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The Edinburgh Evening Courant


Printer / Publisher: Mr James M'Euen and Company 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: CCLXXXVII
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant

Date of Article: 06/04/1727
Printer / Publisher: Mr James M'Euen and Company 
Address: Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: CCLXXXVII
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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( 1115 ) NUMB. CCLXXXVII. . The EDINBURGH Evening Courant; From Tuesday April 4. to Thursday April 6. 1727. From the St. James's Evening Post, March 30. Continuation of the Journal of the Siege of Gi- braltar, from the Camp before that Place, dated March 11. THE Night between the iSth of February and ift current, the Trenches were relieved by Lieutenant Ge- neral Count Montemar, Major General Count Daydie, Brigadier Don Francisco Carrillo, 6 Com- panies of Grenadiers, and zj Piquet Guards, ( as was practised the foregoing Days) 2 Colonels, with the usual Number ot Officers, and 800 Workmen. We worked this Night in compleating the Parallel, and finish- ing the 3 Batteries against Queen Anne's Battery and the Point of the Rock. The Enemy fired constantly from all Parts, yet with little Loss on our Side, having only 4 wounded, without any o ther Novelty. March the 1st at Night, Lieutenant General Don Francisco Ribaldo, Major General Don Rodrigo Peralta, Brigadier Don John Gage, 2 Colonels, the Number ot Officers in Proportion with the same Number of Troops, 400 Wotkmen, and a Brigade of 20 Miners, relieved the Trenches. They perfeted the Parallel Line that reaches to ' the Western Shore, and continued their Work tor finishing the 2 Batteries, 1 for Mortars, including that 0n the Levant Coast being already compleat- ed, that they may all play at once, and we had only 1 Gunner killed. The 2d at Night the Trenches were relieved by Lieutenant General Marquis de Alconcher. Ma- jor General Count Zueveghen, Brigadier Baron Corretani, 2 Colonels, Officers and Soldiers as be- fore, with 5oo Pioneers and 30 Miners. We ad- vanced the Works ot the Batteries and Mines. The Enemy's Fire was greater than the Day be- fore. We had 1 killed, and a Captain and 4 Sol- diers wounded. The 3d at Night the Trenches were relieved by Lieutenant General Count Glimes, Major Gene- ral Don Jerem de Solis, Brigadier Sayve, 2 Colo- nels,' the usual Officers anu Number of Troops, and 600 Workmen. They worked on the Batte- ry of the Mill, designed for ruining the Defences Of the Hill, and on the Battery of Mortars, and likewise on 2 Communications that are carrying oa for forming the grand Battery of 20 Pieces of Cannon, which is to batter the Curtain of the Wall of the Land Gate. We had a Lieutenant of Wal- loon Guards dangerously wounded, 3 Workmen wounded, and a Serjeant killed. The 4th at Night the Trenches were relieved by Lieutenant General Count Montemar, Ma jor General Marquis of Monreal, Brigadier Mar- quis of Bay, two Colonels, the usual Number of Officers and Troops, and 700 Workmen. We continued our Mines, and to perfect our Batteries, to mend and make deeper our Trenches;, from the Entrance to the Park of Artillery. We recon- noitred, and pitchcd upon the Ground for erecting the great Battery; and, notwithstanding the con- tinual Firing of the Enemy's Cannon and Mortars, we placed our Cannon on the Battery, and were prepared to fire by the Break of Day ; so that in the Spacc of 10 Days we finished our Attacks,- our Communication of 4000 Paces, and our Paral- lel, including the Works for the Batteries. We had this Day a Captain of Grenadiers and three- Soldiers wounded. Our three Batteries of Guns, and one of Mortars, began to fire the 5th with Approbation, from the Trenches, and with such Judgment, that they silenced seven Pieces of Queen Ann's Battery. A Man of War approached with a Design to annoy our Trenches, but our Batteries immediately obliged her to sheer off. The 5th at Night the Trenches were relieved by Lieutenant General D0n Francisco Ribaldo, Major General Duke of Castro Piniano, Brigadier Luke Patinho, two Colonels, and the usual Com- pliment of Officers and Soldiers, and 11oo Work- men were working in compleating the grand Bat- tery, the Works of Communcation and Counter- Trenches; and had only five Workmen wound- ed. The So C : The 6th at Night the Trenches were, relieved by Lieutenant General Marquis Alconcher, Ma- jor- General Count Daydie, Brigadier Don An- tonio de Aslito, two Colonels, 165o Soldiers, Of- ficers in Proportion, and 691 Pioneers. We advan- ced the Works of the grand Battery, and of the Mill, with the