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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 21/04/1757
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2490
No Pages: 4
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BERROWs Worcester Journal. [ Printed at his O F F I C E, in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. ] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, April 21, 1757. FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. AMSTERDAM, April 7. DIVERS private Accounts from Germany inform us, that the Overtures made at Vienna for the Neutrality of the Elec- torate of Hanover, is rejected, and that the Imperial Troops are in Motion on every Side. Quaere, If it will not be quite requisite for the Hanoverians to deposit their Money [ if they have got any'] in the London Stocks. PLANTATION NEWS. New York, March 12. The Shawnese King sent to Sir William Johnston about the latter End of last January, acquainting him that there were Fifteen Thousand French Troops come to the River Oubach from the Missisippi, and, as he imagines, going to Canada. Further Accounts are soon expected, and some Indians were sent out to get Intelligence. Lord Loudon has been to Boston and Connecticut this Winter, where he has succeeded in having every Thing granted by their Assemblies which he desired. He has met with the like Success from our Assembly. His Lord- ship set out this Moment for Jersey and Philadelphia. COUNTRY NEWS. Canterbury, April 11 . On Thursday last the Horse Powder- Mills were blown up at Feversham, by which Ac- cident, we hear, a Man and a Boy were so much hurt that they died the same Evening, and four Horses very much scorch'd. ' Tis said that there was not any large Quantity of Gunpowder in the said Mills at that Time. LONDON. [ Thursday, April 14. An EPIGRAM. Occasion'd by a late CABAL. WELL, Friend I hast heard the Farce that late has been, Where each STATE ACTOR makes an H'rl'qu'n ? St- tesm— n turn'd H'rl'qu'ns? Why, yes! ' tis plain : They're IN and OUT ; and OUT and IN again. Such Wrangling, Jangling, sure was never known : They take each other up before they're down. Say what's the End of all their High ss' Riot? I fear the Nation gains— but little by it. Philo- Britannicus. We hear the Right Hon. Henry Legge, Esq; will soon be created a Peer of Great- Britain. ' Tis said that the Right Hon. the Earl of Egremont, who is gone into the Country for a few Days, will, on his Return to London, kiss his Majesty's Hand on his being appointed one of the Principal Secretaries of State, in the room of the Right Hon. William Pitt. The French, from all Quarters boast of the great Num- ber of British Shipping taken by their Privateers. Their Notions of a Superiority of Management being on their Side is such as fills them with Expectation that, in • small Time, not even a single Fishing Vessel shall escape falling into their Hands.— Oh I that we were but Masters of Squadrons, such as Great Britain is capable of fitting out, [ quoth the Monsieurs] we would soon let the Enemies know what a Frenchman is, and convince the World that Our Monarch, and him only, is fit to command the UNIVERSE. The following we have from an Officer of the Navy, who it going out in the Mediterranean Fleet, viz. Thirty Ships of the Line, Four of Ninety Guns, Three of Eighty, Eight or Ten of Seventy- four, See. together with Three Hospital Ships, Five Fire Ships, and Twelve Frigate;, making in the Whole Fifty Sail. A Train of Artillery, of no small Consequence, and a Number of Troops, are order'd to be assembled at or near Plymouth and Cork, for Embarkation at a short Notice, and are generally believ'd to be destin'd for the Medi- terranean. A Reinforcement is ordered to Jamaica for the Protec- tion, of our West India Trade, to join Admiral Towns- hend upon that Station. We hear that some Promotions in the Army will soon take Place; and that some of the Regiments quarter'd in the North are order'd to embark for Cork, to supply the Place of those order'd to embark for America. The Exportation of Gunpowder, Saltpetre, or any Sort of Arms or Ammunition, is further prohibited for six Months from the 29th Instant. There will be a Call of Serjeants at Law the Beginning of next Term. They observe, in Letters from Toulon, that the Squa- dron of four Ships of the Line and a Frigate, which lately sailed from thence under the Command of M, du Revest, is victualled for seven Months, and that all the Sailors, Soldiers, and Subalterns, have had three Months' Pay advanced them. According to an exact List of the Troops of Sweden, publish'd at Stockholm, the Infantry consists of 36,179 Men, including 2951 for the Service of the Artillery; the Horse amount to 8024, and the Dragoons to. 2241 ; in all 46,444 Men, in excellent Order, and well disci- plined. We hear that an Account is arrived from Cadiz, that the Duke de Penthievre, Prize to the Antigallican Priva- teer, is surrender'd into the Hands of Capt. Foster, as a legal Capture. The Amazon Privateer of Guernsey has taken a Ship from Martinico, and another from St. Domingo ; the former she has brought to Guernsey, but the latter, in coming in, run against a Rock and dash'd to Pieces. The Deux Amies, from Bourdeaux, and St. Rose, from ditto, are taken by the Charming Nancy Privateer of Jersey, and Kirk Privateer of Guernsey, and carried into the last mentioned Port. We hear from Beaumaris, that the St. David Privateer of that Place, which has been out but a few Days, has taken a new French Privateer, of 12 Carriage and 16 Swivel Guns, after a very smart Engagement of two Hours and a Half; the French had 29 Men killed, and the St. David five. She is brought into Beaumaris. A French Privateer, of 6 Guns and 47 Men, is taken near Newcastle by two Greenland Ships belonging to the Port of London. The Mary of Bermudas, from St. Kitt's for London, Capt. Hodsdon, is arrived at Plymouth. On Sunday Morning he saw two French Privateers, as he believes, off the Lizard, but one of our Men of War coming up took them both, and saved him from going to France; one of the Privateers mounted 22 Guns. The Treviles Sloop, Bursell, from Truro for Valencia, was brought into Alicant by a French Privateer the 12th ult. but as she was taken within Sight of that Port, they are in dispute whether she is a Prize or not. A French Privateer called the Machault of Grandeville has taken and carried into that fort an English Ship cal- led the John and George of 300 Tons, laden with 1500 Barrels of Pitch, and 2500 lb. of Indigo. The Friendship, Forstal, from Seville for Dublin, is carried into Morlaix. The Peggy, Thompson, from Leghorn, last from Lis- bon, for Cork, is carried into Bayonne. The Providence, Bone, from Fowey for Barcelona, is carried into Cadiz. The Alderney, Capt. Olive, is taken and carried into France. Sir Paul Methuen, who died very rich, has left all his Domesticks their Wages, and Board Wages for their Lives. On Monday Night a Boat coming from Greenwich, in which were eleven Passengets, overset near Deptford, whereby five of them were drowned. Last Monday Night as Mr. Dalton, a Higler of High gate, was coming from Luton Market on Horseback, it being very dark, he missed his Way coming over Finch- ley Common ; on which he made to a Light a considera- ble Way off, and when he came near the Place, he called out to know which was the Way to Highgate ; a