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Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope 
Volume Number: II    Issue Number: 13
No Pages: 4
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Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

Date of Article: 07/01/1762
Printer / Publisher: Cornelius Pope 
Address: Printing Office, Stall-street
Volume Number: II    Issue Number: 13
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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[ NUMB. 13. ] [ 45 ] [ Vol. II. ] AND WEEKLY GAZETTE. Printed and publish'd by CORNELIUS POPE, at his Office in STALL- STREET : Where PRINTING in all its Branches is perform'd on the most reasonable Terms, and in the neatest Manner. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1762. ODE for the NEW- YEAR, 1762. Strophe, GOD of Slaughter, quit the Scene, Lay the crested Helmet by ; Love commands, and Beauty's Queen Rules the Power who rules the Sky. Janus, with well- omen'd Grace, Mounts the Year's revolving Car, And forward turns his smiling Face, And longs to close the Gates of War. Enough of Glory Albion knows— Come, ye Powers of sweet Repose, On downy Pinions move ! Let the war- worn Legions own Your gentler Sway, and from the Throne Receive the Laws of Love! Antistrophe. Yet, if Justice still requires Roman Arts, and Roman Souls, Britain breathes her wonted Fires, And her wonted Thunder rolls. Added to our fairer Isle Gallia mourns her Bulwark gone. Conquest pays the Price of Toil ; Either India is our own ! Ye Sons of Freedom grasp the Sword, Pour, ye Rich, th' imprison'd Hoard, And teach it how to shine. Each selfish, each contracted Aim To Glory's more exalted Claim Let Luxury resign. Cpode. You too, ye British Dames, may share, If not the Toils, and Dangers of the War, At least its Glory. From the Baltick Shore, From runic Virtue's native Home, Fraught with the Tales of ancient Lore, Behold a fair Instructress come ! When the fierce * Female Tyrant of the North Claim'd every Realm her conquering Arms could gain, When Discord, red with Slaughter, issuing forth Saw Albert struggling with the Victor's Chain, The Storm beat high, and shook the Coast, Th' exhausted Treasures of the Land Could scarce supply th' embattled Host, Or pay the insulting Foe's Demand, What then could Beauty do ? She gave Her treasur'd Tribute to the Brave, To her own Softness join'd the manly Heart, Sustain'd the Soldier's drooping Arms Confided in her genuine Charms, And yielded every Ornament of Art. — We want them not. Yet, Oye Fair, Should Gallia obstinately vain, To her own Ruin urge Despair, And brave th' acknowledge Matters of the Main. Should she thro' lingring Years protract her Fall, Thro' Seas of Blood to her Destruction wade, Say, could ye feel the generous Call, And own the fair Example here poutray'd ? Doubtless ye could. The Royal Dame Would plead her dear adopted Country's Cause, And each indignant Breast unite its Flame To save the Land of Liberty and Laws. * Margaret de Waldemar, commonly called the Se- ramis of the North. In the Year 1395, the Ladies of Mecklenburgh, to support their Duke Albert's Pretensions to the Crown of Sweden, and to redeem him when he was taken Prisoner, gave up all their Jewels to the Public ; for which they afterwards received great Emoluments and Privileges, particularly the Right of Succession in Fiefs, which had before been appropriated to Males only. Translation of the Declaration made by the Count de FUENTES, Am- bassador from Spain. THE Count de Fuentes, Embassador from the Catholick King, to the King of Great- Bri- tain, has just now received an Express from his Court, which informs him, that Lord Bristol, Embassador from his Britannick to his Catholick Majesty, having intimated to his Minister of State, his Excellency Mr. Richard Wall, that he had Orders to demand a positive and categorical Answer to this Question, " Whether Spain in- tended to unite herself to France against England." and added, " That he should look upon a Nega- tive, or a Refusal of such categorical Answer, as an Aggression and Declaration of War; and that, in Consequence thereof, he thought he ought to retire from the Court of Spain."— He was there- upon answered, by the said Minister of State, that the Spirit of Haughtiness and Discord, which had dictated to him such a rash Step, and which ( as the Bane of human Kind) still influences the British Government, had also, at that very In- stant, made a Declaration of War, and insulted the Dignity of the King; wherefore he might think of retiring how and when it suited his own Conveniency. The Count de Fuentes is ordered, in Conse- quence thereof, to depart the Court and Kingdom of Great- Britain, and to make known to his Britannick Majesty, to the British Nation, and to the whole World, that the unlimited Ambition and Haughtiness of him who held the Reins of his Government, and who ( as it seems) still holds them by another Hand, is the Cause ... or him [ there seems to be something wanting here to ren- der the Sense perfect] that has dug the Pit, into which the two Nations of Spain and England are going to tumble. That if the Catholick King has excused himself from answering the Question, viz. Whether the Treaty, which all Europe sus- pected or suggested to have been signed by their Catholick and Most Christian Majesties, on the 15th Day of August, did or did not contain any Conditions relative to England ? it ought to be considered, first, as a just Requital for the want of Condescention, and the insulting Manner with which, during the whole Ministry of Mr. Pitt, the Affairs of Spain have been treated. And, laftly, when he ( Mr. Pitt) saw himself convinced of the Justness of the Pretentions of the Catholick King, he made Use of this Declaration. " That he would grant them whenever the Tower of London should be conquered by the Point of the Sword." Add to this, the imperious Tone in which such Declaration was made. The Spanish Ministry could have freely declared to the English ( as the King himself now, of His own free Will, commands the Count de Fuentes to declare publicly) that the Treaty in Question is reduced to a Covenant between his Majesty and the Family of Bourbon, which contains nothing relative to the present War; and that, even in the mutual Guaranty of States, it is specified, that it regards only those, which should remain to France after the End of the War: That not- withstanding the great Share of Resentment, which fell to the Lot of his Majesty in the unex- pired Action of giving back in a slighting Man- ner, to Mons. de Bussy Minister of France, the Memorial by him presented, desiring that the Dif- ferences between Spain and England might be terminated at the same Time as the War between England and France, with the laudable Conclu- sion of a Peace; yet his Catholick Majesty tho't well to dissemble that Slight, by a Writing deli- vered to my Lord Bristol. A Demonstration of the good Nature and Sincerity of this Step, which was taken by France, shocked Mr. Pitt. Arid lastly, his Majesty wrote to his Cousin, the Most Christian King, that since the Junction of the Affairs of Spain obstructed in England the in- tended Peace, he would rather abandon the same, than lay the least Obstacle thereto; but this was soon experienced to be only a Pretext for the Bri- tish Minister to avoid settling the same ; since he saw that the French, in the Course of his Nego- ciation, without speaking any more about the Business of Spain, for the Sake of Peace, had submitted to such Conditions, as in the Judgment of the whole World appeared to be of excessive Advantage to England; notwithstanding which he broke the Negociation, and discovered his venomous Intentions against Spain, in Opposition to the whole British Council, and unhappily he has accomplished his depraved Intention. This Declaration being now made, the Count de Fuentes beseeches his Excellency, My Lord Egremont, to offer his profound Respects to the King of England, his Master, and to obtain such Passports for him, and such Orders as shall be convenient for him, to depart with his Family without Interruption from the Territory of Great- Britain, and also for the short Navigation which separates this Island from the Continent. To the PRINTER of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. SIR, You are desired to insert the following QUERIES m your useful and entertaining Paper, as soon as convenient. J. A. Q. I Is there not a Plan laid down for clean- ing the City of Bath, by Scavengers, & c. Q. II. Are not all the Streets generally dirty, particularly the Parades ? Q. III. Are there not many Heaps of Dirt and Rubbish, and other Obstructions, left long in the Streets ? Q. IV. Are not Carriages frequently left, and even kept in the Streets and Lanes, to the constant Obstruction of Passengers ? Q. V. Does not the Health of a City depend principally on its Cleanliness internal and external ? To the PRINTER, & C. The most Singular Event which could possibly have happened, for the thorough Defeat of all Cavillers at a late Minister's Character, is the Proclamation of a War with Spain ; which is in Fail, the present Ministry's openly