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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 26/08/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2456
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL, [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross."] Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, August 26, 1756. N° 2456 ^ JZT'l FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. TRANSLATION of the INSTRUCTIONS Which Count BRAHE sent to his SON a few Days before he was beheaded, which was on the 23d of July, at Stockholm in Sweden, as mention'd in our Paper of the 12th Instant. DEAR SON! BY the Sentence pronounced against me this Day I am render'd incapable of leaving you any other Marks of my paternal Love than a few Counsels; and I hope God will give you Grace not to despise them ; but, on the contrary, that you will consider them as procced- the Tenderness of a Father, who, under his Disaster, cannot forget it is his Duty to give you Advice for your Conduct hereafter. 1 . I leave you to the Care of a dear Mother, whose Feet an insensible Son would not be worthy to kiss. I no Way doubt of her Affection for you ; but in the Day of the Lord you will be responsible to me, if you do not strive to deserve her Love by mutual Tenderness, by your Obedience, and by your Attention to prevent every thing that may be displeasing to her. Remember, my Son, that when, with the Help of the Most High, you come to a certain Age, you are to take Care of her in my Stead. 2 . Though she will surely not neglect as far as it may be in her Power, to give you such an Education as is necessary to form a pious, honest, and true Patriot, know yourself first, and above all Things learn to know God, what he is, and the admirable Manner in which he con- ducts and directs every Thing. Depend upon it, that when the World, or certain Persons would persuade you, that such a Vice or such a Fault is not so great, and that One must do as Others do, since otherwise a Man cannot make his Way in Life ; depend upon it, I say, that if you give Ear to them, you will turn away from God, and thereby run into the Road of Perdition. The Moment that such Propofals are made to you, pray to God for Grace to reject them'; pretend always that you have then some other Business to mind, and follow not the evil Spi- rit in the Route he would trace out for you. Never rise nor go to Bed without having first inwardly put up some Prayer to God. 3 . If you should come into the Great World, beware of every Thing that is called going beyond the Enter- prizes that have been begun : Examine first with great Attention, whether the Thing is agreeable to Divine and Human Laws; and if it agrees not therewith, desist from it immediately. 4 . Beware likewise of having too many Friends; it is impossible they should all be sincere. In a Word, if you would be happy, never suffer any Persons to be more than once in Company with you, if they should be so daring as to propose any Thing contrary to your Duty as a Chri- stian and a Subject ; rest assured, that if you listen to them, even though you engage not therein, they may neverthe- less make Use of your Name Disclose, as the Laws ordvin, every Thing that is not proper for you to conceal, and never imagine that the Obligations of Friendship ought to prevail over the Laws of the Country you live in. 5 — In case you come to occupy some important Post in the World, trust not too much to yourself nor to your Talents: Rather think yourself unworthy, and beseech the Lord to help you ; for the World is so constituted, that a Man cannot always be on his Guard against it, let him be ever so willing and diligent. Let the Misfor- tunes of your Father be ever before your Eyes. 6. If you can support yourself otherwise, seek not Publick Employments, and take not the Bread out of the Mouths of those who are in Want, but live upon your own Income. Be hearty in the Interests of Liberty, and the Support of the Laws; honour the King, but covet not the Sovereign's Confidence; and remember incessantly, that your Father is the only one of his Family, who, tho' he held the Name of Favourite in Contempt, has never- theless Humbled on the false and slippery Steps of a Court; and all this because, having forgot God, he was himself forsaken by him ; and all the Mischief that has happen'd, he might have prevented, only by recollecting this Prin- ciple— That we must not do to Others what we would not have them do to Us. — If in Process of Time you should perceive any Discord in the Royal Family ( which God avert.) beware of giving Counsel to any Body ; conform to the Tenor of the Laws; and live decently with all and every one. 7 . Never side with any Party in the Country, but keep always to yourself. Declare your Opinion discretely, and frame your Conduct carefully on the Sense of the Laws. Think not that you can of yourself follow the right Road, but be instant in Prayer to the Most High for Grace to do it; and believe me, dear Child, that the more you neglect what I say to you, the farther you'll advance towards the Highway of Perdition, unless God draws you out of it again. 8 . Honour and esteem your Relations and every Body, and think, my Son, that it is much better to do some. thing more than is required, than to be deficient therein. Know that Civility is not Meanness, as ill- meaning Peo- ple in some Measure imagine; and that he is really guilty of Meanness, who by indirect Ways endeavours to excuse his Want of Civility. 9— Give not your Confidence to many, much less to such Men as have nothing in View but their own Interest, or are entirely devoted to the World ; but, whilst you may, chuse a Friend whose Way of Thinking you per- fectly know, and who can have no Interest in deceiving you; for it is necessary to have fome Body to whom one may sometimes open one's Heart. You will also find that this is one of the greatest Advantages of the Married State. 10. Be not guided by Beauty when you chuse this State of Life. Think, before you enter into it, of the Difficulties that attend it ; consider how soon Beauty de- cays, and chuse a Wife trained up in Piety and Virtue, whose good Conduct and solid Sense may incessantly make a Man happy. Consider at the same Time with Admira- tion, what God has done in this Case, in Favour of your Father, having granted him two Spouses so amiable. 1 1. Never keep more Attendants than your Occasions seem to require, nor ever borrow more than you can pay without Inconvenience to yourself; for it is a common Case to be Friends when the Money is lent, but when Payment is demanded a Rupture too frequently ensues. Neither be Security for any Man. 1 2 In case you travel into Foreign Countries, don't set out upon such Travels till you are a little versed in Divinity, that you may not take up with erroneous Opi- nions, and deviate from the Principles of Religion. At- tain first a Knowladge of your own Country, and then go Abroad in order to observe the best Things there, and make your Advantages of them ; but take Care that you bring not Home the Manners and Customs of those Coun- tries, and never forget, that Solidity and Honour are the Characteristicks of the Swedish Nation. 