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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News


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The Nottingham Mercury : Or A General View of the Affairs of Europe, but more particularly of Great Britain Being a Weekly Account of News

Date of Article: 07/12/1721
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Thursday, December. 7. 1721 T H S Nottingham Mercury: OR, A GENERAL VIEW OF THE Affairs of Europe, But more particularly of GREAT- BRITAIN: * , BEING A r ' * ; Weekly Account of News. NotTINGHAM: Printed by JOHN COLLYER at the, Hen- Cross, near the Old Booksellers Shop. Who buys old Librarys The Accounts concerning the Plague in France are still very affecting but ' tis assur'd that in divers Places more dye by Famine than by Pesti- lence ; ' tis computed that about 80000 were shut up in the Gevaudan, ly Lines of Circumvalation guarded with numerous Forces. At Marseills, where for many Months they have not had the least Symtoms of the Plague, they have marryed 900 Couple in 8 Days as an expedient to supply the want of People. The Commons settled the Lottery, the same as last, except that Blanks in the last are to be taken at 8 1. for Tickets in this. London Bill of Mortality, from November. 7, ro November 14, 1721. ABortive Aged Apoplexy Asthma Bursten Cancer Canker Childbed Chrisoms Cholick Consumption Convulsion Dropsie Evil Fever French- Pox Gravel Griping in the Guts Jaundice Imposthume Lunatick Measles Mortification Plurisie Quinsie Rickets Rising of the lights Rupture CASUALTIES. Small Pox Spotted- Fevar Stilborn Stone Stoppage i'th' Stomach Suddenly Teeth Thrush Tissick - Tympany Ulcers Water in the Head Worms- Kill'd with a Sword at St. Martin in the Fields 1. Christened 353. Buried — - Decreased in the Burials this Week —— ( 3) The Nottingham Mercury, & c Though this Paper may not reach some of its Readers till afur the Day of a General Fast, yet true Humiliation and Repent- ance being not the Work of a Day only, the Publijber hopes, the following Thoughts, taken from the London Journal wdl neither be unacceptable to his Readers, or un- ufeful tp the Dejtgn of that great Solemnity. ] N the deep Consideration of the Plague, which at this rime grie- I voufly ragtth hi France, two principal Things are to be look'd in » to. Fitft, what may be the Caufe of that Mortality and infectious Diliafe ? Secondly, what is to be done to keep it from us ? As to the I'irft, Phyficians have alledg'd fuch Natural Caufts as thefej the Inledion of the Air, the Corruption ot the Blood and Humours of the Body of Man, and the Sound- may receive the Contagion from Pejfons end Places fb Infected. But there is another Caufe above thefe, which the Word of God informs us of, a jupernatural one, Namely, the Anger of God provok'd and incens'd by the Sins 01 a Nation* hath often brought Peftilence as his Scourge to deftroy a People, and- chattel! them for their heinous Crimes, as in the Cate of the People of Ifrael, who were feveral Times plagued by God, which carried off many Thoufands ot them. And St. Paul gives the Coring tbians to underftand, that for their Profanation and abufing the Ho- ly Sacrament of ths Lord's Supper, many of them were weak and jick- ly and many afleep, i. e. dy'd. The Plague which now deftroys fo many Thoufands, Heaps upon Heaps in France, Ihoud inftru& the Reader, and he is not only to V admire admire and wonder at it, to be arnaz'd and terrify'd at if, but to le taught and admonifh'd by it. St. Peter defcribing the Judgments of God upon Sodom and Gomorab, faith, That God turning tboje two Ci- ties into Afhes, condemn'J them with an Overthrow, making them an ' Example to thofe that after fhhtd live ungodly. The Sicknefs in our Neighbouring Nation is for our Caution, an$ their fevere Punjih. ment at this Time, ought to be an Infiru& ion, as well as a Terrour to England, and be warn'd by what thele diftrefftd People fuffrr in the Dajr of Vifitation. I am afraid too many among us proinife to themfclves that when the over flowing Scourge / ball pafs, it Jhall not come unto them, and believe they have at leaft a Peradventure for their efcape, and therefore are at an Agreement with their Iniquities, and relolv'd to make a Covenant with them, tho' they get eternal De- duction into the Bargain. God hath threatned us in his Holy Word, that becaufe we will not obey his Voice to do all his Commandments, and his Ordinances which he commands us, he will finite us wit! i" a Omfumptipn, and with a FeVer, and with a burning Ague, and wit! caufe : be Peflilcnce to cleave unto us until he hatb vmfumd us from the Land. Now to ftay his Hand, and caufe him to fa)* it is enough, let all of us, from the highefl to the loweft, betake oui felves unto Prayer and Repentance, and with them devoutly fly to God our on- tyCure and Hopebf Help. It is true, neural and ordinary Means afe to be us'd for our Deliverance; but if Prayer and Repentance d* not flop God's Wrath, human Power fhall