A poor Woman, who for upwards of ten Year; has got her Livelihood by carrying Meat from the different Markets, has lately laid Claim to an Estate in Somersetshire, worth 500l. per Annum. The Affair is soon to be heard in Westminster- Hall, and the Woman's Title is so clear, that it is almost certain she will not only be put into Possession of the Estate, but also that the greatest Part, if not the Whole of the Arrears, will be allowed her. October 28, 1772. WHEREAS many Farmers and Inhabitants of the several Parishes of Hallow, St. John in Bedwardine, and St. Clement, in the County of Worcester, have entered into an Association and Agreement for the prosecuting and bringing to Justice all Persons who shall be guilty of Healing Turnips, Potatoes, Apples, Pears, or any other Things, the Produce of their Farms ; and also for the prosecuting of all Persons who shall be guilty of any other Felonies or Trespasses ; Notice is hereby therefore given, That proper Watchmen are appointed to attend the several Estates in the said Parishes, as well by Night at by Day ; and all Persons who shall be detected in any of the Offences aforesaid, will be proceeded again it with the utmost Rigour. All poor Persons in the said Parishes who shall want Relief, are directed to apply to the Churchwardens or Overseers of their Parish, when they will be relieved according to their Necessities. Oct. 24, 1772. BEWDLEY HOP MARKET, Which for several Years has been of great Utility to the Planters and Dealers in general. NOTICE is hereby given, That in the Angel Yard, Bewdley ( kept by JOHN FORD) there are convenient Warehouses and spacious Rooms for the selling and housing of HOPS, with well- adjusted Scales, true Weights, and sworn Weighers. At the Market last Thursday upwards of One Thousand Pockets were sold. N. B. The Market- Days are on Thursdays, as usual, in every Week during the whole Year, and very Encouragement given, and Favours acknowledged, by Their humble Servant, J O H N F O R D. ST O L E N or strayed, on Friday the 30th of October last, out of Upham Meadow, in the Parish of Twining, in the County of Gloucester, A Bay COLT, two Years old, fifteen Hands high, with a black Mane and Tail, two white Legs behind, a little White on the Near Foot before, a Blaze and Snip in his Forehead, and a small Wart on his Chest. Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Colt to the Printer of this Paper, or to Peter Hancocke; Esq; of Twining aforesaid ( so that he may be had again) shall receive Two Guineas Reward. T O BE S O L D, And may be entered upon immediately, AGood substantial House, with a Stable adjoining, situate near the High- Street, in the City of Worcester. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Bund, Attorney, in Worcester. By Letters from Toulon we learn, that a of War of 50 Guns, and 55o Men, belonging to that Place was lost on the Coast of Brittany the 4th of last Month, and but 304 of the People were saved. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Oct. 26. " Not long ago there was a considerable Sale of Furniture and other Effects at a Gentleman's Seat near Fontainbleau, which drew together a great Number of Brokers and Others, many of whom were permitted to eat in the House ; on which Occasion they made Use of the Kitchen Utensils; but some of these being badly tinned, 27 Persons who eat of Things cooked in them were taken ill, 10 of whom have died, and several others are not yet out of Danger. Wednesday Night Elias Cherry and John Smith were committed from the Public- Office in Bow- Street, by Sampson Wright, Esq; for Healing the Hammer- Cloth ( richly ornamented with Silver Tassels) from the Carriage of Watkin Lewes, Esq; one of the Sheriffs of the City of London, and County of Middlesex, while it was Handing on Tuesday Evening last at the London Tavern. Friday a Man stood in the Pillory by the Turnpikein Shoreditch Road, for an Attempt to com- T o be L E T T to the BEST BIDDER, On Saturday next, the 25A of November Instant, at the Bell inn, in Broad- Street, Worcester, between the Hours of four and Seven 0' Clock in the Evening, AMeadow, called Grimley Meadow, lying on the Banks of the River Severn, within four Miles of the City of Worcester, consisting of upwards of fifty- seven Acres, and may be entered on at Christmas next. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Bund, Attorney, in WToor cbees teSrO. L D by Way of A U C T I O N , At the Bell, at Eckington, in the County of Worcester, on Friday the 2oth Day of November Instant, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, subject to Conditions then to be produced. AFreehold Messuage or Tenement, in very good Repair, and pleasantly situated at Eckington aforesaid, together with a Garden and Orchard thereto adjoining. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore. To be S O L D by Private Contract, ACommodious Brick Messuage, all convenient and useful Offices, situate the Corn- Market, in the City of Worcester, Occupation of Mr. Bedford, Apothecary. Also a large and commodious Malt- House, Parish of St. Martin, in the City of Worcester said, lately occupied by Mr. Tho. Barnes, Malt The above Premisses are held under the Cor tion of Worcester for forty Years, renewable fouFrotre enfu. rther Particularsa pplyt oM r. S oc Attorney, in Worcester. To be peremptorily S O L D To the Bed BIDDER or BIDDERS, Either together or in two Lots, at the Raven Inn, in Wribbenhall, near Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, on Saturday the 21st Day of this Instant November, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon of the same Day, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced, LOT l. THREE Freehold Messuages or Tenements, and Gardens, and about three Quarters of an Acre of Land, situate by the Side of Bewdley Park, at the Top of Grubber's Lane, in Bewdley aforesaid, now in the several Occupations of James Boulton, Thomas Holder and Thomas Stringer. LOT 1 . Four Copyhold Messuages or Tenements and Gardens, situate and being in Bewdley Park, at the Top of Grubber's Lane aforesaid, adjoining all together, and now or late in the several Tenures or WE , whose Names are under tioned, Inhabitants of the Parishes of ton, Long- Stanton, Munslow, Holgate, Tug, and Monk- Hopton, in the County of Salop, entered into Articles with each other to ende_ to apprehend and to prosecute, at our joint Exp all Persons who shall steal Horses, Cattle, Shee any other Things, our respective Properties. Party from whom any Thing shall be stolen give immediate Notice thereof to all the Part the said Articles, every one of whom is then out Delay to dispatch a Man and Horse fifty in Pursuit of the Felon ; and if the Person so patched shall gain any Intelligence of him, he continue his Pursuit, if necessary, throughout land and Wales. The Pursuers will take diffe Roads from each other, and the Whole is so upon such a Plan, that every Part of the Kin will be traversed in a very short Time. Every pike Gate Keeper will be intitled to a Rewar Ten Shillings, if he gives such Intelligence as enable the Pursuers to apprehend the Offender, Shipton. Thomas Mytton, Esq. Edward Milner, William Mannox, Widow Burgess, B. Collins, of Morehouse J. Acton, of Larden F. Hudson, of Skimscot. Long- Stanton. Richard Onflow Widow Chidley F. Hudson, of Patton Edw. Downs, of ditto Tho. Butcher, of Little Oxenbold L. Bolens, of Brocton John Acton, of ditto Wm. Bowen, of ditto Munslow. Rev. Mr. Read Francis Wainwright Humphry Wainwright Hannah Wainwright B. Lokier, of Millichop Richard Bluck William Ward Thomas Rowlands T. Littleford, of Br stone Benj. Cox, of div Wm. Cleeton, of dit T. Powel, of Hanger T. Lawn, of Thong Tho. Downs, of Ast Edw. Stedman, of d Wm. Smith, of ditto Sam. Amies, of ditto Holgate. E. Minton, ofthe Coa John Hudson Joseph Bebb Samuel Fewtrell C. Mapp, of Bouldo Tugford. Rev. Mr. Ingram Sylvanus Jones Edw. Reighnolds George Giles P. Francis, of Bawco John Hanson, of ditto Monk- Hopton B. Adney , of Oxenb JAMES INGRAM, Clerk and Treasure. On Tuesday, Nov. 17, will be published, With the Almanacks, Price 1s. 8d. neatly bound in R BA L D W I N ' S D A I L Y J O U R N A Y or, The Gentleman's, Merchant's, and Tra. man's Complete Annual Accompt Book, for the Pocket Desk, for the Year 1773: Containing ( besides fifty- two double Pages, ru for Appointments, Memorandums, and Accom every Day in the Year) a List of the public Office with the Holidays that are kept at each. The torney and Solicitor's Term Table. Exact Acc of the Days and Hours for buying, selling, transferring Stock, and receiving Dividends in same. Complete Lists of all the Bankers in Lone Qualifications necessary to a Tradesman. Thoug 0n Life Annuities, with Schemes, Tables, and servations, adapted to the Subject. Two geo phical Tables, shewing the present State of the several Counties in England and Wales. Abstr of the late Bankrupt Act. Act against Forestall and for the Relief of insolvent Debtors. Di tions for Riding. Complete Lists of each House Parliament; of Bishops, & c. & c. & c. London, printed ONLY for R. Baldwin, No. Pater- noster Row; sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, and may be had of all Booksellers in Town and Country. The following valuable Articles are sold BERROW's Printing Oftice in Worcester, and also be had of the Worcester News Carriers. The E N G L I S H C O F F EE Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Ba Plants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Prodution TObe drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or common Coffee. It is inconceiveable how soft, smooth, : pleasing it is. It not only serves for Drink, but nourishing ( as Food) to the most weak and delic Constitutions. This COFFEE is beyond Parallel the following Complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthma Consumptions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Trembling Giddiness, ¡ teachings, Appetite gone, and all Kind: Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders, from what Ca so ever they proceed. In many Parts Abroad Nobility, Gentry, and others, make constant Use it. The most eminent of the Faculty declare m Nervous Disorders spring from the frequent drink of India Tea, which they call gradual Poison. Price Two Shillings and Six- pence a Canish ( which is cheaper than other Coffee, or common