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The General Advertiser

Date of Article: 31/12/1745
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Address: near the Pump in Little Britain
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3488
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ffusiB/ 3- 583. Deal, December 30. K - 11 < u tx, o f ^ o r J CO { t e ^ J j A M F . ' down Yefterday his Majefty's Sh" ifp Svr— cn> ; ' wi th th— e Salamander a i - i D i i i p h a i A r m ' d S h i p s , And r e - main with his Majefty's Ships Yarm o u t h , ' A d m i r a l M a r t i n ; I S o t t i f i g - han-,, 1 Tbury, Princefs Louiia, and York. This Forenoon came down his Majefty'. s Ship. Shefcrnsfs, with another Man of War, whole Name is not known. Wind E. N. E. Grave/ end, Dec. z8. Pafs'd by Buchanan, Craw ford, from. Virginia ; Stub'oington,. Mauger, from Leghorn ; Rainbow, Harris, from liarbadoes-„• and Poliillion, Cannifs, from Nc\ V Englalid. Gr* vt/ end, Dec. 29. P a f s ' d by. the D o ! . p t i n ; E a r f o r d , from Bolt 0,1 4 Trimmer, Lott, from St. Ubes; and Prince Frederick, rain, from Maryland. The Carolina, Mefnard, from London, is. arrived at Philadelphia. The; Olivego, Waddel, from London, at New- York. AH the India Fleet are. now arriVtd- fafeaC ( fecit- Mooring': irEvith.' . ' . L O N D O N. ' V. xtraB of a Letter from Penrith, Dec. 26. « Laft Saturday the Duke with Lis whole Army went • from here near Carlifle, and his Forces liave lain in the c Country all round that City, waiting for the Cannon • from Whitehaven, which 1 hear are now got up. It « is expeftei, they will begin to p h y oh the Caille To- « morrow. By the beft Accounts that 1 c m get there ate « about 400 of the Rebels in Carlifle, the " reft of them « forded it over the Elk. about a Mile above Long- Town at a Place where it was thought impraflicable, and a Friend o f mine, in Atinan writes this - Evening, that they are gone from Dumfries the Road for Glalgow, after having plundered Dumfries. I heard Yeiterday the Rebels in Carttfte had httrnj'd one of the Inhabitants, and hitng him over the Walls, and this Day i- heard they had haiig'd three more, but cannot be lure whether it • ft true or not. To- morrow, I defigiijo go down to the « Army, and if. any tiling particular occurs, will let yoa « know. • Laft N i g h t and this Moriiing' a great many « labouring People, with Spades, Shovels, & c. were lent 4 t9. thrpw. up Jreftches near Carf; fle, The Duke's Horfe. « are in Quarters, and by all Accounts tiie Army is well ' kipplied with ' P( iovilipn*: Meat was never known • cheaper here than at p r e f e r s indeed Bread is not very • plentiful, but feveral Horfe Loads come i> i every Day ' from Liverpool, aild that Part of the Country. ' Extra*? of a Letter from Ke. nd il, date:! Dec. 26. 1 in my lait I think 1 mention' 4 that the Rebels had ' crofs'd tiie Elk, but how many had done, fo is very mi-. • certain;} no doubt great Part got over, but wearain- 1 form'd many were drown'd in the Attempt; and the ' firft Carriage' that went in was- loft, and the reft retnrn'd • to CarKfte, where the Duke has them clolb befieg'd. ' Sixteen L't- ntion from Whitehaven are arrived, viz. fix « Twelvf- poujiders, and tea E i g h t e c n - p o u n d e r s S i x of « the Ialt are already got to the Battery, and the reft we ' expeft will be up To- morrow.— We hear the Rebels « have burnt fome Houfes in the Suburbs, without the ' Engiifh ( Jate, to prevent our Soldiers from " quartering in ' them.——- Tins Account we h iva. from a Creditab'e i'er- « ( on, OIK of our Friend , whofe Brother t! 13 Rebels took ' P ilqncr here, and ft. 11 h ive. him, with fevcral others in Car'ifl: Goal, tie went out to enquire after him, but duril. not' g o too near; and came from thence Yefterday Afternooii, ( that is from our Army.) General Huflce, with a Detachment of Wade's Army, is got up. It is • 1- KT..... U r nero on. oji.^ ay ia'. t, . to join - the Bat- eries cannot be- ready ta play till the 2X1/ 1^— It is faid thit t. ic Rtkels have tent leiier- al Times to offer Terms< to the Duke,. which feis Ro\ aI Highnels has as . often rcfus'd.' Eftra3 of a Letter from Dctver, Dec. 2C). • T h e Wind be ngEai'. er'y, ail the Men of. War from ' this Road are fV- ii'd t. uva < 1$, the Conft of France The Cariifle Privateer drove a French Galliot on Shear, near Bojoign, th » . Night before laft ; aud its. thought mull be Ioit, the W n r blowing ft.- ong at N. N. E.—. The • Carliiie. cyuld notllay to get her o f f' Ve- levday 11 Pieces of Canr. on with Carriages were fhipp'd on board at the Tower, for Sandwich in Kent. Yefterday a large Number o f Arms were Tent from the Tower for the new- rais'd Regiments in Suffolk, in order to be ready to oppofe any Foreign Invafion. Laft Thurfday " the new : Namure, formerly a 90 Gun Ship, but converted into a 70, was launch'd at Chatham; and the Command given to the Hon. Edward Bofcawen, Efqj We hear from Plymouth, that the Defiance Man- of War, Lord Forrefter Conlmander, is failed from thencc for the Downs, with the French India Ships under his Convoy. There is Aivrce, that the Patty, Peavor, from Antigua for London, is taken by a Spanifh Man of War, and Carried into Porto- Rico. The Hannah, flake, from Jamaica to Brifto', i; fore'd aifhore at Milford, and the Mafter and allelic Crew loft, except one. Tne Prifcilla, Ma- iburgh, from Waterford to St Ives, is loft to the Weltward of Farmer- Bay ; but the People were laved. The Arms and Sarah,' , from Bofton to Cape Fare, is loft on the Coaft of Virginia ; but the Mafter and People fared. Yefterday Morning died at his Houfc in Laurence- lane, Thomas Wright, Elq; one of the moft eminent Diuggifts in London, Deputy of Cheap- Ward, and Brother to John Wright, F. fq; Member for Abingdon in Berklhire. On Friday Morning laft; died John Bonner, who for federal Years kept the Houfe on Hampfte& d Heath call d The Spaniards. Yefterday Abraham Dixon, a Soldier; was committed to Newgate, by Sir Thomas De Veil, for prefenting his Piece at a Woman, who nimbly ftepping afide, at the time he fir'd, a Boy Was ( hot in fuch a manner, that he is not expected to live out this Day. Yarmouth, Dec. 25. Commiflions have been granted by the Lord Lieu enant of this County to the fix fjllowing Gentlemen, for fo many Independent Companies to be rais'd: for the Defence of this Town,, viz. Barry Love, Samuel Wakemap, John Co man, Samuel Kil'ett, Efquires; Mr. James Ward, and Mr. John Morfe. Three Hundred Stands of Arms, with Halbcrt?, Sec. have been order'd t o be fent fori f . f the fsid^ Companies, at the Expence of the Gentlemen who generoifly tnter'd into the Subfcription. Canterbury, Dec. 28. Mr. Nightingal of Deal, and Mr. Walker of Dover, have contracted for O. xcn lor the Port of Dover, and to ( erve all his Ala jelly's Ships in the Downs with frefli Eeef. S C O T L A N D . Edinburgh, Dec. 23. By an Exprefs arrived this Morning, there is Advice, that the Highlanders crofled the £ ik Brealt- deep on Friday, which coll fome of them their Lives. That they feemed to be in great Confufion, but boafted greatly of their Viflory, viz. that they laid an Ambufcade and fired fmartly on Legonier's Regiment of Horfe under General Oglethorpe, by which they brought down about 50, with ! the Lofs of about Eight or Ten of the Highlanders ; however, 60 of the Rebels, with an Office;-, in the End were taken Prifoners. That they left 11 Pieces of Cannon, with a great Part of their heavy Baggage in the Caftle of Carlifle, which is garrilbped by the Eiiglilh that joined them.