never be able to give the defraying Angel the leaft Check with all its Politick Preparation. If I put up Reavstt that there be no Haiti, and if'I fend a Peflilence a- tnon ' g my People; if my People which are ealVd by my Name / hall humble them/ elves and pray, and feck my Face, and turn/ rum their wicked Ways, than 1 will hear jrbm Heaven and will forgive their Sin, and will heal their Land, faith the Lord, The L rd woit'd have dvfhofd then- had not Mofes his Cbofen ftood before them in the Gap. .. ojes pray'd, and pray'd fo ftrongly, that the Lord was hinderM and djd nof effedl the Thing he refolv'd. Vhineas the Prieft flood up ana prayed, and the Plague ceafed. The Plague was marching on furioufly and fwift- ly; but at the Interceffion of Aaron God flopt itsCourfe, and bid it ftaml. David intreated the. Lord, and the Lord at his Intreaty, check'd the Malignity of the Peftilence, and bid the de/ iroying Angel ( heath his Sword. Prayers and Tears were the Weapons Mofes and Samuel Samuel made use of to stand before the Lord, and nothing makes so real a Defence against the Anger of God , as the Prayers of his Peo-. ple do; and if all good People wou'd go on in Goodneds, who knows but for their important Prayers, God may be merciful to this Land, of ours, and keep off his Judgments, if he hath Controversy with us.. And while I am speaking of Prayer, let the People of this Nation reconcile themselves to God by Repentance likewise, which is the . ready way to make God their Friend, and to be for them; and if they remove their Sins out of his sight, he hath promis'd his Wrath shall cease, and with his Wrath their Punishment. Admonition is here to be given, that there be no more unjustifyable Contentions with one another, but that a Christian Spirit dwell in our Land, and the Substantials of Christianity, and its essential ingredients be con- fulted and regarded. Where Peace is, there is the God of Peace, and where he is, in that Place the Lord hath commanded his Blessing and Life for evermore; Wherefore, for the future, live in Love, as Christi- ans should do, as a means to keep back the heavy Displeasure and Wrath of God from falling upon us: Be sorry for what is past, re- pent and amend, and beg his Mercy, to turn away the Pestilence from us ; to comfort them them that are sick ; to preserve them that are found ; to receive them that die abroad of the Plague to Mercy ; and that it enter not into our Dominions. It is within the Memory of Man, that Almighty God justly scourg'd our great City with a deadly Pestilence, which swept away thousands of Souls, and therefore let the sence of this Indignation terrify us, who are now alive, from all further provocation of his Anger, by Swearing, Cursing, and other customary Sins, and the greatest cause of Fear is, our not fearing his visible Judgments, they who gave themselves to Eating, Drinking, and Rejoicing in the Days of Mourning and Weeping, sham'd certainly dye and perish; was God's solemn Oath, and therefore the People are to be warned to exercise them- felves at this dangerous time in holy Prayer, godly Meditation, to frequent Church, to hear the Scriptures read and preached, and ef- pecially, they are to take heed what they spend it not in the crying Sins of our Nation, in a dissolute Conversation, but to observe So- briety, holy Abstinence, and with bended Knees, penitent Hearts, and fervent Prayer to call upon God for his help and protection. And And among other Things yet spoken of, let this one Advice la added, make not a mock of all preservation of Art, and say, if God will save us from the Pestilence be will save us; and so go forward with- out any Fear of God, any Obedience to his Word, any Conscience of the Magistrates Authority, or any Fruits of Faith to avoid the dan- ger of Contagion, is a gross Presumption, a tempting of God and continuing cruel to themselves, which all wise Men are verry sorry ether to see or hear. From St. James's Evening Post, Nov. 30. Vienna, Nov. 22. TIS said that the Electoral Prince of Bavaria, in Consideration of his Marriage with the Josephine Arch- Dutchess, will be made Governour 01 the Au- strian Netherlands; and thar Prince Eugene, who is now Vicar- General, will content himself with an Equivalent. Augsbourg, Nov. 22. The last Advices from Ita- ly aay, that the Court ef Rome still make Difficulties in granting and dispatching the Dispensations required for the Marriages 01 c. tied between France and Spain, by reason of the great Nearness of Blood in thole Royal Families-, notwithstanding his Holiness sign si- ed plainly enough to Cardinal de Rohan at the time he made the Notification, that the strict Union of those two Crowns was highly agreeable to him. And altho' the Cardinal depends much upon that declared Approbation of the Pope, yet some Persons would Insinuate to him, that his Holiness has certain Reservations about that Mat- ter, which he does not judge proper to make known. This has obli- ged the Cardinal to join with other Cardinals to press