1 3 If any good Fortune happens to you, be not puffed up with it, and remember, my Son, that the Lord intends to try whether you know how to enjoy it : Be thankful to him, and look upon such Prosperity as a Touch- Stone. Whenever any Adversity comes, bear it patiently, by humbling yourself under the Hand of the Almighty, and firmly believe that those are Warnings to make you return to him. Remember that you have sinn'd, and call away the Means that had been given you to work out your Salvation. 14 . Put not off from Time to Time your coming to the Lord's Supper; for this is one of the Artifices which the Evil Spirit commonly makes use of to turn our Thoughts always towards the World. 15 . If your Sovereign should ever consult with you in his Undertakings, humbly refer him to those who are Constituted for that Purpose, and never offer your Advice without being intreated to give it. You'll perhaps think that every Subject is obliged to assist his Sovereign with his Counsels; however, if any Thing repugnant to the Laws should be required of you, recollect what these Laws command you in such a Case, and take great Care that you acquiesce not in what is demanded, if they return to the Charge, give Notice to the Persons whom it concerns to be informed thereof. On the other Hand, should they question you about any just Thing, constantly refer those Seekers of Counsel to those who are appointed to give it. If you be vain enough to aspire at high Posts, and should you even arrive at the Rank of Senator, never give, neither in the Cabinet nor in the Senate, any Advice but such as may bear being register'd in the Protocol of that Assembly. 16.— If the Brother or Sister your Mother is pregnant with, should happily be brought forth into the World, receive them with Tenderness and Love, as being formed of the same Blood as yourself, and the last Pledge of your Father's and Mother's Love. May the Lord vouchsafe to heap Blessings on you, train you up in his Fear, and take you to himself at the End of your Career, through the precious Merits of Jesus Christ; and in his own good Time we may meet again and eternally sing his Praises, Signd, ERIC DE BRAHE. LONDON. [ Thursday, August 19. We hear a Proclamation will soon be issued for the Par- liament to meet for the Dispatch of Business. Yesterday was held a Court of Common Council at Guildhall, when it was unanimously agreed to present an Address to his Majesty, on the present Posture of Affairs: And the following Aldermen and Commoners were ap- pointed to draw up the same. Sir Robert Ladbroke, Mr. Deputy Molineux, Mr. Ald. Rawlinson, Mr. Deputy Wallington, Sir Charles Asgill, Mr. Deputy Nash, Sir Richard Glyn, Mr. Deputy Moorey, Mr. Ald Chitty, Mr. Deputy Coles, Mr. Ald. Bridgen, Mr. William Woolley, Mr. Ald. Stephenson, George Bellas, Esq; Mr. Ald. Nelson, Mr. Benjamin Gascoyne, Mr. Sheriff Beckford, Mr. John Scrivenor, Mr. Deputy Hodges, John Paterson, Esq; Mr. Deputy Wilson, Mr. Samuel Turner, Mr. Deputy Long, Mr. James Rossiter, Mr. Deputy Ellis, Mr. Samuel Read. Who withdrew immediately, and in about two Hours returned with an Address ; which, after being read, was approved, and ordered to be presented by the whole Court to his Majesty. Orders are given for preparing one of the Yachts, for the Reception of a Court- Martial to enquire into the Conduct and Bravery of Admiral Byng. We hear that another Land Officer will soon take his Trial upon some Matters transacted in the Mediterranean. We hear that Artificers out of the several Docks are to embark this Week for Gibraltar on board some Men of War, who are to sail and reinforce Admiral Hawke's Squadron. Bomb- Ketches are preparing at all the King's Yards with the greatest Dispatch, the Men employed upon them working extraordinary Tides. A few Days ago were sent to his Majesty's Warehouse at Plymouth, by Capt. Burnet of the Happy Ketch, 26251b. of Tea, 166; Gallons of Rum and Brandy, taken out of two large Boats and a Sloop. He has likewise seized the Vessels, and sent the Smugglers on board the Duke Man of War. The Anson Privateer of Bristol has taken two St. Do- mingo Ships, said to be worth 40,000 I. and sent them to Bristol ; one of 300, the other 400 Tons. These make four Prizes taken by the said Privateer. The French Privateer brought into Plymouth by the Tartar Man of War had been out of St. Maloes but two Days. She had 5 killed and 8 wounded, the other none. Capt. Teague has taken a French Letter of Marque Ship from Newfoundland, and carried her into Lisbon. On Tuesday a French Ship of 150 Tons was carried into Chichester by a small Privateer. There are several French Privateers cruizing off Flam- borough- Head, which, if not timely looked after, may fall in with several of our Ships that come North about. They write from Vienna, that a third Army will be kept in Readiness at the Pass Jablunka, in Hungary, which will consist entirely of Hungarians and Croats, com- manded by General Count Nadasty. It is said that a Part of the French Troops in Flanders arc preparing to march to Bohemia, where an Army of 100. ooo Men will soon be assembled ready to enter upon Action. We learn that the Plague rages furiously on the Bor- ders of Turkey, and particularly at Choczim, in which City 970 Persons have died in four Days Time. From the Ukraine we hear also, that the Haydamacks continue their Depredations up and down, having plundered seve- ral Towns and Villages, destroying all who endeavour to oppose them. Near Tetgow they made a Sacrifice of up- wards of 150 unhappy Wretches, by setting Fire to the Places in which they defended themselves, and preventing them from escaping the Flames, unless to perish by the Sword. Since this, a nightly Guard patroles about the Neighbourhood, and the whole Country is in Arms. A few Days ago, as a Girl about five Years old was diverting herself by running round a Post, in Hog- Lane, near the French Change, her Head became giddy, and she unhappily fell down just as a Cart was passing by ; the Wheel of which broke both her Legs, and she expired on Monday last in extreme Torture. Last Thursday, at the Races at Chipping- Norton in Oxfordshire, in unhappy Accident happened to the Rider of Mr. Wilkinson's Mare of Epsom, in Surry, occasion'd by a Man riding cross the Course, which threw the Mare, and the Man is so much bruised, that it is thought he cannot live. The Fellow who was the Occasion of the above was severely whipp'd off the Course; for by his Means several considerable Bets were probably lost, the Mare having won one Heat. COUNTRY INTELLITENCE. Newcastle, August 14. On Wednesday last, about Two o'Clock in the Morning, a dreadful Accident hap- pened at Chaters- Haugh Colliery, 011 the River Wear. The foul Air in one of the Pits took Fire ; by which four Men were instantly killed, and torn to Pieces: The Ex- plosion was so violent, that a Corf, laden with Coals, was blown up from the Depth of 8o Fathom, out at the Mouth of the Pit; and a vast Quantity of Coal Dust and Rubbish thrown to a considerable Distance, discolouring the Surface of the Ground round about: The Crack was so loud, as to be heard by People in their Beds near