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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 17/02/1722
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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Weekly Journal: OR, Bririfh Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, FeBRUArY 17, 1722. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the Life of HENRY III. King of England. IN his Place the King elected for his Counsellor and Con- fident, Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester, who displaced the English Offi- cers ; and in their rooms placed Poictovins and Britons, stuffing the King's Castles with them, intrust- ing, as it were, the Trea- sures, Strength, and Realm it self in their Hands, to the great Discontent of the English Peers, who now confederated against the Stran- gers, and refused, upon the King's Summons, to appear in Parliament; sending this bold Message to their So- vereign, That if out of Hand he removed not the Bishop of Winchester, and Strangers out of his Court, they all of them, by the common Consent of the Kingdom, would drive him and his wicked Counsellors out of it, and would consult about crea- ting of a new King. Whereupon the King ( animated by Winchester) commanded the Earl- Marshal, with all others whom he suspected, to appear at Gloucester, where the King was with an Army : Which they refusing to do, the King burnt their Mannors, and gave away their Inheritances to Poctovins The Earl- Marshal contracts strict Amity with Lewelin Prince of Wales, and made great Spoil on the Possessions of the King's reputed Seducers. Shrewsbury he sack'd and burnt. Gilbert, Lord Basset, the Earl's great Con- federate, set fire on Alkmundbury, not far from Hun- ; tingdon. But the Earl Marshal having crossed the Seas into Ireland, there to recover his Lands, taken from him coln, Salisbury, and many other honourable Persons departed for the Holy Land; and in A. D. 1241, the King passed the Seas to recover Poictou, but effected not any thing remarkable, tho' he expended great Store of Treasure, Upon his Return into England, he was therefore compelled to be burthensome to his Subjects for Recruiting of his exhausted Treasure, as well by the Levy of Escuage, as of Loan and otherwise. The Jews in especial manner were made sensible of his Wants. Too much of their Money, thus rais'd, ' tis said, he ex- pended in Entertainments and Shews ; tho afterward the King reflecting on his former Profuseness in Gifts and Entertainments, without any regard to Majesty. And to spare his own Charge the more, he invited himr self now to this Man's House, now to that ; but no where contenting himself with his Welcome, unless him- self and his Queen, Son Edward, yea, and chief Favou- rites, were presented with costly Gifts. ' tis said, that he was sometimes reduced to that Penury, that he was forced to live upon the Alms of the Church. This King designed, at least pretended, to go for the Holy Land ; when the Parliament granted him large Aids upon this Condition, That at this time, once for all, he should submit himself to Govern by Law, to confirm the Char- ters of Liberties, or Magna Charta : Against the Breakers whereof, a solemn Curse was pronounced. The King swearing to keep all Liberties, upon pain of that execra- tory Sentence. ' As he was a Man, a Christian, a ' Knight, and a King Anointed and Crowned. Yet, notwithstanding the Oath and the Curse, the King two or three Years after caused the Tenth of all England and Ireland, to be collected for his own Use and the Pope's the Pope having given the Kingdom of Sicily to his Son Edmund ; but the English Subjects were first to win it for him. Which the Nobles peremptorily de- nied the attempting, there being Occasion enough for Money and Men at Home, the Welsh having risen in Rebellion. Against whom Prince Edward was sent 5 who, tho' he wanted not for Courage, yet in one Field lost 2000 English Men, and Was beaten out of the Field. In A. D. 1257, was Richard Earl of Cornwall, the King's Brother, elected King of the Romans, and was crowned at Aquisgrane, having paid a large Sum of Money for the Honour. At this time the Earl was re- puted to possess so much ready Coin, as would every Day for ten Years afFord him an Hundred Marks upon the main Stock, besides his Rents and Revenues in Ger- many, and the English Dominions. And now the King relapsed into his own Profuseness, and Favouring of the Poictouvins, and other Foreigners The Nobles hereupon came exquisitely armed to the Par- liament, holden at Oxford, with a Resolution to force the King and his Aliens to their Proposals; which Were, That the King should unfeignedly keep the Charter of Liberties: That such a one should be in a Place of Justiciar, who would judge all impartially.- That the Foreigners should be expelled the Realm - And that twenty four Persons should there be chosen, to have the sole Administration King and State, and yearly ap- pointing of all great Officers ; reserving to the King the Ceremonies of Honour. Binding themselves by Oath to see these things performed ; and the King and Prince swearing to observe the Ordination of these Disloyal Barons. who had by an Edict given out high Menacing against all that should resist. To be continu'd. U E The by the Fraud of the Bishop of Winchester, was time wounded to Death ; for whose Loss the King, to the Wonder of all that saw it, broke forth into Tears; affirming, That he had left no Peer about him in the Kingdom. And now the Bishop of Winchefter, hated of the People, was commanded by the King not to meddle any further in State- Matters. And against Pe- ter Rivallis Lord Treasurer, the King was so enraged, that he sware he would pluck out his Eyes were it not for Reverence of Holy Orders. And by the Workings of the Bishops, an Accord