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Commonsense or, The Englishman's Journal


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Commonsense or, The Englishman's Journal

Date of Article: 13/01/1739
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Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 102
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cV COM M O S E N S E O R, The E N G L I S 11 M A Ns JOURNAL C SATORDAY JANUARY 13, 1735?. [ N° ioz0 ( Printed for J. PURSER in White- Fryars.) We juft mention'd, in our laft, that the Proje& or had written a Farce ; fince which, a Copy of it was lent us by a Perfon to whom it was communicated. It muft be obferv'd, that the Proje£ tor, his Brother, the Poet Laureat, and Sixteen of the Gazetteer Authors, having join'd all their Heads together, the following Piece was produced, and was to have been a6ted by the French Plave.- s if they° had continued here this Winter. La SCENE eft a PARIS. L'ECOLE de la POLITIQUE: On, PANfALON refue Minijlre. Parodie de la derniere Scene du Malade lmaginaire, De Aloliere. PRemiere Entre de Ballet March de la Faculte Mi- nifteriale, au fon des Inftruments. Les Collectors de L/ Excife; Les Collefteurs de la Douatie; Les Oflicieres de la Pofle\ Les Commis de la Chambre des Contes; Les Dire& eurs des Companies; Les Chapelains de la Coin; le Dofteur Codex ; un Troop des Penfionaires; le Poete Laureate; la Mere Oshorne ; le Mylord Fanny, le Chevalier Billy ; Maqueraux, Efpions, Delateurs, entrant les Premiers. Aprez eux viennent, deux a deux, les Commiffaires de toutes les Impofts; puis les Doiteurs en politique ; qui vont fe placer aux deux Cotez du Theatre. Le Prefident coiffez d'une grande Perruque, faites de Billets de Banque frizez; ft 11 Habit doublez. de Debentures de I'Armee, avec des Parements de Billets de la Marine; avec un Neud d'Epaule compose du C011- tra< ft de la Banque, et du Contraft du Fourage : Une grande Bourfe, pleine des Guinees, attachee a fon Cienture, qu'il diftribut a toute la Compagnie a- vant qu'il prend fa Place. Le Premier Dofteur habille en HarUquip, fon Ha bit etant tout larde des Traites, des Preliminaires, des Conventions, des Memoriales, & c See. Le Prefident ualfis dans un Fauteauil qui eft a Mi lieu, & Pavtakn, qui doite eftre regeu Mitiiftre, fe place dans un Chaife plus bas. The SCENE PARIS, The SCHOOL of POLITICKS: Or, PANTALON made a Minifter. Being a Parody of the laft Scene of the Malade Imaginaire, of Moliere. THE Scene opens with the Procrjpon of the Minijleridl Faculty, to the Sound of Mitjii< k, The Colleffors. of the Cufioms, the Offtrers cf the Poft- OJJice, the Clerks of the Tre. rfnry, the Directors of the fe^ i- ral Companies, the Court Chaplains, Dollar Codex, a vJM/> of Penjioners confijfing of Perfons of all Profejftors, the Pert Laureat, Mother O. born, the Lord Fanny, the Chevalier Billy, Pimps, Spies and Informers, walk crofs the Stage. After thefe move, two by two, tie Commiffiomrs' of all the Taxes ; then the Doftors in Politicks ; who place them- felves on each Side of the Stage. The Prejident is drcjl in a large Perriwig, made of Bank Notes curl'd up ; his Coat is lined with Army De- bentures, turn'd up and trimm'd with Navy Debentures ; his Shoulder Knot is made of the Bank Contrail, and Fo- rage Central : He has a large Purfe, full of Guineas, . tied to his U^ ajle, which he dijiributes among the Com- pany before he takes his Place. The firfl Doctor is in the Habit of a Harlequin, his Coat being loaded with Treaties, Preliminaries, Conven- tions, Memorials, & c. The Prrjident is feated in an arm'd Chair placed in the middle of the Stage; Panralon, who is to he receiv'd a Mwijler, is placed upon a [ mall Chair at the lower End. Le Prejident. SAvantiflimi Do& ores, Politici Profeffores, Qui hie aflemblati eftis; Et vos altri MefTiores, Commiffionares & Collectores, Inimici de les Tories ', Atque tota Compagnia, Sit Vobifcum Harmonia Salus, Favor, et Argentum, Atque bonum Appetitum. Non poffum, Dodti Confreri, En moi fatis Admireri Qua'is bona Inventio Eft Politica Profeffio, Quae, fuo Nomine fblo, Facit a Jogo vivere Tant des Gens omni Genere. Dunque i! eft noftns Sapientia;, Boni Senfus atque Prndenria:, De fortment travailliare A nos bene conlervarc, £ t prendere Gaurdam a non recivere In noftro Corpore Indodto Quam Perlonas incapabiles Et totas Dignas remplire Iftas Plagas honorabiles. C'eft pour cela, que nunc convocati eftis Et credo quod trouvabitis Dignam Materiam Mioiftri In Savanti Homine, que voici, Quern dono ad interrogandum, Et a Fond Examinandum, Veftris incapacitatibus. Premier DoHeur. Si mihi Licentiam dat Domains Pr& les, qu a re Et tanti Dofti DoOores, Et Alfiftantes Illuftres, Au t'res favanri Candtdato, Qiem eftimo el honoro, Demandabo Can ( am et Rationem Argentum facir bene votare? Pantalon. Mihi a do& o Doffore Demandatur Caulam et Ration? rn quare, Argentum facit bene votare ? A quoi relpondeo, * Quia eft in eo Virtut dorrnitiva, Cujus eft Natura Confctentiam affoupire. Chteur. Bene, Bene, refpondifti; Dignus, Dignas, es intrare In noftro do& o Corpore. Second Doffeur. Demandabo tibi, Dotte Candidate, Quid, in AtFaris- Forinibus, Convetiit faccre 1 Princip'O Bravare, Poftea Guaranrare, Enluita Mediare. Pantalon. Chceur. Bene, Bene, ut fupra. Trojicme Dofteur. Mais fi duo PuifTances, Imperator et Hollandotfes Non volunt agreare, Quid Methodum trouvare ? Pantalon. Cum Ambobus Traitare, The Reft being Litin, we fhall refer fuch of our Readers as do not underftand that Language, to the Vicar of the Parifh to tranflate it for them. Amb'os Guarantare, Cum Ambobus Rum'pare. Shtatrieme DcBeiir. Demandabo tibi, DoCte Candidate, St habes Expedimentum, Bene Probarum et Inventuni, Tenere femper Contentum Liberum noftrum ***** ? Pantalon, Plzgas multas donare, Poftea haranguare, Enliiira votare. Cinquiemt DcHeur. Sed fi P Eledfrjm fit male- conrentum, Vulr Miniftrum chafl'ere,,- Quid illi fdcere ? Pantalon. Houfam bene pnrgare, Novas Plagas creare, Pofte^^ aranguare, Enftfita 7otare. Sixjieme DcBeur, Dofte Domine Candidate, Propons tibi ad refpondendum, Quid eft nobis faciendum, Si Diego non vtilt accommodare, Si Naviros vult plunderare Merchandos noftros maflbcrare, Er Oreillos Mat'ellorum Amputare? Par, talon. ' Flotam magnam affemblare, P' ftea multo fanforonare, Sub Poena Mortis Ordonare Admirsllos de non battare. Septicme Docleuv Demandabo tibi, DoCte Candidate, Qnid ad E- governandam, . Et Animas noftras confervandam, Trouvas a propos facere Pantalon. Beneficium donare, Poftea confecrare, Enfuita tranflatare. Huitieme Dofteur. Super iftas Policias Dodtus Candidatus dixit Miravillias : Mais, fi lion ennuio Dominum Pracfidetilj DoCtillinium Facultatem ; Et totam honorabilem Companiam econtantem, Faciam illi unam Queftionem, Cum exercitu in Pace Qiid convenit facere ? Pantal& ti. Soldieros Powderare, Officiates far votare, Maivotantes cafhierare. Cceur. Bene. Bene, refpondifti, & c, ut fupra. Le Prejident a Pantalon; J'uras guardare Statuta Per Facultatero prsefcripta, - Sine Senfu aut Jngeatnento ? Pantahn. Juro. Le Preftdenti Effere, in