— Such of, the Highlander as were oidered for that Service having abfolutely refufed it. That the Duke was at Carlille at the Head, of great Body of Ho: fe, and had fent for Cannon from Whitehaven. The Rebels have got in to Dumfries. From Stirling, That about 600 Highlanders were at Dow; n; that the Militia in that County was complete, and poiled at the different Fords at the Head of the Forth ; that on ' Saturday they had feized at Airth a. Magazine- of 3 j'o Boll-, of Meal, faid to be defigned for the Rebels. By a Letter from Berwick we are advifed, that they are bul'y there in. providing for the Army, which : s cxpedled 011 Weaneloav Night. A Party of . Drago- iins, with their Baggage, are this Day letting out for Haddington. Edinburgh, Dec. 24 . By a Letter from Invernefs we are told the Lord Lovat is made^ a Ptifoner, and that the Earl Or" Louden is marching to Aberdeen with 2400 Men, in order to diiappoiut Lord Lewis Gordon of jhis Levies in theie Parts'. ITiere is an Account that the Reb? Is divided in fe- Ver. il Bodies, and that all had f oitited their March Welli\ ; yds. ' She ntareft. Party to this City - paffed Clyde bridge, feveral Miles Well of Biggar, Yefterdiy in the O n> ft- Co p - ro % C o ra A D V E R T I S E M E, N T S ART' taken in for this Paper, at L L O Y D ' S C O F F E E - H O U S E , in Lombard- Street. No Wooden Shoes. No Arbitrary Power. i ; A . T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 31, 1745- Afternoon ; and the whole are fuppoSbd to j o in this Night about Hamilton. This Forenoon the two Regiments c f Fpot and two of DragbOns which were at StiVlihg arrived ih this. City,, and will be immediate'y followed by a very considerable Body ^ of the Weflern Militia. . . . ' * There are certain Advices, that { he fi. rft Divifion c f S Marlhal W'ade's Army wa$ fet out Irani Nevvcaltle, and ^ would probab'y reach Berwick, ' Id- Morrow 5. the other r Divifions are taking the fame Route with ail pcflible Dif-' £ pattli. t P. S. A Report juft: now prevail", that the Duke of £ Cumberland is purfumg the Rebels into Scotland. We apprehend that^ it will net be unacceptable to o-. tr Readers, if we publifli die following. Fxtraft fkim a Poem juft'publiHied, entitled BRITANNIA'S ALARM. By T HO M AS G I B B O N S. NOR ( hall alone our Riches take thdWing, And tow'r away, d. iv'n at tiie dire Approach Of venal Priells, tiiat, like a killing B'aft, Shall fweep along the Land : Still worfe etifues. Sweet Liberty w'ith'iicr unbounded Lap Of Bleffings^ fliall foriake our happy life, Our Ille, that in •• er glorious Came has ftood . T h ' inconquerab'. e i l o u n t h e fjerceft Shocks. Of T^' rahny. cut- braV'd; andm'ark'd the Bounds Inviolable, where its Waves Ihould roll. Hence in Eliza"" s Days, when Spain's proud Fleet Unfurl'd her Sails, and bent for Albion's Coaft, Freighted with Fetters, Axe°, Cord, and Flame, And fwell'd with ev'ry Curie that / Jewfinfpir'd, Howards rid Drcike aiofe, the floating War Repuls'd, and, a-' de. d by th' Alnii. hty's Storm, Whelm'd ail the tcw'ri.' ig J errors in the Deep. For Liberty Jriimohkl. Najfau left The Belgian Strand, and ftretch'd his potent Arm T o fave Britannia, OuadVing- in the Njght Of Slav'nr;' hence Bojne's flov/, thrifty Stream, • Where Wti\ iavi overthrew the Rebel- Hoil, Exalts its Courfe, sp, d b; afts a, faiief Fajne Tha ntyber'% br taarj fo/^ a's founding f l o o d s ; In this great Int'retl Mar/ bio grafp'dhis Swprd, Led- oat the ' Br'rfijb Squadron*, lremm'd the Pow'r \ O f CWZ/ Vs' haughty Tyrant, lhook his Throne,. And chain'd rh' indignant Monfter to his Shores. • So fares it with the . Wol^ who, wont to vex C The hurdle'd Folds, begrind the qm'v'ring F c f h , . ^ And lap the Life- warm Gore, at length by Night, S The Shc/ lieid takes him in his fueiden Snare, ^ Where, lock'd witlii. i the ftubborn Bands,. lie bites ' His Chains, and foams, and howl? . oris Rage in vain. And ( hall de ir Liberty, for whorp our Sires Exhaufted ail t'heir Stores, ' FyrannickThrca's Defy'd, and flied their, warmell Blcod, tonuris The facred Seed, at once be torn away, And Ptf) WUfurpation bruife - he Land With her hard, galling Bondage ? What was bought So dearly fliali we peaceably behold Snatch'd from our Hands, and all our. future Race Robb'd of their belt Reyerfion ? Batons, hear Your Father , if a fluggifh Thought remains, From yonder bleft Abodes, your cowatd Fears Reproach, and afk i f yet a Spark furvives In their degen'ra e Sor. s, of that bright Flame Unquenchab'e, that kindled all their Souls ? Nor" lefs look forward to fucceeding Age; And think you fee your Child-. cn, where fbft Love Has khit'its clofeft l ies, lift up the Eye, Running' with Tears, and funk in hollow Want, And curie their Parents Sloth, who tamely gave Themfelves, and all their Progeny to drag, And groan beneath eternal Servitude; T o the A u t h o r of t h e G E N E R A L A D V E R T I S E R. S I R , v UP O N reading a Letter in the Daily Ad- vertier of the 25th Inftant, figned Ruflicus, which contained Sentiments relating t6 the Uiltemp'er among the Cows. very ' different from thole I lately pubiiflied in your Piiper, and. lealt the Name ftiould occafion the Public to imagine xnc the Author, and cbnfequently thilik me flu& uating and uttiix'd in m y Opinion, muft, to prevent any Miftake o f that kind, defire you will reprint my Thoughts thereon j and you'll much oblige Yours, He. " Since the Government has given O r d i ^ f b r ^ l i ng the diftempei'd ' CowSJ' upon thi fatif " Appearance of their Difeafe, which is certainly the readieft and moft fecure M e . thod that can be propofed for the Prefervation of the remaining Cattle, and for the Benefit of the Community in general. ( Tho' if 24 Hours were allowed after the firft Symptom appears, and proper Medicines immediately given, the Turn of the Difeafe among many might be perceived, and there could be no Danger then of the Infection fpreading farther. I ihall therefore offer a Method from whence I apprehend the Succefs may be no lefs, than to fecure the found Cattle ( that other wife might be liable to catch the Infection) from beirg tainted with the prefent Epidemical Malignancy. There have been Variety of Prefcriptions offcr'd for this Purpofe, and many of them with little ProfpeCt of Succefs; but it is not to be queftion'd what has been generoufly nude known to the Publick by the Phyficians mull bear a Sanction fuitable to their extenfive Knowledge and Experience ; however as no Difeafes can be confined to the Cure of any one cr two Prefciptions, I fhall upon that Footing venture to declare my Sentiments thereon, havingno other Intention but for the public Benefit ; that is in the firii Place to b'eedthe Cattle before any Symptoms appear, becaufeit can be of no Service but even dangerous after* as theenvenom'd juices arefpread through the Texture of the Blood, and the Beaft weakened in Proportion to the Quantity then extracted, which on the other Hand muft naturally and effectually anfwer the Salutary Purpofe. The next St p 1 propofe about the Time of the