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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 05/09/1724
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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\ OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1724. SIR., IF you'll do me the Favour to insert this in your next, you'll very much oblige your humble Servant, MONY. ASH. A PEAK TALE. Dear Sir, - It Is at your Desire, That I now aim to write like Prior, The famous Bard who wrote of old, Of Hans and Lass of London Mould ; Nor doth the theme you give much Vary, If I in telling don't miscarry Hans was a Fumbler and his Dame, A mighty Lover of that same. ( As all Dames are, you know,) so here I sing of such another Pair But whether in an honest Way, This Dame, as That, Friend Matt doth say I won't affirm ; For in the Tale, ' Tis plain her Honesty might fail: Howe'er let this be safely said, For fear of troubling J- sp- rs Head : J- sp- r, our modern Hans, who failing In Argument the most prevailing, Will soon be apt to fall a studying, And think he feels his Horns a budding: " For Jealousy it may be said, " Is more the Fault of Tale than Head, " And when the one plays not its Part, " The other will be sure to smart. " But to the Tale Poor J- sp- r then, Not fam'd the best of Womens Men, In that same Way that Women wou'd Have Men especially be good ; Always intent in his Vocation, Must go abroad on some Occasion : But mark how soon Misfortunes happen, And catch poor honest Folk a napping, And from a Cause how weak and small, Disasters rise the worst of all : " As Sparks cause Fires that mount the Skies, " And from small Brooks great Rivers rise. Within J- speros House did dwell A jolly P—— st. whose Name to tell, It matters not; Sylvester bet, Or any other Name tHat's night; Howe'er he was a clever Fellow, Lov'd Women Company — to tell you] As most P— sts do; look'd sleek and tat, Cou'd or carouse, or chit and chat; And if a Feast within a Mile, Who but the D r all the while; In company to eat, and drink, To smoke, and joke or any thinck ( So country Folk pronounce the Word, And Rhime makes me with them accord.} ' Twas at the Time that country Louts Do use to have their merry Bouts; ( Price Three- half- Pence.; Their Misers ( Nabal's) Feasts their Roast, Of which they always count the Cost ; Their boil'd and bak'd, their nappy Ale, With every Thing that may regale. A Cob amongst the Farming. tribe, A Lawyer too, that loves a Bribe, Or something like one, half genteel, Half Clown, in short, a strange Mungrel, An upstart Fellow grown to Riches, From Fustian Frock, and Leathern Breeches, All on a sudden, G— d knows how, Or if you will, the D l I trow : This Fellow now so grand appearing, Must keep a Bachanal Sheep shearing, A mighty one, and many a Guest, Must be invited to the Feast. Amongst the rest to merry make, The jolly D must partake. It matters not to tell the Fare That went to make up the good Cheery How much was eaten, how much swill'd, Who first was slain, who last was kill'd- The P— st drank stoutly, so did all, Some cou'd scarce stand, some not at all. But something happen'd here amiss, Which must be noted, And ' tis this. ' Mongst Sheep there are, as amongst Christians, 1 A Vermin nasty comes by Mischance, The Relicks of Egyptian Plague, That doth with constant Itch fatigue; Lice of a strange Gigantick Form, Who ' mongst the Fleeces often swarm, And from the Flocks will sometimes steal, And on the Shepherds make their Meal. ' Tis just and truly understood, Ill Company brings no Man Good: Our D r with these People carnal, Consorting thus in Feast diurnal, ( Nocturnal wou'd have done as well In Rhime, but not so true to tell, By Reason e'er ' twas Night the P— st Reel'd homeward like a drunken Beast He thus, I say, himself disporting, ' Mongst Shepherds, and with them consorting, His Fortune truly was no better, Than to pick up so foul a Creature; " So by ill Company is got, " The filthy Itch, and Pox — what not? Now heavy laden Home he trudges, Not knowing what a Guest he lodges, And into Jasperina's Room, By Custom, or by Chance, does come; With what Intent I will not say. Nor what to do, but there he lay Even on Jasperina's Bed, With Jasperina is not said The Wicked may say what they will, But I the Truth alone will tell. But what must J- sp- r e'er while think, That he lay there, altho' in Drink, When this he knows? As that he doth ; How's that ! I'll tell you now in Troth .' That self same Animal so scurvy, Made J- sp- r turn him topsy turvy, 19 Y Who The Continuation of the Trial of Edward Fitz- Harrls, Esq, for High- Treason. Wednefday the 4th of May, 1681, Fitz Harris was brought again from the Tower to the King's Bench Bar, and producing his Plea, and desiring it might be receiv'd and allow'd, the Court order'd it to be read, and it was much the same with the Plea he tender'd before, and concluded Unde ipse praed. Edwardus Fitz Harris, petit judicium si Car. Dom. Reg. hic super Indictamentum praed. usus ipsum ulterius procedere vult, & c. Mr. Attorney said, This Plea was no more, in Effect, than what was offer'd before; but that they had not attended him according to the Rule of Court, but sent him only a Note Yesterday, that Fitz Harris intended to stand upon his Plea, That he was im- peach'd in the