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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 15/09/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
Sourced from Dealer? No
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r ( 2339') THE 0R, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1722. SIR, Believe there is no Man, who has any serious Re. gard for the Concerns of another Life, but who will be pleafed with the Bishop of Hereford's ex. cellent Discription of the Nature of Christ's King- dom : In doing which, he has discovered a truly Christian Spirit, and a generous Concern for the Religious Liberties of Mankind. But, it would be an Injury to detain the Reader any longer from the Bishop's own Words, by any thing that I can say to his Advantage, because his Works do best proclaim his Praise ; and they are as follow. Pag. 188. • ' As to external visible Order, upon which the whole Mistake of Men, upon this Subject, seems to be founded, I must observe, that this was not the great End of Christ's desending from Heaven and erecting a Kingdom; and therefore that our Notions of this, must all be accommodated to, and govern'd by that main and principal End. From the Consideration of which, it will presently appear that every thing of this sort, is but of a secondary Nature, and of a very low Account in Comparison with those great Points, upon which our Lord declares, that the eter- nal Salvation of all shall equally depend. St. Paul indeed speaks of Decency and Order in Assemblies of Christians; but in what Points and in what Man- ner it is worth while to consider: He exhorts the Christians in their Congregations, not to interrupt one another in their teaching or prophesing, but to speak one after another, without which Restraint upon themselves, one End of their assembling toge. ther would be wholly frustrated; and in what Manner does he speak of this, which was really ne. cessary in their Assemblies ? Not in the Manner in which he speaks ot Righteousness and Holiness and all the Fruits of the Spirit. Nor does he thunder out Excommunications or Denunciations of God's eternal Wrath against any who should trangress that Order, which he, tho' an Apostle, had given them, nor speak of such a Transgression as he does of the Works of the Flesh, and of those Sins which he fre. quently enumerates, as excluding Men from the Kingdom of Heaven, and entitling them to the eternal Wrath of God ; nor speak of such a Trans- gressor as he does of the Incestuous Corinthian. They, therefore, who so frequently appeal to this Direci- on of St. Paul's, to argue for Submission to every thing order'd by frail Men for the Decency, Beauty, or outward Pomp of Circumstances relating to the Manner or Form of worshipping God, and this in such a Manner as not to leave it to their own Judg- ments or their own Consciences, may be sure that they both forget the Point to which he applied his Rule, and grosly err both from the Design and the Spirit of the Apostle ; I hope I conform myself to his Example: All that external Order and Decency, Which is necessary for the Purposes of Christian ( PriceThree Half. Pence.) Assemblies, I am ready to contend for, as the Apostle does, nay all that Uniformly in the different Congre- gations of the same Land, which is the Effect of a willing Choice, and the Result of Judgment and Confidence, I shall ever esteem to as high a Degree as it can claim, because whilst it is so procured, it can never either injure Civil Society or destroy good Learning and true Philosophy, the OrnamentS and Com- forts of Humane Life, as well as the constant Friends to true Religion, tho' Learning and Philoso. phy generally so call'd, or as they are generally made Use of by designing Men, are the Enemies and Cor. rupters of it; but to speak of these or the like Points in the same high Terms, as we ought to do of the weightier Matters of Christ's Law ; to insist upon these by virtue of meer Authority in some, and indis- pensable Obligation to Submission in others, and to make so light of the Terrors of the Lord, as to throw them about upon such Accounts with an ardor and Zeal, which is only due to much greater things : This, I shall, I confess, ever esteem contrary to that Rule of Proportion, which Almighty God pre- serves in all his Methods, as well as to the professed Design and Declarations of the Gospel of his Son. I am, Sept. 8. 