was effected betwixt the King and Peers, and the Poictiovins were commanded to de- part the Realm. Howbeit, the Land was not yet eased of its Oppressers and Oppressions; for the Pope sent over nto England three hundred Romans, requiring to have te first Benefice that should become vacant, to be be- allowed on them ; requiring also great Sums of Money of the Clergy for maintenance of the Pope's Wars against the Emperor : Which tho' the Clergy at first opposed, yet were forced to yield unto it at last. The Pope himself had a mind to have come hither in his own person but the King's Council liked not thereof; alledg- ing, that the Romans Rapines and Simonies had enough tained England's Purity, tho' the Pope himself came not personally to spoil and prey upon the Wealth of the church. About the Year 1240, Richard Earl of Cornwall, the King's Brother with the Earls of Pembroke, Chester, Lin- Price Three Half- Pence. ( the Continuation of the Tryal of Christopher Love. Then the Lord President made a Speech to the Priso- ner, wherein he observes how zealous the Prisoner seem'd to be for the restoring the Presbyterian Govern- ment and told him, he agreed that it might tend much to the Peace of the Nation if it were universally receiv'd ; but he did not approve of it as attended with Scotch Limitations, or a Scotch Covenant. That he wonder'd a Divine should profess Ignorance in the Laws of England, for they were no other than the Laws of God founded on the very Dialogue it felt. That the Prisoner had shewn his Gift of Oratory, in suming up the Evidence, and making his Glosses and Observations upon it, which was the proper Business of the Court; and he took occcasion to tell him, that the Orators among the Heathens were ever the principal In- cendiaries ; and that there were hardly any Heresies, Murders, Treasons, or any other notorious Villany per- petrated in Christendom. but Priests, or those that call themselves Ministers of Jesus Christ, had a considerable Share in them. That tho' he valued himself upon his Office, their Office of administring Justice was superior to his, who only taught it ; and that Judgment and Justice was the highest Religion in the World. Then the Court adjourn'd. Fourth Day. June 27, 1651. The Court being set, Mr. Hall, of Council for the Commonwealth, again open'd the Charge, and after- wards gave a short Nariative of the Plot, collected from the foregoing Evidence. Sir Thomas Witherington, the Commonwealth's Ser- jeant undertook to answer the Prisoner's Objections, as to the Incompetency of the Witnesses, and some Things the Prisoner had said in relation to himself. As to the Witnesses being Participes Criminis, he said it was no legal Objection ; for that where a Man is in- dicted of Treason, and confesses the Indictment, and be- comes an Approver, he has ever been held a good Wit- ness against all Perfons guilty of the same Treasons with himself; and he does, by our Law, merit his Pardon by it; and where they became so servicable to the State, there was no Reason but they should be deem'd probi Testes as well as legales Testes. As to the next Objection, That there was not more than one Witness to any one Fact ; indeed he did agree, that according to the Law of the Land, and the Laws of God, there ought to be two Witnesses in Treason ; but in a Case, consisting of complicated Facts, and a Reitera- tion of many Actions, it was not intended there should be two Witnesses to every Fact ; but if there was one Witnefs to one Fact, and another to another Fact, both tending to the Accomplishment of the same Species of Treason, these were two Witnesses, as the Law requir'd ; as when one Witness fays he was present at Mr Love's at the reading a Treasonable Letter, a second attests the writing of it, and a third the sending of it, tho' they speak to several Parts of the Business, yet all concurrring to the same Treason, this is a legal Proof. As to what Mr. Love had observ'd, That in Treason the Proof ought to be as clear as the Sun, Probationes opor- tent esse Lune clariores : He thought it difficult to meet with such Proof where a Plot was hatch'd in Darkness and Secresy ; that here every Thing had been transacted under a Disguise; their very Meetings and Consults went under the Title of Prayer and Fasting ; and their Contributions to foment a Rebellion, pass'd under the Name of charitable Uses ; nor could any Place be more obscure and unsuspected than Mr. Love's House, who was a Minister of the Gospel. and one who had been so very active in the Parliament's Service, as he had urg'd by way of Merit; but that notwithstandiig they had gone through these Difficulties in their Evidence, they had at length prov'd the Charge against the Prisoner to a Dermonstration. Then Mr. Attorney proceeded to answer some other Parts of Mr. Love's Defence : as to the Objection, That he was charg'd with Crimes committed before this Court was erected, and so they had no Cognizance of them ; he answer'd, that tho' the Laws were made before the Court was erected, their Commission gave them Power, in express Terms, to take Cognizance- of those Laws ; and that it was never thought an Objection at the Assizes, that the Offences were committed before the Judges receiv'd their Commissions. Nor did he stand charg'd with any Crime before there was a Law made for the Punishment of it; for that on the 30th of January, 1648, there was an Ordinance pass'd, that whoever should proclaim, dare, publish, or any way promote Charles Stuart, or any other Person, to be King, or Chief Magistrate, without Consent in Parliament, should be adjudg'd a Traytor; and against this Law Mr. Love had highly offended ; nor was there any Time limited for Prosecution by this Act. That the next Law Mr Love was charged with the Breach of, was made in July 1949, and entitled, An act