India Tea) with printed Directions for using it. I I. After many repeated Application from great Numbers of the Nobility and Gentle who have experienced the Efficacy of the Medicine for the CURE of the B I T E of a MAD DOG, prepared by William Hill, Esq; of Ormskirk, in L. cashire, he has now consented, for the Good of Public, to entrust the same to his Nephews, William Hill, and Mr. James Berry, Apothec in Mount- Street, Berkeley- Square, London ; w it may be had at Five Shillings and Three- pence. Arrived the Mail from Holland. Petersburgh, Oct. 31. THE Empress has granted Count Gregory Orlow, who assisted at the Congress at Fockzany in Quality of her Minister Plenipotentiary, leave to absent himself for a Year, for the Reablishment of his Health ; and leaves to him Choice either of remaining on his own ates, or, if he finds it more convenient, to rer to the Baths in any foreign Country. Her iesty preserves to that Nobleman all his Emyments, and, as a Reward for his Services, has cred him a Gratification of 100,000 Roubles 2500l.] and that she intended to settle on him annual Pension of 50,000 Roubles. His Brothers have also received great Marks of the Musicenceof our Sovereign ; Count Alexis in particular has been presented with an Extent of Land containing 6000 Peasants. — [ This Article shews contradictory the foreign Papers are.] C O U N T R Y N E W S. Birmingham, Nov. 9. Lord Stormont, who s out for his Embassy to Paris in a few Days, is it particularly in Charge to obtain, if posle, the Admission of our Hardware into France, n at the Price of an entire Removal of those uties which we lay upon the Wines of that kingdom. Monday Evening the Man at the Turnpike ding from Coventry to Lutterworth, was robbed of about Twelve Pounds by two Men, who ed a Pistol at him and wounded him in the and. Same Evening a Pocket- Book was found near dworth, which contained Bank Notes to the amount of One Thousand Pounds. L O N D O N , Monday, November 9. You may assure the Public from Authority, says Correspondent, that the Regulation of the ices of Provisions, & c. will be the first Business tared next Sessions of Parliament. The Public may depend on it, every Thing reive to Supervision will be settled by Parliament me enough for the Supervisors to go out this ason, though some subsequent Act may take ace for the better Regulation of the Company's airs in Bengal, otherwise so early a Day as the Inst. would not be agreed on by the Proprie is to canvass the Commission, but it would lie er till Christmas, the quarterly Meeting. It is said that, at the Meeting of Parliament, Bill will be brought in to prevent the Exportaon of Wool, under severer Penalties than any t enforced. It has been asserted in the Public Papers, that e Civil List is only two Quarters in Arrears. It abaolutely false. The whole Civil Government, or, in the Office Style, the whole Civil ablishment, is, bona fide, unpaid from Christians last to this Hour. If any one asks what is come of the Money so largely and liberally anted by the Public ? the true Answer is, It is uandered in Pensions and Bribes, to procure and ain a Majority in the two Houses of Parliant, to do the King's Business, as it is called. The Hon. Charles Fox is negotiating with the inistry. He is to be a Lord of the Treasury the room of somebody to be pensioned out. is Aim is to be Chancellor of the Exchequer, in se of Lord Guildford's Death. If any Body is pensioned out to make Room soils Youth, it will be the fourth Pension granted thin these few Days. The other three are, Sir George Macartney 1 , o o l . per Ann. Lord chancellor Lifford 1oo0l. per Ann. And Chief ron Parker a Pension for Life. Friday at the Cabinet Council held at St. mes's, Sir Jeffery Amherst was sworn in one of s Majesty's Most Hon. Privy Council, and took Seat at the Board. Mr. Bearcroft, Mr. Newman, and Mr. Cust, peared on Friday, for the first Time, in their bes as King's Council. Last Tuesday the Court of Aldermen unaniously voted, that this Court doth return Thanks the Right Hon. William Nash, Esq; Lord Mayor of this City, for the particular Regard he been pleased to shew the Members that comse this Court; for his upright and unblemished Administration of public Justice, and for his connt Endeavours, on all Occasions, to promote e Welfare and Prosperity of this City during e whole Course of his Mayoralty. A Correspondent observes, the Dissenters, but twelve Years since, to a Man, were ministerial gots ; but now, by the Indiscretion of our ulers, they are all grown reasonable Creatures. A Commission of Bankruptcy was lately taken it against Mr. F- tt e, the noted Horse Racer, who was in Partnership with the Duke of Cumberland. Last Week the Commissioners, Messrs. ardinge Peckham, and Blake, fat to hear Evience, on which so declare him a Bankrupt. Two Counsel, Mess. Cox and Lucas, attended on ehalf of the petitioning Creditor, and endeaured by Arguments and Evidence, to prove m a Trader, which was by buying and selling of Horses, and, taking in Horses to stand at Livery; ut it appeared, that the only Horses he had ever ept in that Manner, were Horses belonging to Duke of Cumberland. The Commissioners animously determined, that a Trader within the Bankrupt Laws was such an one as got his Living by buying and selling, or at least his principal eans of Livelihood ; that this could not be applied to Mr. F- tt - e, who was a Country Gentleman that had a landed Estate of 4000l. a Year; they therefore refused to find him a Bankrupt, the celebrated Mrs. C—— of Soho- Square was, upon the same Principle, rejected by these very commissioners, by endeavouring to prove herself trader by selling of Gloves to the Company at er Assembly. It all the Commissioners would behave in the same Manner, we should not have many Instances of Knaves defrauding their creditors and by a Commission of Bankruptcy oid the Punishment due to their Crimes. rity towaras the Caribbees, WHO call themselves the ancient Possessors of that Place, and have committed many Hostilities and Barbarities upon the English Settlers, who have at length procured the Assistance of four Regiments to drive their troublesome Neighbours out of the Island ; the latter have taken to thé Woods and Morasses, w h e r e they dispute every Inch of Ground with the most desperate Bravery neithergive nor take Quarter, and force the English Soldiers to act like them selves, with the most relentless Inhumanity. It is computed the above Savages amount to about three thousand in Number; but as they have a continual intercourse with the native Ca ribbees on the neighbouring Islands it is feared they will be reinforced, and that it will be attended with no small Difficulty to dislodge them from a mountainous Country, where the Woods are so extensive, and the Service ( where so much Cruelty is exercised) so very disagreeable to the British Soldiers. The Antigua Gazette of Sept. 2, confirms the Account lately published, of the Damage done there by the late Hurricane at St. John's, and contains the following additional Particulars: — " The News from all Parts of the Country are truly deplorable; the House of the Hon. Col. Farley is entirely blown down ; as also the Buildings on the Estate, called Briggins's, over against it. The House of Nathaniel Humphreys, Esq; in Popeshead Division, is entirely destroyed. The House of John Mayer, Esq; of Belfast Division, is levelled with the Ground. The House of, Mr. Alexander Willock, on his Estate, called the Folly, is also blown to the Ground. Take the whole Island in gross, not one House in ten is said to be Handing, but all are materially damaged, and our Canes that were in Plants are torn up by the Roots." Extract of a Letter from Dominica, Sept. 19. " We have had the most melancholy Accounts from our Sister Islands ( Barbadoes only excepted). At Antigua, by the Hurricane, their Towns and Plantations are almost destroyed, and not more than two Schooners escaped undamaged of the great Number of Ships in their Harbour; At St. Christopher's the Damage was rather greater ; and at St. Eustatia still more melancholy. Not the least Detriment was done to this Island." The Apollo, Manning, loading at St. Kitt's, for London, is entirely lost, and all the Crew except one Man perished. Also a Ship loaded with 500 Hogsheads of Sugar, Name unknown, from Nevis to London. Extract of a Letter from New York, Sept. 21. " By Capt. Manby, from Ocracock in North Carolina, in eight Days, we have an Account of the following Vessels being lost at that Place the 1st Instant, in a violent Gale of Wind, viz. Capt. Clark, in a Schooner from Edentown, lost, and all the Crew perished; Capt. Pearse, in a Brig, from the same Place, bound to Jamaica, lost, with the Cargo, but the Crew saved; Capt. Towers, in a Schooner, from Boston, lost, the Crew saved; Capt. Hill, from Virginia, the Vessel lost, People saved; a Sloop of about fifty Tons, loaded with Cedar for Philadelphia, lost ; and Captain Mills, from the same Port, drove ashore, but both their Crews were saved ; Capt. Done, in a Schooner from Connecticut, lost, Crew and Cargo saved; Capt. Carter, from Edentown, lost; Capt. Pinder, from Newbern, lost, Cargo saved ; Capt. Conway, in a Sloop from this Port lost, Cargo saved ; and Capt. Thomas, from this Port also, Vessel entirely lost, the Mate and three of the People drowned, the Captain three Days after was taken up about six Miles from the Land, from Part of the Wreck, by a Vessel bound in ; and the same Day a Lad, named John Burrows, belonging to the same Sloop, was also taken up by another Vessel, inward bound, from some of the Wreck, 12 Leagues to the Northward of Ocracock ; and a Sloop, Name unknown, was drove out to Sea, and never again heard of. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Sept. 23. " Capt Brown, from Cape Fear, informs us, that on the 31st of August, 14 Vessels were drove ashore, and totally lost, with several Seamen." The Betsey, Staffron, from Riga, is on Shore, going into Swansey Bay. The Pitt, Gill, is lost at Dominica, and 18 Sail of small Vessels are on Shore. The Betsey, Snowball, from Newcastle to Pool, was lost the 29th ult. on the Holme Sand off Leostaffe. The Pilot and four Men were drowned. By a Letter from Port Glasgow, dated Oct. 3 1, we learn, that Accounts had just been received there from Sky, that an epidemical Distemper had broke out in the Lewis Islands, which was thought to have been brought there by a Vessel from Dantzick; that the Coasts in Sky were all guarded, to prevent any Communication with the adjacent Islands. The Gentleman who sent these Accounts, desired they might be made public, left there might be Danger from the Herring Busses or other Vessels which had rendezvoused there. The Captain of a Vessel from Sky acknowledges, that there was an uncommon Death in the Lewis Islands, and that he did not chuse to go much ashore. The Letter from Port Glasgow adds, that Care will be taken by the Revenue Officers not to admit any suspected Vessels into their Port until they get further Accounts of this melancholy Affair. Edinburgh Advertiser. The following Account is given of the Seizure of the Papers and Person of the Prince de Conti, which has made a great Noise at Paris. The Prince de Conti having been suspected by the Court to have favoured several seditious Papers lately published against the Ministry, and to have caused them to be privately printed at a Press he had erected in the Verge of the Temple, where he holds his Court at Paris; the Chancellor Maupeau obtained a Letter de Catchet, which he caused to be issued Oct. the 23d. In Consequence of which Arret the Palace of the Prince was environed by Musqueteers and other Guards. They first secured the Manuscripts and printed Papers ; these were instantly deposited in the Hands of M. de Sartine, the Lieutenant of the Police. The lions found Means to escape, and made the best of his Way to I'Isle d'Adam, a Country Seat belonging to the Prince de Conti ( where he then was) and acquainted him with what was transacting at his Palace. The Prince, greatly, astonished at the Intelligence, immediately set off for Paris ; but his Highness found his Person no more sacred than his House, his Papers, of his Secrets. The Minister, Maupeau, secured the Prince also ; and the great and noble Asserter and Protector of the Liberties of his Country has been immured like a common Felon. What will be the Consequence of this atrocious Stretch of Power in the Chancellor Time only can disclose ; but the Populace are so exasperated, that some dreadful E f - fects are to be expected. The other Princes of the Blood were so alarmed at this daring Attack of the Minister, on so respectable a Part of their Body, that they went from their Palaces in Paris to the Country with the utmost Precipitation, in the Opinion of many, in a Manner very unworthy their high Births and Stations. An extraordinary Divorce is like to take Place not far from Grosvenor- Square : Two Females of Fashion, who professed the highest Friendship for each other, and who were almost inseparable ( the one a Widow, the other a Wife) being one Night at an Assembly, the Wife complained to her Friend, the feared her Husband was inconstant to her; the Friend advised her not to fill her Head with such Fancies. The Wife went Home, but her Husband not returning all Night, She arose early, and flew to her Friend to communicate her Surprize ; the Milk- Woman being at the Door, and the Maid engaged in T a l k with her, she walked in without Ceremony, and up Stairs she went, where, to her great Surprize, she found her Husband in Bed with her Friend. In these Times, when the Poor cannot provide themselves with common Necessaries, a Kept Mistress near Oxford- Street frequently gives a Guinea for two Roses. Query, Whether a T a x on such Wretches as keep those Women would not be better than making the poor labouring Mechanic pay Three- pence Halfpenny per Pot for Porter ? Thursday, at Twelve o'Clock, a Fellow stood in the Pillory on the paved Stones opposite Spital- Fields Church, for ravishing a Child of Five Years old. He behaved in a most audacious Manner to the Populace, who in Return pelted him most severely ; at length a Stone striking him on the Head laid his Skull open, and from that Moment he ceased his Impertinence. The Women were very severe with him. Friday Morning a Sailor passing along Rotherhithe Road, met his Wife ( who had eloped some Days before) Arm in Arm with another Man : A Battle ensued, in which the Husband came off Conqueror, but not without the Loss of an Eye. Worcester, Oct, 1, 1772. ON Account of the Dearness of Hay, Corn, Straw, and every other Article relative to the Business of INNKEEPERS, We find it necessary, for the future, not to take a Gentleman's Coach for less than One Shilling and Six- pence per Mile ; nor a Chaise, taking three People, for less than One Shilling per Mile. As Witness our Hands, J. FEWTRELL, B. B A K E R, J . THOMPSON. MR. KEMBLE humbly begs Leave to pay his acknowledgments to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Worcester for all past Favours ; and having spared no Expence in engaging some of the best Performers out of London, most earnesty hopes he shall merit their future Encouragement at the ensuing Season, against which he has provided every new Piece performed at the London Theatres, with their necessary Decorations. He proposes opening the Theatre the latter End of this Month, with that much- admired new Comedy called The FASHIONABLE LOVER; the Farce will be expressed in the Bills of the Day, and Entertainments of Singing between the Acts by Mr. and M r s . B R E T T. To be S O L D by Private Contract, At P O W I C K , AFreehold Cottage and Garden, with Common Rights, and about eight Acres of Arable Land. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Dalby, at Powick aforesaid. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, ( B y J O S E P H P R A T T ) On Wednesday and Thursday, the second and third Days of December next, AL L the entire Stock in Trade belonging to James Cope, Timber Merchant and Wheelwright, at his House at Dunnington- Heath, in the Parish of Salford, in the County of of Warwick; consisting of dry Half Inch, Three Quarter Inch, and Inch Oak and Elm Boards ; Elm and Oak Quarters; Ash, Elm, and Oak Timber; some valuable Four Inch Elm Planks ; a large Quantity of dry Hub Spokes and Fellies, and all Manner of dry Wheelwrights' Stuff; a Narrow- wheel Waggon; some new Cart- Wheels ; a large Quantity of Mounding Posts and Rails, Gate- Posts, & c. ; two hundred and sixty Dozen of Oak and Ash Loch Stocks ; a large Quantity of Cordwood, and divers Lots of Building Stuff, & c. & c. The Lots lie at Dunnington- Heath, Rous. Lench, and Goomshill, and may be seen by applying to Mr. Thomas Cope, Carpenter, at Dunnington- Heath aforesaid. The greatest Part of the above Stuff lies close to the Turnpike Roads leading to Alcester, Evesham, and. Birmingham, and within one Mile and a Half of the River Avon. The Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues to be had, gratis, at the Crown in the Hop Market, Worcester; the Angel in Pershore; the White Lyon in Alcester; the Dolphin in Birmingham ; the White Lyon in Stratford ; the Swan in Warwick; at the Place of Sale ; and of the Auctioneer in Evesham. All Persons indebted to the said James Cope, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Barnabas Styles, at the White Lyon in Alcester aforesaid, immediately, Or they will be sued for the same without further Notice ; and all Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the said James Cope, are de- WHERE AS a Black G E L D I N G , advertised in the Birmingham Gazette of Monday the 2d Instant, stolen out of the Stable of Mr. Joseph Collins, of the Parish of Abberley, in the County of Worcester, which said Gelding was stopped at the Bull's Head on West Bromwich Heath, near Birmingham, and the Person supposed to have stolen him taken into Custody there; this is theref o r e to acquaint the Person that is the proper Owner of the said Gelding, that he may have him again, by applying to Mr. Whitehouse, at the Bull's Head at West Bromwith aforesaid, giving Oath of the Gelding's being his or their Property, and desraying all Expences incurred by detaining and seuring the Gelding, & c. Nov. 4th, 1 7 7 2 . LOST, out of Birts- Morton Meadows, about six Weeks ago, TWO Y E A R L I N G H E I F E R S, the one a white one, with a black Nose, black Ears, and a black Spot on both Sides; the other a darkbrown, with a little White along her Back, and a white T a i l : They are both Ear- marked 0n the Right Ear, and a Piece cut out on the under Side.— Whoever will give Intelligence of them ( so that they may be had again) shall receive One Guinea Reward of Christopher Brookbanks, of Moor Court SPenTdoOck; L Eor , o fo Mutr . Roifc haa rPd ieSocuet hoafl l, Ginr Wouornceds teart. Consall, in the Parish of Wolverley, near Kidderminster, between the 24th and 30th of October last, FOURTEEN EWE SHEEP, marked I. B. on the near Thigh with Pitch, and a Raddle Spot on both Shoulders; the near Ear croppetd, and swallow- forked in the off Ear.-- Whoever will give Information of the said Sheep ( so that they may be had again) and of the Person or Persons who stole them, so that either of the Offenders may be convicted, shall receive Five Guineas Reward of me, JOHN BACHE, of Kinfare. N. B. Two Feeding Sheep were stole out of the said GTroo unbed aSboOutL aD M onbtyh Pagriov. a te Contract, APiece of Freehold Arable Land, planted with choice Fruit Trees, containing about ten Acres ( more or less) adjoining to the Turnpike Road leading from Alfrick to Suckley in the County of Worcester, and very conveniently situated for Lime. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Watkins, in Worcester. Oxford,. 6th Nov. 1772. T O B E L E T T, On a Lease of 21 Years from Old Candlemas- Day next, to the Best Bidder ( Respect being had to a proper Security for the Payment of Rent and Performance of Covenants) AN Estate, called Haventry Farm, situate in the Parish of Suckley, in the County of W0rcester, consisting of a commodious House, Barn, Stables, and other Conveniences; together with 47 Acres of Arable Land, 52 Acres of Pasture, and 14 Acres of Meadow Ground, more or less. The Estate is conveniently situated at theDistance of about nine Miles from the City of Worcester. Such Persons as are inclined to treat for the same, may send in their Proposals, in Writing, to the Bursar of Baliol College, on or before the 5th of January next. T O B E S O L D, FIVE Thousand of Scotch Firs, from five to nine Feet high; likewise a large Quantity of Elms, from six to sixteen Feet ditto, and about Three Thousand of young Ash, from twelve to eighteen Feet ditto; with several other Sorts of Trees not mentioned". For further Particulars enquire of Richard Aynsworth, of Old Swinford, near Stourbridge, Worcestershire. N. B. Any Gentleman that would purchase the whole Firs, shall have them at One Penny per Foot, and the Land gratis for four Years ; so that he may take them off as he pleases, and warranted as fine Trees as any in England, of the Sort. SHROPSHIRE and WORCESTERSHIRE. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , On Friday the 27th Day of November Instant, at the Swan, in Tenbury, between the Hours of Two and Six o'clock in the Afternoon, unless disposed of by private Contract in the mean Time, in which Case timely Notice will be given, THE under- mentioned Messuages or Farms, being Part of the Estate of the late Francis Rocke, Esq; of Newnham, in the County of Worcester, deceased. LOT 1. A Freehold Mesuage and Out- Buildings, called Upper Bromdon, in the Parish of Wheathill'$ together with 102A. 3 R . 18 P. of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the Occupation of Merrick, with unlimited Right of Common to that rich Land known by the Name of the CoLd Green and the Brown Clee Hill. LOT a. A Freehold Messuage and Out- Building, together with 32 A . 1 R. 32 P. of good Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, situate at Hints, in the Parish of Corely, now occupied by the Widow Jukes,, with unlimited Right of" Common on the Clee Hills.-— There is a Quantity of fine growing Timber on this Estate. LOT 3. Two Freehold and well- accustomed Public House's, known by the Names of the Serpents, with sundry Parcels of Lands, in the Parish of Ashford Carbonel, and near to the Town of Ludlow.— There is some Timber on thefe Premisses. The above three Lots are in the County of Salop. LOT 4. All that Capital Messuage called Great Stonebatch, situate at Eardiston, in the Parish of Lindridge, in the County of Worcester, with a Malt- House, Cyder- Mill, Barns, Stables, Cow- Houses, and other convenient Out- Buildings, in very good Repair; together with 97 Acres of rich Laud, at present used as follows, viz. about 9 Hops; 22 Orcharding; 26 Arable; and 40 Acres of Meadow and Pasturage. There is a considerable Quantity of fine growing Timber on this Estate, and also a very valuable and extensive Right of Fishery in the River Team, several Miles in Length. This is a very desireable and advantageous Situation for an Inn , being not only a pleasant Spot, through which the Great Pott and Turnpike Road from Worcester to Ludlow passes, but from its being situate 15 Miles from each of the said Places: Another great Object, by such Occupation, would be the Dung and consuming the Produce of the Farm at Home, without being at the Expence of conveying to, and attending upon Markets. The several Tenants will shew the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. Rocke, of Bitterley; Mr. George Pardoe, of Ludlow; or November 10, 1772. AL L Persons who have any Demands on the Effects of the late Thomas Hunt, alias Johnsons, of Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, Butcher, deceased, are desired forthwith to lend an Account of the same to John Allen, in Droitwich aforesaid: And also all Persons who stand indebted to the late Thomas Hunt, alias Johnsons, are desired forthwith to pay in the same to John Allen, of Droitwich aforesaid. Burford, Nov. 11, 1772. L OST, about six Weeks ago, from Burford, near Tenbury, Worcestershire; a large white Pointer Dog, with small liver- coloured Spots upon his Back, Belly and Legs, his Head alm0st entirely liver- coloured, and answers to the Name of Sancho. Whoever will bring him to Mr. Price, at Burford, shall have Half- a- Guinea for his Trouble. Worcester, Nov. 1 1 , 1772. LOST, about three Weeks ago, a large strong Pointing Dog, about a Year and a Quarter old, with liver coloured Ears, mottled all over his Body, with a dark liver- coloured Spot at the Setting 0n Part of his Tail. Whoever gives Intelligence of the said Dog ( so that he may be had again) to Mr. Benbow, Baker, in Birdport, shall receive Half- a- Guinea Reward. Kidderminster, Nov. 12, 1772. WHEREAS Joseph Davis, formerly Chaiseman to Edward Knight, Esq; of Wolverley, was indebted to Joseph Cope, of the same Place, in a small Sum of Money when he went off, and has left behind him two Boxes with Things in them : This is to inform the said Joseph Davis, that if he does not come or send to pay the Debt to Joseph Cope, within a Month after the Date hereof, the said Joseph Cope will make Sale of the Things to pay himself. T O B E L E T T, And entered upon at Michaelmas, 1773, AGood, substantial, and convenient Dwelling House, a good- accustomed Tan- Yard, with a Mill- House, Kiln, Stable, and other Conveniencies, situate in the High- Street, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, adjoining to the Brook there, and lies as well for Slaughter and Bark as any Tan- Yard in the Kingdom, and has been a Tan- Yard almost Time immemorial, and now in the Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Oliver Williams. For Particulars apply to Mrs. Cooper, in St. John's Street, Bromsgrove. THE Manor of Evilith, in the Parish of Shiffnall, in the County of Salop ( late the Estate of Mr. John Gibbons, a Bankrupt) with the Messuages, Farms, Mills, Lands, and Premisses thereunto belonging, lying in a Ringe Fence, and in fine Condition, will be sold by Order of the Assignee; by Auction, same Time in Christmas next, it not disposed of before by private Contract, of which ( if so) public Notice will be given. The Time and Place of Sale, and other Particulars, will be inserted in this and other Papers of a future Date. In the mean Time Application relative thereto may be made to Messrs. John Patten, Grocer, in Bewdley, in the County of Worcester ; Richard Goolden, the Younger, and Thomas Nickin, Grocers, in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop ; - and Richard Marston, Iron- master, at Stourton, near Stourbridge, in the said County of Worcester; or to Mr. Stevens, Attorney, in Wolverhampton, in Staffordshire, T H U R S D A Y ' S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) F O R E I G N A F F A I R S. Warsaw , October 2 1. H E King has given an Answer to the Declaration delivered by the Ministers from Vienna, Petersbourgh, and Berlin, on the Part of their respective Sovereigns, whereby his Majesty alledges, that as the Limits of Poland have been settled and acknowledged by various Treaties, he cannot but conclude that these three Powers have no Pretensions to any of the Territories of the Republic; he likewise claims the Assistance of the Mediators and Guarantees of the Treaty of Oliva, and protests strongly against every Proceeding contrary to the Treaties and Conventions therein recited. L O N D O N , Tuesday, Nov. 10. Sunday James Townsend, Esq; Lord Mayor Elect for the Year ensuing, was sworn at Guildhall ; when the Chair, and other Ensigns of Mayoralty, were surrendered to him in the accustomed Manner. And Yesterday the new Lord Mayor, accompanied by the late Lord Mayor, several of the Aldermen, and Sheriffs, in their Scarlet Gowns, went in their Coaches to the Water Side, the Sword and Mace being carried before them, and the City Officers attending, and from thence proceeded in the City Barge, attended by the Companies in their respective Barges, adorned with Streamers and Pendants, to Westminster; and having walked round the Hall and solemnly saluted all the Courts, they went to the Exchequer Bar and the new Lord Mayor did there take the Oaths appointed ; and having recorded Warrants of Attorney in the proper Courts, returned by Water to Black Fryars, and from thence in Coaches, with the usual Solemnity, to Guildhall, where a magnificent Entertainment was provided; at which were present divers of the Nobility, and Lords of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and many other Persons of Quality and Distinction. The Lord Mayor's State Coach made a very f i n e Appearance; besides some Alterations done to the Carving, a Pine Apple was introduced on the Top of the Ornament over the Roof, which was lined with the richest blue Velvet, and a Ham mercloth the same, ornamented with Gold Fringe, Honeysuckles, and Arms, the Whole of the Body Yesterday. The Friends of Liberty disdain to grace his treacherous Triumph, and the ministerial Party were ordered to stand aloof for the present, for very obvious Reasons ; on this Account, a Gentleman Yesterday observing his forlorn Situation, called him the Bat- Mayor, with whom neither Bird nor Beast, Patriot nor Courtier, would associate. Not one of the Judges or Serjeants dined Yesterday with the Lord Mayor at Guildhall. At Five o'Clock Yesterday Evening the Populace about Guildhall, headed by some Sailors, began to be very outrageous; insomuch that the Contlables, after a great Scuffle, were obliged to take Shelter in the Hall from their Fury. After having cleared the Yard of their Opponents, they made an Attack upon the Iron Gates at the Entrance of the Hall, and pulled down and set Fire to the temporary Portico, and other Erections for the Day ; and the Lord Mayor having ordered out the St. Laurence Engine to extinguish it, the threw the Engine into the Fire, which they supplied with Timber and other Materials for a considerable Time. In order to intimidate, and prevent the Mob from forcing themselves in, a Number of Gentlemen sallied forth with their Swords drawn, but were as speedily obliged to return, as the Populace, with Planks and Sticks, and other Weapons, withstood them with great Fury and Obstinacy. After some Time Mr. Sheriff Lewes, attended by a great Number of Gentlemen armed, came out of the Hall, and exhorted the People to become appeased, otherwise he intimated that the Riot Act must be read, and the Consequences would be dreadful. The Sheriff, by his conciliating Words, pretty well subsided the Storm ; and the Artillery Company soon after arriving, about Eight o'CIock all became calm. Sixteen Persons were taken up and carried to the two Compters. Several were wounded. Yesterday the Mob seized the Coach of the new Lord Mayor in King- Street, and attempted to draw it back, crying out that Wilkes should go first— but n0 Wilkes appearing they permitted it to proceed. A Memorial of the most spirited Nature is said to be preparing, setting