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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 06/10/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1722. SIR, I Shall conclude my Quo- tations out of the Bishop of Hereford's Book, with the following plain Rules which he has laid down, whereby Men may be their own Judges in all such Debates as he was then engaged in. Pag 2. In general, as a . Man, and as Christian, and and as a Protestant, I think myself obliged to compare every thing which I either receive or re- ject with the Principles of Reason, the Declarations of the Gospel, and the main Foundation of the Reformation ; nor have I any thing but one or other of these to oppose at any Time to what I cannot assent to. Whatsoever is contrary to the first Notions of a God establish'd upon the Evidences of Reason, cannot be admitted by anyone who believes a God upon those Evidences, because it destroys all those Princi- ples of Reason itself. Whatsoever is contrary to the plain Design or Declarations of the Gospel, cannot be receiv'd by any one who believes the Gospel, be. because it destroys the very Gospel which he be- lieves; and whatsoever is contradictory to those fundamental Principles of the Reformation, without which it could never have been at first, and now can never be defended, cannot knowingly be re- ceived by any true Protestant, because it destroys his very Title to that Name, and the very thing which, as a Protestant, he receives. These are the three main Rules, by which I have endeavour'd to conduct my own Thoughts ; agreeable to which, I shall here ( Pag. 330) add some Principles, by which all Pro- testants may safely judge of such important Mat- ters, and the Principles contrary to them, must be the Support of what is urged against my Arguments ' 1. Christ has the Supreme Authority of Legislator and Judge, with Respect to all Christians. ' No Authority therefore can be justly claim'd by any Christians of what Rank soever, in any Christian Church, which destroys the Supreme Atuho- rity of Christ. ' 3. The Will of Christ is deliver'd to all Christians for the Conduct of their Lives. ' 4. No Humane failible Authority therefore can de- termine Christians in Points of Religion, which they themselves do not judge to be agreeable to the Will of Christ. ' 5. Whatsoever equally concerns the Salvation of all Christians, is equally proposed to the Understand. ings of all. ' 6. There can therefore be no such thing as sub- mitting our Understandings out of Humility, or out of laziness to any other Men whatsoever in Points re- lating to eternal Salvation, without either supposing that Christ did not deliver his Will for us in things which concern us. or did not deliver it plainly e- nough for us to find it, ( with the Aids and Means he has put in our Power) in those Points which con- cern our eternal Salvation, and require all sufficient ( Price Three Half Pence ) ' plainness, tho' the taking in the Advice and Assist of others and attending to their Arguments, is per- fectly consistent with the foregoing proposition. ' 7. No Arguments can be admitted by f rotellants which destroys the very Essence of Protestantism ; nor can any reasoning conclude justly in Favour of any Powers amongst them, which they Constantly and strongly condemn in the Church of Rome. ' 8. No Authority therefore can be claim'd by any Reform'd Church, which was justly condemn'd and op- pos'd in Order to the Reformation itself. Conse- quently, 9. No Submission in religious Affairs can justly be demanded from Protestants by Protestants upon any such Foundation as would have absolutely prevent ed the Reformation itseif. 10. Whatsoever was true at the Time of the Re- formation is true still 11. Whatsoever Principles are true and just when urg'd against Papists, are likewise so amongst Pro- testants. 12. Whatever Principles and Conduct, are unjusti- fiable in Papists, are likewise so in all Protestants. 13. Whatsoever was the Foundation of the reform'd Church of England then, is so still; and whatsoever was necessary to justify it at first, is necessary to de- fend it now. 14 Nothing therefore which contradicts the main Principle of the Reformation, and that, without which the Church of England itself could not justly have been in being, can be for the true Interest of this Church, as it is a Protestant Church. ' 15. As it is a Christian Church, nothing can be supposed either to support or defend its Interest, which, admitted as true, would have prevented even the Reception of Christianity itself, or which contradicts the main Design of the Gospel. 