House of Peers : That he sent to them to know whether they wou'd plead this to the Jurisdiction, or in Abatement, or in Bar, and they declar'd they wou'd not plead to the Jurisdiction, but now he saw it was to the Jurisdiction. L. C. J. And as a Plea to the Jurisdiction, so it concludes. Mr. Williams. The Court directed us to attend Mr. Attorney with the Substance, and so we did ; but as to the Form, we had Liberty to do as we pleas'd. Sir Fr. Winnington My Lord, We sent to the Clerk of the House of Lords, to obtain a Copy of the Impeachment in Parliament; but the Clerk was out of Town, and we cou'd not get it, or else we had sent Mr. Attorney the whole Plea Yesterday. Mr. Attorney. My Lord, This is a Plea to the JurisdictiOn of the Court, and whoever will plead such a Plea, must have the Record ready to assert to the Court that they have not Jurisdiction; and, be- sides, they have not pleaded any Record or Impeach- ment at all ; but say only, that he was impeach'd by the Commons de alta Proditione which is naught: He ought in his Plea to have set forth his Impeach- ment, and for what Crime particularly: An Indict ment or an Impeachment de alta Proditione or Fe- lony, or any other Crime is naught ; the Law allows not of it; and he must not aver upon a Record, but set it forth in haec verba, or the Substance of it. But in this Case here is nothing of Treason speci- fy'd IN the Record averr'd, that can intend it to be the same Treason for which he is indicted L. C. J Do you think it prudent to argue it at this time ; or will you take a Day to consider of it ? Then the King's Counsel consulted together, Af- ter which Mr. Attorney went on. Mr. Attorney. We can't see that this amounts to a Plea to the Jurisdiction of this Court for upon any Impeachment or Indictment, the King hath .„ to proceed upon which he will ; and so if there be ten Indictments, if none of them are come to Judgment, the King may proceed upon which he will; and in Plunket's Case, who was arraign'd and ready to be try'd in Ireland, yet the King has order'd he shall be try'd here: This Court of King's Bench hath a sovereign Jurisdiction of Commoners especi- ally, and can take Cognizance of it; therefore this is not only a false, but a frivolous Plea, and such a one as was never pleaded to your Jurisdiction and therefore we pray your Judgment upon it. ' Mr. Solicitor. It will not be a Question now how far an Impeachment depending, is a Bar to your Jurisdiction : But whether this be really a Plea to your Jurisdiction, for no Man can plead any Re- cord in another Court, either an Indictment or Acquittal upon it, without setting forth the Indict- ment and all the Proceedings of that Court upon that Record: And when such a Plea is put in, We shall either demur to it, or give it the Answer that it requires of Nultiel Record ; but this does not re. quire any particular Answer, because it sets forth no record at all that we can answer to. Mr. Serj. Maynard He cannot plead a Record in general Terms, and give you the Title only, or say he was indicted for such a Thing generally, but he must so set it forth to the Court, that if issue be taken, the Court may, by comparing the Record with the Plea, judge whether it be the same Matter or no: Indeed a Man need not set forth a general Act of Par. liament, but if he will plead a particular Act, he must set forth the Matter of it, to bring his Case on. der the Judgment of the Court. L. C. J. Do you speak against our receiving the Plea? Mr. Attorney. Yes, my Lord : We hope you will not admit such a Plea. L. C. J. Admitting it be an inefficient Plea, shou'd you not demur it before you demand our Judgment, that we may have somewhat upon the whole before us to judge upon ? Mr. Serj. Maynard Where a Plea is apparently vicious, when it is upon Record, we need not de- mur to it, or take Issue ; for then the Mischief will be, we shall admit all that is well pleaded to be true. Mr. Serj. Jefferies. If there be a Doubt upon a Plea that is read, whereupon a Point of Law may arise, you do usually put the Party to demur, or take Issue ; but if the Plea doth appear in its Nature fri. vulous, you do often refuse to admit such a Plea, and give Judgment upon it: And shou'd we be put to demur to it, we shall, by that, admit, that the Im- peachment and Indictment are for one and the same Thing ; and we conceive, that is a little dangerous. L C. J. You need not be afraid you shall be con- cluded by this Demurrer : That there is such an Im- peachment in the House of Lords for the same Of- fence, there is no Colour for it : And formerly, 1 confess, when they pleaded Pleas Ore tenus, and tooK their Exceptions Ore tenus too, they wou'd demand Judgment of a Plea presently; and so it was in the Bishop of Winchester's Case, 3 3- buc now they are grown into a formal Way ; all enter'd upon Re- cord, or at least written in Paper: And why shou'd you not go according to the common Course of the Court. „ . „. Serj. Maynard. It is true, the Course was ancient- ly to plead Ore tenuS, but pleading in Paper is the same Thing ; and the Course of the Court is, see it in Paper to be a frivolous Plea, to give Judg- ment presently ; and shou'd there be a Demurrer, it may hang longer than it is convenient this cause shou'd do. To be continu d this Day Fortnight. Who now come home to