forth the Distresses of industrious People in this Country by the Height of the Taxes, and the almost universal Combinations now entered into for raising Provisions. No less than eighteen Plans for reducing the Prices of Butchers' Meat are said to have been sent to Lord North since the last breaking up of Parliament. It is reported that the Colony Agents intend to make Application to Parliament for Leave to establish Mints for the coining Silver Currency in America. It is said, if Mr. F - t — c e had been found a Bankrupt, as a Dealer and Chapman in Horses, his Partner, ' Squire Morgan, must have been a Party in that Commission ; we should then have seen the ' Squire in another Character, in which he would appear with Credit to his Family, afford Mirth and Laughter to the Public, and great Satisfaction to himself as usual. We hear a Great Personage is now employed in finishing a Piece of exquisite Needle- Work, adorned with curious Emblematics, which is designed for a Present to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Friday the two new Serjeants, Sir James Eyre, and George Hill, Esq; went through the ancient, absurd Ceremony of walking across the Hall opposite the Court of Common Pleas, each with a Woman's Cap over his Wig, and tied under the Chin ; after they had made their different Bows, and gone through another Ceremony of having the Court Sticking- Plaister put on their Wigs, they took their Seats, and the whole concluded with shaking of Hands. Within these few Days, a Number of Silk and Gauze Weavers, & c. who had gone to Scotland to seek for Employment, returned to their old Quarters in Spitalfields, their northern Expedition having by no Means answered their Expectations. This Morning a Fire broke out at the House of Mr. Roberts, a Publican, in Vine- Street, Covent- Garden, from whence it soon spread to Mr. Ray's, Linnen- Draper, the Corner of Round- Court, in Chandos- Street, and burnt so furiously that Mr Ray and his Family were obliged to make their Escape without the least Cloathing, and the House was soon consumed. The Flames then spreading with the utmost Rapidity, destroyed the Houses of Messrs. Cater, Pawn- broker; Coombs, Mercer; Lucas, Mercer; Gubbins, HatWarehouse- keeper Tresilian, Mercer ; and greatly damaged the House of Messrs. Hill and Miland, Mercers, so that the whole Row of Houses in Front, from Castle- Court to Round- Court in Chandos- Street ( Mr. H i l l ' s alone excepted) are all burnt down, besides destroying six or seven Houses backwards. For upwards of Half an Hour no Water could be got, and nothing was heard but the doleful Cry of Persons calling out for Help. Five or six Persons are said to be missing. Yesterday Morning, at Eight o'CIock, the grand Cause relative to the Lead Mine In Yorkshire, wherein the Earl of Pomfret was Plaintiff, and Thomas Smith, Esq; of Gray's Inn, was Defendant, came on again before Lord Mansfield at Westminster- Hall, and lasted till Ten o'CIock in the Evening, when the J u r y , after going out about twenty Minutes, brought in a Verdict for the latter, to the Satisfaction of the Court. It is reported that the Court of Lisbon hath lately made some extraordinary Concessions in Favour of the British Commerce, the Particulars of which have not yet transpired. They write from Cork, that for many Years there has not been known a greater Demand for the Exportation of all Sorts of Irish Provisions, particularly Butter, several thousand Barrels of which are now shipping for Holland and Hamburgh. It is confidently reported at the West End of the Town, that the Spaniards have now three powerful Fleets at Sea, one at the Havanna, and Seamen from the different maritime Provinces of that Kingdom. By Letters from Paris we learn, that the late Arrest of the Prince de Conti, has Occasioned the greatest Disturbance amongst every Rank of People, as he was equally beloved of all. The same Advices add, that the bitterest Invectives are hourly throwing out against the King, Madame du Barrek the Chancellor Maupeau, and the whole Administration. On Thursday Evening as a Justice of the Peace and a Clergyman were coming to Town in a Post Chaise from Yorkshire, being Evidences in the great Cause of the Lead Mine between the Earl of Pomfret and Thomas Smith, Esq; determined Yesterday, they were attacked near Pancras Wash by three Footpads, who demanded their Money, when the Clergyman refused, and made a noble Resistance by knocking one of them down with his Cane, and keeping them at Bay ; some Carriages came by and the Villains went off without their Booty. Preferred,] The Rev. Mr. Crow, to the Living of Skensreth, Monmouthshire, void by the Resignation of the Rev. Dr. Davies. — The Rev. George Cotton, A . M. Son of Sir John Lynch Salusbury Cotton, Bart, to the Rectory of Stoke upon Tern, in the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry. Married.] At Claverly in Shropshire, Mr. Thomas Farmer Thanes, of that Place, to Mrs. Elizabeth Perry, of Birmingham Mr. Roger Holmes, Attorney at Walfall, to Miss Adney, of Oldbury.-- Mr. James Waters, jun. of Berners- Street, to Miss Nancy Higgs, of Park- Street, Grosvenor- Square. Died.] At Maney, near Sutton, Mr. Oughton, sen. formerly an eminent Gun- Barrel maker, of Birmingham.—- In Portland- Street, Tho. Ridgerton, Esq.— In Aldersgate- Street, Mr. Leader, Carver.-- In Nassau- Street, Godolphin Edwards, Esq; of Frodgeley in Shropshire. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Teresa Cornelys, of Carlisle- House; in St. Ann, Soho, Widow, Dealer, Nov. 14, 18, Dec. 19, at Guildhall John Storey, of St. Mary le Bon, Baker, Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 19, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Nov. 24. John Beynon, of Coventry, and Tho. Dibbs, of Mitre Court, Cheapside, London, Ribbon Weavers, at Guildhall.— Nov. 30. Wm. Goodall, of Birmingham, Baker, at the Dolphin in Birmingham. Intelligence from our Correspondents in London, dated Wednesday, November 1 1. T H E Council sat on Monday Night to consult further on the most effectual Means to prevent the Admission of the pestilental Fever into this Kingdom. They have had several Consultations on the same important Business. Last Week a Letter was received by the Earl of Rochford from his Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, giving an Account that a violent Plague and Scarlet Fever rages there ; in Consequence of which strict Orders have been sent to the several Sea- ports in this Kingdom to take the necessary Precautions in case any Ship should arrive from Turkey. We are told that Lord Bute has now laid entirely aside all his Connections with political Affairs. His Lordship now dedicates all his Hours to the Study of Antiquities and Astronomy. We are well assured that an Application will be made, even in the Royal Speech, for 400,000l. at least, to defray the Arrears of the Civil List ; and some go so far as to add, that a Motion will be made to increase it to a Million annually ; but this latter Part of our Information is not probable, as it would render a Great Personage too independent of his Ministers. W O R C E S T E R , Thursday, November 12 On Monday next will begin the Drawing of the State Lottery at Guildhall, London. At our Market, last Saturday, 929 Pockets of Hops were sold ; and the different Prices were 3I. 10s.— 4I. 10s. — and 5I. 5s. per Hundred. That the Farmers and other Teamholders may be cautious of transgressing the Laws relating to the Number of Horses allowed to be drawn with upon the Turnpike Roads, we think it necessary to acquaint them, that the laudable Fraternity of Horse- Takers are now on their Circuit in these Parts, who on Saturday last seized some very valuable supernumerary Horses. Last Monday Night some Rogues broke into the House of Mr. Robert Waring, in Sidbury and stole thereout three large Loaves of Bread, some Bed Linnen, and other Articles. A few Days ago died in France, on her Way to Naples, whither she was going for the Recovery of her Health, Elizabeth the Wife of Richard Myddelton, Esq; of Chirk Castle, in the County of Denbigh. She was the eldest Daughter of the Right Honourable Sir John Rushout, Baronet, of Northwick, in this County. The Elegance of her Manners, the Happiness of her Temper, and the unbounded Benevolence of her Heart, renderted her the just Delight of all who knew her, and will be cherished in the Remembrance of her afflicted Friends to the latest Period of their Days She lived universally beloved, and has died as universally lamented, having left behind her five Children, a Son and four Daughters. On Wednesday Morning, the 28th of last Month, as Richard Bunn, junior, was ringing the Great Bell in the Parish Church of Holy Cross, Pershore, the Stay broke, and the Bell turning Back- stroke, he was drawn up to the Sally- beam, and received so violent a Blow on the Head, that he was knocked down to the Floor; and, not withstanding the greatest Care was taken of him, he died in the greatest Agonies that Evening.