Gen- tleman's Coachman told him the direct Way, which' he endeavoured to make, but unluckily going a little out of the Road, the Horse plunged into a Pit with a great Quantity of Water in it, and threw his Rider Head- Fore- most into it, who was drowned, with his Feet hanging in the Stirrups. Yesterday wss tried and convicted, before Mr. Baron Smith, at the Assizes at Hertford, John Gatward, alias Gardgreen, for robbing the Northern Mail near Pucke ridge. This Trial lasted four Hours, owing to the Num- ber of Witnesses on the Side of the Crovvn. The Pri- soner produced no Witness to prOve any Fact, and but few to his Character ; and it was very remarkable, that, in Defiance of the most moving and pathetic Exhortations to Penitence which preceded the Sentence, he went from the Bar with an Air of Insolence, and had a Smile on his Face expressive of the most abundant Insensibility We hear from Frome, in Somersetshire, that last Tues- day se'nnight about 200 Colliers came there in a riotous Manner, broke open a Mealman's House near that Place, and set the empty Mill going, which if they had not left ( us they did soon after, when they had extorted twenty Guineas from him) would have set the Mill on Fire. A Party of Soldiers marched into the Town from Bruton on Friday last to prevent any more such riotous Proceedings. Extract of a Letter from Bilboe, ( in Spain ) Feb. 27. . " I had the good LUCK ; to make my Escape on the 5th of this Month from Dion astle, where I had been confined ever since War was declared, and with the utmost Difficulty got safe hither; where, being now out of Danger, I cannot help reflecting on the hard Fate of my poor Companions. publish'd Cartel settled. Above 300 have already enlisted them- selves with the Irish and Scotch, and other Foreign Troop, in the French Service, and many others, taking Dutch and Italian Names, are on board the Privateers; but the most faithful and loyal Subjects, rather than be Rebels to their King and Country, chuse to perish under the Weight of their Misfortunes. I am making the best of my Way for Oporto, in hopes to find there an Opportunity 01 a Passage to England, onboard some neutral Ship." To be LETT, And may be Enter d upon at Midsummer next, A Dwelling- House, Tan- Yard, Drying- * House, with all other Conveniences proper for a Tanner, and lying upon the River Severn, now in the » Occupation of Mr. Edwin Crane, of Bewdley, in the! County of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of the aforefaid Mr. l Edwin Crane. I N. B. The Tan- Yard, if requir'd, may be enter'd uponl immediately. A Quantity of BARK to be sold. To be LETT on Easy Terms, And Enter'd upon Immediately, A Very commodious Double- House, situated in Fryar- Street, Worcester, with a Brew- House, Out Lett, and all other Conveniences For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Griffin, near the College Steps, Worcester. N. B. Any reasonable Alterations will be made for a good Tenant. To be SOLDin Fee, Or LETT, and Entered upon immediately, ACommodious FARM, consisting chiefly in Tillage, situate at Peopleton, in the County of Worcester, distant about five Miles from the City, and about three Miles from the Market Town of , Pershore —— For Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, in Worcester, or Mr. Lyttleton, Attorney, at Solyhull. EDMUND AMISS, Taylor and Stay- Maker, At the COLLEGE- GRATBS, WORCEs tER, WHO has hitherto conceal'd his Knowledge of the Art of Tayloring, except to some Gentlemen whom he has lately had the Honour of serving, is, by their Advice, induced to acquaint the Publick, That he intends carrying on that Business. As he has settled a regular Correspondence with some of the most noted Hands in London, from whom he will receive the earliest Intelligence of every New Fashion, and the necessary Directions in regard to it, such Gentlemen, Ladies, & c. who shall be pleased to employ him, may depend on being neatly and most genteely fitted, and their Favours most gratefully acknowledg'd. He likewise takes this Opportunity of acquainting the Publick, That he will continue the Business of Stay- making, & c. in the same Manner as usual : He also makes Riding Habits and Josephs after the genteelist Method. The great Encouragement I have for many Years met with I most thankfully acknowledge; and it shall be my con- ftant Study how to merit a Continuance of it.; and flatter myself I shall be so happy as to succeed, as I have been favour'd with the general Approbation of those Persons who have already honour'd me with their Commands. EDMUND AMISS. WOLVERHAMPTON, April 21, 1757. Mrs. Ann Eykin and Mrs, Mary Stedman WHO, for several Years, has kept a reputable BOARDING SCHOOL in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, have jointly taken the commodious Dwelling- House and Offices of the late celebrated Mrs. Brett, de- ceas'd, situate in Cock- Street, Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, where they keep A BOARDING- SCHOOL, Upon the same Terms as in the late Mrs. Brett's Time ; and those Parents who please to honour them with the Tuition of their Children, may depend on the utmost Care and Diligence being used to cultivate their Minds and Manners, by Their most humble Servants, ANN EYKIN and MARY STEDMAN, N. B. Those Ladies who have paid Entrance to late Mrs. Brett, or to Mrs. Stedman at Bridgnorth be excused any further Entrance at the said School.- Writing taught as usual NDAY s and MONDAY'S POSTS. LONDON. [ Saturday, April 16. YESTERDAY a Court of Common Council was held at Guildhall ; and the following is Part of Speech of the Gentleman who made a Motion that Freedom of this City should be presented to the Right Hon. William Pitt, and the Right Hon. Henry son Legge, Esqs -—' The Person who took down this speech in Short Hand, says it is as correct as he was le to take it in that Manner, and that he believes it to very near what Was spoken. , HISTORY, the Key of Knowledge, and Experience, the Touchstone of Truth, have convinced us that this Country owes the Preservation of its most excellent constitution to the frequent Jealousies, Fears, and Appre- hensions of the People. Whenever the Face of Publick Affairs have borne a disagreeable or dangerous Aspect ; whenever the People have been injured by the Conduct of those who have un- dertaken the Direction and Management of their Publick Affairs, they have always by a vigorous and timely Op- position impeded the impending Danger; and when they have been prosperous and flourishing, when those in Power have done or attempted any material Service to their country, the People have been always equally ready to acknowledge and reward. Instances of this Kind are so frequent in our History, that it is needless to descend to Particulars, and it would taking up your Time unnecessarily to enter into a defence of this Conduct: As Applications to punish, when necessary, are intended to deter, so Thanks and Rewards do conduce to excite and create Emulation ; both absolutely necessary to fupport the principal Ends and De- sign of Gcrerament, the Happiness of Society ; and in all | Cases of this Sort it has been customary for this Corpora- tion, as the Metropolis,' to set the Example. Not long since ( too late to be forgot!) this Country was on the Brink of Ruin ; brought so, by the Mistakes or Designs of those who had undertaken the Direction of National Affairs: On this