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Daily Courant

Date of Article: 03/11/1731
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Address: Warwick-Lane
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 9356
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The Daily Courint. N° 93^: Wednefday, November 3, 17 31 I I^ E M A IIK. S on tbe CRAFTSMAN « / Saturday /< s/ i ; » » jp/ j/ c/ j riff mifchievous Tendency cf tbofi Papers, as ftated in tbe Courants of tbe zi] i and zld of laft Month, is farther fhe an, and confirm d. H E Author of laft Saturday's Craftfman chinks it difficult to anfwer, in oneWeekly Paper, the numerous Swarm of Writers that oppofe him ; and I think it as difficult to ftate and expole, even in many Papers, the numerous Swarm of wilful or undefign'd Fa- lacies or Inaccuracies that are often to be met with in one ( ingle Performance of his ; and therefore muft content myfelf with marking only his moft glaring Beauties in that Way. He is pleafed to allow the Author of the Second Comparifon of Cato to the Craftfman, in the Courants of the lift and % zd of laft Month, to have written with 1' ome Decency, and Appearance of Argument. But, imme- diately after, he looks on the very Undertaking to fhew the Difference between himfelf and Cato as one of tbe groffeft and moft fhamelefs Attempts on the common Untierftandings of Mankind : Her* therefore, to juftify myfelf, and make him a little acquainted with tbe Conftitutiori and Temper of bis Antagonift, I muft allure him, that tho' the Author of that Fit ce has a ftrong Averfion to Abufe and Bil- Ungfgate, yet he would much fooner be guilty of tbe grofleft perfonal fyfleElions, than of an Attempt to impofe on the common Senfe of Mankind. One is but doing a private Inju- ry ; while the other is being urjuft to the xihole World: But of that by the Bye. The firft of thofe Faults he cannot draw me into, biit with great Difficulty and Provocation ; and from the laft my impartial Readers at Jeaft will, I truft, abfolve me. but now to the Merits of bis Performance. He allows that the mere CompariCon of Cato to the Craftfman is of very little Importance to the Public!^ j and that each Writer muft ( land or fall by his own particular Quality ; and yet is ftill fo fond of the Parallel, that be fpends near two Columns, of a little more than four, of which biS Paper confifts, in ju- ftifying it. He owns that a Political Writer's Merits muft be determined by his general Drifr, and its neceirary or probable Effeds on the Publick Affairs which be handles; and yet wholly negleds and over looks tbe ill Effects diftindly allign'd to the whole Thread of his own Performances. Thus much for the evafive Turn of this Paper, in general. Now to his Reafonings in it more particularly ; where firft he nibles at the Affertion in the Courant, that Cato's gene- ral Drift and Defign was to bring the Male- Execution of the South Sea Scljeme to juft Punifhment ; and his Argument to prove the Contrary is admirable, for the DireBors and their / Jlfociates were, be favs, punifhed, as far as the Legiflature thought fit to punijh them, I before the Cancluficn of the Firft Volume of thofe Papers; and therefore the fubfequent ones conld nor, be concludes, have that End in View. By juft fuch another Argument any Body might prove, that the Craftfmen written from Time to Time fince the feveral Parlia mentary Approbations of the paft Meafures could not be defign'd, by their Authors, to I call for the Punifliment of the Tranfadors of I them; becaufe, by thole feveral Approba- tions, the Legiflature had punifli'd them as far as they thought fir. A common Undcr- ftandins, indeed, would conclude that, in both Cafes, each of thofe Writers thought a \ greater Punifhment neceffary, and tbat they continued ro write, with an Intention to pro- cute it; this the Creftfman profeffes to be his own Intention, » orwithftanding fuch Parlia- mentary Approbations ; and why not Cato's ? I He ( urely had more reafonable Hones of bringing avow'd Offenders to yet greater Ptl- nifhmenr, tb » n Caleb D'Anvirs can have to bring tbofe Perfons to any Punilhment at all, who bave, by the like Authority, been voted tior only innocent, but meritorious Next he difallow? ihe Diftindion put be- tween himfelf and Cato ; that one's chief Bent i was the Reformation of fome Domeftiek Abu- fes ; and the other's main Drift or Pretence was the canvaffing Foreign ' Negotiations : For Cato, fays he, has made ( ome flirewd Re- flexions on the latter ; and the Craftfman has often fpoken to tbe former. But if Cato bas done fo, ' twas, as that Writer aflerts, only incidently, and at a Time when we had no very confiderable Stakes of tbat fort depend, ing. Nor does tbe Author of that Elfay in any fort alfert the univerfal and abfolute Un- fitnefs of fo doing ; but only gives the Rea- fons why tis generally either ineffectual or in- convenient, and may, on fome Occalions, and Situations of Affairs be very highly detrimen- tal, as he attempts to ( hew it muft probably, if not neceflarily, have been in our paft Situ- ation, efpecially as the Craftfman and his AJJociates have manag'd, and timed that Dif- pute. Whereas, on the other hand, if the Craftfman has handled Domefticlj. Points, ' tis only incidently ; and almoft on all Occafions with a View to our Foreign Tranfaftions. Thus his Charges of Dependence and Corrup- tion, brought againft the Parliament, are evi dently to infinuate that the Approbations given to thofe Tranfadions are obtained by that Means. Thus he has contended for the Repeal of the Septennial Ad, and the Palling tbe Penfion Bill, chiefly with a View to thofe Tranfadions, either as hoping to get them adually difavow'd Here, or to maintain Abroad the Hopes of th. eir being fo, by a Change of the Parliament In a Word, there is hardly one of the Points of internal policy, which in tbemfelves might be innocently and fafely, nay ufefully, difcufs'd in thar popular Way, but he has artfully pufh'd, at fuch a Time, or in a Manner, as is big with fome fecret Ve- nom of that fort; or, as he very properly phrafes it, but which he has handled according as the Circumftances of Affairs render d them feafcnable; that is, to his own Purpofe of dtftrefling our Negotiation4. Nay, even what has been charged on thofe minor or inferior Articles of Money'd, and Exciufive Trading Companies, has fquinted ftrongly tbat Way, and been turn'd. toopen. Views at Home, or to give and maintain Hopes abroad, of diftrelling and removing the Minifters, by Attacks on thofe Bodies whom he thought any ways conducive to their Support; and ali this pure- ly to increafe our Difficulties Abroad, and thereby, as is evident to the whole Nation, inhance his Charges of Incapacity or Male- Adminiftration againft the Minifters. This is evidently Caleb's Manner and Drift in hand, ling Domefticlt Points ; whether he agrees with Cato in it, let both their Readers judge. However, at laft he is for leaving that Writer to ftand or fall, on his own Bottom, as be ex- pfeffes it ; and fo lay I let the Craftfman, and not by any fallacions Comparifons. Proceed we therefore to more material Articles. Where, after ftating what he calls the Sum of the Argument, as it depends on the Diftin- dion between popular Debates On Points of Foreign and Doir. eftia; Policy, which how fairly ' tis done I ( hall *{ hew by and by; he falls to criticking the Diftindion as a modern one, and not agree- ible to the Principles of Whigifm ; tbo' the Writer of that Eflay hid hinted at its being founded on the Senti- ments of moft, or aH the Founders of the fe- veral Forms of Government ; had mention'd its being confirm'd by rhe Hiftory of the fe- veral States of Greece, and back'd it by its agreeing with the known Model of our own Conftitution, which commits the Adminiftri- tion of thofe Points folely to the Crown, al- lowing the Parliament itfeif only a retrofpefc- tive Power of punifhing or approving the Minifters Tranfadions pf that fort; and had farthergiven aPeriod of Cato's quoted bythemi felves in ftrong Corroboration of it. AH this be thought fufficient, not only to skreeh it from any Imputation of Novelty, but to give it fome height. But of the Hiftory of ihit Diftindion more than enough ; for it muft ftand or fall, not by its Age, but its Juft ice, and Agreement with the real Nature of Things. He then goei on to confidef the firft Reafoh oh which it ftinds ; that is; tbe Incapacity of the People, to examine and determine juftly concerning filch intricate Points, Which he attempts, by a String of fuch idle and evafive general Interrogations as are nOt worth expo- ling, did it nor tend to fettle, in Part, the Merits of his Caufe. In Anfwer therefore to bim, I fay, a Cobler may perhaps compre- hend in general that to clofe an Union with France, or any other Nation, would be of bad Confequence: Bat