Blood's Encreafe to purge them, v z. Cream of Tartar 1 Ounce, Powder of Jalap half an Ounce, Flower of Brimflone 2 Drachms, made into a proper Confidence with common Treacle, and a Quart or tw o of warm Gruel. This is like wife abfolute'y neceffary, a it is known by Experience to prevent any vifcid Watery Humours, or Mucous Matter ( which might llagiKKe rind corrupt for Want of due Motion) by rendering them more fluid than they were before, and attracting the pernicious Particles out of the Blood, as it paffes thro' the internal Gland?, and thereby promoting feveral Difcharges,- and in large Quantities by StooL Laft I y I recommend as an effectual Preparatory againft the Infcdtion ( for. Reafons hereafter given) the following Recipe, viz. Venice Treacle ha f an Ounce, Powder Lapis Contrayerva 1 Drachm, Powder of Rhubarlj half a Drachm, Powder cf Saffron gently dried 1 Serup'e, Camphire diffolved in the leaft Quantity of Spirit of Wine 15 Grains, with Oil of Carraways 5 D r o p , mixed and made into a Ball, with Powder of Liquorice, and Mint and RueWaterto. be given after it. The Beaft muft be kept warm, until the EffeCl of the Medicine is work'd off, bat if any ill Symptoms appear, the Sudorifick Ball mull be repeated three Times, once in 24 Hours, and- warm Water given to them' during the Time of Cure. It will likewife be a very efficacious Medicine for Horfes in Cafe of Surfeits. I fhall remark, that in the Year 1715, there was a contagious Diftemper among the Co vs, and their Death was much in the fame Manner as at this prefent Time of their Fatality; and it is evident, . that the Diftemper now raging amongthem, in a v rv fhort Time corrupts the whole Mais of Blood, fo that unlefs a fpeedy and efficac ous Application be made, Mortality muft inevitably follow. It is no Wtrder from whence the Caufe arifes, if judicioufty ccnfidered, as in the Plague, from an immediate State of p: rfeCt Health to that of t'utrefaftion; in the fame Manner is the Caufe of this among the Cattle, by the invifible infeCled Animalculas from their own Specie fock'd into the Pores, which by the Laws of Reaf n, are at natural as that of the Loadftone and Iron embracing each other. From hence it is apprehended, that no fluggilh Medicine can each the Diftemper, but what abounds with Vo'atilitv, fuch is that of the Sudorifick Ball before directed, as when wa m in the Stoiflach, do bring forward the Malignity by the Subtilty of the Medicine, dividing and difcuffing the obllrufted Humours, where Expufion is neceffary thro' the cutaneous Pores, and to thin the Blood, which almolt ftagnates for Want of fuch Shocks fo that the Matter muft. either- perfpire, or be taken up ? gain into Circulation by the Refluent Biood. This Remedy with what has been before related, if carefully apply'd, there can be but little Doubt or Apprehenfion of any fubfequent Danger; for Example, ( as 1 have been informed) the Pnyficians of Turkey are excellent for preparing the Bodies of fuch their Patients, who are intended for Inoculation of the Sma'l Pox ; and they ^ ind by Experience by how much the more the Blood is made Pure, by fo much the lefs does the Diftemper rage, and in fome Perfons it has fcarcely been perceptible, fo that there was not the leaft Neceflity of their Confinement. And it is highly reafonable the fame Endeavour to purify the Blood in Cattle ( tho' in a Diftemper more infectious) may be crown'd with the like Succefs. D . RUSTICUS. High Water at London- Bridge, - this Day at 49 Minute* liter 4, The S U B J E C T . N « . XVI. TH E Condufl of our Kings fince the Revolution which the Rebels complain of, I have confidered in my lalt Paper ; thofe I mean who preceded his prefentMa jeily. I am fenfible I havejiot done Jullice to their Merit On the contrary, I ought to afk Pardon for having leftened their CharaCter by a mean and trifling Commendation : But I defigned not a Panegyrick, I defigned only, in a fhort Sketch, to let the Reader fee, how little Reafon we have to be diffatisfied with the Revolution, or to think of bettering ourfelves by another. I come now to enquire into the Con duft of his prefent Majeily. This, you'll fay, is a dan gerous Attempt: Not at all, in fuch a Country as Great Britain, and under fuch a Prince. Were I a Subject of Trance or the Pretender, fuch an Enquiry might be dangerous. The very fcanning their Actions would be High- Treafon or fomething very like it : But I thank G O D I live in a free Country, where the meanefl SubjeCl is not precluded from giving his Sentiments on publick Affairs, provided he do it with Modefty and Decency. That Liberty of Speech which our Reprefentatives claim when in the Parliament- Houfe, we, who are'their Conflituents, claim without Doors, when we have ought to advife one ano ther relating to the publick Good. And HOW perhaps, fome of my Readers will imagine, that I am going to enter into an extravagant Encomium upon his Majeity, and to affert, that there never was fuch a King upon the Face of the Earth ; that he is poffeffed of every V irtue and every Accomplifliment under Heaven ; that there has not been one wrong Step taken for thefe 18 Years laft pad ; that not one Farthing of Money has been mifapplied ; no Blockhead preferr'd ; no Man of Merit negleCted : But I don't aflert this. I don't think it neceffary for me to do it. All that I think r. eceffary to my prefent . Argument, is to affert, that we have a Prince and Family upon the Throne by many' Degrees better than by any Exchange we can make, and by v. ry many Degrees than by the Exchange the Rebels would perfuade us into, — I might add, that fuch an Exchange would bury us in inevitable Ruin. 1 know very well there have been a Number of Invectives prblifhed againft the King and his Meafures by the Craft/ man and other angry Writers, which have perhaps ferved in fome Meafure ( I hope rot intentionally) to ftir up the prefent Rebellion, by leading our Enemies into a filly Opinion, that the Nation was difpleafed and out of Humour with the Government ; which I believe the young Pretender by this Time finds to his great Grief is notorioufly untrue : And our Enemies of France will perhaps fall upon Englijh Ground before they get rid of the fame Delufion. Thefe Inve& ives have been eagerly liftned to, and even entertained by fome People with Pleafure, which is a Thing we need not much wonder at ; The Judicious Mr. Hooker hath long ago given us the Reafon of it in that Obfervation wherewith he opens his Treat. fe of Ecclefiaftical Polity. " He that goeth about to perfuade a Multitude, that " they are not fo well- governed as they ought to be, ( hall " never want attentive and favourable Hearers ; becaufe " they know the manifold Defefts whereunto every Kind " of Regimen is fubjeCl; but the fecret Lets and Difficul- " ties, which, in publick Proceedings, are innumerable " and inevitable, they have not ordinarily the Judgment " to confider: And becaufe fuch as openly teprove fup- " pofed Diforders of State, are taken for principal Friends " to the common Benefit of all, and for Men that carry " lingular Freedom of Mind : Under this fair and plau- " fible Colour, whatfoever they utter, paffeth for good « ' and current; that which wanteth in the Weight of their " Speech is fupplied by the Aptnefs of Men's Minds to " accept and believe ir." T o reply to