Omnibus Debatis et Quertionibus, Meo Avifo, Aut bono, ant mauvaifo T Pantaloft. Juro. Le Prefidenii. De non jamais fervire Miniftris aticanis Quam nobis praelentibns Pro Amicis noltris providentibus^ La Nation dut elle crevare, • Et tora Eur op a abimare I Par- tahn. Juro. Le Prejident. v, cum bono Stipendio, ino'tibi, et concedo, • tutem er Puiflanciam Traitandi, Guarantandi, Mediandi, Blunderandi, Confoundendi, Corrumpendi, Pillagendi, Stockjobbandi, Ruinandi, Dominandi, Impune per tofam Nationem. Let Excifemen, Commiffionaires, 6* c. vitnmnt faire ' a Reverence en Cadence a Pantalon. r Pantalon. Miuiftres EmmenenriiUmi, ; . que Praefes prudentiffime, Ibroit, fans Doure, a moi Chofa folia, Inepta et ridicula, Vobis Loaangeas donare, Qui non Louangeas defervatis, Nec d'etre blamati curatis, Dummodo bene mangeatis, ^ Et Plagas veftras pofledetis; . igreate que, avec meo Voto, Pro toto Remerciamento, Rendam Gratiam Corpori tam Do& o ; Vobis, Vobis debeo Bien plus que a Naturae, et a Patri meo. Natura, et Pater meus, Duncium me habent faftum ; Mais vouz ( ce que eft bien plus) Me havetis faftum Miniftrum, Qui hoc in Corpore, que voila, Imprimat Refentimentum Quod durera tant que meum Employmentum. CUceur. Vivat, vivat, cent fois vivat, Novus Miniftrus, qui tam bene refpondit, Mille, Mille Annis, et mangeat, et parler, Et parlet, et negotier, et bibet. Les Commiflaires, 8* c. danfant au Son da Ivftrumcnts. Premier Do& eur. cot! Anni iLuy effere boni, [ Et favorabiles, Et non habere jamai Quam courtas Seflioijes ! Parvas Oppofitiones, Et magnas Acquifitiones. Exeunt Omnet. u4nglict. Away with them all. FINIS. N. B. The Letter Jign'd J. 0t- Jball have a Place the fir ft Vacancy. COUNTRY NEWS Briftol, Jan. 6. Laft Monday Morning a Barge up the River unhappily broke from her Moorings ; and driving againft the Bridge, funk under one of the Ar- ches. She was laden with Oats, Tobacco, Oil, Rum, Wine, Sugar, & c. to a confiderable Value; but a good Salvage was made of the Casks that floated by the I Boats and Veffels in the River near the Bridge. Thurfday Morning about Two o'Clock happen'd here the moft dreadful Storm of Thunder and Light- t ning that was ever known in the Memory of Man at this Time of the Year. The Claps of Thunder feem'il to fhake the whole Frame of Nature, and greatly I furpriz'd the Inhabitants of this City, who were ap- * prehenfive of confiderable Damage being done thereby; though hitherto we have heard of none. But the violent Showers of Rain and Hail, attended with boifterous Gales of Wind, have flooded the Country around, and fwell'd our River to that Heighth Yefter- day, as to make its Way againft the Tide of Flood with a full Torrent. In the bad Weather this Week, was forced up our Channel, in great Diftrefr, a large Ship bound from Jamaica to London. She is reported to be the King William, Capt. Grawfpfd; and that fome of the Men were found dead on ^ Joard, and others fo weak as not able to work the Ship. Canterbury, fan. o. On Sunday laft died, at his Seatcall'd Leeds- Abby near Maidftone, Sir Roger Meredith, Bart, one of the Keprcfentatives for the County of Kent in the late Parliament; by whole Death the Title is extindt LONDON, January 13, 1739. We hear, that laft Week a vaft Sum of Money was irawn out of the Bank; it is laid, no lefs ihan five hundred thoufand Pounds, which was remitted into Germany by Way of Hamburgh, not for the Ufe of the Emperor. How prodigious rkh this Nation grows ! It isfaid aifo, that the South- Sea Company have re- ceiv'd Advice from Jamaica, that two of their Sloops, which were at the Havannah, were ftop'd by the Spa- niards, as they were ready to fail out: The Realon of this Embargo is not known ; but the Advice came fince that, of the taking of the Briftol Ship. How- ever, if Affairs are not fpeedily made up, if a large Fleet fhould be fitted out in the Spring, the Spaniards will be glad to liften to a Treaty, and fo we may be eafy. Saturday laft being Twelfth- Day, his Majefty, the Duke, the Princelfes Amelia, Mary and Louifa, went in State to the Chapel Royal, and aflifted at Divine Service; and durii'. g the Offertory, his Ma- jefty advanced to the Altar, and according to the ancient Cuftbm of the Kings of England, offered three Pnrfes filled with Gold, Frankincenie and My. rrh, in Commemoration of the Prefent made by the Eaftern Magi, as on the Feftival at the Manifes- tation. At Noon there was a fplendid Appearance of the Nobility, Foreign Minifters, and other Perfons of DiftidHon. The Knights of the Garter, Thiftle and Bath, ( ir being Collar Day) appear'd at Court in the Collars of their refpeftive Orders. In the Evening his Majefty play'd at Hazard with their Graces the Dukes of Dorfer, Grafton, and Newcaftle, the Bsrl of Effex, Lord Harrington, and divers other Perfons of Diftin& ion, for the Benefit of the Groom Porter, according to Cuftom. At Night there was a Ball for the Lords and Ladies of the Court, which was opened by his Royal High- nefs, the Duke of Cumberland and the Princefs A- fnelia; his Majefty was prelent, and retired foon after ii o'Clock, and the Company broke up about Twelve. Lent- Preachers appointed to preach before his Ma- jefty for the Year 17 59. March 7 Afh- Wedncltl. Dean of the Chapel, Lord Bifhop of London, 9 Friday, Dean of York, Dr. Osbaldifton 11 Sunday, Lord Bifliop of Durham. 14 Wednefday, Dr. Lavington. 16 Friday, Dean of Gloucefter, Dr. Newcombe. 18 Sunday, Lord Bifiiopof Litchfield and Coventry. 21 Wednefday. Dr. Hutton. 23 Friday, Dean ofCarlifle, Dr. Bolton. 25 Sunday, Lord Bifhop of Sarum. 28 Wednefday, Dr. Worth. 30 Friday, D. of Chefter, Dr. Brookes. April 1 Sunday, Lord Bifhop ot St. David's. 4 Wednefday,. Dr. Stebbing. 6 Friday, Dean ofHereford, Dr. Creflet. 5 Sunday, Lord Bifhop of Oxford. 11 Wednefday, Dr. Foulks. 13 Friday, D. of Briftol, Dr. Crefwick. I j Palm Sunday, Lord Archbifhop of Canter bury, or Ld. Abp. of York. 18 Wednefday, Dr. Thomas, fen. 20 Good- Friday, Dean of Weffminfter, Lord Bifliop of Rochefter. 22 Eafter- Day,, Lord Almoner. GR AFTON. Lent Preachers appointed to preach at his Majefty's Chapel at Whitehall, on Wednefday sand Fridays, for the Year 1739. * March 7 Afh- Wednefd Dean of Windfot, Dr. Booth. 9 Friday, Dr. Galley. 14 Wednefday, Dr. Walker. 16 Friday, Dr. Thomas, jun, 21 Wednefday, Dr. Heylin. 23 Friday, Mr. Hay. 28 Wednefday, Dr. Bundy, 30 Friday, Dr. Reuben Clark. April 4 Wednefday, Dr. Bearcroft. 6 Friday, Mr. Bifcoe. II Wedntfday, Dr. Younge. 13 Friday, Mr. Richard Bulloek. 15 Wednefday, Dr. Cobden. 20 Good- Friday, D. of Lincoln, Dr. Willes. GRAFT ON Laft Saturday came Advice, that the Magdalen, bound from Londonderry to Venice, was lately loft near Venice. The fame Day came Atkice from Dover that the Gibraltar, Capt. Bevin, bound from London for Seville, was loft, with the Cargo, off Dover, and the Cap- tain and Crew were with much Difficulty faved. We hear Sir Thomas I. ombe, Knr. died worth about 120090 1. which he has left equally between his Lady and his two Daughters, and has appointed the former fole Executrix ; and in cafe flic fhould die be- fore hisDaughters are of Age, or married, he has left them to the Care of William Selwin, of Pater- nofter- Row, Efq; and Mr. Grigg, of the Six- Clerks- Office in Chancery, to whom hehas left 500 1. each. We hear, in the Eftimate of his Effects, Sir Thomas valued his curious Engine at Derby, and the Term in it, at 20000 1. This Day ."