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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 29/01/1756
Printer / Publisher: Berrow 
Address: Office in Goose-Lane, near the Cross
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2426
No Pages: 4
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BERROW's Worcester JOURNAL [ Printed at his OFFICE in Goose- Lane, near the Cross. J Price Two- Pence. THURSDAY, Januarys 1756. N° 2426 FRIDAY'S and SATURDAY'S POSTS. From ihe PARIS A- LA- MAIN, January 9. N the first Instant the Vagabonds, & c. confined at ' Bicestre, rose upon the Sen- tinel set over them, and rushing into the Guard Room seized the Arms. An Alarm being given, the Guards imme- diately assembled, and seized some of the Prisoners, but the others made Re sistance, and killed two of the Sentinels. This obliged the Guard to fire, by which fourteen of the Prisoners were killed The rest fled, but- were quickly retaken, as they had on the Cloathing of the House. The Reason they give for making this Attempt was their being deprived of a Part of their- Allowance of Bread and Water, and their wholly losing the Portion of Butchers' Meat which they were allowed once a Week, whilst they saw their Overseers daily living in great Plenty, and feasting their Friends. They intended to make away with the Steward, but he prudently made his Escape. " pLANTATION NEWS. Philadelphia, Nov. 20, Tuesday Morning, about a Quarter before Four o'clock, we had a severe Shock of an Earthquake, Which lasted about two Minutes. Newhaven, Nov 22. Last Tuesday Morning, about Four o'Clock. we had a violent Shock of an Earthquake here. The Ground seem'd to rise like the Waves of the Sea, the Houses shook and crack'd, many Tops of Chim- nies were thrown down, and the Trees waved as if there had been a hard Gust of Wibd, though it was a perfect Calm. The Shock continued near five Minutes, and the whole Colony 01 Connecticut was affected in the same Manner. New York, Nov. 24. Tuesday Morning last, about Four o'Clock, a smart Shock of an Earthquake was felt by the Inhabitants of this City: It continued nigh three Minutes, but has done no Damage that we can hear of. Elizabeth Town, New jersey, Nov. 19 By three Ex presses arrived from Northampton County within three Days past, we have Advice, that last Monday Night the French and Indians burnt a small Village seven Miles be yond the Gap. and killed all the People but two; and on Tuesday Night burnt a House above the Mountain, six Miles from where Delawar crosses Penaqualing, or Peque tin Mountains, all in the aforesaid County. Upon which Intelligence, Col. Anderson marched immediately out of Sussex County in New Jersey, to their Assistance, 100 Men, and sent back to have more raised. And on Wed- nesday marched out of Morris County, 15o Men, and on Thursday 150 more followed to assist the Pensylvanians. And this Day is to be draughted out of Essex, to march on Monday Morning 900 Foot, and three Troops of Horse, under the Command of Colonel Rickets. We are credibly informed, that Part of Col. Johnson's Regiment is to march directly out of Middlesex, and that Col. Stout, from Hunterdon, is marched with 300 Men, and Col. Philip Vanhorn marchcs To- morrow, or Mon- day, with Part of his Regiment out of Somerset. New York, Dec. 1. An Express from Goshen, which Arrived here on Saturday last, informs, that on the Friday Evening before, a Dispatch arrived there from Minisink ( a Place distant from Goshen about twenty or thirty Miles) and gave out, that the French and Indians had actually left One Half or Two Thirds of that Place in Ashes, and had murdered some, and captivated others, of the Inha- bitants. Philadelphia, Dec. 4. We have Advice from Virginia, that a Ship is arrived there from England, having on board a Tram of Artillery, 6000 Muskets, and 14,0001. in Cash. Part of a Letter from Philadelphia, Nov 28. " Two Days ago the Indians fell upon the Moravians, and destroyed their Settlements at Gnaden Hutten, about eighty five Miles from this City. It was remarkable, that a few Days before, the Indians sent down to tell these People to get out of the Way, for that they were just coming to take Gnaden Hutten, which was formerly their own, long before the Europeans set a Foot there; nay, as long as the Rivers had run, or the Trees burst forth into Verdure. The Moravians trusted, they said, in the Lamb, who would fight for them ; but, alas! they have Reason to see, that With due Confidence in God, proper Means must be used if we would be safe." IRELAND. Dublin, Jan. 13. On Monday, early in the Morning, a Person, supposed to be an Officer in the French Army or the German Service, was apprehended in Church Street, by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs. ; Letter from Tuam, Jan. 1 2. " The 2d of this Month, at Four in the Afternoon, the Air grew prodigious close and warm, an Unusual Light, far above that of the brightest Day, struck all Be- holders with Amazement : It then faded away by infen sible Degrees. At Seven, from the West to the East, there appeared a Sea of Streamers across the Sky, which undulated like a Winnowing Sheet. This was a dreadful Alarm ; some left Tuam, others flocked to it from the Villages, terrified by the Streamers, which, after con- tinuing about eighteen Minutes, grew on a sudden dis- colour'd : The Edges of this Phoenomenon were tinctur'd with a bright Coerulean first, then with a bright Azure, and next with a Topaz or Flame- colour'd Hue, when at once it gushed in a direct Line, a Cataract, and, as if set on Fire, spouted off towards the North : Every one ap- pear'd Statue struck, as if these Streamers were sent Post haste on a Message We immediately after felt a most uncommon Shock; in the Room were I was, we were all thrown on our Faces, others rolled about like sick Passen- gers in a Storm No Damaage done, thank Heaven ) but next Morning we had an Express from Ballymore, near Tuam, that several Acres of Ground were laid under Wa- ter, and above two hundred Head of Cattle perish'd." O11 the 17th past there was a Shock of an Earthquake, or so great a Fall of Rains at Slieuve Baughty in the County of Galway, near Loughrea, that a Bog of more than fifty Acre-, and above twenty Feet thick, Was forced from that Mountain, and carried a Mile to a lower Part of the Hill, to the great Dread and Terror of all the neighbouring feople, who are afraid it may be removed again, and rest on their Lands and destroy them. The Place where the Bog was is now rough Gravel and loose Stones. We have had other Instances of Bogs moving in this Kingdom, as well as in England." COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Jan. 17. On Wednesday se'nnight the Wife of one Michael Robinson, was delivered of a Boy and a Girl ; and on the Saturday following of another Boy, which were all baptized on Sunday Morning, and are all likely to do well. LONDON, Thursday, JANUARY 