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The General Advertiser

Date of Article: 04/12/1746
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3518
No Pages: 4
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NtlWB. t 3 . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, I745' 6- Deal, February, z. » HE Deptford Storefhip is failed with the Merchant Ship* for the River. Game down two Men of War, and remain with his Majefty's Ship the t Prin'cefS Loirifv Admiral Mayne ® 1 and tke Men of. VYai- as in my laftT . Wind S. H. • Cravefivd, Feb. z. Pafs'd. by . Succefs, Hill, from St. Ubes; Indu- jtry-, ( Davis, from Newfoundland ; Four, Brothers, Brafier, from New- York ; the Anne Gat'y, Wigg; Atlas, Cole ; Whitehall, Dewers; and Great Kritain, Crookfhanks, from Jamaica. Falmouth, fan. 30. Arrived the Expedition Packet, Cli. es, from Lifbon. ' Saikd King G eorge Packet, Lovel, for Lifbon, withal! the Outward bound Ships. Dartm- n. lh, Jan. 31. ' 1 his Day failed tfye Foitune, Tutfham, for Barbados ; and Barbadoes Merchant, Ma- ther, for South Carolina. Wind N. N. E. Weymouth, Feb. '. Sail'd the Dove, Webb ; John and Molly, Keet ; and Little Crown, Brain, all ofthis Place, for London ; but rhe fall is put back, having carried away the Head of his Maft. Arrived the Loyal Pnher, Tizard; Profpefous, Talbot.; and Sarah, Bifhop, from London. Paft by Two Brothers, Weldoa, from London, for Ire- land. Wind N.. E. Fool, Feb. i. Sailed ! the Vernon, Reeks; and Lon- don,. Young, for Souch. CaroKna ; Coronation, Strong, for Plymouth, Ireland and Newfoundland. Came in John and Thomas. Henning, for London. Cezoes, Frb. J. tailed Friendship, Lifle, from Phila- delphia, tor London ; and Hope, Bromley, for Guemfey. CtOne w Groves,: Pearfan i and Rirbv, Bayly, from Portf- moath. Sail'd Yeilefday the Amphitrite, \ faguire, from Floftxing, for Euftatia ; Groot Proyen, from Middleburgh for Africa ; and Endeavour, Fergus, from Southampton for Penzmce and Madeira. & wtb « n> fiw, Fib. - 1. Sailed the Montague, Bjenyenu, for. Guernsey, ; Providence, Galliciian,- Jofeph and Anne, Legr05; and Speedwell, Scott, for Jerfey, Wind North. The Italian Merchant Reed from London, js arriv'd at Maryland • ••".: The Friendfhipj Noble, from Barbadoe.% at Lancafter. The Bonaventure, Palmer, from South Carolina, at Execer. "" L O N D O N. Thefe has been publifhed in Holland A ColleB'ion of Letters and othir inttrefingPieces relative to the Hifory of the Peace' f Drefd. H. It contains fourteen Pieces, among which are four '^ Letters of the King of Pruflia to M. Vil tiers, that are peCuli . rly worthy of Attention. We fhall prefent Our Readers with a Tranflation of them, as we imagine nothing can be more agreeable from abroad. v' ~ * LETTER I. ' SIR, ' I believe England and all Europe are convinced of my • Moderation. If the King of Poland had not forced me, *. by his ill Proceedings, to enter his Country, I had never • done it. But notwithftanding the Advantage?, which all 4 Europe fees me have over my Enemies, I am inclin'd to ' fubferibe to an Accommodation. Having too well 4 karn'd however, by Experience, how much Ufe the « Court of Drefden makes of its o. vn Advantages, 1 cai> • not caufe a Cefi'atren of Hoftillities, rter withdraw my < Troops out of this Country, before the King of Poland 1 acquiefces purely and limply to the Convention of Ha- • novcrv You may affare yourfeSf, that 1 expeft the Ne\ Vs • of this with all' imaginable Impatience, and that the « Moment I receive it, I will take Mealltrcs . in Confe- • « queoce. You petceive y- ourfelf, chat what you write me • is not fufikient to ftop the Piogrefs of a victorious Army, • and that the Court of Drefden feems to referve to itfelf a • Back- Ddor, whi e it waits for the Confent of the Court •* of Vienna. Upon the lealt Difcoveiy of more Since- • rity on their Side, - and your Undertaking in the Name. .* The other Pieces in this CoIleSlkn are- two Letters of Coiint^ de Pod. toils to Mr fillers, two Declarations of the - Court of . Drefden, jberiving tbe Care of his Pi- Hfh Majefty not to. feparate kis envtr Iutntjl from that of his Allies ; a very curio s Memoir, by Way of Refefiion, ef bis Prujfsan Mejefys y. inifir. y; and fw• Letters- sf Mr. fritters, one to the C-. u . tde Podeuils, and three others to the • King. oJ Prufi fit- of the King of England, to guarantee to me the Confe- quences, 1 am ready to give my Hand to all the pacific Difpofitions you can take for the Re- eftablifhment of a folid and durable Peace between our two Courts. I only require of you a categorical Anfwer thereupon, and in the mean Time, the King of Poland fnall fee, that I wifh myfelf but for the Confervation of his Subjefts, and for the Re- eftabl ifliment of a laftin& Friendfhip with my Neighbours. . It will depend only on him to cultivate it for the future, and to draw more Advantages from it than from that with his other Allies. I intreat you to employ in this Affair all the Dexterity I know you poffefs, in or- der to finifh a Negociation, which ^ nfwers fo well the Intentions of the King your Malter, by ie- eftabliftiing the Peace of Germany, and appeafing a War between two Neighbours, which cannot fail of being ruinous and unfortunate to both the Parties at War. You may fa- tisfy youvfelf, that on your Negociation will depend the Fate of Saxony. \ 1 - sim, with Sentiments of Ffeem, c. Sign'd, FREDERICK. • P. S. It is my Intention to make Peace according to * the Treaty of Hanover. I have driven the Auftrians ' out of Germany, and nothing- remains but to fend them ' quite back ; but let the King of Poland: declare, under ' the Guarantee of England, that he will accept this Con- * vention, either with the Court of Vienna or feparately, ' and Hoftillities fhall ceafe. You perceive plainly that I * require Securities, and what I demand is conformable to ' Jultice and good Senfe. I will flay a fare Game. LETTER II. S I R; ' I know not whether myfelf or the Saxons willbe moft ' obliged to you for the Re eftablifiinientcf Peace. The ' Evil I do my Neighbour I do very much againft my ' Heart. I am forcecf to come to thefe Extremities ; but ' I procure, at the. fame Time, all the Helps that depend ' op me, for the King of Poland to extricate himf lf cut " of this Perplexity. It will be necefiitry then, in order ' radically to put an End to this unhappy War, that the ' King of Poland do difpatch immediately the full Powers ' to ose of his Mtnifters, for which Purpbfe I herewith * fend you the PafTport, I have.