- Night a Woman big with Child, com- ing to the Fleet Market about Five o'Clock, the Pains of Labour came lb fuddenly upon her, that flie was obliged to go into a Cart, where ieverai of the Mar- ket Women came toiler Affiftance, and flie was fafely deliver'd of a Son, which was taken by the Parifh of St. Bride's. A Charter ispafs'd the Great Seal for an Hofpita! for Foundling Children, and ' tis not in the leaft doubted but it will be attended with a very plentiful Subfcrip- tion equal to the Merit of fo charitable a Foundation, To the Author T>/' COMMON SENSE. SIR, YOU are once more defir'd to allure the Publick that a Paper, lately printed by one Hinton at the upper End of Bow Jlrect in Covent- Garden is an Impo/ i- tion on the World; none of the Gentlemen, who have written and conduced that Pnper, for above twelve Years paft, being concerned in it; and that the original Craft/ man is now printed by H. GORE HAM in Fleet ftreet. lam, Sir, lour Fellow- Labourer in the Caufe of Li B K a T y, and your humble Servant, GAL. D'ANVBRS. The Leftures ^ t Grefham College are appointed to be read, during Hillary Term, every Morning at Nine o'Clock in Latin, and at Three in the Afternoon its Englifh, by the following Gentlemen, viz. Mondays, John Bridgen, M. A. Divinity Tuefdays, JohnCommyns, Efq; Civil Law. Wednefdays, John Machin, Aftronomy. Thursdays, Dr. Newland, Geometry. Fridays, John Ware, Rhetorick. Saturdays, Henry Pemberton, M. D. Phyflck. The lame Days in the Afternoon will be a Lc& ure on Mufick. Notwithftanding the great Demand there has been for our Corn lately in foreign Countries, fo great a Plenty have we of Grain, that within this Month Wheat has fallen in the Markets 20 per Cent, and is at prefent 1 j per Cent, lower than it was five Weeks ago, to the great Mortification of the high rented Farmer. Monday George Harris was committed to New- gate by Alderman Barber, on the Oaths of divers Perlons, for robbing a Gentleman of his Hat. Thefc Hat- makers ( as among one another the Thieves call themfelves) very rarely efcape the Gallows. Laft Saturday le'nnight Mr. Nathaniel Sragg of - Winborough, nearMatifhalin Norfolk, being abroad a fhooting with two of his Neighbours, one of them fliot at a Fowl, but not killing it outright, one of the Company threw a Stick at it, which unfortunately recoiling upon the Cock of Mr. Stagg's Gun, it went off, and killed him on the Spot. The Waters are fo our in moft Part of the King- dom, that in many Places , there is no Travelling for Men or Horfes. A Funeral gaing to St. Edmund's- Bury in Suffolk, the Coachman had like to have been loft; feveral of the Cattle were drowned ; and they were forced to cut the Traces of leveral others, and leave the Hearfe, with the Corple, in the Waters nor did they know when they fhould be able to re- move it out of that Situation. The Loyal Jane, Capt. Maples, homeward- bound from Dunkirk, met with fuch rough Treatment in the late Storm, thatlhe lay on her Side for five Hour?,, and had near fix Feet Water in rhe Hold; but, by the Crew's clofely plying their Pumps, rhey had the good Fortune to clear her, and with the Lois of only one Piece of Brandy got her into the River. The Eliza, Capt. Mullins, belonging to Cork, from Lisbon, was loft the 26th of December at Four- Mill- Water, to the Weft ward of Bantry, loaded with Salt. The Captain and Crew were fav'd. The Unity, Capt. Patridge, of Pool, from New- foundland, loft her Bowfprit, and receiv'd confidera- ble Damage in the late Storm, and is put into Tenby Pier to refit. At a Ward more held laft Wednefday at St. Dun- ftan's in the Weft for the Ward ofFarringdon Withour, before Sir Francis Child, Knt. and Alderman of the faid Ward, for the Eleftion of one of their Head Beadles in the room of Mr. Davis, deceas'd, Mr, William Towers was dcclar'd, he having a great Ma- jority of Hand To the AUTHOR, s i R, IBeg Leave through your Paper thus publickly to r:: urn my moJ humble Thanks to the Nobility; Gentleman, Ladies and others, who have been pleafed lo honour roe with their Encouragement in the Dif- pofal of my Houfe by way of Raffle. And as many of my Friends have not only given perfonal Encou- ragement to it rhemfelves, but condefcended to take Tickets to d'ifpofe of to their refpe& ive Acquaintance; I muft humbly crave Leave thus to entreat them, that as the zjth of January draws very near, the Time ap- pointed for the Decifion ot the Matter, they will De fo kind as to oblige their particular Friends with thofe Shares they have been pleafed to take of me tor that Purpofe, that I may be under no Neceffity of prolonging the Time fix'd for the Determination of the Affair. From the Honour that has hitherto been done to this publick Propofal by fuch great Numbers of the Nobilty, Gentry, Merchants, Traders of every De- nomination, who have already purchafed near 30000 of the Shares out of the 39999, there cannot polfibly be the left Apprehenfion of any kind of Fraud or Im- pofition: The large Centre Houfe in Grofvenbr Square, built by the late Mr. Simmons, is fo thoroughly known, the Right to the PofTeffor fo unqueftionable, and the Method of Raffle by Mr. Foubert's Patent Mathematical Machine is lo unexceptionable, that BO Shadow of Deceeit can be fufpedfced. By inferring thelie few Lines in your Paper, you will oblige, S I R, Tour mo[ 1 humble Servant, E. SIMMONS. Propofals and Shares are difpofed of, at Five Shil- lings and Three- Pence per Share, at White's Cha- colate- Houle, St. James's, Mr. Smith's Cabinet- Maker, in Compton- ftreet, Soho; Rice's Coffee- Houle in Bond- ftreet; Mr. Atkinfon's, in St. Mar- garet's Church- yard, Weftminfter; Roger's and Bridge's Coffee- Houl'es at Weftminfter- Hall- Gate ; Will's Coft'ee- Houfe in Scotland. Yard ; Jack's Coft'ec- Houfe at Guildhall; Ballard's Cotfee- Houfe in Sr. Paul's Qhurch- yard; Bedford- Arms Tavern in Co- vent- Garden; Temple Exchange Coffee- Houfe in Fleet- ftreet; Mr. Barrett's Stationer, near Lincoln's- Inn- Square; Mr. Harding's, Stationer and Book- leller, in St. Martin's- Lane ; Swan Tavern at Bil- lingfgatc; Jancvray's Coffee- Houfe near the Royal Exchange; Mr. James's Bookleller, at the Royal Exchange; Mr. Atkinfon's the White- Hart Inn at Briftol; and at the Great Houfe in Grofvencr- Square, London. We hear, the South- Sea Company have had an Ac- count of the Derention of their Ships and Effects at the Havanna. By Letters from Jamaica, dated in November laft, we have an Account that the Spaniards behave with a high Hand in the Weft Indies, and feem to think them- felves fecure from Refentmcnt; but the daily Expecta- tion of Orders to make Reprilals gave them loom Hope.'