can that Cobler, or even the Body of Men of common Senfe, appre- hend when we are in fuch a Vnhn, all Cir- cumftances confider'd ? Could they for Ex- ample apprehend on juft Reafons, that the Alliance cf Hanover was fucb, nay, could they diftinguifti ' twas not, all Things confi- der'd, tbe beft Policy we could ufe, or per- haps the only effedual Step juft then in our Power ? Every Body apprehends, that main- taining unnecejfarj Troops either Abroad or ar. Home, is a needlefs Expence. But could the Body of the People, from real and juft Rfca- fonings, be made to perceive that when the Hejfians were taken into Pay, ' twas not better heing at that Expence, than running the Haz- ard of wanting them P The mere Idea of being at fuch an Expenfce mighc prejudice the Populace on tbat Side of the Queftioti; but I will veniure to affert confidently, that the Body of the People could not apprehend the Reafonings that ( hould have prov'd it, tho they had been Juft, fo as to diftinguifti them from mere fallacious general Ptcpofitions of that Sort. All Men of common Senle, con- ceive in general, that the Honour of tbe Bruifti Flag, the Retention of Gibraltar, the keep- ifig Dunkirkdetr. olijh'd, and the preventing the Depredation: cf the Spaniards, or of ar. j other Nation on our Merchanrs, are Points of Moment to the Publick• But can the Po- pulace ot the Nation be made exad Judges of the Degrees of that Importance, lo pre- cifely as to weigh and compare it in every Situation and Conjundion, with other Corift- derations, and determine juftly when, or how far ' twould be fit for tbe King or his Minifters to temporize in thole Refpeds, for the gain- ing fome other weighty and momentous Point ? Could they dtftinguifh juftly when ' twould, or ' twould nor, be prudent to quarrel witbi fome ufeful Ally ? Or pufii an Enemy to the u'moft Extremes of War, in affecting fuch Rights ? He himfelf fays tbat the common People are not the only Perfons that often find tbemfelves at a Lofs to judge of the Interefts of Europe, or the Tendency of intricate Ne- gotiations. Now, in God's Name, are rbere many Queftions relating to the Interefts of Europe, of which the prelent Cafes are even a Part, that requ re a more accurate Infor- manonof, and Attention to a vaft Number of Particulars, than moft er all of tbefe did in tbe Critical Junctures in whicb our Mini' fters csme to their feveral Determinations how far they fhotild wink et, or refent the feveral Attacks made on our Interefts in them ? Have we not ftood, for four or five Years, on the very Brink of a hazardous general War, into which the leaft rafh or unweigh'd Condudln moft of thofe Points had in all Probabilty plung'd us ? The Refolutions ho-. v we fliould ad in them did therefore neceffafily involve nothing lefs thin the extenftve and intricate Confederations of the Inclinations, and compa- rative Forces of moft of tbe Courts of Europe ; how far, and with whom they might feve- rally be drawn tb fide, in tbe Cafe of an adual Rupture, as vVell as a juft Eftimate of our own Force at Home, together with a proper Forefighr of tfie arifing Ctnfequencet | frith is the uncertain Event of Wair, » hd the certain Increafe of our Debt, aind its mimerorts > Inconveniencies. A Train of Particulars fo immenfely laige, that if it were worth While,;' it would be eafy to fhew that the Craftfman . and all his Aflbciates have hot been able to enter into one tenth Part of the Confiderad- otis effentially neceffary to determifting juftly the Fitnefs or Vnfitnefs of any of them, as they ftood when the feveral Refoltftion* for Adion wfere raken. Yet Ihefe are the Points con- cerning wbicb, inftead of Proof and Argu-' ment, he only asks with a Cavalier Air, 1$ not £ very Ctbltir*. Judge of them ? But leaving biS cogent Quefliotii on that Head, to carry tbeir own Weight; cime nt^ M^ nelt io con fide r with whit Cafidor and Ac » ^ J curacy be ftates and folvej the other inf more weighty Head of Objedions, to make-, - - ^ injfc filch Pn'Mlt the Stfbjefts. of Popular Debatejl That is, tfieir evil Tendenfcf, Ibd toi& hfcvooS^ P'' Effedt on Affairs # JrM Tie' Writer of that\ S Way affigns three or four diftind Cafes of Mifchief thence arifing ; fach as its betray- ing, ana confequently tending to fruftrate the ppifejl {{ efolves when taken ; the Opportunity it gives tbe Enemy to mingle in our Councils, and - thereby of artfully influencing the People to take the Side of a