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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 16/06/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
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Weekly journal; OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1722. ditary Memory. But now if the Law had made it Trea- son to deny the Hereditary Right to the Crown in one Reign, and made it Treason to say, The Succession may not be limited in another Reign, how can those Laws bind my Conscience farther, than to yield Obe. dience to such Laws as are made in the Reign of the present King ? And in all Cases where we find the the Scriptures silent ; we doubtless shew our Obedi- ence to God, in being obedient to the Laws of Men. And those who preach or teach Otherwise, do disho- nour the Principles and Practices of our first Refor- mers : They are Strangers to the Grace and Spirit of the Gospel, and to every good Work, Reprobate. It is certain that other Nations are no where en. joyn'd to make the Jewish Polity a Pattern for theirs; but if God bad thought fit so to order it, yet what can we learn from the History of the Kings of Israel to justify the modern Doctrines of such an Hereditary Right as is inconsistent with a Parliamentary one? Saul's Family, although the first of the Blood Royal of Israel was set aside and excluded by God himself; and David the youngest Son of the House of Jesse was exalted to the Throne, and the Reason why his Family was rejected: we read, was for his Wickedness and Rebellion against God. And if the Scriptures are written for our Instruction, as the Apostle says they are, then this is such an Example as fully justifies our glorious Revolution : For if the solemn Obligations between Kings and their Subjects are reciprocal and equally binding (" which cannot be denied) and if the Coronation Oath ( or original Contract as our Law Books call it) be as sacred and inviolable in God's Account, as the Subjects Oath of Allegiance can pos- sibly be, and if, notwithstanding, the King shall be so wicked as to break his Part of the Contract. and un- justly vex, and oppress all his Subjects ( as did King James) I say if he does Evil, he is then, ( according to all the Motions we can have of just and unjust) equal- ly guilty of Saul's Wickedness and Rebellion against God; and then this Example will likewise make it lawful for our Judges, our Princes and People to assemble in their Legislative Capacities ( as in 1688) and set the Crown upon the Head of another Prince, who is more just to' his Engagements then he. And if it was his Religion that incited him to persecute and unlawfully oppress his Protestant Subjects, then doubt- less such a Prince ought to be excluded, as we do an Idiot or a Madman on Account of his Civil Incapicity to govern us; and if we believe the Protestant Reli. gion to be the most pure and acceptable to God, then surely it beccmes us, in point of Duty, as well as in good Policy, to exclude not only him, but all others, who profess the Roman Catholick Religion, from any Right to govern a Protestant Nation: This was our Case at the Revolution, and that being a Case of ex- tream Necessity; the present_ Lord H t, who was one of Sacheverel's Council, did allow, that in that Case what the Nation did in the: r Legislatve Ca pacity was lawful And if another Man's judgment might be depended upon in such a Point ; whose Judgment should we rather chuse ? He that, like his Lordship has a sound Judgment, and a thorow Know, ledge of our LAWS and Constitution ; or the Parson of our Parish, who perhaps seldom makes the Laws any Part of his Study ? I doubt not but every Man who had the Choice, would think his Lordship's Judg- ment the least liable to Error. And yet how of. IJ X ten EVER since the Determi. nation of the Jewish Mo- narchy, all Protestants agree that the Scriptures have been silent about the Divine or Hereditary Right ot Kings ; and all Prophecies and Visions being also ceas'd, how can we judge better where the Divine Right is fix'd than by the Ordinary Tokens of Providence ? And that Prince who is seated on the Throne by the Sufferage of the People he is undoubtedly the Lord's Anointed ; Our Obediences is due to him not only for Wrath, but also for Conscience sake. And if our Nonjurors can prove any other Right upon Earth to be more Divine, they must produce better Arguments For it than they have hitherto done. And as to Hereditary Right, those who will give themselves the Trouble of reading the Statute Books, may find an Act paft in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, which declares it High- Treason for any one to say, That the Queen with Consent of Parliament, cannot limit the Succession of the Crown. And there, fore King James the First did succeed by virtue of that Parliamentary Right only ; for his pretended He- reditary Right could have stood him in no stead, if the Queen and Parliament had, by virtue of their in. herent Right, though fit to settle the Crown upon any other Family. There was also an Act past in the Reign of King Henry the 8th, which impower'd the King to settle the Succession of the Crown by his last Will. And King Edward the 