— He had been an expert Ringer near twenty Years, and has left behind him aWife and three Children Extract of a Letter from Chester, dated Nov. 7 " The following most dreadful Accident happened here last Thursday Night:— About 800 Weight of Gunpowder, belonging to Mess. Evan and Thomson, being lodged in a Warehonse under Eaton's Dancing Room, in Water Gate Street, in which Room one Williams from Liverpool was exhibiting a Puppet Show, the Powrished by this dreadful Catastrophe, were Williams, his Wife, and their three Children The Walls of the Warehouse and Showwere of Stone three Feet and a Half thick. appears clearly that the chief Force of the E sion had been exerted upwards, for it was fulfil to throw up all the Floors; & c. & c. of Stories above the Warehouse ; yet the W a l l the Building continue Handing on three Side high as the T o p of the Room in which the der was lodged. Even a Part of the Wood at the opposite End of the Room, on which Powder was placed, still remains Handing House, which rested on one Corner of the B ing; is tumbled down ; but another Old H six Yards distant from the Warehouse, was injured by one Side falling outwards. N Chimney is blown down, though this Spot is rounded with a great Number of old Houses. great many Windows have been broken all ro the Place, even to a considerable Distance ; one Circumstance deserves very particular tion ; nearly all the Glass sell out- wards, with of the Window- Frames. This Fact appare proves that these Windows were not broken the explosive Power of the Gunpowder, but by Pressure of the Air contained in the surrounded. Apartments which rushed into the Vacuum ca by the Explosion. However, where the Fore the Gunpowder was confined by narrow sages, its expulsive or cintrifugal Force took Place for two Boys, walking along the Rows ( or P zas) in Watergate- Street, opposite a Passage ing to this Building, were blown one into Street, and the other against the R a i l s ; and posite another Passage into Common- Hall . L one Side of a slated Roof was entirely blown o Extract of another Letter from Chester, dated November 10. " On Thursday last, a few Minutes be Nine o'CIock in the Evening, the Inhabitants this City were greatly alarmed by a loud unu Noise, attended with a Shaking of the Grou which every one imagined to proceed from Earthquake: But the News soon arrived tha large Number of People, assembled at a Pupp Shew, had been blown up by Gunpowder, pla in a Grocer's Warehouse, which was under Room. Amidst the universal Consternation Confusion, occasioned by this dreadful Calam it happened most fortunately that some Gentlemen had repaired to the melancholy Scene a Minutes after the Accident, who gave particular Directions that every Person who shewed the Signs of Life, should be immediately carried the Infirmary, where the Physicians and Surge would be ready to administer every possible Me of Relief. The Number admitted that N were thirty- three, and twenty since, in all first three. " A clean Bed was provided, for every Pati before the unfortunate Sufferer could be stripp which in general was by cutting off the Cloa to prevent the Agony of pulling those Li which were broken, burnt, or bruised. In tremendous Scene of Horror and Confusion, no possible Relief might be omitted, which the Humanity and Skill could suggest, the Facu assigned different Offices to different Person some employed entirely in bleeding all who required such an Evacuation ; others washed of all the Burns and Bruises with Goulard's Sat nine Water, which seemed universally to have excellent Effect; the rest were engaged in settled fractured Bones, reducing Dislocations, & c. In these and other Offices the Faculty were assiduously engaged from Nine o'CIock, when Accident happened, till Four in the Morning Not one that was admitted has escaped with Marks of violent Contusions, or large and d Burns on the Face, Hands, & c. and general both. The Women are remarkably worse bu than the Men, especially on their Arms a Thighs. — This Circumstance may be account for by the particular Mode of their Dress. another Peculiarity it may be more difficulty guess the Cause ; a great Number of broken Bone as Arms, Thighs, Legs, & c. have happen among the Men, yet only one Limb of a Wom, has been fractured, which most unfortunately the Arm of a poor Girl who had lost the other Arm by a former Disease. " It is very astonishing, that among so large Number as 53, who have been admitted into t Hospital, with such a Variety of dreadful Injury all yet remain alive except one, who expired about Half an Hour after his Admission, bef any Means of Relief could possibly be administered. However, it must be apprehended the many Patients will s t i l l die ; for out of the Nu ber in the Horse, their Burns, Contusions, & have excited such a Fever in all, that only o Patient had Yesterday ( three Days after the Accident) an Appetite for Animal Food. T chief Danger now to be dreaded from so great Number of large Ulcers, compound Fracture & c. in the same Apartments, is, left a putrid F ever should be excited. To guard against th dreadful Calamity with all possible Care, 4 Windows in each Ward are constantly kept open the Day, and not close shut at N i g h t ; each Patient is daily supplied with clean Sheets, and Shift or Shirt; the Wards are daily washed with hot Vinegar, and every other necessary Precaution used. " Besides 23 dead, and 53 Hospital Patient upon particular Enquiry there appears to about 30 more in the Town who have receive some Degree of Injury, but the greatest Part of this Number have only suffered slight Contusion or Burns; in all about 1 0 6 ." The ASSIZE of BREAD continues as follows: Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Three- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen penny Loaf 8 2 11 11 Wheaten. Houshold lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. 0 7 5 0 9 0 14 10 1 3 1 5 15 1 13 2 1 1 4 3 11 5 7 13 7 7 T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , A t BRENTFORD, THE genuine LIBRARY of an Atheist Parson, consisting of the following curious Articles: LOT 1, Four Discourses in Commendation of ming, preached at Appleby's Whist Club, shewthe great Advantages Parishioners are likely to p from the Curate's being more versed in Hoyle n in the New Testament. LOT 2. Two Ditto, in Support of Sedition, ached at Mile- End, before the Freeholders of Middlesex: with an Appendix, teaching the Med of dying a black Coat red. LOT 3. Adultery no Crime, an Essay, by J— --- ; this Work was originally composed for the ife of a gouty Serjeant, but the foolish Woman ferred her Husband's Law to the Parson's Gos- It is a curious Piece, and worthy of the Noe of every married Lady who thinks she does not eive from her Husband sufficient Benevolence and nsolation, as the Civilians express it. L O T 4. The Art of Debauching young Women, th practical Improvements, in three Parts : rt 1 , contains the History of the Life and Death the Daughter of a late Dean of Canterbury.— 2, an Account of the Ruin of a Schoolmaster's ughter near Blackheath.— Part 3, a History of little Goddess of Bread and Butter, late of ndo's Coffee- House, but now Housekeeper to his majesty's A y G 1. This Book is the joint ork of a profligate Lawyer, and a more profligate Priest. LOT 5. The Art of laying out Money to Advantage; shewing how a Man may purchase an Alrman's Gown, and a Seat in Parliament for 1200l. d then swear that he was cheated of the Money, ly because he made his Purchase Two- thirds under the Market Price; exemplisied in the Behaviour Richard O r to John W---- S. L O T 6. A secret History of the Malagrida Gang; ing a Collection of authentic Letters and Papers ative to the Plot formed at Bruce Castle in the ear 70, for the Destruction of W-------, with Innt that the said Gang might be received with open rms at St. James's. To the MEMBERS of both Houses of Parliament. AS the Prospect we have before us is dreadful, an Old- fashion'd Farmer needs the less Excuse his Boldness in admonishing his Betters upon the earness of Provisions, which this Winter are likely be at most extravagant Rates; and what is worse, e have not the least Hopes of Amendment, especially whilst our gracious King, and you his wife parliament, are so deeply engaged in giving Engagement to Enclosing and Pasturage, to engross g of Farms and Provisions, to Forestalling and egrating, and to every other Thing that tends to life the Rents; of our Lands above their due Value. Alas ! Gentlemen, although you are above taking Advice from such as myself, yet you may all rest sured, that, unless you alter your Plan of Proceedings, you will pull an old House upon your eads: For, by adding your small Farms together, d encouraging and forcing your Tenants to conrt their Arable Land into Pasture, ye have so inned the Country Villages of Inhabitants, and so er- stocked our Manufacturing Towns with Poor, at Trade is now in a most lamentable Condition, so much that in some capital Branches of Trade ere is not at this Time Employment for above two- thirds, and in some Places not One- half of e Hands: And, indeed, how can it be otherwise ? r when the People which used to be the Purchasers our Goods are, by your avaricious Schemes, reed to become Manufacturers, who can wonder hear Complainings in our Streets ? But what is orst of all, by your avaricious Plan for raising eat Estates by inclosing, you have so raised the ice of Provisions, that the Poor and middling rt of People can now scarce keep Body and Soul together. Therefore, as you know how to remedy lose great Evils, I humbly beg that you will immediately do it, and not humbug the Country as did' last Sessions ; for, as the Army, who have therto protected you in your pernicious Ways, are w in Danger of starving, hence, although there may be but little Apprehension from a Riot of deneeless People, yet Men well armed may strike a error even in those whom the Cries of the Disessed cannot melt into the least Pity. Alas! it one of you could plead Ignorance, ye ight then have some Excuse for the Wickedness u have been guilty of, by inclosing our Fields, d starving, hanging and banishing your Fellowountrymen ; but as you all know that if ( instead obliging your Tenants to lay down their Land to Pasture) you was to give Command for every e to plow one Half o f his Farm, Plenty must sue; nevertheless, i f , for the Sake of raising your ents, you will obstinately endanger the Peace of e Kingdom, ye are of all Men most culpable, The Riots which happen on Account of the high rice of Provisions, are they not of your raising ? and so are the Thieves, who, through Want, are reed to steal, of your making. Hence, although our Laws hang and transport poor Thieves, it is u yourselves that are doubly guilty, by first forceig poor Men to steal, and then hanging them because the Cravings of an empty Stomach forced them to dishonest Actions : But Woe be to those who rob and s t a r v e the Poor under the Sanction of their own Laws, and then hang or banish them because they cannot live without robbing or thieving: Woe be to the Wicked ! it shall be ill with m, for the Reward of his Hands shall be given im. And although wicked Men be never so great nd powerful, nothing can screen them from the nger of an avenging God, who hath promised to venge the Cause of the Poor and Helpless, and that e will afflict the Souls of all those who afflict them, ut that ye may avoid the Punishment by amending our Ways, is the hearty Wish of The Old Fashion'd Farmer. Further Observations by The Old Fashion'd Farmer. PERHAPS in no Age was there ever such a Number of rich and learned Farmers at in the Present ; yet, quere whether this is not productive f more Mischief than Good ; for if