declar- ing what Offences should be treason : The third was a Law which constituted the Court, and shew'd of what Offen- ces they were to take Cognizance : And the fourth WAS the Act concerning the Scots. Then Mr. Attorney de- desir'd Leave to repeat the Evidence, and make his Ob- servation on it for the State : And said, that as the Prisoner had the Favour of a Person allow'd him to take Notes, so he had employed Clerks, by the help of whose Notes he was able to repeat the Evidence exactly as it was delivered. And first he observ'd, that though it did not appear that the Prisoner was at the first Consults at Dowgate; yet it appear'd that he was afterwards consenting, and approving what had been agreed upon by those Conspira- tors there, and so was guilty of the first Fact. [ Here he repeats the Evidence of the Consults at Dowgate and Breadstreet.] The next Part of the Evidence he repeat- ed was the Consult at Mr. Love's House ( Love being present) conceining the sending Major Alford over to Col. Titus at Calais, and of Alford's giving an Ac- count of the State of Things at Mr. Love's House at his Return, and concerning the reading the Narrative of Titus's Transactions in Jersey, and the Copy of the King's Letter there ; of the Motion for giving Titus Thanks ; and concerning the sending over a Commission and Instructions to treat with the King and the Scots; which last Particulars he observ'd were prov'd by four Witnesses, viz.) Adams, Alford, Jaquel and Far, and indeed not denied by Love, ' only he said he was against sending the Commission, & c. because he thought, as pri- vate Persons, they had not Authority to do it; though Major Huntington had testified, that upon the debating that Matter Mr. Love said, Come, come, let it go, From the whole he infer'd, that Mr. Love was guilty of something more than Misprision, for that was only a simple Act of Omission, and here he had acknowledge his debating these Matters; and though had pretended to detest and abominate some of their Measures, still he continued amongst them, and had several Meetings and Consultations afterwards in his own House, and there, fore must be adjudg'd guilty of the Whole, there being no Accessaries in Treason. Then he read the Evidence of Potter and Bamfield concerning the Reading the Narrative, and Letters from the Scots, & c. after Dunbar Fight, by Mr. Love and others, at Love's House, and of their rejecting the Scots Proposals, but agreeing however to raise some Money for the Scots Agent, and the Messenger, and to supply the Necessities of Titus and Massey who were in Arms with the Scots; and particularly Major Alford's Testi- mony was insisted on, who depos'd, That Mr. Love did then move them to contribute Money for the last men- tioned Purposes; and the Testimony of Captain Far who, coming late to that Meeting, depos'd, That Mr. Love told him a Letter was come from Massey for ing the King with Men and Money ; but that they had agreed only to raise a Sum for Titus and Massey to re- lieve their Necessities; and that Mr. Love mov'd the Deponent to contribute; and that thereupon the DePo- nent fetch'd 5 I. and laid it down on Mr. Love's Mr. Attorney added, that if Titus and Massey Traitors, Love must be so to, who assisted them in the carrying on their traiterous Designs. As to the Objection, that none of the Witness depos'd, that the Prisoner had been guilty of raising any Sedition, Insurrection, or Rebellion ; he answer'd, , had been prov'd to be guilty of those Things which had a Tendency to the raising a Rebellion, & c And though the Thing was not accomplish'd, he was never theless guilty of Treason; that if they must wait till the Rebellion was actually rais'd before the Conspirators were call'd to an Account, it might then probably too late to question them. To be continu'd. JH ( 2i6t ) The FAlB- r. T A£ LE&. The Story of Ceremila and Roderiff continu'd. ThE charming Ceremila, who heard of the valiant Exploits of her dear Roderiff, and what prepara- tions were making for his Reception amongst the rest of his Fellow Heroes, was transported with Joy at the Thoughts; with all the hast she could, she return'd to Court, wishing and counting o'er the hours and Moments thousand Times, with longing Expectations. At last, the happy Day came, and the City was throng'd from all Parts with Spectators, the Streets were adorn'd with Triumphal Arches, the Houses cover'd with rich Ta- pestry, in short, the whole Scene was admirably Noble and Magnificent, nothing but the sight of her young Conquerour was wanting to compleat her Pleasure ; her Fancy painted him in a thousand lovely Postures, some. times engaging with the Enemies, his Face and manly Breast besmear'd with Sweat and Blood, encompas'd round with Troops of Foes, and Fighting his way un- dauntedly thro' em. Sometimes in single Combat, at other times more languishing, his Eyes wishfully fix'd upon her, his Body carelessy laid along, his loose Robe wantoning with the gentle Air, his Head drooping, his Arms folded to his Bosom, all the tenderest Images chat Love cou'd represent him, till the Heralds brought the Notice ot their Approach. Sefolden the old Nobleman, who we before told you she was importunatly Solicited, both by her Father and himself to Love, had the Pleasure and Opportunity that Morning to attend upon her to her Stand, where no sooner be had plac'd her, and taken Care about her At- tendance, but he was forc'd to withdraw, to wait on his Majesty with the rest of the Lords; she all the while behav'd her self with such becoming Meekness and good Nature towards him, tho' averse to all his Pretentions, that it encreas'd his Passion to a violent height, nothing cou'd asswage it but Ceremila, whom he was resolv'd to gain, tho' at the expence of his Life and Fortune. But to return, the Triumph had past, Ceremila