assenting to what they absolutely dissented from before, and proving thereby that Mr. P. proposed a more proper substantial Scheme, namely, direct Enmi- ty, than parleying with that Nation. I apprehend therefore, that the following Character of the above People, in a Piece lately published in Oppo- sitition to a favoured Invective, may prove not un- relishing to the true Englishmen of our Country. " We fee them ( says the Author) imperious from the unjustifiable Usurpation of distant Pro- vinces, by which they now subsist ; emboldened by Riches thence accruing, they stand up to give Law to all. Dark in their Dispositions, mali- ciously reserved even to their Friends; too proud to bear the Burthen of a War, too ungenerous to maintain a Peace ; for ever breaking, or, when Fear actuates, coldly keeping the most solemn Treaties; in short, in their Imaginations Lords of the World, without Skill or Courage to com- pass any honourable Conquest." To Mr. G**** of BATH. IN vain, when Love's disastrous Arrows rove, In vain we arm against the Shafts of Love ! Fenc'd were thy Heart with adamantine Shield, Resistless is Love can teach it how to yield ! One only Way can't thou avoid the Yoke, Submits the Muses Guardianship invoke ! Once when their sacred Fire thy Bosom warms, Secure shall thou behold ev'n CHLOE's Charms ; And, borne upon the golden Wings of Fame, Despise the Raptures of a meaner Flame ! Friday's and Saturday's POSTS. [*#* No Foreign Mail arriv'd. ] Ireland. DUBLIN', Dec 19. OWARDS raising the Supply granted to his Majesty, we hear that addi- tional Duties will be laid on the fol- lowing Articles. From and after the 15th of March next, to the 25th of December, 1765, inclusive, 61. per Ton on all Sorts of Wines of the Growth of France or Spain ; 31. per Ton on all Sorts of Portugal Wines ; and 5I. per Ton on all other Wines that shall be im- ported into this Kingdom ; 40s. per Pound on all Velvets and Manufactures made of or mixed with Silk, except those of Great- Britain, China, Per- sia, and the East- Indies; bf. per lb. on all Hops imported; 51. perCent. on foreign China, Earthen, Japanned, and Lacquered Ware; per Ton on all Sorts of imported Vinegar; 2d. per Ton on Aqua Vitae, strong Waters, and Spirits, that shall be made or distilled in this Kingdom for Sale; 2d. per lb. on all Coffee imported ; 10S. per Annum, payable by every Retailer of Cyder, and 1d. per Gallon oil all Cyder that shall be fold by Retail; 20s. on every four- wheel Car- riage ; and 6d. per Ton on Soapers Waste. London, December 31. It is now confidently said, that a certain Right Hon. Gentleman is to have no Share in the Ad- ministration. All the Reports of Mr. Pitt's being sent for, and of his assisting at Councils, were without any Foundation. There is some Foundation for a Report, that a certain Admiral, with two Men of War, has been detained at Cadiz. The Capital Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, and some from Spithead are ordered round to Plymouth. It is said that Orders are gone down to Ports- mouth, to fit out directly four Fire- Ships and three Bomb- Vessels. It is reported, that Orders have been dispatched for detaining all the Spainish Vessels in the several Ports of his Majesty's Dominions. The Warwick Man of War, lately taken from the French, is purchased by some Merchants, and is now fitting out at Woolwich, to cruise upon the Spaniards. She is to carry 60 Guns and 500 Men, and is to be commanded by Capt. Macna- mara, late of the Rhoda Indiaman. Eight Spanish Merchants were sent for to the Council at Whitehall on Tuesday last. The Makers of Gunpowder have Orders to work Night and Day. We are informed that the King of Portugal has sent for twenty- five thousand Stand of Arms from England. We are informed, that no Embargo, as yet, has been laid on the Spanish Ships in the River. It is now thought that a Declaration of War against Spain, being a weighty Concern, will not take Place so soon as some expect; but that his Majesty will first take Advice from the Parliament, which is adjourned to the 19th of the next Month, As for Ambassadors leaving the respective Courts where they resided, that has been frequently done without any War ensuing. Monday Part of the Baggage of his Excellency the Spanish ambassador was embarked on hoard a Ship in the River bound for Cadiz. We hear Orders were sent Yesterday to the Cus- tom- house, for the Spanish Ambassador's Baggage to be parted without any Examination, and to be shipped, without any Delays whatsoever. Some private Letters by the Flanders Mail from Paris, say, the Spaniards declared War against Great- Britain on the 14th Instant. [ Price TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY.] ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in at the Printing- office in Stall- Street, at 3s. 6d. each Time, if short ; longer Ones in Proportion. The BATH CHRONICLE and GAZETTE is circulated in London, Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgewater, Wells, Shepton- Mallet, Bruton, Frome, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Malmsboury, Wotton- under- edge, lewkesbury, Cheltenham, Hereford, Worcester, Kidderminster, Bewdley, Bridgnorth, Shrewsbury, Birmingham, Coventry, Warwick, Oxford, Abingdon, Hungerford, Newsbury, Reading, Salisbury, Heisbury, Warminster, Westbury, Lavington, Branford, Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes, Corsham, Chippenham, Calne, Marlborough, Dorchester, Blandford, Shasisbury, Pool Weymouth, Sherborne, Br. & c. at the Post- Offices of most of which Places, Advertisements for this Paper, and Orders for all Manner of Printing, are taken in ; as likewise by the New men,- No letters received, unless POST- PAID At the Printing- Office aforesaid may be had, all Says of PATENT MEDICINES, & c. 50 ' Tis generally believed, that the Declaration of *** the Spanish Embassador which was Yesterday handed about the City, is the Offspring of some of those notorious Hirelings , who have been em- POPE'S- Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. ployed to asperse the Character of our late worthy Minister; and that it was first wrote in English, then privately translated into Spanish, after which it was glaringly carried to the Royal Exchange; to be publickly translated dated into English in the open Shop of a Notary Public. It is most remarkable, that by the last West- India Mail there was not a Line from any of the Post- Masters as usual, which, it is supposed, may be owing to Orders given, to prevent any New from transpiring. We hear that a Manifesto will be soon publish'd setting forth the Reasons for recalling the Earl of Bristol, his Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Madrid, which will be sent to all the Courts of Europe in Alliance with Great- Britain. Notwithstanding the Spaniards have 75 Ships of the Line, besides Frigates, is not to be sup- posed they are all fit for Service ; and if they were, they have not Sailors to man them ; nor can their Friends the French assist them in that Article, as we have most of their Sailors already here : Little, therefore, is to be feared from their Junction, but that of letting Peace at a greater Distance. Notwithstanding all the specious Insinuations set forth in his Catholick Majesty's Declaration we can assure the Public, from undoubted Au- thority, that the Spanish Ambassador's Departure from England has long been intended for the Month of February next. A Letter from one Mr. Hamilton at Cadiz, to a Merchant in Town, dated December 1, informs us, that they were packing up there with all the Expedition imaginable, having receiv'd an Order from his Majesty's Consul to be ready to retire on the shortest Notice: That in Pursuance of this Order, their Goods were already embark'd for the most Part on board the Vessels in that Port, and themselves ready to follow as soon as ever it should be thought necessary ; That the Spaniards began already to view them with great Malignity, which rendered their Stay much longer not very safe : That they had not, however, at that Time declared War, at least not in that Port, but from Appearance every Thing was tending to a speedy Rupture. This Letter confirms the March of the Spanish Troops against the Portuguese ; and adds, that in all Parts of the Kingdom, particu- larly in the Maritime Towns, they are raising a great Number of Troops, and making all the other Preparations for War with the greatest Vigour. The Master of a Ship just arrived in the River from Lisbon says, that when he left that Place the Portuguese were making Levies all over the King- dom, in order to oppose the Spaniards ; that the latter, however, had been before- hand with them, by having already entered the Territories of his Faithful Majesty, and laid Siege to some of the Frontier Places; but that they depended mostly upon the Assistance of the English, for whose Sake they look upon themselves as involv'd in this War. The Accounts of Spanish Troops being ordered to march to the Borders of Portugal, give Room to apprehend that the Court of Madrid has a De- sign upon that Kingdom, as was hinted a few Weeks ago ; and indeed it must be confessed, that the present Conjuncture is favourable