6th, by virtue of that Act disinherited his Sisters, and if the Suffolk Pro- testants had not been bewitcht by the Priests for the Hereditary Right, all the Barbarity of Queen Mary's Reign had been prevented From what I have said, it may be observ'd, that the Divine of Hereditary Right was thought no ways binding by King Henry, King Edward or Queen Elizabeth, or by their Parlia- ments, and had no being but in the Heads of the High Priests. who made Use of it only to serve their own Purposes ; for which their Posterity praise their Craft and practice it: But I hope their sanctifying a pernicious Doctrine, will not make it appear more holy to Men, who have the Courage to make Use of that Reason which God has given them to distinguish Truth from Falshood. There is no Prince now reigning in the World that can trace an unbroken Succession down from the first Monarch that sat on the Throne. And as for England, where was the Hereditary Right of her Saxon, Danish and Noiman Princes ? And how often has the Lineal Succession been broken since William the Conqueror ? And if it is a Sin to break an Hereditary Succession ; what a Number of such Sins have been committed by our former Princes ? But yet I don't remember that they were ever accounted Usurpers; and many Of their Laws, their Statutes and their Judgments are still in force among us, and they were allow'd of and Pleaded in all the Courts at Westminster in the Reigns Of King James the 1st his Son and Grandsons of Here- ( Price Three Half Pence.) SIR, ten have the Pulpits of our High Priests rung with the Doctrine of Hereditary Right, in opposition to a Parliamentary one ? And ' tis from thence only that the Populace have learn'd it, with the additional jin- gle of unalienable and indefeasible Cant. This Letter I dedicate to the Nonjurors only ; and in my next I shall examine the Principles of those Jurors, who swear Allegiance to King GEORGE ; and yet think it lawful to promote the Pretender's Interest among their Fellow Protestants. I am, SIR, 0 Your humble Servant, J OCTOBER GREENWOOD The Continuation of the Life of HENRY V. King of ENGLAND. The French in a Field of Advantage purposely cho- sen, had pitched their Banner Royal, with an infinite Host, exceeding the English, six Times in Number, some say ten times. King Henry now seeing him- felf so far engaged, and many of his Men sick of the Flux, ' tis said he offered the Surrender of Harfleu, and what else he had won, and to make Satisfaction for the Harm done in France, so as he might have Liberty safely to depart from Callais : To which the Constable and Marshal of France were willing ; but the young Princes and Nobles refused all Conditions of Peace. And assuring themselves of Viaory, they before- hand disposed of the English Prisoners, prepared a Chariot for the Captive King, divided the Prey, commanded the Bells to be rung in the adjacent Cities and Towns, and Thanks to be given to God that had delivered the Enemy into such a Place of Advantage ; sent to King Henry to know what Ransom he would give ; sent for King Charles and the Dauphin to come in their Persons to Battle, that so they might have the Honour of the Victory. And so bold were the French upon their Numbers and great Strength, that they spent the Night before the Battle, in Feasts, Triumphs, and Sports; but the English more wisely, in preparing themselves for Fight. When Morning was come, the French took the Field, pressing who should be fore- most to this easy ( as they thought) Conquest. Against whom ( their greatest Strength consisting in Horse) King Henry commanded Two Hundred strong Bow- men to lodge in a low Meadow, where a deep Ditch full of Water might help to secure them from the Horse, and the Bushes cover them from sight ; having Stakes also prepared, and shod with Iron at both Ends, which they were appointed to stick slope- wise in the Ground, and to remove them upon Occasion to guard them from the Horse. This done, King Henry ranged his Host, disposing it into three Battles, placing his Bowmen on both sides the Main, where the King rode himself richly accoutred, before whom the Royal Standard was born, and many other Banners in War. like Order. Both sides being in Readiness, they a while stood facing one another. But the King of Eng. land resolving to break his Way through his Enemies to Callais, or else to die, with a chearful Countenance, and Words full of Courage, he animated his Follow- ers to put forth their utmost Powers, that After. Ages might know what the Lance, the Axe, the Sword and the Bow could do in the Hands of the Valiant; and that whosoever desired Riches, Honours and Rewards, here they were to be had. Which words ended, his Army fell prostrate on the Ground, and committed themselves to God, every Man taking into his Mouth a Piece of Earth, in remembrance to his own Mor- tality, or in lieu of the Sacrament : And then rising up, the King with chearful Countenance, commanded his Standard to advance forward, saying, Because our injurious Enemies do attempt to shut up our Way, let us set upon them in the most Glorious Trinity, and in the best Hour in the whole Year Sir Thomes Erpingham, an old experiene'd Soldier, with a Warder in his