. This Day is pullijbed, Price 6 d. The Third Edition of FOUR Original Letters, viz.. Two from a Husband to a Gentle- man : And Two from a Husband ro a Wife. In amore b& c omnia infant vitia, Ut cum ratione infantas. _ _ Terent Satis jam fatis, fpeFtata erga te amicitia efl mea. Id. Jt is a kind of Slander to truji to Rumour. B. Johnfon. Wrote by Mr, THEOl'lllLUSClBBER. Printed for T. Read in Dogwell- Court, White- Fryars; and fold at the Pamphiet- fllops ot London and Weftminfter. This Day is Publijb'd, Compleat, tn Seven Volumes in Folio, Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Burlington. THE RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES of » U Nations in ike World. Illuftrated with between two and three Hundred Sheet and Folio Prints, defign'd by the Celebrated BERNARD PICART. With variety of Head- Pieces and Tail- Pieces : The Whole curioully en- graved. At Claude Du Bofc's at rhe Golden Head in Charles- ftreet, Coveut- Garden, and at other Bookfellers and Printfellcrs. Where may be had. The Military Hiftory of Prince Eu£ etie and the Duke of Marlbo- rough. In Two Volumes in Folio. Adorned with about a Hundred Sheet and Folio Prints. Next Term will be publijb'd, Neeeflary for all LAW YER S, SOLLICITORS and ATTOR NE YS, and very uteful for all P. rfons who are curious in Matteri re- lating to the LAW, HISTORY or AnTicyurits ot England AN INDEX to the Records, with Directions to the feveral Places where they are to be found. And fliort Explana- tions ot the different Kinds of R oils, Writs, & c. To which is added, A Lift of the Latin Sir Names, and Names of Places, as they are written in the old Records, explained by the Modern Names. Alfo a Chronological Table, fhewing at one View the Year of our Lord, anfwering to the particular Year of each King's Reign; the feveral Parliament.?, and the dilFerent Titles by which our Kings are ftvled in the Records. Printed for G. Hawkins, at Milton's Head between the two Temple- Gates in Fleet ftreet. T lis Day is Pt'hlijb'd, hew Editions ( beautifully and comftly printed, with- marry Improve- ments and CorreFlinns) of the Seven jollowing Bocks', on POLITICS, HIS TQM, FOETR. I, and PHILOSOPHY. i- A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, And Mifcella- T\ neuus WORKS of JOHN MILTON. : Coneftly printed from the Original Editions. With ail Hiltoncal and Critical Account of the Life and Waitings of the Author ; containing lcvcral Original Papers of his, never before publilhed. By Thomas Birch, M- A. and F. R. S. With a complete Alphabetical Index. Adorned with an Head of the Author, drawn by Mr. Richardfoa and engraven by Mr. Vcrtue. In two Vols. Folio- Price bound Z i. 2 s. 2. The OCEANA and other Works of James Harrington, Efq,- collected, methodiz'd, and review M, with an exaCt Account of his Life preiix'd, bv John Toland. To which is added, an Appendix, con- taining all the Political Trafts wrote by this Author, omitted in Mr. Tolaird's Edition adorned with a Head of the Author, the Mariner and Ufe of the Ballotj and a Frohtifpiecc. In one Vol. Folio. Price bound 11. is. N. B. There are a few of each of thefe printed on a fuperfine Royal Paper for the Curious. 3. The Works of Mr. Thonifon, adorned with Copper Plates, in two Vols. 8vo. Price bound IOS. Vol. rft. containing, Spring, Summc;, Autumn, Winter, a Hymn on the Seafons, A Poem facied to the Memory of Sir Ifaac Newton, Britannia a Poem, and Sophonisba a Tragedy. Vol. 2d containing-. Antienr and Modern Italy compared ; Greece, Rome, Britain, the PrbfpeS; being the five Parts of Liberty a Poem. A Poem to the Memory of Lord Talbot late Chancellor of Great Britain, and Agamemnon a Tragedy. N. B. The fecond Vol. is to be had alone, to compleat Gentlcmens Sets who fubferibed to the Author for The Seafons in Quarto: And inSvo for thofe that purchaCed them in that Six Thereare a few remaining of the two Vols, in Ouarto on Royal Paper- 4- The Life of JamesFitz- James Duke of Berwick, Afarfhal, Duke and Peer of France, General of his moll Chriftian Majefty's Armies. Containing an Account of his Birth, Education, and Military Ex- ploits in Ireland, Flanders, Spain, tile Severines, Dauphirtyj and on the Rhine: With the Particulars of the Battle of Almam^,_ and the Siege of Barcelona. Giving a general View of the Affairs of Europe, for thefe fifty Years pall: The whole interfperfed with Military and Political Reflexions, and the Characters of eminent Men, in one Vol. 8vo. Price bound 6 s. 5-. An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul % wherein the Immateriality of the Saul is evinced, from the Principles of Reafon and Philofophy, in two Vols. 8vo. Price bound IOS. N. B. He who would fee the jujleji and precifeji Notions of God and the Soul, may read this Book ; one of the moji finijhed in the Kind, in my humble Opinion, that the prefer? t Times, greatly advanced in true Philofopby, have produced. YVarburton's Divine Legation ot Mofes demonftrated, p. 395. 6. The Political Works of Andrew Fletcher, Efq; in one Volume 8vo. Price bound 5 s. 7. Letters concerning the Religion eftential to Man. In two Parts. Price bound 3 s. By the Author of The World Unmask'd, and the State of Souls fe- perated from their Bodies. N. B. In the Prefs, and fpeedily will be publifh'd, The Mytholo- gy, and Fables of the Antients, explained from Hiftory. By the Abbe Bannier, Member of the Royal Academy of Infcriptions and Belles Lettres. All printed for and fold by A- Millar over- againft St. Clement's- Church in the Strand. This Day is Publijb'd, Price 6 d. THE MINISTERIAL VIRTUE: Or, Long- Suffering extoll d in a GREAT MAN. Being a Difcourfe from the following Text. To him that Jmiteth thee on the one Cheek, offer alfo the otl'r: And him that taketh away thy Cloak, forbid not to take thy Coat alfo. Luke vi. - X). Delivered in the Pari Hi of St. Martin's, and publifh'd at the unani- mous Requeif of the Congregation. With a Dedication to the Right Hon. Sir John Barnard, Knight, late Lord Mayor of the City of London. By J. t. D. D. Author of The ROTAL SIN, &> c. Sold by J. PURSER in WhiteFryars, and by the Bookfellers and Paniphiet- fhops in London a id Wcffminftcr. To all Gentlemen, Builders, and others. JOSEPH EMERTON, ( Brother to the late Mr. ALEXANDER JKMERTON.) Colour- Man, at the Beit and Sun, over-. gainft Norfolk- Street, between St. Clement's and the New Church in die Strand, LONDON, SELLS all Sorts of COLOUPvS readv prepared ( at the loweft Pri- ces) that any Gentlemen, Builders, "& c. may fct their Servants or Labourers to Paint their Houfes, only by the Help of a printed Di- rection, which he gives with his Colours. He likewife fells ( to the Ladies) all forts of WATER COLOURS and VARNISH, with every thing ueceffary for the New Jappan- ning ; and gives a printed Direction, for the doing of it to the greateft Perfection, to thofe that buy Colours. Alfo Itaiian P„ wder for deali- ng Pictures, and fine Picture Varnifh. Note, Sfiamniy- Leatber Shoes worn very ru":- y, are made to appear like new, and better for keeping out v/ et, at 6 d- a Fair He deals only lor READY MONEY. To be SOLD, At the Warehcufss and Cellars u nder the Royal- Extha/ ige Punch Houfe, the Comer op Bartholomew- Lane. ALARGE QUANTITY of the beft JAMAICA RUM at 6 s. 6d. per