all thefe Invectives, would be an Herculean Labour ; and even to enter into but a general Vindication o f the laft eighteen Years, is a Talk which I confefs myfelf not equal to. The Argument would but fuffer in my Hands: I am a private Man, and know nothing of the fecret Springs of ACtion ; but I can judge of them, as I fuppofe my Fellcw- fubjefts do, by their outward Appearances, and by the Effects they have upon us; by what we fee, and what we feel. For DiftinCtion's Sake, and in order to digeil our Thoughts upon this Subject, I believe we cannot follow a better Method than that which the Handing Courfe of Parliament feems to point out to us. Every body knows, that at the Opening of each Seflion, it is cuftomary for the Houfe of Commons, who are the Grand Inqueft of the Nation, to appoint four Grand Committees, who are to make Enquiry upon the following Subjects, viz. Religion, Law, Trade, and Grievances. Of each of thefe we will take a diftinCt Confideration. The WAREHOUSE for Morning Gowns and Banjans is removed from Pope's- Head Alley, to the Woolpack aid Dolphin, Three Doors abjvc Birchin- lane in Cornhill: Where great Variety of Gowns are kept ready m ' de, of rich Silk Damafks, fine Scotch Plaids, Flower'd Ruffels. Figut'd Grograms, Valiums & c. Alfo Bmjans of fine Cloth, Duffins, Plaids and Damafks. All forts of Velvet- Caps and Salhes. Note, The Stock if Silk Goods in the faid Shop is to fold at Prime Cojl. Bank- Stock 127 a 126 3 4ths. India Ditto > 64. South Sea Stock no Price. Ditto Old Annuities t o i . Ditto" New no Price. Three per Cent. Annuities no Price. Ditttf 1742, no Price. Ditto 1743 and 1744, no Price. Ditto' 1 7 4 5 , 8 1 . Million Bank 11 o. Equivalent 102. Royal Affurance 79. London Aflttrance 10. Englifh Copper 5 1. Seven per Cent. Emperor's Loan no Price. Five per Cent, ditto no Price. Bank Circulation 13 1. IOS. a 14 1. Difc. India Bonds J 1. 18 s. a 10 s. Difc. Three and a half Salt- Tallies 14 1. Three and a half perCent. Exchequer Orders no Price. Three per Cent. Ditto no Price. H A Y - M A R K E T, THE SUBSCRIBERS to the OPERA are * drfired to make the laft Payment of their Subfcription- Money to the Treafurer, at the Opera- Office in " tlx: Hatmarket, where Attendance will be given this and every Day, from Ten ' till Two, to receive the fame, and deliver out the Silver Tickets. D R U R Y - L A N E. B> His Majejty's Company of Comedians, AT the Theatre- Royal in Drury- Lane, this Day, will be prefented a Comedy, call'd A S Y O U L I K E IT. Duke Senior, Mr. Bridges; Duke Frederick, Mr. Marfhal; Jaques, Mr. L. Sparkes ; Orlando, Mr. Blakes ; Amiens ( with the Songs proper to the Charafler) by Mr. Lowe ; Tsuchftone, Mr. Macklia ; Adam, Mr. Berry ; Oliver, Mr. Havard ; Sylvius, Mr. Goodfeilow ; Le Beu, Mr. Woodburn ; Jaoues Debois, Mr. Ulher; Corin, Mr. Tafwell ; Charles, Mr. I. Sparkes ; William, Mr. Ray. Calia by- Mrs. Clive ; Phebe, Mifs Bennet ; And the Part of Rofilind by Mrs. Woffirgton. A f t I. A Tance by Monf. and Madem. M E C H E L and others. T o which will be atMed a Farce, call'd The S T A G E - C O A C H. T h e Part of NicoJemus Somebody by Mr. Yates ; Capt. Bafil by Mr. Mezeen ; Uncle Micher, Mr. Collins ; Jolt, Mr. 1. Sparkes ; Fetch, Mr. Neale ; Landlord, Mr. Vaughan ; Oftler, Mr. Leigh. Ifabella, Mifs Minors; Dolly, Mifs Royer ; And the Part of Macahone by Mr. Barrineton, In which Charafter will be introduced an IRISH R O R O T O R I O, fet to Mufick. Boxes 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery 2 s. Upper Gallery 1 s. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Hobfon, at the Stage- Door of the Theatre. T o begin exaflly at Six o'clock. » , ' To- morrow The R F . H E A R S A L. T h e Part of Bayes by Mr. F O O T E . C O V E N T - G A R D E N . AT the Theatre Royal in Covent- Garden, this Day, will be prefented a Play, cali'd V E N I C E P R E S E R V ' D ; O R, A PLOT D I S C O V E R ' D. T h e Part of Jaffier by Mr. Ryan ; Pierre, Mr. C a f h e l l ; R « nau! t, Mr. Chapman; Bedamar, Mr. Hale; Priuli, Mr. Bridgwater ; thr Duke, Mr. Rofco ; Officer, Mr. Gibfon ; Eliot, Mr. Ridout ; Spinofa, Mr. Anderfon ; Theodore, Mr. Carr ; And the Part of Belvidera by Mrs. Pritchard. T o which will be added a Farce, call'd The M O C K- D O C T O R. The Part of the Mock- Doiftor by Mr. C I B B E R ; Sir Jafper, Mr' Arthur ; Welfh Davy, by Mr. Hippifley ; James, Mr. Anderfon } Harry, Mr. Carr ; Leander, by Mr. Hayman ; Charlotte, bytMrs » Vaughan ; Doreas, Mrs. DunltaH. Boxer 5 s. Pit 3 s. Firft Gallery i s . Upper Gallery i s. T o begin exaftly at Six o'Clcck. Admiralty- Office, Dec. 25, 1745. cr'H E Court Martial for enquiring into the • Caufe of the Lofs ' f his Mcjeftfs late Sloop the Falcon being over, the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty do hereby Jlridly direS all the Petty- Officers and Foremafl Men late belonging to the faid Sloop, to repair forthwith to Portfmouth, and apply to Vice- Admiral S T E U A R T , who will dired them to go on Board one of his Maje/ lfs Ships, where they will be paid the Wages due to them for the Falcon, and Conduit Money and Carriage for their Chefls and Beddingy will be allowed for their 1 ravelling to Portfmouth ; but if any of the faid Men fail to repair to Portfmouth,: as directed, they will not only lofe the Wages due to them for that Sloop, but the Marfhal of the Admiralty will be ordered to apprehend them, in ordtr to their being Tried at. a Court- Martial as Deferters, T H O . C O R B E T T. African Houfe, Dec. 26, 1745. CTHE Court of Affftanls of the Royal African Company of England do hereby give Notice, That the Transfer Books of the faid Company will be fhut from Thurfday the id Day of January next, until Thurfday the t^ d Day of the fame Month, in Order to the EleSiion cf Governor, Sub Governor, Deputy Governor, and Twenty four Affiftants of the faid Company for the enfuing Tear. By Order of the Court of Affiflants, R . S P E N C E , Sec. JjrRE R & AS His Majejly has been plea fed to direa, that Alarm- Pofts jhould be appointed, and proper Signals be fettled, for giving N. tice to the fiver a I Guards, which are to be in Readinefs to march upon the firli Notice of any Tumult or InfurreCiion, within the Cities of London or Weftminfter ; and that the faid SignalJhould be by feven Cannons, one to te firtd every Half Minute at the Tower, to be anfwered by tbe fame Signal from St. James''% Park, and vice verfa. It is therefoi e Ordered by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, and the refi of his Majefty's CommiJJioners of Lieutenancy for the City of London, that every Officer and Soldier in each of the Six Regiments of the City Militia, without waiting for Bleat of Drum, or any othe r Notice, do immediately, on hearing the faid Signals, repair, with their Arms and ufual Quantity of Piwder and Ball, to the Places hereunder mentioned, for the Rendenv.