melancholy Occasion this Court did present an Address of Condolance to the King ; his Majesty received them with Candour, and with the Af- fection of a Parent regarded their Complaints; a Change of Men soon followed ; and with them such a Change of Measures, as revived the sinking Spirits of the People, and rais'd a sinking Land : Our Country, Britannia, almost expiring, raised her dying Head, faw Virtue and Inte- grity ( who had long deserted her) offer their Assistance in the Persons of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Legge, chearfully ac- cepted their friendly Aid, at once forgot past Missortunes, tho' very great, and suffered them to be buried in future Hopes; the Consequence of which was,— Publick Spirit and OEconomy ventured once more to appear in our As- semblies;— Commerce put on a new Garment,— Foreign Mercenaries retired from our Country, and the Sons of Freedom began to furbish their own Arms;— Placemen, Pensioners, jobbers, and Agents, the corrupt Sons of bad Administration, hung down their Heads, snarled and re- tired into Corners; and every Aspect foretold better Times.— But, see the Uncertainty of human Events? we had no sooner pleased Ourselves with this Ray of Pros- perity, but Britannia's Props are taken away, and every One fears the Danger of a Relapse, by having lost Those who so well administer'd, and understood her Constitution. The Appointing and Removal of Ministers being the Act of Sacred Power and Sovereign Authority, Duty, as well as Discretion, requires I should be silent on that Head ; but as a Subject of Britain, I can lament the Loss of such Patriots and Protectors; as an Englishman I have a Right to acknowledge and thank. We have all that Right. Wisdom as well as Policy dictate the Exercise of it on the present Occasion. I therefore beg Leave to pro- pose a Question to present the Freedom of this City to the Hon. William Pitt, Esq; and the Hon. Henry Legge, Esq; in Gold Boxes;— Gentlemen who have so glorioufly led the Van, in our late excellent, but short Administra- tion. It has been customary for this Court to give the Freedom of this City to Those who have eminently serv'd, and we shall surely do it to these Gentlemen who have sav'd their Country. If we cannot appoint Men or pro- mote their Continuance, we can and ought to sanctify their Measures, when so evidently tending to the Good of our Country. The Question I shall propose, and which I hope will meet with the unanimous Concurrence of this Court, is, " THAT the Freedom of this City be presented to the Right Honourable William Pitt, late one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and to the Right Honour- able Henry Bilson Legge, late Chancellor and Under Treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer, in Testimony of the grateful Sense which the Citizens of London entertain of their loyal and disinterested Conduct during their truly honourable ( tho' short) Administration ; their begin- ing a Scheme of Pubiick OEconomy, and at the same Time lessening the Extent of Ministerial Influence, by a Reduction of the Number of useless Placemen; their noble Efforts to stem the general Torrent of Corruption, and to revive, by their Example, the almost extin- guish'd Love of Virtue and our Country ; their Zeal to promote a full and impartial Enquiry into the real Causes of our late Losses and Disgrace in America and the Medi- terranean ; and lastly their vigilant Attention to support the Glory and Independence of Great Britain, the Honour and true Interest of the Crown, and the just Rights and Liberties of the Subject, thereby most effectually securing the Affections of a Free People to his Majesty and his illustrious Family." carried in the Affirma- It was then moved that a Copy of the Freedom of this City without the above Resolution inserted therein be de- liver'd by the Chamberlain to each of those Gentlemen in a Gold Box of the Value of One Hundred Guineas, and that the said Resolution be fairly transcribed and signed by the Town Clerk, and by him forthwith deliver'd to each of the said Gentlemen ; and the Question being put, they were order'd accordingly. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor was desired to pro- Vide the Gold Boxes upon this Occasion. The Court, being call'd for this Purpose, declined en- tering upon any other Business. And Yesterday Afternoon the Town Clerk waited upon Mr. Pitt at his Seat at Hayes in Kent, and on Mr. Legge at his House in Downing- Street, with Copies of the above Resolution. ' Tis pretty remarkable, that the truly worthy and dis- interefted Sir John Barnard [ a Gentleman who has long done Honour to the City, whose Views and Actions, superior to Party Faction or Ministerial Influence, have ever tended to the true Interest of his Country] was so singular Yesterday, at Guildhall, as to be the only One who held up his Hand against the Motion. This Morning was held a Special Court of the Wor- shipful Company of Grocers, when the Master ( Mr. Al- derman Nelson) acquainted them with the Resolutions of the Court of Common Council held Yesterday, and that it was necessary for every Person to be Free of some Com- pany, previous to his Admission into the Freedom of this City ; and the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor being a Mem- ber of their Body, he had ( at his Lordship's Desire, in Pursuance of the Recommendation of the Court of Com- mon Council) call'd them together, to know whether it was their Pleasure to present the Right Hon. William Pitt, and the Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, with the Free- dom thereof ; on which a Motion was made, that the Master and Wardens, attended by the Clerk of the Com- pany, do wait on the Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, to acquaint them that they are order'd, by a Resolution of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, to desire the Ho- nour of their accepting the Freedom of the said Com- pany : And the Question being put, the Court order'd the same accordingly, nemine contradicente : And the Ma- ster and Wardens immediately waited on Mr. Pitt, who came to Town this Morning, and afterwards on Mr. Legge, with Copies of the said Resolution. It is positively said that the City of Bristol will follow the Example of the Grand Metropolis, with regard of giving the Honour of Freedom to Two Great Men ; nay, some say most of the Corporations in England will do tke same. We are assured that the City of London are come to a Resolution of laying before his Majesty their Sentiments relating to any Embarkation of our Troops to Germany, and of the present geneial Uneasiness in the Minds of his Majesty's Subjects. We hear there is so much Business before the Parliament that the Session is likely to continue later than was ex- pected. On Wednesday Arthur Vansitart, Esq; was elected at Reading, Knight of the Shire for Berks, in the room of Pennyston Powney, Esq; deceased, without Opposition. As there is a very considerable Demand for Cash at this Juncture, the more refin'd Politicians are of Opinion, that there will be an absolute Necessity of laying a Tax upon all the Old Batchelors of this Kingdom, of every Size, Complexion, and Temper: They are particularly desir'd not to be too uneasy at this Proposal, because, if it should take Place, they may depend upon being treated with all the Lenity and Mildness that the Nature