Hand led the Way ; who, when he saw Time, threw his Warder up into the Air, whereat the whole Army gave a great Shouc. The French kept still their own Ground, which the undaunted English perceiving they advanced towards them, giving another Shout - when immediately the Archers laid in the Meadows' darkned the Air, with a Shower of Arrows; and the English Army fell on with admirable Courage most of them also for nimbleness being but half cloathed, without Hat, and bare leg'd ; so behaving themselves, that the French Van- Guard was instantly distressed, and disordered, into such a confused Press that they were not able to use their Weapons at any Advantage. Their Wings which assayed to charge upon the English. were broken, and forced back for Safety to their main Battle, where they bred both Fear and Confusion. And those French Troops which pursued the Archers ( who gave back as if forced to fly) came on with their Horses on the Spur upon the Jaws of Destruction ; for falling by multitudes on those Goring Stakes ( left by the Archers on purpose) they were miserably overthrown and panched to Death, the English still on all Hands hotly pursuing their Advantages. Against whom the Duke of Bra- bant advanced ( hoping by his Example to encourage others,) furioufly breaking into the Englifh Army wherein manfully Fighting, he was slain. With the like Resolution Duke Alanzon pressed into the English Battalion where King Henry fought, and there had slain Humphrey Duke of Glocester, had not the King come in to his rescue, between whom and Alanzon was a hard Conceit, Alanzon giving the King a slight Wound, and the King at length striking him down to the Ground, whom the Soldiers in the heat of Fight then slew, contrary to the King's Command. The French Rear- Guard seeing the Disaster of their Van and Main Battle, to save themselves, ran away leaving the English no more Work to do. The Num.' ber of Prisoners taken by the English here, was very great. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of the twenty- nine Regicides. Colonel Huncks sworn. He depos'd, That the Day the King died, the Deponent was in a Room at White- hall with Oliver Cromwel, Colonel Hacker, and Colonel Phayre ( Ire- ton and Harrison being a bed in the same Room) and the Deponent refusing to sign an Order for executing the King, and Cromwel giving him some ill Language upon it, the Prisoner came in and said, Colonel Huncks, I am asham'd of you, the Ship is now com. ing into Harbour, and will you strike Sail before we come to Anchor ? and appeal'd to the Prisoner's Con- science for the Truth of it. Axtel reply'd, he did not remember he had any Conversation with the Witness at White- hall, or with any of the Company he mention'd; that the Witness was a Stranger to him, and he wish'd that to excuse his being nam'd in the Warrant for Exe- cution and make hie own Peace, he did not ac- cuse him, and he appeal'd to the Conscience of the Witness again, if he ever met him there as he had depos'd. Then Huncks demanded of the Prisoner ( because he pretended not to know him) if when Cromwel would have taken the Crown upon him, the Depo- nent did not say to the Prisoner, What have you got by driving Jehu like ? The Prisoner reply'd, it was notorious how jehu like he was, when he was one of the forty Halbar- deers that were a Guard upon the King, and oppos'd all that were for him ; and desir'd to know upon what Account the Words were spoke. Huncks answer'd, That Cromwel having the War- rant directed to Hacker, Phayre and himself ( the Witness,) for executing the King, Cromwel WOULD have had him, by virtue of that Authority, sign'd a Warrant directing the Execution of his Majesty; and he ( the witness; refusing, Axtel us'd that Ex- pression, The Ship is now coming into Harbour, & c, Sir Purbeck Temple sworn. He depos'd, That upon the Lady's crying out at the King's Tryal, Not half the People of England, & c. he heard Colonel Axtel, the Prisoner, say, Down with the Whores, shoot them; and the Deponent observ d nent receiving many Hurts and Injuries from Axtel's soldiers, was forc'd to leave the King in that Street; and they carried the King shouting through the Streets in triumph. That after the King was behead'd, the deponent, at the Instance of some Persons of Quality, with great Difficulty procur'd a Sight of the Kings Head and Body, which were laid in a Coffin, and kept under a Guard command'd by the Prisoner Axtel ; and the Officer who shew d him in the Coffin said. if tin think there is any Holiness in it, look there ; and the King seem d to smile at if he had been alive. Axtel denied he commanded those who guarded the the King at his Tryal. Sir Purbeck Temple said. he did not charge him with commanding the Halbardeers who were about the king's Person, but the Red coats below ; and he was positive he beat four or five of them, because they would not cry out Justice. Justice : And added, that when other Faces were sad, he observ'd the Prisoner laughing, at if be had been carousing with his Sol- diers. Griffith Bodurdoe, Esq; sworn: He depos'd, That he saw the Prisoner very active in commanding the Soldiers at the King's Tryal; that he admitted whom he pleas'd, and kept