for execut- ing such a Project. About the Middle of the last Century, the Portuguese were enabled by France to shake off the Spanish Yoke, and have since been indebted to Britain for their Indepen- dence. It was at that Time the Interest of France to depress Spain, as the Power of France increased in Proportion as the other declined and a severer Blow could not then have been given to Spain, than depriving her of Portugal But the Cafe is altered at present, France having in this War experienced, that the British Em- pire is an Over- match for her, she hath been forced to contract Alliances with her old Enemy Austria, and hath at length sued for the Assistance It has lately been whispered about with great Confidence, at the Court End of the Town, that a certain Nobleman of the first Rank will very speedily retire from all public Employment, upon a Pension of Six Thousand Pounds per Ann. On Monday Evening there was a very hot Im- press on the River. We hear that Advice- Vessels are sailed for the Mediterranean and the West- Indies. We hear that the Spanish Merchants have waited on the Earl of Egremont, his Majesty's Secretary of State for the Southern Department requesting that the Spanish Ships might be suffered to depart from our Ports without Molestation, that the King's Subjects may have the same Li berty, according to Treaties subsisting, which sti- pulate, that in Case of a Rupture, the Subjects of each Nation should have six Months to return to their respective Countries, with their Effects. It appears by the Consession of some Jesuits that have been racked on the Wheel, on Account of the late Conspiracy against the Life of the King of Portugal, that the Spanish Court has not been a little concerned in abetting the Conspirators and that had the Scheme succeeded, the Spaniards would have availed themselves of the general Dis- order that would have ensued thereupon, and marched an Army into Portugal to seize that Kingdom. A Letter from Berlin, dated Dec. 18, says, " The King was scarce come to the full Know- ledge of the Attempt designed to be made on his sacred Person, when Notice was happily given him of another intended Act of Treason. The Governor of a certain Fortress in Silesia, gained MUSIC on the Glasses, At Mr. Underwoods Music- Shop in Stall- street, BATH, By Mr. CARTWRIGHT, In the Manner of Mr. SCHUMAK, had the Honour of performing before their Majesties at St. James's, the rest of the Royal Family, and most of the Nobility in Great- Britain. He performs several of the choicest Italian, English and Scotch Airs, Country- Dances, & c. accompanied with the Guittar, and Voice, if de- sired; or the MUSICAL GLASSES may be heard alone. The Hours of Admittance are from Ten o'Clock. in the Morning ' till Three in the Afternoon ; and from Six to Eight in the Eve- ning.— Price One Shilling each Person. N. B. At the same Place are TWO of the Original LEARNED DOGS from the Hay- mar- ket, London ; one of which Reads, Writes, and Casts Accounts, & c. The other performs a Horn pipe, in the Character of Nancy Dawson at Drury- Lane. Price One Shilling each Person. [ Vol. BATH, January 6, 1762. WHEREAS FRANCIS GULLIVER, Appren- tice to John Ford, of the City of Bath, Mason, left his laid Matter's Service on the i+ tli Day of December last, and is suspected to have entered himself into the Somersetshire Militia : This is therefore to caution and forbid all Persons from detaining or employing the laid Apprentice, as they will be prosecuted for the same to the ut- most Rigour of the Law. The said Francis Gulliver is about 19Years of Age, about five Feet fix Indies high, of a fresh Complexion, dark brown Hair, and somewhat deaf : Had on when he went away, an old Livery Coat, and Leather Breeches. COLDS caught at this Season, lay the Foundation for the worst Disorders. The following Medicine cures them, and prevents the Danger, often by a single Dose. Pectoral Balsam of Honey. over by the French and Austrian Party, had en- gaged to deliver up the Town to the Enemy. He lent General Laudohn an exact Account of the Number of Troops, the Quantity of Provisions, Military Stores, & c. and gave him Notice by Letter, at what Hour and Minute, and in what Manner he was to give the Assault. This Letter he put into a common Walking- flick, which he gave to a Peasant to carry, promising to make his Fortune if ha would deliver it into General Lau- dohn's own Hand. But the Peasant, as soon as ha got out of the Sight of thole whom the Go- vernor had sent with him a Part of the Way, ftrnck into another Road, and came directly to the King of Prussia ; who had the Grief to see with his own Eyes, that he was betrayed by those in whom he placed great Confidence. We wait with Impatience for the Consequences of this Discovery." They write from the Hague, that there is great Canvassing for the Place of Minister to the Bri- tish Court, in the Room of the late General Hopp ; but that it was thought that it would be given to the Count de Welderen, whose Abilities, it is generally allowed, would do Honour to his Coun- try in this Station. They write from Hamburgh, that Provisions have risen to such a Heighth in that City, that the Magistrates have been obliged to fix the Price of them. The following Ships of the Line were cruizing off Ushant the 21st Instant; Namur, Union, Mars, Ocean, Burford, Orford, Essex, Lion, Edgar, St Florentine, Revenge, Fame ; and at the some Time four Frigates were cruizing before the Har- of Spain, who, excited by Jealousy and Ambition, appears ready to give her a List, and fish in trou- bled Waters, since France is too necessitous to circumscribe the Views and Operations of the Spaniards. Some are apt to infer from the Pre- mises, that France will consent to Spain's making a Conquest of Portugal, in Consideration of being assisted by the Spanish Navy in Europe and else- where : But at the same Time we may suppose the French Ministry have an Eye upon the Austrian Netherlands, as some Compensation for an In- crease of Power in the Spanish Monarchy by the Acquisition of Portugal. It may be said that the Empress- Queen would not like this Way of trim- ming the Balance : But if she could recover Si- lesia ( which she cannot hope for without the As- sistance of France) and retain Possession of the Duchy of Cleves, Prussian Guelderland, and the County of Marke, she could very well afford to part from the Netherlands, as they are not of so much Importance to her as Acquisitions in Ger- many, which she can more easily defend, and en- large as Opportunities offer; And if she would not consent to cede the Low Countries, France could take them without asking Leave. It is said that the King of Spain has taken into his Pay all the Troops of the Electors of Palatine and Bavaria, together with some others, to the Amount of 50,000 Men, which are to act either in Conjunction with the French, or against the Sar- dinians, or Portugal if necessary. Some Persons are of Opinion that Matters may yet be accommodated between Great- Britain and Spain, without an absolute Rupture. This much is certain, that the next Couriers must be waited for before we can depend upon the Truth of War having been already declared in Spain. A new- discovered Remedy far Coughs and Consump- tions, all Phthisicky Complaints, Asthmas, and tough Phlegm, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, and I I Stuffings- up of the Lungs. The Author of the Pamphlet oh the Virtues of Honey, has found its fragrant Balsam maybe se- parated from the grosser Parts; and is then a most perfect Dissolvent for all the other Balsams. The Greeks knew this, and he has endeavoured to re- store the Practice. This Medicine will be a lad- ing Proof of its Utility. A Tea- spoonful contains the Virtue of two Ounces of Honey, and never disa- grees with any Constitution ; it converts a Glass of Water into the Nature and equality of Asses Milk, with this balsamic Addition ; it takes off the Hectic which attends a Consumption, recruits the Strength, allays the Cough, and heals and preserves the Lungs. If it be in the Power of Medicine to stop the Ravage of that cruel Disease which cuts off such Numbers of our Youth, this Balsam will effects it. It is fold by Mr. Leake, Bookseller. in BATH ; Mr. Baldwin, and Mr. Jackson, in London; and Mr. Brown, in Bristol : In Bottles of 3s. each, sealed and signed by the Author. Where may be had, 1. VALERIAN, Genuine Tincture of the TRUE ROOT.------ It is excellent beyond Parallel in all Nervous Disorders, Lowness of Spirits, Head- achs, Tremblings, vain Fears, and Wanderings of the Mind; in Convulsions, Hysteric Fits, Hypochon- driacal Complaints, and the Epilepsy. It prevents Sickness at the Stomach; and takes off entirely that Sense of Fulness and Swelling of the Flesh in damp Weather, which so greatly affect Persons of lax Fibres. It gives a serene Cheer fulness of Disposition in the Place of those careless Horrors which so dreadfully op- press People who have weak Nerves.