of the Case will admit of. It is reported that the Brest Fleet has sailed ; and that above forty Sail of Engliih Merchantmen have been taken by French Privateers, & c. in the West Indies. There is Advice by a Ship arrived from Antigua, that the French have demolish'd Fort Jameson the River Gam- bia, and taken many of our Ships on the Coast of Africa; which Exploits, we further hear, have been perform'd by a Squadron of Nine Men of War that sailed from Brest about the End of November last. We have Advice from Prague, that Marshall Browne having received Advice that a Body of 20,000 Prussians was in Motion on the Side of Zwickau, and seemed to be advancing towards Egra, sent Orders to the Duke de Aremberg to assemble 20,000 Men with all Speed to watch and oppose their Designs. A Letter from Paris, dated April 8, mention great Da- mage done in that City and Neighbourhood by a most vio- lent Hurricane; which, they feared, was general through- out the Kingdom. The Play House at Havre de Grace was blown down at the Time they were representing the Opera of Sampson, and upwards of a Hundred Persons were buried in the Ruins; which being set on Fire by the Candles and Lamp}, the Whole was consumed ; but, happily, the Flames were not communicated to any other Building; had it so happened, the whole Town would probably have been destroyed, as it consists chiefly of Wooden Houses. The 15th ult. died, at Sens, in Champaigne, Charles Stewart, Esq; of Ardshealls, one of the Persons attainted in 1746. A Letter from Virginia mentions the Death of Major General Webb, Colonel of the 48th Regiment of Foot, now in North America He was struck with a Paralytick Disorder, and died in a few Days. Lately was married in Dublin, the Widow Benson, aged 105, to Mr. James Henley, aged 24. , Lalt Wednesday se'nnight a Person who calls himself Hamilton was taken up at Leigh, near Manchester, on Suspicion of being the Man who robb'd the Worcester several Bills in Manchester that are suspected to be taken out of the Mail; and answers the Defcription given in the Advertisements. . Whitehall, April 16. The King has been pleased to constitute and appoint the Right Hon. William Earl of Home, Major General of his Majesty's Forces, to be Governor of the Town and Garrison of Gibraltar, in the room of the Right Hon. James Lord Tyrawley — David Chapeau to be Major to the 13th Regiment of Foot com- manded by Lieutenant General Henry Pulteney.— Sir David Cunyngham to be Colonel of the 57th Regiment of Foot, in the room of Col. Arabin, deceased.— Lord George Sackville to be Colonel of the Queen's Regiment of Dragoon Guards, in the room of Colonel Herbert, deceased.— And John Grey, Esq; to be Colonel of th « 54th Regiment of Foot, in the room of John Campbell, Esq; Lond. Gaz. Admiralty Office, April 16. His Majesty's Ship York, Capt. Pigott, arrived from a Cruize in Plymouth Sound, the 11th Instant, with 412 Prisoners and three French Prizes, viz. Le Don de Dieu, from Rochelle, loaded with Wine, Brandy, Flour, and Soap, with 82 Persons on board, 60 of them Soldiers, taken off Cape Finisterre ; the Henry, from St. Malo, bound to Cape Breton, loaded with Provisions on the King's Account, and 49 Men ; and the Ruby, from St. Malo likewise, bound to Canada, with 281 Perfons on board, 227 of them Soldiers of Fis- cher's Regiment. Lond. Gaz, WORCESTER, April 21, 1757. At the LONG- ROOM, at the Hop- Pole In this CITY, On TUESDAY next, the 16th Instant, will be A SUBSCRIPTION- BALL. Each SUBSCRIBFR to pay Five Shillings for Three Tickets, which will admit One Gentleman and Two Ladies. SvascRtrxioNS arc taken in at Mr. WOODCOCK"' s' where TICKETS may be had. Note,—' Tis desired that the Company would assemble by SEVEN o'Clock, as tbe BALL is intended to be " that Time. Open'd punctually at / I To be SOLD, An exceeding good Pointing- Dog, and a Greyhound- Bitch. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD, A Freehold Estate in the Parish of Suckley; Known by the Name of COLD- GROVE. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, Attorney, in Worcester. WRIBBENHALI, April 15, 1757. WHEREAS a BAG of WHEAT, ( the Owner of which is not known) has lain in my Warehouse ever since some Time before Christmas last ; if the right Owner of the said Wheat will apply to me, describing the Marks on the Bag, and paying all- Charges, Shall have the same deliver'd to him or her, by me, JOHN PENN. Birmingham and Worcester STAGE- COACH SETS out from the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, every Wednesday at Eight o'clock in the Morning, ( by the Way of Northfield and Bromsgrove to the Crown, in Broad- street, Worcester, and returns back every Thursday Morning, at the same Hour, for the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, and carries Passengers at SEVEN SHILLINGS each, the Money to be paid at taking the Place and carries Goods at reasonable Rates. Perform'd by THOMAS SHAKELL. N. B. Of the said Thomas Shakell may be had, Black Carriages, at reasonable Rates, and a handsome Four- Wheel Chaise, and Travelling Coach. This Day was Publish'd, ( Price 6d) NUMBER VII. [ To be continued Weekly,] The Whole to be compleated in Ten Numbers, which will make Two neat Pocket Volumes, The Universal Letter Writer Or, EPISTOLARY PRECEPTOR. CONTAINING THE most ingenious Epistolary Correspondence on tbe most useful, instructive, and entertaining SUBJECTS J viz. Ingenious LETTERS on Love and Courtship, which will furnish the amorous Lover with such a soft Artillery, as to insure Success in his Addresses to the Fair : And the Ladies will herein learn a proper Decorum, and how to guard against the infidious Traps of artful and designing Men. LETTERS to and from Kindred or Relations of all Degrees, on al) Subjects that can possibly happen. The most entertaining Epistles of Wit and Humour. LETTERS in all Branches of Commerce or Trade, of Compliment, Consolation, Condolance, Thanks, to ask Advice, to give Advice, of Morality, of Congratulation, of Apology,, of Complaint,. & c. and Miscellaneous Letters on all Manner of Occassions that can possibly occur in all the various Circumstances of Life. Interspersed with . Such Observation, Anecdotes, Tales, (& c. as will render this Perform mance not only very instructive and improving, but also extremely entertaining ; and will furnish the Reader with Variety of agreeable Conversation in Company. The Lover here may learn to breathe his Love In such soft Strains as will the Fair- One move ; And here the credulous and easy Fair May learn to guard against the fatal Snare ; Here either Sex may learn to write with Ease On Love, on Friendship, Trade, and what they please. LONDON: Printed for J. Wilkie, behind ' the Chapter- House, in Paul's Church Yard; and sold by S. Gamidge, at his CiRCULATing LIBRARY, next the College Grates, Worcester—— where the former fl Of H. BERRow, Printer, in Worcester May now be had, ( for Ready Money ONLY, ) Tickets and Shares of Tickets in the present LOTTERY, ( from OFFICE, in London,) in a great who sells Whole Tickets at the following Prices, viz, Hazard's StatE LOTTerY OFFICE, in London,) in a great Variety of Numbers, For One, Two, or Three Tickets only, at For Four up to Sixteen, at 1 | For Sixteen up to Fifty, at ——• For Fifty or any greater Number J. 8 each 6 each 4 each 3 each And such Persons who choose to extend their Chance to several dif- ferent Numbers may be supply'd, by the said H. Berrow, with Shares of Tickets, at the same Prices they are sold at in London, viz. I. « . d. Half a Ticket o II o A Quarter —- o 6 o An Eighth ° 3 ° , Tickets and Shares of Tickets register'd at Sixpence each Number, and the greatest Fidelity and Secresy will be observ'd The Lot- tery begins Drawing the 5th of September next, and all the Prizes will be paid off at any Time after the 20th of January next. In the present LOTTERY there are Fifteen Prizes of 10, cool, cach | One hundred and Fifty of tool. Fifteen of 50001. I And several Thousand other Fifteen of 3000 1. \ Prizes of 50 1. 