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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4013
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 09/05/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4013
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, May 9, 177I. Numb. 4013. SATURDAY'S POST. Hambourg, April 23. WE hear that the Lands of forty- six Villages have been over- flowed in the Lower Marshes of Brandenbourg, by the Upper Elbe's having burst the Dykes in three Places, owing to the same Kind of Accident that occasioned the Overflowing of the Weser. Seve- - ral of the Nobility were obliged to save them- selves in their Garrets, and remained four Days without Assistance. They had 110 other Resource for saving their Cattle, but by driving them into the Apartments of the first Story. This Misfor- - tune has ruined many Families, and increases that Distress which uncommon Length and Se- verity of the Winter had universally spread in these Parts. Many Peasants were obliged to un- thatching their Houses to maintain their Cattle. LONDON, Thursday, May 2. On Tuesday, in the Upper House, the Duke of Richmond made a Motion to rescind the Reso- lution which the House came to last Year, That the House of Commons, in the Case of the Mid- dlesex Election, was final and conclusive. After along Debate, which lasted till Half past Seven o'Clock, there appeared for the Motion .35, and 35 against it. The Speakers in Support of the Motion were, the Dukes of Richmond and Man- chester, the Marquis of Rockingham, the Lords Chatham, Shelburne, Camden, Lyttelton, & c. We have the greatest Pleasure in being able to as- sure the Public, that all the malignant Hopes, which the Enemies of this Country had conceived, or rather which they had affected to entertain, of Lord Cha- tham's retiring from Business, and deserting the City in the present Crisis, are effectually blasted. He ne- - ver appeared in Parliament with greater Lustre than on Tuesday last. No Man questions the Intrepidity of his Spirit;— no Man denies the wonderful Extent of his Abilities. The Dignity, Firmness, and Con- sistency of his Conduct make his Character com- plate.--- After giving the warmed Support to the Duke of Richmond's Motion, he entered largely into the Consideration of the melancholy State of this Country- the depraved System of Government, which had, in a very few Years, reduced us from a most flourishing to a most miserable Condition. He went through the whole Proceedings of the House of Commons in the late Business of the Printers, and arraigned every Part of it in the strongest Terms. He warmly defended the Magistrates in the consci- entious Discharge of their Duty ;— that the House, in committing them to Prison without hearing their Defence upon the Point of Privilege, had been guilty of a gross and palpable Act of Tyranny;— that they had heard the prostituted Electors of Shoreham in Defence of an Agreement to fell a Borough by Auc- - tion, and had refused to hear the Lord Mayor in Defence of the Laws of England ;— that their ex- pumging, by mere Force, the Entry of the Recog- - nizance, was the Act of a Mob, not of a Parliament;--- but that their daring to assume a Power of stopping all Prosecutions by their Vote, struck at once at the whole System of the Laws ;— that it was solely to the Measures of Government, equally violent and absurd, that Mr. Wilkes owed all his Importance;— that the King's Ministers, supported by the slavish Concur- - rence of the House of Commons, had at once made him a Person of the greatest Consequence in the King- - dom ;— that they in Effect had made him an Alder- - man of London, and Representative of the County of Middlefex; and now, it feenis, they intend to make him Sheriff, and in due Course, Lord Mayor of London ¡— that the Proceedings of the House of Commons, in regard to this Gentleman, made the very Nime of Parliament ridiculous ¡--- that after re- peated Resolutions, by which they had declared him amenable to their Jurisdiction, they had shamefully given up the Point at last, and, in the Face of the World, acknowledged him to be their Lord and Master. — That there remained but one possible Re- - medy for the Disorders with which the Government of this Country was universally infected ;— that to save the Name and Institution of Parliaments from Contempt, this House of Commons must be dissolved. This he hoped might restore good Government on one Side,— good Humour and Tranquility on the other ;— yet that this was rather a Hope in him than any sanguine Expectation. He feared that it might prove only a temporary and partial Remedy ;--- that to resist the enormous Influence of the Crown, some Wronger Barriers must be erected in Defence of the Constitution. That formerly the Inconveniencies of shortening the Duration of Parliaments has had great Weight with him ;— but that now it was no longer a Question of Convenience; — the Summa Rerun is at Stake;— your whole Constitution is giv- ing way;— and therefore, with the most deliberate and solemn Conviction to his Understanding, he now declared himself a. Convert to Triennial Parliaments. His Lordship concluded with desiring a Call of the House for next Day, and declared his Intention to move an Address for the Dissolution of the present Parliament.— Accordingly, Yesterday his Lordship made a Motion, " That an humble Address be pre- ferred to his Majesty, most dutifully and earnestly beseeching bis Majesty, that under the late Violations of the Rights of the Electors of Great Britain, in the Election for Middlesex, still unredressed ; and in the present Constrict which has so unhappily arisen between the Claims of Privilege of the House of Com- rrons on one Side, and those of the Magistracy on the other, his Majesty will, in his paternal Wisdom, deign to open the Way to compose this alarming Warfare ; and that in order to prevent the said House, and the Nation, from being involved in intem- perate Discussions of undefined Powers, which in the Extreme may endanger the Constitution, and tend to shake the Tranquility of the Kingdom, his Ma- jesty will be graciously pleased to recur to the Sense of the People, by dissolving, after the End of the Session, the present Parliament, and calling, with convenient Dispatch, a new Parliament." After a long Debate, On the Duke of Richmond's Motion eight or ten of the Ministry divided with the Minority. The Bill respecting the unfortunate Allen will, it is said, be brought once more into the House, with such authenticated Proofs of his blameless Behaviour, as cannot but set the Mark of Igno- miny upon the St. George's Fields Transaction. And we hear also, that the said Bill will be sup- ported by many Persons of the first Consequence. It is said that the Hon. Charles James Fox will soon be promoted to a very important Office in Administration. It is said Sir, Edward Hawke will be created a Peer at the same Time Sir Jeffery Amherst is. It is reported with great Confidence, that a very extraordinary Preferment was lately offered to Serjeant Glynn, which he nobly refused, though it was tendered to him at the Instance of a Great Personage. The Office of Sheriff for the ensuing Year will, it is believed, produce one of the warmest Con- tests known for a long Time in this Country; as | the Interest of the different Candidates is almost equally powerful, and the Wishes of the People almost equally divided between them. We hear that Parson Home is so highly in Es- teem with the Premier, that he has twice been admitted to his Levees. Yesterday a great Disturbance happened in the King's Bench, in which the Prisoners seized the Turnkeys, dragged them with Ropes about their Necks through the Kennels, and afterwards put them down the Cess- pool. A Colonel's Guard was obliged to be sent for from the Tower, and the Prisoners were then all locked up in their several Apartments. Sunday Evening an Express arrived over Land from Bombay, by which we learn that Heyder Ally had sued for Peace with the Morattoes ; that he has also desired the Assistance of the English on this Occasion ; and that, upon the Whole, it was generally imagined this Affair would, in a very short Time, be amicably adjusted. This little Check upon the Asiatic Chiefs has thrown great Weight into the Scale of the English, as it tends to convince Heyder Aley and the Asiatics of the absolute Necessity they are under of always keeping well with the English. And some Per- sons go so far as to hint, that this little Discord between the Morattoes and Heyder Ally was, under- hand, fomented even by the English them- selves, more especially as the Express remarks that all was quiet and tranquil when he left Bombay. Advice was received this Day, that a terrible Earthquake had happened at Martinico, which did a great deal of Damage. Letters from Copenhagen mention, that his Danish Majesty has published a Rescript of Judi- cature, requiring an equal Administration of Ju- stice, and that just Demands be not witheld by the Great from inferior Persons on any Pretence of Privilege. In order to encourage the liberal Arts, his Majesty has established publick Schools, for the Education of Youth; and has totally ex- empted printed Books from all Duties whatsoever. The Disputes between the French King and his Parliament, it is thought, will be carried to much greater Lengths than were at first imagined, as that Monarch is not satisfied with the Dissolution and Banishment of the Members, but is determined to compel them to resume their nominal Dignity ; and, however repugnant to their Inclinations, or Consciences, to oblige them to subscribe to the Measures he shall choose to pursue. Despotism, thank Heaven, a British Constitution, as yet, knows nothing of ! A Letter received from Dublin, dated the 19th of April fays, " On Wednesday last a Woman in Queen- Street, who had been ill some Time, seem- ingly expired; but, to the Astonishment of those at the Wake, the second Night she sat up and came to herself, which so frightened the Persons present, that endeavouring to make their Escape, several of them broke their Legs and Arms. We hear that a Gentleman of Wisbech, Cam bridgshire, has laid before the Government a Method of preserving the vegetable Creation, so as to retain its full Quality at the Expiration of three Years. This is allowed, by many Gentle- men of the Faculty, to be a most salutary Means of preserving the Health and Lives of that most useful Body of Men the Seamen, as it will pre- vent their being afflicted with the Scurvy. It is an excellent Repast with salted Provisions ; the common Sailor may by this Means have a Mess of good Greens with his Beef or Pork, and the Captain be regaled with a Sallad, either at Sea, or in the most scorching Climate. Should Go- vernment adopt so salutary an Undertaking, it is thought the India Company and the Merchants would do the fame. Extract of a Letter from Abingdon, April 30. " Yesterday, at Half an Hour after Five in the Afternoon, a smart Skock of an Earthquake was felt through the whole Length of this Town ; it was but momentary, yet sufficiently distinguished by many Persons so as to find themselves lifted up in their Chairs, and the Pavement moved at the same Time. Some, who were drinking Tea, ob- served the tea Cups and Saucers to vibrate strong- ly upon the Table ; in other Houses the Tables quivered against the Wall, as if shaken with the Motion of some Carriage, and with such Sort of Noise. A like Shock was sensibly felt the same Evening, at Walling ford, Watlington, Bal- den, Miltop, Thame, and the intermediate Places in the Eastern Part of Oxfordshire, which the In- Worcester, April 11, 1771. JOHN BROMLEY, MERCER and UNDERTAKER, ( Many Years Servant to the late. Mrs; Severn) BEING now engaged in Business for himself, next Door to the Golden Ball, in Goose- Lane, and having laid in a new and compleat Assortment