Gallon. CON1AC BRANDY 7 3 BATAVIA ARRACK n I I do ajfert, that thefe Commodities, neat and genuine, cannot be af- forded under the Prices above - mentioned, noi- zoithjlandiag any Adver- tijements to the contrary ; and I am determined that I will not, for the Sake of underfilling, reduce the Quality of my Rum, or any other Liquor One Penny per Gallon, much lefs Five- Pence. N. B. By dnectit,^ a Letter 10 Amos Wenman, Mailer of the faid Punch- Houfe, th: Goods flloll be immediately fent, either in Town or Country, carefully packed. This is to give Notice, To all GENTLEMEN, and Others, THAT they may have good Druggets, Sagathie, mid Duroy Suits made well and talhionable, lor the f rft fue Men at 5 I. IOS a Suit, and the larger Siieat 41. Cloth Serge, common- ly call'dby the Name ol" Gorman Serge Suits lor 4l. and 4I I OS. Livery Suits tor 4 1 and 4 i. 1 o 3 Coloured end black Cloth Suits for. 5 1. and 5 1 10 s. At the Two Golden balls the tipper End oJ Southampton Street, facing the Marktt, Coveiit- Gar den Alfo Horfemens great Coats to be fold ready made at 10 s each, blueClotk Lags ready made at 15 J each, blue 5V) Ck. ' ers ready irt » de. This Day is Pulhjl'd, . THE PoLi- ricAj. STATU 01 GKtnf tR* Month ot December, 1738 Conta? nii^ ifl 1. A wife Alcerati'oh in Regard to tha » M< yiiier af 11 Priloners at the Old Hail) ^ 1. Farther Accouiic ot the Subfcriptibn lor the Stone- dif. lowing Secret. £ 3 iveta:! ot City Difpytes. 4. Whiinfical Will ot a very grave Perfonage. 5 Conipleat and auchentirk Account of Tumults in the Weft- 6. Remarkable Account of the Method of maintaining Mo- dern Bagnio's. 7 Proper Cautions to Citizens, on the Head of fraudulent Bankruptcies, 8 Scheme of a new Religion from Egypt. 9. Inltances of notorious Frauds committed by Fortune- Te lers. UJ. Memoirs of a Journey to Bath. 11. Prelerments, Death, Sec. 12. General Bill of Mortality. ' 13. Monthly Bill. Printed Jor T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater- Nofter- Row. Pr. 1 s < i d. Of whom may be had any ot the former Monthsr: This Day is Publijb'd, The Eleventh Edition of . i. THE Whole DUTY of a CHRISTIAN: By Way of Quef- 1 tion and Anfwer, exatrly puifuant to the Methud of the Whole Duty of Man ; and defign'd for the Ufe of the Charity Schools in and about London. Bv Robert Nelfon, Efq; 2. Sacrifice the Divine Service; With a Letet by the Reverend Mr. Charles Leflie. . . 3. The New Year's Gift, compleated in fix Parts ; contam rg, the Ladies Preparation to the Monthly Sacrament; with Meditations and Prayers for every Day of the Week, and at the Holy Table. To which are added, Contemplations on the Life of our Saviour. 4. Defiderfus: Or, The Oiiginal Pilgrim, a Divine Dialogue;, fhewing the mod: compendious Way to arrive at the Love of God i render'd into Englifh, and explain'd, with Notes. By Laurence Howell, A. M. j. The Infant's Advocate: iieing an Addrefs to Parents to bring their Children to Church Baptifm. . 6. The Servants Calling: With Advice to Apprentices. Dcfign d for fuch as have had good Education, or would be afiifted under a bad One. 7. A feafonable Advice to Youth. All printed far G. Stiahan at the Golden Ball againft the Royal Exchange. This Day is Publijb'd, With large Additions and Amendments, The Six'h Edition of A PRACTICAL TREATISE: Or, Second Thoughts 011 tbe Confcquences of the VENEREALD1 S EA S E. In Four Parts, viz. I. On the Simple Gonorrhoea, Gleets, and otb? r WeaknefTes, whe- ther from Venereal Embraces, Sel& i'ollution, improperly called Ona- nifm, ur Natural Imbecility. II- On the Virulent Gonorrhoea, or Clap. HI. On the Venereal Lues, or Grand Pox. IV. On the Symptomatick Lu s. Wherein are plainly Ihew'd, the exa£ l Degrees of Difference ; with their Signs, Symptoms, Prognoificks, and Cures, in all Cafes their Beginnings, Progrefs, and fatal Periods, when neglefted, ot unskil-' fully nianag'd ; and bow their abfolute Cjire, without V;.,!.--.. jn. jurv, is completed. With proper and effftiuai Remedies, in their le- ve-' al Stages piefcrib'd and recommended therein. And fome Remarks 1 oil that prepofterous Wav of Venery, with ( Machines, and a plain : Difcovery of the Dangers, ( tho' little expetted) which attend that vile FraFtice Alfo many other ufeful Li covcries relating to Infec- tions in both Sexes, not before taken Notice of. To which is annex" d, a Vindication of the Praftice of Salivating, Src. The whole fitted, as well for the Advantage of Patients, as young Prafluioners. By JOSEPH CAM, M D. N. B. In this Edition the fourth Part is entirely New, befides feve- tal Additions and Amendments to the former, which makes it the molt complete Treatife, now extant, on the Venereal Difsafe Printed for the Author ,- and fold at his Houle, the Golden Call in Buw Church- Yard, in Cheapfide f. lfo by G. Strahan in Cornhill, J. Wilford behind ihe Chapter- Houfe in St. Paul's Church- Yard, C. Cor- bet over- againft St. Dunftan's Chuich in Fleet- Srcct, J. Hodges on London Bridge, and J. Fox in Weftminfter- Hall. Price Siitch'd as. 6d. Bound 3s. Dt. NILSON's molt wonderful PAN ACE A fcr CONFIRM'D VENEREAL LUES. ( d all the [ itlicki or Remains of it in the Ulead) which it infaltiHy trsdtcates, the' of ever fo lonf Handing, it having been long ext'ricni'a te the only f* fc and fnre Remedy for that hatijul Difiar. ftr, that was ttter know* or diftovered. [ T curing fo ealily, and infenfibly, a< to iny Disorder it gives * Confinement it requirei, or Sufpicion it occafiona, that it ii ad- mir'd and recommended by all that have taken it, for it neither purges, voroiu, nor falivates, but cureiby ic » alterative, deobfiruen> antivenerea! Quahtiea, infomuch that Children, and the weakefl and mod tender or crazy- eonftitution'd People may take it at > 11 Timea of the Year, and go about with it it if they had taken nothing, at may hkeuoft chole, who have been brought near the Grave, by re- peated unfuccefiful Salivations, or other violent, or too frequent Pur- gationa, or Vomitr; for it rellorei ai well as clean the Blood, ol all the lurking poifonoui Tainc, and Mercury, tho' never fo fecretly lodg* d in the Body ; wherefore let none of thofe unfortunate People defpair. but try it, and they will be comfortably convine'd of th* Truth of what 11 here faid ofM. Perfoni, who are pox'd to the lafl Degree, their whole Mali of Blood being contaminated, and have been told that nothing but « Salivation would Cure th m, tho' they labour under tormenting Paina in the Head, Limbi, orjoinu; or have Iireakmgioutof Scaba. Blotch- ea, Bo ll, or Spoti; or have Swellings, Nodal, Sorei, or Ulceri, ei- ther in their Throat, Note, or elfewhere, with wearinefi in their Limbj, Fainrnefs and W « knefi of the whole Body, & c. may i mi rely rsly upon it, only, that accord. ng to the Degree of the Infefiion, they omit cake it and continue it for a longer or fhorter Time. Such aa have only fomr Relicka of the Difeafe, or but fufpeS that their Olood ha< got » Smitcli ot the Tame, by fbme unufualUneajS- a- fl. i about rhem, which they now and then feel, either fromill^ na- riaged Clapi, or other doubtful Cure*, fhould never venture to marry, if cfoey are fi. qgle, or meddle with their Wivea if married, till they jra lure chey are fate, aa they mod certainly will be, upon their on* ly uking a Pot or two of it, I til alio exceeding pleafantrouke, aa well aa delightful in itaeffed* ind thoroughly eleanleai Nourifhea, and Rcfforei, the foulefl, no ' weakn'd, and worn- outGin/ btucion. Price f » • the Tin- pot, prepar'd only by the Doftor » bovefaf3 ind left by him, at Mr. Ifled'i, Bookfeller, at the Golden Ball, nea Jr. Durftan'i Church, in Fiaet flreet, whue it may be bad. by any | Me. fenger, retd> fesled up with DifeiSiuni how to take it by qo'j iiltinf fort f 1 Put of the Pamtea. t i il'O'H". S, ef all Strtf, ASTHMA'S Diforienif the " BREASTand LUNGS, • Oi' ' illy and infallibly ' ured, • Bj tie; Si eat CHIMICAL ELIXIR, HICH has reftor'dvfo • many Thoutands labouring under - h' deepeft Confumptions and moft deplorable Alllimt'i to per Health and Strengu.