^ ifpatch'd my Orders to 4 my Cabinet Minifter, £ ount de Podey/ ils, to repair hi- ' ther immediately ; afte, which, the Convention may be ' properly drawn up, and as foon as it fhall be ratified by ' the King of Pol . pd, I will cvaroate his Country, his ' Fortiefles, & c. and caufe Hoftillitfes to ceafe,. As. to the ' Article of the Ceflation of Contributions, and the In- ' deirmification of Damages done; the Contributions can- ' not ceafe till the King of Poland has- ratified the Prelimi- ' naries drawn by ourMimfters; and 1 can as little indern- ' nify tho King of Poland of the. Damages fuftain'dby his ' Subjefts, as he and the Queen of Hungary will indem- ' nify me of what they have done me, and continue to do < in Silefia. You will do me a Pleafure, Sir, by accom- ' panying the Saxon Minifter, who comes with his Mailer's ' full Powers. This will procure to me the. Satisfaction of « feeing a Man whom J efteem much, and who, fill'd with ' the true Sentiments that a Minifter ought to have, will ' procure Peace and Tranquillity to Nations, by extin- ' guifhing the Torch of Difcord. and War. I believe ' moreover, that you will have no Time to lofe, in pro- ' curing from your Court the full Powers you will have ' need of for the Guarantee of Great- Britam, and in * caufing M. de Beftncheff and the Dutch Minifler to aft ' conformably. I regard this Peace as the Bafts of thePa- ' cification of Gerihany. The Queen of Hungary will ' either come into it at. firft, or fhe will not belong in fo * doing. As to the reft, J hove heard with . Grief, that ' the King of Poland has quitted his Capital: It is in my ' Opinion offering me an Affront. I Have always efleem'd ' him perfonally ; and amidft the greateft Ravage of War, « Relpeft would have been had to his Charafter and Fa- ' mily. You may aflure this Prince of the Cordiality and ' Sincerity of my Sentiments, and that it depends only on ' him for the two Courts hereafter to live in the ltrifteft ' Friendfhip. I beg you will relt allured of the Sentiments ' of my Elteerr, with which, & c.' ( f. he Third and Fourth Letters will be infer! ed another Opportunity. J v Letters from Breft inform us that a . Ship was arrived there from Martinico, Which brought* an Accotint, that the French Fleet left that Ifland on the aift of Oftober, and as they have not been heard of fince, the Merchants were in great Pain left they have- fallen into the Hands of the Englifh, and carried into North America ; or have met with very bad Weather. 4 Yefterday an Exprefs arrived from the North, which ' we hear brings an Account, that his Royal High- • nefs the Duke of Cumberland arrived at the Abby at ' Holy- rood Houfe at T hree o'Clock on TJjujfday Morn- '' ing, accompanied by Lord All emar!?, Lord Bury, Lord ' Cathcart, See. That there was great Rejoicing upon his 4 Arrival, and it was thought fv would iet out with the ' Army, in Order to attack the Rebels the next Day : * That the Rebels had ereftetl a Bat'ery, and fr'd , iipon ' the Caflle of Stirling on Wedneiday Morning,. but With- ' out any Effeft : And that. Cjcnersl Blakeney was very ' alert, and had killed a great many of them." His Majefty's Ship the Yarmouth, Admiral Martin ; with the Monmouth, Tilbury, Folk ( lone, and Weazle Sloop, with the Ships for Portugal, & c. under their Con- Voy, arrived at Spithead on Saturday, from the Downs. A LIST of the French Ships taken, burnt and funk, bn the nth of Novemb. r, N. S. by the Squadron under the Command of Admiral Townfhend' in theWeJl- l. dies. From Nantz. L'Amitie, Pavageau, taken LeRubis, Mactiemara, ditto La Madelair. e, Pegion, ditto La Societe, Normand, ditto La Marguerite, Rqljand, burnt From Havre. La Junon, Depons, ditto From Bourdeaux. Le Bourbon, Petit, taken LeMarfhal Broglio, LaViHe burnt LT Ieureux- Retour, V£ douze taken L'AmiablePucelle, LaMotte, ditto La Dauphin, Gautier, ditto . . J. *.- . . • jit. 11 ' O, LIST of the Ships that arrivtd. jft Martinico, after the ASion with Admiral Tewnfhe.;: d. La Tfinitc, LaVerle, funk Le Roi Salomon, Baudry, . taken La Mifierve, Pinguet, dit: o LaRtoutation, LaBedat, ditto L'Afr. cain, Char . to],- burnt La Chajfe R oyale, Chaffe . u, • ^ i'i ditto La Patience, Bedar, funk . LfcA^ rq, a Argenfon, Brun, ditto From Bayonne. LaSuzanne, LaCoudte, taken From Rochel'e, LeNeptune, ^ lai- rinieu, ditto i. in all si. From Nantz. Le Thelemaque. Le Amazone, From St. Maloes. Le Chaffeur. • L'Heoreufe. Le Charles- Aogufte. La Nereide. Le Saint Jacques. From buurdeaax- Le Louis Jofeph. Le Dauphin. L'Heureufe Paix. La Marie., La Double- Alliance, Le Fidelle- Marie. Le Cupidon, FrOmVanr. es, La Suzanne; From Bayonne. L'Expeditian. Le Hcrdy. From Marfcilles, L'Aquilon. And three SmallVeflels from from St. Vallery. In all 21. This Advice was brought to France by the Francoife Marie, Capt. Le Fe!= re, who left Martinico the 2/ d of November, N. S. and is arrived at Marbiham, The above Account was publifhed at Bourdcaux cn the zjth of January, N. S. by Authority : And fays, that all the People efcaped, except the Second Captain of the Amitie, who was fhot in two by a Cannon Bail ; and the Crew of the La Societe, Capt. Normand, who were made Prifoners by the Englifh. The Speedwell, Fifh, from Antigua for London, is taken and carried into St. Maloes. The Mary, Woodrope, f om London for Madeira, is taken and carried into Morlaix, The Lime, Swin, from Plymouth for Carolina, is car- ried into St. Maloes. . The Lady Elizabeth, Arnoult, of Bremen, from Cork, is carried into St. Maloes. The Two Sifters, Brackin, from Lancafter and Dublin, was taken within three Leagues of Antigua. The Roebuck, Davis, from New foundknd to London, is carried into St. Jean de Luz, The Chaldow, Olive, from Newfoundland to Portugal, is taken by a Spanifh Privateer, and carried into Vigo. The Three Friends, Allen, from Barbadoes for London was left well the 26th paft, at the Mouth of St. George's Channel. Yefterday Phillis Booker was committed to Wo ; d- ftreet Compter, by Sir Robert Ladlroke, for felonioufiy picking the Pocket of Rachael North, near Bow- Church m Cheap- fide Sunday Night, of two Half- crowns and a'Six- pence. Asr was likewife George Edmunds to Bridewell, for pil- fering Tobacco from Brewer's Key the Property of Mr. Alexander Black, Merchant. A D V E R TIS E M E N T S are taken In for this Paper, at LLQYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, in Lombard- Street. l^ piii Am ® * lllif We heir, that the Right Hon. the Lord Vifcounc Tor- lington, Vice- Treafurer of Ireland, will be made Trea furer of the Chamber to his Majefty, in the room of Sir John Hind Cotton, Bart. That Sir William Yortge, Bart. Secreiary at War, will be made Vice- Treafurer of Ireland, in the room of the Lord Vifcount Torrington. And, That William Pitt, Efq; will be made Secretary at War, in the room of Sir William Yonge, Bart. On Tuefday laft died univeri'ally regretted and lamen- ted, Lady Dixwell, Wife of Sir Bafil Dixw ell of Broome in Kent, Bart, and Daughter of — Longueville, Efq; The WAREHOUSE for Morning Gtwns and Banj* iis is removed from Pope's- Head Alley, to the Woolpack and Dolphin, Three Doors above Birchin- lane in Lombill: Where great Variety of Gowns are kept ready made,, of rich Silk Damaiks, fine Scotch Plaids, Flower'd RuiTels. Figur'd Grog. ams Valluret% Sec. Alfo Banjans of fine Cloth, Duffins, Plaids and Danufks. All forts of V elvet- Caps and Sallies. COUNTRY- NEWS. Brijlol, Fe!