20I. and fifteen of 10001. I 101. each. Thirty of 5001. f The First Drawn Tickets 300 1. each. Last Drawn 3001. 3 s. 6 d. each. Note, Blank Tickets in the last Lottery will be taken in Exchange for Tickets in the present. The following Prizes in the last Lottery, were sold, register'd, See- by J. Hazard, viz. 3 of 5000/. 3 of looul. 5 of 1000/. 8 of 500/. with the first and Last Drawn Tickets. And the following Prizes were sold out in Shares, No. 14,007, 5000/. No. 15,069,2000/. No. 48,341, 1000/. No. 5915, 500'- and No. 43,537) 10,000/. in a former Lottery. JACOB LAMB, Carpenter and Joiner, In New- Street, near the Corn- Market, Worcester, INTENDING to leave off Business, will sell his whole STOCk and UTENSILS in TRADE, together or separately, on very moderate Terms J as also hiSHOUSHOLD FURNITURe.. The Stock in Trade consists of Tables, Beaureaus, Chests of Drawers, and divers other Articles, entirely new; Likewise a Quantity of TIMber. N. B. The House is to be lett, and may be enter'd upon at Mid- summer next; and great Encouragement will be given to a Person of the same Business, who will take the whole Stock, and occupy the House, which is very suitable for the Business. • « All Persons who have any Demands upon the said JACOB LAMB, are desired to bring in their Accounts; and such Persons who stand indebted to him are likewise desired to pay in their respective Debts without any further Notice. To be LETT, and Enter'd upon Immediately, AVery commodious Dwelling- House, with proper Offices, and a pleasant Garden, situate on the Causeway, in the Parish of St. Clement, Worcester, late in the Possession of Mr. Alder- man Turner. Also several Inclosures of Meadow and Pasture Grounds, adjoining thereto, well Water'd, and lying together, to be lett with or without the House. for Particulars enquire of Mrs. Herbert, near the Bridge, Worcester. * To be LETT, or SOLD, ALarge, commodious, and new- erected Building, with Two very good Stall- Stables adjoining, and a large Area before the same wall'd in, situate near Digley Bowling- Green, in the Parish of St. Peter, in the City of Worcester, upon the Banks of the River Severn ; proper either for a Warehouse or any other purpose. The Whole in compleat Order. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Jewkes, Attorney, in Worcester. ' To be LETT, Within a Mile of Campden, in Gloucestershire, for any Term of Years not exceeding Seven, with all the Fur- niture therein, belonging to the Right Hon. the Earl of Hertford, NEW COMBE, WHEREIN Mr. Manwaring now lives. It is in complete Repair, well situated for Prospect and Convenience, and in a fine Sporting Country.—-— For further Particulars enquire of Lord Hertford's Steward, at Ragley, in Warwickshire ; at NewCombe afore- said ; or of Mr. Cruwys, Attorney, at his Chambers in New Inn, London. To be LETT,\ And Enter'd upon IMMEDIATELY, * Large, Commodious, and Well- accustom'd BRICK- KILN, with or without all Sorts of Utensils necessary for making Bricks and Tiles, & c, with a large Quantity of CLAY already dug; and also one large Kiln, with two large Hovels, both new, situate in the Parish of Stoke- Prior, within Half a Mile of Broms- grove, and late in the Possession of Edward Wood, deceased. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Sanders, Barber and Peruke- maker, in High- street, Worcester; or of Mr. George Parsonage, of Stowerbridge ; or of George Bell, of Bromsgrove. To be Sold to the Best Bidder, AGood Dwelling- House, Bake- house, Malt house, and Wood- house, capable of housing above Two Thousand Faggots in the Dry ; the Whole entire, and stands well for Trade, being situated in the High- street, Worcester, between the College and Town- Hall. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Davis, Attorney, in Bromyard; or of Mr. Whitbrook, Cabinet maker, in High- street, Worcester, who will shew and sell the Premisses. To be SOLD, TWO substantial Messuages, a Malt- house, Stable, and other Back- Buildings, in Stowerbridge, To the. Gentlemen, Clergy; and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THE unhappy Accident which hap- pened at the Guildhall of the City of Worcester, on Tuesday last, having occasioned a Vacancy in the Of- fice of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Chambers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the said County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, but being unable to make a Perfonal Applica- tion to all, I take this Method of humbly intreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknowledg'd, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, GREGORY WATKINS. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Worcester. THERE being a Vacancy in the Office of Coroner, by the Death of Mr. Edmund Cham- bers, of Kidderminster, one of the Coroners for the County of Worcester, and being encouraged by many of my Friends to offer myself a Candidate to succeed him in the said Office, I take this Method of humbly intreating the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed to the said Office of Coroner, which will be gratefully acknow- ledg'd, by Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and most humble Servant, THOMAS VERNON. WORCESTER INFIRMARY. APRIL 20, 1757. THE HOSPITAL being quite full of Patients, and several others now on the List waiting for Admission, the SUBSCRIBERS are desired not to rccommend any more IN- PATIENTS till further Notice. The Subscribers are also desired, before they recommend IN- PATIENTS from Places at any considera- ble Distance from Worcester, previously to enquire, by Letter, whether there is any Room to reccive such Patients. ; the Neglect of this Method has often been an extraordinary Expence to the Hospital, and the Persons recommended have frequently been obliged to return home again for Want of Room. By Order of the GOVERNORS, THO. STAPLES, Secretary. Wednejday's and Thursday\ POSTS. Arrived a MAIL from Flanders. WARSAW, March 21. THE Letters from Wilna, the Capital of Lithuania, bring Advice that a Detachment of 500 Russian Troops was arrived there, to establish Magazines, and in- tercept any Vessels laden with Corn for Prussia ; which must soon occasion a Commencement of Hostilities be- tween the two Parties. Brussels, April 14. The City of Gueldres has been invested by the French Troops since last Monday. Paris, April 11. Letters from Nantz say, that Orders from Court are come down to Brest and Port l'Orient, which may probably alter the Destination of the Squa- drons that are ready to sail from those two Ports. Barn, in the well Tenanted, and County of Worcester, near the Market- Place, capable of advantageous Improvements. Particulars whereof may be had of Mr. Thomas Brettell, Attorney, in Stowerbridge. LETT, or SOL'D, or Tenement, situate in To be AMessuage Droitwich, and late in the Possession of William Yarranton, and then known by the Sign of the Pewterers' Arms. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Bear- croft, Attorney at Law, in Droitwich. LONDON. [ Tuesday, April 19. The Amsterdam Gazette informs as that the Duke of Cumberland's going over to command the Army of Ob- servation on the Frontiers of Hanover, is owing to the reiterated Instances of the King of Prussia. The Antigallican's Prize was in Cadiz Harbour the 27th ult. with French Colours flying, and Spanish Sol- diers on board. The Affair then remain'd undetermined. Yesterday in the Afternoon came Advice, that the Pondicherry, a French East India Ship, Prize to the Dover Man of War, is safe in the Texel. Fifty per Cent, had been given in the Morning to insure her. It is strongly reported that Fourteen of the Enemy's Ships have had an Engagement with the small Squadron under Admiral Boscawen, which is said to be greatly shat- ter'd, but none taken. By a Letter from Bristol we have Advice, that the Hawke Privateer, of that Place, James Connor, Captain, has taken a French East- Indiaman, homeward- bound, Burthen 1200 Tons, 36 Guns, and 250 Men, after a Engagement of Six Hours and a Half, in which the French boarded her twice, but were repulsed by the Bravery of the Captain and Crew. The lndiaman parted from her Convoy, in a hard Gale of Wind, but the Day before she was taken. Her Cargo is valued at upwards of 200,0001. Sterling. As to the Number of Killed and Wounded on both Sides, the Particulars are not yet known. The Tartar Privateer, Capt. Shaw, is arrived at Bristol from her Cruize, in a shatter'd Condition; she meeting with a violent Storm at Sea, which shifted her Ballast and Butts, so that she overset, and had thirty Men wash'd overboard, and about 100 on her Broadside; but by cut ting away the Masts, Rigging, & c. she heal'd up again, and happily lost but one Man. The English Packet Boat the Dolphin, sent into Calais by the General Lally Privateer, had on board, besides other valuable Effects, a Box of Ingots of Gold weigh- ing 2381b. It is said that when Capt. Piggot, Commander of the York Man of War, took the three Prizes mentioned in the preceding Page, there were 16 Sail of French Ships in Company, most of them Transports; and that the York, being a very sickly Ship, more of them, if taken, could not have been mann'd. Two of these were taken near the There is Advice from Leghorn, that the English Ships there were not sailed from thence, but only waited t Arrival of two Men of War, which were daily expected, to convoy them to England ; also that they heard four Men of War from Toulon were cruising off Minorca to intercept the said Ships. Last Week the following melancholy Affair happened at Islington : A young Man belonging to the Patrole at the said Town, and his Brother, a Boy in the Charity- School, being both in Bed together, a Pug Dog which used to lay in their Room licked over their Faces while in Bed ; and in about two Days after the eldest found him. self very uneasy, and went to a Surgeon, who bled him, but soon after he foamed and barked like a Dog, and tore the Vein open, and although proper Means were used, he bled to Death : On this the Boy was sent to the Salt- Water to be dipped, but in his Way died in the greatest Agonies, and was brought back to Islington, where he and his Brother were last Saturday Night interred in the Church Yard. Chatham, April 18. I heard Yesterday that the French with nine Sail of Men of War have ranged all along the Coast of Guinea, and destroyed all our Forts and Settle- ments there : Three Sail would have been enough, as we had no Ships there. What will their next Conquest be ? St. Helena, it is said. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, April 8. " Saturday last sailed from St. Helen's the American Squadron consisting of 13 Sail of the Line, a Fireship, and a Bomb, under the Command of Admiral Holbourne in the Newark, and Commodore Holmes in the Grafton. " Admiral Osborne, it's said, is countermanded, and the Equipment of a Mediterranean Squadron seems to be at a Stand. " Yesterday arrived here the Tartar, Capt. Lochart, who being on her Passage to Plymouth with Fifteen Thou- sand Pounds to pay the Dock- Yard Mere, on Friday met at the Back of the Isle of Wight with a large French Pri vateer, of 24 Ten- pounders, and 240 Men, engaged her an Hour and a Half, took her, and brought her in here. Her Name is le Due d'Aiguillon, of St. Malo, had taken four small Prizes. The Tartar had four Men killed and one wounded, and the Privateer had ten killed and twenty wounded. The Tartar has suffered much, and was forccd this Morning to come into Harbour to refit." WORCESTER, April 21. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop ot this Diocese has generously order'd a Benefaction of TWENTY- FIVE POUNDS, to be paid into the Hands of the Mayor of this City, for relieving the Wants and Distresses of the Poor in this Time of Scarcity. Within these few Days Five Thousand Bushels off Wheat, the sole Property of Mr. John Moore, of this City, have been received here by way of Bristol, and the greatest Part is intended to be sold in small Quantities, to the Poor, at Seven Shillings and Sixpence per Bushel, being above Two Shillings per Bushel less than Wheat was sold for in our Market last Saturday. Last Saturday Evening one John Lightwood, a genteel young Fellow, under twenty Years of Age, was committed to our County Gaol, for robbing, on the Highway, tho Rev. Mr. Newnham, of Winterfold, of one Guinea and eight or nine Shillings in Silver. He committed the Rob- bery that Day about Eleven in the Morning, and the Country being directly alarm'd, he was soon taken, but had thrown away his Pistol, which his Pursuers pick'd up as they were following him. ' Tis pretty certain that it was his first Exploit of this Kind, and which, it seems, he ventur'd upon in order to satisfy some Demands which his extravagant Gaity had subjected him to; but proved ill qualify'd for so critical a Branch of Business; for he ap- peared under great Timidity at the Time he presented the Pistol to Mr. Newnham, was under no Manner of Dis- guise, and rode on a common Hack, which he hired, and is now under an Apprenticeship to a Toy- Maker in Bir- mingham. Yesterday one Richard Seabright, was committed to the said Gaol, on Suspicion of stealing several Watches, icc. the Property of Mr. Thomas Perkins, Watchmaker, in Evesham, whose House and Shop was broke open on Friday the 8th Instant, as advertis'd in our last Paper. • Last Monday se'nnight, a Servant Maid in this City, was trick'd out of upwards of Seven Pounds in Money, and some Wearing Apparel to the Value of about three Pounds, by a Woman who pretended to be a Fortune- Teller. To prevent other Persons being impos'd upon, we think it necessary to give some Description of her, viz. She is a tall, thin Woman, middle aged and neatly dress'd. We hear that last Week, while the Judge was sitting in the Assize Hall, at Presteigne, in Radnorshire, a sudden violent Crack was heard, which frighten'd the whole Court, who apprehending the Top was falling in, has. ten'd out of the Hall in great Confusion, whereby seve- ral People were greatly hurt; and ' tis reported that two or three have since died. ' Tis said the Judge retreated, unhurt, out of one of the Windows.