had view'd all the ViCtors, but, Oh ! her Torment I her Des- pair ! what cou'd she do ? Roderiff was not amongst them ! she view'd ' em one by one as they stood nothing appear'd there like her Roderiff! She blush'd, she trembled, a visible Alteration appear'd in her Face ; at length, retir- ing as privately as she could, she order'd a trusty Ser- vant in waiting, to enquire of some of the Guards con- cerning him; but Oh ! the Agonies she was in, when she cou'd not learn any intelligence of him, as soon as she could, that Night she took her leave of the joyful Court, and retir'd to her Chamber, where she spent the Night in Thoughts and restless Dreams, a sensible Me- lancholy had possess'd her. Sefolden observ'd it, her Fa- ther observ'd it, all the Court observ'd it, and strove to find out the Cause, that in a few Days had so strangely alter'd her. It was not above a Week or two, e'er the Court that before was so often cheer'd with her Company, and fre- quented as well as belov'd by her, was now absented ; she thought Solitude agreed the best with her Condi- tion, and therefore ( to shun impertinent Visits, and im portunate Entreaties, to disclose the cause of her Trou- ble from her Father and Sefolden, who both too deeply suspeCted some one at Court had captiv'd her AfFeCtions) she desir'd leave to retire into the Country again. This Scardeline and her Lover's Thoughts might proceed from her desire, to disentangle her self of her new Conquerour, and therefore willing to joyn with her in any thing that bore so good a ProspeCt, she was readily granted her request, and with the same Attendants only. That she had before, the next Morning early she pay'd her Compliments to the Court and departed.- In her Retirement, to indulge her Melancholy, she wou'd take a turn or two ev'ry Morning betimes in a Neighbouring Wood, about a quarter of a Mile from a small Village, the Place was gloomy and unfrequented, fit for her Society and Pensiveness. in the middle was a Cave, overgrown with Moss and Briars, it was of a considerable length, and in it was a Fountain, which with the Birds singing above, and a clear Brock that ran by the side of it, made a thrilling and mournful Har- mony. It was plac'd on the side of a Hill, some distance from the Pathway where no one thro' Accident, might be passing by, might overhear her Lamentation. - To be continu'd POSTSCRIPT. THE following Poem being sent to me, with a De- sire to have it inserted in my next Fairy Tatler ; requires my Excuse for not performing that Request, my Paper being at the Time of its coming to me, begun with that Story, that is the Subject of this present one. As I value, and ought to value the good Nature of any Gentleman, that is pleas'd to oblige me with his poetical Assistance in these my Weekly Labours: It wou'd be rude and ungrateful in me to do, like the rest of my Fel- low Writers, who often may be in more need of such helps perhaps, than my self; to take no Notice of such Favours, or hope their future Continuance, tho' this Poem has been judg'd irregular by some, no small Friends to me, and to this Paper. I assure my Readers ( among whom the Author does me the Honour to num- ber himself) that I esteem it no small Credit to be thought his very humble Servant, The FAIRY TATLER- Delia's Expostulation. I. O ! for what Crime is my torn Heart Condemn'd to suffer deathless smart; Like sad Prometheus, thus to lie In endless Pain, and never die. II. Of two Reliefs to ease a Love sick Mind, Strephon prescribes Despair ; I urge, be kind. Strephon be kind : The Remedies as sure, ' Tis the most pleasant, and the quickest Cure. III. Then if a Passion without Vice, Without Disguise, or Art, O Strephon! if true Love's your Price, Behold it in my Heart. On Friday 7- Night died the Lady of Sir John Cot- ton of Huntingdonshire, Bart. Friday 7- Night the Rev. Mr. Asplin, Curate of St. Antolin's, was chosen LeCturer of that Church, in the room of Mr. Stockar, deceas'd. Last Saturday the Rev. Dr. Hunt was chosen Master of Baliol College, Oxon, in the room of Dr. Baron, deceas'd. On Saturday last Mr, Morey, a Coast- Waiter, seized on board a Collier from Sunderland, 50 Bags of Coffee, near 5000 Pound Weight. O11 Sunday last the Court appear'd in Mourning for the Death of the Dutchess Dowager of Lunenburg Zell, and there was a great Appearance at St. James's, where their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess appear'd also in close Mourning. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Warwick carried the Sword of State before His Majesty to the Royal Chappel, and the Bishop of Exeter preach'd there. Monday the Rt. Hon. James Ld. Waldegrave ( ha- ving qualify'd himself by entring into the Communion of the Church of England) took the Oaths, and his Seat in the House of Peers. The same Day the Grand Jury for the County of Mid- dlesex, presented the Weekly Journal, or Saturday's Post, frequently call'd Mist's Journal, of the 27th past, for re- flecting on the late Proceedings of the Justices of the Peace against the Gamesters ; and the Court of King's- Bench order'd a Prosecution against the Author, Printer, and Publisher. It being the last Day of the Term. Francis Cawood, convicted formerly for Project call'd. The North Sea Bub- ble, was brought down to the King's- Bench Bar ; but his Judgment Was farther respited till next Term. His Majesty has been pleased to grant in Commen- dam to the Rt Rev. the Lord Bishiop of St. Asaph, the Place and Digniry of a Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, which became vacant by the Death of Dr Dent. The Rev. Mr. Asplin is lately presented by the Crown to the Living of Horley near Banbury in Oxfordshire. The Port- Letter from Falmouth of the 8th Instant says, that a Ship from Barbadoes for London, Capt. Mitchel, was just come in