- u of the faid Regiments refpeaively ; ( that is to fay) The R E D Regiment on Tower- Hill. The GREEN Regiment in Guild- Hall Yard. The Y E L L OW Regiment in St. Paul's Church- Yard. The W H I T E Regiment at the Royal Exchange. The BLUE Regiment in OldFijh- flreet. And The O R A N G E Regiment in Weft Smithfield. And all Perfons ncghaing to appear as above direa: d, will be punifhed as Defer ters, Dated at Guild- Hall, the Fourteenth Day of December, 1745. Signed by Order of the Right Honourable the Lord- Mayor, and the reft of His Majefty's Commifiloters of Lieutenancy for the City of London. E D W A R D G R O E , Clerk. : IV1 t j z h e r e a s it has been reprefented te the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and the reft of his Majefty's Commijfioners of Lieutenancy for the City of London, at a Court of Lieutenancy held at Guildhall, on Thurfday the zbth Day of December 1745, that feveral Perfons, now ferving in the Six Regiments of the City Militia, have not been Lifted and Sworn. It is therefore ordered by this Court, that no Pfrfon be at any Time hereafter fent, or do in his on- n Right, attempt to fetve as a Soldier in the City Militia, unfjs he has already been L fted or Sworn, or been appro v'd of by the Commanding Officer of the Company in which he is to ferve, is read, to be Lifted and Sworn, a s tbe Aa of Parliament in that Cafe direas. Sign'd by Order of the faid Court, E D W A R D GROSE, Cl. - mr— — J\ 70' fIC E is hereby given to the Officers and * Companies of his Majefty's Ships undermentioned, who Qvere at the taking the following Prizes, viz. Pallas, Marie Marguerite, St. Anne, Amiable Jeanne, Mercurie, Gracieufe, And Diana Privateer. A L S O , J Retaken Ships. Ann Snow, Aurora, Friendlhip, Flambro'sPrize, That they will be paid their refpeftive Shares for ' fuch of the above Prizes as they are entitled to, at the following Times and Plaees, viz. Captain, the 6th of January, on Board the Ship at Portfmouth. Lomfia, at the Crown Tavern, behind the Royal- Exchange, the 2zd of January, to the Affignees of the Men, and Attornies of the Officers,_ the Others to be paid on Board when the Ship arrives in Port. Monmouth. the 24th of January, at the fountain Tavern, Plymouth. Lenox, ~) t( i<> , rt> i nf j^„„ arv ^ tj , e Crown Ta- Defiance, Tavifiock, } th e 15th of January at Hampton Court, Prince Frederick, Edinburgh, vera, behind the Exchange. " the 4th of February on Board the Ships at Plymouth, if returned from their Cruize, or at the Fountain Tavern in Plymouth. Note, The Recalls will be the firft Thurfday in every Month, beginning in February, at the Crown Tavern afaid, except for the Ships which are to be paid at Plymouth. Crown Tavern behind the Exchange, December 23, 1745. rT* H E Gentlemen who are forming a Body of Horfe for the Defence of his Majefty's Perfim and the Roy. nl Family, and for the fe cur ing the Peace of the Cities of London and Wefiminfler, and Parts adjacent, met this Evening, and adjourn d to Thurfday, fan. 2, at the fime Place, at Five o'Clock, where they will be glad to meet any Gentlemen who are willing to engage in the fame Service. Enquire for Number 5. For S A L E by the C A N D L F* At LLOYD's Coffee- Houfe in Lombard Street, On Friday next, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, THE SALAMANDER with Four Twelve Pounders, and 10 Nine Pounders, Carriage Guns, 18 Swivels, is efteem'd one of the beft failing Vefiels in England, and exceedingly well found, now lying near Wapping Old Staks. Printed Inventories to be bad on Board, at Sam's Cvffee- houfe near the Cuftom- houfe, at the Place of Sale, and Dof . H. S. AXJGIER, Broker. Nute, She has Ports for 16 Guns. For S A L E by the C A N D I . E , At L L O Y D ' S Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Wednefday, Jan. 8, at Twelve o'Clock, TH E V E R N O N Pfivateer, with Twenty- fix- Jarge. Carriage Guns, an exceeding fine Sailor, Squareftern'd, Bofton built, for the Weft - India f t a d e^ Burthen 330 Tons, more or lefs, with very good Dimenfions, and extreamly well found, now lying at Stone- flairs, John, liar wood) Commander. Inventories toS bAe feMen Uon EBoLar d, BanRd Oat OthKe PSla, t e ;> Bf SRalOe. K E R . To be heard of Daily at his Office ( for AfKiting Ships ard Merchandize) oppofite Jonathan's Coffee houfe in Exchange- Alley ; or at Lloyd's Coffee- houfe in Lombard- ftrcet. For S A L E by the C A N D L E, At L L O Y D's Coffee- Houfe in Lombard- Street, On Friday, January ! o, at Twelve o'Clock at Soon, ' H E D U K E Pri v u t e e r, X . with iS Carriage Gtins, ^ 9 Pounders, and 2 ditto, 4 Pounders, aII" New, an exceeding ine Sailor, Square- ffern'd, built; in the River Thames by Mi . Henry Bird, and launthed in February laft, ^ Burthen about ^ c © Tons, with an extraordinary Inventory, every Thing being New when fhe went to Sea, now lying in Sea, Mill- Do'Brsfiol, and ta be delivered there, Capt; John Morecock, Commander. inventories to be had on Board the faid Ship, at Sam's CofFee- houfe near the Cuftom- houfe, at the Place of Sale, and of C H A R L E S R O G E R S , rakeir . Over- agair. fi LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe. For S A L E by the C A N D E E , At LLOYD'S Coffee- Houfe in . Lombard- Street, On Friday the 1 Qtb of January, at Twelve 0' Clock at Noon, H E PrinceFREDERicK Privateer, with lS Carrfage Guns., 1 1 Pounders, and 6 ditto 9 Pounders, 4 ditto 4 Pounders, all New, ah exceeding fine Sailor, Square- ftern'd, built in the River Thames, by Mr. Elias Bird, and launched in February laft, Burthen about 500 Tons, with an extraordinary Inventory, every Thing being new when ( he went to Sea, now lying in Sea, Mill- Dock, Bnjlol, an. d to be delivered there, Capt. James Talbot, Commander. Inventories to be had on Board the faid Ship, at Sam's Ccffee- houfe near the Cuftom- hoofe, at the Place of Sale, and of C H A R L E S R O G E R S , Broker. For S A L E by the C A N D L E, At G A R R A W A Y ' s CtfL- c- Houfe in Exchange- Alley, In about Thi ee Wei is, TH E C A R G O E of the M E N T O R Prize from St. Domingo, taken by the Jerfey Man of War, Charles naray, Efq; Comtr. ande'-, viz. About 330 Hogfheads of Sugar. 17 Casks of Coffee. 33 Ca? ks of Indigo. 240 Hides. 40 Mahogany Planks. Particulars whCereHof AwiRll bLe EpuSbl isheRd Oin GduEe RT imS e,. Broker. zrjmi This Day is publijhed, In T W O V O L U M E S, F O L I O , With HIS MAJESTY'S Royal LICENCF, The Fifth Edition, of Y C L O P / E D I A or, an Univerfal Dictionary of A R T S and SCIENCES. C O N T A I N I N G , An Explication of the Terms, and an Accowt of the Thing ( Unified thereby, in tfcr.: feveral Arts, both Liberal and Mechanical; and the feveral Sciences Human and Divine. The Figures, Kinds, Properies, Produttions, Preparations, and Ufes of Things Natural and Artificial : The Rife, Progrefs, and. State of Things Ecclefiafli. al, Civil, Military, and Commercial : With the feveral Syftems, Setts, Opinions, & c. among Philofophers, Divines, Mathematicians, Phyficians, Antiquaries, Critics, & c. Tbe whole intended as a Courfe of Ancient and Modern Learning F. xtra& ed from the belt Authors, Dittionarits, Journals, Memoirs,. Tranfatt ons, Ephemerides, & c. in feveral Languages. By E. C H A M B E R S, F. R. S. Printed for D. Midwinter, M. Senex, W Innys, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T . Ofborne, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, J. Hodges, J. Shuckburgh, J. Pen berton, A. Millar, F. G Aug, J. Rivington, and the Executor of J. Dirby. L O S T , Or. Friday Night laft between the Mews Coffee- houfe and Suffolk- fireet, APlain GOLD WATCH, with a Gold , Chain, the Maker's Name Grahath. whoever will bring it to the Bedford- Head Tavern in Soiftharn( i; ton- ftreet, Covent- Garden, or