16. The Principles therefore, which alone can justly and unexceptionably support it, are such as are uniformity and confidently Christian and Pro- testant, When these Propositions shall be duly consider'd, I will be content to be condemn'd by all Christians and Protestants, who will openly, and in so many Words condemn these Propositions; and indeed I desire to be acquitted by those Christians and Pro- • testants only, who see and acknowledge them to be true, and act justly and consistently upon them. I am, Sept. 22. SIR, Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood. The Continuation of the Life of RICHARD III. King of ENGLAND. When the Duke had pondered a while upon this and the like Discourse of the Bishop's, he acquainted the Bishop, That his Resolutions were to advance Henry Earl of Richmond to the Crown, and that the Earl of Richmond, Heir of the House of Lancaster, should marry the Lady Elizabeth, eldest Daughter IV.' by which Marriage the Houses of Lancaster and Yoik should be united into one. To effect all which, the Duke and Bishop first made the Mothers of Eliza- beth and Henry privy to their Design, and employed diver divers trusty Instruments to Interest the Nobility and Gentry in the Design. Then the Bishop left Breck- nock in Disguise, and sailed into Flanders, where he did Earl Henry eminent Service. Many great Persons combined to Dethrone the Usurper, which he having Knowledge of, sent his loving Letters to the Duke of Buckingham, whom he understood to be Head of the Complotters, requesting him most earnestly to come to Court, for he was in great Want of his wise Counsel. But the Duke mistrusting his smooth Words, excused himself that he was sickly and not well able to Tra- vel The King therefore sent his Commands to him, and Threats withal, if he refused to give his Atten- dance; unto which the Duke sent this resolute An- swer, That he would not come to his mortal Enemy ; and immediately prepared War against him. Then Thomas, Marquiss of Dorfet came out of Sanctuary, and also gathered a Band of Men in the North; Sir Edward Courtney, and his Brother, the Bishop of Exeter, raised another Army in Devonshire and Corn, wall; and other Gentlemen raised a Party; all which was done in a Moment. But the Usurper marching with his Host against the Duke's Forces, which were most Welsh, they for want of Pay, and other Pro- vision, brake up their Camp, and left the Duke to shift for himself; which when the Confederates un- derstood, they also dispersed themselves. The Duke of Buckingham, in Disguise, repaired for Security unto a Servant of his near Shrewsbury, named Hum- phrey Banister; but the King by Proclamation, pro- mising great Rewards to him that would detect the Duke; that Wretch, Banister, for the Hope of Gain, betrayed his Master, the Duke. Who with a Guard of Men, was conveyed to Salisbury, where without Arraingment or Judgment, the Duke lost his Head. Howbeit the Traytor Bannister did not lose his pro- mised Reward, but also received just Punishment from Heaven; for his eldest Son fell Mad, and so died in a Hogsty ; his second Son became deformed and lame in his Limbs; his third Son was drowned in a small Puddle of Water; his eldest Daughter was struck with a foul Leprosy; and himself being of extreme Age, was found Guilty of Murder, but saved by his Clergy. Divers of the Earl of Rich- mond's Party were put to Death; and so jealous was the King now of his ill- gotten Greatness, that he stored the Sea- Coasts with Armies of Men, furnished the Ports with Store of Munition, and made all things ready to prevent Earl Henry's Arrival; caused a Par. liament to be assembled at Westminster, wherein the said Earl, and all such as had fled the Land in his be- half, were made Enemies to their native Country, their Goods confiscated, their Lands and Possessions condemned to the King's Use. Moreover, the Usur- per sent his Agents laden with Gold, and many gay Promises, to the Duke of Bretaign, offering what not, if he would either send Earl Henry into England, or commit him there into Prison ; but the Duke himself lying extream sick, his Treasurer Peter Landofe, cor- rupted with Gold, had betrayed the Earl into Rich, ard's Hands, had not the Earl had timely Notice of it, and prevented it by a speedy Escape unto the French Court, where he received great Favours. Dr. Richard Fox, then a Student in Paris, was eminently serviceably to the Earl in that Nation. And the Duke of Bretaign, when he understood the Treachery of Landofe, was highly displeased, and continued a Favourer of the Earl and his Cause. But all these things, with many more, were against King Richard, which he very well foresaw, tho' he knew not well' how to remedy ; yet that he might make his Title and Interest as good as he could, he devised to marry with his Neice, the Princess Elizabeth, but his Queen Ann stood in his way to this for the present, tho' not long, for she fell into the remorseless Hand of Death but whether Natural or Violent, is not well known. ' To be continu'd. The Continnation of the Tryal of John Coleman for High- Treason. Mr. Ferryer seem'd sensible of the ' Advantage all Parties would reap by this Proposal ; but happening to fall sick, had not an Opportunity of waiting on the French King for a considerable Time ; but as soon t as he was able, he acquainted the French King , it, and wrote to the Duke himself, ashe did to Mr. Coleman, on the 15th of September, 1674, and sent his Letters by Sir William Throckmorton, who came Express on that Errand; and assur'd his Royal High- ness, that Monsieur Rouvigny had Orders to treat , with him, as to the Matter of Money, and observe his Directions as to that; but as to any Proposition about Religion, he was desir'd to communicate it TO Father Ferryer, or Monsieur Pompone : Hereupon the Duke expected daily, when Monsieur Rouvigny should speak to him of the Matter ; and on the 19th of Sep- tember ( being the Night before the King and Duke went to New- Market) he told his Royal Highness that he was commanded by his Master to give him the most firm Assurance of his Friendship, but made no mention of any particular Orders, relating to Father Ferryer's Letter .