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The Edinbugh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 19/10/1767
Printer / Publisher: R. Fleming and Company 
Address: Opposite to the Foot of the Old Fish Market Close
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 4
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MONDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1767. Some Reasons why Corn should not be permitted to be exported till at four shillings per bushel. In one of the news- papers I met with a letter signed G. W. relative to the Privy Council's permitting the free importation of all sorts of foreign grain, till twenty days after the meeting of the Parliament ; and the Author of that let- ter insinuates that such order is highly detrimental to the public : If by the public he means the corn traders and manufacturers, and that they will not make such exorbitant profit of the corn Commodity, as they would do in case the immedi- ate importation of all foreign grain were prohi- bited, and an exportation opened for our own grain, it may be true; but he ought first to shew how the legislative power, whose goodness extends to the care and welfare of the whole nation, can in justice and equity encourage the exportation of a manufacture, seeing that is the favourite name nOW affirmed by the Farmers, and which is neces- sary to the support of life, and by its exportation render it so dear, as that the greatest part of the nation cannot by their labour and utmost industry procure a sufficient quantity to support their fa- milies. It is a most fallacious and iniquitous way of rea- soning to compare a commodity, absolutely neces- sary to sustain life, with those as are not so, such as cloth, shoes, & c. These are necessaries which every person wants, and according as he finds himself in circumstances will purchase ; but they are not as bread, daily wanted ; a labourer will make a pair of shoes, wooden clogs, or a coat, serve him for years; and wait till better times happen, and he be able to purchase: But he cannot do without a daily supply of bread sufficient to make him undergo the fatigue of his labour. Every species of pretended reasoning therefore in the Farmer's Letter quoted, and so much ad- mired by your correspondent, and in his own, which compares corn with other manufactures, and claiming the same right and privilege to sell corn at the greatest advantage, profit and price, ought to be detested by every humane person, as found- ed on the most sordid, selfish, and horrid princi- ples; the sporting with the lives of our fellow creatures; and so our corn- factors and dealers do but get riches or exorbitant profits, they care not what hardships the greatest part of the nation suf- fers, or undergoes. The cursed mercantile principle, of turning eve- ry thing to the greatest profit, increases in this na- tion, and stifles the natural generous and compas- sionate disposition we formerly were renowned for -, and we closely imitate our neighbours the Hollanders, who stick at no cruelty to get wealth. Trade ought to consist of the superfluities of a nation, and contribute to the imaginary wants, ease, and luxury of the most opulent; and who, having it in their option either to purchase such manufactures or not, have no reason to complain at the exorbitant profit a manufacturer may exact for his goods ; But it is otherwise with corn or bread, which is the life of the people, and whom- ever contributes to raise that manufacture to such a price, as that the people cannot buy a sufficient quantity to support themselves, are accessary to all the evils proceeding from want, and hunger, nay perhaps even of death. Suppose Providence hath blessed our nation, this year, with a prospect of plenty of all sorts of grain ; and that the bread- corn in general should prove sound ; seeing in many counties, through the ex- cessive rains which have fallen, it proves otherwise; ought we immediately, on a few fair days, con- trive methods to rob the generality of the people of the blessing given by Providence, a prospect of plenty, and cry out the nation is undone, if the importation of foreign grain be not directly, stop ped, and an exportation allowed for our own grain. Was it not owing to the avariciousness of the corn dealers, that such a quantity of corn, imme- diately after the harvest 1766, was exported, as necessitated the government to put a stop to the exportation thereof, and permit an importation of foreign grain, to prevent a famine; and if the great quantity of foreign grain imported, hath not been able to reduce wheat to 5 s. per bushel; what must have been the price, had no foreign corn been imported ? Your correspondent insinuatcs, that all the foreign corn is of so bad and malignant a nature as not to be eatable, and little or none of it is sold. —— If this be true, it is absolutely necessary, that an account Of all the foreign grain imported, be laid before the Parliament at their meeting ; and the quantity remaining unsold, with its nature and quality; and that a permission be given for its ex- port, before any of our own corn be allowed to be exported ; and, if there be no quantity of fo- reign corn in the nation, let any one judge what price wheat would have been, when even now. with the greatest prospect of plenty, new wheat in these northern parts, sells at ; s. 6d. to 6s. and old wheat from 7s. to 7s 6d. per bushel.— Whereas the true interest of the people in general requires that whear should never exceed 4 3. 