to the Tennis- Courl Coffee- houfe under the Treafury, fhall have Five Guineas Reward, and no QueftionS asked. If offir'd to pawn or fell, pray flop it, and yaa fhall have the faiftei Reward; or i f already pawn'd or fold, y> ur Money lhall be returned with T h a n k s .' S it mult fill the Heart of every Tru- i Briton with Joy, eftabKfh in them the higheft Opinion of thd undaunted Courage and indefatigable Pains that his Royal HighnefS . the p u k e of C U M B E R L A N D , the Darling of the People, has bceri at, in quelling the unnatural Rebellion, the Inllruments of which, without his Afiiduity, under Providence, in the Opinion of every one, would have reach'd this great Metropolis, G.' iORGE STERROP cf St. Pau.' s Church- yard, Is preparing a M E D A L, In Honour of that glorious A f l i o n ; in t h t ^ r & F m i n g of which he is dererrnined to fpare no Pains or Expence to render it worthy the Approbation of the Curious; It will be finilh'd in a few Days, being In great Forwardnefs. Note, Sfime of them will be ftruck in MetaJ. R A L P H T A Y L O Iv, B R I C K L A Y E R , to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of WALES,, in St. Alban's- Strcet, Pall- Mali, St. J a m e s ' s; CLRETEI Smoaky Chmnies. • o Cure, no Money ; he hath had the Honour to perform fs » r His Royal Highnefs tlie Prince of W A L E S , His Grace the Duke ofRich'm- nd, Hi. Grace the Dnke of Roxburgh, His Grace the Duke of St. Aihan's, The Right Reverend the Lord Bifhop of London, Cbr. ft II fpttal, Guy's IloCpital, And many more- tr- o tedious toinfert her", T h e faid T A Y L O R performs all Manner of Chemical Furnaces, See. % * The faid T A Y L O R hath followed the faidBafinefs near 3a- Y; ars. This Day is publi/ Jjcd, A SERMON preach'd before the Right Hon. the L O R D M A Y O R , the A I D I S K E . V , and Liveries o f the feveral Companies of the City of L O N D O N , jn the Cathedral Church of St. P A W L , on Wednefdayr December i 3 , 1745, being ths Day appointed for a General Faft, u; on Occafion of the prcfenBt yR ebRelliIonC. H A R D T E R R I C K , M. A. Teacher at the Rolls, Canon of Windfor, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majcfiy. Printed for John Shuckburgh, at the Sun near the Inner- Temple Gate, Fleet- flreet. Where may be had, Mr. Terrick's Sermons before the Honourable the Houfe of Com- This Day is publijhed, Price 6 d. SUCCESS from God alone, and the Vanity of Human Endeavours without his Blefiing. Ci. nfidered in a SERMON preached at a Time of Solemn Prayer, on Account of the War and the Rebellion, at Dr. Guy/ e's Meeting- houfe in New Broadftreet, Dec. 12, 1745. Poblilh'd at the Requeft of feveral Minifters and Bothye rs wDho hAearVd i tI. D J E N N I N G S . Printed for J. Ofwald, at the Rofe and Crown nejr the Ma. nfion- Houfe ; and J. Waugh, at the T u r k ' s Head in Gracechurch- ftreet. Where may be bad, lately publijb'd, the 3d Edit. Price bound I s. 6 d. 1. The Beauty and Benefit of early Piety, reprefented in feveral Sermons preached to young People on New Year's Days. By David Jennings. 2. An Abridgment of the Life pf the late Reverend and Learned Dr. Cotton Mather, of Boflon in New- England. Publifh'd by David Jennings, and recommended by I. Watts, D, D. Price bound 1 s. 6 d. B This Day is publijh d, Price 6 d. RITANNlA's Alarm. A Poem. Occafioned by the prefent Rebellion. To which is added, t Fable of the Vine and Bramble. By T H O M A S G I B B O N S, Protinut irrupit Vena pe) oris in JEvum Omnt nefas j fugere Pudor, Verunique Fidefque, In quorum Jubiere Locum, Fraudefquey Dclique, Injiditeque, & Vis, & Amor feeler at us babendi. Ovid* Libertatcm Memo bonus niji cum Anirna fimul dmiftit. , Salutfv Prrnted for R . King in Fore- ftreet; J. BuckJand, and M . Cooper . n Pater- nofter Row j and M . Mar/ hall in Newgate- ftreet. This Day is fublijloed, Price i s. ANew P R I N T , call'd the C O N T R A S T . Exprffiing properly, by two Compartments in Counteiview, the very different Situation ana Pofture of Britain, tinder her legil King, from what it would and muft be, under a Popifh Ptince ; impos'd on her by Foreign Force, or Domtflic Rebellion. With Verfes fitly adapted, Juxta fe pofita magis elucefcunt. Printed and fold by T . Read in Dogwell- Court, White- Fryars in Fleet- ftreet ; M. Overton, over- againft Fetter- Lane, Fleet- ftreet; and the Pamphlet- fli. ps and Printlellers of London and Weftminfttr. This Dty is puhttfhed. Printed for R. DQD& LEi', at Tally's Head in Pali- Mall, PL A T O K E D I V i V U S ; o r , D i a l o g u e s v concerning Government- Wherein, fey Obfervatioris drawn from other Kingdoms and States, both ancient and modern, an End.' avour is uied to difcover the prgfent politic Diftcmper of our own, wBi thy thteh Cea aHLso anndo uRermaebdilees. HT hEe TNh iRr d YE diiiani. n E V I L L E . This Bay- is publifl'd, Price 6 d. H P H E C a m p a i g n i n S A X O N Y , or a f?_ Su£ dn& Ac count of the Motives, which induced the King & f Pruflia to invade that Country j the Propofitions made by him before the Taking of Li- ipvcW ; a. true Relation of the Battle cf Wi] fdorf, and the Surrender of Drcfden y the Pacific Negotiations carried © n there, and. the Confidences of a' E> efin> tive Treaty of Peace. in a Letter from Major B L A l R , an Officer in the Piuflian Service to his Uncle* an Officer in* the Service of the King of Great- Britain. Printed ior M. Cooper, at the Glebe in Pater- nofter Row. Note, This Pamph( et is enter'd at Stationers- Ha 11, to prevent, its BeinP pyratedj or pi inted in ihe Pubikk Papers. This Day is pnbliped, Beautifully printed in a peat Pet kit return*, Price fitch'd i s . 6 d. Bound 2 s. AL E T T E R of G e n t e e l a n d M o r a l A d - vice to a Voting Lady. Being a Syflem of Rules and Informations dicefted into a new and familiar Method, to qualify the Fair S eBxy, ttoh eb e uRie'evf. u l anMd rh. appyV iVn eEveTryT ESc' eNneH oAf LLiLf e, W I L K E S , Mir. ijler of Ilo'unfiow, Middle lex. The Fourth Edition, carefully Revifed and Enlarged. Printed for C. Hitch, at the Red- Lyon in Pater- nodcr Row ; and J. Leake in Bath. , Where may le. h ut, T h e Third Edition, in a neat Pocket Volume, Price n . 6 d. iiluftrated with Cppaer- Plates. Aflronomical Dialogues between a Gentleman and a 1- jdy ; wherein the DoCtrine of the Sphere, Ufes of, the Globes, and the Elements of Agronomy and Geography are explained, in a pleafant, eafy, and familiar Way, with a Defcriprion of the famous Indrument called the Orrery. By John Harsis, D. D. F. R. S. This Day is publifh'd, Bt'. m a proper Prefect, at the approaching Scgfsn. 