21. We hear from Dunkirk, that the English Traders and other British Subjects in that Town, are treated with the greatest Civility and Politeness, in Consequence of Orders which the Governor lately received from Versailles. Private Letters from France, by last Monday's Mail, agree with the Paris A- la main, that the People begin to think there will be no War; and add, that if a Mani- festo was in the Press ( as was lately reported) the intended Publication of it has been countermanded. An Express from France has been receiv'd within these few Days, and return'd unanswer'd and unopen'd. The three Battalions which were expected to go Abroad are countermanded ; and some of the most experienced thereof are to be appointed Subaltern Officers in the new raised Regiments. The Fleets are order'd out as soon as the Wind permits, certain Advices being receiv'd that the Brest Fleet have attempted to sail, but could not, the Wind being contrary, and were in Readiness for sailing at the Harbour's Mouth, waiting for a fair Wind, having a considerable Number of Forces on board. Last Week an Express from the Government was sent to Rabay- Castle, to hasten the Right Hon. the Earl of Darlington. The Press is so hot upon the River, that several Scotch Ships are detained for want of Hands. We hear that a Bill will be brought into the Hon. House of Commons for the better regulating the Militia of Scotland. The French Ships taken by Commodore Frankland are reckoned worth 30,0001. Great Quantities of Building Materials have been con- tracted for here, to be sent to Lisbon. By the Account received on Monday from Lisbon'( which came by Express through France) it appears that the Peo- ple in general had greatly composed themselves, and that Trade and Business were likely soon to revive, his Portu- guese Majesty having published several Ordinances which gave great Life to his trading Subjects. The same Express, it's said, brought the King of Por- tugal's Return of Thanks to our most gracious sovereign, and the whole Nition, for the kind, benevolent Presents voted by Parliament for the Relief of his unhappy, dis- tressed subjects. And we are informed that his Portu- guele Majesty, and the Nobility, & c. of that Kingdom, expressed themselves in a very extraordinary Manner on the Humanity and Generosity of the British Nation, The Prince Rupert, Dobson, arrived in the Downs from Santa Cruz in the Empire of Morrocco, has brought over several Passengers, English Merchants and others, who have thought fit to leave that Place, as there is very little of no Trade and Business stirring there since the horrid Devastation made in that Country by the late Earthquakes. The Elizabeth Schooner, of New- York, Anthony Kendall, Master, bound from thence to Bristol, and laden with 703 Barrels of Turpentine and Tar, and one Cask of Skins, consign'd to Morgan Thomas and Company in Bristol, was, on the 28th past, forced on Shore, by Stress of Weather, on Northern Burrows, within the Port of Barnstaple, in the County of Devon, and there stranded and lost. The Ball intended for this Evening at the King's Theatre, is deferred till further Notice : And may such Notice never be given, as no Season at all can be proper for such pernicious Diversions. It is confidently said that had the Masquerade been held this Night, a religious Mob were determin'd to break up that nocturnal Assembiy. An eminent Physician at Paris is said to have discover'd a Diet Drink, which, in the Space of four Days, makes a complete Cure of the Gout, with great Safety, and so as to prevent its returning within less than a Year, when it may be at any Time removed by having Recourse to the same Medicine. We hear from Northamptonshire, that on Friday last the Earl of Thanet's Stag Hounds, run one of his Lord- ship's Stags near 50 Miles; which, after leaping the Earl Of Shrewsbury's Park Wall, took into the Gardens , out of which he leaped down a Wall at least seven Yards high. This brave Stag has been hunted four Times this Season,, and may probably be turned out again in about ten Days j if so, the Bucks of the first Head, whom I heartily wish may take no Worse Courses, will then have a fair Oppor- tunity of shewing their Bravery. and / hls. ral Top Hunters. On Saturday se'nnight Mrs. Trendall, of North- Moor4 an elderly Woman, who had many YearS kept Oxford Market with Cheese, being on her Return Home, her Horse tumbled down upon Bottley CauseWay near Oxford, by which Misfortune she was thrown into the Ditch, and the Horse fell upon her. She was taken up alive, but died soon after. Yesterday at the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer holden for- this City at Guildhall, John Wright Newarke and George Collum Butts were, after a Trial of four Hours, convicted, upon the clearest Evidence, of a most horrid and wicked Conspiracy. which they have for a long Time carried on, to extort Monies from divers Gentlemen of great Honour and Fortunes, by sending menacing Letters to them, with the most audacious Threats, unjustly to expose their Characters in Case of their Refusal After the Trial was over, the Court and Jury return'd the Pro- secutors their publick Thanks for bringing these dangeroua Offenders to publick Justice; and committed the Prisoners to Newgate, in order to receive their Sentence at the en- suing Sessions. On Monday three Lads, the oldest not above eleven Years of Age, were committed to Newgate by the Lord Mayor for picking of Pockets. William Mabbot, committed to Gaol, for attempting to commit a Rape on his Daughter, was ( on Thursday last at the Quarter Sessions held at the City of Oxford) found guilty, and ordered to be whipped at the Cart's Tail front the North to the East Gate of that City. On Monday Night last, between 8 and 9 o'Clock, as one William Connelly, lately discharg'd from his Ma- jesty's Ship Terrible, was going over St George's Fields, he was attacked by two Men, who robb'd him of 9 1. One of them held him fast by the Collar whilst the other took the Money out of his Pocket, and used him very ill. Lalt Tuesday Night Ann Allen, the notorious Cheat who was lately found in the Fields of Isleworth, before that at Twickenham, and some Time before that near Windsor in the Charafler of a ruined young Lady, was brought before John Fielding and Saunders Welch, Esqrsj and committed to Bridewell. It is not to be conceived what an infinite Variety of Impositions she has been guilty of within these two Years. She is about twenty Years of Age, well set, speaks with a West Country Dialect, and says she comes sometimes from Cornwall, sometimes from Devonshire, was found about two Years ago naked in Leicester fields, and committed by the late Henry Field- ing, Esq; to Bridewell, and afterwards by the Right Hon. Lord Cadogan. A few Days since as Mrs. Dering was coming out of St. George's Church she was jostled by two Men, well dressed, who pick'd her Pocket of 20I. which was in