of Goods, takes this Method of entreat- ing the Favours of his Friends, and the Public in general ; whose kind Encouragement will always be gratefully acknowledged, and duly esteemed, by Their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN BROMLEY. WILLIAM R E A, MERCER, LINNEn - DRAP E R, HabERDASHER, and UNDERTAKER, BEGS Leave to inform the Public, That he has taken the Shop in the Broad- Street, Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr. Barnes, Mercer; where he has laid in a large and elegant Assortment of Goods in the Mercery, Linnen Drapery, and Haberdashery Branches, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons ; and earnestly so- licits the Favours of Mr. Barnes's Friends, and the Public ill general, assuring them that they will be supplied with every Article on the very lowest Terms. N. B. Haberdashery Goods sold Wholesale as cheap as in London. A Youth out of a good Family, wanted as an Apprentice. B A Y L Worce st er, March 20, 1771. ISS and Co. MERCERS and LINNEN- DRAPERS, BEG Leave to acquaint the Public, That they have opened a Shop, the Sign of the Indian Queen, near St. Helen's Church, in the High- Street, where they have laid in a neat and elegant Assortment of the most genteel and fashion- able FAnOY and PLAIN SILKS, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons; a large Quantity of Irish Cloths, Lawns, Muslins, & c. with many other Articles in each Branch, which will be sold on the same Terms as in London. Worcester, April 11, 1771. GOOLDEN and LOWE, Mercers, At the COLLEGE GRATE'S, BEG Leave to inform the Ladies and the Public, that their great Sale of New SILKS began on Monday last, the 8th Instant; consisting of a very genteel ' and fashionable Assort- ment, just come down from the Looms, the Patterns of which arc fancied by the first Artists in the Kingdom, and fabricated on the Italian Principle, which, for Beauty and Wear, far exceeds the com- mon Method of manufacturing Silks. Rich flow- ered Brocades ; Italian, Sattin, and striped ditto; Ditto Armozeens and Ducapes; Sattin and striped ditto; Corded, shot, and plain ditto; Clouded, Paoli's, Tobines, Ducapes, and Tabbies; Black, white, and coloured rich Italian Mantuas and Ar- mozeens; Flowered Italian Mantua Sattins; Vel- deroys, Tissues, and Peruvians ; Flowered Sattins and Damasks ; Rich, plain, and flowered Sattins for Cloaks and Cardinals; Flowered Modes, Sarsenets, Persians, & c. with every other Article in the Silk Mercery and Haberdashery Way; which the La- dies and the Public may depend on will be sold on their usual low Terms. Mr. Goolden of Birmingham thinks it very necessary he should inform the Public, that he has no Sort of Connection with Bayliss and Co. as has been industriously reported-, and that his Partner ( Mr. Lowe) will be al- ways ready to wait upon the Ladies at their old Shop at the College Grates. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under the Commission of Bank- rupt awarded and issued against SAMUEL BRADLeY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer, and Chapman, arc desired to meet the As signee of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, at four of the Clock in the Afternoon of Saturday the 11th Day of May next, at the Hop Pole Inn, in the City of Worcester, in order to assent to or dissent from the said Assignee's commencing, prosecuting, or defending any Action or Actions, Suit or Suits, at Law or in Equity, for the Recovery of or touch- ing or concerning any Part of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, or to the compounding or sub- mitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relative thereto, and on other spe- cial Affairs. ALC ESTER TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees of the said Roads, will be held at the Angel Inn in Alcester, on Tuesday the 14th of May next, by Ten o'clock in the Forenoon ; at which Meeting the Tolls of the Alcester Turnpike Gate will be put up by Auction, to be lett to the belt Bidder, for one Year, to com- mence from the ist Day of June next. By Order of the Trustees, 22d April, 1771. W. JONES, Clerk. A TO BE LET T, House, at the Quay, in Worcester, known by the Name of the Old Black Swan. Enquire next Door to the said House. Worcester, April 9, 1771. To be LETT, and entered upon at Midsummer. or Michaelmas next, or sooner, if defied, THAT large and old - accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the TALBOT, in Sidbury, now in the Occupation of Mr. Hum- phry Moore, with commodious Stall Stabling, a large Yard, Garden, and other Conveniences. Part of the Stock, Furniture, and Brewing Utensils, may be purchased. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lovett, Apothecary, at the Crose ; or of Mrs. Sargent, Chandler, opposite the said Inn. Still upon SALE, The new, elegant, modern- built Bric H O U S E, With the OFFICES, GARDEN,& c. SiTUATE at the Entrance into Bromyard, the County of Hereford, from Worcaiter, the Possession of Mr. William Davis; together wit< ill> the other Particulars lately advertised for Sale. Apply to Mr. Coleman, Attorney at Law, Leominster, who will treat with any one that is clined to purchnasel or of the said Mr. Davis, wl< ill> will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD, at Prime Cost, or under, , THE entire STOCK in TRAD of William Field, of Evesham, Worcester shire ; consisting of MERCERY, LINNEN an WOOLLEN DRAPERY Goods. By the KING'S PATENT. THE new- approved TIRE, for a Sorts of Wheel Carriages, is manufacture and sold by James and Benjamin Pratt, at Titt< ill> Forge, near Kiddermister, and at Benjamin Pratt in Stourbridge ; where Coach- makers, Whee< ill> wrights, and Others, may be supplied with an Quantity, on the shortest Notice, forty Shillings p< ill> Ton under the present Price. The said TIRE is sold by Mr. John Cox, Iro< ill> monger, in Bromsgrove; and by Mr. James Davie at the Black Boy in. Bewdley. N. B. A Warehouse will be opened every Satu day at Mr. Crane's, the Old Wheatshaaf in t< ill> Corn Market, Worcester; where a Person will gularly attend to deliver out Goods. To be LETT, upon Charter or Royally, Proved Mine of Coal, lying und< ill> Lands of Thomas Talbot Foley, Esq; Netherton, in the Parish of Dudley, and very ne< ill> the Town. Any Person inclined to treat for t< ill> same, is desired to send his Proposals before the 27< ill> Day of May next, to Mr. Hickman, Attorney Law, in Oldswinford, near Stourbridge, specifyi< ill> what Charter or Royalty he will be willing to pa< ill> clear of all Deductions, and what Quantity of Co he will oblige himself to raise annually. A To be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next AVery eligible Farm, situated at We Heath, in the Parish of Northfield, in t< ill> County of Worcester; consisting of about seventy five Chain Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pastu< ill> Land; with an extensive Right of Common. For further. Particulars apply to Dr. Hooper, Worcester. N. B. The Above Farm is within seven Miles , the Towns of - Birmingham and- Bromsgrove, ar< ill> situated close to the Turnpike Road. To be LE T T, and entered upon at Midsummer next ADwelling- House, pleasantly situate near the Market Place in Pershore; consisti< ill> of a Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, Back Kitche Brewhouse, and Cellar; three Rooms on the Floor, and two Garrets, with an Out house ai|< ill> Stable, a large Garden extending to the River Avo< ill> in good Order, and planted with Wall Fruit; wi< ill> or without a Malt- House, which joins thereto. One other Dwelling- House, in Pershore, in go< on Tuesday the 11th Day of June next, between t Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, at t Dwelling- House of Mr. Joseph Shelton, Innholde in Pershore. Enquire of Mr. Woodward, in Pershore, will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday in the Whitsun Week, being the 21st of lnstant, between the Hours of Three and Five, Mr. Benj. Baker's, the Bell Inn, in Worcester, if previously disposed of by private Contract, Notice ASubstantial Freehold Messuage, we tenanted, and in good Repair, situate ne the Quay, in Cooken- Street, Worcester, out of t< ill> Reach of floods. Likewise between the Hours of Five and Seven, on the same Day, A handsome, convenient, and well- accustom House, Bake house, and Malt- house, with sever Fixtures therein, in the Occupation of Mr. Hen< ill> Cotterill, situated next Door to Mrs. Savigny Boarding School in the said Street. Particulars may be known of Mr. Bell, Attorney, the Town- Hall; or of Mr. John Wood, in the afor< ill> said Street, who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Raven Inn, in Kidderminster, on Thursday ne the 16 th of this Instant, between the Hours of Th< ill> and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same D< ill> subject to such Conditions as shall he then and the produced, AFreehold Messuage or Tenemer with the Appurtenances, situate at the Upp End of the Vicarage- Street, in Kidderminster afor said, and near the Market Cross there consisting a large Kitchen, Parlour, and Cellar, three Lod< ill> ing Rooms On the first Floor, and two Garrets, large Shop backwards, and a Brewhouse, with Well of exceeding good Water therein, and a G< ill> den neatly walled about: All which Premisses now in the Holding of Richard Coates, senior. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Grego Watkins, Attorney at Law, in Kidderminster. For SALE to the Best Bidder- or Bidders, At the Lyttleton's Arms, in Hagley, on Tuesday. the 2 Day of this Instant May, between the Hours of Fo and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, entire or Lots, as shall be agreed on at the Time of Sale, agreeable to Conditions there to be produced, UPWARDS of sixty Chain Acres Land, lying in the Parish of Hagley, Pa old and Part new Inclosure, holden by Lease und< ill> the Right Honourable Lord Lyttleton, at the year Rent of 9I. 16s. Halspenny, for ninety- ni Years, of which about sixty are unexpired,. Arrived the Mails from Holland and France. Turin, April 13. ON the 10th Instant the Ambassador from France had a solemn Audience of the King and the Royal Family, in which he made a Demand of the Princess Maria- Josepha- Louisa, of Gavoy, as future Spouse of the Count de Provence. After receiving the Tokens of the Consent of the Duchess her Mother, the Ambassador presented the Princess with a Letter from the Count, together with the Picture of his Royal Highness. LONDON, Saturday, May 4. On Tuesday the Select Committee for examin- ing into the Causes of the Obstructions to the Authority of the House of Commons, made their Report, which was as follows: " YOUR Committee have selected a few Cases from among the many referred to in the Margin of this Report, which, from the Nature of their circumstance or the Importance of the Doc- trine which they illustrate, or the Consequences which they produced, seemed to your Committee it to be more fully slated than the Margin would admit, and are therefore added as an Appendix to this Report. " Your Committee beg Leave to observe, that in the diligent Search they have made in the Journals, they have not been able to find an In- stance that any Court or Magistrate has presumed t0 commit, during the Sitting of Parliament, an Officer of the House for executing the Orders of the House. " They further beg Leave to observe, that they have not been able to find that there has ever been in Instance wherein this House has suffered any Person committed by Order of this House, to be discharged during the same Session, by any other Authority whatsoever, without again committing such Person. " And therefore, with Regard to J. Miller, who was delivered from the Custody of the Mes- senger, by the Lord Mayor, who, for the said Offence, is now under the Censure of the House, it appears to your Committee that