7be trio/* ieaiiti/ u/ fy engrv- vd. on. Copper- plates, containing greater Variety than all the little things of this Kind ex- " tatii. Price ofll; Ol\ e Shilling.: H E C H i f . D ' s D E L I G H T , or L i t t le % - Ivf2fler and MilVs i : ftrr. ftive and diverting. Companion. " Par't'l. Containing tbe Alphabet of Eafy Syllables, See. Part II. Confiding of pretty Songs, ' T a l e s , Catches', and other humourous and innocent Stories, adaptel to the Age at tbofe they are oefign'd for, with a P i f l u r e a t t b e Head of each. Th.: whole calculated to render the Learning to Read, a DiverGon rather than'a Talk* . By « L O V E R » /• C H I L D R E N . Printed fur J'. Robinfon, at the Golden, Lion in Ludgate- ftreet; and 1. I lodges, at the Looking Glafe, oyer- a£ ainft St. Magnus Churcli, London- Bridge. Wle're i< liierui'fe tyb' h. i. l, jut poll fied, Price 6 d. T h e Child's New Year's G i f t , or a Collection of chafte and fignificairt Riddle?, r ri the moff familiar SubjeCts. Adorned with curious Ca^ s. The Whole engraved on G- pper plates. Recommended tj a 1 l irv- i Mothers,' as an mdruCtiw: and entertaining Companion for their Children. This Day is publfhed, - ( Seirsj a proper I'left nt at this Seafon - for all Tuck as are Rtligionfly Difpofed,,) ( Neath printed on a Super fine Paper,) Price bou/ ld 3 S-. H ii N e w c - f t M A N U A L o f Private De- I motions. In T H R E E P A R T S. P A R T I. Containing Devotions fuited to molt Perfons and Cafes,, particularly Morning and Evening Prayers for Private Perfons, and for a Family f or every Day in the Week. To which y t added, Some Select P a y - ors for the Ufe of Clergymen, taken from'the Manufcript. ef a late Eminent a.-, d Pious Divine. , . P A R T II. Offices for the S i . k , and Prayers in various Circumftanres of A f - ffCtlon; with Exhortations againd. the Fear of Death, and Directions how to prepare ourlolves to Die well. P A R T II!. T h e Nf- wed Week's Preparation for the worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper ; confiding of fu- itable Prsvers, Forms of Self- Exami- Mtiun and Confeflion of. Sine ; with N'ej. tJtiona to Live well, after . Receiving the Holy Sacrament, and a Companion to the Lord's Table. '• » •'" By L E O N A R D H O W A R D , D D. • Vicar of Tawiton, Dev''>> Itivln'Cr of St. Magnus aid St. James, Gar lick I ill', and Chaplain to his Royal Highnrfs the. Prince of Wales. Printed for the Author, am! fold by James Hodges, at the Looking- CJafs, over- agaiufl St. Magnus Church, Loniiun. Bridge. ' Noti, The Third Part, being rhc Neweft W e e k ' s Preparation for the worthy receiving the Loid'c Supper, will be fold feparate, Price One Shilling. s Where it Ukcviijt to be had, jufi pabUfhsd t j the fame Autltrr, in One Volume, OStavo, Price 5 s. Sermons on feversl Occsft tis.; Preached in the Paridi Churches of St. John, Sauthwark, and S" t. Botolph, AUerfgate. Lately pu'lifhed, ( Being a pioper h'eiv- Ycar 3 Gift loYditng Per few, the condedition, Price 1 s. or ICS. a Dozen hound, ACOMPANION for Y O U T H : Confifting of Meditation"*, Devotions, rfnd proper Inftrutlions for thofe who, through Want of Experience and due'. GonfideratiGn, are inB Dya ngeRr o f Ir umCf inigi intAo thRe e viDi C ouPrfe s Eof tEhe WRo rJSd3. M. A. Vicar cf Farirtndon, Btrhs. The Author of the Companion for Youth has btflowed true Pa itls in trder to j'eafon young Minds 10' vb Virtuous and Rtlirious Principles, and to fettle them well iil H. silts of Ri^ hteoufrttfs before any others have got bold of them. 1 fkall fay r. o more to recommend this • Treatij'e, hut that if it mere prudently af( d feafonably difperfed, ' tis highly probable it vr- uld not only esfflfl- a'' d co- operate < witb the Pious Endeamttrt of tit feveral religious Societies in Lmdon, (, especially that for Reformation of Manners) but in a great Meajure anticipate their Labours, and fave them Abundance of Trouble, by laying fucb a Foundation < f Virtue, Re- ' ligron, andgcod Manners, as ivould render all future Methods mere eafy and more effetlualfir promoting thefe in tbe Wtrld. See Weekly Mifcdlany, No. 291. Printed for T . A d l e y , at the Rofe in Pater- nofier Row. Qf ivhom may be bad, T h e E N G L I S H M A N D I R E C T E D in the Choice of his Religion. The fecond Edition. Prite I s. or 10 !. a Dozen. Mr. N E L S O N on the Fedivals and Fafls of the Church of England Abridged. Price I s . or r o r . a D o z e n. Bifhop K E N ' s Retired Chriftian. Price I s. or 10 s. a Dozen. G R E E K W A T E R, By His Maje fly's Royal Patent, THIS Water is the bed Medicine, that has yet been invented for theC'tre of the Venereal Difeafe, and is aKo a never- failing Prefcrvative from all Venereal Ia- < v fcfjion, as- greatNombers of both Sex experience daily; great Numbers of Affidavits made before a Juflice of Peace proves the real Virtue of this Greek Water. Though this Medicine is mete unit crfally fuceefsful than any Thing of the Kind ever yet made Publick ; yet in | he C u r e o f f o a i e particular Cafes, an Alteration may be neceffary-. Therefore the Author who practices Pbyfick; may be confulted with any Evening at his Houfc ; fuch Perfons as- don'tchufe to call at tbe Doctor's Houfe, fhall be waited on if they pleafe to let him know where and when, in a I. etter. This Water is fold at Dr. Profily's Houfe in Exeter- Court, near Exeter Exchange in the Strand ( where the original Affidavits may he fe: n at any Time '.) at Mr. Roger'r, at the Civet Cat 3nd Orange in the Poultry; and at the Acorn over- againft the Angel Inn in Picadilly ; Price Half a Guinea a Bottle with Directions. Canccrritng Gleets and Seminal IVeakncff ' es of all Kinds. ALT., judicious Phyficians and Surgeons allow, that nothing is more difficult to cure than ft. rbbcin Gleets and Seminal Weaknefles, whether octafirfncd by roo ftvere Purging- for Venereal Injuries, violent Strains, Polluticv fui, or any other Caufe whatever; and that they are dangerous in their Con- 1' eqiiences, as ivcll as difficult to cure, is as certain, lince they exceedingly weaken the Generative Faculties, infeeble the whole Nervous Syftcm, often bring on He& ick Heats, a Tabes Dorfalis, or Conflimntion of the Back, or an Atrophy or Nervous Confumption, which frequently terminate in Death irfelfi All foch,- therefore, who have the Misfortune to be troubled with Old or Stubborn Gleets, Seminal EfFufiohs, involuntary Emiflions, execflive No& urnal Pollutions, or any Weaknefs c f the Kidneys, Ureters, or Bladder, the Diabetis, Incontinenoy of Urine, or Difficulty of holding their Water, would, doubrteff, be ghtd to meet with a certain, fafe, and fpceily Cure, which they n od .- tfTureiily may, by taking only a fmall Quantity of a tranfeertdent Baifamxic ReftriCtive Electuary, now publilhed for a general Good, after having, fot many Years in private TraCticc, b en experienced never fince to fail of perfectly curing the m f ' l flubborn Gleets known in a fciv Days, without Difficulty or Trouble 1 as alfo all other Weakneffes of the Back, Reins, Seminal VefTels, and Urinary Paffages, which it almoft inftantly cures, bringing to rights and redoring all thofe Parts and PafTages to their natural Tot: e and pridine Vigour, in a v e i y extraordinary Manner, and by taking a few Dofes of it only. This tranfeendent Balfamick ReftriClive EleCtuary, is neither <] ifigrceable- to take, nor occafions rite leaft Diforder; but is won- ( letful Reflrorative in all Weaknefs and Decay of Conftittltion of any" Kind, and particularly ftrengthens the- Back, Reins, Seminal and Urinary Veffels roan immenfe Degree, infomuch that in any Debility of them, Or. e Dofe of it tbxs more than T e n cf any " other Remedy yet found out; anil all Perfons fatigued with Gleets or Seminal Weaknefl'es of any Sort, or Weaknefles of the Urinary Velitis, who take it, will, ? n three Oays Time, find it fo very effectual, that they will be molt agreeably furprifed at it. When a Medicine will infallibly accomplifli fuch a fafe, fpeedy and perfeCt Cure