two Miles off rumbling like deep Thunder and the Discharge of many Artillery. It is said, that if this fatal Explosion had happened an Hour later, the Effects had been much more deplorable; for the rest of the Pitmen, to a great Number, were just upon the Point of descending into the Colliery to their Work. Deal, Angust 13. Last Night, about Six o'Clock, the Rochester, Portmahon, and two Sloops of War, brought into the Downs, a Dutch Man of War of forty Guns, with twenty five Sail of Ships and Vessels under Convoy, five of which are large Ships, laden with Masts, bound to Brest; most of the rest Naval Stores and Ammunition for several Ports of France Greenwich, August 18. I believe it may be some Amuse- ment to your Readers to acquaint them, that Admiral B being shewed to his Apartment, was very much displeased, ( tho' it is a lofty one) and express'd himself after this Manner, That as he was the Son of a Peer, a Member of Parliament, and a Vice- Admiral in the British Fleet, to be shut up in so mean an Apartment in a Gar- ret, was using him very ill; adding, that he would con- vince the World that he had done his Duty. ( Quere, What Duty ?] This Usage he highly resented, insomuch that he did not go to Bed for two Nights, but lay upon the Floor, seeming to be in good Spirits ( tho' he reads the Papers every Day) as if he apprehended that the Charge could not be made good against him. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. LONDON, [ Saturday, Auguft 21. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Kensington, August 20. THIS Day the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, Waited on his Majesty with the following Address To the King's Most Excellent Majesty. MOST GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN, WE your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldeimen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, humbly beg Leave to approach Your Sacred Person, and with Hearts full of Gratitude for your Majesty's paternal Care of the true Interests of your People, to express our Sor- row and Apprehensions for the Disquietudes which our late Losses and Disappointments must create in your Majesty's Royal Mind. The Loss of the important Fortress of St. Philip and Island of Minorca ( Possessions of the utmost Consequence to the Commerce and Naval Strength of Great Britain) without any Attempt, by timely and effectual Succours, to prevent or defeat an Attack, after such early Notice of the Enemy's Intentions, and when your Majesty's Navy was so evidently superior to theirs, will, we fear, be an inde- lible Reproach on the Honour of the British Nation. Nor can we help expressing our Apprehensions for the great Danger of your Majesty's Possessions in America, by tbe Mismanagements and Delays which have attended the Defence of those invaluable Colo- nies, the Object of the present War, and the principal Source of the Wealth and Strength of these Kingdoms. Permit us, at the same Time, Royal Sir, to lament the Want of a constitutional and well- regulated Militia, the most natural and certain Defence, under Divine Providence, of your Majesty's sacred Prrfon and Government against all Invaders whatf ever, as thereby your Majesty's Fleets and Armies may be more securely employed Abroad, to the Annoyance of your Majesty's Enemies j your faithful and loyal Sub- jects being ready and willing, whenever called upon by your Majesty, to shed the last Drop of their Blood in your Service. As your Majesty's Reign has ever been distinguished by a Love of Liberty and Justice, we cannot doubt of your Majesty's directing the Authors of our late Losses and Disappointments, to be enquired into and punished, that your Majesty's known Intentions of protecting and defending your Subjects in their Rights and Possessions, may be faith- fully and vigorously carried into Execution, and that the large Sup- plies, so necessarily called for, and so chearfully granted, may be religiously applied to the Defence of these Kingdoms and Colonies, and their Commerce, and to the distressing our inveterate and perfidi- ous Enemies, as the only sure Means ot obtaining a lasting and ho- nourable Peace. And we do, with the utmost Sincerity of Heart, assure your Ma- jesty, that your Loyal City of London will, at all Times, readily and chearfully contribute to whatever may be necessary for the Defence of your Majesty, and your illustrious Family, and towards the Attain- ment of these great and desirable Ends. To which Address his Majesty was pleased to return this most gracious Answer. IThank you for these Professions of your Duty to me. My Concern for the Loss of my Island of Minorca, is great and sinccre. My utmost Care and Vigilance have been and shall be exerted to maintain the Honour of the Nation, and the Commerce of my Subjects. The Events of War are uncertain; but nothing shall be wanting, on my Part, towards carrying it on with Vigour, in order to a safe and ho nourablc Peace, and for recovering and securing, by the Blessing of God, the Possessions and Rights of my Crown. I will net fail to do Justice upon any Persons who shall have been wanting in their Duty to me, and their Country ; to enforce Obedi' ence and Discipline in my Fleets and Armies, and to support the Au- thority and Respect due to my Government. They were received very graciously, and had the Ho nour to kiss his Majesty's Hand. On Wednesday last is soon as the Lord- Mayor, Court Of Aldermen, and Common Council had voted an Ad- dress to his Majesty on the present Posture of Affairs, a certain Knight went to dine with a Person of high Rank and Distinction. Great Diligence is using to find out the Author and Publisher or Publishers of a certain Folio Address to the Citizens of London, lately dispersed about this Metro- polis, wherein some certain Persons are not respectfully spoken of, and the Sum of 300,000 I. asserted to have been presented to the French Ambassador a few Days be- for he left these Kingdoms. We hear the Militia Bill will be brought into the House again next Sessions of Parliament. The most vigorous Preparations are carrying on to give the Enemy some Stroke that may be agreeable to the Publick. It is said the following Terms of Accommodation have been proposed by the Court of Spain, viz. " That Eng. land shall cede Gibraltar to the French, and have Minor- ca restored j That France shall give up Gibraltar to the Spaniards, and have Hispaniola ( or the Half of it so call'd) added to St. Domingo; That St John's River in North- America shall be a Neutral one, for the Use of both Na- tions/ & c. & c." It is now looked upon for a Certainty, that, if we re- ject, the abovementioned Proposals for a Peace, the Spa- niards will immediately accept of Minorca, and declare for the French. Such are the Consequences of the Neglect of Minorca! A few Days ago arrived in Town from Francfort Col. Prevo, where he had been recruiting, and with such Suc- cess that he raifed 1500 Men in a short Time, which he saw embarked at Stade for North America. It is certain that Byng supports himself in high Spirits, and declares. That, if he can but preserve his Life ( and he has hitherto taken Care enough of it!