whom he pleas d out of Court ; and that when the Ladies cried Not Half the People & C. the Prisoner bid the Soldiers shoot them if they said a Word more ; and the Sol. diers presented their Pieces at the Gallery; and half a quarter of an Hour after. Dendy the Serjeant Came is the Gallery, from the Court, to know who it was made the Disturbance, but the Lady was with drawn. Richard Young sworn He depos'd. That Axtel was very active in encou- raging the Soldiers to cry out Justice, Justice at the kings Tryal. John Jeoner sworn. He depos'd. that he waited on his Majesty as his Domestick Servant at the Tryal, and with three or four more stood near the King ; and that Axtel com- manded the Guard; and when the King was com. manded to be withdrawn. Axtel drew out his Guard, and bid the Soldiers cry Justice, Justice and the last Day of the Tryal, Axtel bid the Soldiers cry Execu- execution. Samuel Burden sworn He depos'd, That be was a Soldier in Axtel's Com- pany; and that Axtel commanded him, and several more, to be Witnesses against the King; and justice Cook took his Examination And he depos'd further. That the Prisoner commanded Elisha Axtel, with a file of musketeers, to take a Boat and fetch the com- mon Hang man, who liv'd beyond the Tower, to execute the King; and that Axtel commanded his own Company to be drawn up in the Banquetting house during the king's Execution. Edward Cook sworn. He depos; d. That on the last Day of the King's Tryal a Lady made a Disturbance in the Gallery ; said, . Majoe General Syburgh is appointed Governour of Nevis , in the rOom of Daniel Smith Esq deceas'd . They write from Barbadoes, April 14 That the Henry, Cap Smelgrove. from the Coast of Guinea, was arrived there ; which brought Advice. that the Pyrates WHO had rang'd down the Coast as far as Cal- laboa. and were thought to be gone off. were got to the Windward, and had taken in Widdaw Road ten Sail of Ships, viz four Portugueze. three English, and three French They add. that the Swallow Man of War was gone in Pursuit of them. A poor man being come to Town from Tedbury in Gloucestershire, in order to make Hay this Season, was taken Sick of the Small Pox and lay in the open Street in Queen street Sunday Night a great ma- ny Spectators gather'd about so Compassionate an Ob- ject. but none offer'd to relieve him. except one Mrs. Shackleton. a poor Milk- woman in Five foot Lane near Old Fish street. at whose House he it new chari- tably entertain'd. The following Ships paid in the Treasurership of the Ld, Torrington between the 1st of Jan. 1720 and the 31st of Decem 1721 will begin to be recall'd at Broad, street, ( some of them twice) the 19th inst. in this Or- der, viz the Mountegue. Dunkirk. Blast Bomb, Dept- ford. Salisbury, Lynn Speedwell Bomb. Monk. Dor- setshire. York, Soffolk, Worcester, Medway, Gosport, Prince Frederick, Dartmouth, Port Mahon, Pool Fire- ship, Squirrel, Experiment, Henrietta Yatcht. Mary, Garland, Phoenix. Newcastle, Chichester, Revenge, St. Albans Furnace Bomb, Sandwich, Dartmouth, Defi- ance, Guernsey. Gloucester, Monmouthshire Galley, Buckingham, suffolk, Elizabeth, Dorsetshire, Lively Medway, Portsmouth, Hospital, Bedford. Kinsale, Pool Fireship, Rose, Flamborough. Hampshire, War- wick, Gosport, Dover, sheerness, and Worcester. We have an Account, that Monday 7 Night happen- ed such a Violent Storm of Thunder. Lightning, and Hail, near a Place Called Wicks. in Essex, that the like has scarce been known in that Country ; two Men and two Horses were kill'd with the Stroke of Thunder, one of them at he was loading a Cart with a Dung- Fork, which was broke to Pieces, and part of the Iron stuck in his Scull. One Night last Week between 10 and 11 of the Clock, one Mr. Clark, one of the Clerks of the South- Sea house. going in a Chair from Covent Garden to his Lodgings in conduit street, by Hanover Squire, was set upon by four Street Robbers in the Passage be- hind the Chapel in King street. near Golden Square, who thrust a Pistol thro' the Glass, and wounded him just above the Eye, then pulled him out of the chair, and took from him what Money he had. which was about 11 or 12s. and a Sword value 30s and after having abused him, they put him into the Chair again, and struck the Chairmen because they did not make hast enough to go off. While they were robbing him a Gentlewoman that lodged near hearing a Noise looked out at her Window, and seeing what they were about, cry'd out Thieves, upon which one them had the Impudence to fire a Pistol at her, which narrowly missed her. one of the Bullets breaking the Glass Windows, Letters from Dublin say, that John O'Connor a Popish Priest, was hang'd, drawn and quarter'd on Wednesday the 30th of May at Waterford, for listing Men for the Service of the Pretender The Rt Hon. Robert Walpole. Esq; has laid the Foundation of a noble Seat at Houghton in Norfolk, which, it ' tis said. will cost about 3o0oo I building. Monday the Cause between the Lord Lechmere and Erasmus Lewis Esq: which had been arguing four Days before the Lord High Chancellor at Westmin- ster, concerning in Estate of about 400 I per An- num. which Mr Lewis pretended he had sold his Lordship at 40 Years Purchase, wat