her Purse. SUNDAY'S and MONDAY'S POSTS. Arrived a MAIL from FRANCE, PARIS A la main, January iz. IT is said that the King hath sent a Person of Rank to London to demand Reduction of all the Ships taken by England, or an Equivalent Indemnification ; and to declare that in * Case of Refusal, his Majesty will treat the English as Pirates. With the News of an Earthquake at Lisbon on the 21 st ult. came Advice that the Ruins of that City are entirely laid under Water, so that now it may properly be said to exist no more. Before this last Event such as had escaped with their Lives had some Recourse in the Hopes of recovering at least a Part of their Effects out of the Ruins: But even this is now taken from them, the Sea having covered the Whole. [ This Account deserves no Credit. The Paris Gazette of the 10th Instant mention'd the Shock of the 21st of last Month, which threw down many Houses that had been left standing, and killed above 300 Persons; but said nothing of the City's being over- flow'd ; nor is this Circumstance taken Notice of in the Paris Gazette of the 17th Instant, which was received Yesterday.] The Loir has not only overflowed all the Flat Country, but also laid the City of Tours under Water. Paris A la- main, Jan. 16. Last Tuesday Morning we had such a terrible Hurricane, that we were under Appre- hensions of sharing Lisbon's Fate. Many Chimnies were thrown down, and the Lead, Tiles and Slates blown off the Roofs of a great Number of Houses in different Quar- ters of the Town, but happily no Lives were lost. The Seine was so violently agitated, that it threaten'd every Minute to overflow its Banks. Several Boats parted from their Cables, and were dashed to Pieces against Bridges. In the Evening the Wind fell, and the Water of the Ri- ver fell with it. Last Wednesday the Villain who some Time ago mur- dered a Swiss Prior and his own Mother, and buried ' em in a Hole in the Garden belonging to the Priory, was sentenced by the Parliament to be carried to the Place where the Fact was committed, there to be broke on the Wheel, his Body to be afterwards burnt, and his Ashes scatter'd in the Wind. PLANTATION NEWS. Philadelphia, Dec. 4. General Johnson is breaking up his Camp, and leaves 600 Men at the Lake and Lydries's. The Baron de Dieskau is still alive, but not out of great Danger: He saved the scatter'd Remains of his People by a feigned Exclamation, when taken Prisoner; Had be been advised, and waited for twelve hundred Regulars to join him, he had not been a dying Captive : This put Mr. Johnson on his Guard, and hindered a Pursuit that would have cut off their Retreat. We have a Report that an English Lieutenant General is to come over to command in Chief; and that three Regiments are to be raised here to be in British Pay, un- der the Command of Generals Johnson and Layman, and Colonel Schuyler, of the Jersey Regiment, who is left to command at Oswego. LONDON, Saturday, JANUARY 24. It's said that the King of Prussia has sign'd a Treaty with this Court, and that we are to pay him 20,0001. for some Ships of his that were taken the last War, and he is to pay off the Loan. We hear that the King of Prussia has augmented his Troops with 20,000 Men. We hear that a Manifesto has been sent from the Court of France to this Court, and that an Answer is preparing and will soon be publish'd. We hear from good Authority, that the King of Prus- sia, the Queen of Hungary, and the States of Holland, have all been requested by the Court of France to sollicit Terms of Accommodation with our Court, and that in Consequence thereof the Court of France has some Days given them to return an Answer to our Demands, a Copy of which is also to be deliver'd to the Powers solliciting this Accommodation, the Terms of which nothing but the distress'd Condition of the Trading Part can ever bring the French Ministry or Court to acquiesce in. The French Fleet is not yet sailed from Brett. Letters received Yesterday from Cadiz, dated the 31st ult. advise, that his Majesty's Ships Bristol and Bedford, with the Turky Ships under Convoy, were then safe there, and were to sail the 2d Instant for Lisbon. We hear from St. Eustatia that a Duty of Five per Cent, is laid on all Goods imported or exported ; Rum and Melasses are forbid to be started into English Casks ; and no Negroes are to be imported, but what are brought in Dutch Vessels from the Coast of Africa. There are Letters from Alicant, by Yesterday's French Mail, which inform us that four Dutch Men of War were arrived there, with about 58 Sail of Merchantmen under their Convoy bound to the Levant and different Parts of the Mediterranean ; and that there are several French Ships among them, bound to Marseilles, who have been allowed to take the Benefit of this Convoy. The Jamaica Packet, from Surinam for New- York, is lost on Sandy- Hook, and all the People drowned except one Orders are sent to Portsmouth for Ten Sail of the Line, and two Frigates, to sail, as soon as the Wind permits, to join Admiral West, who has twelve Sail under his Com- mand at Pymouth, ready to put to Sea. we are assured the Ships taken from the French, with their Cargoes, will soon be sold, Commissioners being ap- pointed for that Purpose., Yesterday the Constables were very busy at Highgate, and other Towns along the Northern Road, in impressing Men for Land Service. We hear that Complaints have been sent over against the Governor of one of our Islands for imprisoning some Members belonging to the General Assembly of the said Island, at a Time when Matters of great Importance were depending. We are assured that the Right Hon. the Earl of Rothes, Lieutenant General and Colonel of the Third Regiment of Foot Guards, and the Right Hon. the Earl of Loudon, Major General and Colonel of a Regiment, are appointed to command in America ; for which they are to embark in the Spring, With several Gentlemen of the Army, who are to officer a Regiment of three Battalions, which is to be raised there. It is reported that a Viceroy will be sent to North America. John Collier, Esq; is appointed Judge of the Admiralty at Nova Scotia. His Grace the Duke of Rutland, Lord Steward of his Majesty's Houshold, is elected a Governor of the Charter- House, in the room of the late Duke of Devonshire. On Tuesday last one who was an Officer among the Rebels in 1745, was seized at Feversham, in Kent, and brought to Town under a strong Guard, and, after being examined at the Secretary's Office, committed to the Cus- tody of a King's Messenger. SCHEME for raising Part of the Supplies— 1756. 