- And that Father soon after dying, the Duke gave over all further Thoughts of prosecuting that Project : That Mr. Coleman believ'd Mr. Rouvigny was in Expectation, they could have obtain'd the Dissolution of the Parliament themselves they having procur'd it to be prorogu'd to the nth of April, and was willing to save his Master's Money: That he had several Discourses with Monsieur Rou- vigny concerning his Matter's advancing 3000001; and did say to him, he wish'd the French King would give them Leave to offer it to King Charles, and shew'd him, that a Peace would certainly follow a Dissolution, ( which Monsieur Rouvigny agreed,) and that it would save his most Christian Majesty ten times the Sum they ask'd : That he mention'd this also to Mr. Pompone, who seem'd to approve it, but said, his most Christian Majesty could very ill spare such a Sum : That the Duke did not indeed appear in this Matter himself, having such ill Success before, when the thing came into Rouvigny's Hands; yet that he ( Mr. Coleman) continued to press the Disso- lution of a Parliament, as believing all Prorogations did but strengthen the opposite Party ; for the longer they were kept off, the King's Necessities encreas'd, and consequently their Power would be the greater when they met, if ever they did : That he press'd for a Dissolution until February last, but then their Cir- cumstances were so totally chang'd, that they were obliged to be as much for the Parliament's sitting, as they were before against it: The Ministry, who be- fore were their Friends, having rendred themselves obnoxions to the Parliament, had no way to ingrati- ate themselves with them against their sitting, but by appearing zealous against Popery, and putting the Penal Laws against the Catholicks in Execution: This being a Proceeding level'd so directly against the Duke, and by People whom he had advanc'd, and who had hitherto profess'd so much Duty to him, put him upon taking new Measures. He saw that the Ministry would sacrifice France, Religion, and his Royal Highness too to their Interest ; and he saw no Expedient to stop them in their Career of Persecution and destructive Counsels, but a Parliament; for they had such a rooted Dislike to that Ministry, that they would run counter to whatever Measures the Ministry seem'd inclin'd to, and be as little for Persecution then, as they had been for Popery before : And he assur'd Monsieur Rouvigny ( as he would testify) that the the next Sessions would do neither of them any Hurt, tho' they could not expect much Good from them, wanting those Sums the Dutch and Spaniards employ'd in making Friends: That indeed the Lord- Treasurer, Lord- Keeper; the Bishops, and such call'd themselves Old Cavalier, were against them to a Man, looking upon the Duke as Patron, of France, and the Catholick Religion : But then they had the Presbyterians, Independents, and other Sects, who were as much afraid of Persecution as themselves: And the Enemies of the Ministry, and particularly the Lord- Treasurer, ( who was grown almost sole Manager) these they had on their side, and did not fear preventing what was design'd against them, and rendering the Sessions ineffectual, at least to their end tho' they might not be able to compass their own. To be continu'd. Ths I C * 3r59 ) I hi The Recorder of London's Speech on the 29th past, to the Citizens at Guildhall, was to the EfFect fol- lowing : Gentlemen, YOU are here assembled In order to the Election of a Lord. Mayor of this City for the Year en- suing. You cannot he unacquainted with the Nature of the Trust, and the Qualifications requisite for dis- charging the Duty of this Office. As he is your principal Magistrate, that his Care and Vigilance will be necessary for preserving the Publick Peace and Tranquility ; his Judgment and Integrity for the due Administration of Justice; his Courage and Resolution for maintaining your Rights and Pri. vileges, your several Franchises and Jurisdictions, up- on their just and legal Foundation. It is one of those valuable Privileges, your Liberty of nominating proper Persons to be ( under His Ma- jesty) Governours of this City for your own Security and Safety : And I esteem it an Honour that I have this Opportunity of applying my self to so many worthy Citizens, Englishmen, Freemen, and Protestants, at this Juncture, when the Enemies of your Country are conspiring to bring you into a State of Confusion, to make Way for your Ruin and Destruction. At this Juncture, you ( who have at Heart the real Welfare and Prosperity of this City) will allow me earnestly to recommend Peace, Unanimity, and Good- will a- mongst yourselves and Fellow Citizens ; you will be perswaded, that healing and not widening your un- happy Breaches, is the most proper Method to defeat the Designs of your common Enemies. As you have now the Happiness to be protected In the Enjoyment of your Liberties, your Properties, and your Religion ; as you cannot but desire to secure the Continuance of these Blessings; as you are now about to repose a