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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 30/09/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2461
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL. [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross.] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, September 30, 1756. N0 2461 | FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. PORTUGAL.] Lisbon, August 9. THE 30th of last Month, at Six in the Morning, and the next Day at Half an Hour past One, we felt two Shocks Earthquake here, which were pre- ceded by a rumbling Noise under Ground, but they did no Damage at all. The 3d Instant they had a much greater Shock at Obedos, situate about 16 Leagues North of this ruined City ; it was likewise preceded by a fright- ful Noise under Ground ; the adjacent Mountains were violently shaken, and at the same Time several Springs gushed out of their Bowels, which now form Cascades sad Fountains in Places where none were ever seen before. Though the Earth, by these continual Tremors, seems to five us fair Warning of the Risques we run in building on so unstable a Soil, the Plan for rebuilding this Capital is already fixed, and the Work is to be taken in Hand the first of January next. A large Spot of Ground to the North of the City is already marked out for building Houses, which are to be all two Stories high, and no more. The principal Streets are to be 60 Palms in the Breadth, others 40, and the Cross- Streets 30. General Manuel de Maya, Chief Engineer, and Lieutenant Colo- nel Charles Mardel, are to have the Direftion of the Works, in which 20,000 Artisans and Labourers, with some Regiments, are to be employed. The State- Prisoners, mentioned in former Advices, have received their Sentence, which is to be banished for Life 10 Angola, whither they are to be transported by one of the King's Ships, which will set Sail in a Day or two. LONDON. Thursday, Sept. 23. The following is an authentick List of the King of Prussia's Troops, viz. 10,325 Cuirassiers, 11,928 Dra- joons, 10,263 Hussars, and 119,843 Foot ( in which are included the Garrisons of fortified Places;) Total 152,359. The annual Expence of these Troops amount to 15,008,312 Rixdollars. By a List of the Troops of the Empress Queen it ap pears, that the Forces of the House of Austria are greatly superior to those of Prussia, if they make the same Ap- earance in the Field as they do on Paper: In Bohemia and Moravia alone, the Austrian Troops are computed at 59,600 Men, viz. 5700 Dragoons, 67,500 Foot, 10,600 Cuirassiers, 3650 Hussars, and 12,150 Croats and Scla- vonians. This Number of Troops is, however, in fact, not actually assembled ; nineteen Regiments of Foot being computed at present in the Camp of Collin, whereas but fourteen are yet arrived. The Dragoons also, though the most complete of the Austrian Troops, form a very imperfect Corps. We hear that the King of Prussia, on a late particular occasion, order'd his Clergy, in their several Depart- ments, to preach on the following Texts :— And the Lord hath given me Knowledge of it, and I know it: Then thou shewedst me their Doings. But I was like a Lamb or an Ox that is brought to tbe Slaughter; and I knew they had devised Devices against me, saying, Let us destroy the Tree with the Fruit thereof, and let us cut him off from tbe Land of the Living, that his Name may be no more remember'' d: But, O Lord of Hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the Reins and the Heart, let me see thy Vengeance on them : For unto thee have I revealed my Cause. Jerem. xi. 18, 19, 20- It is rumoured that twelve Thousand Men will speedily embark for Germany, which when joined by a Body of Prussian, Anspach, and Bareith Troops, will consist of Sixty Thousand Men, and are designed as an Army of Observation, which are to be commanded by his Royal Highness the Duke. There are private Letters in Town from on board the Intrepid, Capt. Young, which confirm the Account for- merly received of the taking twelve French Transports, laden with Provisions for St. Philip's in Minorca; with this Addition, the Prisoners were set ashore at Ceudadella ; that, after distributing the Water and other Stores among the Fleet, Admiral Hawke had sent the Vessels to Gi- braltar. It is said that two French Frigates are taken by some of | Admiral Hawke's Fleet, and sent to Gibraltar. The Squadron cruising off Mahon is divided, and lays on each Side the Island, to prevent any Transports get- ting in. We hear from Greenwich, that Admiral B g has left off reading the News- Papers, Pamphlets, Songs, of which for some Time ( since his Arrival here) he was very fond, believing many would write in his Favour; but finding that one and all seem to dip their Pent in Gall and Vinegar against him, and that he stands condemn'd in the Eyes of the three Kingdoms, he is very much de- jected, and makes no Enquiry concerning his Fate, or what the Consequence of his strict Confinement will be. St. James's Palace is preparing for the Reception of the Royal Family next Month. Fifteen Serjeants of the three Regiments of the Foot- Guards will be appointed Lieutenants in the new Batta- lions which are to be added to the old Regiments. We hear that Clauses will be moved for next Sessions of Parliament, on Account of some Deficiencies in the Coach and Plate Acts, to enable them more effectually to collect those Taxes. Although it is said in the Extract of a supposed Letter from Antigua of the 22d of July, printed in some of the Publick Papers, that regular and due Notice had not been sent to that Place of his Majesty's Declaration of War against France ; We are assured from Authority that the same was dispatched to all Parts of the King's Dominions in America, and elsewhere, immediately after Proclama- tion thereof had been made in London on the 18th Day of May last. Yesterday Evening died, at his House in St. James's Square, of a Fit of the Gravel and Stone, John Hobart, Earl of Buckingham, Lord Hobart of Blickling, and Bart. Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners to his Majesty, Lord Lieutenant and Cullos Rotulorum of the County of Norfolk, and Vice- Admiral of the same ; one of the Lords of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and one of the Knights Companions of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. His Lordship married to his first Wife Judith, Daughter of Robert Britisse, of Ba- conthorpe, in Norfolk, Esq; by whom he had Issue three Sons, Henry, who died an Infant ; John, now Earl of Buckingham ; and Robert, who died in the eighth Year of his Age ; also five Daughters, Lady Dorothy, married to Capt. Hotham ; the others died Infants. And his Lady dying on the 7th of Feb. 1726 7, his Lordship married secondly, Feb. 10, 1727 8, Elizabeth, Sister to Robert Bristow, Esq; by whom he has two Sons, George, and Henry in the seventeenth Year of his Age. On Friday last died suddenly in the 65th Year of his Age, after eating a hearty Breakfast, at Captain Bon ham's at St. Osyth, in Essex, Thomas Astley of South gate, Middlesex, Efq; greatly lamented on Account of the many valuable Qualities he possessed, but more