6 d. per bufhel, and that corn should never become a ma- nufacture for exportation with a bounty, till the market price throughout the kingdom he 4 s. per bushel, seeing bread corn ought at all times ( fav- ing the act of God) to bear in every civilized well- governed nation, a due proportion to the gains of the common people Now, allowing the gains of a labouring man to be 6s per week, that he requires for the support of him- self and family a bushel of bread corn at 4s. 6d. per bushel per . week, there will only be 18 d. per week remaining for meat, milk, house- rent, fire,, cloaths, and other incidents. This shews the ne- cessity why every government, whether a trading nation or not a trading nation, whether a free or enslaved people, ought to prevent either land- own- ers or corn manufacturers from enriching them- selves, at the expence of the generality of the peo- ple ; and that, in particular, they should take due, just, and equitable care, that bread- corn ( save as before) bear a proper proportion to the gains of the common people. Whence it is evident, that it must be an un- deniable maxim in all governments, whether de- spotic or free, that the private profits and interests of individuals should give way and submit to the public good. It is on this never- failing principle that our landed property is taken from us against our wills, if necessary for the public ease, in mak- ing good and safe roads; and the law will: not admit any man to set what price he pleases on his land, under pretence that he cannot, considering the money he hath laid out in improving the fame, fell it at a lower price; but the price of his land is to be fixed by others. With what shadow of justice then can the corn manufacturer complain, should the government, if he set so high a price on his corn as that the ge- nerality of the people cannot by their labour buy an sufficient quantity for the support of themselves and family, interpose by prohibiting an exportati- on, and thereby render it more plenty, and con- sequently more moderate in price. For unless every government has an inherent right, incident to go- vernment-. regulating the produce of the earth, so as to render the same subservient to the subsistence of the whole nation, it can neither provide for the , safety and welfare of the people nor prevent them from being oppressed or even starved by the rich, ! as fuch intention seems entertained by some among us, especially by the person who, in the letter herein mentioned, gives public notice to the corn- factor to look to his property, and an Englishman and freeman claims a right to send their corn K- broad and starve their brethren at home ; but it , is hoped men of such selfish and destructive princi- ples will meet with a check from the govern- ment. It is ridiculous to say that the welfare of this nation can depend on the exportation of corn, which depends on mere accident, the want of o- ther nations ; for though it hath pleased Providence for some years past, to assist other European countries with a scarcity of the produce of the earth, and to give us till last year plenty to relieve their wants, yet should it please him to bless those nations for successive years with plenty of their - own produce, what would then become of the manufacturer of corn ? Would not our husband- men be obliged to turn their thoughts to convert- ing; some of their arable land to other uses ? For in real truth we have a greater proportion of a- rable land than is necessary for home consumption,' arid which is the only certain market we ought to depend on -, seeing if other nations, as well as this, should be blessed with some years plenty our corn manufacturers Would raise a lamentable outcry, that they had no sale for their commodity. But however that be, it is wished that the Par- liament would put the exportation of corn under such regulation, as that it may not distress the ge- nerality of the people, but that they may at all times join in thanksgiving to our heavenly Father for giving their daily bread in plenty; and that whenever an exportation is permitted, it may be necessary to authorize the custom- house officers to be public inspectors, to see that all the corn sent abroad be good in its kind and well dressed, which will preserve to us a certain sale whenever we can spare and other nations want; whereas the present method of the corn dealers is, to buy their corn badly dressed, so that before it can get to any port, it ferments, and becomes unfit for the food of man, which in the end must ruin the trade, and bring a high reflection on this nation. October 3. H U M A N U S. Some Instances of the Advantages arising from PReSENCE of MIND. PRESENCE ot mine may be defined a readi- ness to turn to good account the occasions for speaking or acting ' It is an advantage that has often been wanting to men of the most accom- plished knowledge. Presence of mind requires an easy wit, a proper share of cool reflection, a prac- tice in business, an intuitive view according to dif » ferent occurrences, memory and sagacity in dispu • tation, security in danger, and, in the world, that liberty of heart which makes us attentive to all that partes, and keeps us in a condition to profit of every thing. The Caliph Hegiage, the horror and dread of his people, on account of his cruelties, was often wont to traverse incog, the extensive provinces of his empire, without attendants, or any mark of distinction. He meets with an Arab of the Desart; and, after fome discourse with him, " mend, ( faid he\ I would be glad to know, from you, what sort of a man this Hegiage is, there is so much talk about ? Hegiage ( answered the Arab) is not a man, but a tyger, a monster. What is laid to his charge ?—— A multitude of crimes : he has drenched himself in the blood of more than a million of his subjects — Have you ever seen him? No— Well then, look up ; it is the ve- ry man to whom you speak.' The Arab, without shewing the least surprise, looked stedfastly at him, and said haughtily, ' and you, do you know who I am ? — No.-— ' I belong to the family of Zobair, every one of whose desendants becomes a fool once in a year ; this is my day ' Hegiage smi- led at so ingenious an excuse, and pardoned him. A Gascon officer, in the French army, was speaking pretty loud to one of his comrades: as he was leaving him. he said to him with an im- portant tone of voice, ' I am going to dine with Villars.' Marshal Villars, who then happened to be standing behind this officer, said to him mild- ly, ' On account of my rank of General, and not on account of my merit, you should have faid Mr Villars.' The Gascon, who little imagined he was so near the General, replied, without ap- pearing in the least astonished, ' Well- a- day, nobo- dy says Mr Caesar, and I thought nobody ought to say Mr Villars.' Presence of mind seems to be particularly neces- sary to a General of an army, not only for obvi- ating accidents in the midst of an action, but also for effectually putting a stop to