Power and Trust of great Impor- tance to the Publick, there is no doubt but you will be inclin'd to such a Magistrate as you shall believe will act sincerely and cordially for supporting the pre. sent happy Establishment in Church and State; and that it will be a prevailing Recommendation to your Favour and Esteem to be zealoufly well- affected to our most Gracious Sovereign King GEORGE and his Pra- testant Royal Family. Last Saturday Night two Servants of Mr. Harrison Brewer at Deptford ( and formerly Clerk of the Che- que in his Majesty's Yard there) quarrelling while they were at Work, fell into the Mashing Fat ; one of them was taken out dead, and the other's Life is despaired of. Mrs. Smith ( the Wife of him that died) was very much frighted, and falling into La. bour was brought to Bed of two Children the next Morning. Wednesday 7. Night about three in the Morning some People set Fire to a Stall for Hops upon Weyhill Fair, with a Design, as ' tis suppos'd, to have burnt down all the Booths and Standings erected for the said Fair. His Majesty's Ship Lime is arrived at Lisbon from Gibraltar. The Right Honourable Robert Walpole, Esq; having purchased the House of M. Van Huls at Chel- sea for 110o 1. is about to make several Improvements thereto. On Sunday one John Scamp, a Blackamoor, who for some Years past is said to have followed the Art and Mystery of a Highwayman, having most barba- rously murdered his lawful Wife, in St. Giles's, by running her thro' the Body with a Knife, was carried before Justice Ellis, and by him committed to New- gate ; but as the Constable, with several Assistants, were carrying him thither he made a desperate Resist- ance, wounding the Constable very dangerously, and beating the others, and so made his Escape. Monday the two Sherffs of this City for the ensu- ing Year, took the usual Oath before the Barons of the Exchequer. Most of the Members of Parliament from the remo- ter Parts of England are already arrived here. Friday 7 Night was held a General Court of the East- India Company, when the Chairman acquainted them, thac the Matter propos'd to their Deliberation, was contained in a Resolution of their Court of Di- rectors, which was as follows, viz. The Court of Directors having taken into their Consideration the Trade of this Company to all Parts of India, and in particular to China, have found it decay'd to what it formerly was; and by Reason of the Offenders interfering, and some Diffi- culties which we still labour under, are of Opinion, that the Half Yearly Annuities Dividend Warrants be 4 per Cent. And the Court of Directors are unanimously of Opinion, that this Company wiil be able to continue that Dividend, and are not with. out Hopes to encrease the same, when Trade shall revive, and Publick Credit be perfectly restor'd. Thereupon the Question was put, That the Half Yearly Dividend be 4 per Cent, the same was agreed Nemine Contradicente. Then the Court adjourn'd. Brigadier Ferrers succeeds the late Major General Wightman in his Regiment; and Col. Newton suc- ceeds Brigadier Ferrers. The same Day a Woman of near Eighty Years of Age, in Coventry- Street, was marry'd to a Young Fellow of about Twenty, to the great Diversion of the Neighbours. On Saturday last the Coroner's Inquest sat upon the Body of Mr. Philip Ninoue, who, in attempt- ing an Escape from a Messenger's House in Man- chester- Court, was drown'd in the Thames. The Body was opened before the Jury, by Mr. Small the Surgeon, two other Surgeons, and an Eminent Physician being present ; but no Marks of any Vio- lence appearing thereon, the Jury brought in their Verdict, Accidental Death. When he was taken up under the Privy- Garden Wall, he had about him four Guineas, and some Silver ; three Pair of Stockings, seven Shirts, nine Neckcloths, and two Perriwigs. Mr. John Elderton, formerly mention'd to have been chosen Common- Cryer of this City, was last Week sworn into that Office, and acted as such on Saturday. The Marquis of Blandford designs to make a short Visit to the Courts of Turin, Vienna, and Munich, and to be here about Christmass, On the 27th ult. some Custom- House Officers be- longing to Portsmouth, seiz'd at Stoaks Bay six Hogs- heads and ten Anchors of Brandy, which is look'd upon but as a small Part of what was run there that Night. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Unity, Capt; Plaisted, was taken between Barbadoes and Jamaica by a Spanish Pyrate, who threaten'd to murder all the Crew ; but did not put their wicked Designs in Exe- cution. They carry'd off the Ship with 250 Slaves on board. Their Captain on board the Foy coming to London. Last Tuesday Night a Man kill'd his Wife in Char- ter House Yard, by stabbing her by the Ear, of which she instantly died, and he is since committed to New. gate. Thomas Withers, and William Macluer, Esqs; are appointed Agents for the South Sea Company at Bar- badoes. We hear that the Laws in Force against Papists and Nonjurors will be more strictly put in Force than ever, On Tuesday Night Mr. Thornton a Smith in Stret- ton Grounds, going by Mr. Boulton's a Joyner, the said Boulton's Dog barking at him, and he kicking at the Dog, the Joyner's Wife fell upon him, and the Hus- band coming out to assist his Wife, a Fray ensued, and