— We don't find that any Part of the Building fell. At the Fair at Alvechurch, in this County, on Tues day the 3d of May, it is expected there will be a very great Meeting, the Dealers in Cattle, Sec. having of late met with extraordinary Encouragement at the Fairs at that Place, which, in a short Time, it is thought, will be- come as noted as any Fairs in this Part of the Kingdom. At the Assizes at Warwick last Week, Hannah Birch and Hugh Fowke, for House- breaking, and Tho. Heri- tage and John Wakelin, for Sheep stealing, were con- demn'd, but the two first are repriev'd. Six were order'd- to be transported for seven Years. All the Persons can- cern'd in the late Riots were discharg'd. * * The inferring the Answer to A. Z, we are This Day an Publish'd Dedicated to the Right Honourable WILLIAM PITT, Esq; The THREE FIRST VOLUMES, Quarto, \ Price Two Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Six- pence, in Boards, and Three Guineas bound,) Adorned with Three elegant FRONTISpiECES, engraved by Crignion and Miller, The Compleat HISTORY E N G L A N D, Deduced from the Descent of JULIUS CaESAr, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. CONTAINING The Transactions of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three Years. By T. SMOLLETT, M. D. London : Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, in Pater Noster Row ; and sold by S. Mountfort, jun. in Worcester-, and Mr. Andrews, in Evesham. *„* The Author begs Leave to inform the Public, that, finding the Materials for the latter Reigns multiply upon his Hands, he has extended his Plan to a Fourth Volume, which begins with the Reign of WILLIAM III. and will end with the last Treaty of Aix la Cbapelle. This Addi- tion, which is already partly compiled, will be finished with all possible Care, Accuracy, and Dispatch, and de- livered to the Purchasers of the Work in three Months, without any further Expence, and a Promisiory Note, under the Proprietors' Hands, for that Purpose, will be bound up at the End of the Third Volume. The PLAN of the WORK may be had of the Booksellers. * This Day are Publish'd, [ By the KING's AUTHORITY, ] PROPOSALS For Printing Weekly by Subscription, in OCTAVO, A NEW and COMPLEAT DICTIONARY of Arts and Sciences; Comprehending all The BRANCHES of USEFUL KNOWLEDge, WITH Accurate Descriptions as well of the various Machines, Instruments, Tools, Figures, and Schemes necessary for illustrating them, as of the Classes, Kinds, Preparations and Uses of NATURAL PRO- dUCTIONS, whether Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, Fossils, or Fluids j together with the Kingdoms, Province, Cities, Towns, and other remarkable Places throughout the World. The Whole extracted from the best AUTHORS, in all Languages; And illustrated with above Three Hundred Copper- Plates curiously engraved. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN. SubsCRipTioNS for this Work are taken in by W. Owen, at Homer's Head, neat Temple- Bar; and by the Booksellers, Printers, and News- carriers in Town and Country. CONDITIONS. . I. That this Work shall be correctly printed on a good Paper, and a new Letter, and comprised in Two Hundred and Twenty- four Sheets, making Seventy- four Numbers, at Six- pence each. II. That each Number shall contain Three Sheets of Letter- press and Four Copper- plates, stitch'd in blue Paper; each Sheet of Letter- press containing twice the Quantity of any Weekly Publication of this or any other Kind. IIIi That the Copper- plates, which are upwards of Three Hun- dred, and curiously engraved, from Original Designs, by Mr. Jefferys, Engraver and Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of WALES, shall be given gratis, as above- mention'd, in each Number. IV. That the First Number shall be publish'd on Saturday the 30th Instant, and the remaining Numbers regularly every Saturday follow- ing till the Whole is compleated. To Cover, this Season, Now in the Hands of Thomas Lea, at Underdale, near Shrewsbury, A Brown- Bay HORSE, Fifteen Hands high, late the Property of Brooke Fo- rester, Esq; which he bought at Sir Watkin Williams Wynn's Sale He was bred by the Duke of Beaufort, got by his Standard, and out of a Daughter of Jigg's '. He beat Lord Sandwich's Gelding at high Weights, and gave him half a Stone, over Newmarket for two Hun- dred Guineas. His Character as a good Horse we shall leave to the Publick, and his Beauty to the Spectators. He Covers at Two Guineas and a Crown, to be paid at the Stable Door. •,* Good Grass for Mares at a reasonable Rate. To Cover, this Season, At One Guinea and a Shilling a Mare, the Money to be paid at the Time of Covering, or at taking the Mares away, At Middle Hill, near Broad- way, Worcestershire, The beautiful strong Chesnut Horfe, GAY, Late the Earl of Portmore's, GOT by Cartouch, Sire of Spider and Captain ; his Dam was got by Sir Marmaduke Wyvill's Scarbo- rough Colt; she was bred by Mr. Scroope, and Full- Sister to Parker's Cumberland, who won many Plates. The Dam of Sir Harry Gray's Horse, Fox, was a Full- Sister j He won the Four- Years- old Plate at Huntingdon when six started, and was second with Sir Harry Gray's Horse, Fox, for the King's Plate at Ipswich. Note, The above Horse, GAY, is six Years old this Grass, near Fifteen Hands high, and clear of all natural Blemishes. , Good Grass for Mares. To Cover this Season; NOW in the Hands of William Jen- nings, at the Crown, at Woo- Brook, near Kid- derminster, Worcestershire, a most famous thorough bred Dark Chesnut STALLION, call'd GOLIAH, Eight Years old this Grass, full Fifteen Hands and an Inch high, with a Blaze down his Face; and one white Heel behind, and Master of twenty Stone a Fox hunting. He was got by Goliah, and out of a thorough bred Mare. His Actions are very fine, and is allow'd, by all Judges that have seen him, to be as just a Horse in Shape and Actions as any in the Kingdom. It is worth while for any Gentleman to send his Servant on Purpose to see him ; and, for the Sake of encouraging Breed, he will Cover at Half a Guinea, and One Shilling the Man, with the Benefit of the Season. He will be on Tuesdays at Bromsgrove, on Fridays at Stowerbridge, and on Thurs- days at Kidderminster. No Mare will be Cover'd without ready Money the first Leap. Good Grass for Mares at reasonable Rates, and proper Care taken of them. KING PEPIN, Bred by James Lenox Dutton, Esq; WILL Cover this Season at William Waddington's, at Prestbury, near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, at One Guinea and a Half, and as usual to the Servant.— He was got by Old Cartouch, that belong'd to Sir Wil- liam Morgan, of Tredegar; his Dam by Whitefoot, which Mare's Dam was got by Leeds out of Queen Ann's Moonah Barb Mare. Also to Cover at the same Place, at Half a Guinea, and Six pence the Man, A beautiful Black Foreign HORSE, Of the Coaching Kind, or for the Army, Full Fifteen Hands and Three Inches high, and supposed to be the finest of that Sort ever seen in this Part of Eng- land. He is so firm upon his Legs, and stands so well in the Stable, that this Cross will probably prevent any Swellings in the Legs of his Get. Such a Sort is parti- cularly sought after by all Gentlemen, as none of our's can bear to travel at the same Rate. To Cover, this Season, AT the Myth, near Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, at One Guinea a Mare, and a Shilling the Servant, YOUNG REGULUS, He was bred by Thomas Duncombe, Esq; and got by Regulus, his Dam by a Son of Childers; her Dam was the Dam of Squirt, and got by Snake. T. DUNCOMBe. He beat Lord Eglingtown's Bay Colt, got by Spinner, a Match over the Beacon Course at Newmarket in April Meeting, 1755, for Forty Pounds, play or pay, and Fifty Guineas bye, which was the only Time he ever started.