the disorders of a frighted army, or when it declines its duty, and is ripe for mutiny against its chief. Ancient history mentions, that the army of Cy- rus, in presence of that of Croesus, took for an ill omen a loud clap of thunder. This impression did not escape the penetration of Cyrus ; his ge- nius immediately suggested to him an interprets - tion of the presage, which spirited up his soldiery: ' Friends ( said he) the heavens declare for us : let us march on to the enemy ; I hear the cry of victory : we follow thee, O great Jupiter ! Lucullus being ready to give battle to Tigranes, it was remonstrated to him, to dissuade him from it, that it was an unlucky day : ' So much the better ( said he) we shall make it lucky by our victory Gonsalvo of Corduba, a General of Ferdinand V. King of Arragon, happened, in an action, to see blow up, at the first discharge of the enemy, the powder- magazine of the Spaniards : ' My brave boys, ( cried he immediately to his soldiers) the victory is ours ; for Heaven tells us, by this grand signal, that we shall have no farther oc- casion for artillery.' This confidence of the Ge- neral passed to the soldiers, and made them gain the victory. The same General commanded, in 1502, a Spa- nish army in the kingdom of Naples. The troops ill paid and wanting necessaries, took up arms for the most part, and presented themselves before Gonsalvo in order of battle, to demand their pay. One of the boldest of them urged the matter so far as to level at him the point of his halbert. ; The General, not in the least dismayed, or even seeming to be surprised, lays hold of the soldier's arm, and, affecting a gay and smiling air, as if it had been only in play : ' Take care, comrade, ( said he) that in fiddling with that weapon you do not wound me.' But the night following, when all was quiet, Gonsalvo had this seditious soldier put to death, and had him tied up to a window, where the whole army saw him exposed the next day. This example of severity recovered and con- firmed the General's authority, which sedition had like to have overturned. No foreign mails since our last, From the LONDON PAPERS, Oct. 15. Constantinople, Sept. 1. We are still of opinion here, that the Porte will at last find some specious pretext for declaring war against the Russians; at least such a design is sufficiently apparent by the transports of different sorts of ammunition, which the Porte sends through the Black Sea. The 24th of last month arrived in this port an English ship, commanded by a foreign Captain, who, although he had hoisted the flag of Great Britain, dared not declare himself to be of that nation to the British Ambassador, in order to claim his protection. The Turks, being informed that neither the said Minister nor any other would ac- knowledge him for an Englishman, and knowing he was a Greek, conducted his ship to the Arsenal, with the whole crew, as a fair prize. Naples, Sept. 26. A few day ago, one of our barks carrying several rich merchants to Civita Vecchia, was taken by an Algerine corsair. Paris, Oct. 2. The Court will go into mourn- ing for eleven days on accout of the death of the Duke of York, but not before his Majesty returns from Fontainbleau. AMERICA. Boston, [ New- England) August 2o. Our Great and General court of Assembly which stood pro- rogued to the second of Sept is by his Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; our Governor, further prorogued to the 14th of Oct. on account of there being nothing in prospect for his Majesty's imme- diate service that requires their meeting so early as the second of next month. In the schooner Sultana, which is just sailed for London, went passenger one Gibbons, who had been a soldier upwards of 16 years, but lately dis- charged from Col. Dalrymple's regiment at Hali- fax, by an order from the Secretary at War, and arrived last week in the packet from thence ; he is said to be gone home to take possession of an e- state that has fallen to him by the death of an uncle, consisting of 7000 I. sterl. in cash, and an income of 3000I. like money, a year. L O N D O N. They write from Leghorn, that the Chevalier de Montargis, commander of a Maltese galley, had taken a Barbary zebec of sixteen guns, off Cape Passero in Sicily, alter an engagement of two hours, and carried her into Cagliari in Sardinia. We hear from Berlin, that the King of Prussia, in order to encourage the manufacturers of his own country, has by a late edict prohibited the exposing to sale of any other but what is made in his kingdom ; and at the same time has kid a heavy additional duty on all foreign goods. Yesterday there was a levee at St James's, but no council. Yesterday Sie George M'Cartney, his Majesty's late ambassador at the court of Russia, had the honour of a conference with his Majesty at St James's. Tuesday last Count Welderen, ambassador from the States- general, arrived in town, and ye- sterday he attended at his Majesty's levee at Sc James's. We are informed that preparations are making at Powis House in Ormond- street, by order of Prince Massareno, the Spanish Ambassador, for a superb entertainment and a grand ball, which his Excellency will give in a few days, in honour of the King of the Two Sicilies marriage with the Archduchess of Austria. As soon as his late Royal Highness the Duke of York was dead, the Prince of Monaco ( who had behaved with the greatest respect and tenderness to his jRoyal Highnefs during his illness). told his officers; and servants that he must then acknowledge the rank of his unfortunate guest to the utmost of his power, by such refpect and honours as he wa able in that situation to pay to his memory ; that, he had ordered a cannon to. be fired every half hour till the body should be deposited on board the ship, and the Chambre Ardent to be prepared for the lying in state, according to the custom of that country, with his body- guard to attend, and a guard from the regiment; accordingly the pre- parations were made in the largest apartment of the palace, hung with black ; a high canopy in the middle of black and silver, with a representa- tion of a coffin of the same, upon six stages or steps of black, on each of which were a row of tapers in large gold and silver candlesticks; ( on the coffin