>. i. Monday laft Sufannah Stone was taken up on a violent Sufpic on of murdering her Fem . le Baftard Child, which was tound( in a large Leather Pocket, in a Bog- houfe, with its Navel- ftring tied round its Hand- Wrift. Upon the Inqueft ( he conffs'd, that Dec. 27, fhe was de- livered of the faid Child dead- born, and that ihe threw it into the Vault. She is ordered to be committed on her own Conftffion. The Child was fo putriried,. that no Operation could be performed on its Lungs tojudge whe- ther it was born ahve or not { fo that fhe may fur this 1 ime efcaj- e the Hand of J'uftice. Yefterday a Woman was taken cut of the Mud at the Head of tlie Key, w ith her Cloaths cut eff elo'e by her Waill. How Ihe came by her Death is not known. Not wick, Feb. I. We hear from Yarmouth, that Capt. James Dawfon is eleCted- Aldeiman of that Corporation, in the Room of John f'arfon, Bfq; deceafed, and Mr. Lan- cafter, a Ship- builder, a Common- Council- Man. Laft Monday at rhe Scffions held for this City, three Women were tried for Pet: y Larceny, one of which was acquitted, and the other two found guilty, and ordered to be whipt; but it appearing one of them was pregnant, htr punifhment was refpited. Several Alehoufe- keepers who were profecuted for keep- ing diforderly Houfes appeared, and are continued to next Seftions ; and one was committed till a Fine of Forty Shillings fhould be paid. Canterbury, Feb. 1. Yefterday the Rev. Thomas Tan- ner, M. A. Son of the late Bilhop Tanner, and Son in Law of the Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, was inftalied a Prebendary of this Church, which his Grace conferr'd cn him, in the Room of the Rev. Ed . vard Doune, L L. D deceas'd; by whofe Death the ReCtory of Alh^ llows Lombard- ftreet, London, became void; which is in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Jan. 27. The Rebe s continue about Stir ling and Falkirk; ' tis faid a Party has returned towards Glafgow ; their Provifions are very fcaae, and their N um- bers diminifh daily by Defertion. A great Number of Deterters, from the Corps of Lord John Drummond, have fucctflively come to Town for feveral Lays lift Week. Several cf the Soldiers who mifkehaved in the late Skirmifli near Falkirk have tx. en puniihed by a fevere Whipping. On Saturday died of a Pleuriiy Colonel Legoniar a brave and experienced Officer and much lamented, he was Colonel of the Regiment of Dragoons late Gardner's. Yeltcrday a very fine ' I rain of Artillery with its Ap- purtenances, arrived at the Abbey ; it confills of 16 Pie- ces of Cannon. Stirling Caftle continues to make a brave Defence ; and General Blakeney has prevented the Rebels hitherto from compleating any of their - Worksr Many of them are killed. Edinburgh, Jan. 28. We are allured, that two French Engineers have deferted into the Caltle of Stirling. We have certain Intelligence, by an Exprefs arrived this Morning from the secretary's Office, that his Majefty, in order to animate his Troops in Scotland, and the better to fupport the Zeal and Efforts of his faithful Subjects there, and to extinguifh altogether this moft wicked and unna- tural Rebellion, has been gracioufly pleafed to direct the Duke of Cumberland to go to Scotland; and that his Roy- al Highnefs was to fet out the 24th in the Evening for £- dinburgh. . We are alfoaffured that tho' his Royal High- nefs will have the chief Command whilft Jhe is in Scot- land, yet his Majefty is fo well fatisfied with Lieutenant General Hawley, that his Commifiion is ftill to fubfift, and his Authority is not to be leffened in any other Way. The Inhabitants of this City are clearing their Windows, which are to be illuminated in the moft fplendid Manner To- morrow's Night, when his Royal Highnefs is expect- ed here. We have certain Advice from Stirling, that the Rebels Juve been unfucceisful in fere t Attempts on the Caftle . on Sunday Night they endeavoured < 0 fcale the Walls, but were repulled with great Lofs. They are now col- lecting Wool- Packs, under favour of which, they expeCt to raife a Battery. ft* We hear that feveral R egiments of Foot and Dragoons, are on their . Way to join the Army here. A Party of the Rebels are coine to Linlithgow; and this Day a French Drum came to Town under a Guard, with a Meffage, as tis faid, to the Commanding Offi- cers. it is reported, that the Right Hon. Lord Monzie one of the Lords of Seflion,' is made a Prifoner by the Rebels. A Ship is arrived from Newcaftle, with a great Quan- tity of Tents, Clothes, and other Neceffaries for the Army. Bank- Stock 123 1 half a 122. India Ditto 1551 halfa 156 a 51 half. South Sea Stock 93 1 half. Ditto Old Annuities95 1 half 397. Ditto New 95 a 3 8ths. Three per Cent. Annuities 74 3 4ths a 75, Ditto 1742, 7.4 3 4th a7;. Dkto 1743 and 1744, 74 3 4thsa 75. Ditto 174$, 74 3 4thsa7j. Million Bank 110. Equivalent too. Royal Affurance 77. London Affurance 9 1 half. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circu lation no Price. India Bonds 55. s. a 11 s. Difc. Three and a half Salt Tallies no Price. Three and a half per Cent. Exchequer Orders no Pries. Three per Cent. Dkto no Price. H A Y M A R K E T. AT the K [ N G's T H EAT RE in the HAY- MARKET, this Day, wi. 1 be ptrform'd a New OPLRA, cail'd IL TRIONFO DELLA CONTINENZA. With DANC06 and other DECORATIONS Entirely N w. Pit and Buses to bj put together, and no Perfons to be adroitttd without. Tickets, which will be delivered this Day, at the Opera- Ofikein the Hay- Market, at Half a Guinea each. Gallery 5 s, By HIS . M A J E S T- Y'i COMMAND, No Perfons what fever to be admitted behind the Scenes. The Gallery to be open'd at Fair o'Cl ck. Pit and Boxes at Five, To begin at Six o'clock. D E. R U R Y- L A N Never Acted there but Twice. By His Msjefly's Company of Comedians, T the Theatre - Royal in Drury - Lane, . this Day, will be prefentei a Play, call'd The TEMPEST. As written by Shakefpeare. The Part of Profpcro by Mr. Sparks ; Ferdinand, Mr. Delane ; Alonzo, Mr. Bridges ; Gonzalo, Mr. Btrry ; Stephano, Mr. Mack- fin ; Trincale, Mr. Barrington ; Caliban, Mr. I. Sparkes ; Sebaftian, Mr. Marlhal; Anthooio, Mr. Goodfellow ; Francifco, Mr. Wood - burn ; Boat wain, Mr. Biakes. The Part of Miranda, by Mifs Edwards j and the Part of Ariel ( with the proper Songs) by Ma. Ciivc. With the Original Decorations, particularly The GRAND MASQUE, new fet to Mufick by Mr. Arne. The Part of Juno by Mrs Arne; Iris, Mifs Yeung } Ceres, Mrs. Sibella ; With proper Chorus's and Dances . Concluding with a Mufical Entertainment, ( compos'd by Mr. Arne) of NEPTUNE and A M P H I T R I T E. Neptune, Mr. Lowe ; Amphitrite, Mrs. Arne; Sea Nymphs, by Mrs. Young, Mrs. Sibella, and others. The whole interfperfed with Dances by Mr. Muilment, Mr. DefCe, Mifs Scot, and others. Boxes 5- J, Pit 31. Firft Gallery A 1. Upper Gallery IT. To begin exa& ly at Sir o'Clock. COVEN T- GARDEN. AT the Theatre Royal in Co vent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, calf'd The FAIR Q^ UAKEK ofDEAL; O R, The HUMOURS of the NAVY. The Part of Worthy by Mr. Ryan; Sir Charles Pleafant, Mr. Hale ; Beau Mlzen, Mr. Woodward ; Commodore Flip, Mr. Rofc*; Rovewell, Mr. Caflielf; Eafy, Mr. Gibfon ; Cribidge, Mr. Ander- fon; Purftr, Mr. Ridout ; Sailors by Mr. Hippifley, Mr. James, Mr. Marten, Mr. Vaughan, and others. Arabella, Mrt. Vincent ; Jenny Private, Mrs. Dunrtall ; Ji. t- up, Mrs, James J Belinda, Mrs' Bland ; Bar- Maid, Mrs. Havard ; And the Part of the Fair Quaker by Mr » . Hale. With Singing by Mr. Beard. To which will be added a Dramatic Entertainment, call'd The ROYAL C H A C f, Or, MERLIN'S CAVE. The Character of a Chafleur Royal by Mr. Beard ; Merlin, M » , Leveridge ; Aerial Spirits by Mr. Cooke, and others. Jupiter, in the Charafler of Harlequin by Mr. Woodward ; Mercury, Mr. Reinhold ; Doflor, Mr. Bencrait; Colon. bine, MA, Havard; Pierot, Mr. Lalauze. Boxet 51. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery If. Upper Gallery is, To begin exaftly at Six o'CJock. |*#* To- morrow will be piefented The PILGRIM. On Tnurfday will be reviv'd a Comedy ( not a died thefe fix Years) call'd The MAN of MODE, or, Sir FO? LIN< » FLVTTI*. With Entertainments of Dancing by Mr. SODI, ( Bt; n> tit firji Tuns of hit apfurinj upi* till Stag'.) High Water at London- Bridge, this Day at 36 Minutes after 9. By particular DESIRE.-- By His Majeftfs Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre - Royal in Drury - Lane, on Saturday next, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd The MEKCHANTof V Ji N IC E The Part of Shylock by Mr. Macklin; the Merchant, Mr. De- lane ; Baflanio, Mr. Havard ; Gratiano, Mr. L. Sparks ; Lancelot, Mr. Neale; Lorenzo by Mr. Lowe, with Songs proper for the Cha- • raQer; Gobbo, by Mr. Ray ; Morochius, Mr. Woodburn ; Tubal, MrTafwell; Duke, Mr. Winftone ; Solarino, Mr. BUk- s; Solanio, Mr. Berry; Balthazar, Mr. Simpfon. Neriffa, Mrs. Bennet; jef- fica, Mifs Minors; The Part of Portia by Mrs. CLIVE. With Entertainments as will be exprefs'd in the Bills of the Day. To which will be added, The S T - A G E- C O A C H. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 j. Upper Gallery 1 j. Places a* 4 Tickets to be had of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- Dooi of the Theatre. To begin exa£ Uy at Six o'clock. For ihe Benefit of Mrs. HOOPER. T the late Wells, the bottom of Lemon- Street, Goodman's- F: elds, To- morrow, will be a Conceit of Vocal and Inftrumental MU3ICK. Divided into Two Parts." J Boxes 4 1. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery a s. Upper Gallery 1 a. Between the Two Parts of the Concert will be given Gratis, The B E G G A R's O P ERA. The Part of Polly to be perform'd by Mrs. HOOPER, ( Being tbejirji l'- r* t of ber appearing up: n that Stage'',) Ca ;> t. Macheath by Mr. HAY MAN, ( Biing tbtfirft Time of bit performing uf'tn that Stage ;) With an OccafioKal Sor. g fung by Mr. Hcyman. To which will be added a Farce, call'd The D E B A U C H E E S. With Dancing by Mr. Jofcph, Mifs Polfy, and Mafter Jack Granier. To begin exadlly at Six o'Clock. Gu Idhall, London, 24 Jan. 1745. tJfHE Committee of the Guildhall Subfcrrption, O- jer and above the Sum of 5000 \. formerly fet cpart for rewarding fuch Soldiers, who fhould bj: maimed or wounded in fltpprefjing the prefent Unnatural Rebellion^ have ordered that the like Sum of t, 000 1. le ulfo fet apart to be difiri* i uted in Rewards, among fuch Private Soldiers and Non- Commifon Officers, who fhall by their Bravery and Cou- rage dijlinguijb themfelves in fuppreffing the Rebellion, and whofe Behaviour Jhall be reprejtnted by the General Officer* to men! the fame. By Order of the Committee, T. FORD, See. Guildhall London, Dec. 31, 1745. Til E Committee appointed for the Difpofal of ' the Money arifing by the Subfeription, begun by The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and others, for the better Relief, Support a>. d Encouragement of the Soldier s employed in fitppreffing the prefent unnatural Rebellion ; give Ro: icet that the faid Subfeription is fill kept open ut tke Chamber lain s Office, at Guildhall, where proper Perfns are ap- pointed to attend, from Eleven o'Clock to Two, to receive the Contributions of fuch Per Jens as Jhall be difpofed to Subferiie to the fame ; and for the Satifaction of the Publick, tie Committee intend to publijh a Lijl of the Names of the Sub- fcribers, the Sums contributed, and the Application then- of. By Oi der of the Committee, T. FORD, Secretary. IT/ H ERE AS the Committee for carrying the Affociation of theCounty of Surry, into Execution, did on the fifih Day of November lafl, make [ a Call of 10 1. per Cent, on all the Subfaibers to be paid to tht Treafurer Sir Abraham Shard, which has r. ot yet been complied with, it is therefore defired that the Subfcribeis who have not already paid 10 per Cmt. do pay the fame ta tke Treajurtr on or before the 1 ith Day of February Infant^, the Subfcriptinn being Clofed in Order to be Pi inted. By Order of the Committee, T. MILLER, Sec. February 3, 1745- 6. To the Worthy Inhabitants of St. James's Clerkenwell. GENTLEMEN, CE FERAL Scandalous and falfe Reports bavi'g been fpread and propagated, in OrJer to Pre- judice you againfi one