50,000 Lottery Tickets, at 10/. each. 2 of 10000 Pounds 3 of 5000 6 of 2000 17 of 1000 29 of 500 142 of 100 626 of 50 5675 of 20 65oo Prizes. First drawn Last drawn 43500 Blanks at 61. each. 20000 £ 15000 12000 17000 14500 14200 31300 113500 237500 500 1000 261000 AN Y Person who is experienced in Boring and Laying PIPES For the Conveyance of Water, AND MAKING PUMPS to raise, and RESERVOIRS to receive the same, and is inclinable to undertake a large Work of that Nature, may hear further by enquiring at the Ship Tavern, behind the Royal Exchange, London, Or at Hooper's Coffee House, in Worcester. » No PAVING is required. * CS Worcester, Jan. 21, 1756. WHEREAS several Persons, com- monly called JOBBERS, have, for some Time past, employed themselves in the Buying of Horned Beasts, and other Cattle, and again selling the same in less Time than is, for that Purpose, allow'd by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, to the great Prejudice of the Gentlemen Farmers and Graziers of this County, and, by such illicit Practices, forfeit, in some Cases, double the Value of the Cattle so bought and sold, and in others a Penalty of Ten Pounds; NOW, THIS is to give Notice, That all Per- sons, who, after the Publication hereof, shall sell any Cat- tle which they shall buy, without first keeping the same forty Days, if Horned Beasts; or five Weeks, if Sheep or Lambs; according to the Direction of the Statutes in that Case made and provided, the Persons so offending will be prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law. J. Thorneloe. 50000 Tickets. 500000 %* Not seven Blanks to a Prize. Thursday last. by Order of the Hon. John Spencer, Esq; the Creditors of his late Father received full Satis- faction for all their Demands: As the Persons so obliged had no other Recourse to obtain such Demands than by relying on his Honour, ' tis hoped so shining an Example of Generosity and real Honour will have its due Weight with the World, and induce others to imitate what they cannot but admire. Wednesday Night last died, at Rushton, near Kettering in Northamptonshire, the Rev. Mr. Jackson, who had been Rector of that Place upwards of thirty Years with universal Esteem. The Living is in the Gift of the Right Hon. the Lord Viscount Cullen. Thursday three Housekeepers in Rotherhithe were com- mitted to the New Gaol, in Southwark, for receiving di- vers Quantities of Corn, knowing the same to have been stolen. 1 he Magistrate that committed them refused 3000 1. Bail for their Appearance at the next Assizes for Surrey. On Wednesday Night, about Six o'Clock, Mary Prior, of Cold Bath Fields, in her Return home from Islington, where she had been to sell Poultry, & c. was attacked near the New River Head by three Men, who used her in a most vile Manner, robbed her of 23 s. and struck out her Left Eye with a Butcher's Cleaver. On Thursday Night William Thorpe, a Sailor, was committed to the New Gaol, in Southwark, for assaulting Mr. John Lambton on the King's Highway*, as he was coming from Portfmouth to London, and robbing him of a Guinea and nine Shillings in Silver. There was another Fellow concerned in the Robbery, who made his Escape. they had both deserted from their Ship at Portsmouth. Dublin, Jan. 17. A Patent is passing the Great Seal of this Kingdom for Paul Nightingale, of Derby, Gent, to have the sole Privilege of making and vending all Salt- petre or Nitre which he shall make from Vegetables of this Kingdom. Letter from Portsmouth, Jan. 23. " There are ready to go out of the Harbour ( besides the Monarch) the Newcastle, Medway, and Nottingham. Two Men of War are arrived at Spithead, but the Wind blowing hard at South West, cannot possibly send you their Names. " P. S. The Johns having been confined so long in Port by the bad Weather and South West Winds, are im- patient to be in Action, for tho' no Prize Money has yet been received, they say it is no false Latin to have more French Ships brought to Old England." L O S T, Between the 1oth and 12th of this Instant January, out of the Shop of Mr. Thomas Perkins, W atch Maker, in Evesham, A Small SILVER WATCH, WITH a Silver Dial Plate, the Maker's Name James Head, Evesham, No. 202. Whoever will bring the aaid Watch to Mr. Perkins aforesaid, or to i the Printer of this Paper, shall have One Guinea Reward, j To be SOLD, A Capital MANSION- HOUSE, Call'd the COMMANDRY, In or near the CITV of WORCESTER, WITH good and convenient Offices, Coach Houses, Stables, and other Out- Buildings; and also several handsome Gardens thereto belonging, of the Yearly Value of Forty Pounds, or thereabouts. A DWELLING HOUSE, thereto adjoining, in the Possession of Dr. CAMERON, with its Appurtenances, — at the Yearly Rent of Fifteen Pounds. Several Parcels of Meadow and Pasture Lands, in or near the said City, called The PARK, The Great Meadow. The Rack Closes, Green and Windmill Hills, Callendar and Garden, lett at several Yearly Rents amounting together to the Yearly Sum of Ninety four Pounds Seventeen Shil- lings and Sixpence. Five several MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, in the said City, of the Yearly Rent of Forty five Pounds Five Shillings Chief Rents, One Pound Two Shillings and Ten- pence. A FARM, called SPELLIS, in the Parish of Claines, near the said City, lett at the Yearly Rent of Sixty Pounds. % » All the above mention'd Premisses are Freehold, ALSO, The RECTORY end VICARAGE Impropriate of the Parish of Claines aforesaid, the one Freehold, and the other Leasehold, worth about Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds a- Year. N. B. All the Freehold Premisses stand charged with the Payment of Two Hundred Pounds a- Year, to and for the Life of an old Lady. The Premisses will be shew'd by Mr. Freme, Iron- monger, in the Mealcheapen- Street, Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. WHITE, Attor- ney, in Bridgnorth. This Day was Published Price One Shilling neatly bound, Being a proper PRESENT for a Christmas Box, or a New Tear's Gift. A MUSEUM FOR Young GENTLEMEN and LADIES: O R, A private TUTOR for Little MASTERS and MISSES. Containing a Variety of Useful SUbJecTS, and in particular, I. Directions for Reading with Elegance and Propriety. 2- The antient and present State of Great- Britain; with a compendious Hiltory of England. 3. An Account of the Solar System — 4. Historical and Geographical Description of the several Countries in the World ; with the Manners, Customs, and Habits ot the People. 5. An Account of the Arts and Sciences.- 6. Rules for Behaviour. 7. Advice to young Persons on their entering upon the World ; with short Rules of Religion and Morality.- 8. Tables of Weights and Measures.-— 9 Explanation of Abbreviations used in Words and Dates. to. The Seven Wonders of the World, r— — 11. Prospect and Description of the burning Mountains. 