determin'd in the Lord Lechmere's Favour. Sunday last the Prince and Princess of Wales came from Richmond to Kensington. accompanied His Majesty tO the Chappel. where a Sermon was Preach'd by the Rev Dr Laughton; and after the Princess had paid a Visit to the Young Princesses. they return'd to Richmond to Dinner Charles William Van Hulse. Esq: chosen a Repre- sentative of the Borough of Bramber, died Monday Morning at Whitehall. He was formerly Private Se * cretary cretary to King William, and is reckon'd to have died worth above 100,000 1. A DREAM. AFter a Day in Misery I'd past, In thinking of the Pleasure he Will taste, Unto whose longing, whose desiring Arms, My lovely Silvia shall resign her Charms, When Night approach'd I went unto my Bed, A downy Piilow lay beneath my Head ; Not that I hop'd my Eye- lids for to close, For I ne'er taste the sweets of soft Repose. Long I lay thinking of my cursed Fate, Honoring the Reason of my Silvia's Hate, When Morpheus gentle God ! the God who charms Unhappy Mortals; lock'd me in his Arms: Much do I owe the God, it is confest, Who with soft Slumbers charm'd me into Rest ; But she, who waking does my Thoughts employ, She within whom is center'd all my Joy ; When as I bury'd lay in Sleep profound, No Noise disturb'd me, for I heard no Sound ; Then did my lovely Charmer ' fore me stand ; I saw her sparkling Eyes, her Lilly Hand ; I saw my lovely Charmer, saw her plain, Full well I knew the Cause of all my Pain : Surpriz'd to see her there, I had no Thought Which Way she came, how thither she was brought. But what augmented much my great Surprize ; A horrid Phantome stood before my Eyes: Wrinkled it was and frightful to behold, Meagre and Pale it look'd, and shook with Cold. By all these Marks old Age I found it was, Wh0 first did look at me, then made a Pause, As if he'd say, I will revenge your Cause. Then look'd at her, then smil'd as if well pleas'd, And then advanc'd, her Hand he almost seiz'd ; Which when the beauteous Creature did perceive, By flight she fought herself from him to save j And with impetuous haste she from him flew, Buc he as hastily did her pursue. Too soon alas! my Charmer he o'er took, And with malicious Pleasure he did look. He seiz'd my Charmer, and with eager haste, He flung his wither'd Arms about her Waste; And with his cold and impotent Embrace, He ravish'd all the Beauties of her Face : For at the Touch of his old wither'd Arms, Did instantly forsake her; all her Charms, Wrinkles, and Frowns did then usurp the Place, Where just before sat ev'ry beauteous Grace, To see so dreadful, such a wond'rous Change, So horrid, so amazing, and so strange, She who but just before did stand alone, The fairest Creature underneath the Sun ; was now sfo chang'd, so frightful now was grown, That none for Silvia ever cou'd her known. I then awaked with the horrid Fright, Surpriz'd I was to find that it was Night: Surpriz'd I was to find that she was fled, As much surpriz'd to find myself in Bed : For sure the Phantom did so real seem, I hardly can believe it was a Dream the Lord Newburg, in the Absence of the Earl of Cholmondeley, Lord Lieutenant of the County Palatine of Chester, has presented a Loyal Address to His Majesty, from the Lieutenancy, Justices, and Officers of the Militia of that County. Sir John Rushout has presented another from the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Worcester ; be. ing intrOduc'd by the Ld. Visc. Townshend. And a third has been presented to His Majesty from the Mayor and Burgesses of Nottingham, by their two Members, John Plumptre, and George Gregory, Esqrs- introduc'd by the Duke of Newcastle, Ld. Lieute- nant of that County and Town, and Ld. Chamber- lain of His Majesty's Houshold. All which Addres- ses had a very Gracious Reception On Saturday last Mr Baron Gilbert took his Seat in the Court of Exchequer. Our Merchants have Advice, that the Alentejo Capt. Berryman. was arrived at Maryland in 28 Weeks from Lisbon ; but by the Tediousness of the Voyage, their Provisions were spent, and all the Men but three were starved. ' Tis said, that the Rt. Hon. the Lord Polwarth who is the British Plenipotentiary at the Congress of Cam- bray, is to be created a Peer of Great- Britain ' Tis said, that the Earl of Tankerville is made Lord Warden, Chief Justice, and Justice in Eyre of all his Majesty's Forests on the South side of Trent, in the room of his Father, deceas'd. On Sunday died Mr. John Grigsby, lately Chief Accomptant to the South- Sea Company. Monday about 7 in the Morning the Earl Cado- gan went to Hyde Park, to prepare for the Reception of the King and his Royal Highness, who were there about Eleven, on Horseback, attended by several Dukes and Peers, in Number about Threescore, be sides abundance of Persons of Rank and Distinction among them the Rt. Honourable Robert Walpole Esq His Majesty having rode round the three Regiments of Foot- Guards, the First being on the Right the Second on the Left, ( the Posts of Honour) and the Scotch Regiment in the Center, the King and the Prince made a Stand afterwards near the Ring, where all the Regiments pass'd by in Review. His Majesty and his Royal Highness, after having dined in one