—) from Foul- play, he has no Doubt of being able, at his Trial, to put the Saddle Upon the Right Horse. They farther say, he never sleeps without his Portmanteau of Papers under his Head ! But all this must be Artifice to make the People believe as he would have them ; for we apprehend it would be impossible, even after the Fact, to contrive Orders that could justify him. We hear that two Messengcrs alternately are in the Room in the Governor's House at Greenwich College, where Admiral Byng is confined, who have Orders to look over all Letters or Papers that are either sent or re- ceived by him, and that no Persons are allowed to speak to him but in the Presence of the said two Messengers, and that at a stipulated Distance; and five Soldiers at a Time are on Duty, who on every Relieve always see the Admiral, that they may know his Person. Yesterday several Men of War were put into Com- mission ; and we hear a considerable Reinforcement will be sent to Admiral Hawke in the Mediterranean By a Letter from our Correspondent at Plymouth, we are told, that the Shot of the Privateer taken by the Tar- tar Man of War consisted of Nails, Pieces of old Iron, & c. sewed in Canvas Bags. Such Treatment are we to expert from his Most Chrittian Majesty ! We have an Account from Jersey, that Capt Winter, of the Charming Nancy Privateer, has brought in there a St. Domingo Man, laden with Sugar, Indigo, and Cot ton j and another French Prize, of about 150 Tons, laden with Iron : And that some of their other Privateers had taken and carried into the said Island a French Ship laden with Powder and Ammunition, to the Value of about 3000 I. and three other Vessels laden with Provisions. The Day after the Anson Privateer of Bristol, took off Finisterre the Marie Esther and L'Aimable Julie, both from St. Domingo for Bourdeaux, she faw two more of the Fleet, but for Want of Men, could not take them. The Prcnch Prizes sail'd from St. Domingo the 7th of June, in Company with twenty eight Sail under Convoy of the Warwick and two other Men of War; and within three Weeks after, another large Fleet was to fall under a strong Convoy, which was to come throughout with them. The Anson spoke three Days before she arrived at Bristol, with Commodore Geary, who sent the Grey- hound Man of War to convoy her and her Prizes as far as the Land, also spoke with the Fantine, from Bristol for Africa, twenty five Leagues West of Cape Clear, all well. The Anson's two Prizes were taken the 2d Instant. One has on board 45O Casks of Sugar, 100 ditto of Coffee, some Cotton, and two Tons of Indigo; and the other, 260 Hogsheads and Tierces of Sugar, 80 Casks of Coffee, 18 Pipes and Calks of Indigo, with some Cotton. The Kent, Lewis, from Sardinia for Villafranca, was taken by a French Privateer of 40 Guns and 400 Men, near Ventimiglia. By a Letter from Hull we are inform'd, that the , Ralph Cheesman Master, from Virginia, loaded with 1 So Hogsheads of Tobacco, fome Mahogany, and about ten Butts of Madeira Wine, for Mr. Wilfleet, of Hull, was taken on the 7th Instant, by a French Privateer of eight Guns and 7c. Mer, about to Leagues from Scarbo- rough, and ransom'd for 2ooo I The Master went Hos- tage for the Ransom. The Ship arrived at Hull last Sunday. We hear that Admiral Boscawen having wrote to the Lords of the Admiralty, to acquaint them of the great Healthiness of the Crew of the Royal George, owing to Dr. Hales's Ventilators on board that Ship, and the dil- ferent Condition of those on board every other ship in his Majesty's Fleet, which have had from Forty to an hundred and twenty sick at a Time, their Lordships have been pleased to order that Dr. Hales's Ventilators shall be placed on board every Ship in his Majesty's Navy It is remarkable, that a few Years ago a Ship was fitted out with one of the Ventilators by Way 0f Experiment, but the Captain reported on his Return, that none of his Men had been sick during the Voyage, and therefore he had no Opportunity of judging of the Usefulness of it; but as it was a very unhealthy Voyage, his Men continu- ing all the Way in Health was certainly sufficient De- monstration of the great Utility of this Invention. The Ships fitted out from Whitby for the Greenland Seas are all arrived, having caught nineteen Whales; viz. the Dolphin with six large ones, the Sea Nymph with six ditto, the Anne with five middling ones, and / he Henry and Mary with two ditto. Tuesday was married, by Special Licence, Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Baronet, Member of Parliament for Had- dington, to Miss Martha Edwin of Saville Row. On Thursday Night one Abraham Evans, a Soldier,' having had some Words with his Wife, she cut off his Right Ear, when he was asleep, and immediately made her Escape. The Man is in the Westminster Infirmary. Portsmouth, August 20. The Government have con- tracted for the Purchase of a Field near the Forts at Ports- bridge, to build Barracks fo/ 2000 Men, which are to be finished in six Months. Borough of Kidderminster, in the County of Worcester, WANTED— A proper Person to be Governor of the Workhouse. The Qualifications requisite are these, - viz. . THAT he be a Man of good moral Character. 2dly, That he be a married Man, with little or no Family. 3dly, That he be upwards of Thirty, and not more than Forty- five Years of Age. 4thly, That he be one who hath had good Experience in the Manufactorirg of Worsted, Woollon, or Cotton. 5thly, That he be industrious; and one who, by his Au- thority and Example, may be expected to oblige Those to be so whom he shall have under his Charge. And 6thly, That he be capable of keeping a good Book of Accompts. Any Person thus qualified will meet With suitable En- couragement, by applying to tbe Churchwardens or Over- seers of the Poor of the said Borough. THE MEETING OF THE Three Choirs O F Worcester, Gloucester, and Hereford For the BENEFIT of the WIDOWS and ORPHANS OF THE Poor Clergy of the Three Dioceses, Will be held at HEREFORD on Wednesday and Thursday the 15th and 16th of September. The SERMON to be preach'd by the Rev. Mr. COTes. Rector of Door, and Chaplain to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Bangor. ON Wednesday will be perform'd, at the Cathedral' in the Morning, Mr. Purcell's TE DEUM and JUBILATE with Dr. Boyce's Additions; an ANTHEM of Dr. Boyce\ and Mr. Handel's celebrated CORONA- TION ANTHEM. And, at the College Hall, in the Evening, the ORATORIO of SAMSON, in which will be introduced, the Dead March in SAUL. On Thursday will be perform'd, at the Cathedral, in ths Morning, Mr. Handel's NEW TE DEUM and JUBI- LATE, a NEW ANTHEM of Dr. Boyce's, and the same CORONATION ANTHEM. And, at the College Hall, in the Evening, Dr. Boyce's SOLOMON, with several Instrumental PIECES of MUSICK. AND. On Friday Evening, at the College Hall, will be per- form'd L'ALLEGRO, IL PENSOROSO, and Dryden's ODE, set to Musick by Mr. Handel. The VOCAL PARTS by The Gentlemen of the Three Choirs, Signora Frasi, Mr Wass.