Queftion moft for bis own Advantage. But laftly, and which is the Obje& ion diredly to our prefent Cafe, that fucb Debate: gite them Hopes of fuc- ceeding at one Time if they have not another; and fo, by keeping an Enemy fteady in his Councils, neceffarily tempt him to draw out every Negotiation, or every War, into a much greater Length than would otherwiie be. Now this laft, tho* it be the very Point of the Argument on which the chief Part of tbe Accufation turns, in his Cafe, he wholly omits, or converts it into this general and indlftind Obje& ion, That fuch Debates give our Enemies an Opportunity of mingling in our Councils, and fumijh them with Advantages ever us in the Cabinet. But farther, the Writer of that Paper not only lays down tbe General Propofition of fuch Debates, tending to keep an Enemy ftiff, and produce Delays, but backs the general DoRrine, with affigning diftindly the Inftances in which the Craft/ mans Wri- tings muft have had that Effed, Step by Seep, through the whole Series of our paft Tranf- atiiens. But as the Craft/ man difguifes the general Accufation, fo he omits and overlooks the diftind particular Illuflration of it, without a Word in Anfwer. How can the Gentleman who wrote that Paper fay as he does, that he has not mifrepiefented the Point in Delate ! How can he affirm that he has not eouch'd it in ambiguous Terms ! Or aflert that be has confider'd the Force of the Argument without Evajion or Prevarication ; but perhaps he is Sincere, and really incapable of perceiving diftindly where the Force of an Argument lies, without taxing his Heart. Let us there- fore attempt to alfift bis Head, by ( hewing him again what are the Points in which it ftands him moft upon to fiiew the Innocence of this Thread of Writing. Where it muft be allow'd indeed that he is ft candid as to own, there is fome Appearance of Arugumtnt, and perhaps fome Truth in the ObjeQion, even indiftindly, as he puts it himfelf; and if fo, perhaps rhe Readers of the other Paper may be induced to think there is a great deal more in it, as it ftands in its full Weight, not only in that Paper, but yet more diftmcily and exorefsly in a Pamphlet publifh'd about two Months fince, entitled, An A D- DRESS ta the People of England, occafioned by the Republication of the Craftfmen. Inftead therefore of offering fome few fallacious gene- ral QbieRions to it; which in Reality do only confound the prefent Point, with the general Queftion of Preference between abfoluts Mo- narchy and abfolute Democracy, and isconfider- ing it as quite forgetting char our own eftab- liftid Confliftution is a juft Medium between them : He ( Would have clear'd the heavy Charge there diftindly brought againft this Courfe of Writing. Let bim for Example ( hew, that his conti- nued maletrcating and ridiculing thcMiniflers here at Home did not tend to take off from their Weight and Figure Abroad, and confe- quemly impead their Negotiations. Let him make out, that his difputing the Reality and Danger cf the firft Treaty of Vienna, and his debating the Fitnefs and Policy of that of Ha- nover, did not, ab origine, give the Spaniards ahd Germans early Hopes of fucceeding in their Defigns by a Change of Councils here. That the Continuance of the fame Courfe of Writing could not contribute to the delaying the Preliminaries for a Peace, nor help to render ineffectual the Attempt towards it at the Congrefs of Soiffons, and thereby render the fcperate Treaty of Seville neceffary. Let him fliew that its farther Progrefs could not help to embolden the Spanijh Court to infift on the Stipulations in favour of Don Carlos j nor af- terwards fpirit the German to demand our Af- fent to the Pragmatic!^ SunHion. That it has not fince then occafioned the manifeft Fears the Spaniards were under of our fincerely in- tending to execute tbat Treaty, and thereby put tbem on beginning and continuing tbe Works before Gibraltar, as a Spur to our fo doing. And laftly, that it has not given Life to the French Machinations, in Oppofi- tion t » the adual Execution of that Treaty g or that it may net, if continued, tend to draw yet more and greater Inconveniences on « s, if any of thefe are to be confidered as fucb.' With all this he ftfnds charged, and from thefe * LOm> ON: Points) therefore it behom him to clear him- felf. But could he ffiew tbat thefe Debates, if modeftly handled, have not had this Ten- dency, which he never can, yet would he