Bed he goes, With jasperina his dear Spouse, To do what nothing but repose; But could not take his usual Rest, For this unlucky nasty Beast ; Which Syl. erst while the Bed forfaking, Had left for a new Merry- making: Mean while the Dame cou'd hear him grumble, And wonder'd why he did so tumble; Impatient now he takes a Light, To see what put him in this Plight; But great his Grief, as his Surprize, When he the real Cause espies: The Reptile's Death his Body eases, But somewhat still his Soul displeases. The Dame he now begins to query, How came this filthy Creature near ye ? Your Neatness ne'er let common Louse Be seen by me within our House ; But such a monstrous one as this! Pray tell me quickly whence it is? Jappee, quoth she,— don't be in Passion, Nor let this cause in you Vexation, Our D—— r's been at Aulico's, Among the Sheep, as I suppose, And there got this among his Cloaths. What then, quoth Jepp, how came it here? Nay, don't be angry, pray my Dear, Replys the Dame, with Accent mild, Don't think I have thy Bed defil'd; Sylvester did indeed lye here, But not at all with me, my Dear; He was in Drink, and laid him down, And left this Vermin, like a Clown. And is it so, quoth Jepp ?— don't weep Indeed, my Dear, says she,— pray sleep. , " ar tmiir- "" iCto- t.^& i i- jfJlS if 1 f m111 ?> die tc ® 0 The following Letter gives us so sad and serious, and yet so strong and lively a representation of the innumerable Mischiefs that are generally consequent upon Matches made in direct Opposition to the In- clinations of the Parties most immediately concern'd, that we hope it will be an Amusement neither un- pleasant nor unuseful to our Readers. SIR, IAM a young Man, about Twenty Three, that, much against my Will, have comply'd with the incessant Importunities of my Friends, or rather, obey'd the absolute Commands of an indulgent Fa- ther, and a fond Mother, in marrying a very rich Maid of about Thirty six, who, it seems, is only mine, bccause seveal Suiters of equal pretensions in Wealth with herself, that lik'd her Person, left her as soon as they had convers'd with her sufficiently to found her Temper. Before I marry'd her I enjoy'd the Heighth of good Health, and good Humour, and thought my Fortune good enough as it was, and abundantly sufficient, with a Female Companion that brought the like Ingredients towards it, to make Life tolerably happy. She has not been my Wife quite a Year, and yet she has manag'd her Time so well, that she has en- tirely robb'd me of all my Quiet: The natural Gaiety of my Disposition is sowr'd, almost enough to make me think of growing her Torturer, as she is mine: The Floridness of Health has left me; and I am overcome by an inward Pining, that wastes me out- wardly : In fine, she has convinc'd me, that a Man may be emphatically poor in the affluence of Wealth, and be truly and properly said to want, amidst the Plenty and Abundance of all Things. I have industriously studied to shew her the plain- ed Marks of respectful Gratitude and true Friendship. For I really had an unfeigned Intention to render myself as agreeable a Companion as possible ; and the more, because, during the Time of out modish Court- ship, she had told those, from whom I should hear it again, that she really lik'd me: By this habitual Art of Tenderness I had almost brought it to be actually natural and began to deceive myself into an Opinion, that I should not be incapable of even loving her at last. She, in Return for this, began, after a Manner then perfectly unaccountable, to do evary thing, not only that she thought would disoblige me, but that she knew would be a sincere AffLiction to me. I find since, I am taken as a Husband, by way of shewing that she could have her Man ; and I am , to be the Subject of her Revenge, because she lost by her own Temper, the Person, that she her- self had a real Liking to. It is a Picture of the most easy and tolerable Part of our Lives, when I tell you, that she appears to the World to be the best of Wives, and yet that the Laws of her Oeconomy, in the Absence of Visiters, are these : Our Apartments are lonesome and solitary most part of the Day; we sit like Mutes at our Meals ; lock, meet and part, like shy Strangers; and have our separate Beds at Night. She is a Woman of a strong and penetrating, but a malignant and mischievous Understanding ; and letting that be guided, by what that should correct her Will and Humour, which are my inveterate Enemies, she can be as poignantly cruel to me as she pleases. She lets me know, by broad Hints, that she sees into every Step of Conduct that would delight me, and yet can be blind, like a Jew, out of mere Perverseness and Hardness of Heart. If I talk with her to please her, ask her the most endearing Questions, how I may oblige her, she is all dumb-, but if I drop, un- meaningly, an ambiguous Word. that may be tor- tur'd into a mischievous Construction, then she can talk, and use her Tongue like any ' Larum, which is as quick to find Fault, as her Ear to hear it.