of the Tents, went into another, which Prince Eugene took from the Turkish Prime Vizier, and made a Pre- sent of it to the Duke of Marlborough, who after- wards presented it to Earl Cadogan. The King ha- ving continued till near Five, returned to Kensing- ton Palace, as did his Royal Highness to Richmond. " ' Tis said the Horse- Guards will be particularly re. viewed in a short time. On the 19th past, Mortought Murphey, a Servant at the Savoy, was committed to the Gatehouse by William Gore, Esq; for assaulting on Johnson ( who being inlisted into His Majesty's Service, was secur'd in the said Prison) and wounding him dangerously in the Head ; upon the Surgeon's giving it as his Opinion that his Life was not in Danger, Murphey was admitted to Bail ; but on Saturday last Johnson died. On the 9th Instant one James Miller was commit- ted to Newgate by th: Rt. Hon. the Ld. Viscount Townshend, for publishing a seditious Libel, and for want of sufficient Sureties. Sunday last some Persons of the vilest Extraction, but passionate Sticklers for the Sovereign of the White Rose, were conducted to the Compter, and there had the Honour to be install'd Kts. of that ignoble Order; but with this difference from the Ceremonies used at other Installments, viz That whereas the Knights of the other Orders are adorned with the proper Insignia, and pay their Fees at their Admittance, the Knights of the White Rose were divesrted of their Insignia at Entrance, and are to pay their Fees at their Exit. They write from New York, April 21. That his Excellency the Governor's Lady was brought to Bed of a Son a few Days before ; upon which the Ves- sels in that Harbour display'd their Ensigns, Pendants & c. Last Saturday a General Court of the Bank of Eng. land was held, when the Question was put, That the Governor, Deputy Governor and Court of Directors be impower'd to treat with the South- Sea Company for the Purchase of Part of the Funds or Annuities of that Company, and the Treaty to be laid before the next General Court for their Approbation. The Question was carry'd in the Affirmative. ' Tis said the Ship Mary, Robert Monk Master, bound from London to Gibraltar, perished in her Passage thither ; but we hope this News will not be confirmed. There is Advice from North Britain, that a great many Dutch Busses, or large Vessels, are arrived on that Coast to catch Herrings. They write from Colchester, that several of the Cusftom House Officers have seiz'd in an old Barn, near that Town, a Quantity of Run Brandy worth 500 as also divers old Guns and Swords, which the Smug- glers made Use of for their Defence, and had conceal'd them in the Barn. On Tuesday last came on a Trial at Guildhall be- fore the Lord Chief Baron Montague, between one Reignolds, Plantiff, and the late Duke of Ormonde, Defendant, upon an Issue joyn'd about 20 Years since, for Goods sold to the Value of 180 1. The brought brought several Witnesses to prove his Debt; but that not being done to the satisfaction of ths Court, and no Demand having been made since Issue joyn d, there was the greatest presumption that the Debc was satis- fy'd After a full Hearing, the Jury brought in their Verdict for the Defendant. the Circuits appointed for the Midsummer Assizes, are as follows; Home Circuit. Ld. chief Justice Pratt. Mr. Baron Page. Hertford, Monday July 9, at the Town of Hertford, Essex, Wednesday July 11, at Brentwood. Kent, Monday July 16, at Rochester. Sussex . Friday July 2o, at Lewes, Surrey, Tuesday July 14, at Kingston upon Thames. Northern Circuit Ld. chief Justice King. Mr. Baron Gilbert. I city of York, Sat. July 7, at the Guildhall of the City of Tork. York, Monday July 9. at the Castle of York. Durham. Wednesday July 18, at the Castle of Durham. Newcastle upon Tyne, Monday July 23, atc the Guildhall of Newcastle upon Tyne. Northumberland, the same Day at the Castle of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1 Cumberland. Tuesday july 31, at the City of Carlisle. Westmoreland. Sat. August 4, at Apleby. Lancaster, Thursday Aug. 9, at the Castle of Lancaster Oxford Circuit. Ld. chief Baron Montague. Mr. Justice Dormer. Berks, Monday July 9, at Wallingford. OXON, Wednesday July 11, at Oxon Gloucester, sat. july 14, at Gloucester. . : ,. City of Gloucester, the same Day at the City of Gloucester. Monmouth, Thursday july 19, at Monmouth. Hereford, Sat. July 11, at Hereford. Salop, Thursday July 26. at Shrewsbury. Stafford, tuesday July 31, at Stafford. Worcester, Sat. August 4, at Worcester. City of Worcester, the same day at the City of Worcester. , . . Midland Circuit. ( Mr. Justice Powis. Mr. Justice Fortescue Aland. Northampton, Tuesday July 3 at Northampton. Rutland, Friday July 6, at Oakham. Lincoln Monday July 9, at the Castle of Lincoln: City of Lincoln, the same Day at the City of Lincoln. Nottingham, Thursday July J2, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham,, Friday July 13, at the Town Nottingham Wednesday Morning about 9 or 10 a Clock a fire broke out ac the House of Mr. Goodship, a Beadle belonging to the Liberty of the Rolls, living in White's Alley, near Bond Stables, Fetter Lane, which destroy'd the said House, and damag'd some others