a silver pillow with a coronet upon it, the sword next on the coffin, and then the Garter, George and Star ; on the ground a row of torches round the whole ; under the canopy behind the stage was placed the coffin, ( which was made as near as possible in the English manner) covered with the past ; on each side there were two mutes, and behind Colonel St John, Colonel Morison, Com. Spry, and Mr Schutz, attended ; the whole lighting consisted of near 200 tapers. The pro- cession from thence to the water- side was fixed for Sunday, at four o'clock in the afternoon, accord- ing to the order here unto subjoined; and the Cham- bre Ardent was opened at nine in the morning. At the setting out of the procession a signal was made for the ship to fire minute guns till the bo- dy should be on board •. as it came out of the pa- lace the regiment was drawn up, their drums in black and officers with crape ; at the water side was the long- boat, with a canopy, for the body, covered with black, and the Royal standard hoist- ed half high ; this was towed by the Captain's barge, with the mutes in it; behind was the Com- modore's barge, with his Royal Highness's ser- vants, and two more barges for the remaining of- ficers The Prince of Monaco continued at the water side till the whole was on board ; when the Royal standard was hoisted half high on board the ship, and the minute guns ceased ; the garri- fon then fired two rounds of cannon, and the re- giment two rounds of running fire The whole of this ceremony was conducted with the greatest re- gularity and solemnity. The Guard. Sailors with Flambeanx. All the Duke's Servants. Two Surgeons, a breast. Four Mares. Gentlemen who carry the Ensigns of the Garter, two by two, Lieutenants. Captain Crosby, - i* Captain Dickings. Pall- Bearer. - J. Pall Bearer. . J. Twelve 5 Three Sailors to Three 2 Canopy Bearers, support 4- Canopy Bearers Midshipmen. - Midshipmcn. * Coffin. •}• Mr Schutz, + - J- Commodore Spry, Pall- Bearer. * * Pall Bearer. • J**;**;* -** Colonel St John. Colonel Morrison. The Prince of Monaco. Gentlemen his Attendants. The rest of the English Gentlemen, two by two. Yesterday the Admiral barge went down the river to Greenwich, to wait there for he arrival of the Mary yacht, in order to land the remains of his Royal Highness the Duke of York at that place. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, before his departure from hence, sent over orders thither for all the cloaths of his domestics, & c. to be made of the manufactures of that kingdom. A report prevailed on the Royal Exchange this morning, that the King of Portugal had acceded to the family- compact. We are informed, that besides the strong con- test for Members for the county of Cumberland, the present contest for the city of Carlisle is the greatest almost ever known, every public- house in the city having been for fome time past open, . either in behalf of the famous Governor Johnson, late of West Florida, and the brave Capt Elliot, supported by the Bute and Lowther interests, or Lord Edward Bentinck, and Mr George Musgrave, supported by the Portland and Devonshire inte- rests. We hear a law- suit is like to be commenced be- tween two opulent families in the West of England, in the case of a supposititious birth, simlar to that of the Douglas cause. We are assured, that a very amiable Lady, wi- dow of a Gentleman in the North, lately deceased^ will be created a Peeress in her own right. We hear that General Pulteney is relapsed, and lies dangerously in at his house in Piccadilly. The report of the death of his Grace the Duke of Bedford, which was very current yesterday, is entirely destitute of foundation. Letters from Jamaica mention the death of Cap- tain Fitzherbert, late of his Majesty's ship Adven- ture, and that he is succceded in the command by Captain Roche, of his Majesty's sloop Diligence. EDINBURGH. Extract of a letter from Warrington in Lanca- shire, October. 8. This day we had the greatest Flood ever known. Its Height, from the low- water mark upon the graduated pillar, was 16 feet, which is two inches higher than the great flood in Sept. 1729, when 14 persons were lost from Wilderspool causey From Stockport we hear, that the great rains have swelled the Mersey to a prodigious height, and swept away Vast quantities of corn ; that the water run into the ware- houses at Salford Quay, and damaged the sugars lodged there ; and that the Duke of Bridgwater's navigable canal had sustained great damage A letter from Sheffield, dated Oct. 9, says, " We have had here the greatest flood in any living man's memory, the damage it has done is incredi- ble ; the water was a yard and a half high in se- veral houses in the Wicker ; has destroyed the high and long walls of the Duke of Norfolk's nursery, and ran over the whole garden like a sea ; the poor frighted people in the Isle were happily de- livered from their great fear, by the water taking its course towards the nursery ; two new bridges at Attercliff- Forge, and a large quantity of ma- nure in the Wicker, were carried down by the force of the torrent. Several heads and pigs were seen carried down the stream ; and we hear from Doncaster, that several human bodies were feen floating down the river." A letter from Leeds, dated October 13, says, " Last Thursday morning We had the largest flood that has been known in this neighbourhood for many years, occasioncd by an excessive fall of rain westward of us, the preceding day and night, by which, the fouth- post and several carriers were stopt ; a cottage- house near the bridge, with all its furniture, was washed away, and a deal of da- mage done to the lands adjoining to the river. But the damage was much more considerable 011 the river Calder, where the rise was so great ar. d sudden, that several persons were obliged to climb into trees to save themselves from being carried away by the torrent; the new navigation from Wakefield to Halifax has suffered much ; three horses graz- ing in a field near Wakefield bridge were drown- ed, and the crops of several whole fields of oats and beans in that neighbourhood are entirely swept away. One person at Peniston has lost near 20I. worth of oats ; and the accounts we have received' of the damage done in several other parts of the country, by this inundation, are almost incredible.'