— If I explain, attest the Innocence and Simplicity of my Meaning, and beg Pardon for want of Caution in ex- pressing myself, her Ears are then shut, and she is like the deaf Adder. The Comparison is true beyond the Deafness; she is like it in my Bosom ; she stings like it, she poisons like it, and as mortally, with this DiF- ference, That the poison she sheds is of an Italian Kind, it lengthens out Torment by its artful Compo- sition, it makes Sorrow of very long Life, and kills, at a Distance of Years, after a painful Confinement, and a lingering Illness. In my Father's Presence she now, poor Man 1 be- gins to doat) this fair Hypocrite with whom I join'd at first to win her his esteem, beyond what he had for me, is never dumb but ever eloquent in my Praise, and consequently, her own such a Husband ! and such a Wife We are the happiest Couple!- then she calls then upon me, with an Air of Friend- ship, to be merry, when she perceives the Effects of the Melancholy the daily causes, hang heavily upon me: And thus she treats me like a Child, because she knows my poor old Father is growing one, and that, out of Compassion to him, I palliate my own Dislike, rather than by Complaint shew an offensive Sincerity. Her Eyes, her Ears, her Tongue, her Hands, seem all too little to oblige me The old Gentleman doats on her.*— I help to carry on the Farce ; it would be Tragedy, and kill him, if he knew otherwise He blesses his Stars, and very comfortably puts me in Mind, how much I possess all the Joy he wish'd me at the Beginning of this hopeful Match. What is there to be done with this Riddle of a Woman, that is so much in her Senses, and so much out of them, just as she pleases to give me Anguish ' What Prospect can I have of Happiness but from her Death, whom, by my publick Vow, and by my own private hard tugg d Virtue, I am oblig'd to sup- port, in Sickness and in Health i I would never have complain'd, even in this Man- ner, but that I hope it may be a proper Caution, and serVe for the Preservation of others: I am pleas'd, when I think on't, that I never discover'd these Grie- vances any other wife, because, had I complain'd every Time since I first had Occasion, I should have been asham'd to complain any longer, and could not have made it out at all; for she would have appear'd as irreprehensible in her publick Conduct, as an Angel : Thus I have a Fortune, truly, which has been the dear Purchase of Misery. To make me rich in their Imaginations, my Relations have made me poor, in- deed ; and, for my Part, I have nothing to hope, but that long Patience, and repeated Sufferings, may make me insensible. I am, Sir, your humble Servant. A. z; Last Thursday No 1511; was drawn a Prize of 2000 I. which we hear falls to Mr. Cha. Dix a Wine Merchant, and his Brother Arthur Dix of the Queen's Arms Tavern, in Newgate street, ard Mr. Tho. Ruttey of the Black Swan Tavern, Bartholomew- Lane: On Wednesday last dy'd at the Duke of Chandos's the Revd. Mr. Lowthrop, a Nonjuring Clergyman. We have an Account from Lincoln, that his Ma. jesty's Plate of 100 Guineas was Run fir che 24th past, and won by Mr. Honeywood's Dark Grey Horse; True Blue; and the Lord Gower's Mare won the 90 I. Plate. . Edingburgh, Aug. 20. Last Week an Irishman was taken in Adultery with an old Woman, whose Husband saw them in the very Act ; but however, was so good natur'd as to drink and be Friends with his Coadjutor; and after a gentle Reprimand to his Wife, marry'd her anew before Witnesses, thereby cancelling, for his Part, all former Transgressions. The last Letters from New England, mention an Event of the like Nature that happen'd there; which ended not so amicably, neither did it end tragically; as it often falls out in such Cases; the good Man be- ing contented with the Publication of the following Advertisement in the Boston Prints, viz. Know all Men by these Presents, that on the 24th of this Instant, at or between the Hours of 11 and 12 at Night, the Wife of Me the Subscriber, was caught in Bed with Samuel Butler, they both un- dress'd, and in a very indecent Posture, contrary to the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King. In Testi- mony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand this 26th Day of June Annoq; Dom. 1724. , The Mark, A. h; of Arthur Hall. / York, ) 8 V v ! 1 • 1 V 1! T r 2 York, August 19. In my last I omitted to give you an Account of a most terrible Storm that happen'd here the 12th Instant. About two in the Afternoon it bagan to be very dark, which was quickly followed with astonishing Claps of Thunder, attended with Flashes of Lightning, and immediately a very great Shower of Rain, which, for its Violence and Con- tinuance, scarce can be remember'd the like tbe Streets were foon over- flowed with Water, and the Channels ran with such Rapidity, especially ac the West End of Ousebridge, that it filled the Cellars and Floors of the Houses, insomuch, that it obliged the People to breakdown the Walls, to carry it off ano- ther Way, to the great Damage and Loss of most of the Inhabitants thereabouts: At the Lane that runs down to the River, under the Guildhall, we have a great Descent, and the Water coming with Violence from the several Streets, a Boat with five Persons in it, being upon the River, and making for Shelter to the Lane, met the impetuous Current, which overset it, and all very narrowly escaped with their Lives We have an Account from Selby, ten Miles from hence, that the dismal Darkness which preceeded the Storm, made the Birds fly to their wonted Places of Shelter; and that Hail Stones fell there as big as Wal- nuts, which beat