it highly concerns the Dignity and Power of the House to Maintain its Authority in this Instance, by re- living the said J. Miller,----- " The Committee recommend to the Con- sideration of the House, " Whether it may not be expedient that the House should order, That the said J. Miller be taken into the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House ? " And that the Serjeant at Arms, his Deputy, Deputies, be strictly enjoined to call upon the lagistrates, Officers of the Peace, and other Persons, w ho, by the Terms of the Speaker's War- rant, are required to be aiding and assisting to aim in the Execution thereof, for such Assistance the said Serjeant, his Deputy, or Deputies, shall find necessary to enable him or them to take into Custody the said J. Miller." [ The Select Committee have sat examining the journals, & c. & c. every Day, Sundays excepted, from the 28th of March last to April 30.] The Appendix to the Report above, consists of decedents, Resolutions, & c. of the House, for many Years back; and is totally uninteresting to the present Dispute. The Report being read, the House burst into Roar of Laughter at the Impotency of the Con- fusion. Mr. Burke, with infinite Humour, ridiculed the whole Proceeding ; he concluded with a Story some Mice who held a Consultation what to do with a Cat that tormented them ; they voted that the Cat should be tied up, to prevent her De- redations for the future, but unfortunately for- bow to tie him up. This was our present situation ; J. Miller and J. Wilkes were still at liberty ; the Committee advise us to take up J. killer, but unfortunately forgot how we can fol- low their Advice. Mr. Whitworth, in as ludicrous a Manner as the Case deserved, made a Motion that the Com- mittee should be thanked for their laborious, in- defatigable Zeal in their Proceedings, and for having advised the House to take up J. Miller. This was seconded by Sir Robert Clayton, in Manner equally ludicrous. Though the Words of the Thanks in the Moon were decent, yet the Manner in which it as made appeared so ridiculous, that L. North loved an Adjournment. He observed, that Par- liament had vindicated its Authority by impri- soning two Magistrates ; and that the Commit- tee had confirmed, by their Report, the Power the House had always claimed of asserting its Pri- veleges, and punishing the Breaches of them that nine Judges had also given their Testimony of the Legality of the House's Proceedings, by refusing, on the Habeas Corpus, to set the Ma- gistrates at Liberty. Sir George Savile spoke very feelingly of the contemptible Situation the House had brought it if into; insulted in every News- paper, used in the most opprobrious Manner in the various Ad- dressess to the Magistrates in the Tower, and un- able to vindicate our Authority on those who had vilified us. He observed, the Means used to draw the House at of this Disgrace were equally injudicious and diculous ; that the appointing a Committee by allot, in which Treasury Lists of Names had been sent to all the Partizans of Administration, was such a Mockery as rather funk the House deeper the Opinion of even the Well wishers to Par- liament ; that another Committee had been ap- pointed on the Motion of Mr. Wedderburn, to examine into the Causes of the Riots; that he ad laid an heavy Accusation against the Magis- trates of the City of London, for hiring the Mobs ; if this Committee had found them to be they ought, in justice to Parliament, to have informed the House of it; if the Accused were innocent, the Committee, in Justice to them, should have acquitted them. Mr. C. Fox vindicated the Manner of sending Mr. Sawbridge said he would thank the Com- mittee, for that being so appointed by Admini- stration, and being appointed to do Mischief, yet they had been so very mild and harmless, that they had by no Means fulfilled the Intention of' those who had appointed them. He was called to Order, but on appealing to the Speaker, the Speaker told him, that he might undoubtedly, for Argument, say, that the Mi- nistry had virtually, substantially, and really ap- pointed the Committee, though it was the Act of the House. This occasioned much Mirth, and the Ministry were much baited with virtually, substantially, and really. Sir C. Wray accused the Minister of using un- parliamentary Abuse, in speaking of a small Fac- tion, & c. he was called to Order; but several Gentlemen vindicated him, as he had only ar- gued on the Distinction made by the Speaker. Several other Gentlemen, on both Sides, spoke shortly on the Adjournment, which was carried. The House then adjourned to Monday. Yesterday came on in the Upper House, the Bill for disqualifying certain of the Voters of new Shoreham: Lord Radnor desired that Hugh Ro- berts might be called in, who having been sworn at the Bar, the House proceeded to examine him. Mr. Roberts gave a full Account of the Institution of the Christian Club, and being asked by Lord Camden whether that Club was a Majority of the Voters, replied in the Affirmative. He was then asked, whether he knew what Sum of Money each Member was to expect for his Vote, to which he said he had heard between 46l. and 47l. but being interrogated by Lord Denbigh, whether he ever knew any of the Club had received Money for selling their Votes ; he said no, he had only heard it. Three other Witnesses were called in, and answered much to the same Purport. One of them said he was in the Club when a Member of the Club was present who did not vote, and that it was carried by a Majority that his Share should be put in the Chest, which he believed was accordingly done. The Lord Chancellor then called on Mr. Maddox and Mr. Lee, the Council for the Petitioners; Mr. Maddox produced a Co- py of the Journals of the House of Commons, in regard to the Shoreham Bill, which was read, and contained a Resolution, that an humble Ad- dress be presented to his Majesty that he will be graciously pleased to order the Attorney General to prosecute the five Persons that were of the Committee belonging to the Christian Club, & c. which his Majesty had been pleased to do. Mr. Lee spoke next, and said he was sure the House would not now pass Pains and Penalties upon Men who were answerable to the Common Law, if they have committed any Crime; but not one of the Winesses examined, he said, had proved a single Crime committed. He further observed, that as they were to be tried by the Law of the Land, he was sure their Lordships would never find them guilty first, and try them afterwards. That one of the Men had indeed been proved to have taken Money, but he was left out of the Bill, for what Reason the Council did not pretend to say. He concluded with hoping therefore that their Lord- ships would reject the Bill. The Council were then ordered to withdraw, and a Debate ensued for a- bout half an Hour, when the Bill was ordered to be committed for this Day, and several Amendments to be made to it, and if it should not will be sent up to the Commons on Monday. The principal Speakers on this Occasion were the Duke of Rich- mond, and the Lords C m, C — n, and R— r. We are assured, that upon the Day the Parlia- ment is prorogued, the whole City of London will meet upon Tower- Hill and Places adjoining, in Carriages and on Foot, to attend the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver to the Mansion- House. All the Bells in the City of London and Suburbs will ring the whole Day, and the Illuminations are expected to be more general than ever were known upon any other Occasion. It is imagined that all the Ships in the River will display their Flags, and fire their Guns, upon this Occasion. Mr. Alderman Wilkes, who stood foremost for the Discharge of the Printers, will attend the Lord Mayor to the Mansion House. It is thought that the Livery In their Gowns will also attend; and that the several Companies, and the whole Com- mon- council, in Carriages, with their Banners and Music, will precede the Lord Mayor's State Coach from the Tower- Gate to the Mansion- House, through the principal Streets. They will all be marshalled in regular Order on Tower Hill, that every Thing may be conducted without any Con- fusion. The Monument will be illuminated, as it has been on much less Occasions, and the Mansion House will make a very grand Appearance. The public Prints have of late not unfrequently entertained the Town with the Tete- a- Tete Parties of a certain Great Personage; in which Mr............ n the Picture- brusher, and Pinchy the Buckle- ma- ker, have figured so greatly ; but if the Subjects of this Realm have just Grounds to be displeased at seeing a Great Personage idleing away his Time, in keeping Company with such low People, what must be their Resentment and Indignation, when they see the Brother of that Great Personage walking upon the Turf at Newmarket, by the whole Hour, with M----- y the Coffee - House Keeper, under his Arm? The Company, who are the diurnal and nocturnal Associates of the former, are not indeed seen in public, and therefore the In- dignity to the Nation is less conspicuous, and consequently less offensive; but the mean and de- spicable associates of the latter, are seen at Noon- day in the most public Place of the whole King- dom, and consequently is an impudent Insult up- on the Decency and Manners of a whole Nation. However, it must be owned, the latter Brother is in some Sense excusable: for his public Behaviour and public Character prevent every Nobleman, or Gentleman, of Honour or Character, from speak- ing to him in Public. He was for this cogent Reason under the absolute Necessity of picking up a Coffee- house Waiter, or some Stable- groom, whenever he goes to Newmarket; otherwise he that is to say, Solus cum solo. Last Wednesday, at a numerous Meeting of the Society at the Standard Tavern, in Leicester- fields, Dr. Wilson moved, that as Sir Robert Bernard, tho' President of that Society, and solicited to go up at their Head, with their Address to the Lord Mayor, did not comply, and yet went the very next Day to the London Tavern, to vote for the Dissolution of the Society of the Bill of Rights, he should be expelled. Mr. Martin seconded him ; on which Sir Robert was unanimously expelled. The other Day the French King found, under a Plate that was set for him at Dinner, a Scrole of Paper, on which was written, " The first Damien missed his Aim, the second will be more sure."