12. Dying Words and Behaviour ofgreat Men, when just quitting the' Stage of Life ; with many Other useful Particulars, all in a plain familiar Way for Youth of both Sexes. InTerSpers'd With Letters, Tales, and Fables, for Amusement and Instruction, and illustrated with Cuts; being a Second Volume to the Pretty Book for Children. London: Printed for J. Hodges, on London- Bridge; J Newbery, in St Paul's Church Yard; R Baldwin, in Pater Noster Row j and B. Collins, in Salisbury. NOTICE is hereby given, That The KING'S HEAD INN, Opposite the Town- Hall, in Worcester, Is now taken by THOMAS N0TT; WHO hopes those Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Others, who used the faid INN, in Mrs. Brad- ley's Time, will now favour Him with their Custom ; and that those Persons likewise who oblig'd him with their Company at the Earl's Post, ( which is now to be Lett) will continue their Favours to him at the King's Head, where all Persons may depend on meeting with the best j Accommodation, and the utmolt Civility, from Their Humble Servant, Thomas Nott. N. B. There is a great deal of very good Stall- Stabling at the said King's Head Inn. Country, the Author of the Letter having felt ten or eleven, and some other People affirmed they had felt at least twenty. At Newington, in that Province, it is said, there was an Eruption, near the Meeting- House, sixty Roods long, and two Feet wide. A frightful Chasm this ! L- O N D O N, Tuesday, JANUARY 27. SHERIFFS appointed by his Majesty in Council for the / Year 1756. BUckinghamshire, Thomas Worder, of Cheddington, Esq; Cheshire, Thomas Prescot, of Overton, Esq; Gloucestershire, Charles Wyndham, of Clowerwall in the Forest of Dean; Esq; Herefordshire, Edmund Thomas, of Michael Church, Esq Monmouthshire, Daniel Treagose, of Tregirog, Esq; . Northamptonshire, John Ashley, of Ledgers Ashby, Esq; All Gentlemen Anglers, and Others, Who are destrous to preserve The Fry and Spawn of FISH, And to conserve The Fishery of the Rivers Severn and Team, ARE desired to meet at Mr. MEREDITH'S, at the Pewterers' Arms, on Monday the Second Day of February next, at Six o'Clock in the Evening. N. B Any Person or Persons that will attend, and give Information where unlawful Nets are made Use of, and' ia whose Possession, will be handsomely rewarded. • To be S O L D, to the Best Bidder, At the Eagle and Serpent, at Cleobury - Mortimer, on Monday the Fifteenth Day of March next, between the Hours of Two and Six of the Clock in the Evening,. After the Decease of One Life, now above Sixty Years old, The Reversion of a Freehold E S TATE, Situate, lying and being in the Parish of Higley, in the County of Salop, of the yearly Value of about 23 1. now in Possession of Anthony Hinckesman : With about Seven Pounds per Annum Freehold Lands, in the same Parish, and heretofore Part of the same Estate, and now held therewith. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Charles Holland. , To be S O L D, Together or Separate, SEVERAL Freehold LANDS and TENEMENTS, ( As UNDER ) Situate in the Parishes of Pendock and the Berrow, in th County of Worcelter ; viz, ONE Parcel of Arable, Meadow and Pasture ? /. s. Land, now lett to Mr. John Clark at 10/ ^ 20 oi a- Year j One Meadow, now lett to Mr. Tho. Wood at" J 5/. a- Year . j" S 0 One Parcel of Arable Land, now lett to Mr. ( Payton at 3/. 1 5/. a- Year J 3 1 One Parcel of Arable Land, planted with } Fruit Trees, now lett to Mr. Richard Hunt at > 3 5/. a- Year ——. — J 34 00 For further Particulars enquire of Mrs. Elizabeth Beale, at Hilling, in the Parish of Berrow ; or of Mr. John Clark, at Pendock, — who will shew the Premisses to any Person inclined to purchase. To be LETT, And Enter'd upon the 5th of April next, A FARM, Situate in the Parish of Peopleton, within about six Miles of Worcester, and six of Evesham, COnsisting of a good Dwelling- House, Stables, Barns, and Out- Buildings, with Arable, Pasture, and Mea dowing, to be sett from about Sixty Pounds a- Year to One Hundred Pounds or more. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dineley, of Peopleton aforesaid. Wednesday's and Thursday's POSTS. Extract of a Letter from BOSTOn, in New England, dated ^ December 1. SI N C E our last we have heard more of the & terrible Effects of the late Earthquake than the throwing down of Chimnies, Stone Fences, & c. v z That many excellent Springs of Water are dried up, or their Course altered, and new ones opened in their Places. In many Parts of the Country a great Numb'er of Eruptions appear, from whence a fine Sand and Water continue to issue out. — By a Letter from New Hampshire, dated a Week past, we are told, that, in same Parts of that Province, the Shocks had been more frequent than in these Parts of the Oxfordshire, Charles Peers, of Chislehampton, Esq; Shropshire, Anthony Kinnersly. of Leighton, Esq; Staffordshire, John Touchet Chetwode, of Oakeley, Esq Warwickshire, John Taylor, of Sheldon Hail, Esq; Worcestershire, Joseph Bidle, of Evesham, Esq; Brecon, William Prytherch. of Llandevaylog, Esq; Radnor, John Lewis, of Prestigne, Esq; Denbigh, Maurice Jones, of Gellygonan, Esq; Flint, John Wright, of Plas iffa, Esq; N. B. The Remainder of the Lsft of Gentlemen appointed for the other Counties in England and Wales, will be inferted in our next Paper. We can assure the Publick, that our Most Gracious SOVEREIGN, from a just Regard to the Honour of Al- mighty God, and a true Concern for the temporal and eter- nal Welfare of his People, gave exprefs Orders to put an immediate Stop to the MASqUERADE advertised for last Thursday,— which has given the highest Satisfaction, and is acknowledged with the greatest Gratitude by all his serious. faithful and loyal Subjects.— May all ATHEISM, PROPHANENESS, BLASPHEMY, and IMPIETY of every Kind, be effectually discouraged ; and may the King's Throne be establish'd in Righteousness, and let all his People say Amen. We are assured that the French Court have declar'd their Intention of commencing Hostilities without any formal Declaration of War. What has been industriously reported as to the French King and the Queen of Hungary's joining Forces must be premature, as we have received no Mail to confirm it. Yesterday some Pieces of Cannon, with Powder, Ball, ! cc. went out of the Tower for the Regiments quartered in the West His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the several Lieutenants and Ensigns of Ten Regiments of Foot which are to be forthwith rais'd, who are to repair to their res pective Head Quarters before the 24th of March next, which will be at the following Places: Col. Abercrombie's at Norwich ; Col Napier's at Exeter; Col. Lambton's at Coventry; Col. Whitmore's at York ; Col. Campbell's at Salisbury ; Col. Perry's at Sterling ; Col. Lord Charles Manner's at Newcastle; Col. Arabin's at Manchester ; Col. Anstruther's at Gloucester; and Col. Montagu's at Leicester. General Conversation says, that a Governor in the West Indies is ordered home forthwith, on Account of his having imprison'd eighteen Gentlemen of the Assembly, for having voted against him. It is likewise said, that a Governor in North- America is order'd home. It is said that Dr. Pinfold, of Doctors' Commons, will shortly set out for the West Indies, in Quality of Gover- nor of one of the Islands there, in the room of a certain Gentleman who his resigned. And, That the Earl of