the Fowls of the Air to the Ground, several Magpies, Sw'allows, Sparrows, and a Heron being taken up after the Storm was ever. They also broke the Windows in that Town to such a Degree, that, by a moderate Computation, eighty Pounds will not repair them: The Wheat has suffer'd very much thereabouts, and the Rape Seed has saved the Threshers Labour, by sowing a large Crop for ano. ther Year. St. Christphers, June 11 1724. There is no News in this Island but what relates to Pirates, who are Very Rife amongst us : Here is particularly a Pirate Ship and Sloop, the Ship is commanded by one Sprigg, who the 4th Inst. to Windward of this Island took a SLoop, Nicholas Trott, Master, belonging to St. Eustatia ; they used the People barbarously, hoist- ing them up to their Tops, and leting them violent- ly down again; then they whipt them, took away their Cloaths, and all else valuable, forced two Men away, and afterwards gave Trott his Sloop again. About the same Time they took a Ship coming from Rhode Island to this Place, laden with Provisions and some Horses; they treated the Rhode Island Men much worse than the others: The wanton Pirates rode the Horses backwards and forwards upon the Deck, and swore they wanted Boots and Spurs, and whipt the Men most cruelly because they had not furnish'd them with those Accoutrements. On Sunday last the Boat of a Ship in the River, in Carrying eight Persons to Gravesend, was overset, whereby the Daughter of Mr. Renier an Apothecary, a Daughter of Captain Mortlock of about 18, and an only Child, a Flemish Painter, and the Captain of the Ship to which the Boat belong'd, were unfortu- nately drown'd. In the N'ght between Friday and Saturday last, one Mrs. Waller, who liv'd by herself in a little House in an Alley in Middle- Row, Holborn, and took in Pawns for her Livelihood, was found dead upon her Bed, in her Cloaths, and the Street Door open, supposed to be robb'd and murder'd, there ap- pearing many Marks of Violence upon her Body, A Woman is in Custody upon suspicion of commit- ting the Facts. Last Sunday Morning about ; a Clock, a Fire broke out: in a Barn belonging to Capt. Brown, at Golder's Green in Hendon Parish, Middlesex, in which were lay'd up above 200 Loads of Hay, most Part whereof was destroy'd or damag'd in a short Time. We are told the King's Stay at Windsor is like to be longer than was expected ; his Majesty being well pleas'd with the Place, frequently diverting himself with Shooting in the Great Park and Forest. On Sunday last one David Darby with two other Brickmakers were committed to Newgate by Justice Pitfield, for the Murder of a Person at Shoreditch, by giving him a Blow on the Head with a Faggot Stick, which laid him dead. We hear that a Man and his Wife in going home late at Night, were ) 62 ) rudely insulted by the Brickmakers and upon the Woman's crying out Murder, the said Darby got out of Bed, ran in amongst them, and striking at Rand- dom, unfortunately kill'd a man that had given no Offence, but was assisting the injur'd Persons. Sir Samuel Stanier, Kt. Alderman of the Ward of Aldgate, who was Lord Mayor of this City at his Majesty's happy Accession to the Crown, died last Friday 7- Night at Wanstead in Essex. He was Presi- dent of the Workhouse in Bishopsgate- street, and' Colonel of the Red Regiment of the City Train'd Bands. On the 15th ult. the Right Honourable Robert Wal- pole, Esq; with his Son the Lord Walpole, accom- panied by George Doddington, Esq; and William Yonge, Esq; two of the Honourable the Lords Com. missioners of the Treasury, Richard Edgcombe, Esq Paymaster of the Revenue in Ireland, Col. Charles Churchill, Governor of Plymouth Fort, and several other Gentlemen, arriv'd at Exeter, where they were receiv'd with great Demonstrations of Joy and Re- spect. They dined at the Lord Bishop's Palace, where they were entertain'd with 1 jo Dishes of Meat. Af- ter this, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Coun. cil waited on them in a full Body, ar the Guildhall" and presented them with the Freedom of the City - and having taken the usual Oaths, Mr. Walpole in a very handsome Speech, acknowledged the Favour and gave a Bank Note of 100 1. to be distributed to the Poor, at the Discretion of the Mayor and Cham- ber; After which, they were entertain'd in the Guild- hall with a fine Collation at the City's Charge; where his Majesty's, his Royal Highness's, ( who is their Lord High Steward) and many other Loyal Healths were drank, to the Joy and Satisfaction of all Well- wishers to the present happy Establishment. We hear, that one William Goodwin, of Sunbury, in the County of Middlesex, has taken upon him for some Time to practice the employment of a Fer- ry- man, by carrying People from Sunbury to Walton, in the County of Surry, contrary to an Act of Parlia- ment, and also to the Constitution of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen ; upon which, being prosecuted by the said Company, he has petition'd to be a Waterman belonging to Trinity house, they be. ing excepted out of the Act. In his Petition he has set forth, That he has been in the Service of the Go- vernment 46 Years and receiv'd great Damage thereby, tho' at the same time he is credibly reported to have own'd that he is but 41 Years old next October, and able to play at Cricket. with