parti- cularly by the old and decripid Poor of his Parish, about thirty of whom he lately cloathed at his own Expence. His Wife, who was his first Cousin and Namesake, died in the same Manner the 22d of February last. On Monday last died at Cambridge, the Rev. Dr. Bar- nard, Rector of St. Bartholomew's behind the Royal Exchange, and one of the Prebendaries of Norwich. The Living, which is worth ' upwards of 350 1. per Annum, is in the Gift of the Lord Chancellor. On Tuesday died William Martin, Esq; senior Admi- ral of the Blue. A few Days ago a Servant of Mr. Thomas Hall, Pe- ruke Maker, at Kingston upon Thames, being sent to a Shop in the same Town for Twopenny worth of Cena, for Tea, instead of that ( stuttering very much, and not being rightly understood) ( he brought Twopenny worth of Cerus; of which Tea was made; and she, an Apprentice, and three Children had drank three Dishes a Piece, when a Person providentially came in to be shaved, who seeing the Apprentice disordered, ask'd what was the Matter with him. The Boy said he had been drinking some Cena Tea, which did not agree with him ; and the Gen- tleman desiring to see it, soon discovcred what it was: On which a Doctor was immediately sent for, who gave them all a Puke; otherwise it is thought they would all have died in less than an Hour's Time. The Rose Privateer, of St. Maloes, of 10 Carriage Guns, and 90 Men, was taken the 19th Instant off the Start by the Tartar Man of War, and sent into Plymouth. The said Privateer had taken the Day before the Phoenix of Dundee for Lisbon. The Charry House from St. Domingo to Nantz, is ta- ken by the Anson Privateer, Capt. Templeman, and car- ried into Cork. Three large French Men of War are arriv'd at Port L'Orient from the West Indies, and carried in with them three English Prizes. The York, Fowkes, from Jamaica, who was taken by a French Man ef War, is retaken by a Guernsey Pri- vateer. W We are informed from Maidstone, that an Hanoverian Soldier, who was detected in stealing out of the Shop cI Mr. Harris, of that Town, two Silk Handkerchiefs; for which he was committed to the County Gaol, and the Plaintiff bound over to prosecute; that when this Affair came to the Knowledge of General Kilmansack, he went to the Mayor, and demanded the Prisoner, aaying, it was expresly stipulated by Treaty, that no Hanoverian Sol dier was to be tried by the Laws of England during their Stay here: On which the Town Clerk, and several Justices and Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood, were con- sulted, who all agreed the Prisoner should not be given up: On which the General talked of making Use of Force ; but not proceeding to Extremity, he dispatch'd a Messenger to London j who brought back an Order, sign'd by an Officer of State, to discharge the Prisoner. Saturday fifteen Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, one whom was capitally convicted, vie. George Langley. for a Robbery in the Dwelling House at the Queen of Hungary's Head, Sadler's Wells, to the Amount of near 4001. in Jewels and Money. Six were cast for Transporta- tion, and eight acquitted. Monday nine Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey. Four were cast for Transportation, and five acquitted. At this Sessions six were capitally convicted, three cast for Transportation for fourteen Years, twenty- nine for seven Years, two to be whipt, and one to be branded. It was remarkable, that at the Sessions held last Week at Hicks's- Hall, for the County of Middlesex, not one Boy was tried there for Petty Larceny, or any other Of- fence ; a Circumstance very extraordinary, as it has not happened for a long Time, and ' tis to be hoped that | among other Reasons, it proves the Utility of the Scheme so much encouraged, of cloathing and sending friendless and wicked Boys out of our Streets to Sea. Yesterday George Hall was committed to New Prison by John Fielding, Esq; for committing a Rape 0n the Body of Mary Astbury, near Chester. On Sunday last, about Noon, a Gentleman and Wife were robbed in a Post- Chaise near Barnet, by three Highwaymen, who took from them about sixteen Guineas and got clear off. The Account of Mr. Lopez's being robb'd and mur- der'd in Cut- Throat Lane, as mention'd in some of the Papers, is a Mistake ; the Affair being as follows: He had been near three Months out of his Mind, saying, he was afraid that Jamaica would be conquer'd by the French that his Father was there, and would be made a Slave : 1 that their whole Fortune would be taken from them, and he should starve; so made away with himself, by cutting his Throat in the Stable. We hear from Scarborough, in Yorkshire, that the Curate in that Town was lately found drowned in a Ri- ver near that Place; by what Accident he met with this unhappy Fate we cannot yet learn. We hear from Stockton, that as fourteen Men and Wo- men were going down that River in a Boat Yesterday se'nnight, to go on board a Dane's Ship, unhappily the Boat overset, and seven of them were drowned. We learn from Staffordshire that at Eddiscastle in that County, they had about Four in the Afternoon Yesterday se'nnight a violent Storm of Thunder and Lightning, in which Mrs. Jane Prescot, an Exciseman's Wife in that Place, was killed by a Flash of Lightning. Being with Child and very near her Time, she was opened by CON Sent of her Friends, and the Child taken out, and imme- diately baptiz'd by the Name of Jonah, and tis supposed that it will live. From the LOND. EVENING POST. To the AUTHOR, & c. SIR, AS an Englishman, I am extremely jealous of the Re- putation, Honour and Interest of my Country, most heartily and sincerely wish to see those who betray any of them brought to exemplary condign Punishment, I cannot therefore suppress my Indignation, when I per ceive how artfully the Torrent of Popular Clamour and Odium is continually turn'd upon A B - 1 divert the Attention of the Publick from the true of our Grievances, and the Losses we deplore. I have been industriously spread about, that A B g is out of his Senses; that he drinks immoderately and that he has several Times attempted to make his cape ; the latter has been inserted in several Papers. Persons who are not sufficiently skilled in modern Tricks, to see the private Springs of this Machinery fall into the Trap, imagine there must be some Foun- dation for such Reports; and, considering the Light in WHICH his Conduct has always been represented, naturally suppose this the Consequence of his intolerable Load of conicious Guilt ; and are apt to believe, as it is intended they should, that all our Misfortunes are owing to him. It is not my Business to vindicate that A .- l's Con- duct ; but I have suspended my own Judgment until I hear his Defence; and I think every Friend to his Coun- try should do his utmost to prevent all Impositions on the Publick; and therefore I desire you will be pleased to publish my Letter, to give Notice, that such Reports are ablolutely without the least Foundation of Truth; and are to be understood now, as well as hereafter, only as the Cry of a Pack of M 1 » * » *, set on to hunt down a Gentleman unfortunately entangled in artificial M—: 1 Toils; in order that, right or Wrong, he may hereafter, if possible, be offer'd up a Sacrifice, to atone for the Negligences, Ignorances, and Blunders, & c. & c. of ***** *_ if the N n vv, il permit, and accept, of fuch Expiation. You may depend upon your Intelligence, front Yours, & c. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS* Arrivd the MAIL fom Flanders. Germany.] HAMBURGH, September 10. THE last Letters fiom Petersburgh deny the pretended Accession of the Court of Russia to the Treaty lately concluded between those of Paris and Vienna; but, on the contrary, affirm, that Orders have been sent to the Troops assembled in Livonia to depart into their old Quar- ters. At the same Time it is said that the Court of Lon- don hath offer'd to enter into two new Subsidy Treaties with Russia and Saxony. Pruffia] Berlin, Sept 4. The King has sent Orders to M de Klingraff, his Minister at Vienna, to retire from that Court, his Majesty not being fatiified with the An- fwer which was lall made to him. It is faid the Queen of Poland has not left Dresden ; neither has the Electoral Prince the Princess his Confort, at d the other Princesses, to all of whom our Monarch behaves with the greatest Re- spect that is due to them. Portugal] Lisbon, August 17. An English Frigate arrived here the 10th from Gibraltar, with some Dis- pitches which Mr. Castres, the British Minister, sent away the 12th by a Packet Boat. The 14th another Frigate of that Nation arrived with more Letters from Lord Tyraw- ley, and Yesterday a second Packet Boat failed for Fal- mouth. It is said that the English have an Expedition on the Carpet, in which they will employ the Garrison of Gibraltar, which consists at present of 11 Regiments. ' France."] Paris, Sept. 13. Oar Court seems determin d „_ la order to extricate the King of Poland out of his Distress. There is a Talk of forming three Bodies of 25,000 Men each, under the Command of the Duke de Bclleifle, Marshal Maillebois, and the Count d'Estrees. LONDON, [ Saturday, Sept. 26. A Proclamation has been inserted in the London Ga- zette, whereby the Parliament is prorogued from Tuesday the 28th of this Instant September to Thursday the 18th cf November next, when it will sit for the Dispatch of diners weighty and important Affairs. Admiral Byng has received Orders to prepare for his Trial, which, we are told, Hands fixed for some Time next Month, the Arrival of his Witnesses being now every Day expected. Upon the Delivery of this Messuage to him, we are informed, that he requested a longer Time, and the Liberty of sending for more Witnesses; but all farther Indulgence of this Kind has been denied. There is| a Report that his Prussian Majesty has declar'd War in Form againft the Empress Queen of Hungary ; that the King of Poland, as Elector of Saxony, has en- tered into Treaty with the King of Prussia. and likewise that the Empress of Russia has refused to sign the Defen- sive Treaty of Neutrality between the Courts of Vienna and Versailles. By a private Letter from Francfort, dated the 15th In stant, we are assured that the Prussians have block'd up the Saxon Troops in their Intrenchments at Pirna, and have cut ofF their Communication both with Bohemia and their own Country, so that they must be speedily in great Want of Provisions. The same Letter says, that the Prussians have form'd a Camp of Observation, compos'd of twenty one Thousand Men, in the Neighbourhood of Nurem- burgh. It is added in a Postscript, that his Polish Ma- jesty has consented to a Neutrality, and, by the Media- tion of a certain Power, will give the King of Prussia the Security that he demands for the Performance of that Treaty, in order to save his Subjects from those Miseries to which they must be otherwise exposed. They write from Paris, that an Army of twenty- four Thousand Men, commanded by the Prince de Soubise, are to pass the Rhine without Delay. to the Relief of the Empress Queen ; and that another Army of twice that Force will enter into the Low Countries, and, in Con- junction with twenty Thousand Austrians, invade the King of Prussia's Dominions on that Side, and besiege Wesel. Private Letters from Madrid intimate, that the Court h not at all difpofed to enter into the Mealures of a neigh- bouring Potentate. But notwithliauding this, it has been thought proper to equip two flout Squadrons, in order to execute certain Projetts, which, as I hingsnow Hand, may poffibly be overlook'd by oi « Neighbours, who would not fail to take Uferage at them, in l ime of full Peace, embarking, together with large Quantities of Ammuni- tion and Military Stores. Some say that it is to secure a competent District about Ceuta, but many are of a con- trary Notion, arid probably will remain so, ' till Time shall have cleared up the Point. By the last Letters from New England we have Advice, that some of Sir William Johnson's Rangers had inter- cepted a Courier fent from the Governor General of Ca- nada, to the Commanding Officer at Crown- Point. In the Letters, the Governor General informs the Governor of Crown Point Fort, that Provisions were so scarce With him at Canada, that he must expect no more from him that Year; and that the contagious Sickness brought by the last Ships from France having spread among his Troops had carried off such Numbers, that it was impossible for him to spare any Reinforcements for him or any other of the distant Forts. . The same Letters say, that the French Troops at Crown Point did not exceed 3000 effective Men, and that Sir William Johnson's Troops were in high Spirits, and did not doubt being in Possession of that important Fortress before the End of this Month. We hear a considerable Number of Transport Vessels will speedily be victualled, which it is concluded are to carry the Hanoverian and Hessian Forces home. Some Forces, lately embarked in Ireland, sailed to re- inforce the Garrisons of Guernsey and Jersey. The Train of Artillery which hath been so long get- ting ready, is now embarked We hear several more Ships are order'd to be taken into the Service of the Government as Transports. A Brig and a Snow, one laden with Coals, and the other with Bale Goods, for Hamburgh, were taken in the North Seas by a Privateer from Dunkirk, Capt. Maurrell, of eight Carriage Guns, eight Swivels, and seventy Men, who had also ransomed a Vessel from the Weft Indies for 2950 1. A Vessel, Name unknown, laden with Bale Goods, is taken and carried into Chrilliansand by a Privateer of Dunkirk, Capt. Budeley, of six Carriage Guns, six Swi vels, and fifty Men, who had likewise ransomed two other Vessels, Names unknown. The Hull Merchant, Dobbin, from Rhode Island for Hull, came North about, and was taken the 14th Instant, ten Leagues from Holly Island, by a Privateer of twelve Carriage Guns, and 100 Men, and ransomed for 870 1. The Fame, Trump, from London for Jamaica, and the Penelope, Chubbard, from Dublin for London, are taken by a Privateer, and carried into Morlaix. The two French Ships taken by the St. George and Amazon Privateers of Guernsey are reckoned worth 0,000 1. There are on board one of them 430 Hhds. of Sugar, 30 I ons of Coffee, 50 Bales of Cotton, and 400001b. Weight of Indigo, besides a great Quantity of all Sorts of West- India