— and Others. The INSTRUMENTAL PARTS by Signor Arrigoni, Mr. Adcock, Mr Thompson, Mr. Messinge, Mr. Millar, ( 3c. ( 3c. ( sfc. 83* There will be a BALL each Night in the College Hall, Gratis, for the GENTLEMEN and LADIES who favour the CONCERTS with their Company; to which no Person will be admitted without a Concert Ticket. TICKETS to be had at Mr. Wilde's, Bookseller; the Swan and Falcon ; and the Green Dragon. Price Five Shillings. Sir John Morgan, Bart. STEWARDS, ) The Rev. Dr. Webber, Dean ( of Hereford. %* The Performers are desired to meet together on Monday the 13th, in the Morning, in order to REHeARSe, and to Dine with the Stewards the Day following. There will be an ORDINARY for the Subscribers and Others, on Wednesday, at the Green Dragon ; and on Thursday at the Swan and Falcon. To be SOLD A Very Neat Italian CHAISE, With HARNESS compleat. Enquire of John Wilkinson, Coach- Maker, in Foregate- Street, Worcester. To be SOLD very Cheap, A Genteel Two- wheeled Open P O S T- CHAISE, With a handsome Top, or Covering, which may be up or down, or taken off at Pleasure the Carriage very tight, yet strong, the Wheels lately made New, and very little the Worse for Wearing. With HAR- NESS for a Pair of Horses compleat Enquire of John Wilkinson, Coach Maker. in Foregate- Street, Worcester. N. B. The Year from the Time the above Chaise was entered does not expire till the 15th of May next STOLE, some Time ago, Oat of the Dwelling - House of Mrs Stephens, in the Corn- Martet Worscester A Yellow Camblet Bed Curtain, ABOUT TWO Yards Quarter long, and about Three Yard and Half a Quarter broad, bound witn Silk Lace, and had the Rings on. Whoever will give Intelligence of it, ( so that it may be had again) and the Person who stole it brought to Justice, shall have One Guinea Reward. 6 > 3 > 7 19 9 Hazard's State- Lottery Office. LONDON, August 24, 1756. FOR the Conveniency of Persons re- siding in the country, I have appointed Mr. BERROW, Printer, in Worcester, an Agent, to procure from my Office, for such Persons ( upon their paying him Ready Money, and giving him due Notice) Tickets, Shares, or Chances, at the current Market Price ; and the greatest fidelity and Secrecy will be observ'd. Tickets, Shares of Tickets, & c. will be carefully re- gister'd, at Sixpence per Number, and the earliest Account of their Success sent to any Part of Great Britain and Ireland. And Shares, & c. sold at either of my Offices, will be paid off as soon as drawn, according to the then current Value of them J. HAZARD, Sworn Stock- Broker, At my Office under the Royal Exchange, and at * my other Offices in Ludgate Street and at Charing- Cross. The present Market Price of a Whole Ticket is 1 il. 18s. The present Price of Shares and Choices : 1. s. d. 1. s. d. | A Whole Chance 7 Half a Ticket 660 Half a Clunce 3 A Quarter 3 J o 1 A Quarter 1 An Eighth in 6 . An Eighth o A Sixteenth o l5 o ] A Sixteenth o The Purchasers of Shares are entitled to Part of the Blanks and Prizes, the Purchasers of Chances to the Prizes only. Will, As there are but half the Number of Tickets in this Lottery that were in the last, and but between six and seven Blanks to a Prize, It is expefted the Tickets and the Shares and Chances will bear a great Price before the Lottery begins Drawing, which will be the 22d of November next. Schemes at large of the Lottery may be had, next Week, Gratis, of the Printer of this Paper. DESERTED, From the 13th Regiment of Foot, commanded by Lieu- tenant General Pulteney, THOMAS BIRD, FIVE Feet Nine Inches and Three Quarters high, aged Twenty- one Years, strait- made, of a fresh Completion, black Hair a little bushy, brown Eyes, had on a new blue- grey Coat, a Waistcoat of the same Cloth, a Pair of Serjeant's scarlet Breeches made up with white- metal Buttons and white Button- holes j born in the Parish of Honeybury, near Ludlow, - in the County of Salop, inlisted at the City of Worcester the 16th Day of August, 1756, and deserted from Serjeant Sheldon, of the above Regiment, the 23d Day of the same Month. Whoever secures the said Deserter in any Gaol in Great Britain, so as he may be brought to Justice as a perjur'd Defrauder of the Publick, of his Colonel, and ot his Officers, and gives Notice to John Calcraft, Esq; at his House in Channel- Row, Westminster, London] Agent to the said Regiment, shall receive One Guinea Re- ward, over and above the Twenty Shillings allow'd by Act of Parlia- ment for apprehending Deferters. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS LONDON. [ Tuesday, August 24. * A Holland Mail ( which arriv'd this Day) brings Advice that on the 5th of July, about Eleven in the Even- ing, a Fire broke out at a Painter's in Constantinople, which continued burning all that Night and the next Day, And destroy'd between 12 and 15,000 Houses, and up- wards of 1000 Persons perished in the Flames. About 300 Wretches being detected in pillaging during the gene- ral Confusion, as soon as the Fire abated they were stran- gled and thrown into the Sea. The Loss occasion'd by this Accident is inexpressible, as well as the Misery into which Thousands ol the Inhabitants are plunged. And these afflicting Circumstances are augmented by the Raging Of a contagious Distemper. The Foreign Ministers have all quitted their Places at Pera, and retired to Belgrade. Extract of a Letter from Leghorn, dated July 30."* " Yesterday arriveu a Danish ship from Minorca in six Days; the Day she came out Admiral Hawke sent a Boat on board her ; ( he having blocked up that Port) but her having some of the poor English on board ( who had the Benefit of the Capitulation allowed them) hindered him from sending her back. He is now endeavouring to starve the French Garrison, and they say he has landed his Forces at Furnell, burnt three Vessels, and taken 350 Soldiers Prisoners. The Islanders begin to dislike their new Master, which gives us great Hopes of his Success. The brave General Blakeney lost the Island on the 8th Inftant. The ConduCt of the never- to be forgotten Mr. Byng has thrown a Slur upon the British Flag, which we are in Hopes will soon be wiped off by the brave Admiral HAWKE." Extract of a Letter from Bristol, August 21. " Yesterday the Britannia Privateer, Capt. Davids, of this Place, sent in here a Brig and a Snow, bound from St. Sebastian to some Port in France, laden with Muslins, Saltpetre, Pepper, & c. said to be Part of the Cargo of a French East India Ship put on board these Vessels under the SanCtion of Spanish Bottoms; but it's not certain whether they will be condemned — And this Morning fhe came in, in a shattered Condition, with a large French Ship of near 500 Tons, mounting 16 Guns, 40 Men, and 180 Soldiers, having on board goo Barrels of Flour, 70 Bales of Soldiers Cloathing, and a great Quantity of Mus- kets and Gunpowder. She took them off Cape Ortegal. she latter had been seven Days out of Rochelle, with four more, under Convoy of a Man of War, bound to St. Domingo. They had three Hours Engagement. Fif- teen of the French were killed, and 25 wounded ; the Britannia had three Men killed, and 13 wounded." The Parishioners of St. Olave, Southwark, have pur- chased, by Subscription, a fine Ship for a Privateer, which is almost ready for a Cruize againft the French, and is named the Olave. A noble Instance of publick Spirit, and an Example to other Parishes. The seven Men