— Providence seems to have given the Plant in a peculiar Manner to England, where those Disorders are most common. A Medicine not only for the Body, but the Mind. Sold in Pint Bottles at 10s. 6d. the Smaller 5s. and is. 6d. each. By VIRTUE of His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The following Medicines are Sold at Mr. New- bery's Ware- House, the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite the North Door of the Church, London ; by C. Pope and Co. at the Printing- Office in Stall- Street; Messrs. Leake and Frederick, Booksellers; Mr. Lambe, Grocer; and Mr. Duperre, Perfumer, in Bath ; and by Mr. Cadell, Mr. Brown, Mr. Palmer, and Mr. Ward, Booksellers, in Bristol : DR. James's Powder for Fevers, and other Inflammatory Distempers, which is a very safe and pleasant Medicine to take, will re- move ( as has been experienced in many Thousand Cases) any continual acute Fever in a few Hours, though attended with Convulsions, Lightheadedness, and the worst Symptoms : But, if taken in the Begin- ning of a Fever, one Dose is generally sufficient to perform a Cure. It is Likewise a most medy for all Inflammations, Pleurisies ties, acute Rheumatisms, and the Lowness of Spirits and Uneasinesses proceeding from flow and latent Fe- vers, which are generally mistaken for Vapours and Hystericks. It is extremely effectual in the Small- pox, Measles, and St. Anthony's Fire, and a jingle Dose remarkably flops the Progress of a Cold, and cer- tainly prevents the ill Consequences arising from that very common Disorder, the Source of atmost all Dis- tempers. Price 2s. 6 d. the Paper, containing four Doses. Dr. John Hooper's Female Pills, Universally esteemed the best Remedy against those ge- neral Complaints which the Fair Sex are subject to ; they cleanse, purify, and cause a free Circulation of the Blood, and remove all Obstructions ; whereby Health is recovered, and the Patient who looked like Death, restored a lively Complexion. Price is. the Box. Mr. Greenough's Tincture for the bour of Brest. From the private Accounts of the late Dr. Ward, it appears, that he annually applied 30601.. to charitable Uses, and left but 16,0001. at is Death. We hear that a Yorkshire Gentleman, of a cor- pulent squat Make, well known at Newmarl it and by all the Gentlemen of the Turf, has made a Bet of Two Hundred Pounds, that he wheels a large Double- wheel- barrow from Kipling ( the Seat of Christopher Crowe, Esq. in Yorkshire) to Mr. Parker's, at the Turk's- Head in Newcastle, which is near fifty Miles. He is to perform is in thirty- one Hours, any Time before June next. The Wheel- barrow is sent to Middleham- moor, where the Gentleman intends to go into Training. We heir that last Night the Highwayman who has lately acquired the Name of the Flying High- wayman, was apprehended and carried before Sir John Fielding, who committed him to Prison. Saturday a Man well dressed, with his Daugh- ter, about seven Years old, went into a Public- House in Goswell- Street, and called for a Pint of Beer, but before it was brought him, he spoke: to the Landlord in Words to this Effect, " Pray take Care of my Child ;" and expired immediately, A Letter from Midelwich in Cheshire, dated De- cember 23, relates that a Widow, a Shopkeeper. there, being in distressed Circumstances, in great Despair destroyed her two Children, and hanged herself at her Bed's Head. Yesterday a Bruising- match was sought near Strutton- Grounds, between Stevens ( a Nailer) and bis Brother, against! one Carrots and his Brother, when the Nailer beat his Antagonist, but the Brother of the Nailer was beaten. It was a very hard Battle on both Sides ; and Smallwood and the Nailer's Second having differed, the two Seconds fought, and Smallwood was beaten in two Minutes by the Nailer's Second. Yesterday Thomas Ashton was executed at Ty- burn, for robbing the Bath Waggoner some Time ago of 50s. on Hounslow- heath. Ashter was a Dragoon, about 21 Years of Age, a genteel young Fellow, five Feet eleven Inches high. He ac- knowledged the Justice of his Sentence His Body, was delivered to his Friends for Interment. 2. For the Certain CURE of the Scurvy, Essence of WATER- DOCK. There is no Question but this Plant will cure the most inveterate Scurvy : The Ancients all affirm it, and the Cures daily now performed by the Essence prove their Truth. It not only clears the Skin of Eruptions, but mends the whole Constitution. Scorbutic Persons are subject to have bad Stomachs, end to be miserably low- spirited at Times; and many have these Com- plaints, not knowing the Scurvy is the Cause : This Medicine takes off the Faintness, creates an Appetite and good Digestion immediately, when that Distemper in their Blood is the Cause ; and gradually cleans the Skin, and prevents future Eruptions. The Afflicted may depend on these Effects. Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. 3. For the Gout and Rheumatism, ELIXIR of BARDANA. --- The Numbers who have found Relief from this Medi- cine prove that it has at least answered the Expecta- tion with which it was made public ; and fresh In- stances of its good Effects daily shew, that the Author is so happy as to have been of some Benefit to Man- kind. To prevent the Returns of the Gout has been found impossible; but to relieve those who suffer, it is in our Power; to reduce the Number, and shorten the Continuance of the Fits; and to alleviate the Pains of them; So much will be effected by this Medicine: And this is as much as a considerate Person would de- sire : In the Rheumatism, it is a certain and absolute Cure ; and the Diseas'e never returns. The Dos'e is a Tea- spoonful in a Wine Glass of Water, Night and Morning. Its Operation is by insensible Perforation, and slightly by Urine Price 3s. the Bottle, with Directions. The Stomachic Lozenges, which are the pleasantest and most effectual Remedy yet discovered for Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. They cure the Cholic, and all fixed Pains of tie Stomach, Indi- gestion, Wind, cold Phlegm, and Want of Appetite; and immediately relieve the Heart- burn, and four Risings, and prevent the ill Effects of hard Drinking, especially of bad Wine, four Punch, stale Beer. & c Price 1s. 6d. the Box. The Pectoral Lozenges of TOLU, Being a pleasant and most effectual Remedy, for all tickling Coughs, Catarrhs, fire Throats, Hoarsenesses, and Defluxions on the Lungs-, for they sheath the Acri- mony of the Humours, heal the Rawness and Soreness of the Breafi, and promote Expcftoralion. — Price is. the Box, Dr. Robert Eaton's Styptick, which is a sovereign Remedy in all inward Bleedings, Vomit- ings, and Spitting of Blood, or Bleeding; at the Nose, & c. --- Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle, or a smaller- Sort at 6d. [ See a Character of this Medicine in Dr. Cheyne's Book, entitled, The Natural Method of curing the Diseases if the Body and Mind. ] The BALSAM of HEALTH, Or, ( as it is by fame Persons called) the BALSAM of LIFE, which being a Composition of the finest natural Halsams and balsamic Herbs, is the most admirable Vulnerary in Nature, curing all fresh Wounds at once or twice dressing, and is a most excellent Remedy. E P I G R A M. HONEST HARRY'S alive !--- How d'ye know it ? says NED : O I'm perfectly fine,— for DICK said he was dead. in Chronic Disorders, viz. the Rheumatism, Gout, Asthma, Wind Cholic, Gravel or Stone in the Kidneys, and all inward Decays and Weaknesses.— Price is. 6d. the Bottle. The Proprietor of this Balsam having fully established his Property ( as may be seen by the Pro- ceedings concerning it in the High Court of Chancery) now offers it to the Public at 1s. 6d. the Bottle, tho' that which is called the Balsam of Life is sold for3s. *** As Counterfeits of the above Medicines are hawked about the Country, the Public are desired to be particularly careful to apply for them to Mr. New- bery, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite the North Door of the Church, or to those who are impowered to fell them in different Parts of Great- Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies Abroad, under his Hand and Seal. At the Printing- Office in Stall- Street may he had, 4. Essential Tincture of Golden Rod, Dr. Walker's Patent Jesuits DROPS, The most successful Medicine now used for the GRA- Price 5s. the large, and 2s. 6d. the small Bottle. VEL and STONE.— Each Bottle containing about . 16 Doses; and is an effectual, safe, and pleasant Re- The Original Daffy's Elixir, medy in all Degrees of those Complaints.