Goods, Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, dated Sept. 24. " This Morning sailed Rear Admiral Norris to join Admiral Boscawen. The Torbay, Commodore Keppel, sails next Sunday. " Yesterday arrived the Gibraltar from a Cruize ; she has retaken two English Ships, and sent them in here." On Thursday last died at Cambridge, of a Dropsy, the Rev. William George, D. D. Dean of Lincoln, and Pro- vost of King's College, Cambridge ; formerly Master of Eton School. In every station his Behaviour was such as to gain the Estecm of every one with whom he was concerned ; and as he lived universally esteemed, so he died generally lamented. Last Thursday was held at Doctors Commons, before Sir Thomas Salisbury, Knt. a Court of Admiralty, for the condemning of several Ships and Cargoes taken from the French; as also the Cargoes of two Dutch Ships, which were for the Use of the French, were con- demn'd, but the Vessels were not. Afier which, the Court adjourn'd to Thursday the 7th of October next. It is faid, in regard to the Affair of the Hanoverian Soldier lately detected in stealing Two Handkerchiefs, ( mention'd in the First Page of this Paper) that General Kilmansack did not demand the Release of the Fellow in order to screen him from Publick Justice, but to get him delivered up to their own Military Law, the Severity of which is evident trom a late Inftance of an Hanoverian Soldier that was hanged for Healing a few Cabbages, even against the Entreaties of the Person injured, who with many others joined in a Petition to save his Life. Thursday se'nnight about a Dozen Matrosses from drive with more Horses than the Law allows, who faid to him that he believed he had murdered a Woman, and begged him to go back with him, which he did ; that the Woman was dead, and that he assisted this Man to throw her into the River. We hear that there is a vast deal of Foreign Hemp safely arrived in the English Ports: So that, how ever great the Demand for Halters may soon be in this Kingdom, there may, we think and hope, be a Sufficiency to supply it in a tolerable Manner, that all, who deserve and ought to be hanged, may at any Time have a Halter for the Good I Mr. Harris a Farmer several of his Geese. Woolwich, broke into the Yard ot near PlumHead, in Kent, and Hole The Servant got up and was stabb'd in two Places in his Body, and Mr. Harris was wounded in his Hand. Upon the Officers of his Majesty's Yard being acquainted with the Robbery, the Workmen were all called down, and several found wanting, and since that six of the Robbers have been taken, who were immediately stript of their Regimentals, and are now secured in Maidstone Gaol. Yesterday one of those vagrant Fellows who live on the Foibles of the Great, commonly called a Dog- stealer, was ' committed to the Gatehouse for stealing the Life and Soul of a Lady of Distinction near Grosvenor- Square. By a Letter trom a Gentleman at Windsor we are in- formed, that there are great Hopes that the cruel Abufe and Murder committed on the Body of; the Servant Maid of the White Hart Inn, about four Months past, who, after being missing fome Days, was found in the River, will at length be brought to Light. A fellow now in Aylesbury Gaol for sheep stealing, and who had been twice examined before a Magistrate about the Time of the Murder, on suspicion of being concerned in it, has con* fessed that as he was walking in the Fields on the Night it was committed, he met a Man whom he named, who of the Publick, To be SOLD, to the Best Bidder, On Saturday the Sixth Day of November next, at the < 3! d Cattle, in Bridgnorth, between the Hours of Two akd Five in the Afternoon, A Messuage, Farm, and Lands, In Romsley, in the Parish of Alvely, in the County of SALOP; The House and Out Buildings in very good Repair, and now in the Possession of the Widow Pountney, at the Yearly Rent of 36/. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Haslewood, Attor- nty, in Bridgnorth. V. B. The Tenant will shew the Premisses. To be L E TT And Entered upon IMMEDIATELY, A convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, SITUATE in the High- Street, Worcester, late in tha Occupation of Mr. William Taylor, Brass- Founder. • — For further Particulars enquire of Mr. James Morgan, Post- Master, in Worcester. H E Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Unett Hodges the Younger, late of the Parish of Whit- bourne, in the County of Hereford, Yeoman and Chapman, do hereby give Notice, that they intend to meet on Friday the First Day of Oaober next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Dwelling- House of William Rastall, known by the Sign of the Talbot, situate at Knightford- Bridge, in the County of Worcester, in order to make a final Dividend of the faid Bankrupt's Estate and Effects j when and where the Creditors who have not already prov'd their Debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or; they will be excluded th » Benefit of the said Dividend. WHEREAS a Parcel of BUCKLES, packed up in a Linnen Wrapper, containing in Weight about Theee Quarters of a Hundred, and directed for Mr. Henry Prior, Cutler, in Tewkesbury, in or about the beginning of January, 1754, was delivered to a Cat- rier at Walsall, in Staffordshire. to be conveyed to Owner John Lloyd, of Wribbenhall, near Bewdley, and to be by him forwarded to Mr. Prior, which Parcel, being lost, it is apprehended the same is sent elsewhere, by Mistake, or to be now in some Warehouse upon the River Severn* [ Wherefore all Keepers of such Warehouses are desired immediately to make careful Search for the said Parcel, and if, upon such Search, the same can be found, or if any Person can make Discovery thereof, so that it may be had again, Notice is desired immediately to be given, by a Post Letter directed to Mr. Thomas Spurrier, Ironmon- ger and Wholesale Dealer, in Walsall aforesaid, who will gratefully reward any Person for the Trouble and Care therein. To be Sold, to the Best Bidder, At the RAVEN INN, in Shrewsbury, on Saturday the. 16th of October next, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, The following LOTS, viz. LOT i. SEVERAL Messuages, Tenements, Farms.' and Lands, situate in Trederwen and Rhe- teskin, in the Parish of Llandrinio, in the County o Montgomery, of the Yearly Value of 160I. and upwards. LOT 2. A Messuage, Tenement, or Farm, call'd Pant, in the Parish of Guildsfield. in the faid County of Mont' gomery, now in the Possession of Thomas Jones, at the Yearly Rent of 201. LOT 3 A Messuage, Tenement, or Farm, fituate Poynton, in the Parish of High Ercal, in the County Salop, now in the Possession of Thomas Williamson, the Yearly Rent of 56 I. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Windsor, Shrenfbury ; and the Tenants of the several Estate will shew the same. To be LETT, And may be Entered upon Immediately, At EVESHAM, in the County of WORCESTER, A very commodious arid good accustom'd PUBLICK- HOUSE With very good Cellaring, and other suitable Con- veniences: Together with The COOK- SHOP adjoining, Being compleatly fitted up; and likewise a convenien SHOP tfit for any Business) contiguous to the same which may be converted iuto a Drinking Room, havin a Chimney in it. N. B. he above Premisses are situated in the best Parte the Town for Business, being near the Butchers' Sham bles. —- For further Particulars enquire of M Andrews. SM^^ y. in Eve. liaia. Worcester, Sept. 30, 1756. To be LETY, to the . Best Bidder, On Tuesday next, being the 5th of October, at the GUILD HALL of this Ci/ y, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon^ The T O L L S - Arising from the Offices of Water- Bailiff and Coal- Weigher. WORCESTER, Sept. 30,1756. ASSEmbly A T The GUILD- HALL, WILL begin on Thursday nextx the 7th Day of October, and be continued once a Fortnight, on the Thursday, as usual, during the Winter Season. WORCERSTER INFIRMARY. September 29, 1756. AQuarterly General Meeting of the GOVERNORS of this CHARITY will be herd here on Wedneaday next, the 6th of Odober, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. THO. STAPLES, Secretary. WORCESTER, Sept. 30, 1756. The Holy Well, and Chalybeat Spring, At Malvern, HAVING been found of great Efficacy in many obstinate Diseases, several Persons of great Rank and Fortune are desirous of having them made commo- dious. Those Gentlemen therefore, who are willing to encourage so good a Work, are requested to meet at Mr Morgan's Coffee- House, on Wednesday next, the 6th of October, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. . It is hoped that those Gentlemen who may be hinder'd from appearing in Person, will empower some Friend to act for them on this Occasion. Any Person having a Couple of Small STAUNCH BEAGLES To Dispose of, MAY hear of a Purchaser, by applying to Richard Seamon, Distributor of the Worcester Journal, in Kidderminster. N. B. If Dogs, and wire, or hard- hair'd, they will be the more agreeable ; and no Matter how small. A reasonable Trial will be expected. This Day arrived at Mail from the Groyne, by which it is said Letters are Come, that give an' Account of Sir Ed- ward Hawke's having taken Seventy French Tartans la- dui with Provisions for Minorca, We hear that a Prussian . J- - — been stopt at Ostend, and that the English Ships Were expected to be de- tained likewise. We have Account from Gibraltar, that Campbell's, and the Regiment late Fowke's, are on board the Fleet with the Fuzileers ; that the Officers in that Garrison had Directions to have their Tents and Field Equipages con- stantly in Readiness, which makes it apprehended some secret Expeditions intended. We are informed, by a Vessel arrived from Antigua, that Commodore Franklin is so much superior to the French Fleet in America, that he confines them and their Privateers in Port, and annoys their Trade very much. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, dated Sept. 27. " On Saturday arrived the Hornet Sloop, Capt. Salt, from America: She brings an Account of Commodore Holmes's Action in the Grafton, in Company with the Nottingham, Capt. Marshall, and Jamaica Sloop, Capt. Hood, with Mons. Beaussier 111 the Heros, with the Il- lustre, and two Frigates, off Louisbourg. The Heros and IIlustre were chased into Louisbourg by the Commo- dore, and the next Day ( reinforced with the Frigates) came to fight him. There being but little Wind, the Fri- gates did but little ; the Heat of the Engagement lay with the Men of War, which was desperate and equal. At last, by some Misfortune, the French Commodore's Stern lay exposed to Commodore Holmes, who raked her in that Position near an Hour, and killed him 80 Men, and wounded 150. The Grafton lost seven Men, and had 30 wounded, five Guns dismounted, and her Mainmast shot through. She beat three of the French Man of War's Port Holes into one. At last the French fairly ran away, and Mr. Holmes went the next Day off Louisbourg, and huzza'd to brave them out again, but in vain. The Commodore then sailed for Hallifax, where he was re- ceived with great Demonstrations of Joy, and proceeded from thence in the Grafton, with the Nottingham, Fou- geux, Centurion, Norwich, Litchfield, and Frigates, to cruise off Louisbourg again." Last Week died at the Seat of the Lord Viscount Chet- wynd, in Staffordshire, the Hon. John Talbot, Esq; Bro- ther to Lord Talbot, Member of Parliament for Ivel- chester, in Somersetshire, one of the Welch Judges, and Recorder of the Town of Brecon, in Wales. He mar- ried to his second Wife, the eldest Daughter of the Lord Viscount Chetwynd, by whom he has left several Children. One Joseph Best is committed to Oxford County Gaol, being charged, upon the Oath of James Hurler, now a Prisoner in Aylefbary Gaol, with the Murder of a Woman lately found in the River Thames near Windsor BANKRUPT.— John Hosier, of Denbigh, Salesman. STOCKS Bank, shut. India 1 34. South Sea Old Annuities, 1 Sub. 91 1 qr. a 3 Sths Ditto z Sub. . Three per Cent Bank Annuities, 89 5 8ths a 3 qrs India Bonds, 2I. 15s. Prem. Lott. Tickets 11I. 19s. 6d . WORCESTEE, September 30. 1 At our Market, last Saturday, the Prices of Hops we': nearly the same as on the Fair Day. PRICES of CORN. At Worcester. Wheat from 5s. to to 6s. per Bulhel, Barley from 2s. 10d. to 3s. 2d. Oats from is. 8d to zt. 6d. Beans from 3s. to 3s. 4d. At Gloucester. Wheat 6s. 6d. to 7s. Barley is. 6d to 3s. 3d. New Wheat was sold at 6s od. per Bushel. . At Birmingham. Wheat 5s. od. to 5s. 6d. New Barley 2s. 8d. to is. tod.] Oats is; lod. Old OiU 2s jd. At Oxford. Wheat 80I 5s. to 1 2I. per Load, Barley 1l. to 1l. 1s. Oats 17s. to 18s. At London.— Wheat 32s. to 37s. per Quarter, ( Eight Bushels.) Barley 18s. to 19s. per Quarter Yesterday se'nnight the two Persons who were Under Condemnation in Warwick Gaol, for being concerncd in the Rioting at Nuneaton, for whom a Pardon was sent from his Majesty, were released ; as were all the other Rioters who were confined there. At the Assizes at Lancaster Thomas Lighthoulder, who Was tried for Counterfeiting Gold Coin, was acquitted. I LOST, On the 19th of this Instant September, between Cropthorne Ale- House and Pershore, A middle- siz'd Silver WATCH, With a Silver Dial- Plate, two Seals set in Silver, the one Glass, the other Cornelian, a Steel Chain, and a Brass Key, the Maker's Name Bell, Stratford, Number for- got— Whoever will bring the said Watch to the Angel Inn in Pershore ( so that the Owner may have it again) shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. — If offered to be sold or pawn'd, and stopp'd, the same Reward will be given. Wednesday s and Thursday's POSTS. BRUSSELS, September 24. TWO Battalions of each of the ten Austrian Regiments in the Low Countries, with all the Companies of Grenadiers, are preparing to take the Field upon the first Notice. The Companies which consisted of 120 Men, are now augmenting to 150, by Draughts out of the other Battalions, except those of Grenadiers, which are to re- main upon the old Footing of 100 Men each The Regi- ment of Cuirassiers and that of Dragoons, each of 1000 Men, which are in this Country, are also to take the Field ; and the Whole will form a Body of 16,000 Men, with a proportionable Train of Artillery. But the Inten- tions of the Court of Vienna are not known, with regard to their Destination, nor the Time of their assembling, neither are the General Officers appointed who are to com- mand them. It is however given out that they are to be joined by 24,000 Men, which the French Court is oblig'd £ y the Treaty of the in of May, to send to the Assistance of the Empress Queen, and which, they say, are actually assembling in the Neighbourhood of Metz, The Duke of Aremberg is to set out this Day for the Austrian Army in Bohemia.