most People. He is to appear this Day before a board of the Masters of Trinity- House, to discover the Truth of his Pre- tensions and the Authority of his Practice. His Majefty, in Respect to the present Condition of the Princess of Wales, and in tender Regard to her Royal Highness's Welfare, hath been pleas'd to desire her to forbear coming to Windsor, lest any ac- cident should happen in the journey, her Royal High- ness having receiv'd an Injury since her Pregnancy by an ill Journey to Richmond. His Majesty's Ship, Dover, Captain Tyrwit Cayley, which arriv'd about the Close of last Week at the Nore, in 11 Days from Lisbon, is order'd up to Wool- wich to be paid off. We hear that the Rev. Dr. Lisle, Domestick Chap- lain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Rector of St. Mary Le Bow in Cheapside, is nominated to the Archdeaconry of Canterbury, which the late Bishop Chichester held in Commendam. And that the Rev. Dr. Ibbetson, Rector of Lam- beth, will be made Cannon of Christ- Church, Oxon, upon the Nomination of the Rev. Dr. Bradshaw to the Bishoprick of Bristol, and Deanery of Christ- Church. Mr. Mears a noted Bookseller without Temple Bar, having in Partnership with some of his Neighbours, purchased the Chances of five Tickets now drawing at Guild Hall; Monday one of them, viz. No. 68221 came up a Prize- of 1006 1 John Coggs, who is in Custody for feloniously ut- tering and vending Counterfeit Certificates for the Lottery 1723, having made an ample Confession of all the villainous Transactions relating thereto, hath t* obtain'd the Favour of being admitted an Evidence against his Accomplice Davall. Last Saturday his Excellency Hag Abdelcader Pe- rez, Ambassador from the Emperor of Morocco, had a private Audience of Leave of his Majesty at Wind- sor, to which he was introduced by his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and conducted by Sir Clement Cotterell, Kt. Master of the Ceremonies: And on Monday his Excellency had Audience of Leave of both their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales at Richmond. They write from Windsor, that his Majesty is tak- ing the Diversions of that Place; and that passing one Day through Eaton, the young Noblemen and Gen- tlemen of the School there, being about 400, put themselves in good Order to salute him with their Acclamations as he pass'd by, which they perform'd so handsomly, that his Majesty sent one of the Lords attending him, to desire they might play a Week, and the same was readily granted, His Majesty has been pleas'd to sign a Warrant for a Conge d'Elire to pass the Great Seal for electing the Revd. Dr. Robeit Claverirg, his Majesty's Hebrew Professor in the University of Oxon, into the See of Landaffe. void by the Death of Dr. Tyler; and a Warrant for passing a Patent for granting to the said Dr. Clavering the Deanery of Hereford. His Majesty has been likewise pleas'd to sign a Warrant for a Conge d'Elire to pass the Great Seal for electing Willsam Bradshaw, Doctor of Divinity, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, into the See of Bristol, void by the Resignation of the Right Revd Father in God Dr. Hugh Boulter, translated to the See of Armagh in the Kingdom of Ireland ; and to grant to Dr. Bradshaw the Deanery of Christ- Church in Oxon, void by the Translation of the said Dr. Boulter. His Majesty has been also pleas'd to sign Warrants for passing two Grants for creating and erecting a Professoship of Modern History in each of the Uni- Versities. On the 18' h ult. the Revd. Dr. Ibbot was intro. duc'd to the King, when he presented to his Majesty a Sermon by him preach'd on the il> of August be- fore the Lord Mayor of London and Court of Alder- His Majesty has been pleas'd to grant unto John Blois, Esq; the Office of Register to the Commissioner'S of Excise, in the room of Thomas Yarburgh, Esq; deceas'd. On Tuesdav last several of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace met at the court- house in White- Chappel, where were brought in by the High Constable Clif- ford William Philips, Gent, and the rest of the Petty Constables of the Tower Division. about 50 or 60 Prisoners taken up for being loose idle, and disorder- ly Persons, keeping unseasonable Hours, and not be. ing able to render a go « d Account of themselves or way of Living; several of them were discharg'd, cre- dible Persons appeaing to their Reputation, and pro- mising to behave better for the future : The rest were bound over, or committed to New- Prison, or the House of Correction. Last Tuesday between H and 11 a Clock a Fire happen'd at Mr. Dodds. who keeps a great Oil Shop at the Olive in Fenchurch street, who was then in the Country. We hear it was occasion'd by a Boy's going into the Cellar with a lighted Candle, the Snuff thereof falling into a Tub having some Turpentine in the Bottom only ; but by the Prudence of the Peo- ple in immediately covering the Barrels of Oil and other combustible Stuff with wet Blankets, and the Diligence of the Firemen, the same was happily ex- tinguish'd without much Damage. The same Day Mr. Deputy Porteen was unani- mously chosen Alderman of Aldgate Ward, in the room of his Uncle Sir Samuel Stanier, deceas'd. On Tuesday last the Lord Chancellor had the Co. riosity to see Mr. Hamber and Mr. Dobbins gut se- veral Men