— Price4s.) At 1s. 3d. each Bottle. the Bottle, with Directions. The famous Cordial Cephalic Snuff 6d. W II] POPE'S Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. CHURCHMAN's PATENT CHOCOLATE By the late Mr. CHURCHMAN's famous WATER- ENGINE, at the Castle. Mills, in BRISTOL, ( The only Work of the Kind in Great- Britain) Is now made by Joseph Fry, Who has been long concerned in the CHOCOLATE BUSINESS, And. John Vaughan, Jun. The laid Mr. CHURCHMAN's Executor, The present sole Proprietors of the said ENGINE, who have open'd Ware- houses for Sale thereof, In Wine- Street, BRISTOL, And in LONDON, at N. BURROUGH'S, Grocer and Tea- Man, in Threadneedle- Street: And to prevent Counterfeits, each Pound will have a Stamp affix'd to it. THE great Superiority of this CHOCOLATE, to all other, will appear on Trial to any one, by its immediate Dissolving, full Flavour, Smoothness on the Palate, and intimate Union with Liquids; and as it is much finer than any other Sort, so it will go further, and is of greater Nutriment, and of easier Digestion to weak Sto- machs; being by this Engine made perfectly clean, and free from the usual Coarseness, Grit and Sediment, so much disliked in other Chocolate. Those Shopkeepers and others who don't choose to go to the Price of the finest Sort, may be supplied at their WARE- HOUSE in Bristol, with very good Chocolate ( far superior to what is usually sold) at the London Prices, but without the Stamp. Allowance will be made to those who fell again. Mrs. ROSCO, At her House on St. Michael's- Hill, BRISTOL, Takes this Method of acquainting her Friends, That she continues her Boarding- school As in Mr. Rosco'sLife- Time. Her Eldest Daughter, who has quitted all public. Performance, assists in teaching to Read. The School opens again Monday, January 11. London, Bath, and Bristol FLYING- WAGGONS, ( By Way of the DEVIZES) SET out from Gerrard's- Hall, Basing- Lane, and the King's- Arms, Holbourn - Bridge, London, every Sunday and Wednesday Evening; arrive at Bath every Wednesday and Saturday Morning early, ( lying but one Night on the Road) and go to Bristol the same Day. Set out from Bristol every Saturday and Wednesday Noon, and from Bath every Sunday and Wednesday Even- ing ; arrive in London the ensuing Wednesday and Saturday Mornings early. There are also Waggons set out on the other Days of the Week, from the same Inns in Lon- don, and from Peter's- Pump at Bristol, ( thro' Bath and Devizes) which lie three Nights on the Road ! By which Means, Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and others, have more frequent Opportunities of being served in the Carriage of large Quantities of Goods, to and from London, Devizes, Bath, Bristol, Shepton- Mallet, Wells, and Places ad- jacent, together with most of the principal Towns in the West.— Goods are likewise forwarded to and from all the principal Towns in South- Wales For further Particulars, apply to Benjamin Burnley, at Gerrard's- Hall Inn in Basing- Lane, and Jacob Watts, at the King's- Arms, Hol- bourn- Bridge, London; at our Ware- house in Bath ; and in Bristol to Mr. Richard Giles, at the Lamb- Inn, near Lawford's- Gate, or on the Exchange ; also to Frederick White, at the Ware- house in St. Peter- Street, or to their Compter op- posite the Pump in the said Street. For the better Conveniency of the Public, these Waggons take up and put down Goods and Pas- sengers at the New Wite- Horse Cellar, and Black and White Bears in Piccadilly. The whole perform'd with the greatest Punc- tuality and Dispatch, on the lowest Terms, by the Public's much obliged and most obedient humble Servants, LIONEL LEE, | RICHARD GILES, THOMAS KING, JAMES BULL. THE True Original Jesuits Drops, made by K. ROCK, Licentiate in Medicine and Chemist, of 4.5 Years Practice, Jor the Cure of Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses in loth Sexes, however contracted: Also for curing all Venereal Complaints whether recent or of long Standing, ( used according to a Boot of full and plain Instructions given with each Bottle) as Ulcers in any Part of the Body, par- ticularly the Mouth and Threat, fistulous Ulcers in Ano, Fistulas,_ Venereal Eruptions in any Part, & c. Pains by Day or Night; also Scurvy, Rheumatism, Hysterick and Hypochondriac Disorders. The most) pleasant, safe, effectual, and cheap Medicine ever in- vented ; that will retain its Efficacy many Tears in any Climate, and therefore the fittest Medicine that can be bought by Persons going Journies or Voyages by Land or Sea. They are sold by the Doctor at his Patent Ware- house on Ludgate- hill, London, in Bottles of 2s. and 4s. each.— Allowance to Merchants, Sea- captains, Country- dealers, or others taking a Quantity. Sold alio by Mr. Gibbons, Grocer, in the Mar- ket- place, Bath; Mr. Gould, Chandler, in Wells; Mr. Burrough, Bookseller, in the Devizes; Mr. Blackman, Bookseller, in Reading; Mr. Crouch, Bookseller, at Marlborough ; and Mr, Wimpey, Bookseller, at Newbury. The GLASSYCHORD, Invented by Mr. FRANKLIN ; W'HO has greatly improved the MUSICAL GLASSES, and form'd them into a com- pleat Instrument, to accompany the Voice; capa- jble of Thorough Bass, and never out of Tune. Miss DAVIES, from London, Will perform several Favourite Airs, English and Italian, on the GLASSYCHORD, ( being its first Appearance in Public) accompanied occasionally with the Voice and the German Flute. She will also ( if desired) Perform on the HARPSICHORD. The Performance will begin this Day, and continue every Day ( Sundays excepted) from Twelve ' till Three, at Mrs. CAREY'S, Hosier, at the Star, opposite the Italian Ware- House in the Abbey Church- Yard, Bath. N. B. Admittance Two Shillings and Six- Pence each. Vivat Rex & Regina. To be Sold immediately, A Quantity of Elm Timber, Withy Trees fit for Chair- makers, & c. Also the Growth of a large WITHY BED, fit for Basket- makers; all standing. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Richard Boucher, at Corsham, Wilts. To be Sold, A Very GENTEEL STRONG ONE- HORSE CHAIR, With the HORSE that has been used in it: He is extremely steady, sure- footed, and strong. *** The Chair and Horse may be seen at the WHITE- HART in BATH.— A reasonable Trial will be allowed. Sunday's and Monday's POSTS. [ No FOREIGN MAIL arrived.] From the LONDON GAZETTE. London. T the Court of St. James's, the 2d Day of January, 1761. PRESENT, The King's most excellent Majesty, His Royal Highness the Duke of York, Archbishop of York, Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Lord Chamberlain, Duke of Newcastle, Lord Steward, Earl of Hunt- ingdon, Earl of Albemarle, Earl of Cholmond- ley, Earl of Kinnoul, Earl of Bute, Earl of Powis, Earl of Egremont, Earl of Hardwicke, Earl of Thomomd, Viscount Falmouth, Viscount Barrington, Viscount Ligonier, Bishop of London, Lord Berkley of Stratton, Lord Bathurst, Lord Sandys, Lord Anson, Lord Melcombe, Lord Grantham, James Stuart Mackenzie, Esq. George Grenville, Esq. Charles Townshend, Esq. His Majesty was this Day pleased to sign a Declaration of War against the King of Spain, and to order, that the fame should be proclaimed on Monday next, in the usual Form and Manner. This Day his Grace John Duke of Argyll was, by his Majesty's Command, sworn of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, and took his Place at the Board accordingly. [ Thus far the Gazette.] This Day at Noon was performed before their Majesties the Ode for the New- Year, written by William Whitehead, Esq. Poet- Laureat, and set to Music by Dr. Boyce, Master of the King's Band of Musicians. The Vocal Parts by Mess. Beard, Savage, Cooper, Cox, Baildon, Wafs, Ladd, Van- dernan, Denham, Barrow, Buswell, Hudfon, Cos- ter, Warren, the Children of the Chapel- Royal, & c. The Instrumental by the Band of Music, and other principal Performers. Last Saturday an Express arriv'd at Portsmouth with Orders to fit all the Ships, Frigates, & c. for the Sea with the utmost Expedition. Yesterday a Message was sent from Lord Egre- mont's Office to Lloyd's Coffee- house, to acquaint the Merchants and Captains of Ships, that no Embargo will be laid on any Ships whatsoever ; and that all Spanish Ships were at Liberty to de- part whenever they thought proper. The same Morning two Expresses were dis- patched to the King of Sardinia. Yesterday Notice was fixed up at the General Post- Office, that after the 18th Instant, no more Correspondence would be carried on from the Groyne between England and Spain. It is computed that among the Prisoners actu- ally in England, taken on board of French Ships, there are about 10,000 Spaniards. The last Advices from South Carolina which brought us the Account of a Peace being con- cluded with the Indians, brought also an Account of some other Nation of India, being at War with the Spaniards in that Part of the World. It is now currently reported, that Portugal has actually made a Demand on our Court for twenty Men of War, and 14,000 Laud Forces, with Stores and all other Necessaries, and Arms for 20,000 more Troops, for that their Coffers are empty. They are in a very humble Situation. We hear that the Right Hon. the Earl of Bris- tol, our Minister at the Court of Spain, will re- turn Home through France. We hear that two large Fleets will soon be as- sembled at Plymouth ; one of which will be com- manded by Sir Edward Hawke, the other Com- mander is not yet appointed. Yesterday sixty Press Warrants were sent down to the Lieutenants of the Renown Man of War, lying at Woolwich. Three Ships are now taking in all Manner of Ammunition of War, to carry them to Gibral- tar, and other of our Garrisons Abroad. Several People, who pretend to be well in- formed, treat the Plot formed against the King of Prussia by Wargotsch, as a mere Invention.