there, which brings Ad- vice , that His Majesty's Ship the Weymouth of fifty Guns, was taken on the Coast of Guinea by two Pyrate Ships commanded by one Roberts, whereof one carried 40 Guns, and the other 38 Sir John Houston of Glasgow, Bart formerly a Member of Parliament, is lately dead. ' The ( ) The Continuation of Dr. Prideauxs Judgment & c. This was exactly the Case of the Conspirators, who inVolv'd the State in new and greater Calamities, than ever it had hitherto suffer'd ; and, at a Time, when it had the greatest Need of Rest ; which they were sure of as long as the Dictator was alive ; for who dar'd to con- test with him: And this Parricide was, likewise, in Opposition to the People ; who reveng'd it as well as they cou'd, in Condemning the Conspirators to dye. Cato despises all those Tyes and Engagements, by which the Conspirators were bound to Casar, tho' as great and solmen as Men cou'd enter into ; and says, ' Did not Brutus submit to Casar, as innocent Men are ' often forc'd to submit to the Gallies, the Wheel, and ' and the Gibbet ? He submitted as a Man robb'd, and ' bound, submits to a House Breaker." Shou'd a Man now adays accept Part of the stolen Goods ; Cato, per- haps, might make that Apology for him ; but others wou'd be apt to think, the Receiver as Criminal as the Thief: And if to be caress'd by the first Man in the World, carries the Gallies, the Gibbet, the Wheel with it, few Men wou'd be afraid of such Torments.. Nothing can carry more fatal Consequences with it, than the supposing all such Engagements, as the Conspi- rators enter'd into with Casar, were void. Under Government all Contracts gain'd by Fear, or Force, are made void ; because one End of Government is to prevent such Force ; but not to allow the Validity of such Contracts made by People, who are not under the same Government, but in a State of Nature with rela- tion to one another, destroys the Obligations of most of those Contracts, which different Nations have made, or can make with one another; because, generally speaking, there's a superior Force on one Side, which makes the other agree to Disadvantages: And which, in other Circumstances, they wou'd not come into. This Notion, likewise, destroys the Right of most Go- vernments, which never had been submitted to; but upon Account of that superior Force, which cou'd be em- ploy'd either to the great Good, or Hurt of the People. This not only destroys all the Right, which Cato him- self allows all Foreign Conquerors may have; but all Agreements between Governors and governed, if ever they shou'd chance to have Disputes concerning their Rights ; since one Side or other wou'd not have come into those Terms ; but upon the Account of worse Con- sequences from a superior Power. Upon this Supposi- tion, Magna Charta. and all those other Rights obtain'd by our Ancestors Sword in Hand, wou'd have all been null and void; and if different Parts of the Legislature, as King and Parliament, shou'd have any Quarrels, ' tis scarce possible they cou'd enter into any firm Engage- ment : And one wou'd guess by a noble Historian, that this Notion prevail'd at Court in Ch. 1st's Time ; and what was the sad Consepuence of it, I need not say. To apply this to our present Purpose, most of the Pri- vileges and Powers the People of Rome enjoy'd, were, thro Force or Fear, extorted from the Senate, who wou'd never have granted them their Tribunes ; or allow'd their Permits shou'd be Sacred and Inviolable ; but for Fear of worse Consequences to themselves ; And if these Tribunes were lawful Magistrares and their Persons sacred and inviolable ; why was not Caesar a lawful Magistrate, and his Person as sacred and inviolable ? Did not the Con- spirators, by this monstrous Action, make all Agreements with them impracticable ? what Assurances ? what Pledges of Faith cou'd they give, which they had not already broke thorow ? So that it was not the Interest of Rome only, but of Mankind, that such execrable Villains shou'd be extirpated. The only Objection to the Validity of such Contracts, is, that then Men may gain by Injuring the Society in dissolving the former Government, and enjoy in Peace and Quiet, a Power, which, without Rebellion, they cou'd never have got. There's no State Men can be in, but some Inconveni- ences will attend it : No innocent Person, cou'd it be avoided, ought to suffer; and yet this Inconvenience must frequently happen under any Government, in all Cases. where the Good of a few, tho ever so innocent is inconsistent with the Good of the may ; and yet This can be no Reason for dissolving all Government: So tho' there may be some Inconveniences in keeping such Con tracts, yet if the Conveniences are much greater, they ought to be kept. Were there any Thing in this Argu- ment, it wou'd equally hold against the Validity of all Contracts made with a Foreign Conqueror, who unjustly invades his Neighbours ; but Cato , in supposing people may lawfully transfer their Allegiance, supposee the Lawfulness of such Contracts. We see, that Offenders of what Sort soever, even un- der Government, are not to be punish'd, if either by their Quality, their Number, or any other Reason, it wou'd be prejudicial to the Publick to punish them; and shall a Society destroy their own Peace and Quiet, because they were formerly injur'd by their Now Protector? If it was their Good alone, which at first oblig'd them to pay Allegiance to any Government; Will not the same Reason now oblige them to pay it to that Government which alone can protect them. If the present Hazard Men run, in Endeavouring to to subvert a settl'd Government, and the certain Punish- ment they will meet with hereafter, will not deter them ; the Fear of Rebellion and Assassination when they have succeeded, can have no other Effect, than to cause them to disable those