^ By a letter from a Gentleman in Caithness to' his friend in Edinburgh, we hear the following particulars, relating to the ship which lately struck upon the rocks at Dunnethead, as mentioned in our former paper. On Monday the 4th of Oc- tober about two in the morning, the ship the Harmony of Whitehaven, Capt. Junks, about two hundred and fifty tuns burthen, loaded with fir, logs, and pipe- staves, struck on Dunnethead, and soon after beat to pieces, the Captain, Mate, and six of the crew were all drown'd, four of the crew kept by the wreak untill the sea ebbed from it, when they got ashore ; but one of them died soon after, the remaining three were taken to the house of a neighbouring gentleman, and as proper f care is there taken of them, they are likely to do well. Some of the logs and staves having been driven ashore, were carried off by some of the lowest of the country people ; but, as the gentlemen on that coast have resolved to use the utmost pains for recovering as much as possible, both of the cargo and wreck, for the behoof of the owners, and underwriters ; it is hoped their endeavours will be attended with some success, and if the owners or underwriters have any directions to give, they may send the same to Lieutenant James Murray younger of Castlehill, by Thurso, or if they want further information on sending a letter to the publishers they will receive an answer. The Presbytery of Edinburgh have, at their last meeting, appointed Thursday , for the ad- mission of the Rev. Mr William Gloag minister at Cockpen, to be minister of Lady Yester's church of this city, in place of the Rev. Dr John Drys- dale, who is then to be transferred to the collegi- ate charge of the Tron church. Yesternight arrived here from the country, her Grace the Dutchess of Douglas, attended by the Hon. Archibald Douglas Esq; of Douglas j and to- morrow they set out for London We hear tha Patrick Crawford, Esq; Advocate, son and heir of the deceast Ronald Crawford Esq; died of a fever at Leadhills a few days ago Arrived at Leith, the Mary of Portsoy, Wise- man, from Carron with tyles ; the James and Isabel of Carron, Simpson, from Newcastle with bottles; the Expedition of Dunbar, Brown, from Fenham Flats with grain; and the Peggy of Dundee, Clark, from Dundee with goods. Sailed the Betty of Leith, Smith, for Newcastle, With goods ; and the King George, Marshal, sails for London the first fair wind after to- morrow. HIGH WAtER at LEITH. Moon's age. Forenoon. Arternoon. Tuesd 23 16 Min past 12. 40 Min. past 12. Wed. 29. 1 Min. past o. 30 Min past 1. SCHEME of the STATE LOTTERY 1767. 1 Prize of L 20,000 is L. 20, coo 60 ,000 Tickets, at lol. each, is L 600,000. There is not 1 3- 4ths Blank to a prize. The Prizes to be 3 per cent. Ann. transferable at the Bank of England. Tickets and Shares of Tickets areregiftrate and sold by Alexander Simp- son, Accomptant in the Royal Bank of Scotland. No Five per cents, will be deducted from the Shares of Tickers Letters Post paid duly answered. The Lottery begins drawing the 16th of next month. • 4 Lost at Alnwick the week before last, AGOLD WATCH, Cylinder form, set in Diamonds, with a Cap over the movement, maker's name DA HAS- TINGS, No 111. with an enamelled dial- plate, and a Cornelian Seal set in Gold The arms three Cinque foils, Crest, a Wheat Sheaf Whoever has found the said Watch, and will restore it to th publisher, or give information fo as it may be got back, shall be handsomely rewarded, THE COMMISSIONERS of SUPPLY of the Shire of Haddington, are desired to meet in the Town- house of Haddington, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon. A FARM TO be let in tack for 19 years, and the entry to be at Martinmass 1768. the FARM of FULLFORD, or Mains of WOODHOUSELEE lying four miles south- west of Edinburgh, upon the Linton road, Consisting both of arable ground, of which about 50 acres is inclosed and sheep pa- Jture on the hill. There is a very good house pleafantly lituated, on the farm, consisting of two stories, with a good barn. byres, and stables. For further particulars inquire, at the proprie- tor at Woodhouselee. John Gray , J. Co for COURSES of LECTURES are ANNUAI I. Y begun in the UNIVERSITY of GLASGOW on the following days, and are continued, with- out any vacation, till the end. of the session, On the tenth of OCtober, LaTIN, by Mr Muirhead, GREEK, by Dr Moor, LOGIC and METAPHYSICKS, hy Mr Clow, NATURAL THEOlOGY, ETHICS and JURIS- PRUdeNCE, by Dr Reid, PHYSICS or NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, by Mr Anderson, On the first of November, LECTURES on the LATIN CLASSICS, by Mr Muirhead, LECTURES on the GREEK CLASSICS, by Dr MOOR, Civil HISTORY, by Dr Wight, , MATHEMATICS, by Dr Williamson, EXPERIMENTAl PHILOSOPHY, by Mr Anderson, CHYMISTRY. bv Mr Robison, MATERIA MEdICA, by Dr Irvine, ANATOmY by Mr Hamilton, THEORY and PRACTICE of MEDICINE, by Dr Stevenson, CIVI. LAW, by Mr Miller, SCOTCH LAW, ' , ORIeNTAl LANGUAGES, by Mr. Cumin, ECCLESIAstical HISTORY, by Dr Wight DIVINITY, by Dr Trail. FRENCH and ITALIAN are taught at the same time by Mr Cumin ; and Botany, as soon as the season permits, by Dr Irvine there is , at the THE Managers for the East Lothian and Merse Whale- fishing Company at Dunbar, desire to contract for thirteen thousand paunds weight of BEEF, for the use of their ships. Any in- clining to furnish said quantity, may correspond with said Managers, regarding their terms. That upon Monday 26th October instant, to be sold by publick voluntary roup house ot Craigtown near St Andrew's, ALL Sorts of Houshold Furniture, such as beds, feather- beds, blankets, bed and table- linen, cabinets, mahogany and wainf coat tables, mirrors, carpets, chimneys, a full set of table china, wiih kitchen utensils, and many other particulars, all new. The roup is to begin at ten ot the clock before noon, and is to continue till all be sold ofF Also, there is to be sold by publick roup, at the said house of Craigtoun, upon Wednesday the 28th OCtober instant, at ten ot the clock before noon, CERTAIN PARCELS of CORN and FODDER, Consisting of oats, barley, and pease, with horses, cows, carts, and other utensils of labouring. As also, 3,000 stone of hay, of the