- in a few Daya rime, after all otfier the .- celebrated Methudi and Medicinal had been try'd in vain, c- atnnce ftrlkes at, and abfolutely eradicaces the firft Principle * aufe of Confumptions, whether of the Lungs or of any otb it d, u alfo of Afthma's or fhortnefs of Breith, reduces the vicious Trent of the Blood and Juices, correal the acrid Saks which le the Lung', freel then from all obfl ufting Vifcofitiea. and I more real Good in one Day than any o- hir Medicine whac- t- r can in Ten. Xr afliiredly retrieves the Patient, tho' reduc'd to < meer Skeleton id immediately cures the mcfi tedious walling and almoft fuffoca- ngCough, Hoatfiiefi, Wheeling, fhortnefs of Breath, difficulty ol •• reaching, pain or weight in the Breaft, fpitting of Blood, fore nefs of the Stomach, Throat, or Windpipe; alfo Catarrhs or De fluS ions of fliaip Rheum, and all Ptifical and Ailhmanck Effe& s Heflick Fever, Melting Night Sweats and Djarrhiea's or Loofeneffih ill a pleafant and moft agreeable Manner. It is balfamick, healing and flrengtheniog beyond Compirifon, re- Bores in all inward waftings, weaknets, and Decay ot Conftitution whatever, perfectly cures Ulcers in the Lungs or in any other inter- nal Part, caufes fire and eafy Refpirntien or long Brea'h ng, and fpeedily and infallibly cures Aflhrr. a'i andall forts of CONSUMP- TIONS, be thjy ever fo bad, without the lend DHorder, Trouble orConfinementj and is indeed the only true Remedy that can be fure ly depended upon for the intire Cure of thofe Maladies. Iflor can the whole Materia Medics, afford a quicker or more cer- tain Cure for common Coughs and Co d>; but the great Char. ifler this moft noble Chymical Elixir has fo iuflly gain'd, for rhe dircft and infallible Cure of CO KSVM f Tl0 NS and A STHMA'S, fee. has occaGon'd many Attempts to counterfeit it; he careful therefore to have the Right which is to be hud only at Mr. RAD FORD'% Toyfhop, at the Rofe and Crown agaift St. Clement's Church yard in the Strand, at 3 s. fid. a noetic, with Direflions aud at no other Place in England. GRATIS for 1759, The ON CON Almanack, Calculated for the Meridian of all Profeifors of O N c O Nformity To Epifcopal Government, Surplices, Organs, and SliT Forms or Prayer. — ( With NON CON O. blenat Ions forE very Month in rhe Year < a And A Prognofiicetion of GENEVA'S being Reftored again on its Old Footing, ift. From the Calculation ofGIN's - Nativity : idly. From Venus being in the 7m Houle, and Jupiter fth. it is King George) Lord or the Afcendant, Q. in, the iLd> ple oi the Sun, that hap- —- wrfffil n r< w m 1739. i^ J \| fj,| uulw Q This Book i< Give,, Gratis, Up One I U MLflPflte: Pair Of Stairs, At the Sign of the • Famous ANODYNE NJU- KLACE for Children's TEETH, Fits, Fevers, Cmmljbmi, Uc Over 4againft Devrrax Court, without Temple Bar And at Mr. Bradfnaw's, Daffy's, and Stoughton's Elixir Ware Houfe, the Golden Key, under the Back Piajza of the Rova'. F- xchange. ' At which Places are alii, Given Gratis. ift. The nioft ufeful Little liook far inftrutlring All Vtr. ereal Patients concerning the Symptoms of the Venereal Diftmpir, and How Privately to Cure themfelves, without Dilcovermg their Cafe to Any o'ne, F. ver Publilhedi idly. For all Perfons who Smoak, The Treatife on TO- BACCO. The True. Cordial QUINTESSENCE of VIPERS, the mofl Noble and Grand Preparation in the whole Mater'a Me- dica, for the real, fuhfantial Cure of Impotency in Men, and Barrennels in Women ; and is vafily prefera- ble to Viper- Wine, or any other Preparation of Vipers • whatever, as being replete with the full and whole Vir- tues of them . AFew Drops of it only, g'Ve, fitch r> generous Warmth, and f() exceedingly delghcs the Vital and Animal Spirits, Senfts, and Nervt- s, ai foon to fhew what it will do, uprfh a little Continuance of it; for it not only promotes, and prompts to a Delire, but alfo furmfhes proper Matter, for the Support and Eliabiifliment of a true lafting Incl nation and Power. By this Me? ns it anfwers the Fr. d as well of Food as Phylick aor is there any ch rig in Nature befides, tha' can in chit Refp- fl come up to it conficfering that ic umverfidy nounfhes and reftores in all che Declenfions of Delire and Vigour, without the leaf) forcing the VefTeis, or flimularing the Parts, as mtift other Medicine, for Ihefe Purpofes do: And rho' it be a Max m in Phyfi'- k, that I, Me CERRRE 8T BACCHO FKIGET VENUS, this, in itfelf, is fo fuffici- ently nutritious, as to want no AfTiflanee that Way; not but it mud be allowed, that good Earing and Drinking with it, mnn > r hut in f-. me Degree, at eart ss no Auxtiiiry, con- r bure to its Efficcy Thofe wtm but once try it, will In pleafurably experience its nutritive quickening Propeir. es, in ettioleratin^ the Heart, reviv ing the Spirits, c, nnf.> r". ng tbe Vir^ U ritcu aring trie Juice, and r c e ating and reuov, ting as it were, rhe whole Man, that they will never be without it; tor it is fuch a prefent Help, in Time of > Jted, * s thaton the tikiiig t! ien hut a Dofe or two more of it than ordinary, it will fo . iiff-- nrineouny animare ihe dull mai^ ive Spir't-, and rouz-* up . tcl'i ' 1- rh' 11 r/ giOi • enfeebVd Facti'iies. in b. t. th Sexes- as. to excite unti ctip^ cirnte wh* re it d u d h- rdly be expeiSed sudetrnelime Time, feidom fail to r. noer ' hat conjugal Idt » rcnarff Prolificfc, Pr're, Half 1 Girmra the Botrle Mr. Weft Goldfm'th, be ngSntely dead, it is now ' Sold only Sy his Soti- in- Law. Mr. Joh- fi, n, a fink- r, at the Seven Stars ir. Vere S- reet, Clare- Market, featert iii>, with DtreOf • O: JI ( H> r any MefTcnger) upon only asking for a i Quinteflence* I i/ i Day is Pubiifi'd^ Net in Calves teathsr. Price t s 6 d. hi Seie- th EAit: c*( with feveral very voter. al Additions and Alteia- ' tiins, and f me vuig r £ rorr, concerning the Female Se. x, rtfn- tid) of rPHE I. AniES PHYSIC/ I. DIRECTORY: Or, a Trea- t. fi of all che Weaknefles, Indifpofit 0: 1s « na Difeafes pecn. ar to the Femak Sex. from 11 Yrari of Age to Fifty ar. d upwards; by which W omen arid M. ids of the nteine ® Capacity may peifed'. y un- der fia : d tfce Symp'omi, Nitute and true Caufe or' their own lll': ef- fet, and leedily