___ Time will shew the Truth of this. It is said that our Army in Germany is to be reinforced with 7000 British Troops. Whereas I, William Hardyman, of London, have, without any Foundation, published and caused to be published and dispersed, in several Parts of the Kingdom, and particularly by Caleb Preston, Bookseller, in Boston; William Wood, Bookseller, in Lincoln; Robert Davey, at St Giles's- Gate, Norwich ; Jos. Cuthbertson, in Wellingborough; John Berry, Grocer, in Man- chester; William Bingley, Grocer, in Chester; James Wild, Bookseller, in Ludlow; Thomas Wild, Bookseller, in Hereford ; JohnBlunt, Book- seller, in Ross ; Thomas Knight, Tobacconist, in Taunton ; J. Merell, in Painswick and Stroud ; J. Young, in Wotton- Underedge; J. Carey, Shepton- Mallet; and sundry other Persons; false and scandalous Hand- Bills, Bills of Directions, and Shew- Boards, reflecting upon DICEY and CO. of Bow- Church- Yard, London, and the DAFFY'S ELIXIR made and sold by them ; for which they justly commenced a Suit at Law against me, and several other Persons I employed to disperse the said Bills and Directions 5 but have been prevailed upon to stop Proceedings, on my paying Damages and Charges at Law, and also promising not to publish or disperse for the Future any Bills, Ad- vertisements, or Papers reflecting on the said DicEY and OKELL, or the DAFFY's Elixir prepared and sold by them, or any Person or Persons selling their DAFFY'S ELIXIR ; and also that I will use my utmost Endeavours to prevent the dispersing of any such Bills, and will give immediate Notice for that Purpose to all Persons to whom I have ent such like Bills and Directions, to destroy them, and avoid the Consequences of offending as above, as they will answer at their Peril. London, Feb. 9, 1761. W. HARDYMAN. Signed in the Presence of John Ponle, Attorney at Lain. Benj. Curtis. *** Observe that the above Recantation be in the Direction Sheet with every future Bottle of Dicey and Co's true Daffy' Elixir; which is sold by L. LAMBE, Grocer, in Stall- Street, Bath. 51 employ this Occasion to do Credit to ourselves if that Light we are most ambitious to be seen, of- faithful and loyal Subjects : For in these Expres- sions of our great Regard to you, we have only- presumed to follow the gracious Example of the best of Kings. For the rest, them is no Station where you can be found, in which your Country will not need, and will not be sure to have, your most effectual Assistance. We have nothing, Sir, further to offer, but our ardent Prayers for your Health, a Blessing so precious and so important to the Public. We have the Honour to be, Sir, your most faithful and affectionate Servants. London, January 2. The Count de Fuentes, the Spanish Ambassa- dor, let out Yesterday Morning from his House in Soho- square for Dover, to embark for France. There were two Coaches with six Horses, two Post- chaises with four Horses each, and twenty Servants attending him. Yesterday his Royal Highness the Duke of York arrived in Town from Bath. A LETTER of THANKS From the Electors of the City of BATH, to the Right Hon. Mr. PITT, for the great Services which be has rendered to his King and Country during his late upright and able Administration. SIR, BAT&, Dec. 18. 1761. HAD it not been for the particular Relation in which we have the Honour to stand to- wards you, we shou'd perhaps have been it still con- tent, as others are, to enjoy in Silence those Fer- vours of Gratitude which every truly British Heart must feel for the great unparalleled Services which you have done your King and Country, through- out the Course of your late Ministry." It is true, that after so ample and so honourable a Testimony borne to them by your Royal Master himself, it wou'd be extremely vain in us to think that any Thing could be wanting to the Glory of a Character thus illustriously established. But tho' we can add nothing to you, we have ventured to Mr. PITT'S ANSWER. Mr. MAYOR, HAYES, Dec. 22, 1761. IHAVE received the particular Honour of a Letter signed by you, Sir, and by a great Num- ber of other Gentlemen of the Corporation, con- taining the most condescending and endearing Marks of personal Regard and Favour towards me, and at the same Time bellowing on such in- considerable Efforts, as I have been able to exert in the Service of my King and Country, Testi- monies of so distinguished and honourable a Na- ture, that I can only accept them with a Confu- sion, join'd to unceasing Gratitude. Allow me, Mr. Mayer, to intreat that you will please to communicate to the other Gentle- men of the Corporation these my most unsigned and respectful Acknowledgments ; and to assure them of my ardent and continual Wishes for the Prosperity of the City of Bath, and for the par- ticular Welfare and Happiness of the several Members of that ancient and considerable Corpo- ration. I am, with the warmed Sentiments of Regard and respectful Consideration, Sir, your most obe- dient and most obliged humble Servant, W. PITT. BROTHERS. YE are the Children of one Father, provided for by his Care ; and the Breast of one Mother hath given you fuck. Let the Bonds of Affection, therefore, unite thee with thy Brother, that Peace and Happiness may dwell in thy Father's House. And when ye separate in the World, remember the Relation that bindeth you to Love and Unity ; and prefer not a Stranger before thine own Blood. If thy Brother is in Adversity, assist him ; if thy Sifter is in Trouble, forsake her hot. So shall the Fortune of thy Father contribute to the Support of his whole Race ; and his Care be continued to you all, in your Love to each other. MASTERS and SERVANTS. REPINE not, o Man, at. a State of Servitude : It is the Appointment of God, and hath many Advantages, it removeth thee from the Cares and Sollicitudes of Life. The Honour of a Servant is his Fidelity; his highest Virtues are Submission and Obedience. Be patient therefore under the Reproofs of thy Master ; and when he rebuketh thee, answer not again : The Silence of thy Resignation shall not he forgotten. Be studious of his Interests, be diligent of his Affairs, and faithful in the Trust which he reposeth in thee. Thy Time and thy Labour belong unto him ; defraud him not thereof, for he payeth thee for them. And thou who art a Master, be just to thy Ser- vant; if thou expectest from him Fidelity; and reasonable in thy Commands, if thou expectest a ready Obedience. The Spirit of a Man is in him ; Severity and Rigour may create Fear, but can never command his Love. Mix Kindness with Reproof, and Reason with Authority, so shall thy Admonitions take Place in his Heart, and his Duty shall become his Plea- sure. He shall serve thee faithfully from the Motive of Gratitude ; he shall obey thee chearfully from the Principle of Love ; and fail not thou in Return, to give his Diligence and Fidelity a proper Reward. To the PRINTER of the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. SIR, DID the following Lines excel in their Species, as much is the inimitably Subject of them does in hers, I might' well lay Claim to, your Thanks for the Present made to your Paper. But alas ! it requires a WALLER to praise a SACHA- RISSA or an AMORET. Such as they are, I can not resist the Impulse of offering this. Mite her Merit. You will therefore by inserting them oblige your constant Reader, A. B. To Miss B***** , of N hCa. at BATH last Summer. PALL AS, when Candidate for Beauty's Prize, Trusted for Conquest to her azure Eyes. So far was right;— but than the Hehn and Spear Robb'd Love of so much as they gave to Fear. Had she assum'd thy Countenance entire, Thy Features, native Bloom, and milder Fire ; The Cestus Charms had been in vain display'd, And Judgment given to the black- ey'd Maid. 52 To be Sold, to the best Bidder, At the Angel- Inn over the Bridge, BATH, on Monday next, the 11th of Jan. A PONEY, the Property of Mr. William Price, Farrier, in Limekiln- Lane, Bristol :— The said Poney was stopp'd for the Payment of the Money due for keeping the same and some other Horses, being upwards of 61.— He is noted for trotting fourteen Miles in one Hour, and gallops fatter in Proportion.— Any Person may see the said Poney at the Angel- Inn aforesaid, from this Day to the Time of Sale. To be Sold, On Monday the 18th Day of this pre- sent Month of JANUARY, At the late Dwelling- House of JOHN HARDING Esq. deceased, at CHARTER- HOUSE- HINTON, in the County of Somers'et, The HOUSHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE of all Kinds, Late of the said JOHN HARDING, Esq. And also the OUT- DOOR STOCK, consisting of Corn, Hay, Draught and other Horses, Sheep, Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, and other Implements of Husbandry. The Sale to continue ' till all are sold. N. B. An exceeding good and genteel POST- CHARIOT, with a Pair of Horses and Har- ness compleat. To be Sold, On Tuesday the 12th of this Instant, and the two following Days, At the House late Mr. WILLIAM RICHARDSON'S, deceas'd, at WESTBURY, in the County of WILTS, All Sorts of Houshold Goods, VIZ. FINE Chints, and other Beds; good Feather- Beds; Quilts, Blankets, and Linen ; Pier, Chimney, and Dressing Glasses; a Walnut- tree Double Chest of Drawers; Mahogany Tables and Bureaus; Walnut- Tree and other Chairs; Plate, Watches, and China- ware; Brewing Uten- sils, and Kitchen Furniture. The Sale to begin each Day at Nine o'Clock. POPE'S Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette. [ VOL. II.] Wednesday's and POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE. GEORGE