Mrs. Thornton came to the Assistance of her Husband ; upon which Mrs. Boulton thrust her Hands so vehemently against Mrs. Thornton's Breast, thit she immediately died. The Joyner was carried before a Justice of the Peace, and committed to the Gatehouse ; but his Wife made her Escape ; and a Barber in the same Grounds is also committed thither, for helping her to make her Escape. It seems they have had frequent Quarrels about this Dog and their Children. . The King and the three young Princesses will be at St. James's Palace on Monday next at farthest. The Rev. Dr. Hare, Dean of Worcester, is to preach preach the Latin Sermon before the ConVocation at their next Meeting. , , Three Regiments, viz Claytons, Montagues, and Stanwix at Hungerford, decamp next Monday, and march to Marlborough and the Devizes, in order to be We hear that his Grace the Archbishop of York will be in Town against the Sitting of the Parliament. Charles Maddocks, Esq; Secretary to the Lords Justices of Ireland, is made Clerk of the Crown for the Province of Ulster, in the room of Humphrey May, Esq; deceas'd. On Saturday last Capt. Robert Packingham was committed to Newgate, being charg'd with altering and counterfeiting an Army Debenture from too 1. 8 s. t d. to 700 1, 8 s 1 d. We hear that there are now in London upwards of 2000 Protestant Strangers, born either in Switzerland, or in such Countries as border upon it, who are re- puted SwitZers ; and among them are 500 Men able to bear Arms, all of them being zealous for His Ma- jesty, whom certain charitable Persons have humbly besought to grant them a Patent, and Piece of Ground, in order to build a national Church, wherein divine Service will be perform'd both in the German and French Tongue, and in all Appearance the Litur. gy of Neuschatel, which comes nearest to that of the Church of England will be us'd. The abovemention. ed charitable Gentlemen have met with all suitable Encouragement from his Majesty's Generosity, and that of his Ministry, whereby this Establishment is extreamly necessary for the Subsistance of the Swiss Poor. And as the Consequence of it cannot be dis- advantageous to the publick Good, it cannot but me- rit some Considerations from the English Nation, which has ever shewn itself upon all Occasions, gene, rous and charitable towards all Protestant Strangers. Upon Wednesday the 5th of September betwixt li and 12 at Night, one George Melvil, late Servant to the Earl of Leven, who had been imprison'd in the Thieves Hole of Edinburgh Prison, for stealing some Plate from William Don Vintner in Edinburgh, and for threatning of willful Fire, broke out of the said Prison, and made his Escape. Edinburgh, Sept, 25. On Thursday last died Sir John Lauder of Fountainhall, one of the Senators of the College of Justice; and last Night died James Wat- son, one of His Majesty's Printers. Kensington, October 2. The following humble Address of the Bailiff and Burghers of the Borough of Cockermouth, was pre. sented to the King, by Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bart, one of their Representatives in Parliament, and one of the Grooms of the Bed- chamber to His Majesty ; be. ing introduc'd by the Rt. Hon. the Ld. Viscount Townshend, a Principal Secretary of State. To the King's most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, WE Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Sub- jects with one Voice do beg Leave to congra- tulate Your Majesty upon the happy Discovery of the wicked Conspiracy design'd against Your Sacred Per- son, and Your Just Government: As we have upon all Occasions distinguish'd our selves in our Duty and Loyalty to Your Majesty, so we should with the ear- liest of your Subjects ( if Occasion had requir'd) have exerted our selves in the Defence of our excellent Constitution, maintaining that fundamental Principle for an undeniable Truth, that our Laws, Liberties, and Religion can be no ways secur'd to us, but by the uninterrupted Succession of Your Majesty and Your Royal Family to the Crown of these Realms. When we reflect upon Your Royal Vertues. Justice and Mercy, even extended to these high Criminals' ( Personal Enemies to Your Majesty, and to Your Royal Family) we cannot sufficiently express our Re- sentment against them, who thus abuse Your Maj- sty's great Clemency towards them, and who employ their Lives ( the Bounty of Your Majesty) to disturb the Peace and Quiet of Your Majesty's most merciful Reign but aFter all the rePeated Indignities offer'd to Your Person and Government, how graciously does Your Majesty continue Your unwearied to preserve Your Subjects in the full Enjoyment 0f all their Rights and Privileges; a rare Instance of which tender Regard for Your People, Your Majesty has greatly manifested by the prudent and timely Pre- cautions You have taken to secure the Peace of the Nation, and to prevent any Calamities that might befall your Subjects. We can only wish that Your Majesty and your Royal Family may live long, to reign over us and our Posterity ; and we do assure Your Majesty, with an unfeigned Zeal and Steddiness, we will contribute as much as in US lies, to render Your Government easie and secure : That Your Majesty may always de- feat the Designs of Your secret and open Enemies, and that