Home, and Colonel Abercrombie, are going to America, to take upon them, ( with the Earl of Loudon) the Command of our Forces there. A Batalion of Royal Scots, General Otway's Regiment, and the Regiment of Highlanders, are to embark from Ireland to that Continent. It is said that the Right Hon. Lord John Murray and his Regiment are to go with the other Forces to America We are assured that Col. Abercrombie Will be made a Major General, and that he is to act in Conjunction with the Earl of Loudon. One of our Men of War having been off Brest, reports that there are about 20 Ships of War, and a great Num- ber of small Vessels, suppos'd to be Transports, in that Harbour . Admiral Boscawen is gone to Portsmouth to hoist his Flag on board the Invincible Man of War. The greatest Expedition is ordered to be used in com- pleating the Works round Chatham, and a thousand Men are ordered to be added to the People employed in that Work. By Letters from Virginia we hear that the Assembly has been dissolved, on a Difference with the Governor, who refused to give his Consent to a Law for circulating 200.000 1. more of Paper Currency, which he judged would greatly hurt the lnterest of the British Merchants. Letters from Paris, by Yesterday's French Mail, bring Advice ot a dreadful Shock of Earthquake at Lisbon on the 5th inst. which was attended with fiery Eruptions from the Bowels of the Earth. But a Letter received Yesterday from an eminent Mer- chant at Lisbon, dated the 6th inst makes no Mention of any Earthquake or Eruption fince the 6th of December. Letters from France also make Mention of an Earth- quake near Bayonue, whereby a whole Village has been swallowed up. They likewise tell us that Madame de Pompadour and Monsieur de Puyzieux are against a War ; but whether they will have Influence enough to prevent a Rupture, a very little- Time will probably discover. We hear a Bill will be brought into Parliament this Sessions; to promote the Manufacture of British Linnens. We heat, the Lady Harry Beauclerk is appointed House - Keeper of Windsor Castle, in the room of the Hon. Mrs. Chudleigh, deceased. The late John Philips, Esq; of Lowlayton, hath left 1000 1. to the Foundling- Holpital, and 10,000 1. more in Reversion. Last Sunday Fortnight in the Afternoon a Merchant in the City sent his Maid Servant, a raw Country Wench, along with his Daughter and only Child of seven Years old, to St. James's Park, where, in staring about her, she lost the Child, who was picked up by a Woman, who under Pretence of taking her home, carried her to a Cel- lar where she lived, and immediately dripped her, and put her on Rags : On the Maid's returning without the Child, the unhappy Parents were in Pangs only to be con' ceived, not expressed ; the poor Gentleman, however, conjecturing she was stolen in order to be stripped, search'd all the Pawnbrokers in Expedition of finding the Cloaths, which at last he did , on examining how the Pawnbroker came by them, he said he had them of a Woman who lived in a Cellar just by, whither they went, and, to the great Joy of the Gentleman, found the poor Child, not only in Rags, but almost blind; this inhuman Monster having every Day applied hot Brass to her Sight, that when she was blind she might let her out to Beggars. There were four Children in the Cellar in that Condition. She was carried before Justice Wright, who committed her to Gaol, and sent the unhappy Babes to the Workhouse. BANKRUPTS.— John Dagley, of Basinghall- Street Bricklayer. James Dolman, of St. James, Westminster, Innholder.—— Robert Pycroft, of St. Botolph Aldgate, London, Brewer. James Ashley, of Bread Street, Lon- don, Brandy - Merchant. John Green and Robert Green, both of Leeds, York, Merchants and Partners. John Rose, of Avebury, Wilts, Dealer and Chapman^ Thomas Haskar, of the Town and County of South- ampton, Merchant. Prices of Bank Stock, 120 1 - half. India ditto, South Sea ditto, ( hut. Old Annuities, STOCKS. Ditto New Ann. ( hut. Three per Cent. Bank An- nuities, 90. India Bonds, ll. 6s. WORCESTER, January 29. The GOVERNORS of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefailion of FOUR POUNDS ONE SHILLING, received from Mrs. Rogers, of the College Precincts, by the Hands of the Rev. Mr. Meadowcourt Also for another Benefaction of THREE GUINEAS, received by the Hands of the Rev. Mr. Wormington, from a Period unknown. ——- N. B. The Infirmary being in great Want of LINNEN RAGS, large Quantities of which are con- stantly. used by the Surgeons, if any well disposed Persons would send their Old Linnen to the Hospital, the same will always be an acceptable Present, and most thankfully received. Yesterday one Mary Russell, of the Parish of Kidder- minder, was committed to our County Gaol, on Suspicion of murdering her Bastard Child. The same Day one Richard Peters was also committed, on Suspicion of breaking open the Brewhouse belonging to the Rev. Mr. John Perry, of Clent, and stealing thereout several Things. A few Days since one Samuel Price, of Upper Areley, a noted Racer, was committed to our County Bridewell, being charged with going to several People's Houses with a Pretence of having a Warrant against their Servants, and taking them out of their Masters' Business, detaining them, and extorting Money from several People. He is likewise charged with wilful and corrupt Perjury, and Mr. John Lamb and Mr. Randall, of the Parish of Ombersley, are bound to prosecute him for the same at our next As- sizes. About Five o'Clock in the Evening of last Tuesday se'nnight, as Mr. Jones, of Tipton, ( a Carrier that tra- vels between Dudley and Burton upon Trent) was going from Walsall towards Litchfield, he was attacked near the Shire Oak by two Footpads arm'd with thick Sticks, one of whom seized his Horse by the Bridle, the other pull'd him off by the Collar, and threatened to blow his Brains out it he resisted ; they tore open his Breeches Pocket, and took from thence a Bladder, in which was Forty- six Pounds in Portugal Coin, with which they made off. A few Days since a Fish- Pool, at Chaddesley, in thisN County, belonging to Mr. John Highway, which was full of Water over Night, was the next Morning found 1 quite empty, with all the Fish dead, and no Conveyance appear'd by which the Water was drawn off. To the Printer of the WORCESTER JOURNAL. Friend BERROW, By inserting the following Lines in thy next Paper, thou wilt much oblige Thy Friend, and Well- wisher to Mankind, J. P ( one of the People \ called Quakers. IHAVE been sorry at Heart, many hath been the Time, to see what Darkness hath over spread even the Chri- stian Part of the World, that they do not see so as to understand those outward end visible Signs of CHRIST his Coming, so plainly and so clearly prophesied of by CHRIST himself in St. Luke, the 21st Chapter, 25th and 26th Verses, where he speaks very plainly of the Agitation of the Water, and the Effect thereof, viz. The Sea and the Waves roaring. Men's Hearts failing them for Fear, Sc. This is to give Notice, That The CROWN INN In Broad - Street5 Worcester, Which was kept by Mr. AUgUSTIN OLDHAM, and, since his Decease, by his Sister, is now taken by JOHN PEMBERTON, Late Servant to WILLIAM STRAHAN, Esq; Where all GENTLEMEN, may depend on having the best Accommodation, by Their most humble Servant, John P emberton. N. B. There is a great deal of very good STALL- STABLINg, and Horfes are taken in at Livery. To be SOLD, A Freehold MESSUAGE and FARM, Of the Yearly Value of 501. and upwards, SI T U A T E in the Parilh of Welland, being a Manor or Royalty of itself, receiving Chief- Rents, having a jult Quantity of Orcharding, Meadow, and Pasture, for the Size of the Farm, and the Benefit of a large Com- mon, without Stint, close to the Fold. The Lands lie together very commodiously, and these, as well as the Buildings, are in good Condition. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD, Separate, or Together, Two ESTATES: THE one a Freehold, called the Pale, situate in the Parish ot Leigh, in the County of Worcester, now in the Possession of Joseph Kemp ; the other, Part Free- hold and Part Leasehold, called the Brick Walls, situate in the Parish of Hanley Castle, in the said County, now in the Possession of Richard Pitt: And late the Estates of Francis Moreton, of Eastnor, in the County of Hereford, Gent, deceas'd. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Robert Whit- combe, Attorney at Law, in Ledbury, Herefordshire. N. B. All Persons having any Demands on the Estate of the faid Mr. Moreton, are desired to give an im- mediate Account thereof unto the said Mr. Whit- „ combe, in order for Payment : And all Persons, in any wise indebted to the said Mr. Moreton, are re- quired to pay the same to the said Mr. Whitcombe, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. To all COUNTRY SHOPKEEPERS,& c. WHEREAS at the Sittings at Guildhall, London, on Saturday the 13th of December, 1755, was tried, before the Lord Chief Juftice Ryder, a Cause, wherein William and Cluer Dicey and Co', of Bow Church Yard, London, Original Proprietors of Dr. BATeMAN'S PECTORAL DROPS, were Plaintiffs, and Joseph Russel, of Queen Street, London, Defendant, for the Defendant's selling a Medicine as and for Dr. BATEMAN'S Pectoral Drop: pre- pared by the Plaintiffs, in Bottles sealed in Imitation of theirs, and with printed Papers resembling those which are given by the said Diceys and Co. with their True and Original Dr. BATEMAN's Pec- toral Drops j when, after a full Hearing, the Jury, without going out of Court, found a Verdict for the Plaintiffs, with Damages, be-" sides Costs of Suit: And whereas a former Verdift was likewife ob- tain'd by them some Time since, against one Thomas Randall, of Bread Street, London, for alike Complaint! It is hoped these Profecutions will, for the future, prevent any more such Practices, and fully prove to all the World, that the True Mcdicine call'd Dr. BATIMAN's PeCtoral Drops is sold only at the said Diceys and Company's Warehouse, at the King's Arms and Boar's Head, directly facing the South Door of Boiu Church, in BOw Church Yard next Bow Lane, Cheapside, London. But inasmuch as many Town and Country Shopkeepers may have bought for Sale'Medicines under the Denomination of Dr. BATE- AN'S Pectoral Drops, prepared by the said William and Cluer Dicey and Company, which in Fact never mere so, and may inadvertently attempt to sell the same by Retale or otherwise ; THIS is therefore to give Notice to all such Shopkeepers, That if any of them shall so the future presume to sell any Medicine what- soever under the Name of Dr. BATEMAS'I Peroral Drops, pre- pared by the said William and Cluer Dicey and Co. which shall not have really been prepared by them, that they will be prosecuted for the same as the Law directs. And as an Encouragement to detail such Counterfeits, and the Venders of them, the Proprietors do hereby promise a Reward of TWENTY POUNDS on Conviction of any Person or Persons Counter- feiting thefe Drops, their Seal and Directions, and Selling them for the Drops prepared by the said William and Cluer Dicey and Company N. B. These DROPS have, for more than Forty Years, been universally known, for Curing and giv ing immediate Ease in all Colds, Coughs, Agues Fevers, Huxes, Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Breast Limbs, and Joints, in all Fits of the Gout, Rheu mitic Pains, Stone, Gravel, and Cholick, t5V. •• And, By Appointment, are now sold by the Printer of this Paper, at One Shilling each Bottle To be LETT,/ And Enter'd upon at Lady Day next, A large commodious WAREHOUSE, Near Forty Feet long, and Twenty Feet wide, With a large Rcom over the same, capable of housing a large Quantity of Hops, Situate in Powick's Lane, in the City of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Joseph Watson, Ironmonger, in Broad- Street. N. B. The above Premisses are very convenient either for a Hop Merchant or a Cyder Merchant. On Tuesday next will be publish'd, ( Price Five Shillings bound in Calf, ) Illuftrated with a Variety of curious COPPER- PLATES, A Second Volume, which completes the WORK, of THE LABORATORY; SCHOOLof ARTS. In which are faithfully exhibited, and fully explain'd, I. The Antiquarian, or curious Examiner of anticnt Coins and Medals. II. A xhort Introduction to the Art of Drawing in general ; with an Essay on Designing and Draw- ing Patterns for the Flower'd Silk Manufactory, Embroidery, and Printing. III. The Art of Painting in Oil- colours, and Metzotintoes on Glass. IV. Introductory Rules for finding the natural Shadows of the Sun, likewise those of the Torch, Lamp, OF Candle. V. Of Water- works, Foun- tains, and Grottoes,. in Miniature, for grand Entertainments. VI. The Art of Dialling, or of Making of Sun Dials. VII. A Collection of choice Receipts, and Experiments of va- W I T H A great Number of other scarce and valuable Secrets: Compiled for the Use, Benefit and Entertainment, of the Curious. By G. SMITH. London: Printed for C Hitch and L. Haws, R. Bald win, S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater Noster Row. Nothing contained in the First Volume of this Work, makes any Part of this Second Volume, which is entirely new. rious Kinds, relating to the Pro- duce of Gardens} as Flowers, Fruits, Stc. VIII. A Directory for the Ma- nagement of a Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden, through every Month of the Year. IX. Optical Experiments, by Means of which the most surpri- zing and incredible Performances are exhibited, for the Entertain- ment of the Curious. X. The Art of Distilling of Liquids, Cordials, & c. in all its Branches. XI. A short Introduction to Civil Architecture, or the Art of Building. XII. The Art of Refining, Tanning of Leather, and Dying of Skins in various Colours: Of Fireworks, Cosmeticks, Per fumes, & e. & c. To the