— The King was a little alarmed upon the first Pe- rusal of it, but had Presence of Mind enough to hide his Confusion from the Observation of the People that were around him. However, as soon as Dinner was over, he sent for the Chancellor and Great Officers of State, and informed them of the Event. From the above Event the follwing droll Cir- cumstance is said to have happened. The Chancel- lor, after the Consulation, in order to shew his Loyalty, immediately went to the Lieutenant of the Police, and, informing him of the Event, demanded, in a high Tone of Authority, how it happened he should be so neglectful of his Duty, as not to be able to know who had placed the Scrole under the King's Place, or be able to find it out; and, at the same Time, menacing him with the King's Displeasure. The Lieutenant ex- cused himself as well as he could; and said, it was astonishing to him, that the People about Court should not have perceived the Transaction when it was done, or know 0n whom to throw their Sus- picions;. that his Spies were every where, but he did not think they were so necessary at Court. The Chancellor, not satisfied with the Answer, threatened to represent him to the King, as neg- lectful of his Business. The Lieutenant, a little piqued at the Chancellor's Behaviour, said very coolly, Monsieur Le Chancellier, you charge me very wrongfully with Want of Attention to my Duty; I will convince you haw entirely ground- less your Opinion is with respect to me; and reaching down a Book, in which the Information communicated every Day by the Spies is entered, began with saying, " Pray, good Mons. Chan- cellier, what Account can you give of the Con- versation you had on Tuesday Night last with Fa- ther — , the Jesuit; and on Friday Night with respect to your secret Expedition, when you went disguised to the College of ? You fee, Mons. Le Chancellier, that I mind my Business; you find that I don't neglect my Duty." — The Chancellor, greatly confounded, turned all his Anger into a feigned Smile, and left the Lieu- tenant of the Police, wishing him, most politely, a good Night. One Night last Week, Mrs. Curry's House in Paradise Row, Lambeth, was attempted to be broke open : The Maid Servant was alarmed by the Ringing of the Bell on the inside of the Shut- ter, and having a Pistol cocked, pushed up the Sash, and saw a Fellow in the Area, who looking up, she fired, and shot him in the Face with Swan Shot; the Villain retreated, leaving behind him full Testimony of the Heroine's Courage, and carrying Marks sufficient for any honest Surgeon to point him out to the Inhabitants, who have frequently been plundered by a Gang of Rogues. A few Days ago was committed to Fisherton Gaol, a Shepherd of Bromham, Wilts, for steal- ing near 80 Sheep out of the Folds of Messrs. Ballard and Fowler, of Imber in that County. — Within these two or three Years, the same Man and his Gang have stolen out of the Folds of the Farmers in that and the neighbouring Parishes, more than 400 Sheep, besides Pigs out of their Bartons.— He has boasted that he made more than 50l. a Year by his Business. Likewise was committed to the said Gaol Mr. James R***, an eminent Clothier of Trowbridge, charged on the Coroner's Inquest with the Mur- der of a new- born Bastard Child, which was found in the River, with a Stone round its Neck, and another round its Body. The Mother of the Child, who was Servant to Mr. R. was the Evidence. WORCESTER INFIRMARY. 8th May, 1771. THE Governors of this Charity in- tending to remove from the Old Infirmary to the New one, by Midsummer next; and as it will be very inconvenient to receive Patients during the Time of removing from one House to the other, the Subscribers are therefore desired to decline re- commending Patients for the Space of one Month, from the first Day of June next, except in such Cases as will admit of no Delay. THO. STAPLES, SECRETARY. Meeting of the Trustees of the Worcester Turnpikes, will be held at Hooper's Coffee- House in High- Street, Worcester, on Wednesday the 5th Day of June next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for electing a SURVEYOR For the Losemore Road. By Order of the Trustees, May 1, 1771. W. GILES, Clerk. ALCESTER TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE is hereby given, That at the next Meeting of the Trustees of the said Roads, which will be held at the Angel Inn in Alcester, on Tuesday the 14- th of May Instant, by Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon ; the Turnpike Gates under mentioned, and the Tolls therefrom arising, will be put up to be lett to the best Bidders, in Manner and upon such Conditions as the Trustees then present shall direct. The Gates are, the Alcester Turnpike Gate, the Tutnell, Hewell Lane, and Burcot Gates; and Trench Lane and Miles Bush Gates, in the Road from Alcester to Stratford upon Avon. The Demises to commence from the Ist Day of June next. By Order of the Trustees, 6th May, 1771. W. JONES, Clerk. AT Richard Dovey's Bowling- Green, at the Golden Lion, Kidderminster, on Fri- day in the Whitsun Week, will be An ANNUAL PUBLIC BREAKFAST, at Nine o'Clock, as usual, at One Shilling each Person. An agreeable Band of Music will be pro- cured on the Occasion. N. B. An Ordinary, as usual, at Two o'Clock, and a Ball at Night.— Tickets to be had at the Bar, at is. 6d. each. To be LETT, at Midsummer next, PART of a House in the City of Worcester, near the Markets; viz. one Cellar, a large Parlour, the Use of the Kitchen to dress Victuals, a large Chamber with a good Closet, two Rooms up two Pair of Stairs, a Brewhouse with its Utensils, and a large Garden, lying well for the Sun, about twenty Yards long, and about ten broad. Enquire at Mr. Wright's, in the Butts. BRIDGNORTH RACES, 1771. ON Wednesday the 19th Day of June will be run for, on the Common of Morse, near Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, given by the Hon. Sir Tho- mas Whitmore, Knight of the Bath, by any Horse, & c. that never won above that Value at any one Time ( Matches and Sweepstakes excepted) 4 Years old carrying 7st. 5 Years old 8st. 6 Years old 8st. 91b. and aged Horses 9st. 2lb. ( but each Mare is to be allowed 31b. less Weight than any Horse or Geld- ing) Bridle and Saddle included; the best of three Four- Mile Heats. And on Thursday the 20th Day of June will be run for on the said Common, a Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, given by the Right Hon. Lord Pigot, by any Horse, & c. Give and Take, 14 Hands carrying 9st. Bridle and Saddle included, higher 0r lower Weight in Proportion, allowing 71b. Yor every Year under seven ( but each Mare is to be allowed 3lb. less Weight than any Horse or Gelding) the best of three Four- Mile Heats. All Horses, & c. that have won 50I. since the first Day of March last, to carry 31b. each more: Every Horse, & c. that runs for the above Plates must be shewn and entered at Mr. Colley's, at the Fox, in the Low Town, ( the Clerk of the Course) for the first on Wednesday the 12th Day of June, and for the second on Thursday the 13th Day of June, be- tween the Hours of Two and Four in the Evening, each Horse, & c paying Two Guineas Entrance for the above Plates, and double Entrance at the Post, which will be given to the second- best Horse, & c..... Certificates of the Ages of Horses, & c. to be pro- duced at the Time of Entrance, under the Hands of the Owners ; and the Horses, & c. to be kept from the Time of Entrance in Bridgnorth, at the House of a Person that gives annually Half a Guinea at least towards keeping the said Course in Order. No less than three reputed Running Horses, & c. to run for these Plates ; and if but one enters, to be allowed ten Guineas, if but two, five Guineas each, and their Entrance Money. Half a Guinea to be paid to the Clerk of the Course, by the Rider of each Horse, & c. for Scales and Weights, and the win- ning Horse, & c. shall allow Half a Guinea for the Trumpeter. No crossing or jostling. All Disputes to be determined by the Stewards. Articles for running to be produced at the Time of Entrance.— There will be a Dinner for the Ladies and Gentlemen in the Town- Hall each Day, and Balls at Night; and a Public Breakfast on the Bowl- ing Green the second Race Day. NOEL HILL, Esq; JOHN STANIER, Esq; STEWARDS. MALVERN WELLS. May 9, 1771. THE GREAT HOUSE, near the Wells, is now open for the Reception of Company. Those Gentlemen or Ladies who are disposed to spend any Part of the Summer Season in this delight- ful Situation, either for the Benefit of the Waters, or for Amusement, may depend upon meeting with proper Accommodations, and every Civility in my Power to make their Residence there agreeable and commodious. RICHARD CAREY. N. B . A good WAITER for the Season is wanted immediately. Worcester, May 9, 1771. THE Public are hereby acquainted, that of ROWLAND MORRIS, Corn Factor, near the Hop Market, may be had, on the most rea sonable Terms, any Quantity of OATS or BEANS, from his Warehouse in Quay- Street. To those Gentlemen, & c. who have already obliged him with their Orders, he takes this Op- portunity of returning his sincere Thanks, and hopes for a Continuance of their Favours. J AMES WILKES, Of Walcot, in the Parish of Holy Cross, Pershore, in the County of Worcester, UNdertakes the Cure of Persons in a Fever, or supposed to be in a Waste or Con- sumption, the Dropsy, or Rheumatism, or afflicted Necessary for- all Shop- keepers, and Persons who have the least Connection with Trade. This Day was published, Price only is. 6d. bound, THE READY CALCULATOR ; Or, TRADER'S CERTAIN GUIDE, in com- puting the Price or Amount of any Quantity of Goods and Merchandizes: Containing, I. A cor- rect large Table of the Value of any Quantity of Goods, from 1 Pound, Yard, & c. to 100, 1000, or 10,000, at all the various Prices, increasing progres- sively from a Farthing to a Pound. II. Simple In- terest at 5 per Cent, for Days, Months, III. Commission or Brokerage. IV. How to buy and sell by the Hundred Weight to Advantage. V. Rules to find the Changes of the Moon, & c. VI. The Dominical Letters to the Year 1800. VII. Value 0f foreign Coins in Sterling Money. VIII. A perpe- tual Diary, shewing the Day of the Week that be- gins any Month for ever. IX. Value of the prin- cipal European Coins in American Currency. X. Value of Gold and Silver in England. XI. The Agreement which Weights and Measures have with each other, all over Europe. XII. The Weights and Measures used in England. XIII. English Money equated in Irish, and Irish in English. XIV. Of Annuities on Lives. XV. Catalogues of useful Memorandums in Business. The SECOND EDITION, Corrected. By S. THOMAS, MERCHANT, Author of the British Negociator, or Foreign Exchanges made Easy. To be Sold, at she Corn Warehouse in Bristol, for Ready Money only, s . d. s. d. Wheat 5 8 Beans 3 4 Malt 4 8 8 Gallons Oats 2 2 Barley 3 4. Hog Pease 3 8 Fine Flour 39s. Seconds 37s. Thirds 3 5s. per Sack, each Sack 280 lb. Neat. WANTED, by a Gentleman in the Foregate- Street, A Piece of GROUND, where he may turn out two or three Horses. Any Person who is willing to oblige an unexceptionable Tenant, who will not scruple to give a good Price, may hear of such a one, by enquiring of the Printer of this Journal. THE Creditors of Mr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, late of the Unicorn in the City of Worcester, Innholder, are required to take Notice, that the Trustees of his estate and Effects will attend at the laid Inn on Friday the 17 th, and Saturday the 18th Instant, at the Hour of Four in the Afternoon of each of the said Days, in order to make a Dividend of the Money arising by the Sale of the Effects of the said Thomas Williams. To Cover this Season, at the Bell in St. John's, near Worcester, at a Guinea and Half a Crown, to be paid the first Time of Cover- ing, A Grey Horse, fifteen Hands and one Inch high, called CRAB, got by a Son of Old Partner, that was got out of a Full Sister to Old Sterling ; his Dam was got by Old Crab, his Grand Dam by Dyer's Dimple; his Great Grand Dam was got by Why- not. out of a Royal Mare. Signed, G. LOCKHART. THE English CHOCOLATE POWDER, composed of English Balsamic Buds, Blossoms, Flowed and Variety of Aromatics, & c. adapted to both Sexes, all Ages, and Constitutions, very agreea- ble to the Taste, and to be drank in common as Tea or Coffee.-— It is exceedingly nourishing, and sur- prizingly efficacious in the Cure of Nervous Disor- ders, Windiness or disorderly Motions in the Sto- mach, four Belchings, Shortness of Breath, & c.