not prove his Innocenc}; no, he has misbeha- ved in a yet more inexcufable Degree, and has Accufations of a lefs justifiable Nature to wipe off, tban the more cooly debating the Fitnefs of our Councils. For he has from Time to Time join'd to thofe Debates, confident Pro. mifes and Prophecies of fnch Changes of Hands and Councils. He has number'd the People, and audacioufly afferted, that the whole Body of the Nation, except fome few Court- Dependents, were highly difconrented with the whole Thread of thofe TranfaBions ; has painted and reprefented them in an hundred Ways, as ripe ( or Revolt, in order to bring that Change about by Force ; and, thro' the whole Thread of OIdcajlle't Remarks, has read them Ledures, and given themExhortations to that Purpofe, under the Colour of cherifliing the Spirit of Liberty, and has, fince all that, openly avow'd and juftified the Being of a Formidable Combination, 10 infift on a Change of out Ccun- cils and Meafures ; not to mention another mo mentous Point, becaufe he complains fo pa- thetically and feelingly of its being too far urg'd- So tbat be muft not only ( hew the harmlefs Tendency of merely debating the Prudence of our Councils in the paft delicate Situations, but muft farther prove, that his backing that Inquiry from Time to Time, with fucb apparently feditiousAffertions and l{ e- prefeniations was alfo neceffary to the Publicly Weal, and a Part of the jujl Liberty of the Prefs. This is the Task he muft go thro' j and when he has done tbis, as he feems to confider that Point farther, I promife him, unknown as I am, I will either alfent to bis Reafons, or ( hew bim with Candour and Decency the Fallacies or Falfhood of his Argu- ments. And in the. mean time, I ( hall end this Paper witb a Remark or two on fomething he fays in the Beginning of his; where be feems to think that the Difcourfe in the two C our ants was calculated to the Purpofe of a coming Try at Guilt is often ( harp ( ighted, but always, and that jaftly, very fufpicious. That Papsr was far from being written with any View of tbat fort. ' Twss a rational Appeal to the fame common XJnisr( landing to which he pre- tends to addrels, and defign'd to call on him theCenfure and Difappiobation of the Public^, whofe Judgment he fo much approves, and that in a popular Way, and not tbe adual La( h of Law in a judical one, as he feems to appre- hend; had that been defigned, the Author had ( tared the Arguments in another Manner, and had been perhaps capable of urging the Accufation in the Language, and according 10 the Forms by which a Jury ( houid govern a Verdid in Wejlminfter Hall; but tbat Parr, as ' tis moft proper it fhould, is left to that parti- cular Time, and to the abler Heads that will tben have the Management of it. Tbo' as he has given me tbe Hint, I can't help making this general Obfervation, That fhould the Authors or Publijhers of that parti- cular Paper be then found guilty in the Points on which they ftand legally accufed, ' twould be no Aleviation of their Crime in the Eye of the Publicthat tbey are perhaps tbe very fame Perfons, who, thro' a Series of Years, have treated tbe whole Thread of our Public^ TranfaBions, in a Way fo apparently detri- mental to the Nation Ir is not a firji, it is not a fole Offence ; it is the Ad of Mm har- den'd and determin'd in a long Courfe of fuch dangerous Writing, who trufting to the Difficulty of making out but fuch Accufations the Letter of Laws, extremely, and I own very juftly, tender of Liberty, have wittingly and knowingly perfever'd hitherto in a tri- umphant Defiance to every gentler Checque that has been apply'd to their licentious Pens, In a Word, it is the Ad of Men to whom, upon the juft Ballance of an Account to be made out between them and the Publica great Part of our paft Delays and Expences, perhaps fome Tears of the firft. and fome Millions of the laft, may very probably, and therefore very fairly, be, charged. Which Obfervation, however, I ( houid be far from making Juft at tbis Time, were it not that tbere runs thro' tbe Paper, I bave been confidering, a feemingly humble but malignant Submi ( fin to the Judgement of the fopular Publick, in dired Contradidion to what is malicitujly called tbe Rigour of the Law, and the ftrong Gripe of irrefiftible Power. Leghorn, OSober it. N. S.' HP H E Bncifti Squadron arrived here tbe - 1- 26th, and with them the Spanifh Admi- ral and Vice Admiral, and three other