You may have no Reason to distrust the Loyalty and Affections of any of Your Subjects, are our con- stant and fervent Prayers. Which Address His Majesty very graciously received. On Thursday 7- Night last William Lowndes, esq. lodg'd a Petition with Mr. Jodrel, against the late E- lection for the City and Liberty of Westminster. The Jamaica Fleet bound for the Port of London, are safely arrived. We are assur'd that the New Chappel in the Great Almonry, by Westminster- Abbey, will be opened on the third Sunday of this Month, being the 21st, with two Sermons by two Eminent Divines; and that the Rev. Mr. Moses Williams is to be Reader, and the Rev. Mr. James King, who belong'd to Spring- Gar- den Chappel, which was lately pull'd down, one of the constant Preachers. On Monday Morning last died at Newington, Mr. Cleve, formerly a Banker in Cornhill, and Partner with Mr. Cox, who died about a Year and half ago. Tuesday one Alexander Mackdonald and William Doyly, were carried before Justice Ellis, for wound- ing, without any Provocation, one Robert Sherman, with a Sword, in Bowl- Yard, Drury Lane : His Worship first order'd them for Bail, but having af- terwards received Information of their being guilty of the like Practices before, they were committed to New- Prison. On Sunday Night last, one Anne Taylor of Suf- folk- Street, in the Mint, hang'd herself in a Saw Pit at the end of Charles- Rents near St. George's Fields; but after hanging some Time, was cut down by Mr. Thompson, living at the Sign of the Trooper in thac Place, who, by Bleeding, and some proper Ap- plications, brought her to Life again ; since which, we hear she declares, she will do it more effectually in a short time. They write from Jamaica July 9, That His Majestys Ship the Lanceston, commanded by Capt. Chandler, having about three Months ago brought into that Port a Pyrate Ship, which had taken, robb'd, and sold, the Mary, Rich. Quick Commander, bound thi- ther from Boston in New England, and the Crean Snow, John Margeson Commander; the Crew 01 thac Pyrate- Ship consisting of 58 Persons were brought to their Tryal on the 8th of May, before a Court of Admiralty there, and all but seven of them being convicted, forty one have since been Executed pursuant to their Sentence ; and seven others, who being young, have receiv'd Mercy, are to be sent to Europe, to prevent their returning to the same bad Course of Life. ... Wednefday at five in the Afternoon the Poll at Guild- hall, for Lord Mayor of this City for the Year ensu- ing, was clos'd up. .. The Account of the said Poll was on Wednesday Night very differently reported ; but the following was the right, viz. Sir Gerard Conyers 2957 | Sir George Mertins u « 3 Sir Peter Delme 2912) Sir Francis Forbes it » ? Thursday SirGerard Conyers was declared duly elected The Government continues to secure all suspected Persons: Two Gentleman were 0n Sunday Night brought to Town from Somersetshire, and were car- ried to the Cockpit to be examined ; and repeated Orders have been sent to all the Sea- Ports of the King- dom for the Officers to keep a watchful Eye upon all persons going or coming from abroad. f There are several Romish Priests in the Custody of Messengers, The Master of the Yatcht which was to have car- ried the Lord North and Grey to France from the Isle of Wight, was one of the Prisoners brought to Town in Custody with the said Lord, and the other was his Lordship's Aid de Camp in Flanders. The Examination of the Earl of Orrery before the Committee of Council on Friday 7 Night, took up fo much of their Lordship's Time, that the Lord North and Grey was not examined till the next Morning, when a Warrant was signed for committing his Lord- ship Prisoner to the Tower for High- Treason ; and the Tide then permitting, he was convey'd thither by Water, and pass'd thorough the Traytors Bridge, and was put into the Apartment the Earl Coningsby was lately confined in. We hear, that the Lady North and Grey has pe- titioned to be with her Lord in the Tower, under such Restrictions as the Government shall think ne- cessary. The said Lady is Daughter of the late Myn- heer d'Almeet, ReceiVer- General of the United Pro- vinces of Holland, who being his only Child, pro- ved a prodigious Fortune ; the Match was negocia- ted by the late Duke of Marlborough On Thursday 7- Night a Person was taken up at the corner of Albermarle Street in Piccadilly, by one of the King's Messengers, and carried to the Secretary's Office, where being search'd, there were a great many Letters, and other Papers, found sew'd between the Lining and Outside of his Coat and Wastecoat: He was afterwards committed to the Cu- stody of a Messenger. Wednesday Mr. Swathsyger, Secretary to the Earl of Orrery, Counsellor Leare's Wife, and Mr. Green a Gunsmith in the Minories, were examin'd before a Committee of the Council at the Cockpit, at White- hall, and Counfellor Lear's Wife was discharg'd. We hear, that Mr. Lynch, a Gentleman in Man- chester. Court, is taken into Custody of Mr. Squire the Messenger; and that Mr: Skene, a Scotch Gen- tleman, is taken into the Custody of Mr. Crawford. We hear the Reverend Mr. Thompson, Reader of the new Chappel in Conduit. Street near Hanover- Square, was on Tuesday Morning taken inro Custody. We are inform'd that a full and ample Account of the horrid Conspiracy which has been carrying on, For subverting the Government, & c. has been in the Press these three Weeks, and will be publish'd soon after the meeting of the Parliament. The Supplement to the French Amsterdam Gazette of Octob. 