they have got in their Power; tho' by the most cruel Means imaginable, from doing them any Hurt: And wou'd they not act like Mad- men, who shou'd so far resent the Injury done them in dissolving their old Government, as to do themselves the greatest Injury, by either remaining without Government, or after they had own'd it, to run into the Mischief of a Civil War, throw off that Power which protects them? No Man, whatever Objections he may have to the Rightfulness of any Government; but thinks he himself has a Right to be protected by it: Which, certainly, infers a Right in the Government to all that Obedience' which is necessary to that End. Does not having Re- course to a Government for Protection, suppose it a Right, nay. a Duty in that Government to use all that Power, which is necessary to defend Men from all In- juries, Foreign and Domestick ? And can any Thing be more sensless, as well as wicked, for Brutus, or Cato, or any other Person whatever, to endeavour to destroy the Magistrate, for Using this Power at his Request, and for his Advantage ? If it was Criminal, nay, High Treason, as Cato sup- poses in Caesar, to appoint Praetors, and other Judges for the Redress of the injur'd ; and what these Judges did, as acting by a null Authority, were so many Murders and Robberies; Must not the Conspirators be a Pack of Villains, in having recourse to this illegal, this null Au- thority ; and thereby not oniy doing all themselves cou'd, to aid, assist, and abett it, but endeavouring to make all others pay Obedience to these Judges, and assist to put their Sentences in Execution? But it was something worse in Brutus and Cassius ; who at the very Time, they assassinated the Supream Magistrate, acted under him as Praetors. If Allegiance consists in Mens being ready on all Oc- casions to support the Government, to put its Laws in Execution, and in supplying it with all that is necessary, to defend them against Foreign and Domestick Enemies; and as this can never be paid to Men reduc'd to a pri- vate Condition, fo it cannot be due to them ; and conse- quently, if Men will not live without Protection, liable to all the Miseries of a State of Nature ; they must pay this Allegiance to the Persons actually possess'd of the Power of protecting them; And can it be lawful, for Men to make Use of the Protection this Way obtain'd, as a Means to enable them to assassinate their very Protector ? In short, nothing can secure the Peace of human So- cieties, but this Maxim, that Allegiance is only due on the Account of Protection ; and that as long as it can be had, People are oblig'd to pay their Protector all Obedience necessary to that End : and for the sake of it do their Best to defend him against all his Enemies, on what Pretence soever they attack him As this avoids all those infinite AbsurditieS o Cato's Notions, fo it cuts off all Pretences Whatever, of taking up Arms against their present Governors; ex- cept they, instead of Protectors, become Enemies and Destroyers; which is actually Renouncing the Govern- ment. To be continu'd His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Robert Sut- ton, Esq; ( now Secretary of the Embassy at Paris; to be Secretary of the Embassy at the Congress which is to be held at Cambray. The h ( 2 1 6 3 ; The Fellow whom Jonathan Wild siezed gaping upon his Comrade hanging in Chains in the Hamp stead Road, last Wednesday Night, to be even with Jonathan, sent some of his Emissaries to take him down. Last Thursday Night one Henry Gardiner, a Porter or Runner ac the Oxford Arms Inn in Warwick lane, was committed to Newgate by Justice Perry, for assault. ing and wounding two Men with a Knife, and stabbing Woman in the Groin, whose Life is despair'd of. Last Week one George Stuart was committed to the Gatehouse, Westminster, by Nathaniel Blackerby, Esq; for being concern'd in the late Riot in Play house Passage, Drury Lane. On the Gibbet, compar'd to popular Greatness. A Simile. As When a Man grows Mighty by his Crimes, He's then Conspicuous, in Inglorious Times, His Greatness, by the Crowd, is then admir'd, His stately Presence by all Men desir'd ; So on the Gibbet ' does th' Assassin great, Ezalted Rise, and Thousands on him wait He who was never heard of, till his Shame, Perpetuated by Crimes, has lasting Name: Tho' this must be confess'd, with Grief it's said, One Lives and Flourishes when t'other's Dead, Last Thursday came on the tryal of Edward Min- shul, Esq; Member of Parliament, before the Lord Chief Justice Pratt, at the King's- Bench Bar, Westmin- ster, upon an Indictment laid for cheating and defraud- ing Mr. Keate, Goldsmith and Banker, of Bank Bills for 350 1 The Council for the King were Mr. Reeves, Mr. Fazakerly, and Mr. Strange; and for the Defendant, Mr. Serjeant Darnel, Mr. Kettleby, and Mr. Baines. The Fact being fully proved with several very scandalous Circumstances, the Jury, after a short stay, found him guilty of the Indictment. The Tryal lasted near seven Hours. A young Oxford Lady lately departed, remarkable for her Generosity in granting Favours to several young Students in her Life time ; the following Distich, as an attempt to preserve her Memory ( written by a Gentle- man of New College) is cut upon her Grave stone in a Neighbouring Village, Reader behold One Stone keeps Kitty down. Who when Alive, mov'd half the Stones in Town. on the South Side in St. Martins Church- Yard, near to where the Vestry stood, was the following ingenious Epitaph; but now supposed to be demolish'd, upon pulling down the Church. All that was Earth of Mrs Marry Treocho is here interr'd. Her Heavenly Part was sent for Home, on the 4th of May 1674, in the 17th Year of her Age. Sweetest Creature, here she lies, Snatcht early from our wand'ring Eyes; Why should Mortals prize this Light , Since here's obscur'd