adjoyning. We hear that the said Goodship was busy in preparing Fireworks for the Use of the Ar- tillery Company ; when his Powder took Fire, blew up a grear Part of the Roof, crack'd the Wall, and made its Way through. The Squibs, Crackers, Rock- ets, and such like Preparations, making a dreadful Noise, and contributing very much to the Terror of the Conflagration The poor Man himself is very much scorch'd, and ' tis said his Life is in Danger. It is computed that about 30 Houses were burnt down in the Fire on Monday last at St. Catherines, as were also the two following Sloops, viz. the Mary, Capt. Boucher, bound to the Streights ; and the Nigh- tingale, Capt. Richmond, bound for Holland j as also a Barge. On Tuesday last one Thomas Redburn, a Weaver, was committed to Newgate by Colonel Mitchel, be- ing charg'd on Oath, by several Persons. with stealing divers Goods of Value at the late dreadful Fire at Sc. Catherine's ; and other lesser Rogues have been sent to the House of Correction for pilfering at that Time of Distress. Wednesday there was a great Struggle in the jewish Synagogue in Dukes Place, about chusing a Subsidi- ary, or Assistant Reader, for the Ease of Mr. Charves, who is of an advanced Age ; The four Candidates, one of them a brisk Youth of about 16 Years, exhibi- ted last Saturday a Specimen of their Expertness in Reading and Singing before the Electors, being House keepers who pay Scot and Lot. 0 , ster, Thursday July 19, at the Borough of Leicester. City of Coventry, Sat July 21,. at the City of Coventry. Warwick, the same Day at Warwick. Western Circuit MR. JUSTice Tracy, Mr. Baron Price. Southampton, Tuesday July 3. at the Castle of Winchester. Wilts, Friday July 6, at New Sarum. Dorset, Wednesday July 11, at Dorchester. Cornwall, Wednesday July 18, at Bodmin. City of Exon. Tuesday July 24, at the Guildhall of the City of exon. Devon, the same Day at the Castle of Exon. Somerset, Tuesday July 31, at Bridgewater. City of Bristol Sat. Aug. 4 at the Guildhall of the City of Bristol. Norfolk Circuit. Mr. Justice eyre. Suffolk, Tuesday July 3, at Bury St Edmonds. Norfolk, Sat July 7, at the Castle of Norwich. City of Norwich, the same Day at the New Hall of the same City. Cambridge, Sat July 14. at the Castle of Cambridge. Huntington,. Tuesday July 17, at Huntington, Bedford, Thursday July 19, at Bedford, Bucks, Monday july 23, at Buckingham. The Lord Harcourt's Grandson ( by his Daughter Mrs Barlow) is lately dead. On Monday Evening when the Review was over in Hyde Park, the Hon. Col. Howard march'd from the Camp there, with a large Detachment, to the Tower, to replace the Guard brought from thence the Night before by Col. Carpenter. The Lord Cobham's Regiment of Horse, and Briga- dier Honywood's Regiments of Dragoons, are come from Stanes, and are encamped with the Duke of Bolton's Blue- Guards on the South- side of Hounslow- Heath. They write from Sunderland, that John Ward of Hackney, Esq; was in that Neighbourhood the 6th Instant, being then come from his Allom Mines, in the East Riding of York, to view a Colliery, in which he is concern'd with Freville Lambton, Esq; and tis said, by the Use of the Fire- Engine, they have wrought Wonders, in Recovery of those famous Coal Mines call'd Bidwick, which was drowned with Water. Wednesday being the last Day of Term, Mr. Philips the Printer was brought by Habeas Corpus from New- gate to the King's Bench Bar at Westminster, in order to be bail'd, for his printing a most villainous and trayterous Libel call'd, The 2d Part of the Advantages accruing to England by tht Hanover Succession, which the Court not admitting of, he was committed to the King's Bench Prison. Col. Montagu and Col. Clayton's Regiments of Foot, that have been in Scotland these seven Years, are come from thence, and are upon their March to the Camp on Salisbury Plain. On Monday last died here, Edward Lisle; of Burgh- cleet in the County of Southampton, Esq; a Gentle. man of a considerable Fortune. He hath left behind him 16 or 18 Children, and so good a Character for his Charity and Hospitality, that he is very much la- mented in all that Neighbourhood. The Practice of inoculating the Small Pox having obtain'd in New England for a considerable Time, ( but not without great Opposition) on the 21st of March last a Bill was read a third Time and pass'd in the General Assembly of that Province, and sent up to the Council for Concurrence. entitled A Bill to prevent Spreading the Small Pox by Way of Inoculation. A Reward of One Hundred Pounds, besides the usual Reward for convicting Highwaymen, is offer'd by the Government for discovering any Person con. cern'd in robbing and barbarously murdering Peter Martin, a Pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, on the 4th Instant Wednesday the Reverend Mr. Crow, Minister of St. Gregory's, was chosen Lecturer of St. Martin's Ludgate, in the rorm of the Rev. Mr. King, who had resign'd . upon his being presented to a considerable Living in Essex. On Tuesday last died the Reverend Mr. Tinsley, Curate of St. Stephen's, Wallbrook. f nU ) instant about Midnight, between the Gate of the King's Road by Buckingham Wall and the Entrance into Chelsea fields; a