of War ordered to join Admiral Bos- cawen, are to have the full Compliment of Men, or more, and are also to have some Land Forces. There are sixteen Ships of War now building, of 20 and 24 Guns each; and some small Sloops are repairing for Bomb Ketches, & c. It is said that the Hon. Lieut. Gen. Blakeney is to un- dergo the Ceremony of a Court Martial, that his King and Country miy be satisfied of every Circumstance which attended his glorious Defence of St. Philip's. The following great Personages were with his Majesty when the City Address was presented, viz the Lord Chan- cellor, Duke of Grafton, Duke of Marlborough, Earl of Holdernesse, the Right Hon. Mr. Fox, and the Lords of the Bed- Chamber in Waiting. We are assured that the Articles of the Charge to be exhibited against Admiral Byng, according to the Rules and ' Orders, and Fighting Instructions established by Charles II. and Continued down to the present Times, are prepared, and a Copy delivered to the Admiral for his Defence. Greenwich, August 2t. The Hon. John Byng, Esq; Vice Admiral, & c. has a pompous Levee at his Seat here, being waited upon by a great Number of Gentlemen dressed in Scarlet Coats, with White Stockings, Swords, Laced Hats, Cockades, & c. who have not neglected to pay their Compliments to him every Day since his Resi- dence among us, and he is as well attended, and as much taken Care of, as if he was one of the First Quality in the Kingdom. The Brussels Gazette has the following Paragraph dated London, August 10. " The Court has received within these few Days Dispitches from several friendly Courts. The Chevalier d'Abreu, the Spanish Minister received the 8th Instant a Courier from Madrid with important Dispatches, which he immediately communicated to the Ministers of this Court. We are assured they contain a new Plan for adjusting our Differences with France, drawn up by Direction of his Catholick Majesty. The Terms are not yet known. However it may be, the King of Spain still appears resolved to concern himself in our Quarrels no farther than employing his Mediation and good Offices to put an End to them." The principal Officers of the Hanoverians now en- camped at Chatham, in Kent, having petitioned his Ma- jesty for Leave to see the Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family, his Majesty was graciously pleased to grant their Request, and Yesterday they were at the Court of Kensington, to the Number of near Thirty, and made a genteel Appearance. On Friday a great Crowd was gathered about the Door of a Person of Distinction, near Grosvenor- Square, occa- sion'd by a Coachmaker's having just been paid his Bill by him, and on his going away gave the Valet, who was a Frenchman, a Crown for a Pair of Gloves, which Mon- sieur refused, saying, he would have one Shilling in the Pound of the Sum he had received ; the Tradesman re- plied, he had offered him as much as he could afford, as he had done his Master strict Justice in his Charge in every Article of the Bill, but if he was not pleased with what he presented him with, desired he would return it, which the Frenchman accordingly did ; on which the Trader put the Money in his Pocket, and told him he was a very impudent Fellow, and that he would not give him a Penny, and was going out of the Door, when the Monsieur took him by the Collar, and calling him English Bouger, told him he should not ftir till he had given what he termed his Due; on which the Coachmaker knocked him down with his Fist. The Bustle caused the Gentleman to come out of his Room, and being informed of all, ordered the Valet to be paid and discharged, and commanded the Footmen to kick him out of the House, to the great Plea- The Rev. Mr. Richard Jenkins was a few Days presented to the Vicarage of Huckley, in the County of Warwick, and Diocese of Worcester. Sunday se'nnight the new- born Son of the Duke of Hamilton was baptised at his Grace's Lodgings in the Palace of Holyrood- House, by the Name of Douglas Hamilton. The Godfathers were the Duke of Athole and Marquis of Tweedale ; the Godmother, Lady Eathen Rae, for whom Lady Susie Stuart stood Proxy, as did the Earl of Galloway for the Duke of Athole. BANKRUPTS. John Spurstow, of Manchester, Lancashire, Chapman. Susanna Phillips, of St. Paul Covent Garden, Middlesex, Spinster, Dealer and Chap- woman. Mary Guthrie and Alexander Macculloh, for- merly of Cadiz fn the Kingdom of Spain, but now or late of London, Merchants and Copartners. Henry Ri- chards, of Pontymoil, Monmouthshire, Mercer.' STOCKS. Bank, . India, 134 1 qr. South Sea, . Old Annuities, i Sub. 90 1 half. Ditto 2 Sub. 89 1 - half. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 1 - half. India Bonds, 2I. 4s. Prem. Lottery Tickets 1 11. 18s. Dublin, Auguji 14. Last Wednesday an Express arrived from England, and we hear there are two Companies to be draughted from every Regiment of Foot on this Esta- blishment, and that the five new raised Regiments in Eng- land are to be sent over in their Room. Shrewsbury, August 20. This Day the Assizes ended here, when the following were capitally convicted, viz. Robert Johnson and John Reece, for privately stealing ; Sarah Rogers, for Shop- lifting; Edward Edwards and Thomas Edwards, ( Brothers to Samuel Edwards, who was executed at Warwick the last Assizes) for robbing on the Highway ; William Liciter, for stealing two Cows; and Charles Wal- ker, for Horse- stealing ; the three last of whom were re- priev'd. Eleanor Rogers, for Shop lifting ; Mary Adams, for Housebreaking ; and Thomas Clifford, for privately stealing, are to be tranfported for seven Years. John Powell, condemn'd at last Assizes, is to be transported for 14 Years. WORCESTER, August 26. Such heavy Rains have fell in these Parts for several Days past as were never before known, and which have caus'd such a prodigious Inundation, as must be attended with very bad Consequences, especially at this Season of the Year. This Morning was married, at St. Andrew's Church in Droitwich, the Rev. Mr. Lowe, one of the Chaplains of Chelsea College, and ReCtor of Epworth in the Dio- cese of Lincoln, ( Brother of Humphry Lowe, Esq;) to Miss OCtavia Danet, one of the daughters of John Danet, Esq; late of Elmbridge, in this County ; a Lady possess'd of every Qualification requisite to compleat the Happiness of the married State. Last Week died, in the 4th Year of her Age, Lady Elizabeth- Anne Coventry, eldest Daughter of the Right Hon. the Earl of Coventry. On Thursday last Ely. Esq; of Huddlecott, in Glouceftershire, was married, at the Parish Church of St. Nicholas, to Mrs. Poole, ( ReliCt of Mr. William Poole, late an eminent Surgeon and Apothecary of this City) a well accomplish'd Gentlewoman, of great Affability and good Nature, with a Fortune of 10,000 1. Sunday se'nnight last, at Night, Mr. Waste, of Sutton, near Stanton- Harcourt, in Oxfordshire, was drowned in the River Isis, a little above Hart's Wier, as was also the Horse he rode. He was returning from a Feast, and is supposed to have been a little intoxicated in Liquor. Monday se'nnight last one Barnes, a labouring Man in the Parish of Bulla, near Gloucester, was killed in a Storm of Thunder and