present crop, and above 1000 stone of old hay Likewise; on Tuesday the 10th of November next, at two of the clock afternoon, within the house of Andrew Glass vintner in St Andrews, there is to be set by publick roup, for one year from Martinmass next, the house, office- houses, pigeon- house, garden, and parks of Craigtoun, consisting of fifty- two acres of ground. The above will be set separately or altogether. The gardner at Craigtoun. will show the house and parks & c, to any person who inclines to take them. Sam Muchesson WHEREAS the LEASES upon the different Estates, of his Grace the Duke of Buccleugh do generally fall at Whitsunday next, therefore, whoever chuses to offer for any of the Farms of these different Estates, whether the present pos- sessors, or others, or for the coal and lime- stone in any of them, are desired to give in their propo- sals in writing, signed by them, betwixt and Can- dlemas 1768, to his- Grace's agents at Edinburgh: Let the propofals specify the rent offered for a lease to subsist in the different views that may oc- cur to the proposers Let them also specify what improvements they would propose to make them- selves during their lease on the land estate ; or, supposing the Duke to be at the expence of such improvements, what additional rent they will of. fer on that account At to the coal, let them specify the plan of their intended operations for fitting and working the different coals under pro- per restrictions i by what number of coalliers, and what they will offer in the different views of a lordship, ( that is, a certain proportion of the out- put, free of all charge to the master,) or for a rept certain ; mentioning, at the same time, any thing else that they may judge for the improve-^ ment of the work The proposers names shall, if defired, be concealed, unless where the terms are accepted of. To be held by public roup, upon Thursday the 24th day of November 1767, in the Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, betwixt the hours of four and five afternoon, and for the encourage- ment of purchasers, to be set up at twenty- five years purchase, THE Lands oF CREICHNESS and KISTHILL, lying in the parish of Innerwick, and sheriffdom of Haddington The yearly free rent whereof, after all deductions, is 74 1. 7 s. sterling. The lands of Creichness hold blench of the Part of Home. Kisthill blench of Mr Nisbet of Dirleton, each for payment of a penny Scots money. The proprietor has right to the lands. The grounds can be inclosed with great advantage and at a small expence, as there is plenty or stone and water throughout the whole. The title deeds, and conditions of sale, are to be seen in the hands of Alexander Cunnynghame one of the clerks to the signet, who is impowered, to conclude a private bargain previous to the roup. HAT there are to be set in tack, by public roup, for three years, after the- 52d day of November, in the Town- hall of Musselburgh, on Tuesday the 10th day of the said month of No- vember next, at three of the clock afternoon, the whole Corn, Barley and Malt- mills belonging to the said burgh of Musselburgh ; and upon the 12th day of the said month, will be sold by public roup, the growing BARREN WOOD in the Shire Mill- haugh of Musselburgh, consisting Ashes, Elms, Allers, Planes, and other kinds of Timber. The roup Of the Wood to begin at ten forenoon, upon the said haugh. The articles of both roups are to be seen in the hands of Thomas Tod Town clerk of Musselburgh. BY THE KING'S PATENT. THE admirable Essence of Life, for all symp- _ torns of the venereal disease, being an abso- lute infallible cure for gleets and seminal weak- nesses of all kinds, and all manner of inward decays ; the like of which for certainty in those difficult cases, has never been equalled. It also entire- ly prevents the venereal disease from taking place. N. B. Those who suspect they have received any injury, 20 dtops of the above essence, night and morning in a dish of tea or other liquor, in the first case will free them from all aprehensions; for it never lets the disorder take place, but entire- ly carries it away by urine, as thousands can tes- tify who have been preserved by it for many years ; and it was never known to fail: Therefore those who have recourse to this admirable Essence of Life, can never be troubled with any of the a- bove disorders, There is no occasion to expatiate upon the use and happiness of such a discovery, as all the attendant dreadful consequences of this disorder, so fatal to many, by proper application hereof, may now be prevented, and the lives and healths of many thousands preserved by it; Also, the Restorative Electuary so called from its sovereign virtue, in infallibly curing any person afficted with the venereal disease, from the slight- est infection to the most extreme degree ; in the first case preventing the increase of the said dis- ease, and in a very few days, by a gentle operati- on, carrying the same entirely away , and where the distemper is further advanced, and even be- come desperate, and attended with the most dan- gerous symptoms, in a small space of time eradi- cating the disease. and restoring perfect health to the patient. The above medicines are by there respective authors appointed to be sold only at Jackson's and Co's medicinal ware house, in the Fleet Mar- ket, and at no other place in London; price each six shillings, sealed up with a treatise including plain instructions by the use of which, any per- son may preserve and cure himself with very lit- tle trouble, and without any advice whatever. Sold at Edinburgh at the shop of James Hogg opposite to the cross, where country dealers, wanting quan- tities may apply, The HAWK, Capt. James Clark, lies at Greenock, rea- dy to take on board goods ( or Ja- maica, and sails the 10th Novem- ber. Apply to George Murdoch in Glasgow, for freight or passage. As the ship touches at Madeira, particular orders for fine wines will be carefully executed. ' TRUSTEES appointed by the late Sir James Carnegie of Southesk, Bart. have re- solved to let the several Farms of the eatate of Fairnyflat and Larg, lying in the parish of Kin- neff, and county of Kincardine, by public roup, for 19 years, commencing at Whitsunday next. The lands lye within a