— Many of the most eminent of the Faculty approve and recommend it. Sold ( by special Appointment of the Proprietor) by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal; Price 2s. 6d. a Canister. Of - whom may be had, Price 2s. 6d, the Canister, The ENGLISH COFFEE, Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks, Plants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Productions from Venice. To be drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or foreign Coffee. It is inconceivable how soft, smooth, and pleasing it is It not only serves for Drink, but is nourishing ( as Food) to the most weak and delicate Constitutions. This Coffee is beyond Parallel for the following Complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, Consump- tions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremblings, Giddiness, Reachings, Appetite gone, and all Kinds of Nervous Disorders, from what Cause soever they proceed. By hit Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The new- invented Cake Ink, Made by Sarai Smith and Son, the sole Patentee, Found by repeated Experience t0 be the finest, blackest, and most curable INK. ever offered to the Public, for every Species of Writing, and greatly superior many Ink Powder. THE Ink made from this Cake is as thin as Water, will never mould, and when used, appears of a fine Black, which will never fade as long as Paper or Parchment will endure, but apparently makes a daily Improvement in Point of Beauty and Colour. Its peculiar ADVANTAGE for Travelling are greater than any other Species of Ink, as it may be packed in Baggage amongst the finest Linnen, without the lead Danger of staining ; and, as it is not subject to decay, or lose its Quality in any Length of Time, or Climate, Gentlemen, Merchants, and Others, may be supplied in the remotest Parts of the World, with the finest, blacked, and most durable Ink that can be procured in any Part of Europe. Price Six- pence per Cake, with printed Directions. Sold by the Patentees, Sarah Smith and Son, Stationers and Ink- Makers, at No. 13, in Sweeting's Alley, Royal Exchange, London ; where Merchants and Shop- keepers may be supplied, Wholesale and Retail; sold also by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal ; and by the most eminer Booksellers and Stationers in Town and Country . N. B. Patent Red Ink Cakes, and a curious Liquid for Town use, in Bottles at 2s 1s. and 6d. each ; also afine Japan in Sixpenny Bottles. WARREN's improved MILK, of ROSES RICHARD WARREN, persu- mer, in Marybone- Street, Golden- Square, London, begs Leave to recommend to the Public the above, as he has found it much superior not only in Elegance and Plea- santness, but also in Efficacy, to any Thing yet made Use of, such as cleansing, clearing, smoothing, and softening the Skin, even to Admiration, though prepared from that inno- cent, pleasant Flower, whence it takes its Name. And as some of the first Personages in this Kingdom have been pleased to approve of it, he would also inform the Public, that the salutary and singular Effects it has on Children and young Persons is beyond Conception from an Article en- tirely Vegetables. As it is not only of the utmost Benefit to Ladies and Children, it is also of infinite Use to Gentlemen alter Sha- ding, especially those whose Faces ate apt to be rough and fore after that Operation. Prepared and sold only by the above Richard Warren, and by his Appointment sold also by the Printer of this Paper, and may be had of the Men who deliver it, at 3s 6d. a Bottle. By whom are also sold from Mr. Warren, as above, viz. His only true British Powder, for cleansing and preserving the Teeth and Gums to the latest Date of Life, is. a Box Dr . John Lord's well- known insallible Corn Salve, for giving present Ease and perfect Cure, is. 6d. a Box. Court Plaister. Lip Salve, Scowering Drops for taking Spots, Grease, Paint, & c. out of Silks, Camblets, Cloth, Stuffs, & c. is. a Bottle Eau de Luce, 1s 6D. a Bottle. Dr. Walker's Patent Jesuits Drops, And SPECIFIC PURgINg REMEDY. All Persons unhappily afflicted with the VENEREAL DISEASE, are earnestly required to read the following Ad- vertisement with themostseriousAttention. Whereas there are numberless Quack Medicines, such as Pills, Electuaries,&. & c. advertised for the Cure of the above Disorder, all of which chiefly consist of Mercurials, the taking of which is sure to be attended with the most dreadful Consequences to the unhappy Patients, we beg Leave to inform the Afflicted, that Dr. WALKer'S Genuine, ' True, and Ordinal, PATent Jesuits Drops, and his Spe- cifyc PURGING ReMedy ( in which there is not the least Particle of Mercury, AS may be seen by anyone who chases to examine our Patent) are sold at our Warehouse, No. 45, the Corner 0f FleetLane, Old- Bailey, London, and ( by special Appointment of the Patentees) are likewise sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal. The Drops in Bottles at 2s. 6d, and the Specific Purging Remedy in Pots at 2s 6D. each. with every Bottle is given the fullest Direction bow every Patient may cure himself, without the Knowledge even of a Bedfellow, The many Thousands who have experienced the happy and quick Effects of these invaluable Medicines, are the mosT convincing Proofs that they are the most certain, plesant, safe, and immediate Cure ever discovered, for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, which both Sexes are sub- ject to, though ever so obstinate and long standing, or by whatsoever Means occasioned ; and for the VENEREAL Dis- ease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms; and likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scothuric Cases. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and France. Naples, April 9. Y a Letter from Otranto of the 28th of March, we have the following Account. " A Ship, from Corfu, brings Ad- vice that the Russians have again made them- selve Masters of the Isle of Lemnos, where they put all the Turks to the Sword, because they had not kept their Word in Regard to the Christians, when they took that Island last October. The same Ship also brings an Account that the Russians had taken the Island of Metiline, and were building a Fort there." LONDON, Tuesday, May 7. The Seals again begin to be the Object of pub- lic Distribution ; and amongst the many men- tioned for obtaining them is the Lord Chief Jus- tice of the Common Pleas. Lord Camden has been negociating with Carl- ton House for a Change of Ministry for some Time part. The Marquis of R__________ m and Lord Shelburne, it is said, are included in this Négo- ciation. This seems to be an Attempt at forming an Ad_____ n upon a popular System. But as a certain great Lady's Inveteracy against the Patriot Wilkes continues as much as ever, for driving Lord B. out of the Kingdom, the Public have little Hopes of seeing a permanent and a popular Set of Ministers, while that malignant Influence shall continue to poison the Ears of M_____ y. It is said there has lately been a long Confe- rence between a certain unpopular Lady and a certain Great Man, upon the Subject of the Dis- solution of Parliament, at which several Persons were present. The Great Man insisted, a King of England has nothing to fear from his Subjects But his Minister has, says the Lady ; and those who roar for the Dissolution of Parliament, have got Articles of Impeachment in their Pockets You see the popular Blood- hounds are upon the Scent of the Minister, and they will never quit the Pursuit till they have him down. The Com- mons, replies the Great Man, can only impeach ; the Lords mult convict ; and no King, if he is wife, will interfere against the general Voice of his People. You forgot, cries the Lady, that Charles's Head began to ach, when he suffered Strafford's to be plaeed on a Block. A Correspondent says, " It is an undoubted Fail that the Secretary of the A____ and the First L - d did not get less by the issuing out of Protections than 15, oo0l. between them; and now to pocket all the poor Seamens Wages, they suf- fer them to desert, rather than pay them off accor- ding to Rule of Service. It is certain the Parliament will be prorogued on Thursday next ; and the King will sign the few Bills that are then ready. We are assured that on the Parliament's break- ing up on Thursday next, the Lord Mayor will not come out of the Tower, till two Hours after the King has been from the House, on Account of the Number of Carriages that will be there to attend him. Great Preparations, we are assured, are making by some eminent Artists in the City in emblema- tical Devices, which are to be displayed the next Evening after the Release of the Lord Mayor and Mr. Oliver. This Day a Meeting was held at the Mansion- House, to determine on the most effectual Method of preventing any Riot or Disturbance when the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver come out of the Tower. Yesterday the Lord Mayor sent Cards to all the Aldermen, to invite them to an Entertainment at the Mansion- House, on the Day of his Lordship's Enlargement. The following is Mr. Wilkes's Answer to the Address of the Grand Jury of the County of Car- marthen, in South Wales: Prince's Court, May 4, 1771. " Gentlemen, " The very honourable Mark of the Appro- bation of the Grand Jury of the County of Car- marthen, which I received from Watkin Lewes, Esq; fills me with Gratitude. My poor Services are over- paid when I am thanked in so polite a Manner by those who are themselves distin- guished by an ardent Zeal for Liberty, and by the most noble Efforts for its Preservation against the common Enemies of our excellent Constitution. " The Conduct of the present venal Assembly at Westminster continues to spread Horror thro' the Nation. We have scarcely a Right which they have not invaded. Without any Account they voted away the Property of the People, to discharge a long Arrear of Civil List Debts, con- tracted for purposes subversive of parliamentary Independency. They have violated the Rights of Election, usurped the legal Powers of Juries, imprisoned our Fellow- Subjects, under the Pre- tence of their Privileges contrary to Law, refused even to enquire into foulest Murders, because perpetrated by the Connivance, at least, of Ad- ministration ; and at length proceeded to the mad Violence of erazing a judicial Record, in open Contempt and Defiance of the first Principles of Justice. This last odious Act of their Tyranny, more suited to the Meridian of France than of England, will, however, be rendered entirely in effectual by the firm and upright Conduct of the Magistrates; and I am sure that the Laws will always find two intrepid Guardians in the Gen- tlemen who have now the Honour of suffering Im- prisonment for a great public Cause. " As to myself, the only Appeal I shall make for the Truth and Validity of my Declarations, is the Integrity and Consistency of my future Conduit. By that most infallible Test I desire to be judged ; and I trust it will always confirm the favourable Opinion which your obliging Parti- ality entertains of, Gentlemen, day at the Secretary of State's Office, from his Britannic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Versailles. An Order was issued last Week to take an ex- act Survey of the State of all the Forts and Gar- risons on the Coast of Scotland. There is a Squadron fitting for Sea, to be un- der the Command of Lord Edgecumbe ; the par- ticular Ships are not yet named ; but, according to all Appearance, the Destination of it will be out of Europe. The Troops are still in the Isle of Wight, and it is said, the greatest Part of them will be embarked on board the Transports, which are victualling for this Expedition.