Half the Land in the Kingdom is occupied by Gentlemen and pulent Tradesmen, it must then be clear to every dicious Person, that there must be a great Deficiency in its Produce to that which is occupied by industrious and experienced Fanners, by Reason Theory can no more make a good Farmer, than it in a good Mechanic. Hence let no Man wonder the Dearness of Provisions, whilst one Half of Lands are occupied by whimsical Wiseacres, the other by idle Graziers; for to insure Plenty, agriculture must be carried on by Men of Judgement and Experience, it not being in the Power of Gentleman or Tradesman, to understand how to manage all Lands to Advantage, unless they had been long enured to the Practice of Husbandry. Leaping from behind a Counter, with Jethro Tull in his Hands, may enable a Tradesman to talk in Praise of some of that wife Author's strange Whims ; so may the reading of Mr. Miller's voluminous Dictionary, help a Gentleman, of good Estate to Directions tor trying how to raise ninety- six Strike of Wheat from an Acre by the Drill Plow; yet, wherever I have observed the Culture of Booklearned Fanners, it has always been sure to turn out a less Product than their Neighbours, which to me is a Proof, that the Multitudes of Gentlemen and Tradesmen that are now commenced Farmers, is no small Hurt so the Public, not only in making Provisions scarce, but Land also dear. About Birmingham and Coventry, which are Towns I am acquainted with, I have ocular Demonstration of the Truths of my Assertions; insomuch, that I can produce the Names of many who give double the Rent for Land to try their Whims upon, than any Farmer can afford to d o ; nay, so eager are Gentle men and Tradesmen to commence Farmers now a- days, that if a Law is not made to hinder these Pretenders to Husbandry from engrossing our best Land, we shall soon have but little left tor sensible and judicious Farmers to work upon; an Evil which ought to be opposed by Others, as well as The Old Fashion'd Farmer. T o the ADVENTURERS in the L O T T E R Y. WH E R E A S We have for these two Lotteries past, acquainted the Public of our being possessed of a Calculation, by which Means we could ascertain which Half the Numbers in the Lottery, running promiscuously through the Whole, should have a Majority of Prizes; out of which we did select ( with an infinite deal of Trouble and Expence) all such Tickets as we sold, and were remarkably fortunate therein, particularly in the Year 1770, previous to the Drawing, a Book containing Twentyfive Thousand Numbers ( Half of the Lottery) seal'd with the City Seal, that of the Lord Mayor, and Several other respectable Persons, was lodged at the Mansion. House; and after the Finishing of the Drawing, opened in their Presence, when it appeared, that out of 72 Capital Prizes ( the whole Number of Capital Prizes in that Lottery) 52 were in the Calculation. Notwithstanding which, it has been maliciously insinuated, that our Numbers in the last Lottery did not prove so fortunate as the Public were led to expect. It is not to be doubted, that by our selling a great many Tickets, we in Course must sell many Prizes ? This can be no Merit! But that we were particularly fortunate last Year, as well as the Year before, we appeal to the many that bought Prizes at, our Offices ? — However, to convince the Public ( as we have promised in do) that a Calculation is not merely ideal, or intended as a Puss; and of the Advantage thereby I— We do engage ourselves to pay Half a Crown for every whole Ticket in the present Lottery, drawn a Blank, that has been purchased of us before the 2d Day of November: And that the Advantage may not be thought too trifling ( as it is well known there are more Tickets sold after that Time than before) the Half Crown taken off the whole Tickets, will be added to the shared Tickets ; that is, for every Ticket sold in Shares by us in the present Lottery, to be paid at the Rate of Five Shillings ; Half a Crown for every Half Share, and so in Proportion for every lesser Share; notwithstanding they are sold at cheap as at any other Office. The Necessity of discontinuing the Benefit on the whole Tickets, and not explaining it sooner, is, that such great Advantage would be the Means of our selling all the Tickets in the Lottery, and consequently deprive us of selling such selected Numbers only, in which we depend upon having a Majority of Prizes, or must be considerably out of Pocket. We humbly submit the above to the candid Public, and flatter ourselves, that the Advantage, which the Calculation enables us to give, will convince them of the Superiority of out- selected Numbers ; which are selling in Tickets and Shares, from a Half to a Sixty- fourth Part, at our Offices, facing the Admiralty, Whitehall-, at No. 1 0 1 , and No. 104, in the Bank New Buildings, Cornhill; where all Bussiness relative to the Lottery is transacted with Care. Country Correspondents duly attended to, remitting Bills payable at Sight, or at a short Date. We are the Public's much obliged and devoted humble Servants, Richardson Goodluck. N. B. All our Tickets are stamped on the Back " RICHARDSON & GOODLUCK,'' to prevent Mistakes ! as several Offices in various Parts of the Town have wrote the Name " GOODLUCK" over their Doors, & c in order ( as supposed) to mislead those who intend to purchase at our Offices. This Day it published, Price Is. neatly bound in Red, with Pockets for Bills, & c. to be continued annually, ( Embellished and illustrated with three beautiful Copperplates, by an eminent Artist: 1. A Representation of the most genteel Dresses worn by the Ladies of 1772. 2. Striking Likenesses of the Duke and Dutchess of Gloucester: And, 3. The Duke and Dutchess of Cumberland on Horseback) THE Ladies Annual JOURNAL; Or, Complete POCKET- BOOK for the Year 1773. An Useful Register of Business and Amusement. Containing, I. The Introduction. II. A n Essay on Dress. III. On the Head- dress of the Ladies. IV. Thoughts on Luxury. V. The Book exemplified. VI. Birth- Days of the Royal Family, & c. V I I . Reflections on the Fate of the Queen of Denmark. VIII. Fifty- two double Pages, ruled, on an improved Plan, for the easier keeping of Accounts, Memorandums, & c. IX. The Rules of the Games of Whist. Quadrille, and Piquet. X. Table shewing the Value of any Number of Portugal Pieces in English Money. XI. A Table of Expences. XII. Original Poetical Pieces. XIII. Favourite Songs of 1772. XIV. Country Dances for the Year 1773. XV. Rates of Hackney Coachmen, Chairmen, and Watermen. XVI. Table of the Roads from London to Edinburgh. XVII. Large Marketing Tables. XVIII. Interest Table. London, printed for Elizabeth Stephens, No. 2, Stationers- Court, Ludgate- Street; and I. Taylor, near the Top of Chancery- Lane, Holborn; and sold by E. Andrews, opposite the Town- Hall, in Worcester ; and may likewise be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Of whom may be had, in one Volume, Price 3s, bound, embellished with a beautiful Frontispiece, The Second Edition of ALLEGORIES and VISIONS for the Entertainment and Instruction of Younger Minds; selected from the most eminent Authors. A N E W M A G A Z I N E, Upon a much more liberal and elegant Plan than any Thing of the Kind hitherto published. On the First of November was published, ( Embellished with three Copper- Plates, elegantly engraved, and purposely designed for this Work) NUMBER I. Price 6 d. to be continued Monthly, O F T HE MACARONI AND THEATRICAL M A G A Z I N E ; or, Monthly Register of the Fashions and Diversions of the Times. Containing a great Variety of original, interesting, and curious Articles, Anecdotes, & c. among which are the following: 1. Origin of the Word Macaroni, 2. History of Captain H - - - - - , a wellknown Military Macaroni, with his Portrait, whole Length, elegantly engraved. 3. An extraordinary Meeting of the Coterie, on the Case of Capt. J — , illustrated with a curious Copper- plate, being Portraits of the Female Members of that Society. 4. The present State of the Fashions, by observing which, Gentlemen and Ladies residing at a Distance from London may always dress in the Ton. 5. New Cross- reading of the News- papers. 6. Original Letter from a young Lady in Town to her Friend in the Country. 7. Remarkable Trials. 8. Life of Nell Gwynn, with original Anecdotes. 9. A whimsical poetical Will. 10. Life of Shakespear. 1 1 . A particular Account of Mrs. Hartley, the new Actress. 12. A humourous Letter from M r . Foote. 1 3 . A n Account of Mr. Dimond, a new Actor. 14. Ditto of Miss Mansell, a new Actress. 15. Ditto of Mr. Clyntch, a new Actor. 16.. Bow- Street Intelligence from Sir John Fielding's Office, & c. & c. With a great Variety of poetical and other intending Articles; for a particular Account of which we must refer the Reader to our first Number. London, printed for J . Williams, next the Mitre Tavern, Fleet- Street ; and sold by all Booksellers and News Carriers. The second Number will be published on the first of December next. With the Almanacks will be published, on the 17th Inst. Price 1s. 2d. bound in Red Leather, With Pockets for LETTERS, BILLS, & c. K E A R S L E Y ' S GENTLEMAN and TRADESMAN'S P O C K E T L E D G E R , for the Year 1773; containing ( besides the ruled Part for Accounts, Appointments, and occasional Memorandums) a much greater and more useful Variety of Articles than any other Work of the Kind : Particularly, a T e rm T a b l e ; a List of the Bankers of London; Account of the Days and Hours for transferring Stock; Directions to prevent the Loss of B i l l s ; private Marks for Merchants and Traders; Rules relative to the negotiating of Bills; Tablet shewing at one View the Amount of any Commodity ; Tablet of Interest; Table of Expences, Income, & c. by the Year, Month, Week, and Day; Commission of Brokerage; Table for buying or selling by the Great Hundred; the Angler's Assistant, shewing at one View the Harbours, Seasons, and Depths for catching all Sorts of Fish; also the various Baits for each; a correct Estimate of the Prices paid to the different Workmen employed in Building; plain and easy Method of measuring Timber, Ground, or Calks; the Art of Drawing, with Instructions for copying Prints or Pictures; Method of destroying Rats and Mice; Tables of the Value of Annuities; alphabetical List of all the public Offices ; Table of the principal Roads