Loss of a Gunner killed, and two Soldiers wounded. The 7th the Trenches were relieved by Lieuten- ant General Count de Glimes, Major General Don Rodrigo Peralto, Brigadier Don Francisco Car- rillo, two Colonels, & c. 1750 Soldiers, and 1300 Workmen. We entirly perfected the grand Battery, except the Glacis ; the Enemy fired brisk- ly with their Artillery and Bombs, to which we corresponded from our Battery of the Mill. We had two Men killed and three wounded. The 8th at Night the Trenches were relieved by Lieutenant General Count Montemar, Major Ge- neral Count Zueveghen, Brigadier Don John Bap- tist de Gages two Colonels, 1600 Soldiers, with a suitable Number of Officers and 1300 Workmen. We began to erect another Battery of 1o Pieces of Cannon to play on the Old Mole. Rome, March 8. The Pope's Journey to Bene- vento remains fixed to the 25th Instant, immedi- ately after the usual Cavalcade for the Festival of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. In the last Audience Cardinal de Polignac had of the Pope, he notified to him the King his Master's last Re- solution not to depart from the Alliance of Ha- nover, but on the contrary, to support it powerful- ly, and not to spare even Spain itself, if that Crown should attack Great Britain, or any other of the Hanoverian Allies. At which Declaration the Pontiff appeared much mortified, and exhort- ed the said Cardinal to repair to Cardinal Lescari, Secretary of State, in order to draw up jointly a Letter to the King of Spain, to dissuade him from disturbing the Tranquility of Europe ; and ' tis assured this Letter has been already sent to the Nuncio Aldobrandi at Madrid, with Orders to deliver it into his Catholick Majesty's own Hand. Paris April 5. Since Colonel Stanhope's De- parture from Madrid, there arrived two Expresses from England, who hearing he was gone, had the Foresight to go directly to the Dutch Ambas- sador's, who having opened and read their Dis- patches, threw them into the Fire before their Faces. Bristol, March 17. A Sloop belonging to the South Sea Company has made her Escape from H 6 ) Cartagena, with about 50,000 Pieces of Eight in her, and arriv'd at Jamaica. , London, March 30. The Corpse of Sir Isaac Newton ( which was buried on Tuesday in the Ab- bey from the Jerusalem Chamber) was followed to the Grave by a great many Persons of Qua- lity and Distinction, to shew the Respect they bore to that unquestionably great Man, and six noble Peers supported the Paul. From on board the Kent, 20 Leagues West from Cape Spartel. Feb; 16. O. S. On the 17th Instant we sailed from Gibraltar. The 18th we met with one of the Transports trom Ireland, having on board two Companies of Colonel Haye's Regiment, which had been separated from the rest in bad Weather in the Latitude of 48 the 28th of last Month : Sir Charles Wager caused the said two Companies to be taken into the Men of War. From Malaga the 8th Instant, N. S. ' tis wrote, that by their Aocounts from the Camp at St. Roch, they could not find the Spaniards had gained any Advantage; but that on the Contrary, they had lost a great many Men, and had very bad Success. The Friendship, of Dunbar, Capt. John Fall, who had taken 111 about 100 Pipes of Brandy at' Salo in Catalonia, for Rotterdam, was seized by the Governor of the Place the x 2th Instant, N. S. His Swedish Majesty's Ratification of the Treaty of Hanover arrived here Yesterday in the Afternoon from Stockholm.. William Stanhope, Esq; late Ambassador at the Court of Spain is landed with his Retinue at Do- ver from France. The Account published in a certain News- paper, in a pretended Letter from the Hague, of the Spa- niards having taken Queen Ann's Bastion at Gib- raltar, appears to be intirely false and groundless, and publish'd with a View to terrify the Friends of the Government, and raise the Hope of the Ja- cobites ; to which End, that notorious Falshood was repeated in the said News Paper. We hear his Majesty will be going soon for Ha- nover, in order to be at Hand in case the War be- comes general, to take upon him the Command of the Confederate Army. The Hon. Charles Bathurst, Esq the present She- riff for the County of York, met the Judges at the usual Places, attended by a great Number of Gentlemen, and 450 Men in his own Livery, and attended the Judges during the Assizes, with 16 Halberdeers, all six Foot high. Since Since our last arrived the Mails due from France and Holland, and one from Lisbon; Wye's Letter Verbatim. • London, April 1. By the Holland Mail we have the following Advices. From Madrid ' tis insinuated as tho that Court was now meditating the putting in Execution that which was lately represented to be their