— The above Intelligence, we are assured, may be de- pended on, notwithstanding the pacific Aspect all our national Concerns seem to wear. The present King of Naples is now Prince of Spain, and Heir apparent to the Crown of that Kingdom, on Account of the Death of his late Brother the Prince of Asturias, for whom the Court of Great Britain, and all the Foreign Mi- nisters resident here, will go into Mourning next Sunday. Saturday last, in Clare Market, a Shoulder of Mutton sold at the exorbitant_ Price of Sevenpence per Pound. A Correspondent remarks, that Mutton sold but for Two- pence Half- penny per Pound even in the hard Frost. The present high Price of all Kinds of Provi- sions is a most alarming Circumstance, and calls for an immediate Enquiry into the Cause of it, in order to prevent its dreadful Consequence;. A patriotic Tallow Chandler in the City has made upwards of a Hundredweight of Candles, to fell at 5d. per Pound, to encourage his Fellow Citizens to express their Joy by Illuminations on the Enlargement of the Lord Mayor and Alder- man Oliver. The Bishop of Durham is in a dangerous Way ; he has lost four of his Toes by a Mortification brought on by cutting his Corns. There was another Disturbance last Saturday, among the Prisoners in the King's Bench, when they destroyed uwards of 50 Butts belonging to the Tap. Near 300 poor Prisoners have not been in Bed for three Nights past. The Deputy Mar- shal applied at the Savoy for a Party of Guards. Yesterday Noon a Bailiff having taken a Per- son in Fetter Lane, the Prisoner called out for Help, saying it was a false Debt : The Spectators believing him, knocked down the Bailiff, and cut him terribly, by which the Prisoner got off". Some humane Persons, however, took Part with the Bailiff, and calling a Coach, conveyed him safe Home. Early Yesterday Morning a Shop in the Poultry was attempted to be robbed by four Villains, who had broke through the Grove of the Shutters, but could not force the Pins out. The Watch hearing them, got Assistance, took two of them with their Tools, and carried them to the Poultry Compter. The other two were pursued, but got clear off. They are young Fellows, and, it is believed, Apprentices. Yesterday William Jackson, ( who was admit- ted an Evidence against Conway and Richardson, now hanging in Chains at Bow Common) with Suttle and Charles Gallagar, were brought up from Newgate to the Public Office at Shadwell, where they were examined before Justice Sher- wood, together with five others, supposed to be Accomplices ; when, after a long Examination, Jackson, Suttle, and Gallagher, were remanded back to Newgate, being charged by fix different Persons with various Robberies ; and the Rest, nothing appearing against them, were discharged. These three unhappy Wretches are very stout able young Fellows, very hardened and desperate. As they passed through Whitechapel, the Butchers would have actually destroyed Jackson there, had it not been for the Justice's Precaution in sending for a Serjeant's Guard from the Tower, to pro- tect them from the Fury of the Populace. Extract of a Letter from Jilstone, in Cheshire. A few Days ago as the Curate of this Place was going to execute his Office at a Funeral, he went into the Vestry to put on his Surplice, and caught, to their great Mortification and Surprize, a Cou- ple of Wretches engaged in the Wars of Venus; They were put to Flight at the Divine's Appear- ance, loaded with the Shame that must unavoida- bly hang on the Countenances of such execrable Miscreants. The Woman is since gone off, and the Man is dead ; and is supposed to have died a Martyr to the above Goddess. wheat 40s. to 47s. Barley 24s. to 29s. Oats 16s. to 20s. Brown Malt 29s. to 34s Pale Malt 30s. to 36s. Rye 31s. to 33s. BANKRUPTS Pease 31s. 1033s. Hog Pease 26s. to 27 Beans 23s. to 29s. Tares 28s. to 34s. Finest Flour 38s. pe Sack. required to surrender. James White ann John Goss, of St. Martin in Fields, Surgeons and Partners, May 11, I8, Ju 15, at Guildhall. Christopher Walker, of Ne- castle upon Tyne, Linnen and Woollen- Drap May 2o, 21, June 15, at the White Hart, in Flesh Market, in Newcastle upon Tyne. ....... Jose Lovell and George Whitehead, of Miles- Lane, Ca- non- Street, Wine Merchants, May 15, 17, July 18, at Guildhall..--- George Wray, of Gateshead. the County of Durham, Roper, May 14., 15, July 18, at the King's Head in Newcastle. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. May 28. Charles Hetheway, of Cheltenham Gloucestershire, Woollen- Draper and Linnen- D per, at Guildhall— May 28. John Stubbs, of Ch- ter, Merchant, at Guildhall, London. June William Smart, of Wapping Wall, St. Paul, Sha- well, Linnen- Draper, at Guildhall. June 6. muel Mather, of Manchester, Fustian Dyer, Compton's Coffee- House in Manchefter.— May Robert Learmond, of Newcastle upon Tyne, l nen- Draper, at the Angel in Newcastle.--- May Jeremiah Hooper, of Prestbury, Gloucestershire Dealer and Chapman, at the Bell in Cheltenham May 28. John Dalton, of York, Vintner, at Golden Punch Bowl, in Stonegate, York.— June Joseph Hunter, of Allhallows the Less, London Glazier, at Guildhall. May 28. Benjamin Rich- man and Henry Hale, of Southwark, Meal Factor at Guildhall. The Sale of Rowley's Herb Snuff and Tobacco, so deservedly encouraged by the Public, is re- moved from the St. Paul's to the London Coff'ee- House on Ludgate Hill, London where all Orders for that Commodity are executed with the usual Dispatch, by the Public's very obedient Servant, J. ROWLBY. The following is another remarkable instance of the good Effects of Rowley's Herb Snuff and Tobacco. Mr. JOHN STRAHAN, Watchmaker, in Ratcliff Row, City Road, London, was subject to a Decay of Sight for many Years, until at length the Use of Glasses, and the Assistance of many skilful Persons proved ineffectual; an Inflammation came on in both his Eyes; he was for a long Time incapable of fol- lowing his Business, and had nothing before him but the melancholy Prospect of becoming blind, when Rowley's Herb Snuff relieved him. He continued the Use of it for about a Year, and can now see to per- form with Ease the nicest Part of the Watch- making Business without Spectacles. I do aver the above Relation to be true, and that it is a Fact well known to all my Acquaintance. JOHN STRAHAN. This Herb Snuff and Tobacco is sold by Mr. Ga- midge, Bookseller, in Worcester, and may be had in most of the principal Towns in England and Wales— but be careful to ask for Rowley's. Bank Stock, 154 1- 4th. Four per cent, con- sol, 95 3- 4ths. Three 1- half per cent. 1756, —. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, 91. Three per cent, consol. 87 1.4th a 7- 8ths. Ditto re- duced, 86. Ditto 1726, —. Long Annuities, 26 3- 4ths a 7- 8ths.. South Sea Stock, . Three per cent. Old Annuities, 85 a 7- 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, 85 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Ditto 1751, —. India Stock, 228. Three per cent. Early Intelligence from our Correspondence in London, ( dated Wednesday, May 8, ) we cannot appear in any other Country Paper for than Saturday, nor even in any of the London Paper before those brought by the Mail on Friday. THE prorogation of Parliament, it positively said, will be till the 10th of November. It is the Opinion of Politician that the Embankment Bill will re- ceive the Royal Assent, notwithstanding the Petition against it, and that before the Proroga- tion of Parliament. Messengers, we are told, are continually pass and repassing between this Kingdom and Ireland from whence it surmised that some important Matter is in Agitation. We are assured, by recent Letters in To from Lisbon, that the Portuguese Ministry, sible of the Umbrage they have given our Co by the late ill Usage of the British Traders to Kingdom, have made some new Regulations Favour of the English; so that some capital Mer- chants who were preparing to leave that Places are now induced to stay, and make another To of the Portuguese Fidelity. An Attorney and his Son, who lived not from Shoreditch Church, are taken into Custody for coining Quarter Guineas. The following Circumstances are sent use concerning the Death of Richard Phelps, Esq; private Secretary to Lord Sandwich, and Fell of New College, Oxford :— Early on Wednesday se'nnight he arrived at the Bull's Head in M chester, upon a Journey of Pleasure, with . Ladies from Buxton, to view the Duke of Brid water's Canal, eat a hearty Supper, and merry the whole Evening ; but being sudden seized in the Night he arose, called up his Servant, whom he told he was dying, and return to his own Room, where he expired in a Minutes. WORCESTER, Thursday, May 9. The Governors of our Infirmary return the Thanks to the Right Hon. the Viscountess Dud and Ward for her seasonable Present of Five and Furniture, for the Use of Patients at the Infirmary ; which they hope will be followed other charitable Persons who with well to laudable Institution. On Monday last the Militia for this Cou and City assembled here, in order to receive the Arms and Cloathing, and to renew their Exer for 28 successive Days. On Sunday last Edward Jones, Servant to Good, Apothecary, in this City, got up in Night and broke open his Master's Bureau, stole thereout to the Value of Fifty Shillings Money, and other Things, with which he m off; but it being imagined he was gone towards- London, he was pursued, and on Tuesday Morn- ing was taken at Bengworth, and is now in City Gaol. At our Market last Saturday, about 150 Pockets of Hops were sold ; the general Prices from 4l. to 5l . 5s. per Hundred. Last Week died at Bath, where he went for Recovery of his Health, J. Ingram, Esq; of Bei- ley, in this County ; a Gentleman of great Ess- nence, Abilities, and Integrity in his Profession an Attorney at Law, and a Solicitor in Chancer. Last Week died, Arnold, Esq; of Bla- moor Park, near Malvern, in this County. A Dispensation has passed the Seal for powering the Rev. Richard Jago, M. A. late University College, Oxford, Chaplain to Temple, to hold the Rectory of Kilncoat which he was lately presented) in the Country Leicester and Diocese of Lincoln, together the Vicarage of Snittersfield, in the County Warwick and Diocese of Worcester, worth wards of 260l per Annum. The Assize of Bread is as follows, viz. Wheaten Houshold lb. oz. dr. lb. Oz. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 8 3 0 IO Two- penny Loaf 1 o 6 I 5 o Six- penny Loaf 3 1 1 4 Twelve penny Loaf 6 2 2 8 o Eighteen- penny Loaf 9 3 3 12 o The Halfpenny Batch Cake not to weigh than 4 Ounces 1 Dram, the Penny ditto not than 8 Ounces 3 Drams; and no other Sort Batch Cakes to be made. owing Petition was ordered to be presented to Majesty, by the Sheriffs Baker and Martin. Mr. derman Wilkes, who was one of the Committee, de no Objection to the Petition in the Commitment yet, when it came to the Common Council, he full of Doubts and Difficulties. He spoke upon Occasion twelve Times, but was little heeded. Behaviour on the whole Affair of the Embank- ment has caused a Difference of Opinions amongst Common Council; whilst some imagine he has a special Retainer in this Business from the ams others, putting the Whole of his late C0n- duct together, suspect that he has received a general cainer from the Ministry to knock up the Oppo- sion, by destroying the Character of every honest in in whom the Public have any Confidence. The griffs immediately waited on the King at St. James's, and delivered the Petition into his Hands ; King instantly gave it to the Lord in Waiting, shout returning a Look or an An Answer. It is said the Sheriffs thought they were at Ver- les; they had little Reason for thinking so, for they would have had a politer Reception, and Answer. Despotic as the Country is, the very of France inspires Politeness; even the bigotted ot, James the Second, who treated the Petitions of Subjects so haughtily at St. James's, was observed be very affable and gracious at St. Germain's. To the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty. humble PETITION of the Locum Tenens of the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commons of the City of LONDON, in Common Council assembled. WE, your Majesty's faithful Subjects, equally zealous to maintain your Royal Dignity, to preserve our own Civil Rights, are reduced the Necessity of representing to your Majesty, at a Bill hath lately passed through both Houses Parliament, intitled, " An Act for enabling lain Persons to inclose and embank Part of the ler Thames, adjoining to Durham- Yard, Salif- y- Street, Cecil- Street, and Beaufort- Buildings, The County of Middlesex¡" and is now ready to offered to your Majesty for your Royal Assent. The Provisions of this Bill appearing to be destruc- tion of the ancient and valuable Rights and Pro- cy of the City of London, Rights granted by