1722. SIR, Your most humble Servant, October Greenwood. The Continuation of the Life of EDWARD V. King of ENGLAND. Then the Hypocrite Glocester understanding that the Lords attending the King, purposed to bring the King to London to his Coronation, strongly guarded, he therefore procured the Queen to be brought up in Mind, That it was not needful, but would be jeopardous for the King to be brought up strong; for that if the Lords of her Kindred should assemble in the King's Name much People, they fhould give the Lords of the contrary Faction cause to suspect, that this was not done for the King's Safety, whom no Man impugned, but for the Destruction of the ancient Nobility ; by which Means the Nation should be brought into uproar. The Queen thus over reached, sent such word unto the King and his Friends about him ; so that they mistrusting no Guile, brought the King forwards with a small Company, in great haste but with no good Speed ; for the Dukes of York and Buckingham a Stony- Stratford, as the King was on his Way to London, took him by Violence from his Friends, arrested the Lord Richard Grey, Sir Thomas Vaughan. and Sir Richard Haws, in the King's Pre. fence, and imprisoned Sir Anthony Woodville, Lord Rivers, in Northampton ; whom in short Time after, with the Lord Richard and Sir Thomas Vaughan, they sent Prisoners into the North Which done, with much Honour and humble Reverence they convey the King towards London. But the Queen hearing of these Proceedings, in great fright and heaviness she bewailed her Child's Reign, her Friends and her own mishap, cursing the Time that ever she dissuaded the L if gather. ( 2344 ther Gentleman, without any Quarrel or Provocation there, privately drew his Penknife, and came behind the Chair of the said Mr. Salmon, and slit him there- with cross the Face, from the Corner of his Mouth up to his Ear, insomuch that he bled near seven Quarts of Blood, as appears by the Surgeon's Affidavit before the Justice, who has issued out his Warrant against him ; upon which he has absconded. On Wednesday last the Ea. l Cadogan went to his Country Seat near Reading for a Foimight. It is reported that more Troops will be sent for over from Ireland. An Upholsterer going this Week to St, Albans was set upon by a Highwayman, who did not only rob him, but most villainoufly abus'd him, by cutting off his Ears, pulling out both his Eyes, and then flung him into a River, whence he was taken out in a most deplorable Condition. On Wednesday last the Turky Company appointed the following Ships to go out this Year in their Service, viz. the Asia, Capt. Tims ; Dolphin, Capt. Horse- well; Duke of Cambridge, Capt. Williams, and Hallifax. Capt. Butler. A Nephew of the Earl Codogan, is appointed Lieu- tenant of Colonel Byng's Companay, in the third Regi- ment of Foot Guards, in the Room of Captain Scroggs, kill'd on Sunday last in a Duel. Captain Bury, Nephew to the late Lord Chief Baron Bury, had the Misfortune to break his Neck by a Fall from his Horse, at Lincoln Horse Races, his Corpse was interr'd last Friday Night < Last Thursday another Horfe Grenadier was drum'd out of his Troop in Hide- Park, and dismiss'd, for stealing the Lace from off of his Comrade's Belt. We are inform'd, that the Earl of Godolphin will be created a Duke. ,, A Centinel is posted on Captain Drummond in the Custody of Mr. Crawford the Messenger. Christned Males 18?. Females 195. In all 380. Buried Males 25s. Females 283. In all 538.1.> Increased in the Burials this Week 47. CASUALTIES. Bruised 1. Cut his Throat ( being Distracted) at St. Andrew in Holborn 1 Found dead 2. one in a Ditch at St. John at Hackney, and one at 5;. Clement Danes. Overlaid j, South- Sea Stock 88 1 4th. I dia 134. Bank 115 1 half. African 11 1 8ih, York Buildings 14 1 half. Unsubscib'd Lottery Annuity 102 1 qr Royal Ex- change Assurance ; 1 8. h. London Assurance 6 to 5 7 Scbs, ADVERTISEMENTS. At Penkethmans, and Boheme's GREAT BOOTH, In Blue Maid Alley, ( during the Time of Southwark. Fair,) will be presented a New Dramatick enter- tainment, call'd DISTRESS'D BEAUTY; Or, The LONDON PRENTICE, The Part of the London Prentice by Mr. Penkethman, and his Comical Man Want Brains by Mr. Wenthe- rel, jun. Achmet, Mr. Oates. Haly, Mr Parler, Selima, Mrs. Middleton. Zara, Mrs. Willis. AMURATH, Emperor of the Turks, by Mr. Boheme. With several Entertainments of Dancing both Serious and Comic, by Mrs. Willis, Miss Francis, and Mr. Sandham's Son and Daughter, who never appear'd at any publick Place, but the Theatre. And for the further Diversion of the Company, Mr. Penkethman has added several surprizing Entertain- ments of Dancing on the Rope without a Pole, by a Youth lately come from France, which were never perform'd before. Singing by Mrs Willis; particularly a Mimick SONG in Praise of a Country Life. N. B There is a Passage through the Half- Moon Inn for the QUALITY. LONDONprinted and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street- Where Advertisements are taken in
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