for the Stone at St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital, the new way above the Os Pubis; and from one ) a Stone near 8 Ounces was extracted. His Lordship since has made a handsome Present to the poor pa- Mr. Wren who had a Living in Kent; and other Places of Profit, shot himself deal lately at Sheerness; On Monday last died Mrs Barker, Wife of Mr Barker of Hatton- Garden, Turkey Merchant, she was one of the Daughters of Sir Richard Gough of Chelsea, Kt. Member of Parliament for the Borough of Bramber in the County of Sussex Wednesday a Party of about 300. Men out of the Foot- Guards, were detach'd for Windsor to relieve those upon Duty there. The Horse Guards will like- wise be reliev'd the latter End of this Week On Tuesday Morning last a Gang of Deer stealers made another attempt in Richmond Park, but the Keepers gave them a warm reception, and took two of them Prisoners, one of whom, viz. John Berisford, alias Jack the Wheeler, was dangerously wounded, being shot through the Body, and the Ball lodgd in the Shoulder of one of his Comrades j they were both committed to Kingston Goal. There are Orders given for taking down all the old Houses betwixt the Countefs of Darlington's and Baron Hartop's, and for erecting in their stead new Apartments, with Piazzas, and to be made a beautiful Building ; and the Gateway there is to be enlarg'd, to furnish a more convenient Passage for his Majesty to and from Kensington, & c. Philadelphia, July a. On the 16th of June last', dy'd of an Apoplecick Fit Josiah Ralph, Esq; one of the Council, who the Day before was qualify'd for Judge of the Admiralty: his Commission being brought by Captain Anis) He was well belov'd in his Life and is much lamented at his Death. Last Monday a most surprizing Accident happen'd at Newgate, which is as followeth, viz. John Shep- pard one of the condemn'd Malefactors finding himself order'd for Execution, and being provided with Saws, Files, ar. d other Implements, found an Opportunity to cut off one of the great Iron Spikes over the Door of the condemn'd Hold, ( at which the Prisoners usually converse with their Friends) and being of a very slender Body, got himself thro' into the Lodge, and from thence into the Street, and so escap'd, assisted by his Wife and another Woman, several Persons be- ing in the Lodge at the same Time, at a Table en- gag'd in a deep Discourse concerning his Dexterity, in his formerly escaping from New Prison ; he went off in his Irons, which were hid by a Night Gown, and he is suppos'd to have immediately taken Coach, the other condemn'd Prisoners intended to follow his Example, but were prevented by a timely Discovery. There is the following Letter in Print, suppos'd to come from him to Jack Ketch. SIR, I Thank you for the Favour you intended me this Day : I am a Gentleman, and allow you to be the same, and I hope can forgive Injuries; fond Nature pointed, I follow'd, Oh, propitious Minute! and to show that I am in Charity, I am now drinking your Health, and a Bon Repo to poor Joseph and Anthony. I am gone a few Days for the Air, but design speedily to embark, and this Night I am going up a Mansion for a Supply; it's a stout Fortification, but what Difficulties can't I encounter, when, dear Jack, you find that Bars and Chains are but trifling Obstacles in the Way of your Friend and Servant JOHN SHEPPARD From my Residence in Terra Australis Incognita. Sept 4, 1724. P. S. Pray my Service to Mr. Or.. di.. ry and Mr. App-- bee The Wife of the aforesaid John Shephard, was on Tuesday last apprehended, and being charg'd with aiding and assisting him in making his Escape out of Newgate, was the next Day carry'd before Sir Francis Forbes, who committed her to the Poultrey Compter: Yesterday Yesterday Anthony Upton eondemn'd the last Sessions for Housebreaking, and Joseph Ward for robbing upon the Highway, were executed at Tyburn- Whitehall, September 3. In the Evening Post of the 11th of August last, the following Paragraph was inserted. ' We have the Confirmation from Madrid of the Spanish Men of War taking by Force all the Eng- lish Vessels they could meet with in the Honduras, but that they did not meddle with those of any 0- ther Nation. The same Letters confirm also the Advices we had from Cadiz, that very strict Orders have been sent to all the Governors and Comman- ders in the Spanish Indies not to receive any Foreign Ships into their Harbours, nor admit them to the least Trade These Orders chiefly regards the Eng- lish, because the other Nations has no Right or Pri- vilege to it, but England by a solemn Treaty with Spain is allowed to send many Ships to the South Sea every Year, and also for the Assiento without any Opposition. The Printer of that Paper having been taken up by a Warrant from one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of Srate, did upon Examination produce the written Original of the said Paragraph, and af- firm'd that he had it from Mr. Fonseca: Whereupon a Warrant being issued for apprehending the said Fonseca, and he being taken into Custody by a Mes- senger, and examin'd Yesterday, did at first deny the Original of the said Paragraph to he of his Hand, writing, but afterwards confess'd it was; however, he did at the same Time deny that he sent it to the Printer of the said Paper, but pretended