rters of your Majesty's Royal Predecessors, and byed without Interruption through a Succession many Ages; we opposed it in the several Stages ts Progress without Effect. It is now become Duty to represent to your Majesty, that the and Ground of the River Thames in that Part t, which the present Bill transfers to private sons for their particular Emolument, is the an- cient Property and Inheritance of the City of Lon- and consequently that your Majesty hath been eived by such of your Servants as advised your Majesty to consent to the Proceeding of this Bill, in the Supposition that the Ground in Question low vested in your Majesty in Right of your own. In Support of the Title of the City of London, we offered Proof to the Consideration of Liament, sufficient, as we are advised, to support recover the Possesión of it, in your Majesty's arts of Law, to whose Decision such Questions susively belong, and in whose Judgment we are ling to acquiesce. We have ever thought the Security of the Civil Rights and Private Pro- scies o f the Subject the most honourable Distinction of this happy Country, and. therefore we feel selves indispensably obliged by the Duty we owe Justice, to Liberty, to the present Age, and to verity, to remonstrate against a Law like this : Law that takes away the Property of a Part of the Majesty's Subjects, we trust not the least de- ling of legal Protection, and without their Con- and against their Will, gives it to others who her have nor pretend to have any Claim to it. an Injury, we believe, is without a Precedent The Annals of this Kingdom ; and we are at as anxious for your Majesty's Sake as for our that your Reign should not be dishonoured by Act of Power, enormous in the present Instance, beyond Imagination fatal in its Example. We Leave to remind your Majesty, that soon after glorious Revolution, in an Era most propitious the Law and Liberty of this Nation, the Rights the Citizens of London were deemed worthy of peculiar Protection of the Legislaturé. The favourable Partiality of that Time afforded the- Corporate Rights of this great City even a example Security than their Fellow- Subjects en- Conscious of an ardent Zeal for your Ma- Honour, and of the most affectionate Endea- to promote it, we rely with Confidence oil Majesty's justice, that we shall not now be inguished to our Reproach, by being denied the mon Right of the meanest of your People, an seal to that Law which knows no Partialities, strictly gives to ever one his Due. We farther resent to your Majesty, That whereas this Bill forth that we claim a Right to the Soil of the Thames proposed to be embanked, and on Account insists that the Persons who apply for Liberty of embanking ought to make Satisfaction is for the same. This Allegation is utterly false groundless, and contradictory to our uniform and ated public Declarations in both Houses of Par ent. We claimed the Land as our Right, and an indeniable Consequence of that it, in a Country governed by Law, not that we should receive a Compensation for it, but that we should be permitted to retain and to defend it: We sure that the Sanction of your Royal Name can be given to a Proposition not only absolutely but known to be falsé by the very Persons alledged it. We therefore humbly implore your Majesty to your Assent to this Bill, which is equally in- ous to our Civil Rights, and inconsistent with Majesty's Honour, and the genuine Principles this Constitution. nister would rely on. Even whilst you are loading them with Favours, they are looking out for a bet- ter Market. Those who have sold their Country to you, will sell you to their Country, on the first Op- portunity that offers to their Advantage. On the least Surmise of your Decline of Power, they will all forsake you, as Rats do a Ship before a Storm. On what Basis then does your Lordship build your seeming Fortitude ? It cannot be upon Favouritism, for you are no Favourite; but if you was, I should that Power too feeble for my Support, against the raging Vengeance of the People. Your Lordship can be no Stranger to the great Affection which my Royal Master had for me, nor to the miserable End to which I, notwithstanding that Affection, was at last brought. Think then, my Lord, in Time, of my Fate, and prepare for your own. I am, my Lord, & c. & c. To be SOLD in Fee, by AUCTION, In the following LOTS, On Tuesday next the 14 th Day of this Instant, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling House of Thomas Morri's, known by the Sign of the Bell Inn, in Pershore, Worcestershire, subject to the Conditions of Sale then and there to be produced, LOT i. A Messuage or Tenement, and Garden planted with Fruit Trees, situate in Leech- Street, or Leech- Lane, in the Pa- rish of Holy Cross, in Pershore aforesaid, now in the Occupation of JohnTurvey, at Il: r0s. perAnn. LOT II. A Messuage or Tenement, and Garden planted with Fruit Trees, situate in the said Leech- Street, or Leech- Lane, now in the Occupation of John Powles, at 1I. 6s. per Ann. LOT III. A Messuage or Tenement, and Gar- den, situate in the said Leech- Street, or Leech- Lane, now in the Occupation of Edward Rose, at 1l. per Annum. Apply for further Particulars to Mr. JohnWhite, Attorney at Law, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester aforesaid. A sun Monday, at the Sign of the Cock, at Crab's Cross, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire and the Gentlemen of Warwickshire ; to shew thir- teen Cocks on a Side, for Two Guineas a Battle, and Ten Guineas the Main ; and a Pair of Shakes, for Five. To weigh on Saturday the 18th of May Instant. There will be Crown Games given the Day following. Bates and Whitehouse, Feeders. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, Together or in separate Lots, as shall be agreed on. On Wednesday the 22d Day of May Instant, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole, in the City of Worcester, Modern Brick Messuage, called the Bath House, with proper Offices, a Garden, and large Yard, an excellent Cold Bath, supplied by a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniences to the said Message belonging. Also a small Tenement or Cottage, with a Gar den, adjoining to the above Premisses, lett at the yearly Rent of 3l. The above Premisses are held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, of which three are existing, and are subject to a small Chief Rent. Also a delightful small Tenement or Pleasure- House, with the Offices, a Garden, planted with excellent Fruit Trees, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, for many Years past occupied by Mr. Samuel Bradley. The last mentioned Tenement and Premisses are also held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, all existing, and are subject to a Chief Rent of Seven Shillings and Six- pence, and Fifteen Shillings in Lieu of a Herriot. Also the Remainder of a Term of 21 Years ( of which six Years only were expired at Christmas last) of a convenient Messuage or Dwelling House, with the Garden and Appurtenances thereunto belong- ing, now in the Occupation of Dyer, at the yearly Rent of 5l. All the above Messuages or Dwelling Houses and Premisses are situate upon an Eminence, at Hen- wick, within Half a Mile of the City of Worcester, and command a most delightful View of the River Severn, the City of Worcester, and the Country adjacent. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. MAGAZINE, is asserted, by Mr. from Lord Strafford in the Shades to Lord North. My Lord, THE Boldness of your Conduct strikes me with some Veneration for your Person. You seem the above all Fear, and to disdain even common dence. But if the People of England patiently commit to your Proceedings, they must be greatly. red from what they were in my Days. I, who the great Favourite of my Sovereign, durst not the One- half which you, who are only the buty of a Favourite, have done. Surely you be animated with more than human Fortitude, you bid Defiance to the resolute Spirit of that lion which made me tremble. From whence, Lord, do you draw such unshaken Intrepidity ? certainly cannot possess it from the uncommon ruption of the House, because such venal fetches are never to be depended on. The Crea- ACock Match will be fought at the House of Joseph Stephens, in Frog- Lane, Worcester, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire, and the Gentlemen of Herefordshire; to shew 31 Cocks on each Side, all in the Main, for Four Gui- neas a Battle, and Forty the Main: To weigh on Saturday the 18th of May, and to fight on the Mon- day and Tuesday in the Whi fun Week. RIDLEY and ELSMOORE, Feeders. TO Cover, this Season, at Stanton, near Campden, Gloucestershire, at One Gui- nea a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, the Money to be paid before the Mares are taken away, The Strong Chesnut Horse, VANDAL, seven Years old this Grass, and upwards of fifteen Hands high. He was bred by the Duke of Ancaster, got by Spectator, out of a Mare got by Old Blank, and Full Sister to Chrysolite._______ Chrysolite was esteemed the best Running Horse of his Year in the Kingdom, and Covers this Season at Twenty Gui- neas a Mare, at Grimthorpe, in Lincolushire. VANDAL is found and healthy, and free from all natural Blemishes. Good Grass and Hay for Mares, at 2s. 6d. per Week, and great Care taken of them. This Day is published, Price Six- pence, To be continued Monthly, Ornamented and illustrated with the following ele- gant Engravings, the Subjects of which are, 1. A beautiful Portrait of Miss Ev— ns; 2. A good Likeness of the sorry Motion- maker; 3. Two fine Whole- Lengths of the patriotic Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver ; and, 4. A true Re- presentation of the little COCKING GEORGE, taken from the Life, and cut in Wood, NUMBER XXX. of THE Town and Country Magazine; Or, Universal Repertory of Knowledge, Instruction, and Entertainment, for April 1771. Containing, with the usual Variety of original and important Articles, Histories of the Tete a Tete; or, Memoirs of the Sorry Motion- maker and Miss Ev-- ns, in which are introduced many secret and curious Anecdotes. London, printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near St. John's Gate, where Letters to the Authors are re- ceived ; and sold by Robinson and Robert, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; of whom may be had any of the former Numbers. It may likewise be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. The LADY's WHEREAS it John Coote, that the Plan of the Lady's Magazine having been formed by him, the Pub- lisher, John Wheble, acted merely as his Agent, and sold it only for his Benefit, having himself no Share whatever in the Property of the Work, which is now transferred, together with the Publication and Copy- Right, to Robinson and Roberts. To this I beg Leave, as the Original Publisher, to reply, That Mr. Coote, in disposing of his own Property in the Lady's Magazine, had no Right whatever to dispense with the Engagements he pre- vail on me to make with the Public, for thé Con- tinuation of it. That Mr. Coote was the Proprietor, as he calls himself, in as much as it was printed at his Expence, is certain. I lay no Claim to any Part of Mr. Coote's Property ; but, as I, and not Mr. Coote, stand en- gaged for the Execution of the Plan proposed in my Name to the Public, I cannot but think myself ac- countable for the future Conduct of the Work, and bound in Duty to that Public to perform the Pro- mise I have made it. As to the Insinuation that the Publisher of a Ma- gazine may have no Concern in the Compilation of it, when the Correspondence which supports it is addressed only to him, and he is answerable both in Person and Property for every Thing inserted in it, it is too gross a Pretext to pass on the most Undis- cerning. At the same Time the Case of a Publisher is hard indeed, if