—— London Gazette. LONDON. [ Tuesday, Sept. 28. It is said that the Sum of 9,000,000 must be raised for the Year 1757, either by Annuities or a Lottery. A Bill will be brought into Parliament next Session for the better preventing the Running of Wool from the Winds of Guernsey and Jersey into France. ' Tis said that several Persons of Quality have solicited his Majesty for Leave to go Volunteers into the Prussian From the London Evening Port, Sept. 18. Extract of a Letter from Maidstone, Sept. 25 Observing in your Paper of Thursday last but a very slight Mention of the Hanoverian Affair that has happen'd here, you are desired by many of your Friends and Well wishers to insert the following in your next! " One William Schroeder, an Hanoverian Soldier, was on the 13th of this Month detected in the Crime of steal- ing privately and feloniously, in the Shop of Mr. Christo- pher Harris at Maidstone, two Silk Handkerchiefs, of the Value 0f eight Shillings, the Property of the said Harris; which Offence is commonly call'd Shoplifting, and made Capital by the Statute 10 and 11 Wiliiam III, Cap. 23 by which Act, the Apprehender is entitled to a Certificate to exempt him from Parish and Ward Offices, on the Conviction of the Offender. And that the said Soldier being apprehended and carried before the Mayor, and ano- ther Justice of the Peace for the Corporation of Maid- stone ; and the Fact being clearly prov'd upon Oath, the Justices, in order to shew all the Lenity in their Power, committed him to Prison as for common Felony, and not Shoplifting, and bound the Prosecutor by Recognizance to appear at the next General Quarter Sessions. But that on the next Day General Kilmansack applied to the Mayor, and demanded the Release of the Soldier, and talk'd of using Force, if his Demand was not com- plied with, insisting, that by Treaty, or Agreement, neither the Hanoverians nor Hessians are to be any Ways subject to the Laws of this Kingdom, either for Murder, Felony, or any other Crime whatsoever ; and that the Mayor, upon this, sent for the Deputy Recorder of the Town for his Advice on the Occasion , who declaring, as his Opinion, that the abovemention'd Forces, during their Continuance here, are, and ought to be, subject to the Laws of this Kingdom, in Cases of Murder, Theft, and other heinous Offences; He, the Mayor, did not think proper to discharge the Soldier: Whereupon the General declared, that an Application should be immediately made to the King. And that on Saturday the 18th, about Five o'clock in the Morning, one of his Majesty's Messen- gers arrived at Maidstone with an Order from the Right Hon. the Earl of Holdernesse, one of his Majesty's Prin- cipal Secretaries of State, requiring the Mayor of Maid stone immediately to discharge the Soldier out of Prison,' and deliver him up to General Somerveldt: and that he was discharged and delivered accordingly : And that Ge- neral Somerveldt has sent Orders to the Mayor, Deputy Recorder, and the Constable of Maidstone, that for the future none of the Hanovarian Forces are to be committed to Prison, and punished by the Laws of England for any Offence whatsoever ' ...... To the Printer of the WORCESTER JOURNALI Mr. Berrow, Defire to inform all my Acquaintance, by Means of your Paper, That I intend to subscribe to the WOR- CESTER ASSEMBLY this Winter, and that I shall make my Appearance there this Day se'nnight, which, Jack Loveless told me, is to be the First Night. I am in Rap- tures at the Thoughts of it! For, I vow, to me there's Nothing so clever as to meet all one's Friends and Ac- quaintance once a Fortnight. I am sure it is very dull being at home always in the Winter. Besides I am fond of Dancing, very fond of Dancing, Mr. Berrow, and love to make a Rout sometimes to my Soul. And then you know one shall see how People Dress and Look. and think and talk of a thousand Things that wou'd never enter into one's Head at another Time.— I love dearly to see a Parcel of old Ladies crept together to a Card- Table in one Corner of the RoOm, with an antiquated Beau, or gay young Fop perhaps, out of Curiosity, leaning on their Chairs, and looking over them How they di- light to hook one of us young ones into their Party, to draw the Gentlemen round them ; and how cross the young Fellow, who intended asking us to dance, looks at it. There are such Scenes in an Assembly Room. Oh the Assembly, WORCESTER Assembly ! I shall be able to write Nothing else for a Month to come to all my Cor- respondents. Jealousy between two powder'd Smarts, which shall dance with one, how diverting ! Then I love to have Variety of Partners, so intend always to dance the Drawn- Dances. Who knows ? I may do more Execution in my Dancing, than Madam there did at Hertford Mrs. Froz— zi, with her singing. I am sure I am much younger and handsomer. But really the Creature sings well. I wanted to steal her Voice, You must know I love to steal Folk's Beauties, and have a vast Desire to push out Eyes sometimes, when I think'em too handsome. Well ! if any of my Acquaintance stay away from the Assembly, after this Notice, I shall put it down for ill- breeding. Its vastly ill bred. Pride, or something worse, when there's an Assembly in Town, not to be at it. The Fellows will say truly, ' The Girls give themselves Air's So tell Miss in her Trollopee, and Madam with her Sack drawn up in Festoons, that I expect to see ' em there the First Night. The Assembly was but indifferent ( I don't know how it happen'd) last Winter, but we'll make Amends for it this. Tho' I warrant you, half the young Fellows' Hearts in Town beat Pit- a- Pat, for fear ww should not come amongst ' em. For WE are the Life of the Cause, after all. ' Tis for Us they Dress, Powder, and go to Assemblies. And Dress and Powder they shall, for the Benefit of their Mercers, Taylors, Barbers, & c. and dance Attendance too, before they have any of us. What do you think, Mr. Berrow? I and a certain Lady of my Acquaintance, made our Partners dance to- gether, because we did not like them, that we might laugh at the Fools! while we, harmless Innocents, danced together too. Sweetly coupled, two Men, two Wo- men ! But I don't intend to shew my Airs at your As- sembly, if there are any Fellows of Spirit there. And when I wanted to mortify any one, I us'd to. dance with him, and not say a single Word to the Wretch, or take the least Notice of him the whole Night; but be sure to turn and chat with everybody else that would chat with me. But somebody told me it was Coquettish, so I be- lieve I shall leave it off ; I don't know tho' just as the Fools behave, and I take it into my Head. For my Part I can't bear your dull, foolish Fellows, full of nothing but Love and Constancy. Jack Loveless has travelled, can talk the Languages, has a genteel Way of affronting People he don't like, is bold and pert, can say any Thing, talk