R. UR Will and Pleasure is, That you attend the Proclamation of our De claration of War against; Spain, that is to be made on Monday the 4th Inst. between the Hours of Nine and Twelve in the Morning, in the usual Places, and with the Solemnities customary on the like Occa- sion : And for so doing this shall be your War- rant. Given at our Court at St. James's, the Second Day of January, 1762, in the Second Year of our Reign. By his Majesty's Command. EGREMONT. To our Trusty and Well- beloved Servants, the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants, at Arms. His Majesty's Declaration of WAR against the King of SPAIN. GEORGE R. THE constant Object of our Attention, since our Accession to the Throne, has been, if possible, to put an End to the Calamities of War, and to settle the Public Tranquility upon a solid and lasting Foundation. To prevent those Calamities from being exten- ded still farther, and because the most perfect Harmony between Great- Britain and Spain is, at all Times, the mutual Interest of both Nations, it has been our earned Desire to maintain the strictest Amity with the King of Spain, and to accommo- date the Disputes between us and that Crown in the most amicable Manner. This Object we have steadily pursued, notwith- standing the many Partialties shewn by the Spa- niards to our Enemies the French, during the Course of the present War, inconsistent with their Neutrality : And most essential Proofs have been given of the Friendship and Regard of the Court of Great- Britain for the King of Spain and his Family. After a Conduit so friendly, and so full of good Faith, on our Part, it was Matter of great Surprize to us, to find a Memorial delivered on the 13d Day of July last, by Monsieur Bussy, Minister Plenipotentiary of France, to one of our Principal Secretaries of State, expressly relating to the Disputes between us and the Crown of Spain ; and declaring, that if those Objects should bring on a War, the French King would be obliged to take Part therein. Our Surprize was increased, when afterwards this unprecedented and offensive Step, made by a Power in open War with us, was avowed, by the Spanish Minister, to our Ambassador at Madrid, to have been taken with the full Approbation and Consent of the King of Spain. But, as this Avowal was accompanied with the most becoming Apologies on the Part of the King of Spain, and with Assurances, that such Memorial never would have been delivered, if it had been foreseen that we should have looked upon it in an offensive Light; and that the King of Spain was at Liberty, and ready, to adjust all his Differences with Great- Britain, without the In- tervention, or Knowledge of France; and soon after, we had the Satisfaction to be informed by our Ambassador at Madrid, that the Spanish Mi- nister, taking Notice of the Reports industriously spread of an approaching Rupture, had acquainted him, that the King of Spain had, at no Time, been more intent on cultivating a good Correspon- dence with us; and as the Spanish Ambassador- at our Court made repeated Declarations to the same Effect; we thought ours'elves bound, in Justice and Prudence, to forbear coming to Extremities. But the same tender Concern for the Welfare of our Subjects, which prevented our accelerating precipitately a War with Spain, if it could possibly be avoided, made it necessary for us to endeavour to know with Certainty, what were the Engage- ments, and real Intentions of the Court of Spain. Therefore, as we had Information, that En- gagements had been lately contracted between the Courts of Madrid and Versailles : And it was soon after indudriously spread throughout all Eu- rope, by the Ministers of France, that the Pur- port of those Engagements was. hostile to Great- Britain, and that Spain was on the Point of en- tering into the War; we directed our Ambassa- dor to desire, in the most friendly Terms, a Com- munication of the Treaties lately concluded be- tween France and Spain; or of such Articles thereof as immediately related to the Interests of Great- Britain, if any such there were ; or at lead, an Assurance that there were none incom- patible with the Friendship subsisting between us and the Crown of Spain. Our Astonishment and Concern was great, when we learnt, that so far from giving Satisfaction upon so reasonable an Application, the Spanish Minister had declined answering ; with Reason- ings and Insinuations of a very hostile Tendency: And as, at the same Time we had Intelligence, that great Armaments were making in Spain, by Sea and Land, we thought it absolutely necessary to try, once more, if a Rupture could be avoided : We therefore directed our Ambassador to ask, in a firm, but friendly Manner, Whether the Court of Madrid intended to join the French, our Ene- mies, to ait hostilely against Great- Britain, or to depart from its Neutrality; and, if he found the Spanish Minister avoided to give a clear An- swer, to insinuate, in the most decent Manner that the refusing, or avoiding to answer a Question so reasonable, could arise only from the King of Spain's having already engaged, or resolved to take Part against us, and mud be looked upon as an Avowal of such hostile Intention, and equiva- lent to a Declaration of War ; and that he had Orders immediately to leave the Court of Madrid. The peremptory Refusal by the Court of Spain to give the least Satisfaction, with Regard to any of those reasonable Demands on our Part, and the solemn Declaration at the same Time made by the Spanish Minister, that they considered the War as then actually declared, prove to a Demonstration, that their Resolution to ait offensively, was so ab- solutely and irrevocably taken, that it could not be any longer dissembled, or denied. The King of Spain, therefore, having been in- duced, without any Provocation on our Part, to consider the War as already commenced against us, which has in Effect been declared at Madrid ; we trust, that by the Blessing of Almighty God on the Justice of our Cause, and by the Assistance of our loving Subjects, we shall be able to defeat the ambitious Designs, which have formed this Union between the two Branches of the House of Bourbon; have now begun a new War, and por- tend the most dangerous Consequences to all Europe. Therefore, we have thought fit to declare, and do hereby declare War against the said King of Spain ; and we will, in Pursuance of such Decla- ration, vigorously prosecute the said War, wherein the Honour of our Crown, the Welfare of our Subjects, and the Prosperity of this Nation, which we are determined, at all Times, with our ut- most Power, to preserve and support, are so greatly concerned. And we do hereby will and require our Gene- rals and Commanders of our Forces, our Com- missioners for executing the Office of our High Admiral of Great- Britain, our Lieutenants of our several Counties, Governors of our Forts and Garrisons, and all other Officers and Soldiers under them, by Sea and Land, to do and execute all Acts of Hostility, in the Prosecution of this War, against the said King of Spain, his Vassals and Subjects, and to oppose their Attempts; wil- ling and requiring all our Subjects to take Notice of the same ; whom we henceforth strictly forbid to hold any Correspondence or Communication with the said King of Spain, or his Subjects: And we do hereby command our own Subjects, and ad- vertise all other Persons, of what Nation soever, not to transport, or carry any Soldiers, Arms, Powder, Ammunition, or other Contraband Goods, to any of the Territories, Lands, Plan- tations, or Countries of the said King of Spain; declaring that whatsoever Ship or Vessel shall be met withal, transporting, or carrying any Sol- diers, Arms, Powder, Ammunition, or other Contraband Goods, to any of the Territories, Lands, Plantations, or Countries of the said King of Spain, the same being taken, shall be condem- ned as good and lawful Prize. And whereas there may be remaining in our Kingdoms divers of the Subjects of the King of Spain, we do hereby declare our Royal Intention to be, that all the Spanish Subjects, who shall de- mean themselves dutifully towards- us, shall be safe in their Persons and Effects. Given at our Court at St. James's the 2d Day of January, 1762, in the second Year of our Reign . GOD save the KING! ST. JAMES'S, Jan. 2. His Majesty in Coun- cil was this Day pleased to order, that a Com- mission should be passed forthwith under the Great Seal,- to authorize and impower the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty to issue forth and grant Letters of Marque, or Commissions to Privateers, for seizing and taking the Ships, Vessels and Goods belonging to Spain, or the Vassals and Subjects of the King of Spain, or others inha- biting within any of his Countries, Territories, or Dominions, and such other Ships, Vessels and Goods, as are or shall be liable to Confiscation, pursuant to the respective Treaties between his Majesty and other Princes, States, and Potentates. [ Thus far the Gazette.] London, January 5 Yesterday a little before Twelve o'Clock, the Declaration of War against Spain was proclaimed at St. James's, and afterwards at the usual