real De- sign for besides what was hinted in the former Letters, of the Pretender's going upon a secret Ex- pedition, ' tis now insinuated as if the Marquis de Castillar, to that End had had a secret Conference of some Hours with the Commander General of the Province of Guipiscoa, but they have no Ships, nor no Hopes as Matters stand now of having any Assistance from Russia, whence Expresses are daily sent to Vienna with Dispatches relating to the Dangers they are threatncd with. Upon the whole, ' tis believed those Powers will find full Employ- ment this Summer. The French are in Motion, and the Troops of Hanover, consisting of near 30000 Men, are or- dered to be in readiness to take the Field,- ' Tis said Sir William Morgan of Tredeger is made one of the Aid de Camps to his Majesty. They write from Stockholm, that on the 25th past the Accession of that Crown to the Treaty of Hanover was signed, and the next Day approved by the Assembly of States of that Kingdom, to the great Joy of the Publick. ' Tis said the Bridgwater Fire- ship and the Try- al Sloop are put in Commission, as will also 4 Men of War for the Baltick Squadron under Sir John Norris. The King of Spain having sequestrated the Ef- fects brought over in the Flotilla, . without Ex- ception, occasioned great Complaints by those in- terested therein; mean Time we are in Expectati- On here of having something extraordinary in a short Time from Admiral Hosier in the West In- dies. Tho' some Letters from Lisbon by the Mai! this Day, dated the 28th of March N. S. mention, that the Spaniards were so puft up on account of the Arrival of their Flotta, that they flatter themselves of being able to do great Things, yet by other Ac- counts ' tis remarked, that the sequestrating the Treasure as aforesaid, and the ambitions Projects of the Queen, had caused such Murmurings among the Spaniards as seem to threaten some Distur- bances. The Captain of the Cadogan Galley, which brought the last Express from Gibraltar, and who was several Days in the: Town during the Siege confirms that the Spaniards desert in great Num- bers, and that on the first of March O. S. he saw 50 of the Walloon Guards hauled up from one Part of the Rock near Wills's Battery, by Ropes thrown down by Order of Colonel Clayton for that Pur- pose. The Warminster arrived at Southampton in 11 Days from Gibraltar, brings the good News of the safe Arrival of the Torbay and Transports with the Forces from Ireland, which were landed in good- Condition. And they write from the Downs, that the Mon- mouth gave a Signal Yesterday Morning for the Transports with the Forces on Board for Gibral- tar, to put to Sea in Prosecution of their Voyage, the Wind being then at North East. Letters this Post from Dublin say, the Bishop of Kilmore is to be Archbishop of Cashiel, and Dr. Hoadly, Brother to the Bishop of Sarum, Bishop of Leightir and Ferns, and that the Bishop of Glou- cester will have the first Archbishoprick that be- comes vacant. South Sea Stock 98 1 half per Cent, which is ob- served to be higher than it was before the Spani- ards laid Siege to Gibraltar. ' Tis believed all the Differences will terminate in a Congress.— The rich S. S. Ship Royal George with her Convoy the Kingsail Man of War, continue still at Antegoa.— The South Sea Ships consisting of 25 Sail, are preparing for their Voy- age to Greenland. From * written Letter. London, April 1. The Dutch Amsterdam Courant come in Yesterday has the following Article from Vienna March 25th N. S. three Couriers are lately arrived here, viz. from Paris, London and Milan, the general Opinion is that the first brought a further Declaration of the French Court; that from London Dispatches of great Importance ; and the last, that about 30000 Men of French Troops were marching thro' Dau- phine, towards Piemont : Upon which a great Council of War was held in Presence of the Emperor. The Dutch Minister was also 25 th in Conference for several Hours with Prince Eugene ; and tis said he made new Proposals on the Part of the States General. The Imperial Ministers are hitherto divided in their opinions, some are for War and others for Peace, to whicH last the Emperor his joined himself, but before any Resolution they wait for Expresses from france and Great Britain. Mean while great Prepara- tions of War are making for the approaching Campaign, and Prince Eugene is getting his E- quipage ready, and is to go speedily to the Rhine to put himself at the Head of the Imperial Army. The last Advices from the Camp before Gi- braltar by the Way of Madrid of the 13th of March N. S. import, that most of the Out- works of the Place having been ruined by the Cannon of the Besiegers, they were to attack them the 15th, afterwards to batter the Walls with 40 Guns, and to make a general Assault on the 20th. There was a Report that the King of Spain had resolved to put to Sea a Squadron of 18 or 20' Men of War in order to make Head against the English, and that those lately arrived from the Havana will be employ'd for that Purpose. From the St. James's Evening Post, April. 