of fich difficult Maladies, as Gleets and Seminal Weakneffes arc, as this Great Hemedy truly and direCl'y will, even after all other Means and Medicines h i v e been try'd in Vain y too much cannot be faid in Pi- aifeofit) and this, All who ever took . ic for any of the ^ bovc- menrUaned Pnrpofes, have readily declared. The Price is but 6 r. a Pot, altho' for its abfolute Efficacy, one Pot alone being fufficient, in m- d Cafes, to accomplifh a Cure, worth tenTimrs- as much ; and, by the Author's fpecial Appointment, is to be had- only at Mr. Radford's Toy- fhop, at the Rofe and Crown againft St. ClnnentVChujch- yard in the Strand, ready fealed up, with a Book of IndruClions; which, whoever catefully resits will, be a compleat Mader of his own Cafe, and pei'efUy knenv when the Gleet or Weaknefs he is afflicted with ftrcceeds a Venereal Jniflry, whether all the Malignity of the Foul Difeafe is entirely extirpated, or not, f. he Incomparable POWDER for Cleaning the TEETH, Which needs no artificial Means to recommend it to the World, its orcjr Virtues being fuficient, nor did ire ever fteH pr a Patent, frr, as thy fay, Good Wine needs no Bufh. I4i has given furpi iiing Satisfa- flion to mofl '. of the Nobility and Gentry in Enjlam', near 40 Years lad pad. that it hath bceripublifh'd, and vad Quantities of it fi; Il continue to be fold, notwithdanding the many Counterfeits, fince its fird Publication. It is fold only at Mrs. Wharton's Toyfbop, the B'uecoat Boy, neat the Royal- Exchange, in Cornhill; and at Mrs. Markham's great T o y - fhop, the Seven Stars now ( fince fhe is Removed) direftlj ove'r- agai.' ft St. Dunftan's Church jn Fieet- ftreet, and no where effe in Ens l a j , d, at 1 s. each Eox. N . B . Pray mind ypa fend to the right Place, for the Shop, Mta., Markham i? removed fr'rna, has alio fcot the Seven Stars for its Sign. At oAcs- ufrng it makes the Teeth' ej white as Ivory, tho' ever fb black or yellow before, and effectually preferves them from retting or decaying, continuing them found to exceeding old Age. It wondcrr fully cures the Scurvy in the Gums, prevents Rheum < ir Defluxion, kill* the Worm* at the Roots'of the Teeth, and thereby hinders the Tooth- acb. If admirably faftens loofe T e e t h , being a neat cleanly Medicine, ot a pieafant and grateful Scent, and in Virtue far exceeds any T h i n g evTerh yee t fou1n. d oIu t- fVo r-. thSo fe AP uf- pLo f'esV. E, Which is fo rr. uch edeem'd, and of fo many Years large Experience, and whole Virtues vaftly exceed any of the av. ny Counterfeits, fince its fird Publication, is fold'at the fame Places at 1 s. each Box. For in two or three Honrs Time it heals them, though never fo rough or chopt ; prevents the. Skin from peeling, and makes them delicately foft and fmooth, giving them a becoming rubicund Colour, the Fragrancy of its Odour alfo renders the Breath fine and fweat, and it may be eaten for its Safety. To Perfons of either SEX Affiled with any, Species of the Pally, or other Nervous Decays. NE V E R - were. Nervous Difeafes, Palfies, and Paralytica Difordersio frequent as of late they have been nor have the ufuai Remedies been found adequate to thofe pertinacious Didempers : This, oecnlioned . a Pbyfician, who employed' Iris Thoughts much concerning them, to adapt a. Medicine,. a Auvertigrs Elixir, peculiar to, and effe& ual for, the Palfy, and all other nervous Complaints now reigning, which after he had experienced on vaft Numbers of Perfons of both Sexes, and always with fitrprifin f Succefs, e- en foas infallibly to cure by it the Palfy, and- all Parsl y t i ck Efl'eCts and Nervous Difotders, he permitted it to be made puklick for a general Good, that fo thofe labouring under thefe miftrable Ailments, might know where to meet with a fafe and mod certain Cure, which it accomplices in fo fhort a T i m e , and with fuch Eafe and Pleafure ( a few Drops o i k being a Dofe, highly agreeably to the Palate, and comforting to the Stomach andBoweis) as- is almoftjncredible to relate. But the tak: ng one Bottle of it only, demondrates its prodigious Efficacy to every one, and the Patients fuon find all Numbnefs, Deadr. efs, and Shaking-, oir Rel'olutien of the Nerves, asjwell as ail convulfive, cramp- like, or painful contractions of them," vanifh and return no more; and thii, though thtfg DiTeafes have been of many Years dand'ng, and whether occa& nied by long Illnefs, fail Living, hard Drinking, or any other. Canfc ; fcr it performs all thrrt can be wi/ h'd for in NervO- Js'Cafes, creates an Appetite, expcJJs. Wind, rectifies the Digeftion, occafions laudable Chyle',' attenuates, the Blood and Juices, caufcs a free and regular CircLlation of.' ent tbro'. the Capillary Veffels, revives and in creates tile Spirits, warms, comforts ftrengthens, and repleni/ fces the Brain and whole Nervous Syflem hence the Sinews, Tendons, Ligaments, and all the enfeebled Parrs sre invigorated, the Limbs re'dor'd to their pridine Steadincfs and Strength, and the Palfy and all Paralytick Diforders and Nervous Decays fuddenly curcd by i t ' to the Admiration of the Patients them* felves, and all about them. This fovereign and incomparable Elixir is permitte- d'to be foldonly at Mrs. Holt's, at the Crofs- Kcys and Star, below the Royal- Exchange in Cornhill, London, at 3 s. 6d. a Bottle, with printed Directions at large. * D I R E C T O R Y , Given G R A T I S, INthe2dPageof thivBook, Any Venereal, or G L F . E T Patient, will Plainly fee their Own Cafe, Exactly Defcribed. And How to Cure themfelves Privately, without Telling their Cafe to Any One. - With, the Famous Montpellier Little Eafy Bolus, the Bignefsof Only a P E A to Take. M hich makes the Perfon Eafy - At. Or. ce And, Another B. htt, Carries off the Infecl " 1*^ •*" fiom' \ .. ' J ,- Price Only 2 s. With Full Directions, for Thole who B U Y it. 1- But, This BOLUS, is G I V E N G R A T I S , Without a Perfon's Paying Any Thing a t all for it, ( And Welcome, Any Perfon is, SO [ for Nothing") to have it) T o Thofe. Mentioned, in the n t h Page 0f the Venereal mi G L E E T P a t i e n t ' s D I R E C T O R Y. Which Book, is Given Gratis, To Any One, that will only Step in for i t, At Dr. Ruffel's Houfe, In the Parlour Strait Forward, Facine the Entry, In at the G R E E N H A T C H , , againd Gray's- Ian, Holborn, Where, Is Alfo, Given Gratis, For the Year 1746'. The Ntvt Thee 5c Thou A L M A N A C K Calculated, For the Meridian, of the People Called- Q U A K E R S. Containing New Y E A , and N A Y Obfervations, for Every ManJ » in the- Year. With the Q U A K E R ' S Opinion, Of the H O O P P E T T I C O A T , Of the Unfortunate W O M E N of the Town, And, Of A F T E R NOONS TEA DRINKINGS. LONDON: Printed for H. W O O D T A L L , jun. near the Pump in Little- Britain, where ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length are taken i n at Two SH i L L i N os each. A D V E R T I S E H E N T S are alfo taken in by Mrs. Chapman, over- againft the Kings- Arms Tavern, in Pall- Mall; Geor? e tFoodfiU, at the King's- A'ms, nes: Craig's - C. wt, Charing- Crofi Mr. Sbttchbnrgh, at the Sun, next the InnerTemple Gate, Fleet- fir ret Mr, Bratkftmrt at the Glde CernbtU ; and by T. A S T L E V , Removed from St, Paul's Church- yard, to the Rofe in Patcr- noftcr Raw, s
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