in envious Night. Beauty, Wit, and Modesty, Alt charming Things, tho' born to dye. If these perish, what can save The most accomplisht from the Grave : In pity ( courteous Reader) haste away, Thy Foot ne'er trampled on such lovely Clay. Amicitiae Doctoris Ergo Lubens coaetus Posuit. Thursday 7- Night dy'd at his Seat in Glocestershire, the Right Hon. Charles Earl of Suffolk and Bindon, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex, in the 26th Year of his Age : His Lordship dying without Issue, is succeeded in the Honour and Estate by his Uncle the Honourable Charles Howard, Esq; one of the Grooms of the Bechamber to the King. Three several Fires broke out last Week ' in the Town of St. Albans, one on Tuesday Night on Holloway Hill, another on Thursday Night in School- House Lane, and a third on Saturday last, at Alderman Carter's Brew- house: Considerable Damage was done by all the three, chiefly by the last. The House where the first happen'd, was attempted to be broke open on the three foregoing Nights successively, and is therefore believed to be de- signedly fired, in order to be plunder'd ; and the better to succeed in their villainous Attempt, the Rogues had cut off the Well Rope from the Bucket. Monday his Majesty came to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the following Acts, viz. To the Malt Act; To an Act for taking off the ( Duty on Sale used in curing Red Herrings, and laying the same on Red Herrings consumed at Home only To an Act to enable his Majesty to prohibit Commerce with any Nation infected with the Plague: To the Act for re- pealing several Clauses in the Quarentine Act : To the Act for the further Encouragement of the Importation of Naval Stores : To the Act for altering the Form of the Quakers Affirmation : To the Portugal Merchants Act : To the Act for repairing the Pier of Bridgeport To an Act for building an Exchange at Bristol : To several Acts for better repairing the Highways, and also to some other publick and several private Acts. They write from Edinburgh, that Mary Dutchess of Beaufort, Relict of the late Earl of Dondonald, who was her zd Husband, dy'd in that Country about the beginning of last Week. She was youngest of the two Daughters of the Duke of Leeds. There is Advice, that Mr. Knight's Son was come to Rome; but not finding his Father there, he soon left the Place. His Majesty having been pleased to appoint his Grace Charles Duke of Bolton Lord Lieutenant of the County and Town of Southampton, and Lord Lieutenant of the County of Dorset, and Town and County of Pool ; his Grace has took the Oaths appointed to be taken in- stead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy. As did likewise, The Right Honourable Richard Earl of Scarborough, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Northumberland, and of the Town and County of Newcastle upon tyne. His Majesty has been pleased to give Orders to his Attorney General, to prosecute Arundel Coke, esq; Bar- rister at Law, the next Assizes to be held at Bury, at His Majesty's Expence, for the inhumane Assault on the Life of Mr Crispe. Joseph Hucks Esq; of Great Russel- street, was lately marry'd to a Sister of the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Grimstone. There is a Report that the Cassandra, an East India, man, formerly taken by the Pyrates and made a pyrate Ship, hath been lately retaken by the Falkland Man of War Capt. Harris, after an obstinate Fight, wherein the former lost 350 Man, and the latter 100, which ' tis hop'd will come confirm d. On Tuesday and Wednesday was heard the Case between Sir John Cope and Mr. Baron Page, and the latter was acquitted of the Charge brought against him. On Tuesday in the Evening died suddenly Mr. Ran- dal Church, an eminent Surgeon; and one of the Assist- ant Surgeons of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Letters from Vienna say, that there has lately been seen a Latin Book under the Name of Count Erdoedi, Bishop of Eriau, which has been presented to the Imperial Com- missioners at Presbourg. This Author pretends to prove, even by the Holy Scripture it self, that Hereticks are worse than Adulterers, Assassins, Robbers on the High- way, Turks, Pagans, and what not? Thac they ought to be compell'd to come into the Pale of the Romish Church, or to be exterminated from the Face of the whole Earth, and that no Prince can answer the tolerating of them in his Dominions, even tho' he had engaged his Word to do so. The Reform'd of Hungary have sent Deputies hither with a Copy cf this Book, who have presented it to the Emperor in an Audience he was gra- ciously pleased to grant them : His Imperial Majesty was surpriz'd to the last Degree, that any one had dar'd to publish a Work of such a Nature, at a Time when he himself is using his best Endeavours to restore Peace and Tranquilicy in the Church of Christ ; and has, ' tis said, assur'd the Deputies, that he would cause the said Book to be publickly recanted, and would follow the Principles of the Kings of Hungary, his Predecessors, who, in Affairs of this Nature, have never been sway'd by the Sentiments of turbulent Churchmen. Last Tuesday came on a very remarkable Tryal before the Lord Chief Justice Pratt at the King's Bench Bar, Westminster, between two Boys, Denison Plaintiff, and Spurling Defendant; the Case was as follows, viz. A- bout Shrovetide was a Twelvemonth, when the Juve- nile Pastime of threwing at Cocks is practised, Spur- ling, the Defendant, would have thrown at the Leather Cock, or Dill, belonging to the Plaintiff, and upon his refusing to let him, he flung at him a Catstick with such Force u k 1 k' II 1 a Pk I I i 11 V1 Force and Violence, that it bruis'd and gangreen'd his leg in such a manner, that the Surgeons were oblig'd to cut it off, to preserve his Life. The Jury