Subscribers of Maitland'S HISTORY of LONDON, Now publishing Weekly, in FOLIO, AS this WORK is drawing near the Conclusion, and many of the Numbers out of Print, you are desir'd to be as early as possible in purchasing such Numbers as will perfect your Books, in order to enable the Proprietors to ascertain the Number necessary to be reprinted, and to prevent any Complaint hereafter that you cannot have them perfected. As there will be no Copper Plates in this WORK, curioully engraved, containing all the Publick Edifices in and about the Metropolis of LONDON, a Collection of great Expence, and never executed before ; and which, if separated, could not be sold cheaper than they now are with the Books, the Price of the Whole must be raised, when it is compleated ; but such Persons as chuse to begin with Number I. and take them progressively, will be served at the present very low Price, by Mess. Osborne and Shipton, in Gray's Inn ; J Hodges, on London Bridge; and R. Baldwin, in Pater Noster Row, London; or by the Distributors of News Papers in the Country. No. 108 was publish'd on Saturday last, to be finished in 120 Numbers, according to the Proposals. ' His Day is Published, The SECOND EDITION, Price only Two Shillings, neatly bound, Eeing the cheapen, and more universally approv'd, than any of the Kind ever yet publish d, THE Complete LETTER WRITER ; O R, New and Polite English SECRETARY. CONTAINING, DIRECTIONS to write LETTERS on all Occa- fions, in a polite, easy, and proper Manner ; with a great Variety of Examples, from the best Authors, on Business, Duty, Amusement, Affection, Courtship, Love, Marriage, Friendship, to which is prefix'd, A plain and compendious English Grammar, WITH INSTRUCTIONS how to addrefs Persons of all Ranks, either in Writing or Discourfe ; And, at the End, Some elegant Poetical EPISTLES, and Orthographical DIRECTIONS ; with a SPELLIN'O DICTIONARY of such Words as are alike in Sound, but different in Sense, very useful to the Englilh Scholar. London: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater- Noster Row* and sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in Leech- Street, Worcester. To be LETT,; And Enter d upon at OLD CANDLEMAS next, A very IMPROVEABLE ESTATE, Of about 901, a- Year, r SITUATE at Storridge, in the Parilh of Cradley, in the County of Hereford, six Miles from the City of Worcester, consisting of a good Dwelling House, Barns, Stables, Hop- Kilns, Cyder- Mill, and other convenient Out- Buildings, with a large Tract of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, extensive Orcharding, and some Hop Ground, which may be enlarged and polled off the Premisses. The Farm is now in the Possession of Wil- liam Cook, who hath been Tenant thereof more than forty Years, and only quits it now on Account of his great Age and bodily Infirmities. *** A g° od Tenant will meet with all fitting En- couragement. For further Information apply to John Brodribb, Esq; or Mr. William Freme, in Worcester. On Monday, Feb. 2, will be published, ( To be continued Monthly, Price Six pence, J A Periodical Work, upon a Plan entirely New, call'd The UNIVERSAL VISITER, MONTHLY MEMORIALIST. For JANUARY, 1756. Sounding with Moral Virtue was his Speech, And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach. CHAUCER. London: Printed for T. Gardner, at Cowley's Head, facing St. Clement's Church, in the Strand ; and Sold by all the Booksellers, Printers and News - Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. N this Performance the Authors hope to appear as Po- liticians without Party, Historians without Prejudice, Philosophers without Moroseness, Critics without Ill- Na- ture, and as Men of rational Pleasure without Wantonness. - And besides these more serious Articles, they pre- sume they can acquit themselves, with some Address, in the various and entertaining Charadters of Poet, Painter, Player and Musician. The Amusement of the Ladies will likewise be attended to in the Prosecution of this De- sign ; and, in all other Respects, their utmost Abilities will be exerted to merit the Publick Esteem, without which they neither expect nor desire to succeed. As they will ever be glad to give Instruction, ( as far as it may be in their Power,) so, reciprocally, will they be proud of re- ceiving it, by the Means of ingenious and communicative Correspondents: A Lesson which was taught them by those Two excellent Lines of Chaucer, which they have chosen for their Motto. I This Day is Publijhed, Price 6 d. BRITISH HERBAL: CONTAINING A COMPLEAT HISTORY OF THE PLANTS and TREES Which are NATIVES of BRITAIN, or cultivated Here for Use, or commonly raised for their Beauty ; disposed in an easy and natu- ral Method ; with their Descriptions at large ; their Names in dif- ferent Authors; their Places of Growth ; Times of Flowering; and Virtues and Uses in MEDICINE and MECHAN1CKS. Illustrated with a great Number of FIGURES on FOLIO COPPER- PLATES, Engraved by the mot Eminent HANDS. By JOHN HILL, M. D. CONDITION'S. THIS Work will consist of One Volume, in Folio, and no more ; and will be published in Fifty Numbers, on a fine Paper and with a new Letter. Each Number will consist of Three Sheets of Letter- Press, and one Plate of Figures, or of two Sheets of Letter- Press, and two Plates ; ( each Plate being considered as equivalent to one Sheet,) and will be de. livered Weekly at the Price of Sixpence. London: Printed for T. Osborne and J. Shipton in Gray's Inn ; J. Hodges, on London Bridge ; J. Newbery, in St. Paul's Church Yard ; S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, in Pater Noster Row; B. Collins in Salisbury ; and sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller, in Leech- Street, Wor- cester ; by whom the Numbers will be delivered Weekly j as also by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers. ADVERTISEMENTS ( of a moderate Length) are taken ia at zs. 6d each; and Articles of Intelligence ( Post paid) will be receiv'd, and carefully inserted ** ADVERTISEMENTS, are likewise taken in by Mr. Haslewood, Bookseller, in Bridgnorth; Mr. Cotton, Bookseller, in Shrewsbury ; Mr. Hopkinson, Bookseller in Warwick; Mr Wylie, Bookseller, in Stowerbridge ; Mr. Feepound, in Stafford ; Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, in Evesham ; Mr Hunt, and Mr Hedges, Booksellers, m"!;. Hereford 1 Mr Moseley,, Bookseller, in Kidderminster ; Mr. Ashmead, Bookseller, in Tewkesbury ; Mr Raikes, Printer, in Gloucester ; Mr. Aris, Printer, in Birmingham; at the George and Green Dragon Inns, at Campden ; by Mr. Thomas, Postmaster, in Leominster.; Mr Burrow, Book leller, in that Town; at the principal Inns in Broadway and Morton in Marsh ; and by the Agents employ'd in other Towns in the Distribution of this Journal. Likewise by Mr. Dod, Bookseller, in Ave Mary Lane, London. A-^ ^ ' DUTY TO ME SAML. MOUNTFORD
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