Places. The Procession was as follows: First the Battle Axes to clear the Way, next the Trumpets, then a Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, the High Constable, Beadles, and inferior Constables of Westminster, the Provost Marshal Men, the Pur- suivants, Heralds, and Garter King at Arms, Kettle- Drums, & c. & c. The Whole was closed by a Troop of the Horse Life Guards; their Ma- jesties and several of the Royal . Family saw the Ceremony from a Window over St. James's Gate- way ; the Queen was dressed in White. At Tem- ple Bar, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Al- dermen, and City Officers, attended according to Custom. An innumerable Concourse of People were present, who testified their good Wishes by their chearful and loud Acclamations. By a Holland Mail just arrived, ( that due on Saturday is still wanting) there is Advice from Hamburgh, that the Governor of Colberg, after having defended the Place to the lad Extremity, and seeing no Likelihood of Succour, surrendered on the 17th of December by Capitulation; but the Conditions are not mentioned. If we may depend on the same Advices, the Russians are Mailers of Camin; and the Swedish Army was marching in three Columns towards Mecklenbourg, with a Design to take up their Winter- Quarters in that City. The Officers of the Troops composing the Garrison of Gibraltar, upon Recruiting Service in England, are ordered to embark on board some Transports bound thither, to join their respective Corps. At the same Time Draughts from some Marching Regiments are to be embarked to com plete the Regiments in Garrison at that impor- tant Place. We hear that Orders are sent to blow up and destroy the Fortifications of Belleishs; and that Part of the Troops stationed there are to be sent to reinforce the Garrison of Gibraltar. An Article from Brussels dated the 28th of De- cember speaks of War as declared between Great- Britain and Spain, and says that Hostilities had already been commenced on the Part of Spain. It is said the Dutch are obliged to declare themselves shortly, and several other Powers are talked of to join in the present War. A Sardinian and Venetian Ambassador are said to be shortly expected here. It is again reported, that a Sea Commander is coming Home to give an Account of his Conduct, in regard to dismissing two Ships of the Spanish Nation at Sea, after they had entered into an Engagement. It is said a further Loan, for the Service of the present Year, will be necessary, in which a Douceur will be allowed the Subscribers of the Twelve Millions, as that Agreement was made upon a Supposition that there would be no Spanish War. The last War against Spain was declared in October 1739, now upwards of twenty- two Years since : It is observable, that the present King of Spain, when only the Infant Don Carlos, was settled on the Throne of Naples by the Assistance of a powerful English Fleet, with near 12,000 Troops on board, and lately he has espoused the Part of our Enemies.— Such is the gratitude of Princes. It is said, the King of Denmark lately made an Offer of his Troops and Ships of War to the English, in Cafe a Rupture should take Place be- tween them and the Spaniards. A certain Ship- builder, discharged from one of his Majesty's Yards upon the Conclusion of the lad Peace, and who, for the Support of him- self and Family, went Abroad for Employment, was so well received there, that he was soon ap- pointed Draughtsman and Master- builder, & c. of Carthagena in Spain, which he now enjoys, and rides in his Calash and Six. We hear that Lord Howe is to have the Com- mand of a Squadron of Men of War that is soon to fail on a secret Expedition. There are now fitting out at Southampton, with the greatest Expedition, three stout Privateers to cruize against our Enemies. It is said some Merchants are going to purchase one or two of the Men of War of 60 Guns, that are lying at Chatham out of Repair, in order to convert them into Privateers. It is strongly whispered, that the Dutch would declare for England. The last Letters from Paris say, that 18 or 19 English Men of War were cruising off Brest Orders are given out, that all Spanish' Ships that were laden on or before the 24th of Dec. shall have Liberty to sail to their destined Ports; and all Goods that have been contracted for by that Time are likewise to pass upon Oath. Lad Week a Boatman's. Wife of Northwich was brought to- bed of three Boys : She was deli- vered of two other Children within a Year. On Thursday Night lad as a Gentleman was going through Lincoln's- Inn into Chichester- Rents, a Fellow seized him by the Collar, and dragged him to the Corner adjoining to the Bog- houses, and, preferring a Pistol, robbed him of his Money, Watch, and Great- Coat; on the Gentleman's begging he would not take his Great- Coat, alledging it was a cold Night, the Robber replied, For that very Reason I have the more Occa- sion for it. The Fellow was not under the lead Timidity, but while he was pulling off the Coat, repeated the Words in the Beggar's Opera, A Law- yer's is an honest Employment, so is mine. And then ran off, humming the Tune of Throngh all the Employments in Life, & c. MARRIAGE. Capt. Dauvergne, of the Horse- Guards, to Miss Major, of Chelsea, with an ac- tual Fortune of 30,0001. DEATHS. Miss Broderick, youngest Daugh- ter of Admiral Broderick. The Relict of Dr, Ofspring Blackall, Bishop of Exeter. The Countess of Lanesborough. BANKRUPTS. Samuel Dixon, of Great- Yar- mouth, in Norfolk, Grocer. John Elliott, late of Darlington, in Durham, Linen- Draper.—— James Ballard, of Worcester, Mercer and Ha- berdasher. STOCKS. Bank Stock, ' . India ditto, South- Sea ditto, . Three per " Cent. Bank reduced, shut. Ditto consolidated shut. Three per Cent, ditto, 1726, . Three 1- half Bank Annuities, 1756, —. Three 1- half per Cent, ditto, 1758, shut. Four per Cent. 1760, Three per Cent, old S. S. Annuities, 60. Ditto new Annuities, shut. Ditto 1751, shut. Ditto India Annuities, 66. Long Annui- ties, ——. India Bonds, 2s. a 3s. Prem. New Navy Bills, 10 3- 4. ths, disc. Exchequer Bills, 5s. disc. Omnium, 4 1- 4th disc. Scrip. 1762, 75 1- half. N. Long Ann. 20 1- half. Bristol, January 6. Came in since our last, The Andrews, Forten, from Newfoundland and Youghall; the Sarah, Middleton, from Virginia and Combe; and the St. Joachim and St. Ann, ***, from Bilboa. Arrived, At New- York, the Bell Savage, Lewis, from this Port; at Scotland, the Sarah and Catharine, Condy, from Philadelphia; at Naples, the Race Horse, Lang; at Malaga, the Experiment, Hobin, both from Newfoundland ; at New- York, the Richard and Thomas, *** from Maryland. We hear Capt. Mann, Commander of his Ma- jesty's Ship Milford, now lying- in Kingroad, re- ceived Orders from the Lords of the Admiralty to take, fink, burn or destroy all Spanish Vessels he shall meet when at Sea. Several Privateers are fitting out in this Port with the greatest Diligence. Friday fe'nnight one Mrs. Jones, who liv'd in Bar's- Lane, being taken with a Fit, in the Maid's Absence, fell into the Eire, and was burnt to Death before any Assistance came. Friday Morning died at Chew- Magna, in the County of Somerset, Robert Smith, Esq. late an eminent Merchant in this City. Bath, January 7, The Public are desir'd to be careful to ask for POPE'S BATH CHRONICLE ; as the Printer of the Bath Advertiser ( a Saturday's Paper) al- ter'd his Day of Publication to Thursday, when our Proposals were first distributed, and likewise pi- rated Part of our ' Title, viz. Bath Chronicle. We therefore give this necessary Caution, lest he shou'd attempt to impose his Paper on the Public for THIS. Arriv'd here, Sir Edward Simpson and Lady, Sir Alexander Ramsay, Col. Gore, Col. Hale, Major Dundafs, Capt. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Newnham, Mr. and Mrs. Gough, Mr. and Mrs. Lempriete, Mr. und Mrs. Herbert, Mr. Monta- gue, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Granville, Mr. Ef- cott, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Egerton, Mr. H. Wife, Mr. Radcliffe, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Croft, Mr. Greenly, Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Wild, Mrs. Smith, Miss Daws, Miss Elcott, & e. & c. His Royal Highness the Duke of York has been pleased to give Fifty Pound « , by Dr. Moy- sey, to the General Hospital in this City. It's said that WAR will be declared here on Saturday next; and in Bristol the same Day. Sunday Night died here William Bookey, Esq. Monday died Mr. Richard Cornish, of this City. Lad Thursday Evening a Fire broke out in the Work- shops of Mr. Brokenbrow, Collar- maker and Sacking- weaver, at Grittleton, in Wiltshire, which entirely consumed the same, with all the Working Utensils, Dwelling- house, I pushold Furniture, Wearing Apparel, and about 30 Cwt. of Hemp. The Damage is computed to be up- wards of 2001. At Devizes Market last Week, Wheat sold from 32s. to 33s. Barley from 15s. to 18s. Oats from 145. to 163. Beans from 23s. to 28s. Pease from 21s. to 30s. Those who want any odd Numbers of this Paper, to compleat their Setts, are desired to ap- ply for them immediately.
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