— He is Master of high Weights, and perfectly fresh and sound. Regulus was got by Lord Godolphin's Arabian, his Dam was the noted Mare call'd Grey Robinson, and got by the Bald Galloway. He only run one Year, in which he won eight Royal Plates of One Hundred Guineas each, one Plate of Fifty Pounds, which were all the Times he started. To be S0LD, A Beautiful, Thorough - bred, Brown- Bay MARE, FIT either for Riding, or to be kept for Breeding.— She is Four Years old, finely colour'd and whited, admirably well shaped, and extraordinarily perfect and agreeable in all her Actions and Temper. She is now in the Hands of Mr, John White, of Knightwick House, near KnightfordBridge, in the County of Worcester; where she may be view'd at any Time. *„* And there is now in the Hands of the said Mr. John White, to Cover this Season, at Seven Shillings and Sixpence a Leap, and a Shilling the Man, A Fine, Strong, Brown- Bay STALLION, Call'd Rewberry, bred near Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, and is allow'd to be the best Horse in England to get a Chapman's Horse. He is 11 Years old, 16 Hands high, with a Blaze, and three white Feet, is clear of all BIe- mishes, and was gotKirby's Horfe, which was got by Old Clowhead out of a Stretcher's Mare. Clowbead was got out of a Mare got by Old Samson, whofe Dam was got by Old Cripple, the Performances of which Horse are very well known to most Gentlemen. The said Clowhead, for several Years, beat all the Horses in Lancashire and Yorkshire, in Hunting, and challenged any Horse in England to hunt for a Thousand Guineas. No Mare will be Cover'd without Ready Money the first Leap. N. B. The above Horse is reckon'd very lucky in getting Colts, many of which have been sold at very great Prices. IN the Hands of Richard Tattersall; at Bewdley, Worcestershire, the honest HORSE, ; YOUNG TRAVELLER, well known to all Sportsmen by the Name of Mr Coats- worth's Traveller: He will Cover Mares this Season at One Guinea and a Half each Mare, and a Shilling the Man. This Horse won several Fifty Pound Plates, the King's Plate at Leith with four Heats, the Subscription Plate of One Hundred and Twenty Guineas at Newmar- ket ; the three last Times that be started he won the King's Plates at Lewes, Canterbury, and Newmarket.— In November, 1752, then rising seven Years old, he was taken out of Training. In the same Hands is Stiff TARTAR, alias Tom Hack- about. This Horse was got by Tartar, and out of tho Dam of Antelope, whose Pedigrees are so well known to all Sportsmen, that it is needless to mention them here, ' At Newark upon Trent Stiff Tartar run in good Form ; at Ludlow, last Year, he took the Rest ; at Glou. cester run out of the Courfe ; has been hunted this Win- ter ; and won his Match at Monmouth, beating Mr. Hopkins's Chesnut Horfe, Swift. Stiff Tartar will Cover Mares at Half a Guinea, and a Shilling the Man. Those Mares that did not stand to any of my Horses last Year, shall be Cover'd by this Horse for nothing. He is a good Chesnut, well mark'd, and six Years old this Grass. This is the first Year of his Covering. %* These Horses will answer every Particular that requires Examination.— There is good Grass, and pro- per Care taken of Mares.— The Money to be paid at the Stable- Door, or when taken from Grass. N. B. The High- bred Horse, Old Traveller, the Sire of Young Traveller, is in the Hands of Mr. William Ri- chardson, at Yarm, in Yorkshire, and Covers at 5/. 10/. The famous strong Chesnut Horse, Tartar, Sire of Stiff Tartar, alias Tom Hackabout, is in the Hands of Mr. Anthony Smithe, at Oulston, near Easingwould Yorkshire, and Covers also at 5/. lor. in To Cover, this Season, At Half a Guinea each Mare, and One Shilling the Man. THE famous dappled Yorkshire Grey HORSE ( the Property of William Weatherhead, of Righly- in- Craven, Yorkshire) well known by the Name of SMILING JOHN. He was bred by William Adkison, near Skipton, and was got by James Heper, Esqr's Smiling John, that was sold to Lord Weymiss, near Lancaster, at three Years old, for 142 Guineas; and was out of a Mare that was got by a Son of Old Card and Spin ; and the Sire of this Horse was got by Mr. Sims's Wanton Willy, who won Fifty Guineas at Wakefield, Fifty at Halifax, and at Pontefract was let down by Running. Card and Spin gave a Challenge to hunt with any Horse, Mare, or Gelding in the Kingdom. He is upwards of Fifteen Hands high, strong and just in his Actions, very lucky in getting Foals, and for Beauty and Strength none can exceed. He is allow'd, by all that have seen him, to be the likliest Horse for getting Chapmens' Cattle and Hunters of any in the Kingdom, He is known from all other Horses by his beautiful Co- lour and fine Shape. This is a true Pedigree, witness my Hand, WILLIAM ADKISOn." . The above Stallion will be at Evesham on Mon- days, at the Angel in Pershore on Tuesdays, at the White Hart in Tewkesbury on Wednesdays, at the Swan in Chel- tenham on Thursdays, and at the Angel near the Corn- Market , Worcester, on Saturdays. To Cover, this Season, At the White Lion Inn, at Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, and in the Hands of Mr. John HURST, The Famous Thorough- bred Chesnut STAlliON, YOUNG TORTOISE, FIVE Years old this Grass, Fifteen Hands and- Half an Inch high, with a Star and Snip. He was got by Lord Gower's Tortoise, ( whose Performances were well known to all Sportsmen) and his Dam was got by Lord Cullen's Arabian, Sire of Mr. Warren's Camillus, and out of a Childers' Mare. His Actions are very fine, and he is al- low'd by all that have seen him to be as just a Horse, in all his Parts, as any in the Kingdom.— He will Cover at One Guinea a Marc, to be paid at the Stable- Door the first Leap, and Two Shil- lings the Man, with the Benefit of the Season till the 24th of june. In the same Hands, and at the same Place, is a Famous Thorough- bred Bright- Bay HORSE, call'D BLACK LEGS, Fifteen Hands and an Inch high, with a Star, and one White Foot behind, Master of sixteen Stone a Fox- hunting, and Five Years old. this Grass. He was got by the Earl of Derby's Whitefoot, Sire of Lord Strange's Sportsman ; his Dam by Blaze, and out of a Daughter of Mr. Lister's Squirrel. He will Cover at Half a Guinea a Mare, the Money to be paid at the Stable- Door, and One Shilling the Man, with the Benefit of the Season till the 1st of Ausust. Also in the same Hands, and at the same Place, is a Thorough bred Brown- Bay STALLION, call'd PEACOCK, Eight Years old this Grass, with a Star in the Forehead, full Fifteen Hands high, and Master of any Weight. He was got by Goliah, and out of a Hunting Mare. He will Cover at Half a Guinea a Mare, to be paid at the Stable- Door the first Leap, and One Shilling the Groom, with the Benefit of the Season till the 1st of August. N. B. The above STALLIONS are all sound fresh Horses, and free from Blemish. Good Grass for Mares, at reasonable Rates, and proper Care taken of them.
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