in England and Wales, with their Distances; Table of the Roads of Scotland; Abstract of an Act to prevent Usury; Abstract of an Act for the Relief of Bankrupts; Abstract of the late Building A c t ; Forms of Bills of Exchange, Drafts, Letters of Credit, & c.; Directions for taking off Impressions from Medals or Coins; genuine Receipts for making Wards White Drop, as attested by Mr. White; genuine Receipt for making Ward's Essence for the Head- ach; genuine Receipt for making Ward's Sweating Powder ; alphabetical List of the House of Lords and Commons : With several other Articles equally interest ing, for which we must refer the Reader to the T a - ble of Contents. London, printed for G. Kearsley, at No. 1 , in Ludgate- Street; and sold by H. Berrow, Worcester. As there are several Annual Memorandums, none of which contain so gnat a Number of useful Particulars, the Public are requeued to ask for the Pocket Ledger, printed for Kearsley only. October 2d, 1772; S T A T E LOTTERY, 1772. TICKETS and Shares of Tickets are now selling in great Variety of Numbers, at the lowed Prices, by W. HODGES and Co. at their old State Lottery Office in Pall- Mall, at their Office in Great Queen- Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, at their Office in New Bond- Street, and at their Office, No. 148, in the Minories, London. No Deduction whatsoever taken from the Tickets or Shares purchased at any of the above Offices The Shares are now selling at the following Prices, and examined gratis: l. s. d. s. d. Halves - 6 12 o Sixteenths - 17 o Quarters - 3 6 o Thirty- seconds 9 o Eighths - 1 13 o Sixty- fourths 4 6 The following Prizes were sold by the above Proprietors in the Lottery 1770, viz. No. 7836, a Prize of 5oool. No. 32,519, a Prize of 2000I. No. 43,649, and 31,24.1, 1000I. each, No. 1 8 , 1 9 1 , 500I. And in the last Lottery 1 7 7 1 , No. 25,872, a Prize of 5oool. No, 30,432, 44,187, 6872, 2oo0l. each. N o . 5 7 3 1 , 33,253, 15,739, and 4008, 1000I each, No. 1083, 42,608, 30,652, 7 3 1 4 , and 20,978, 500I. each. Correspondents in the Country favouring us with their Commands, may have Tickets and Shares of Tickets sent immediately, by remitting good Bills on London. Correct Numerical and Register Books of the Drawing of the Lottery kept, and every Thing relative to the Lottery transacted with Fidelity. Schemes gratis. Letters ( Post paid) duly answered. The Lottery begins drawing the 16th of of November. Not two Blanks to a Prize. The under- mentioned. Discourse it earnestly recommended to the Attention of the Public, as it is of the utmost Importance to some Thousands. This Day is published, Price One Shilling and Sixpence, the 7th Edition, A New T R E A T I S E on the V E N E R E A L D I S E A S E , Onanism ( or Self- polution) Gleets, Weaknesses, Impotency, & c. & c. In this Work a plain and satisfactory Account is given of Venereal Complaints, from the slightest Infection to its most morbid State ; describing also the various Disorders that proceed from that destructive and detestable Vice, Self- abuse, or excessive Venery. Written with a View to deter our unthinking Youth, and others, from destroying their Constitutions, and directing Methods of Cure, established by the Success of a long and extensive Practice. The Great BOERHAAVE says, That from an illcured Pox, or imprudent Venery, arise Paint in the Head or Limbs, Gleets, Eruptions, Dimness of Sight, Weakness of the whole Frame, Lowness of Spirits, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminate in a Consumption. By J. H. S M Y T H , M. D. Sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Worcester; and the Author, in George- street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted personally, or by Letter, Post paid. N. B. The Doctor's Medicines are to be had as above, viz. his SPECIFIC DROPS, universally acknowledged the only absolute Cure for Venereal or Scorbutic Complaints ( without Mercury), and in a fresh Venereal Injury : In eight or ten Days the Cure is performed with Ease and Secrecy. Also the RESTORATlVE, which, in the Course of a long and extensive Practice, has recovered some Thousands from Weakness, Debilities, whether natural or acquired by Self- polution, & c. & c . & c . This Day is published, Price 1s. neatly bound in Red, with Pockets for Notes, & c. ( to be continued annually) embellished with a Lady in the full dress of 1772, and twelve of the genteelest Head Dresses, THE LADIES' Own Memorandum Book; or, DAILY POCKET JOURNAL, for the Year 1773, designed as a methodical Register of all their Transactions of Business as well as Amusement : Containing, I. New Plan of Education— on Nursing,& c. continued: By a Mother. 2. Years of the Births of the Sovereign Princes in Europe. 3. Chances of the Game at Whist. 4. Table of Precedency. 3. Rules to be observed at Quadrille and Piquet. 6. An exact Table of the Window- T a x . 7. Eleven new Enigmas. 8. Several new Rebusses and Paradoxes. 9. Answers to the last Enigmas, Rebusses, & c. 10. Remarkable domestic Occurrences in 1772. 1 1 . Journal of Events Abroad last Year. 12. Births and Deaths at the principal Placet. 13. New Songs designed for the Gardens in 1773. 14. Favourite new Song sung at Vauxhall, & c. last Year. 15. A Collection of Beasts. 16. Country Dances for the Year 1773. 17. Table of the Roads between London and Edinburgh, 18. A large and new Marketing Table. 19. Interest Table. By a L A D Y . London, printed for G. Robinson, No. 25, in Pater- noster Row; T . Slack, in Newcastle:' And sold by E . Andrews, opposite the Town Hall, in Worcester; and by the Printer of this Journal. Of Whom may be had, Price 3s. bound, ( Illustrated with four elegant Engravings, by Taylor, viz. 1. The Vision of Hercules ; 2. the Basket- maker; 3. Santon Barsisa-, and, 4. the Hermit-, — descriptive of the most interesting Subjects of the Book) a new Edition, enlarged and improved, with new Mottos in Verse prefixed to the Essays) of The PLEASING INSTRUCTOR ; or, Entertaining Moralists Containing select Essays, Visions, and Allegories, designed for the Use of Schools as well as the Closet, with a View to form the rising Minds of the Youth of both Sexes to Virtue, and destroy in the Bud those Vices and Frailties which Mankind, and Youth in particular, are addicted to. T o which are prefixed, Thoughts on Education, and the Manner of conveying Instruction properly. N. B. Each Copy is s i g n e d by the Editor, A. Fisher, in a fair Hand- writing. B E A U M E DE VIE. By the K I N G ' S Patent. Against AUTUMNAL COMPLAINTS, which for the most Part arise from obstructed Perspiration. TH E R E is not, in the whole Materia Medics, so great a Preservative as that celebrated Medicine the BEAUME DE V I E ; which, by its cordial, attenuating, and detergent Powers, fortifies the Stomach and Bowels, purifies the Blood and Juices, and gives at it were, to the whole System, its natural Equilibrium . To these Quali ties we attribute its having proved so eminently serviceable in Gouty, Rheumatic, and Scorbutic Habits ; and from the same Principle, has never failed to relieve in Languid, Nervous, and Hypochondriac Cases ; And also, that it hat been found so particularly beneficial in Female Disorders. To prevent the pernicious Consequences of a spurious Sort being obtruded on the Public, the Bottles are each signed as under, the counterfeiting of which being Felony will be prosecuted accordingly, W. NICOLL, T. BECKET, ( Vender.) ( a Proprietor.) This most admirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors) it sold by W. Nicoll, No. 51, in St. Paul's Churce Tard, London, at 3s. the Bottle ; - with good Allowance to charitable Uses, or to sell again ; and by Mr. Aris, in Birmingham ; Mr. Raikes, in Gloucester ; Mr. Pugh, in Here ford; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford Mr. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Holdler, in Cirencester Mr. Joseph , in Coventry ; Mr. Clarke, in Ludlow ; Mr Eddows, in Salop ; Mr. West, in Stourbridge ; Mr. Keating in Warwick ; Mr. Keating, , in Stratford; and by H. Berrow. Printer, in Worcester. ESSENCE of WATER - DOCK, For the S C U R V Y . IF there be any yet afflicted with this Disorder who have not tried the Water- Dock, whether from In attention, or from the supposed Discredit of advertised Me dicines ( though when the Author is known, and capable that ought to cease) it may be proper to remind them that this it the Season for a perfect Cure. The Certainty of Effects, even in the most confirmed Cases, are sufficiently known, from those of Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Game, Sir Roge Twynsden, and many more, and its Innocence is such, that Infants take it in a proper Dose. There are many other Persons of Distinction, in whose Faces the good Effect of the Medicine may be seen; though it were ill to revive the Memory of a past Disorder, by mentioning their names: This: may be said with Truth and Safety, None need fear a Cur from it because they have taken other Things in vain. Sold by H. B i l l o w , Printer, in Worcester, whom I have appointed my Agent for the Sale of my Medicine! it Worcester and Place! adjacent; and all Persons desirous of vending the., may be supplied by him on advantageous Terms, Arlington- street, London, Oct. 17, 1766. J. H I L L 1. E L I X I R of B A R D A N A , for the Gout and Rheumatism. This re- establishes the Health after the Fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and cases the Pain. For the Rheumatism it is a certain Cure; and the Disease never returns. 2. P E C T O R A L B A L S A M of H O N E Y , so Colds, Coughs, and Asthmas. A common Cold it often cured, and all the bad Consequences prevented by a single Dose. These Complaints are to common, that no Family should be without the Medicines. 3 T I N C T U R E of S P L E E N - W O R T , the new- invented Medicine for Hypochondriacal Disorders. 4. T I N C T U R E of V A L E R I A N , so Disorders of the Nerves, Faintness, Head- achs, and a Kinds of Fits. T I N C T U R E of S A G E , to lengthen Lis and keep off the Decays of Age; as Tremblings, Deafness and all other the Weaknesses of an advanced Life. 6. T I N C T U R E of C E N T A U R Y , a Sc machic Bitter, that gives a healthy Appetite and found Di gestion: A certain Cure for all Weaknesses and Disorders the Stomach.
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