that the Original produc'd to him was by him copied from the said printed Paper. He is order'd to find Bail for his Appearance at the Court of King's Bench the first Day of next Term, when he is to be prosecuted as a Spreader of false News. Bankrupts sinCe our last List. Samuel Gray, late of Charles- Street, in the Parish of St- Paul Covent Garden in the County of Middle- sex, Victualler. Wilson Lyndon, late of Market Harborough, in the County of Leicester, Maltster. Thomas Hunt, of Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, Mercer, SHIPS Enter'd Inwards at the Custom House, since our last. The Happy Return from Calais; Francis and Jane and William and Matthew both from Gottenburg ; Rebecca from Stockholm; Joseph from Konisbro ; Rebecca from Virginia; Molly from Maryland; Russia Merchant from Sweden ; William and Ann, Cooper, Joseph and Titus, John and Mary, Three Brothers, Welfair and Anne all from Norway. The Marlborough from Jersey , Duke Charost from Calais; Elizabeth, and Recovery, both from Gotten- bro'; Speedwell from Dunkirk; Elizabeth from Opor- to ; Success from Stockholm ; Hyam, and Warwick, both from Rotterdam; Hope from Holland; Mary from Maryland; Judith from Barbadoes; Anne and Mary, Success, Johannes, and Salvater, all from Nor- way. The Eastland Merchant from Narva; Archangel- Merchant, and Johanna, both from Riga; Provi- dence from Konisbro'; John, Oak, and Essex, all from Virginia; John and Benjamin, Change, James and Matthew, and James, all from Norway. The Anne from Bremen; Mary and Elizabeth from Hambro'; Young Lucas from Amsterdam ; Hannah and Zephorah from Rotterdam ; George and Mary from Dublin; Rotterdam, and Heildlay, both from Riga; Margaret from Stockholm; Concordia, and Hope, both frOm Norway ; Dutchess Berry from Roan; Tobias from Maryland; Spotswood, and Sa- rah, both from Virginia and Negroves Nest from Antegoa. Clear'd Out. The John and Eleanor and James both for Sevil Farmers Goodwill for France ; Friendship for Ham- bro; George and Mary for Amsterdam ; Lady Mary for Holland ; William and Deborah for Norway and Oistions for New- England. The Genoa, and Beak Galley, both for Streights- Eagle for Seville ; Henry, and Anne, both for France- Hampton Court, and Phoenix, both for Holland- and the Beavor for New York. The Reward for Dubin ; Granada for Dunkirk • Morrice for Jamaica; Mary for the West Indies Mary for Hambro"; Flanders Merchant for Flanders' Endeavour for Sound ; Anne and Mary for Lisbon j Providence for Ireland ; Susannah, and Happy Return both for Dunkirk ; Olive Branch for the Streights; and Samuel and Sarah for Portugal. Christned Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was 116 1 8 h. Ditto Annuities 106. India 144 1 8thh. Bank 13: 1 8th. Ditto Circulation 5 8 hs per Cent Prem Af- rican 8 1 8th. Civil List Annuity 106. York Build- ings half. Ditto Subscription 36 1. Royal Ex- change Assurance yy. London Alliance 7781/ 11, Welsh Copper 33 s. Million Bank icS. Army Debentures 1 1 4tn per Cent. Disc. South Sea Bonds 1 1. ; s. Prem. India Bonds 1 1. 19 s. Prem. J0|, Prizes 1713, middle Course, 19 1. 16 i. Blanks, 1713, 7 1. 9s. Lottery Tickets 13I. 14 s. ADVERTISEMENTS. AL L that are distrested to the last Degree with the French Disease, or any Symptoms of it, and try'd Salivation, the Specifick, and Arcanum, and all the Diet Drinks, with all the other Mercurial Slip- Slops, and tired with taking Medicines to no Purpose, may have a fair, speedy, cheap, and safe Cure: A Clap or Running of the Reins is cured in a few Days, with, out Hindrance of Business ; and so private, that the most intimate cannot take Notice of it. Note Those that live in the Country may send and be furnish'd with six Doses for five Shillings, that cure all Symp- toms of the French Difeafe, Rheumatifm, or Scurvy and will do you more Service in all the aforesaid Dis- tempers, than any 11 Doses sold in England. To be spoke with at the Golden Ball in Three Faulcon Court in Fleet street, almost over against Water- Lane. Advice in all Distempers Gratis. Blinds for Windows made of Wire, Gauze, Silk, Cane, Sec. either painted or plain, by William Rodwell, in Pater- Noster- Row, on the Right- Hand, next Cheapside; remov'd from the East- End of St. Paul's: Also all Sorts of Screens made, old Pictures clean'd and mended, all Sorts of Pictures bought and sold, and neatly framed; Stair Cases, Closets, Pannels of Rooms, and Chimney- Pieces completely fitted up ; with India Pictures, Prints, or Paintings. Allow- ance to those who sell again. WILLIAM BARMBY, at the King's Arms behind Sr. Clement's Church in the Strand, the only Clergyman's Warehouse in England, that can furnish upon Sight, with Gowns and Cassocks, for Judges, Barristers, and Students; Livery- Gowns, and for Corporations: Likewise buys, sells, changes, or furnishies by the Year : Also Bands, Roses, Black Cloth, Prunelloes, Princes Black Silks, and Bi- shops Square Caps. He has the Honour to work for fifteen Bishops. Where also the above- mention'd Goods are sold at reasonable Rates. . N B. Any Gentlemen m- y be furnish'd with Gown and Cassocks, for what Time they please, which will save them a great deal of Trouble in bringing their own up to Town. LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in.
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