mile of Bervie, on the sea- side, and have commodious landing places for lime, which can be brought in at a moderate ex- pence, The roup is to be held in the house of Bailie Thomas Christie in Bervie, on the 22d October inst and the articles or conditions of roup are to be seen in the hands of Charles Greenhill writer in Brechin, factor for the said Trustees. ALL persons who are indebted to the deceast Mr Robert Gordon Goldsmith in Edinburgh, by open prs, are desired to be ready to settle the same, and to pay in the balances at Martin- mass next, to Andrew Stewart jun. writer to the signet ; and all persons who have demands of any kind against the Representatives of the deceast Mr Robert Gordon, may apply to the said An- drew Stewart. The house which belonged to the said Mr Ro- bert Gordon, as formerly possessed by Mr Balfour surgeon, being the fourth story of that new fore stone land lying betwixt Libberton's- wynd and Gosford's close, upon the south side of the Lawn- market, is to be set and entered to at Martinmass nex , The house is well finished, and consists ot five fire rooms, Closets, kitchen, garret, cellars, and Other conveniences-, well lighted from the high- street upon one side, and has a free prospect of the country upon the other side. For particulars agent the house, enquire at Daniel Ker, Goldsmith, Parliament- close. The said Daniel Ker, Mr Gor- don's; surviving partner, carries on business at the same shop as formerly. Those who are so good as favour him with their commissions, shall be punctually and reasonably served by him. By order of the Right Honourable the Lord Pro- vost. Magistrates and Council of the city of E- dinburgh, A L L H A LLOW FAIR of this City is to begin on Monday 9th day of November next, at twelve o'clock noon, to be kept in these two inclosures or parks lying immediately to the east of the Toll- bar at the West- kirk Brae head, and on the north side of the Long dykes, or road leading to Multrees hill, formerly belonging to Dean of Guild Allan, and is to continue the usual time. To- be sold by voluntary roup, within the Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Thursday the 22d of October current, between the hours of four and five afternoon. TWO ACRES, and one ROOD of the Lands of St Leonard's, commonly called St Leo- nard's hill, which belonged to the deceased Dr John Jardine. ' This subject commands extensive prospects of the Frith, and whole country round Edinburgh, is well adapted for buildings, and the stone in the ground easily to be come at. The articles of roup, and title deeds, are to be seen in the hands of Alexander Gray writer to tbe signet. TQ be let for one or more years, and entered un- to at Candlemas 1768. THE HERMITAGE OF BRAID, a very romantic, and pleasant situation, and lying within two miles of Edinburgh, presently possest by Lord Gardenston ; It consists of a com- modious house, cellars, and office- houses of every kind, ten acres of planting and pleasure ground, properly laid out, and ornamented with several bridges over a small water ; also a hot- house, and green house, elegantly fitted up, and well stocked with plants, with a large garden, which will be laboured, manured, and sown, in a proper manner by the pre- sent possessor. It is well stocked with fruit trees of the best kinds on the walls, as well as in espa- lier hedges ; and there are a number of frames for melons, and other hot- bed plants. There is likewise a large pigeon- house in good order. Any taking the above, may be accommodated. with inclosed ground, from one to fourteen acres, particulars, enquire at John Gray writer to the signet. To be sold by public roup, under the authority of the Lords of Session, within the Parliament- house, upon Friday the 11th day of December next, between the hours of four and live after- noon, THe Lands and Estate of SABAY, which belonged to the deceast David and Patrick Trails of Sabay, lying in the parishes of St Andrews and Deerness, and county of Orkney. The yearly free rent of which, after all deducti- ons, is 733 I. 9 s. 10 d. Scots. Also a feu- duty of 96 meills of malt, and four barrels of butter, payable out of the lands of Huip, Rothiesholm, and North Strenzie, lying in the parish of Stren- say, and county aforesaid ; and, lastly, a House in the town of Kirkwall. The particular rental of these subjects and conditions of sale, are to be seen in the hands of Mr George Kilpatrick deputy clerk of session, or in the hands of Thomas Riddoch wri- ter in Edinburgh. To be sold, by public voluntary roup, within the house of Robert M'Intosh vintner in Alyth, u- pon Tuesday the 27th of October next, be- twixt the hours of two and five afternoon, THE Lands and Estate which belonged to the deceased Thomas Ogilvy ot EAST- MILL OF GLENISLA, lying in the parish of Glenisla and shire of Forfar, and holding feu, part- ly of the Duke of Argyll, and partly of the fa- mily of Airly. To be set up in four separate lots, as follows, viz. 1st Lot, consisting of the Milltown of Freu- chies or East Mill of Glenisla. mill and mill- lands thereof, and sixth- part lands of Pitlochrie, with the tiends and pertinents of the same; together with the privilege of pasturing, grazing, and shieling in the Glen called the Finlet. The present yearly free rent whereof, after deduction of 241. Scots, as a proportional part of 33l. Scots, of feu- duty, payable to the. family of Airly, for these and the lands of Tulloch, and all other public burdens, is 324l. Scots or thereby. 2d Lot consisting of the lands of Tulloch, with the tiends and pertinents thereof, and privilege of pasturing, grazing and shieling in the said Glen called the Finlet: The present yearly free rent whereof, after deduction of 9l. Scots, and all o- ther public burdens, is 120l. Scots or thereby. These lands have been set in tack for a long term of years past, which expires with crop 1767, are exceeding low rented, very improveable, and will bear a great additional rent in time coming. 3d Lot, consisting of the East side of the Kirk- Town of Glenisla, with its grazings and extensive out.- pasture or commonly, with the pertinents of the same. The present yearly rent whereof is 561. Scots or thereby, after deduction of the pub lic burdens. 