of your Worthy Candidates, ( a true State of < 11 hid Caft will be laid befre you in a fw Days) you are therefore earnejlly dfrd not too hafiily to engage your Votes cr Interejl, till you are fully fatisfy'd as to the Ttutb of the Affair. I am GENTLEMEN, Ycur real Friend and Well- wilher, A PARISHONER. For SALE by the C A N D L E, At the MARINE Coffee- Houfe in Btt chin- Lane, la a few Days? ALarge Aflortment of Worftecf Goods, fie for the Spanifti, Italian, Portugal, and New- England Trade, ® r Home Cnnfumption. Confining of Printed and Plain, Camblet- tees and Callimaneoes, Broad and Narrow Cambists, Carnblets 200 Yards long,- Black Crapes dy'd and undy'd, CaiFoys, Flower'd Sat- iins, Allepeens, and Variety of Silks. Likewife fundry Casks of Havannah and Scotch Snuff. Catalogues of which will be Timely difperfed by ROBERT KIRKK, BROKER, Tn St. Martin's le- Gi and. AGentlewoman, well q mlified to be a Companion to a Lady, or Governefs to Young Ladies, would 6e glad to hear of a Place on eafy Terms ; or is willing to Teach or Board one or two Children at Home, may be heard of at Mrs. Staples's, the Corner of Crown and Sccptre Court, in St, James'a- Street. L L Perfons interefted in and Trading to the Britilh Sugar Colonies, and concern'd in the Linnen Mm- ifa^ lures of Great Britain, and Ireland ; and alfo the Sugar Refiners, Grocers, and Diftillers of MelalTes, are defired to meet at the Crown Tavern behind the Royal Exchange, this Evening, at Six o'C'eck pre. itely, to receive the Report of the Committee. NOTICE is hereby given to he OlBcrrs and Company of his Majefty's Ships Sunderlandand Cbefler, who were on Board at the taking the Elephant Prize, that they will be paid their refpeitive Shares for ihe faid Ship and Cargo, viz. The Sunderland., on Board the Ship at Plymouth ihe 18th of February ; the Cbeftei, at the King's Arms on Great rower Hill, the 25th of February j and the Shares of fuch Perfons of the above Ships, as are not then demanded, will be paid at the above meniion'd King's Arms, the fecond Thur day in e'. ciy Month for Three Years to com « . WHEREAS the Recalls of his Ma- jefly's Ship*, Captain, Lenox, and Princefs L: uifa, for the Prizes taken by Admiral Ma'ttn's Squadro. i between the 26th of March 1745, and the 9th of May following, was Advertifed for the loth and 13-. I1 Inftant, and the Defiance and Tiviftock Sloop, for three Retaken Ships the fame Days at the Crown Tavern behind the Exchange. Thefe are therefore to give Notice, to fuch Perfons whofe Shares remain undemanded, that thofe for the Captain and Lenox, will be paid on Friday the 7th Inftant, and the LouiJ'a, Defiance and '. Tavifiock Sloop, Saturday the 8th lnfiant j and fuch Shares as lhall remain undemanded will be paid at the King's Arms on Great Tower- Hill, the fecond Wednefday in every Month for three Years. , ROM the great CHARACTER the _ ENGLISH GRAPE BRANDY has fo juftly acquir'd, the Proprietors beg Leave to inform the Publick, that its Excellency does not wholly confift in its being an agreeable Dram, or when made into Punch, but that It is equally adapted to any fort of Fruit, as a Proof of which there is now pr.- par'd froqi the fame Brandy a large Quantity of F I N E ORANGE . SHRUB, Which for its delicate Flavour Is no ways inferior, except in the Price to any of the Foreign Production : So great is the Perfeftion of the Britifh Difiillery. The Shrub at 6 s. per Gallon, the Brandy at 4 s. At the Warehoufe the Bottom of Bartholomew- Line, near the Royal Exchange. Six Pence per Gallon allow'd to thofe who take half a Hogihcad or upwards. T. Rawlins, Clerk to this Company. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Cffei- Houfe in Lombard- Street, To- morrow, at Twelve t> Clock at Neon, THE good Snow VAi- wirble Sufanne ( a Prize taken by the K-. uh K. n Privatter, Capt. Jofepb Barker) Foreign built, Burthen 120 Tons, more or reft, with proportionable D. mention!, and 10 CarriageGrms, and two Swivels, now lying off Prince « Stairs. Printed Inventories to be had on Board the the faid Snew, at Sam's Ccffee- houfe Etar the Cuftom- houfe, at the Place of Sale, and of D. H. S. AUGIER, BROKER. For SALE by A UCT ION, At KINSALE, in Thtrfday the 20th of February, THE r EOSTOFF pri- vateer, CbarUs Fielding, Comman- der, Burthen about 380 Tons, built in the King', Tard, a Prime Sailor, with 24 Car- riage Guns, new lying at Kir,( ale, having a Lrge Inventory of Stores. Which Inventories will be delivered at the. Bar of Lloyd's C. ( Fee- houfe, this Day. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, At KINSALE, en TJurfday the 20 th of February, " HE AMIABLE ROSE ___ Privateer ( Prize to the Liftoff Pri- vateer) Burthen about Jo Tons, Span;/ h built, now lying » t Kinfale with her Stores. Inventories of which will be delivered at the . Bar of Lloyd's Coffee Houfe, this Day. For SALE by the CAND I. £, At LLOYD'S Cojfee- Ho ufe in Lombard Street, To- morrow, at Twelve o'Clock, HE good Ship Margaret, with 10 Carriage and 4Swi » el Guns, S^ uare- ftern'd, Bnftgn built, Burthen 2eo Tons more or lefs, with proportionable Di- menfions, now lying in the Stream, againft the lower- flairs, Francis Moire, Commander. Inventories to be feci* on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be- Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. To be heard of Daily at hii Office ( for AfTuting Ships ard Mer- chandizejoppofite Jonathan's Coffee- hoofe in Exchange- Alley j or at Lloyd's Corffee- houfe in Lombard- ftreet. For SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- ftreet, To. morro w, at Twelve 0' Clock at Noon, TH E good Ship Ilajle- mere, with 18 Carriage, and 8 Swi- vel Guns, a Prime Sailor, Square- ftern'd, River- built by Mr. Robert Carter, and Iheathed, Burthen 320 Tons more or lefs, with excellent Dimenfions far the Straits or Weft- India Trades, and well- found, now lying in the Great K'et Dock, Ibomas Wal- ker, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. Fcr SALE by the CANDL E, At L L O Y D's Coffse- Hotife in Lombard- Street, To- xnoi row, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE FERRET Sloop, a Prime Sailor, Square- ftern'd, Plantation- built and Iheathed, Burthen 100 Tons more or ltf-, now lying at Mr. Snelt- prove's Yard, Limebouje- Hoie, Jubn Jarret, Cornpiander. Inventories to be feen on Board, and at the Place of Sale, To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. For SALE by the C A N D L e7 At LLOYD'S Coffte- Houfe in Lombard- Jlreet, On Friday next. at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE good Ship Friend- Jh'- p, with 10 Gunr, a French Prize, about 4 Years old, an exceeding fine Sailor, Square- ftern'd, Burthen 300 Tons more or lefs, with very good Dimenfions, and well- found, now lying near Sbadwell- Vock, Ninian Beale, Commander. Inventories to be < een or. Board, and at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, BROKER. F, r SALE by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- houfe in Lombard- Street, On Friday next, at Twel e o'Clock at Noon, * t HP HE RAINBOW JL Snow, Square- ftern'd, Plantation- built, Burthen 100 Tons more or lefs, with proportionable Dimei, lions, now lying at Fountain- Hole, Ritberbitb, Leach Harris, Commander. Inventories to be feen on Board, » nd at the Place of Sale. To be Sold by SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For SALE by the C A N D L E, At LLOYD'S CofFee- Houfe in Lombard- Stree Some Time this Month, Hp HE Hull of th t Great- X Britain Privatter, IVillitm IVi fon, Commander, late s 40 Gun Man of War, Burthen about 600 Tons, now lying alhore near Gravefend, on the hard Ground, of which farther Notice will be given in this Paper. The Tide leaves her dry at Low Water. SAMUEL BROOKS, Broker. For SALE*? the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Hcufe in Lombard Street, On Ihurjday next, at Twelve o'Clock, TH E SANDWICH, late a French Prize, Burthen about 300 Tons, Square- ftern'd, and very well found, now lying at the Red- floufe, Deptford. At the fame Time and Place will be Sold The CHARMING BET EY Snow, Plan- tation built, Burthen about 120 Ton, now ly. ing at Pinters Pointt George Spttuer, Com- mander. Inventories to be feen on Board the faid Ships, » nd at the Place of Sale. CHARLFS ROGERS, Broker. Over- againjt LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe. For S A L £ by the CAN D L E,- At the MARINE ( offee- kohfe tn Birch n- Lane, On IVidnefiay the nth Infant, at Four 0 Clock in ihe Afternoon, ABOUT 200 Calks of FRENCH SUGAR. Catalogues will fie Timely difperfed by William and Benj. Vaugtian, Brokers, For S A L- E by the CANDLE, At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, Some Time this Montht of which further Notice fhall be given, TH E PANTHER, a Prime Sailor, Burthen 180 Tony, more or left, now lying in the Great Wet Dock. To be Sold by WILL, and BENJ, VAUGHAN, Brokers/ be SOLD, / THE good Ship NEW INDUSTRY, V/ Uliam Clarke, Commander, late from Jamaica, being * Prims Sailor, Burthen about 350 Tons, iS Carriage Guns. A very large Invehtory to be feen at Lloyd's, and the Jamaica Ccftee- houfes, and to treat with Mr. Robert Fofier in Shadwelj for the fame. For SALE by the CANDLE, At GARRAWAY's Coffee- Houfe in Exchange- Alley, To- morrow, at Tout o'Clock in tire Afternoon, TH E CARGOE of the St.' PAUL,, a French Prize, from St. Dipiiitgo, taken by Admiral Mat' tin's Squadron, vix. 366 Hogiheads " J 7 Tierces >. ef Saga*. 155 Barrels f » 7 Pipes V 44 HcgJhesds . oflndigo. 19 Barrels J 1 ST" } Torulfe/ Wl, « Pocket of Cotton. 38 Hides in the Hair, Samples fo b- feen from this Morning to the Time of Sale, it No. 8. Dyers Hail. Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale, at. Dyers Hall, and of JONATHAN POPHAM, Broker. Immediately after the above Indigo will be fold Lot 72, one Pipe J and Lot 117, two Hogiheads of Indigo left Unclear'd by the Champ- fleur, a French Prize, fold the loth of 0£ laber laft. For SALE by the CANDL E, At L L O Y D's Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Thurfday the 40th Inftant, at Twelve 0' Clock at Neon, THE St. PAUL aFrcnch Prize, with 20 Carriage Guns, Bur- then 300 Tons more or lefs, with good Di- menfions, Square- ftero'd, taken on her firft Voyage by Admiral Martin's Squadron, now lying at Plymouth, to be delivered there. of Sale, and of Printed Inventories to be feen on Board, at Earl's Coffee houfe, Plymouth, at the Place JONATHAN POPHAM, Of Abcburch- Lar. e, London, Sworn- Broker This Day is publifi'd, Price 6 d. IH E Companion of the Dying Saviour to thofe that crucified him, confider'd and improv'd, in a ON, on Luke xxiii. 34. By BENJAMIN W A L L I N. Printed for A. Ward in Little- Britain, In the Prefs, by the fame dutbtr, The Chriftian Life in divers Branches of it, defcribed and recom- mended. In' Four Parts. The Price to Subfcribers it 4 9. in Sheets, and j s. bound in Calf. Subfcriptions are taken in by the Author in St. Mary Overy's- Church- yard, Southwark j and A. Ward in Little- Britain. Where Propofals may be had Gratis, with a Specimen of th* Work. This Day is publijked, Price I s. TH E OccaTionaJ Writer, being an An « fwer to the Second Manifefto of the Pretender's E/ deft Sons wnicn bears Due at the Palace of Holy- Rood- Houfe, the 10th Da* of Oftuber, 1745. CONTAINING Reflections, Politioal and Hiftorical, upon the laft Revolution, and the Progrefs of the Piefent Rebellion in Scotland. Tandem ' Triumpba- s. Motto of Pretender's Standard. Nondum Immemoris. Anfwer. The Second Editipn Corrected, to which is prefix'd, an Adver- tisement from thf £* ublifter. Printed for M. Cyoper, at the Globe in Pater- noft « r- Koiv, Day . if . fublifod, .. ( Price Two Shillings.) ACHART of the GERMAN OCEAN, Gorrefted from tha keft Surveys and Aftionomica! Oblerva- sioas ; by whub the Bearing and Diftancefi of all Places on the Coaft « f Gsnet Britain, from ih « North ot" Scotland to the Start Point; and cf the Cottir- ant from the Coaft of Norway to the Cape de la Kogue in Normandy; may Ui readily found. P » bli& ea according to Act of Patiiament by A. Millar, oppofite to Ojthaioc- ftreet in the Strand. fy'l t' e fx ay be had, A cony>!