Lightning. It is very remark- able that the Instant before he was struck dead he hid been cursing his Son, and swearing he would murder him before Night. On Monday se'nnight, at the Assizes at Hereford, came on the Trial of James William, otherwise Brennin, Jacob Morgan, otherwise Man, Walter William, otherwise Brennin, and William Morgan, otherwise Man, for the Murder of John Lewis, of the County borough of Car- marthen ; when the two former were found guilty of Man- slaughter, and the two latter acquitted. Letter from Birmingham, dated August 23. At different Places Mobs have rose on Account of the Advance of the Price of Wheat made by the Millers and Engrossers of that Commodity. On Monday a Mob went to a Dressing- Mill between Walsall and Wednesbury, and greatly damaged the Mill, and took away or destroyed what Meal they met with. At Nuneaton, Atherstone, Polesworth, and Tamworth, great Mischief was done to the Mills, and many Farm- Houses; and some of the Dealers being Quakers, three of their Meeting- Houses at Badgley, Heartsall, and Ather- stone, were nearly destroyed, but at Nuneaton, one of the Mob was shot; and on Wednesday several of them were apprehended, and committed to Warwick Ga0l. On Wednesday a Mill was attacked between Lichfield and Rudgley, where a Baker's Apprentice and another Person, Friends to the Miller, who were coming to his Assistance, were shot by the Persons who were defending the Mill. The Baker's Apprentice died on Friday Morn- ing ; and the other's Arm has been cut off, but there are little Hopes ot his Recovery. On Wednesday last, at the Assizes at Coventry, before the Lord Chief Justice Willes and Baron Smythe, Joseph Lee, of Bedworth, near Hinckley, and Jonathan Tilley, 1 Plumber and Glazier of Coventry, were capitally con- victed for being concerned in counterfeiting the current Coin of this Kingdom. On Saturday the Assizes ended at Warwick ; at which John Stebbs, for Horfe stealirg, was capitally convicted but reprieved. Four of the Persons concern'd in the Riot at Nuneaton were also capitally convicted ; two of whom were order'd to be executed as Yesterday, and the other two are respited till the Judge's further Orders Four more of the Rioters, who are in Custody, are order'd to remain till next Assizes ; but the Lord Chief Justice, who has adjourn'd the Assizes till next Monday, and has de. clar'd that he will hold the Assizes every Monday ' till the Rioters are dispers'd, has been pleas'd to say, that if they will return to their Homes, and promise to remain quiet, the two whose Execution is respited, shall be pardoned, aud order'd to be released, with the other four that are in Goal ; but that if the Riot is continued, every Person who shall be taken up and committed, shall be executed the Day after he shall be found guilty. William Wright, for robbing Mr. Pain of Chilves Coten; and Sam. Brookes, for robbing Mrs. Eades of Birmingham, are ordered to be transported for seven Years ; and John Woodward, John Clark, alias Benjamin Pickering, and Thomas Middleton, condemned last Assizes, are to be transported for 14 Years. William Sims, charged with the Murder of his Appren- tice, is acquitted. For the BENEFIT of Mr. CHARLES CLARK, At the TOWN HALL, in Evesham., On MONDAY next, the 30th of this Instant August, Will be a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental M U SICK. To begin at SEVEN o'Clock. N. B. After the CONCERT there will be a BALL for the Gentlemen and Ladies, Gratis. TICKETS, at Two Shillings and Sixpence each, to be had at the Crown, — the Farriers' Arms,— the George, — and at the White Hart, in Evesham. This Day is Publis'd Neatly printed in a Pocket Volume, Addreffed to the MASTERS of English SCHOOLS, AND TUTORS of YOUTH in private Families in Great Britain and Ireland. ( Price bound Two Shillings, ) With proper Allowance to Schoolmafters, & c. The SECOND EDITION, of INTRODUCTION TO THE English Language and Learning. In THREE PARTS. PART I A Spelling Book of Arts and Sciences ; con- taining Alphabets of all the Words in the following Sciences, viz. Theology, Algebra, Ethics, Geometry, Grammar, Mathematics, Rhetoric, Mechanics, Logic, Anatomy, Poetry, Physic, Mythology, Chemistry, Philosophy,' Pharmacy, Geography, Botany, Astronomy, Jurisprudence, Arithmetic, Heraldry. To be SOL D, A TENEMENT, With the Appurtenances, Lying in Wood- Street, otherwise Keyn Street, in the Parish of All- Saints, in the City of Worcester. Now in the Occupation of Mr. Watkins, as Tenant thereof. Enquire of Messrs. Whitaker and Havard, in Tewkesbury. To be Sold, to the Best Bidder, At the Raven Inn, in Shrewsbury, on Saturday the 25th Day of September next, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, tbe following LOTS, to wit, , LOT I. SEVERAL Messuages, Tenements, Farms, and Lands, situate in Trederwen and Rhetes- kin, in the Parish of Llandrinio, in the County of Mont- gomery, of the yearly Value of 160 I. and upwards. LOT I. A Messuage, Tenement, or Farm, call'd Pant, in the Parish of Guildsfield, in the said County of Montgomery, now in the Possession of Thomas Jones, at the yearly Rent of 201. LOT 3. A Messuage, Tenement, or Farm, situate in Poynton, in the Parish of High Ercal, in the County of Salop, now in the Possession of Thomas Williamson, at the yearly Rent of 561. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Windsor, in Shrewsbury, and the Tenants of the several Ellates will shew the same. THE Creditors of Matthew Wadding- ton, late of Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, Shoemaker, are hereby desired to send an Account of their several Demands to his Brother William Wad- dington, of Bewdley, or to Mr. Clarke, Attorney, in Bewdley aforesaid, in order that a true State of the Af- fairs of the said Matthew Waddington may be come at. And all Persons who are indebted to the said Matthew Waddington, are hereby required to forthwith pay their said Debts to the said William Waddington, ( who is em- powered to receive the same) or to the said Mr. Clarke, or they will be sued without any further Notice. THE Creditors of John Godley, late of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, Sadler, deceas'd, are hereby desired to send in an Account of their several Demands to his Widow and Executrix Esther Godley, or to Mr. Clarke, Attorney, in Bewdley afore- said, in order that they may receive a Dividend for their said several Debts as far as the Effects of the said John Godley will amount unto. And all Persons who are indebted to the said Esther Godley, as Executrix to her late Husband, are hereby re- quired forthwith to pay the same to the said Esther God- ley, or to the said Mr. Clarke, or they will be sued with- out any further Notice. Disposed in a Method entirely New ; with the Rules of True Pronunciation and Spelling. PART II The Rudiments of English Grammar. With the Rules of Orthography, Construction, Emphasis, and a Just Elocution. PART III Lessons on all the above- mentioned Sciences; containing a particular Description of each, by Way of Exercise, or Praxis, to enable the Scholar to read jullly and judicioudy on any Subjedt whatfoever. To which is added, A Catalogue of such Books in