considering the Matrer, gave the Plaintiff fifty Pounds Damage, be- sides Cost of Suit. Thursday the Funeral of Brigadier General Richards was perform'd with great Solemnity. The Corps was carried to be interr'd at Charlton in Kent; the Banner of Arms, and other Trophies of Honour, were carried before the Herse, and the Guns at the Tower were dis- charg'd by the Minute during the Time the Procession was passing out of Town. _ Our Merchants have Advice, that a Ship from Gui- nea, with Slaves for Jamaica, has been lately taken by the Pirates off of Antegoa The Lord Viscount Middleton, Chancellor of Ireland* is in perfect Health, notwithstanding what has been written from thence of his being indisposed. The Rev. Mr. Head, Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Berkely, is made a Prebendary of Bristol, in the room of Dr. Baron, late Head of Baliol College , Oxon. The last Letters from NeW England bring Advice, that a large Scooner, loaded out of the Store Ships at Canso with Supplies for Anapolis Royal, and with his Majesty's Present to the Indians, was cast away in her Passage to Anapolis afore- mention'd, whereby all the Goods were lost, but most of the Men saved. Capt. Cornwall, lately arriv'd in the Royal African Packet Boat from Cubenda on the South Coast of Africa, which Place he left in November last, brings Advice, that Capt. Hereford had built a large and strong Fort there for the Service of the said Company : That he had dispatch'd away the Prince George with a good Num- ber of Slaves for Virginia : That he had hoisted up the Company's Flag in several other Places to the Southward, in order to enlarge their Trade on that Coast ; also that the Portugueze and Natives of Cubenda were at War, and gave no Quarter to each other. Friday 7 night last, the Rt. Hon. Arthur Earl of Angle- sea was unanimously elected Lord High Steward of the University of Cambridge, in full Senate, in the room of the Duke of Manchester lately deceas'd ; and one of the Esquire- Beadles is appointed to wait on his Lordship with a Patent for that Office, and with a Letter of Com- pliment drawn up by the Publick Orator of the said University. On Tuesday last Charles Maccave was committed to Newgate for Murder, being one of the Persons chiefly concern'd in the Riot in Drury- Lane when Henry Bowes was kill'd; and for apprehending of whom sol. Re. ward was offer'd in the Gazette. Thursday Richard Levett, Esq; was chosen Alderman Of Aldersgate Ward, iu the room of Sir Samuel Gar- rard, Bart, who on the Death of Sir Tho. Abney, has made Choice of Bridge Ward without. They write from Cambridge of the 9th Instant, That the Vice Chancellor having summoned the Master of Trinity College to appear before him, in order to be examined concerning a certain Piece which has given Offence to some in that University; Dr Lany, who in the Absence of Dr. Crosse, acts at present as Vice Chancellor, was that Day serv'd with a Rule of Court of King's Bench, whereby all Proceedings in that Affair, are order'd to cease, till Cause be shewn why a final Stop should not be put to them, by a Prohibition from Above. On Monday 7 Night, a Gentleman of the Town of Battersea in Surry, went to Greenwich with his Wife and some Friends, to make merry at a Relation's House, where they stay'd all Night, and no Notice was taken of any Disorder he seem'd to lye under ; in the Morning he went with some others to take a walk in the Fields, and separating himself at some Distance from the Com- pany. he went out of the Foot- way, as if he design'd to untruss a Point, so that his Friends went on, expecting he wou'd follow ; but he made use of that Opportunity, and with a Penkife ript open his own Belly, so that his Cawl, and Part of his Bowels lay on the Ground, which he trampled on, soon after two Gentlemen who were Coursing, came accidentally to the Place, where they discover'd him in that lamentable Condition, and with some difficulty got him to a Neighbouring House, where LONDO N, Printed and Sold by J. READ, in White- Fryers near Fleet- Street. Where Advertisements are taken in. i a Surgeon was sent for to Dress him, but there appear'd very little Hopes of his Recovery, in which Condition he lay till Thursday last and then died. It is generally said that the reason of his committing this horrid piece of Barbarity on himself, was, his being boudd for a Friend for 3001. which was ready now to fall upon him; upon this sad Accident his Wife has ran distracted: He was otherwise a Man of a fair Character, and good Reputation. Letters from Petersbourg say, that the Czar has given Orders for printing the Old and New Testament in the Russian Language : The Edition is to be made at Amster- dam, and a fair Side is to be left against every Page for Theological Remarks to be thereon inserted, by such Divines as shall be appointed for that purpose. Each Family is to buy one of these Bibles, and some are to be sold at a moderate Price for the Use of the Poor. To all Retailers and others. ' v The general Cordial formerly Sold by Mr. THO. GODFREY, of Hunsdon in Hertfordshire, deceas'd, is now Prepar'd according to a Receipt writ- ten by his own Hand, and by him given to my Wife, his Relation ; is now Sold by me THO. HUMPHREYS of Ware, in the said County, Surgeon, or at John Hum- phreys's at the Hand and Sheers in Jewin Street, near Cripplegate, London : Also may be furnished with Arcanums, or Vomits, & c. and will be allow'd the same for Selling as formerly. Hertfordshire. Tho. Humphreys Surgeon Christned Males i8< 5- Females 181. It all 367. Buried Males iji. Females 243. In all 494. Increased in the Burials this Week 4. CASUALTIES. Drowned 1 One at St. Brides buried at St. Dunstan in the West, and One at Sr. Paul at Shadwel. Execu- ted 2. Overlaid 3. '
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