* at and correft Map of t. h » LOTBIANS, being a View Uhat Cojntry front Sterlinj ljkre to E? rwicklkire, Survey'd by Mr. Ajiiir, Price l s. 6 d. Coloured z >, And ipeedih tilth be publijhed, A iiw and correct MercatoVf Map of North- Britain, carefuBy laiddcftvn from tkt lateft. Surveys and mot! approved Obfcrvations, Sicoidirg ( 0 the ftrifteff Regard to Mathematicll Truth. In which are included all the King's liigk Rc^ d,. By the Hon. Jchn El- pJuriJosir, £ rq j P. Engineer. •' rice a s. 6 d. Si'is. Day is puHifbed, Price i s. N U M I) E R LXXXV. of ( Containing Four Sreetf, and the Head of Sarah Dutchefs of Marlborough, finely e-. grayed by Mr. Houbraien, from an OriginaJ Picture m ihe ColleSion of ihe Hancu rail* Joha. Spwieer," fainted, bf Sir Godfrey Kneller,) H E CONTINUATION ot Mr. RA- PJN't HISTORY cf ENGLAND, from the Revolution to ArceOen of King CEORCE 1ft " • By N. T I N D A E, M. A. Ri'Sur of filverfi . he jn Hampfbire, and Chaplain to the • Rtml lltffiml at Gitcnwicb. Printed for John and Paul Knaptcn, at the Crown in Ludgate- " fTBert may it bad. The preceding Numbers flitth'd, or the Firft Volomeof the Con- tinuation - few/ d'up in Pafttboards. Alio Mr. Rapin's Hiftory of Jin » land, tranflated by N. Tindal, M A. The third Edition, in' Two Volumes in Folio. . Illuflrated with the Heads and Monuments of the " Kings, and other Copper- plates . : Price » 1. rz s. 6 d. in Sheets, vt 3 I. bound. - N. te, Mr. Tindil's Continuation is printed'in Oftavo, for the Accommodation of th- fe who have Mr. Rapjn's Hiftory in that Sire. Thofe who have not yet taken Mr. Tindal's Continuation, may begin with Number i. and continue them: T This Day is - pubIfh'd, ' Pfice 2 s. 6 d. HE N. A M E S of the ROMAN CATHOLICKS, NONJURORS and others, who refufed to take the OATHS to his late M jefty King; GEORGE. Together with their Titles, Additions, and Places of Abode ;~ tbe Pariflietand Townffiips where their Lands lay 5 the Names of the then Tenants, or Occupiers thereof; and the Annual Valuationbf them, as efti- rroted by, thcmfelyes. Tranfm't ed to the l » te Commijlioners for the Forfeited Eftates of England and Wales, after the Unnatural Rebel- lion i: i the Np/ th, in the: Y « ar 17.1 J. As appears by the Return of the Cleiks of the Peace for the feveral Counties, purfuant ( o an Aft cF i-' arliamentmade for RegilK- rirjg tksir Eftates, in the Firft Year of the Reign of His'faij late Majefty. Taken from an Original Ma- nrrfcripr of a Gentleman, who was the Principal Clerk to the Ac- comptant General's O. fice', belonging to the faid Comniiflioneis. And how PuHifheJ with " a generous View to promote and ferve toe true- P. oteftant Intereft » f thefe Kingdoms. By JAMES C O SM N S, Of the Middle- Temple, Genti. " SoJd'by' J. Robinfon, Publilher, at the Guide"* Lion in I- uJgate- ftreetMr?. fJutt under the Rrjal Exchange ; Mf, Dodfley, and Mr. Owen in Pall- Mai ; Mr. Shropfli re in Old Bond. ftrett ; Mr. Erindiey in New Bond- ftrcet; Mr. Chapelle in Grofvenor- ftteet ; Mr- " VVoodfall at Charing- Crofs ; Mr. Robinfon at Doekhead, Southwark_ an"! T. Liftc- r, at the Bible without Tfmple- Bir. » Mr. Corta has obtain'd an Injuncii > ri to ftay the Printing or Publishing of the P. ratical Copy of this Book. This Day is publtfljd, ( With the Imprimatur of the Royal Society,) The Third Edition in Oclavo, Price 5 s. TH E MICROSCOPE made Eafy ; or, 1. The Nature, Vfei, and magnifying Pincers of the b « ft Kinds of MICROSCOPES defcribed, calculited, apd explained, for the Inftruftion of fuch, particularly, asdefire to fearch into the Won- ders of the minut, Creation, tho' they are not acquainted with Op- ties. Together with full Directions how to prepare, apgjy, examine, » ndpreiVrve all Sorts of Obj efts, and proper Cauti « ns to be obfervtd in viewing them. a. An Account of what furprifing DifcoverieS. have been already made by the Microfcope ; with ufefal Rcfteftions on tbem. And alfo a great Variety of new Experiments and ObferratUns, pointing oiit many uncommon Subjefts for the Examinatfon » f the Curious. By HENRY BAKER. ItUr- M of the Royal Society, and Member of tie Society of Antiquaries in London. Return Natural nufauam magit on am in minimis teta tfl. Plin. Nat. Hift. I- ik. 9. C. a. Printed for R. Dodfley, at Tully's H- ad in Pall- Mall; and fold ky M. Cooper in Pater- nofter Rovf ; ani J. Cuff. Optician, is Fleet- ilriet. This Day is publijhs, d, Printed for R. DODSLEY, at Tuly's Hca'd' i/ iTali- MriH, SEEECT E flays on the BE LEES EE1- TRES, trai. flated from the French, vi*. On the Ellenca of Po- etry by Mr. Racine. On the Origin and Progress, of Rhetoric by Mr. Hardion. On the Rife and Progrefs cf Sculpture and Painting, by Mr. l'Abbe Gedoine. On the Antiquity of Painting by the Abb* Fraquier. A Difcourfe on Petfpeflive in Painting, by tha Ahbe Sal- Jur. Some Reflections on the Politenefe of the Rom ns, by Mr. Simon, On It itation by Mr. Racine. Plato and Homer compared by the Abbe MafTieu With many other Elfays on curious Subjefts by the moft celebrated Wits of Frasce, in One Volume, Oftavo. Price 5 s. This Day is publifhed, In THREE VOLUMES in F O L I O, Collelied from above One thoufand Original Draughts, in the Poffejfion of Dutton Seaman, Efq; af Gui d- hall, Comptroller of the Chamber of the City of London. PRECEDENTS in CONVEYANCING Settled and Approved by GILBERT HORS IL MA N, Late of Lincoln s- hm, Efq', Containing Conveyances and Settlements, not only of Eftates Real and Perfonal, known to former Times, but alfo of . Storks, Bonds and Annuities of the Publick Companies, Exchequer An- nuities, Fortunes in Ireland and Holland, and Plantations in America ; likewife many hew Claufes, and Provifions in Confequence of A& s of Parliament, and of Determinations in the Courts of Juftice. Printed for. J. and P. Knap ton, at the Crown in Ludgate- Street. This Day is published, Neatly Engraved on Copper, Plate-, and finely decorated with Piilu es. ( Price Six- pence Bound and Gilt.) THE TOY for Mifs T H U M B, to learn A, B, C, or the little Mafter and Miffes Story Book for Children to play with before they go to School, wj* ich is fo properly adapted to their little Underflanding by the'Alphabet; Being prettily depifted and] plainly defcrifi'd that they will be infenfibiy allured to Learning.' ; Printed fot C. Corbett, at Addifon's- Head . againft St Dutiftan's Church in Fleet- ftreet. ..... ^ Where may be bad Jacky Nory's Story Book, T mmy Thumb, and all the eiher little Books. BOOKS by AUCTION, At PACJL'r Coffee- Houfe in S-. Paul's ( hurc'ya-. d\ exaaly at Six this Evening, The Second Night's Sale rf THE valuable Libraries of the Reverend and Learned WILLIAM STUART. D. p. Chancellor cf Ex- eter ; and of his Nephew, the Rer. Mr. CHARLES S'fUART, lately deceafed. Containing a curious Collrfttori of Clafficil, Books, in elegant Condition, and many on Royal Piper. - V In thif. Night's Sale are, Spelmanni Gloflar. ed. opt. Tacitus, 4 r. Strype's Annais, 4 v. — Memorials, 3 v. hp. . Lives, 4 V. Collier's Dift. 4 v. State Tryals, 6 v. Hift. Ang. Script. * v. ch. max. Somneri Dift. Saxon. Xenophon per Wells, 5 r. Lueisn, Var. » v. Apollontus Rhodius. ' ; Prudentius Ciceronis Orat. 3 v. Libri Otat. Apuleiu s « ... Pomp, Feftu* Virgilius Claudia r. ns PliniiHift. 5*. ' Panegyrici Veterei, This Day is publifhed, ACatalogue' of a Chore e Co'tleftion of Books, Confiding of fome Thonfand Volumes, in moft Languages, Arts and Stitnces, and all Bunches of Polite Literature , in excellent Condition. In the Catalogue are in FOLIO. Saurin fur laBib. 