Pardon is likewise offer'd to any Person concern'd that shall discover his Accompli- ces therein, so as they be convicted The last Letters from Madrid say, the Plague is broke out in Barbary. and that the King of Spain has therefore already forbid all Communication with that David Fowlis Esq is made Consul at Seville and St. Lucar, in the room of Mr. Russel deceased. Charles Dilke, Esq; is made Lieutenant Governour of Montserrat in America, in the room of Tho. Tal- mash Esq The Earls of Burford and Inchiqueen, Representa- tives for Windsor, have presented an Address to his Majesty from the Magistracy and Gentlemen of that Corporation, being introduc'd by their High Steward the Duke of St. Albans, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the County, and Captain of the Band of Pensioners. Colonel Molesworth, Nephew to the Lord Moles- worth and F. R. S. has lately invented a very curious Machine which is said to exceed all others for its exact Mensuration of Time. They tell us from Gloucester that his Majesty's Sta- tue there which was defaced some time ago, and for the Discovery of which 160I. Reward was offered, but without Effect, was again attack'd, and Part of its new Arm broke off on the 2d Instant, and that six or seven People being taken up for it, prove not only to be Jacobites, but Papists. His Grace the Duke of Marlborough was taken so Ill on Monday Night, that two Expresses were dis- patch'd hither from Windsor for Physicians. On Monday her Royal Highness the Princess gave about forty Guineas to the Poor at Richmond. Wednesday the Effects and Estate of Mr. Haws, a late South- Sea Director, was sold by Auction, at the South Sea House. An Order from His Majesty is issued out for all Of- ficers in the Army, whether at Home or Abroad, to enter the Dates of their Commissions in the Books of the Secretary at War, and Commissary of the Musters, whereby they have, or may take Rank in the Army \ and through Neglect thereof, they shall lose the Bene- fit of such Rank, as they may be entituled to by virtue of their respective Commissions. We hear an Information is lodg'd with the Middle, sex Justices, against divers publick Houses, who suffer unlawful Gaming, and other ill Practices therein, on which they have order'd the Constables, and other Peace- officers, to double their Diligence in searching all suspected Houses, especially Belsize- House, near Hampstead. On Sunday Evening last several Persons coming to. wards London, were robb'd by two Highwaymen with- in Sight of Tyburn. Walter the Owler appear'd Wednesday at the King's Bench Bar, and enter'd into a Recognizance to transport himself out of Great Britain, pursuant to the Statute in that Case made and provided. Bankrupts since our last. Joseph Archer, of Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford, Mercer, Joseph Lawson, late of Maiden Lane, near Covent. Garden, in the County of Middlesex, Mercer. Robert White, of Preston, in the County of Lanca- ster. Haberdasher. John Smith, of Halsted, in the County of Essex, Vintner. Robert Huddleston, of Oswestry, in the County of Salop, Chapman. John Stone, of Banbury, in the County of Oxon, Chapman. Fentzal Sherman, of Newgate- street, London, Lin- nen Draper. We hear that the York Buildings Company, in order to accommodate the Proprietors of small Prizes in their former Lottery, will purchase the Prizes of One Pound per Annum and under ( of such Tickets only on which all the Payments have been made) from such PersonS aS shall be desirous to dispose of the same the Rate of ten Years Purchase. And for the En- couragement of the Adventurers in their present Lot- tery, they will also purchase all such Prizes of Three Pounds per Annum or under as shall be drawn in each Part of their present Lottery at the same Rate; the Purchase Money with Interest at 5 per Cent, to be paid with one Year after the Prize Tickets in each Lottery intitled to the respective Annuities, shall be lodg'd with the Cashier of the said Company. We hear that Mr. Pitt, Clerk to Mr. Trigg, an At- torney in Gloucester, is lately committed, for defacing his Majesty Statue in the said City. Christned Males 188. Females 182. In all 37a. Buried Males 110, Females 107. In all 417. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 2o, CASUALTIES. Drown'd in the River of Thames at St. Paul at Shadwell 2 Found dead in the River of Thames at St. John at Wapping 1. Kill'd by a Fall from a Tree at Christchurch in Surrey 1. South. Sea Stock 92 1 8th; Bank 116 3qrs, India 141 1 qr, African 13, Unsubscribcd Lottery An. nuity 100 1 qr, York Buildings 22 1 half, Royal Exchange Exchange Assurance j 3 q: s, London Assurance 6, New Lottery 10 1- is s- Yesterday in the Afternoon arrived a Mail from Holland. Vienna, June 1o. COUNT Berezeni being inform'd of the Dispo- sition of the Hungarians, in favour of the House of Austria, has charg'd Ragotzi's Adherents to use their utmost Endeavours to cause a Revolt in that Country. Hague, June 23, We have Advice that an Express from Madrid pass'd thro' Paris some Days ago for Lon- don, with important Dispatches, touching the Open, ing of the Congress at Cambray.
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