9 has the following remarkable Articles from Paris and London; the Publication of which will not be pleasing to the Plot- sick Faction. Paris, Oct. 2. N. S. The Pretender's Friends have raised a Report;, that their Party in England and Scot- land are more considerable than was imagin'd, and that they are ready to act notwithstandig the Impri- sonment of the Bishop of Rochester. They add like- wise, that the said Pretender is gone privately from Italy, with a. Design to put himself at the Head of the Male contents, and we are assur'd, that a Lady of his Spouse's Retinue writes, that he is actually gone to . • 1 .1 We hear that a Special COmmission of Oyer and Terminer is sign'd for the Tryal of the said Coun- sellor for High Treason, at the Exchequer Bar, West- minster and that the Ld. Chief Justice Pratt, Mr. Justice Eyre, and Mr. Baron Gilbert, are to be the Judges. Several letters have been intercepted at the Postr Office, wherein there was News sent, that King was dead. It is observed, that a Person of Note has left his House in Westminster. Anthony Morgan, Esq; Governor of Cowes Castle. and Member of Parliament for Yarmouth, who seiz'd the Lord North and Grey in the Isle of Wight is ar- rived in Town from thence, and has been to wait on his Majesty at Kensington. They write from Edinburgh, that they have secured a great Number of traiterous Persons in the Castle there. . . , , Mr. Attorney General is greatly taken up in exa- mining the Papers and Witnesses against the Persons accused of High Treason. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury is indisposed . A List of the Names of such of the Pyrates, taken by Capt Ogle on the Coast of Africa, as were after- wards executed there, and at Cape Coast Castle. April 1. 1721 Richard Harris James Skirn, Capt. Charles Buns David Sympson, Gunner William Phillips William Magnes Robert Hardy Thomas Sutton Christopher Moody Valentine Hashpland. April 10. Agar Jacobson William Ferno Michael Moore John Phillips Morris Johnson James Clements John Parker William Petty Robert Crow Robert Hause Joseph Moore Daniel Harding John Johnson Abraham Harper William Williams John Mansfield John Stephenson Robert Burtson Peter Lashly Anjoys Noster Peter Devene Philip Bill William Maine William Mackintosh William Williams John Jesson Robert Johnson George Smith Robert Armstrong Cutford Goffe Benjamin Geoffreys William Wood Robert Heys William Phillips John Coleman Edward Wats William Wats John Eiles John Wade Ustael Hope Peter Sydmore, Doctor. William Davies. Lorrain ; but no- body thinks he will venture to ex- pose himself now the whole Plot is discover'd, and the necessary Measures taken in England for main- taining the Publick Tranquility. London, Oct 2 N S. Upon Information that the Pretender is gone privately from Italy, a Squadron of seven Men of War is put to Sea, which some say is sail'd towards the Bay of Biscay, and others, to the Coast of Ireland. Counsellor Lear, who is Prisoner in the Tower; was at Rome not long ago, where he had a Conference with the Pretender ; and ' tis said. Papers have been found upon him which help to make great Discoveries The Report of Counsellor Lear's having made a material Discovery concerning, the detestable Plot against His Majesty, seems very groundless; for last Monday, when he was examined several Hours by a Committee of the Privy Council, he was guarded by a Sergeant and 12 Soldiers, and when he was carried back the Guard was doubled. Early on Tuesday Morning a Smith was sent for to the Apartment of Counsellor Lear in the Tower, who put on that Gentleman a Pair of large Iron Fet- ters, which were brought from Newgate. Last Wednesday a Man dropt down dead in Fleet- street. Wednefday, about Noon, one Mr. Emmerson, a Di- stiller in Fleet Lane, near Fleet. Bridge, hang'd him. self in his own Cellar: ' Tis said the House being taken over his Head, was the Occasion of this unhap- py Accident. The second Instant was imported from Spain 417 Bags of Wool, besides a large quantity of Iron. There is Advice from Lisbon, that Trade flourishes there, and that there never was a greater Demand for English Manufactures than at present. We have an Account of the following Ships ar- rived at Jamaica, viz the Dover Galley and Kingston, both belonging to Bristol ; as also that the John Gal- ley, Chester, and Calwell, all of Bristol, are sailed from that Island. The Swift, Capt. Dicks, the Foy Capt. Harford, and Bostock and York, Capt. Cross, all of London, are sailed from Jamaica, but the latter was obliged to put back again, being very leaky. The last Mail from Lisbon brought a melancholly Account of an English Ship freighted there for the Islands, to lade Corn for the Portugueze Garrison of Mazagan upon the Coast of Africa They took in at Lisbon a Portugueze Captain and Pilot, and being come toward the Azores, were met by a Pyrate, who took them, and cut the Portugueze Pilot in pieces; The Portugueze Captain he hang'd up at the yard- Arm