6 t. ( ig. cur. sDugdale's Warwiekfliire, n,, L'bbei Concilia, 17 t. Purchas's Pilgrims, 4 V. Univerfal Hift. 9 r. Eufebii, & c. gr, ( at. Reading St> te- Tryals, 6 r. Wallis Opera, 3 t. gr. lat. Military Hid, i r, 1. & f. pap. Strype's Stow,• » vv- fine Cuts Oratores, . Gr, Morqrto, Aid, Montfaucon's Ant. 7 v. fine Cats Gruteri Infcrigt,' 4' t. ch. max. Rfcaut's Hift. of Turks, 3 ri Bocharti Opert, 3 uii, opt. Selden's Works, 3,. Mathemafici, Veteris L'Antif. par Montfaucon, 15 t. Strada de Beilo B « l.' i tow- Rom. Cawpei'on the Mufdes / EtrasAldi" Dift. de Bayle, 4t. Taiiacotius Oeuvres de Bayle, 4 t. gr. pap. Hook's Micographia. Hift. Met. par Van Loon, J t. Q^ U A R T O. Rulhworth, 8 r. Cambridge Claflicks, 4Mor. Wilkins's Councils, 4 r. To be fold Extraordinary eheap this D » jr, and to continue till all arc fold. By. W I L L I A M P A Y N E, At Hornet's Head, oppofite Durham- Yard its- the. Strand. Catalogues'with the Prices, to be kad Gratis,' of MeflV Strahan, Cornhill; Sanby, without Temple- Bar ; Lewis,'. Covent- Garden ; Shropfcire and Brindley, New- Eond- ftreet j Fox, in Wcftminftsr- Hall ; an< j at the Place of Sale. D Thif Da* is publijied, Colltdio StteHa Brindleiana : Or, ACATAl. OGUE ofi Curis'us and Rare Collftftion of Antient and Alod^ rn, Italian, Flemilh jnd French Prints, aftes the greatt ft Matters, and by the Belt Engrater;, VIZ Michael Angela, Paul Rubens, Titian, Carlo Maratti, SalvatOi Rofla, De La Bella, Corarchio, Cefio, Tir. toret, Raphael, Bilfan., Bourdon, Bloemart, Birbietta, Hollsr, Heem& ik. Sir Godfrey Kneller, Ant. Van- Deeck, Arb. Darer, Darfrt, Nanteui', Poufiir., Callot, Le Brun, Mignard, Le Blond, La Fage, J. Boitard. Which will begin to be fold Extraordinary Cheap, thiVD'. y, the Price mark'd upan every Lot, and continue till all are Sold. By J O H N B R 1 N t) L E Y, Bookfeller to his Ratal Higknefs the Priice of Wales, in . New- Bond- Street. — — This Day is publijhed, Flint id for Richard Ware, at the Bible and Sun, Amen Corner, in Warwick- Lane. The THIRTIETH EDITION. ( To which is now added. An Apendix, containing many additional- LeffarXin Pfoft and Verfe ; firft in Words cf one Syllable iply, and then mixed with Words of two, three, four, five, and Je v. 11 Syllables) of ,' YCHE/ s GUIDE to the ENGLISH TONGUE. In Two Parts. The Firft, proper for Begin- ners ; ( hewing a natural, and eafy Method to pronounce and exprefs both common Words and proper Names ; in which particular " Care is had to ftiew rhe Accent far preventing vicious Pronunciation. The Second, for fuch as are advanced to fon= ie, Ripeneis of Judgment ; con- taining Oblervations on the Sounds of Letters and Dipthong<, Ru' « for the true Divifions of Syllables, and the Ufe of Capitals, Stspsand Marks, with large Tables or Abbreviation and Diftinftion of Words, and federal Alphabets or Copies for young. Writers. Where may be had, by'the fame Author, I. The Fables of Phiedrus ( who was made a Denizen of Rome by Au'guftus Csefar) under the following Heads, viz. The Wcakefl goes to the Wall ; Chufe the leaft E vil; Be content rn your Station ; All covet all Ioofe ; Keep not too great Company, & c. Rendered Jnto familiar Engliih. The id Edit. Price 1 s. a. A Spelling Diftionary ; or, A Colleftion of all the common Words , and proper Names . of Per/ ons and Places, ma ! e ufe of in the Englilh Tongue. Carefully compared with the Original Languages, from whence they are derived and mark'd as they are to be pro- nounced ; whereby Perfons of the meaneft Capacity may attain to Spell and Write Englifh true and . correflly. Thi 4th Edition, tsr- refteJ, with large Additions. Price J s. 6 d. or both bound together . 2 s. 6 d. ...... 3. A Latin Vocabulary. The Sixth Edition. Beihg a Colleftion of Latin Words, with their Signification in Engiifh, after the Or< k » of the Eight Parts of Speech. BOOKS lately printed for R. DODSLEY, At Tully'i Head, Pall- Mall. i. A Co! le< 51: ion of Old Plays, 12, vol. • Jf\. 2. Jarvis's Don Quixote, » vol. 4. td. , 3,. i. es Avan^ ures de Telemaque. A fine Edition. + r- The ^ Eneid of Virgil. Tranflated by Mr. Pttt. r. Vida's Ai; t of Poetry. By the fame. Dialogue* on Government. By ihe Hon. Henry Nevi'le. • j.. The Geography of England, with Maps of each County, & c- g. The Novels of Boccace. . A new Trar. flation. ' The Inftitutinn of a Prince. 10. Seleft Eflays on the Belles Lettres. II. Hiftory of all the Theatres in Europe. - r I z. Mrs. Ro. we's Works. • • 13. The Works of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. 14. Letters of Algernon Sydney to Henry Saville. 15. The Microfcope made eafy. By Mr. Baker. ,6. A Natural Hiftery of the Polype,- By the fame. X7 « The Pleafures of Imagination. 18. Four Sermons. By Dr. Swift. 19. A new Volume of his Works, in which the Sermons are i n- cludecL 24*. The. Com plaint; or, Night . Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. 21. A ( hort Courfe of Handing Rules for the Conduft of an Army. By Lord Molefworth. ' 2SU. 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With many other Poems ani Pamphlets, REEK WATER, By His Majeflfs Royal Patent, qpHlS Water is the' A beft Medicine, that has yet been invented for the Cure of the Ve- nerea] Difeafe, and is alfo a never- fail- ing Prefervativt from all Venereal In- feftion, as great Numbers of bath Sex experience daily ; great Numbers of Affidavits made before a Juftice of Peace, proves the real Virtue of this Greek W^ ter^ The Author who. praftires Phyfick, may be confclteii. with any Evening at his Houfe, This Water is fold at Dr Profily's Houfe in Exeter- Court, nca?^ Exeter Exchange in the Stran d ( inhere the original Affidavits may be ' ften at any Time ;) at Mr, Roger's, at the Civet Cat and Orange in the Poultry; and at the Acorn over- againft ths Angel Ion in Pica- dilly ; Price Half a Guinea a Settle with Direftions. LONDON: Princed for H. WOODFALL, near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length { are taken in at Two SHILLINGS each. ADVERTISEMENTS arc alfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the King's- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall-, George Hroodfallt at the Kixg't- Ar'ms, nea.* Craig's- Court, Charing- Crofs Mr. Sbuckburgb, at the Sun* next the Inner Temple ( fate, Fket- jlrett Mr, Bra( kjlm%. 3. t the Glti » • Cirnhiil 1 and by T. ASTLEY, Removed from St. Paul's Church- yard, to the Rofc in Pater- noffer Row.
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