1. Lisbon, March 20. There is Advice, that the Accounts from Gibraltar touching the present Ho- stilities, vary very much, as to the Success of each party ; one while the Advices say, that the Spa- niards make great Progress in their Approaches And the next that they are extreamly incommoded in their Trenches, not only by the brisk Fire from the Besieged's Cannon, and the heaps of Stones thrown down from the Rock ; but by the Rain which half fills their Trenches with Water, which proves a great Disheartning to the Work- men. The last Advices are of the 15th, and relate, that about 100 of the Spaniards have been killed for the four prececding Days, and that one more of the Garrison's Guns had been dismounted ; That the Spaniards Army was diminished about one half; That none of the Outworks had been taken by the Besiegers, and that the Miners of Spain and Sap- pers could not easily perform their Designs by rea son of the many Rocky Places in the Approaches. Greenock, April 1. Yesterday sailed from hence the Shaw of Glasgow, Captain Robert Lindsay Master, for Virginia. Edinburgh, April 6. Tuesdav last came on, be- fore the Lords of Justiciary, the Trial of one Fair- weather for Bigamy, but he not compearing was declared Fugitive. ADVERTISEMENTS. Council House, Edinburgh, March 17. tHE Magistrates and Council of this City are to expose to publick Roup, on Tuefday the Eleventh of April, be- tWixt the Hours of Ten and Eleven forenoon, at the Burrow- room, that Chop under the Tolbooth, presently possessed by John Masterton Merchant; and these Houses, & c. in the Candle maker- raw, presently possest by Thomas Giffard Farrier. The Articles of roup are to be seen at the Council Chamber, in the Hands of John Din Writer in Edinburgh. tHe Lands of Gogar, lying within the Shire of Clackman- an and Parish of Alloa, are designed to be Sold by a vo- luntary Roup in the Months of May or June next to come. There is a well contrived house having 16 Fire rooms, Clo- sets, & c. included with a large Stable, Granary aDd other Of- fice- houses commodiously placed from the House, as the Gar- dens and all the Places of Inclosures and planting are, with a Davecoat, a Parterre- well furnished with variety of Ever- greens, from which lyes a Belvedere of Beech, and all other barren Planting with Vislos, terminating upon some of the finest Seats on the River of Forth, fuch as Kennet, Clack- manan, Airtn, Elphingston, Torewood- head and Alloa. The ground lies almost in the Form of a Semi circle, all arable or planted to the Extent of 277 Acres ( the House stand- ing near the Center,) a good deal of it already inclosed, and whole may be inclosed at an easy Expence, there being one of the best free Stone Quarry s in all the Country in the East part, which wants chiefly to be brought in. There is Clay to be had in several Places, whereof good Brick has been already made, and the Clay at hand to be Burnt for Manure: Limestone to be had from Alloa very Cheap. The whole Ground is almost surrounded with Coal- Works, within less than half a Mile or a Mile of it. This Land for a great many Years has been neglected by occasional Incumbrances, and chiefly for want of Money to lay out on it, which may be done to evident Advantage, and the present value doubled by due lndustry. It is resolved by the Persons having interest on this Estate, to enter into a private Bargain with any Purchaser who shall make an Offer any Time before the first of May next to come Further Information about this Affair may be had from Mr. James M'Euen Book- seller over against the Cross,, or Mr. William Vetch at his writing Chamber in the Lucken booths, Edinburgh . And in cafe that no Purchaser interpose, a new Advertisement shall be timously given for the voluntary Roup above men- tioned. N. B. There is a Plan of the whole to be seen done by William Boucher Gardiner at Abbyhill, and another most exact Survey by the deceast Thomas Harly Gardiner of Alloa eDinBuRgH. Printed by Mr. JameS M'EUEn and COMPANY, and sold at the Shops of the said Mr. James M'Euen and Mr. James Davidson Booksellers. and by Robert FLEMING at the Printing, House in Pearson's Closs opposite to the Cross, where Advertisements are taken in, 1727. Price Three Half Pence.
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