Nonsense with a good Grace, and can slight one sometimes. I like him the better for't. Besides, he's a Rake ! Adieu, Mr. Berrow ; Be sure print this that everybody may read it, and mind to correct all the false Spells ; for I understand my French and Musick ; no Matter for Eng- lish: One can talk it, and that's enough. So Farewell, or once more Adieu, its a softer Word, more like French. Yours, FLYRTILLA SPRIGHTLY. Memorandum, To change my Mantua Maker, and send C Thursday, 30th to the Milliners for my Mi- September, 1756. J nionet and Brussels Lace. P. S. I forgot to tell you that From the London Evening Post. To the AUTHOR, & c. S I R, THERE was some Time ago a Question proposed abroad, I think in Portugal ; " Whether a good " King, that had bad Ministers ; or a bad King, that had " good Ministers, was best for and tended most to make " a People happy ? Which Queftion never having, as I remember, receiv'd any Answer, it may not, perhaps, be altogether useless to consider it now, and make a short Reply thereto. The Portuguese, in stating this Question, seem, I think, not to have discern'd a proper Distinction between a good Man and a good King: For though a good King may be sometimes mistaken in the Choice of his Servants; yet, so good King did ever long keep bad Ministers; for keep- ing bad Ministers is absolutely inconsistent with the very Being of a good King. A good Man may be a bad King ; he may, by trusting to bad Ministers, make his People very miserable As a good Man may be a bad Physician, a bad Lawyer, or a bad General ; so he may also be a bad King : For as the good Morals of a Physician will not cure his Patients, or of a Lawyer gain his Client's Cause, or of a General command an Army well; so it is not the private Virtues of a King, but the exercising rightly the Duties of the Kingship, that renders a People happy, and makes a good King. The Wisdom and Goodness of a King is principally seen and felt by his People, in his chusing and employing good Ministers; and no King can exercise the Duties of the Kingship rightly, and deserve the Name of Good, who chuses, employs, and continues to keep bad ones. The Question, therefore, as stated by the Portuguese, seems to me to be a direct Contradiction in Terms ; because a good King cannot keep bad Mini- sters. But if we were to consider this Question, as pro- posed by the Portuguese, without making any such Di- stinction, as aforesaid ; there is no manner of Doubt, but it is much better for a People to have a bad King, who has good Ministers, than a good King that hath bad ones: For as the Virtues of a good King would be prevented, by bad Ministers, from reaching or being of any Service to his Subjects ; so the Vices of a bad King would, by good Ministers, be obstructed and hindered from doing them any Harm. Let us compare a King to a Musical Instrument, and his Minister to the Person that plays upon it; and as a bad Instrument, touch'd by a fine Finger, makes much better Musick than the best toned one in the awkward Hands of an ignorant Artist ; so a good Mini- ker will turn even the Vices of his Master to the Service of his Subjects, whilst a bad one will make his very Vir- tues the Ruin of his People. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, BRITANNICUS. FLADBURY, Worcestershire. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon at Old Michaelmas or Lady- day next, A FARM, COnsisting of 207 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with a Mansion- House, Dove- House, Barns, Stables, and other Out houses, all lately built Likewise, A new- built HOUSE, With four Rooms on a Floor, neatly fitted up, with a Closet and Fireplace in each Room, a Dove House and Out- houses in good Repair, and a Garden and Orchard walled in, with or without Land, at Mickleton, near Camp- den, in Gloucestershire. Enquire of Arthur Davis, of Fladbury, or William Taylor, of Mickleton aforesaid. ~ To be LETT, And may be Enter d upon at Candlemas next, or sooner, if requir'd, A good TAN- YARD, In the Parish of Cradley in the County of Hereford, WHICH is well furnish'd with Pits, and hi all Respects convenient for a Stock of Four or Five Hundred Pounds, and may be considerable enlarg'd if a Tenant desires it 5 there is already a sufficient Stock of Bark till the next Season. A L S O, A Small ESTATE to be Lett, With or without the Tan- Yard, consisting of a good Dwelling- House, Stables, Barns, and other Out- buildings, • 11 in good Repair; together with four Acres of Hop- Ground, and a sufficient Number of Poles on the Pre- misses; situated, five Miles from Bromyard, five from Ledbury, eight from Worcester, and twelve from Tew- kesbury. The present Occupier has held the Estate near Forty Years, and the Occasion of his leaving it is from lis great Age, and a Desire to retire from Business. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Wood- yatt, at Great Malvern; or of Mr. John Woodyatt, any Saturday, at the Kings Head, in the High- Street, Wor- cester. To be SEEN, At the Sign of the GOLDEN CROSS, in Worcester, At ONE SHILLING each Person, Mr. NEVILL'S Curious New- invented MACHINE, ( Which the Proprietor has been offer'd Ten Thousand Pounds for,) THAT represents the WOOLLEN MANUFACTURE in all its Branches, from the Sheep's Back to the Making and Dressing a Piece of Cloth and Stuff, by Figures that represent Youth and Age, from eight Years old to fourscore, working as natural as Life, and upwards Of five thousand different Movements to make the Figures work this curious Piece of Work. It is allow'd, by the best Judges, to be the greatest Curiosity ever know, there being, in this Machine;: all the Mechanical Powers. This curious Piece of Mechanism is to be seen any Hour of the Day. , Our Stay will be but short. To be LETT, And Enter d upon at Michaelmas next, A FARM Now in the Holding of JOHN COX, Jun. COnsisting of One Hundred and Ten Acres of Meadow and Tillable Land, at Temple Grafton, in the County ot Warwick, Part Tythe free, six Miles from Evesham, four from Stratford, and two from Alcester. For further Particulars enquire of the said John Cox, or of Mr. Beauchamp, at the College, at Stratford upon Avon.— N. B. The growing Crop will be sold, if desired. To be SOLD, The MANOR of OCKRIDGE, Situate about three Miles from Ledbury, a good Market Town in the County of Hereford, adjoining to the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to Worcester, and the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to the River Severn, distant from Worcester about ten Miles, and from the River Severn about five Miles, Consisting of THREE FARMS, well Tenanted, and very large and fine COPPICE WOODS, all of the Yearly Value of between Three and Four Hundred Pounds, together with a considerable Quantity of Waste Ground, the Whole containing together about Twelve Hundred Acres. AND ALSO A FARM, lying within one Mile of Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, of the Yearly Value of Sixty three Pounds. The above Premisses are all well Tenanted, the Buildings in good Repair, and Rents well paid ; and the Herefordshire Estate is liable to more Improve- ments than any other Estate in the Country. The Rents have not been advanced within the Memory of Man, notwithstanding a fine Turnpike Road has been made within a few Years from the said Estate to several good Market Towns and the River Severn. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Bright, Attorney at Law, near Ledbury, Herefordshire. This Day was Publish'd, Numb. VI. ( Price Six- pence) ot An Entire NEW WORK, entitled, A Compleat Body of GARDENING. By the Authors of the Compleat Body OF HUSBANDRY. Publish'd by the KING'S AUTHORITY. CONSISTING OF THREE Sheets of LETTER- PRESS, elegantly printed, and illustrated with Two Folio Copper- Plates, the first, a curious Frontispiece, design'd by Mr. Wale, and engraved by Mr. Grignion, representing the Genius of Botany instructing the Gardener in the Charac- ters of Flowers, and flora and Pomona rewarding his Labour with their several Treasures; the other containing the Figures of seven beautiful and curious Plants, the Culture of which is deliver'd in this Number, with many other Articles. The PUBLICS ore desired to take Notice, THAT this : s a NEW and ORIGINAL WORK, not collected from other Books, but founded on Practice and experience; and the Bota- nical Part is adapted to the System of Lynaeus, which is the only Method now followed, and in which all other Books of GAR- DENING are altogether defective. NUMB. I. contains the Descriptions and Figures of To the PUBLICK in general. Just Arrivd from LONDON, And sold by H. Berrow. at the Printing Office, in Wor- cester ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester; Mr Hodges, Bookseller, in Hereford ; and Mr. Williams, Bookseller, in Monmouth, The Only True, Excellent, and Infallible CORN- SALVE, WHICH so many Impostors, from Time to Time, have endeavour'd to counterfeit, by intimating it to be the real Sort, which was never made publick till April the 14th, 1755, being always before then used only in private Practice, whereby many of the highest Rank in this Kingdom have proved its singular Virtues, and is now set forth for the Publick Use, which may soon be experienced by the following Rules, viz. First, If you are in the greatest Pain possible to be felt by such a Malady, it gives perfect Ease in less than an Hour after apply'd. Secondly, If you have been troubled with Corns forty Years, in two or three Weeks you will find them come up by the Roots, without the least Pain, and never to return. Thirdly, The hard or soft Kind is no Difference in the Cure. Fourthly, If, through Pain and Anguish, your Feet have been so bad that you could scarcely suffer any Shoes on, in less than a Month's Time you may wear any Shoes you can get on your Feet. N. B. To prevent Impostors, these Words are on each Box, John Lord's Corn Salve. %* Price One Shilling and Six- pence, with a Bill of Directions seal'd in it with Green Wax.— One Box is a perfeCt Cure for any Person. 1. The Scarlet Canna. 2. The Great Lark spur. 3. The Fig leav'd Hibiscus. 4. The African Geranium. 5. The Double Olander. 6. The Codogo Pala. And 7. The Great Flowered Jesmine. With the Culture and Management of each throughout the Year, according to the Practice of the most suc- cessful Gardeners. ALSO, Accounts of the Products of the Fruit and Kitchen Garden now hi Season, with their Descriptiom, and new and practical Directions for the Care and Management of the Flower Garden, Semenary or Nursery, Fruit Garden and Orchard, and of the Kitchen Ground; together with the Method of treating Stove and Green- House1 Plants. London: Printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, in Gray's inn; J. Hodges, on London Bridge; T. Trye, next Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn ; S. Crowder and H. Wood- gate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- noster Row, ( by whom the Numbers will be deliver'd Weekly); also by S. Ga- midge, in Leech- Street, and M. Wolley, and R. Lewis, in High- Street, Worcester, and by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. SOLD, at Mr. REA's, Leather- Dyer, in Broad- Street, Worcester, THE FAMOUS Fryars BALSAM, WHICH is so universally known and approved that it needs no pompous Recommendation, and there- fore the following only specifies in what Cases it is most peculiarly beneficial, and how it should be applied: Inwardly taken. Four Ten or Twenty Drops at a Time into White Wine, Tea, Broth, Rum, Brandy, or on a Lump of Sugar, and take it every Morning and Even' ing, or either of them only, as long as you find conveni- ent. It is a general Restorative to all weak and impair'd Constitutions, most excellent in Nervous Cases, and for the Gout, Cholick, Stone, Gravel, Stitches in the Side, and all Windy Complaints, Asthmas, and Coughs. It cleanses and fortifes th « Stomach, cares all Pains therein, and creates an Appetite. It is so innocent, Infants may take it ( even in the Month) from one Drop, & c. accord- ing to the Strength and Age of the Child ; and it no other- wise perceptible in its Operation, than from the Recovery of the Complaint. Outwardly applied. Dip a Feather into it, and anoint the Part afflicted. It cures all Bruises and Sprains, pre- vents the settling of the Blood, is of great Service in the Gout and Rheumatism, bathing the Part therewith before a gentle Fire. It speedily cures, by Injection, all Gun- shot and other Wounds, particularly such as are made with sharp Instruments It cures the Tooth- Ach, by Cot- ton soaked therein,, and applied thereto; and the Piles, if rubb'd therewith going to Bed. It most undoubtedly is, for the extensive Usefulness of it, the best Family and Travelling Medicine that ever was invented. Price One Shilling and Threepence the Bottle. At the same Place may be had Alice Braces PALSY- DROPS, Which are excellent in all Manner of Swoonings, in Weaknefs and Oppressions of the Heart, and Decaying of the Spirits ; are of great Virtue in all Apoplexies and Palsies. They comfort the Vitals, clear and enliven the Senses, ( Lengthen the Memory, restore Appetite, and fortify the Stomach. They take away Giddiness in the Head, by anointing the Temples therewith ; and help decay'd Hearing and Speech, cold Dispositions of the Liver, and Beginning of a Dropsy. They produce a sweet Breath, and, drank in a Dish of Tea, fortify the Nerves against the pernicious Conferences arising from too frequent drinking that Liquor ; and as they are ex- treamly well flavour'd, the hopes they will be esteemed as agreeable Addition to the Tea- Table Equipage. Price One Shilling and Sixpence a Bottle, with printed Directions. ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at is. 6d. each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted. ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. are likewife taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, BookfelUr, in Warwick; Mr Wilde Bookseller in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrew, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Hodges, Bookseller, in Hereford ; Mrs. Moseley, Bookseller in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury } Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucefter ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton IN Marsh; and
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