by one Leg till he was almost dead, and beat the English Captain till he was in the same, Condition t then put them and their Crew into a boat without Provisions, and turn'd them adrift tho' 12 leagues at least least from any Land. At last, however, they got safe to the Island of St. Michael, after about 60 Hours On Monday last a poor Woman ( big with Child) in cleaning the Wainscot of Capt. Coward's House at Stepney. fell backwards off the Steps she stood on, and died on the Spot. , . „ Christned Males 176. Females 191. In all 368. Buried Males 185. Females 150. In all 535. Decreased in the Burials this Week 15. CASUALTIES.' Drown'd i. one at St. Dunstan's at Stepney and one at St. Martin's in the Fields. Executed 6 Kill d accidentally by a Bell at St Anns in Weftminster 1. Overlaid r. Shot himself ( being distracted at St. Andrew in Holborn Yesterday at Noon South Sea Stock was 87 1 4th. Bank no Transfer. India 116 7 8' hs. African 9 1 4th. York Buildings 14 1 half. Unsubscrib'd Lot. Annuity 101 1 qr. Royal Exchange Assurauce Books shut. Lon- don Assurance Books shut. ADVERTISEMENTS. Just publish'd, ( neatly Printed, Dedicated to the College of Physicians, and Company ot Surgeons, and recommended by many of them.) The most sure experimented Me- thod of curing the VENEREAL DISTEMPER, in all its va- rious Appearances and Consequences. With the proper Re- medies for every Occasion thereof, Prescrib'd ; as the same are approved, and at this Day practic'd, by all the eminent Phy- sicians and Surgeons in Europe. Preliminary to which the Nature, Kinds, and Seat of the Disease, are unfolded ; and the Parts of Generation, in both Sexes, liable to the Venereal In- juries, describ'd. The Whole being an Epitome of every Thing that has been materially and authenticity wrote by all Authors, of our own and other Nations, upon this Subject, Compil'd for the Use of Country Practitioners, and all young Physicians and Surgeons, as likewise for Patients, to know whether they are or have been rightly manag'd in those Cures. By a regular Surgeon, who at Home and Abroad, has made this Branch of the Profession his chief Practice for above 30 Years. The Second Edition, with many useful Additions, and valuable Prescriptions, among which are the Generative Drops prepar'd for King Charles, and King Jrmes the 2d. and the late Dr. Wall's fam'd Electuary and lnjection; as also that most noble and noted Medicine of the Author, to restore the whole Body and Parts weaken'd and abus'd by the Disease, or over Purging. 8cc. call'd Antipharmacum, or Nature's Universal Cleanser and Strengthner, never till now made Publick ; for the Receipt of which he was offer'd IJOO Pistoles, by a Physi. cian in France. London, Printed for, and Sold by Thomas Crouch, Book seller, it the Bell, in Pater- Noster- Row, near Cheapside, Price Bound 2, s. 6 d. N. B. A Thousand of the First Edition of this Book, without the above Receipts, or other Additions, were Sold off a few Years since, in less than Six Weeks time, and had then been Printed again, but that some Affairs, call'd the Author Abroad. , Thomas Crouch, at the Bell in Paternoster Row near Cheapside, these following Books are publish'd. || The Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland ; containing an Account of all the Bat- tles, Seiges. Revolutions, Accidents, and Other re- markable Transactions in Church and State, during the Reign of King Charles the 1st. being an impartial View of his Life and Actions, with his Tryal at large, before the pretended High Court of Justice, and his last Speech at his Death, Jan 30 1648 Illustrated with Pictures of many notable Passages. Price 1 s. The unhappy Prince in two Parts ; containing, first, The secret History of Queen Ann Bullen, Mo- ther to Queen Elizabeth of renowned Memory, with an impartial Accocnt of the first Love of Henry 8. to that Lady, the Reasons of his withdrawing his AfFections from her, and the real Cause of her woful and calamitous Fall. Secondly, The History of the Lady Jane Gray, who was proclaim'd Queen of Eng- land, with a full Relation of her admirable Life, short Reign, and most deplorable Death, adorn'd with Cutts. Price 1 s Excellent Contemplations, divine and moral. Writ- ten by the magnanimous, and truly loyal, Arthur Lord Capel, Baron of Hadham: Together with some Account of his Life and his Letters to several Persons while he was Prisoner in the Tower, vigorusly assent- ing the royal Cause against all the Enemies thereof; LONDON: Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street- Where Advertisement's are taken in likewife his affectionate Letters to his Lady the Day before his Death; and his couragious Behaviour and last Speech at his suffering, March 9, 1648 With his pious Advice to his Son, the late Earl of Essex with an Account of the Sufferings of several other noble Men. Price t s. Welcome Communican ; containing brief Directi- ons to the weakest Christians, how to proceed from one Grace and Vertue to another, according the Rule of the sacred Scriptures, that so they may come with chearfulness and acceptance to the Lord's Table to- gether with Devotions and Prayers before and after the receiving of the Holy Sacrament, by H, H D D Price 6 d.
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