know how to manage therofelves under all 1 heir In- firmitiis. With proper Remedies, in Engliiti, p. ref. nb; d for the Green- Sickncfi, OblliuitioriS, immodeiateFIuxes, flyilenck Atf> cii- oni, the files, and ev; ry othei Difirder or DUfemper the Fair Sex are peculiarly liable to, wh reby ' hey miy certainly and quickly cure themfelves vithout Trouble, or the Advice or Knowl. dge of anyo ther Petfon. To which is annexed, A PBAcrltMr,. DiScol'RSP on BARRENNESS in Woirrn, and IMPOTENCY, INFERTILITY, and SEMINAL WEAK NES. SES in Men : Oireft, ng how they m* y be infallibly cured, ind thofe Women render'd fruitful, who havebeeo deemed incurably Bar- ren for many Tears, and fuch Men become able to piop;. gatstheir Species, who thro' f. r b? cihty Stminai Difcders, & c. have for fe- veral. Years thought it imgofljble. With a clear and very particular Account of GENERATION and CONCEPTION. And a Di- grelfion concerning the Method of BEGETTING SONS rather than DAUGHTERS, or DAUGHTERS ra- har than SONS. Alfo of Mifcaryiage in Women and how it imy be jfluredly prever, r: d in thofr who have mifcarried nine or ten ft hits before; with DireSions to Ladies how to condu^ themfelves during their Pr.- gnancy and > n Child- bed, and how to caUfe a fafe and eafy Dei very. Likewife amp e INSTRUCTION-; to MIDWIVES a~ d NURSES bow to tr'at their Child- B d Women w:' h S. fety a d Succtfi, a d feveral Rpm dies p.- o ler ro be adminif er'd, corr. muf icated with u' Re- feree; as aifii Dircdl o-, i for the better Mtnagementof new- horn INFANTS, fo as morectrta-. nly to preferve their Lives; Wi'h a DiHertation concerning fuckli: g of Children, ai. d briDging them up by Hind, The Whole il'uflrared w th various Cafei of Perfons cured, pro- per Hints, ufeful Cautions, Obfervations and Infiruftions. the like for general Benefit never before pjb ifiied, and highly ne effary for every Family in the Nat. on. By a Phyfician. Printed, and Ibid only by the Author's Appointment, at the Gentle woman's, ar the two blue Ports in Hnvt'on- Yard ; n the M, nories London, f Price Bound Two Shillings and Sixpence;] Jngehck SNUFF THF. mod Noble COMPOSITION in th- World, inffantly re- moving all Manner of Diforder of the Head and Brain, eating the mofl excruciating Pain in a Moment; taking away all Swim ming or Giddinefs, proeeeding from Vapo urs, or any j'her Caufe slfo Drowfmels, Sleepinefs, and all other Lethargick Effefts; per- feflly curing Deafnefs to Admiration, and all Humours or Sorenefs in the Eyes, wonderfully ftrengthning them when weak. It certainty cures Catarrhs or DrHuxious of Rhetim, and remedies the moft grievout Toothach in an Inft-. nti is excellently beneficial in Apopleftick Fi s, and Falling Sicknrfj, snd afluredly prevenci thofe IJ; fteripers; corroborates jth^ Brt, in, comfortr ctv. Nrrves, anc revives the Spines. Its admirable Efficacy in all rhe abovemenrioned Cafes, has been experienced above a thoufar d Times, and very juflly caufes it to be erfeeir'd the moft beneScial S/ i'iff in the World, being good for nil Sorts of " erfiins: Arid as moft of rhe abovefaid Diforders are frid den, and fhe Remedy by this noble Ariip'ick S• : : T, a, fpeedy, no Family oughr be without it nor ever will wh-- n they have once rfea it. Price One Shilling t Paper, with Dne6fions, and is to bt ' iid only ar facoh'r C-' ftee- houfe agiinfl the Angel and ( row 11 Ta- v- rn in Rroid ( fleet, behind the Royal F. xcjthar-. e. rhe only jhert andinfal'ikleCurt forthat rngung P* i}*. ifr che J CUR FT, and all Scerhetiet Iittm"* i tho1 ar'iv'tithe highefi or wofi in% t terete Di g- ee- e* of ever fe many Tta" t fl* ni< n%, and that *> irh « ut *•>> fmjible Evac » * tion, or the le. tfi Purging, which, ley an unattotvit ibCi Mi. ft » he it % ener* liy advif' J, sllht' always fauna rather CD entre^ e aues ernftm the Scurvy than cure it. Til the fe much f « m'd and mofl Olr. if. i- i-' Chrmica! DROPS. HICH, without the letifl Trouble, Confinement, or sny Dil order whatever, doar once itriite at the true Caufe o* the Scurvy snd enrirelydeftroy it. and ^ 11 S'- o- hutick Hi'rnors and f* ffe£ tr, Roo: ind Branch, fo as never to re- urr, again, a* m » nj' Tho'ifa - ds of :, otr Sexes have experienced, and » • a, I who t'k » : h- m, in Th'ee Day> Timeare rcmvinced; for they almoff inffantly alter ' he morhid - Stat, of the Juices purify the B: ooo, Iweeter all the Fluids, cleanfe then from Impurities, and dirtily clear the whole Habit from nil Spots, Blorches, blank and b! u> Mniks, 1' chirgs foul Eruptions 01 Breakings out, Weaknefs if the Limbs, languid Heavmef* of the whole Hody wandering Pains, Weakrefs of che Back, and all - he vaft Variety 01 Symptoms by which the Scurvy imitacesa- idotcen lies conceal'd iitde; he Appearance of the Rbeumptifm and many either Difiemperi. And for ftrengfhening the Stomach, immecl'af^ ly creating s gooc Appetite, cauling a regijl- r ind ealy D, cellion of Food, and curing a. windy F. tf- Hs and Disorders oi the fiift Pallages, ( wnence procc* e< Head - Achs, Vapours- and ofher [ nJifpofiti" ns)- o Bitter*, nor * n> other M'dirme upon Earth can coir, pare w th them, nfomuch tha befides infallibly curing the - Sruivy. in ,1; Shaoen an* Apnewrsrice* they I. lfiredly an: d. re6rly curt the Cirri- r S'k' . f,, n Virg WI Worm- > f al! Kinds, ir. Young or old, and slrn- iH'uliotherChrt. ri^ k D feafes fevhi- h are chiefly -> c - dioned by fririipeitron and ffa- oleni Crudities 11 the Stomach and fi ivels) snd certainly pr- vent Fev*, n, Agues, sri- other acute Mueller. They nre wonderfully Cordial and R - ffor-' trvc, ftreng'hen snd en 1 ven the ".' hole M- schW, ano, fiein asraken. make the Patient plcafantly I . lom^ brisjc and v >- - ir- c 1 Aiimirarion, ire g<- i, c for all S - r* ot P- rfiras, to preferve as well 11, to. procure » found and hefllrhlul State cil boCy. Bur the gr- ai Reputation th'fe fo much fa. n'd and moff f. leif* n Chyioi a 1 DROPS have fo uoiverfa! ly gain'd smong Pe: fi » ,-, s 01 F.- rinence, foi then fuddenly and rnndriWy curing che Scurvy an ill S-- orbu'ick Humors, and o oei Chronicle Difeitfes, in- fuch sn e*. fj and agreeable Manner, have occah- ir, d 11, any to imicste theiri, foni.- undet che fame, and otheis uii,, i other Names; be careful theiefore not to be deceived, bur be fti're to » < ve the Right, which, by the Author's fpecial Anpoir. rmenr, are to h,- had, only at che Genih- wo man'sat rhe ' wo bide Pothsm ffnyior. Yardin th « Minories, « t js, 4d. 1 Mottle, with Dnefhons. A V ? i r f x 1 £ ios. toe UmVerfefor : e he mc, ff extsec e 1 ] HE .- nly ( hot: aid m ( 1 infallible Cur A renr- e.- lpifiafe, imsa liif. iilght'll I - fefiion to fh a.