the English Language as are proper to be read upon the Liberal Arts and Sciences. By BENJAMIN MARTIN. London: Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet- Street; and sold by all Booksellers and Schoolmasters in the Country; and by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal. N. B. This Spelling Book and Grammar has met with such a general Approbation, that a very large Impression has been sold off since its first Publication. This Day are Publish'd, and given gratis, PROPOSALS For Printing in WEEKLY NUMBERS, An Entire New WORK, entitled, A Compleat Body of GARDENING. By the Authors of the Compleat Body of HUSBANDRY. Publish'd by the KING'S AUTHORITY. And on Saturday the 28th Instant will be publish'd N° I. CONSISTING OF THREE Sheets of LETTER- PRESS, elegantly printed, and illustrated with Two Folio Copper- plates, the first, a curious Frontispiece, design'd by Mr. Wale, and engraved by Mr. Grignion, representing the Genius of Botany instructing tbe Gardener in the Charac- ters of Flowers, and Flora and Pomona rewarding his Labour with their several Treasures ; the other containing the Figures of seven beautiful and curious Plants, tbe Culture of which is deliver'd in this Number, with many other Articles. Tbe PUBLICK are desired to take Notice, THAT this is a NEW and ORIGINAL WORK, not collected from other Books, but founded on Practice and Experience ; and the Bota- nical Part is adapted to the System of LYNaEUS, which is the only Method now followed, and in which all other Books of GAR- DENING are altogether defective. NUMB. I. will contain the Descriptions and Figures of * 1. The Scarlet Canna. 2. The Great Lark- spur. 3. TheFig leav'd Hibiscus, 4. The African Geranium. Worcester, Aug., 19, 1756. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of Robert Taylor, late of this City, Upholder, deceas'd, are desired forthwith to pay their respective Debts to Mrs. Eleanor Taylor, his Widow and Administratrix, or to Mr. William Bund, Attorney t i ® Worcester. And all Persons who have any Demands on the Estate of the said Robert Taylor, are desired immediately to bring in the same to the said Mrs. Taylor, or Mr. Bund. To be SOLD, to the BesT BIDDER, On Monday next, the 30th of this Instant August, at the House of Mr. William Dyer, at the Star and Garter, in the City of Worcester, between tbe Hours of Three and Seven in the Afternoon, A commodious, new- built HOUSE, With a Garden, Soap- House, and other Buildings thereunto belonging, SITUATE at Cripplegate, in the City of Worcester, being Leasehold under the Dean and Chapter of Wor- cester, now in the Possession of Mr. Robert Sextie. Also to be Sold, to the Best Bidder, The Utensils for Making of Soap." 1 For further Particulars enquire of the said Mr. Sextie, in Gaol- Lane ; or of Mr. Edward Roberts, Attorney, in Worcester. Worcester, August 12, 1756. To be SOLD, immediately, At a WAREHOUSE, in Powick's Lane, in this City, FOUR Pipes of very good Old RAISIN WINE, one Cask of Distill'd and one Cask of White- Wine VINEGAR. AS ALSO Several Sorts of GROCERY and other GOODS, viz Molasses, Glue, Spanish Brown, Anchovies, Ivory Black, Gun Flints, Green Copperas, Strasbourg Rappee Snuff, Chocolate, Cocoa Shells, Vermicelli, Stone Raddle, Chalk, A Screw Jack, A Pair of Grocer's Trucks A large Beam and Scales, A Wine Press, Writing and other Sorts of Paper, Durham Mustard, Pack and Ran Thread, Empty Hogsheads and Dry Casks, Anderson's Scotch Pills, Daffy's Elixir, Bostock's Cordial, 5. 1 he Double Olander. 6. The Codogo Pala. And 7. The Great Flowered Jesmine. With the Culture and Management of each throughout the Year, according to the Practice of the most suc- cessful Gardeners. ALSO, Accounts of the Products of the Fruit and Kitchen Garden now in Season, with their Descriptions, and new and practical Directions for the Care and Management of the Flower Garden, Semenary or Nursery, Fruit Garden and Orchard, and of the Kitchen Ground ; together with the Method of treating Store and Green- House Plants. London: Printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton, in Gray's Inn; J. Hodges, on London- Bridge; T. Trye, next Gray's Inn Gate, Holborn ; S. Crowder and H. Wood- gate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- noster Row, ( by whom the Numbers will be deliver'd Weekly); also by S Ga- midge. in Leech Street, Worcester, and by all other Book- sellers and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. AND Bateman's Drops. Enquire of Mr. Alderman Pearkes, in the said City. To be LETT, And Enter d upon at Michaelmas next, A FARM, Now in the Holding of JOHN COX, Jun. COnsisting of One Hundred and Ten Acres of Meadow and Tillable Land, at Temple Grafton, in the County ot Warwick, Part Tythe- free, six Miles from Evesham, four from Stratford, and two from Alcester. For further Particulars enquire of the said John Cox, or of Mr. Beauchamp, at the College, at Stratford upon Avon. — N. B. The growing Crop will be sold, if desired. To be SOLD, The MANOR of OCKRIDGE Situate about three Miles from Ledbury, a good Market Town in the County of Hereford, adjoining to the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to Worcester, and the Turnpike Road leading from Ledbury to the River Severn; distant from Worcester about ten Miles, and from the River Severn about five Miles, Consisting of THREE FARMS, well Tenanted, and very large and fine COPPICE WOODS, all of the Yearly Value of between Three and Four Hundred Pounds, together with a considerable Quantity ot Watte Ground, the Whole containing together about Twelve Hundred Acres. AND ALSO A FARM, lying within one Mile of Upton upqn Severn, in the County of Worcester, of the Yearly Value of Sixty three Pounds. The above Premisses are all well Tenanted, the Buildings in good Repair, and Rents well paid ; and the Herefordshire Estate. is liable to more improve- ments than any other Estate in the Country. The Remits have not been advanced within the Memory of Man, notwithstanding a fine Turnpike Road has been made within a few Years from the said Estate to several good Market Towns and the River Severn. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Blight, . Attorney at Law, near Ledbury, Herefordshiie. § 3* ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken in at 2s 6d. each ; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd and carefully ' ADVERTISEMENTS, C& C. are likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookfeller, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Cotton, Bookfeller, in Shrewfluiry • Mr Hopkinson Mr. Wylde, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookfeller, in Evesham ; Mr. Hunt, and Mr Hodges, Booksellers in Hereford - Bookfeller, ii- Kidderminster ; Mr. Aihmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham ; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at ( Simpden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster ; Mr. Barrow, Bookseller, in that Town ; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal.—— Likewife by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave- Mary Lane, London.' '
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