he is to exert his Interest and In- dustry to raise a new Publication into Esteem, and is then not only to have its Emoluments wrested from him, but to risk his Credit by being represented as the Instrument of another's Imposition ; for what is it but an Imposition both on the Publisher and the Public, if a presuming Proprietor thus takes upon him to put it out of the Power of the former to fulfil his Engagements with the latter; and for a present pecuniary Consideration it becomes totally indiffe- rent whether they arc fulfilled or not. What is it but- obtaining the Favour of the Public on false Pre- tences, and turning it to private Profit, without any Regard to the Conditions of the Obligation ? The Original Publisher begs Leave to assure the Ladies, he entertains a very different Sense of the Favours conferred on him ; and, as his Credit is so nearly concerned in discharging the Obligations he is laid under to return, he flatters himself that, not- withstanding Mr. Coote has been pleased to take on himself the sole Merit of having hitherto furnished their Entertainment, he shall be able to convince them of the contrary, by preventing their being any wife sensible of that Proprietor's Defection from their Service. In the mean Time he takes the Liberty of assuring his Fair Correspondents, that he shall never presume, after so fordid an Example, to sell the Copy- Right of their voluntary Productions before he receives them, or drive so ungrateful a Traffic with the Indulgence of the Public. JOHN WHEBLE. To the Lady's Magazine, No. 9, published the 1st of this Month, is prefixed a more particular Reply to the Allegations of the late and present Pretenders to Pro- perty in that Work ; by which our Fair Readers will be enabled to form a Judgment of the Candour and Capacity of Mr. Coote, and the singular Sagacity as well as Probity of Messr' s. Robinson and Roberts. To the BOOKSELLERS of Town and Country. GENTLEMEN, AS the Names of several respectable Booksellers have been artfully and unfairly obtained, to countenance the Pretensions of Robin- son and Roberts to the Lady's Magazine, I am un- der the Necessity of referring you to the State of the Case at large, which is distributed gratis, and likewise prefixed to the Ninth Number of the Ma- gazine for April. The Gentlemen, who have been imposed on to lend their Names on this Occasion, have charged my Conduct with Singularity ; but I presume it does not thence follow, that it is either unjust or un- warrantable. The Behaviour of my Opponents to- wards me, indeed, hath been as unprecedented as it is unjust and oppressive. This my printed Justi- fication will shew; which those Gentlemen, before they had so publickly censured me, ought in Justice to have read ; and which, if ever they do read, I am confident they will be sorry for the Injustice they have done. My Antagonists cannot disprove a sin- gle Fact I have advanced, or invalidate a single Plea I have urged. For Want of Argument, there- fore, they fly to Authorities ; and hope, from the misguided Opinions of Persons of known Credit, to gain Credit themsèlves for Assertions they cannot obtain. Had they any lawful Right, they would have fought a lawful Redress, and not have had Recourse to the illegal Arts of Combination and Detraction, to prejudice me with the Public. From that just Detestation, however, in which Monopolizers and Forestallers of every Kind are held, I flatter myself a Proceeding so manifestly in- jurious, will have a contrary Effect. How far the Country Booksellers may think themselvs obliged to the subscribing Advertisers for the Conge d' Elire, directing them what Magazine they are to chuse for their Customers ; or how for their Customers may think themselves bound to be content with what the Bookseller pleases to provide for them, I pretend not to guess. But it would better have become Messrs. Robinson and Roberts to have supposed the Country Booksellers, as well as their Customers, ca- pable of judging and ordering for themselves, unless we are to understand, from the Publication of their Bibliopolian Manifesto, that the Mandate of the Book- sellers of the Metropolis is to determine not only what those in the Country are to sell but also what the Ladies and Gentlemen both in Town and Coun- try are to read. Some London Booksellers have indeed long endeavoured privately to establish this Custom, as the Privilege of the Trade ; but I never expected to see it so openly avowed, or that a Pro- clamation would ever thus be issued out in Form to support it. For my own Part, I am incapable of such an Insult on the Understanding of the Country Booksellers, and on the Spirit and Discernment of the English Ladies, to whose Umpire I willingly submit my Cause, and doubt not, from their known Candour and Equity, the Justice of their Decision. JOHN WHEBLE New STAGE COACH. JOHN HANCOX, at thee Star Inn, in Stourbridge, begs Leave to inform the Public, That he has fitted up a STAGE COACH, which. will let out out the 30th Instant, and Continue going between Stourbridge, Bewdley, and Birmingham every Tuesday and Thursday as follows: Will set out at Five o'Clock in the Morning from the Star Inn in Stourbridge, yets to the Angel in Bewdley about Eight, and remains these till Ten o'Clock; then returns to Stourbridge to Dinner: Sets out about One o'Clock to the Red Lion in Birmingham, and gets there by Half past Three o'Clock. the same Afternoon, and will set out for Stourbridge by Five O'Clock that Evening. Inside Passengers to pay Three- pence per Mile, and Outside Passengers Two- pence. Inside Passen- gers that return the same Day to pay but Half- price back. Those Passengers that return to Stourbridge from Birmingham, who went that Day from Bewd- ley or Kidderminster, will be returned at Three- pence per Mile from Stourbridge back again. All Parcels that are sent to be conveyed by this Coach will be carried on very reasonable Terms, and the greatest Care taken of them, and kept dry. Neat Post Chaises or Saddle Horses, to take or fetch Passengers to and from the Coach, may be had at the said John Hancox's, on the most reasonable Terms. A Mourning Coach, Hearse, and able Horses, to any Part of England. N. B. The Stage will stop to take up Passengers and Parcels at Mr. Wright's, the Bull's Head, at Broadwater; the Bell, at Kidderminster; Golden Cross, at Hales- Owen ; and Tap- House, at Hagley. Those Gentlemen, Ladies, & c. that will please to favour this Undertaking, may depend on every Me- thod possible being taken, and no Expence spared to accommodate them, and their Favours ever grate- fully acknowledged, by their obedient humble Servant, JOHN HANCOX. This Day is published, Price six- pence, To be continued Monthly, NUMBER IX. for APRIL 1771, of THE Lady's Magazine; or, Enter- taining Companion for the FAIR SEX; ap- propriated solely to their Use and Amusement. Embellished with an elegant Pattern of a Lady's Ruffle, being the same with that given of an Apron and Handkerchief in the first Number of this Work, and compleats a Suit. Also four new Patterns of Sprigs ; and a beautiful Whose Length of a Lady, with the Emblems of Spring, in the Dress of April 1771, finely coloured ; and a Song set to Music by Mr. Hudson. N. B. This Magazine contains the Continuation of the Sentimental Journey, and a Conclusion of the Pyrenean Hermits, by the Author of the former Parts ; besides a great Variety of original, instruc- tive, and entertaining Articles. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; of whom may be had the eight first Numbers, and where Letters to the Au- thors are received. THAT the Public may not be imposed upon by several false, injurious, and malicious Advertise- ments, signed JOHN WhEBLE, in which he pre- tends to complain of the great Injustice he has re- ceived from the present Publishers of the Lady's Magazine, we beg Leave to refer the Public to the Affidavits of the original Proprietor and Printer, inserted in the different News Papers, by which they will be enabled to form a proper Judgment of the Honesty, Integrity, and Angular Modesty of the said John Wheble, in pretending to the Property of a Work for which we have given a very valuable Consideration. ROBINSON and ROBERTS. Please to observe, that the Whole- Length coloured Print of a Lady is in the genuine Lady's Magazine. WORCESTER : Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; News publishing, ANew Edition of the Illustration of the NEW TESTAMENT, by NoTes and EXPLICATIONS. Printed for R. Coadby , and sold by J. Towers, at No. III, near Cripplegate ; which has met with such Approbation as to pass through several Editions: And for the Conveniency of Purchasers of all Ranks, may now be had in weekly Numbers at Six- pence or Three- pence each, to be compleated in 68 Numbers at Six pence, or 136 at Three- pence; ornamented with 68 full Folio beautiful Copper Plate Cuts, which will be given Gratis; or in MONTHLY NUMBERS, sewed, at Five Shillings each, to be compleated in SEVEN NUMBERS ; or the Whole compleat, in TWO VOLUMES FOLIO, Bound in Boards and lettered, Price Two Pounds, or Two Pounds Five Shillings handsomely bound in Calf. THis Work is executed on a different PLAN from any other Expression of the Scriptures ; neither received Opinion, nor for- mer Expositors being followed, any further than they agree with Reason and the known Attributes of the Dxity ; and by a great Number of new Notes, not to be found in any other Expositor, many Passages: are set in a new Light, and thereby many im- portant Doctrines explained in the most rational Manner, and many received Opinions shewn to have no Foundation in the Scriptures, And as several pious and learned Writers have of late employed their Pens in elucidating the Scriptures, and the Religion of CHRIST, with a Freedom of Sentiment and En- quiry that is best adapted to finding out Truth ; from such Helps, it may be presumed, this Work may give a more rational Illustra- tion of the Scriptures, than has hitherto appeared. For as Men attain, from increased Knowledge and Enquiry, a mere perfect Comprehension of the Works of GOD in the natural World, so there is Reason to think they may in the Moral, and that the true Spirit of his revealed Will may be better understood the more it is enquired into. Nor is any Thing worthy of Notice in former Commentators omitted; and such copious Extracts are given from the best Sermons, Discourses, and Treatises, on difficult or interesting Texts and Doctrines of the Scriptures, that it may justly be considered as a LIBRARY of Christians Knowledge, Whatever is most beautiful and affecting in the best Writers on the Christian Dispensation, the Doctrines of CHRIST, and Duties of Christians, being Jo introduced, as to render the Reading delightful, at well as greatly instructive in Christian Knowledge. The vast SALE of this WORK, far beyond any Thing of the Kind, best speaks its Praise; and nothing more is desired, than to compare it with any other Expo- sition published, to see which will give most Satisfaction to the Enquirer after Truth and solid Piety.—— Those desirous of having this Work, are desired to order for the ILLUS- TRATION printed for R. GOADbY. It may be had by giving Orders to H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal, or to the Worcester Newsmen; it may likewise be had of the several Book sellers in Tewkeshury, Glouceter, Hereford, Led- bury, Birmingham, Stourbridge, Bewdley, Kidderminster , Wol- verhampton, Shrewsbury, Ludlow, Ten bury, Evesham, Strat- ford- upon- Avon, Warwick, Coventry, and all other Book- sellers in Town and Country. N. B. A New Edition of the OLD TEsTAMeMT, exe- cuted upon the same PLAN, is now publishing in Numbers weekly, at either Six- pence or Three- pence each ; in which above two hundred beautiful Copper- Plate CUTS will be given Gratis.
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