-, d d- pi i jby? Dmee of - it," even when the £' 1 od ^ rd Juices ficC t. iorou^ hlc c'toarmirtateii with its nnaligiiant f'iriii tfi the very ifit r- i ate ifFeUeu vcith. it. FreOi Infecl. i JUr c » 0* d C. » ps, with their attendant Symptom 1, : ho* ever G- fepe: e,. « rc « , itjrtiyicari^' d off by it in a f iw pays, 3rd fo a, eifi ( lyajy- in prevent ' be Blxid and juices from being ra nt- ri jt. ch, srlj r- Winir. jf RtUcks,' on one Haadi ot - a feiaimi Gleet, r Weakacf-, ( o happen on the Orher, A ad the - noil n. vetei ace Degr, e of the print. h lUnefi, attended w : h nofluriu Pains, univeih' Bv'esiungj- oiit, amis Bother the rnoft r>:- ifperarJd Sym,- ror- i, aiefoon oveVcorr. e by ,. t, artdeffeOually tnd much vMte f- ifelycund chsn by Sali^ ition, Inungation,. orany other Method whatever, and its fo eafy and pleafanr a Mann er, without impair- ng Strength, or oc- afioning my Iacouy « ; jencj< « loridly to, befpesk it ->< t ^ nly appofite Reinedy, o/ ttue Venereal jUntidote'in. the World, and this ' bir. e Tnoufands Isave, to their greai fny, experienced. It is plea'ant to csfte, oa- sfions no Sicknefsor Diforder, noc re quires Ccnfinsmeric but may be taken, and the Cure be accomplifbrd; without the Knowledge of the neareft Friend. Thofe who fofpeA they have received so Injury may, by only a Dofe or two of it, be perfefily freed from all Appfehenfions; for is fuSers no lurking Venome to he hid in the Body, but wholly ex- tirpates it- Root and Branfh. in. a gi'Dtle, e » ry, and ir. oli efFeftuslMsiicer Allfuch, likcwife is doubt they have fome remaining. Re'. icki of former Injuries, may, by s few Dufei of it, entirely free themfelyrs from sli Sufpicions ot rhat Kind; for it admits of no Fi} ti! pef » , 60' r- rti m, or Putrefsflien, whatever^ to remain in the Fluids', or toad » hereto the Sclids; an- 1, on - bar Accrnint, in sll- Scorburick, Scropbn- lous. sndever Leprous " Eruptions, or Foulnsffes of the Skin, or glap- du! u » Swei'ings, end Imparities of the Juices, it does more by poe Dofe than any orhei Medicine, yet known, rtn ry't^ rj. The Price of this mofl nJble And- Syfhilhoi is but fix Shillings I Pot, which, 30 ifideripg its exnaordinary FfHcscy, one Potonly being fuffijient, in moft Cafes- ro accomp'ifh the Cure, if not a tenth Part of its Villus; and is ilppOuited by the Author to be hid only at Mr. Rad- ford's T'- yfhop, s-'. theRofcandCrown, agsinfi St. Clement's Church' yard, in the Strand, ready feaied up, with a Book of Inlin. i& ions, by the Perufal of which all Pe- fons who were evr affeSed with ^ ry Decree ot the Y* D'feafe may perfeifly underftmd their pwo Condition, and certainly know when, snd when not, the Venereal Peifm is entirely rtxxed out of their Bodies. Note, saly far a Sit1 Shilling Pot for the Scurvy. The jo- much Farn'd HYPO DROPS. ' fi! HICH in Men-, and the Vapours in Women, fo as never ro return again, > 1 they ever fo fevere, or of many Years ftsnding, and ever after ill other Remedies have prov'd inrffefhial; andthatby ithmecliately ( iriking at the very Root or true Caufe, ss weil ss remedying the Efff& n, of thofe perplexing Maladies end all their Variety oif Sjrap-. toijis, by which they mimick, by Turns, almoft all the Difeafes po > r Morrala are sffiifled with, and have their Rife from a ( fepr'avid Appetite, vicious Ferment in the Stomach, and lodigpffion of Food, whence proceed Crudities and flatulent or windy Diforderj in the firft Paflagw, 1' iur Belchings, Cholick. Uneafmtfs ; n the Bowels, and ill Fumes, which ofltnd the Nerves, and, by Confent of Parts, affeS the Head, and produce fbmetirr,".-. Giddir. efs, Dimnefs of Sight, confufed Thonghrs, pertinacious Watchirgs. . trniilJ^ raaru Sleeo Frighrr, gr- nll5d! i fs FdSrj, snd tBe" deepelf Melancholy," with direful Views arid terrible Apprehfnfions; at other times, Fits, Fbfhing Heats, P.' achmgs, Faintnefs, Lownefs and Sinking of Spi- rits, Palpitation of the Heart, Startingi, Tremblings and Twitch- ings n the Limbj and other Parts, with many ehnvulfive Diforderj, fh? rp Pains, fix'd or wandering, Pain snd Weaknefs in " he Back, and other aim. dl innuireribieandgrievous, Symptoms, which tnife- rsb-' y - ffiia- v fi Numbers of brth Ssxes. All which Symptoms in their fharpeft Paroxyfms, thefe fomuch f nn" d nod in,> 11 pleafant Diops, ( which are Chymicalfy prepar'd from the m iff valuable Specihcks in the Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Kingdoms, arid ex-. l- ed to the higheft Degree of Perftftion oollible) irilf- n'ly quell, and at the f me time annihilate their real Caufe, dir.-^ ly bringing rhe Stomach into ripht Order, creating a good Appefte, rectifying the Digeftion, occafioning laudable Chyle, and, of eouife, good Siood, Plenty of calm, free- and cnearful Spi- rt;., a regular Circulation of all. the Fluids, and Strength of Nerves; fo rhat both Caufe and Fff- efs of Melancholy and Vapours, are tho- r mtthly removed by them, almoft on the Spot, as the many Thou- land » or both Sexea they have perfe& ly cured, evince. • Whoever takes them tor three Days only, will be fepfible rhey are abfolurely tt be depended upon toy an effeflual and lafting Cure, an, i certain it is that no Mc-. licin? uptin Earrh can equal them ; be care- ful therefore to have che right Drops, which are to be had only at Mrs Holt's, at the Crofs- Keys end Star in Cornhill, near Stocis- Market, st ? i. 66. e Bottle, with Directions. The only True Speofich LtiTMlC A L L IU R; For Diffcl***' g and bringing away the Stone, rohecher in the l( fdm: s, ureters, or Ula'Cder; and for mfiancly curing the Strange, try, and all Heat Pain, Scptay;. or Difficulty in making Water. THE very firft Dofe of it given perfeiK Eafb ins MomenC, even in the m lit racking Fit of either Scone or Gravel, and at once ipcireiv ft ' « the Patient from the Srranguary, and ail Heat, Pairt, and Stoppage of llrine; it dilates the Ureters, makes them flippery, that the Crurabnngs of large Stones, together with Sand and Gravel, any pafi from the Reins, and be voided vifibly with Urine, with* outPain; ffe- l- ivally c; eanfes che Kidneys, Bladder, and all the Uri* nary Paffages- fro- r gritty calculous Matter; heals all inernal Hxco* narions or Sorrnefi o' ' he Parti, direifly takes off all Pain in th< 3 Back, and tlv. fr Pains, io much like the Cholick, and may be da • pend- d upon to difloive large Scones, lo as infallibly to cure tha rnoft ir, iferabie DiSeroper. Ir irive, fpch fnldert and unfpenkable Relief that whoever fa kits hut one 1> , fe of it, will be thoroughly convinced or its furprs- ung Eifn '- cy. wmch many hundreds have happily experienced, to their g- ear Sniit ft- iin. ICsfnch an agreeable D nretick and piwerfu' DilToIvent, thar it infallibly prevent the Stc, ne in thofe who are troubled with Gravel • iniy, and for rhe nerfedf Cure of either Stone or Gravel, and ill Dsforders ot Hi Kidnies, Ureters, or Bladder, occslioned thereby, is tht only true Spec fict Remedy ' hit can be furely arid lately re- yedunon. as it gives mftant Eife as foon as caken ( even when nothing e| re uoll) acd infallibly accu mplilhei a prrfe& Cure without ttie iesfi Trouble, being pleafaac co the Palace, agreeable to t& e Stomach, and comforting to the whole Body. Ins fold only at Jacob's Coffee- noufe, agair. ft the Angel and C/ own Tavern in Broad- Sreet, behind the Royal Exchange, at 3 » . 6 d * Pi rde wilt Dire&' u rs L ON EON Printed by J. P » im in White Fryart, near Fleet- fir Ht ; Where AdverrifemsntJ and I. errers ro rhe Author are taken in.
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