Ships of their Squadron ; and ' tis not doubted, but the reft will be here in a Day or two. The proper Regulations for the Introdudion and Repartition of tbe 6000 Spanifh Troops into tbe Dutchy of Tufcany, having been fettled, a Draught of the Regulation was fent to the Grand Duke, who having approved of ir, the Inftrument was fign'd here this Day. Deal, Nov. 1. Remain the Eagle, Dorn- ford, for the Canaries ; the Elizabeth, Win- flow, for Bofton } the Abigail and Anne, Heming, for Carolina ; the Sarah, Howes, for Sr. Chriftopbers ; the Reformation, Mau- gridge, for Oporto, from Hamburgh ; and others, in all about Twenty Sail, outward- bound and homeward bound, at Anchor, and all ride well. It was not the Gaylard an- chored Yefterday; but'tis faid a Ship un- known from the Weft Indies. Yefterday arrived the Three Brothers, Yeomans, from Maryland ; tbe Effex, Bourn, from rhe Weft Indies ; and others not known. This Day arrived tbe Deal Caftle Man of War, from Spithead, and another Man of War, fuppofed the Succefs. Wind at S. W. by S. blowing very bard. LONDON. On Monday laft the Corpfe of Mr, JenZ nings, Pariih. Clerk to the United Parifhesof St. Edmond the King and St. Nicholas Acrons, was found in the Mud at New Wharf, Lon- don Bridge ; he having been miffing from his Family e\ er fince that Day Fortniphf Ha bas been obferved to have been under a me- lancholy Difpofition for fome time; and what is moft obfervable, at his going away he left at home his Watc'b, Rings, Money that was in his Pocker, and Tobacco Box. Laft Night the Coroner's Inqueft fat again at the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill, on tbe Body of Daniel Hixfon, the Carter, who was kiii'd by a Blow that he received from Francis Hitchcock, alias Whitaker, the Coacbmari in Cornbiif, as formerly mentioned, arid went through the feveral Depofr. ions of all the Evidences; and afrer a long Hearing brought in tbeir Verdid, Wilful Murder. Yefterday Sooth Sea Stock was » oj 1 8th. iot 7 8ths. South Sea Annuity 107 % 4rhs. South Sea Bonds 5 I. us. Bank 146. Bank Circulation 4 I. 17 s. 6 d. Million Bank 107 1 half. India 176, 175 ! halfi 176. 175 1 4th. Royal Affurance 96 1 half. London Affurance iz I 41b. African. 49. York Buildings 11 1 4th. Three per Cent; Ann. 94 1 4th. India Bonds 5 I. 16 s- Englifii Copper 3 1. Welfli Copper 2- 1 3 5. Undrawn Tickets 16 1. JS S. Blanks 7 1, Chances 13 s. Dodor I^ OBE^ T EATON's BALSAMICK STYPTIC K, Is truly Prepared and Sold at the Bettor's late Dwel- ling Houft, vow Mr. D v T T O N ' s in Sal sbury- Couif, Flcft fl eet. The Primary Ufe of rhis M E DIC I N E is to flop all Bleedings and heal rhe Wound, which it certainly^ does, whether fuch Bleedings proceed from Cuts, Srabs, Gun- lhot, or any or' er Vv'cunds whatfoever 5 likewil'e bleeding it the Nsl'e, burlt- ing ot Veins, Bloody Flux, or any other Bleed- ings whufoever- It is nioft clfeftu 11 and fate in all Feminine Cal'es; beirg a kimiiy Medicine, cordial, balfamirk and healing. It is of great Ufe and Ser- vice in all Fluxes; it keeps Virtue lor many- Years, and in all Climates. No Per ton thi- goes to Sea, or any Family ought to be without it, b* ing 1 ready Help at Hind, in rhe moft dangrrous Catc- s. Pioper Directions for its Ufe are given with every Bottle- It is fold in feaicd Bottles at 7 6 d.<; 5. 1 s. 6 d- and I s. Sd. the largcfi containing a Pint; with properAUowance to all Retailers, and to Sur- geons, Apothetaries and lV! idwive= that take large Quantities, and to lucb as layout xos. or more, a large Book writ by the Doftor on this Subject is gi- ven gratis. On Account of the great Ufe of this Medicine to his Maieffy's Navits, Armies. HofpitJls, and to all his Subtests tn ceneral, tr luth the Sandion of his late Ma jelly's Letters Patent. It is alfo fold by Licence at Garra way's old Shop, Prafticil Scheme, at the Royal Exchange. . Vr- JohnPotter, Chymift, in Bartholomew- dole- Mr. John Mears, at the Golden Viol, I. udgate- Hill- Mr. JimesMac Euen, Bookfeller in Edinburgh, Mr. William Evans, Bookfeller in Briflol. Mr. Ham- mond, jun. Bookf'eller in York. Mr- Roe, Book- leUer in Derby. Mr. Ratkes, Printer in Gloucefter. Mr. Paravicini, Holler in NortiiiRham. Mr. Dicey, Printer in Northampton. Mr. Thomas Grecnhill, ' Mercer at Bath- Mr. Abree, Printer i: Canter- bury. Sold by J% Roberto in lVarwick* Lanc. Where Adyertifements are sakon in.
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