4th Lot, consisting of one half of the lands of Wester- Inverharity and Foldo, comprehending the pendicles of Dallishnaught, Dalchallie, one fourth part of the Glen of Glencallie and Carnacloich, with the tiends, privileges, and pertinents of the same. The present yearly rent whereof, after deduction of 7l. 4s. 6d. Scots of feu- duty, and all other public burdents, is 283 I. Scots or there- by. These several parcels of land, be pretty con- tiguous, are alt - well accomodate with pasture and fuel, have plenty of lime- stone on several parts thereof, and are capable of great improvements • the rents are all most punctually paid by the present tenants, who also pay the cess, Minister's stipend, and schoolmaster's salary, without any abatement of their rents. The progress of writs. which are complete and clear, are to be seen in the hands of Thomas Rat- tray writer in Edinburgh ; and doubles of the in- ventories thereof, with the articles of roup, and prefent rentals of the lands, are to be feen in the hands of lames Stormont writer in Edinburgh, Thomas Mitchel writer at Craig, and the faid" Thomas Rattray, Trustees for the representatives of the said Thomas Ogilvy, and who have power to sell the lands, by public roup, and to clear off incumbrances affecting the same out of the- price. N. B. Such as are creditors of the said Thomas Ogilvy are desired to lodge exact notes of their feveral debts or claims, with either of the above trustees, distinguishing the principal sums, annual- rents, penalties, and expences, and how the fame is instructed or constitute. On Wednesday the 28th day of October inst. there will be sold by public roup at Ballincrief in East Lothian, ACONSIDERABLE STOCK OF YOUNG HORSES, consisting of Colts and Fillies, from one year old to five, most of them highly bred. And also some milk cows- To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, in Golden- square. SIR, IHave the pleasure to acquaint you that my wife has received a perfect cure of a most inveterate scorbutic disorder, by taking your Maredant's drops, which I should think an omission of justice to your medicine and self to conceal from the public, as it's a disorder so incident to the human frame, I here inclose you the case.-- About the year 1758, she was violently afflicted with a kind of an in- flammation in her face and arms, which appeared like what is called St. Anthony's fire- attended with large red blotches and extreme pain. " She ap- plied to several of the faculty, but without- success, - except one who was a foreigner ; he administered a kind of diet drink prepared from herbs, which give her some small relief for about two years. The next turn the disorder took, it appeared in her stomach, attended with most dreadful bilious cholics, which she was afflicted with every six weeks or two months; the pain of which was so violent in her ftomach and back, that it generally used to last her 8 or 10 hours, that to all appearance she was like a person under the greatest torture, and when that pain ceased it was succeeded by violent reach- ings, which continued five or six days; after this, her complexion used to be as yellow as a person in the jaundice, which seldom disappeared in less than a fortnight or three weeks . She still continued with a bad digestion, her stomach swelling, with violent hysterical complaints, & c. We then again consulted several of the faculty, but without relief; bout three years ago it pleased God her disorder ap- peared again in her face and arms, but in a more corrosive manner, and much more swelled, her face being covered all over with blotches as bad as a person in the small- pox. and her eyes very much affected with the inflammation, her hands and arms from her fingers to the elbows were swelled to an immoderate size and covered with blisters, the extreme pain of which obliged her to apply a pultice to each arm, which discharged full three pints of the most corrosive matter in a few hours ; this she repeated several times without the least appearance of abating the disorder, then went under a course of physick and dyet for near four months, and every internal and external ap- plication we could think of, with little or no suc- cess, ' till she found her constitution was decaying, and her disorder not much abated. -- At that time I was so happy as to read your advertisemnt, I then persuaded her to take your drops ; she did, and soon found relief from every complaint in her stomach ; this induced her to keep wholly to your medicine and advice, until her cure was compleated, which is now near 12 months ago. -- I should far exceed the limits of a letter if I offered any thanks for your genteel and kinds behaviour in your advice, her disorder ever taking the turn you told her. - my wife presents her compliments, and chearfully throws in the mite of her wishes for the success of your medicine. And have my leave to make what use you please of this, for the satisfaction of those afflicted with the like disorder. And am, Sir, Your much obliged humble Servant, Great Kirby- street Hatton Garden. Tho. Forrest. March 19, 1767. Any person still doubtful of the efficacy of this medicine may ( by applying to Mr. Norton, Surgeon, the West- side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only author and proprietor, where these drops are sold in bottles of 6s. each) be fully convinced of their good effect, by being referred to many people of credit, who have been cured of the leprosy, scurvy, ulcers, the evil, fistulas, piles, long continued inflammations of the Eyes, and every other disorder arising from a foulness in the blood. They may be taken in any season, without the least inconvenience or hindrance of business. They also perfect digestion, and amazingly create an appetite. N. 15. None are genuine, but what are signed by John Norton, in his own hand writing These drops are also sold by Mr. Fleming printer at Edinburgh ; and by Mr Cuthbert merchant at Perth and no where else in Scotland. EDINBURGH: Printed for R. FLEMING and Company, and sold at the Shop of R. FLEMING over against the New- Exchange ; and at the Printing- office, opposite to the Foot of the Old Fish Market- Close. the first Door, where Advertisements and Commissions are taken in.
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