as much as pos- sible by their united instances, the forwarding of that Dispensation. And this also, ' tis said has occasioned the Order which the Cardinal received lately from Paris for continuing at Rome some time longer. Hamburgh, Nov. 25. M, Botticher the Czar's Resident in this City; received an Express the 22d Instant from Petersbourg, who had been only Days in coming, and brought him Orders to ne- ' ~-' fy to the Magistrates here, thar upon the Instances of the Senate and all the Russian Nobility, the Czar has taken the Title of Empe- fOr of Russia, demanding that the City of Hambourg acknowledge him as such. and stile him Femperor. It is said, that the Czar has also also sent Couriers with this Notification to most Courts of Europe 5 he who came hither, proceeded on the like Errand to Copenhagen. . From St. james's Evening- Post, LONDON, December 2. There is to be another State Lottery for the Year ensuing; And there is a Talk of an Act of Insolvency which will extend to all Debts under 100 I. This Week Dr. Jurin an eminent Physician, was chosen Secretary to the Royal Society, in the room oF Dr. Halley, who resign'd. Our Merchants have receiV'd Advice, that the Middleton, Capt. Middleton bound from Inverness to the Streights, was lost off of Flamborough Head ; that the Dolphin, Captain Butler, which in the late Storm' was forc'd out of the Downs, was stranded on the Coast of Holland, but the Men said; and that the Exchange, Cap tain Linseale, hath lately stranded at the Bar of Archangel, On Wednesday last one Harris a Solicitor, was Try'd at Westmin- ster upon an Indictment found some time ago at Hick's- Hall, and thence removed by him by Certiorari to the Court of King's Bench at Westminster, for a Scandal and Conspiracy against the Rev. Mr. Sutton Morgan of St. Margaret's Westminster, in pretending and endeavouring to charge the said Mr. Morgan with getting one Mrs Davis, Harris's Sister with Child, and giving her the foul Disease, with Design to extort from him a considerabJe Sum of Money. The Conspiracy appeared plain upon the Evidence given for the King, and that the Child was got by another Person, and likewise by the Confession of Davis herself, now in Carmarthen- Goal upon the whole he was found Guilty of the Indictment, and is to receive Judg- ment next Term, till which time he was remanded to his former Ha- bitation the Fleet- Prison. It is assur'd that the Duke of Portland will be going to Jamaica about the beginning of next Month. Five or six of the Felons who escap'd lately from the Ship in the Downs, have been taken in Kent, and are committed to Maidstone Goal. Yesterday came in a Mail from Lisbon wuh Advice, that the Affair of Mr. Wingfield and another English Merchant, who were lately seized there, was adusted. As soon as the Letters from Lon- don arriv'd at Lisbon, all their Effects were immediately restored to there, and they at liberty to Traffick as formerly, according to the Method ( 8 ) - Method which . is allowable by the Laws of Portugal. In the State- Lottery which is coming out for the Year ensuing, the Tickets will be Ten Pound a- piece ; five Blanks to a Prize; and the Blanks in the last Lottery will be taken as Money, at 8 1. and any one paying 46 s. more, has a Ticket allowed him From Jackson's Letter, Dec. 2d 1721. They write from Boston in New England, of the 21 of September, that the Physicians and Surgeons being summoned by Authority, to meet before the Justices of Peace in the Town House, came to the following Resoluti- ons, concerning the inoculating the small Pox, viz.. It appears by numerous Instances, that it has prov'd the Death of many Persons soon after the Operation, and brought Distempers up- on many others, which have in the end prov'd deadly to them. That the natural tendency of infusing such malignant Filth in the mass of Blood, is to Corrupt and putrify it ; and if there be not a sufficient discharge of that malignity by the Place of Incision, or elsewhere, it lays a foundation for many dangerous Diseases. That the Operation tends to spread and continue the Infection in a Place longer than it might otherwise be. That the continuing the Operation among them was likely to prove of most dangerous Consequence. Yesterday the Commons went through the Clause in the Malt Bill for more effectual punishing of private Lotteries and Sales which is to this Effect, viz. That after the 10th Instant, the Proposer, Advertiser, or Incoma- of any of the said Sales, or Lotteries, shall be fined joo 1. ( besides the Penalty contained in a former Act, which is ? oo 1. more) and suffer 12 Months Imprisonment; and be confin'd afterwards till paid. The like Penalty is to be forfeited by any Receivers of Contributi- ons towards the said Sales, & c, . . The Attorney Gen. mov'd for these Penalties, and also, that two or more Justices may have Power to Levy the said Fines, and to un- prison Offenders, because of the tediousness of prosecuting by Infor- mations try'd- at Law, which was order'd in the Bill accordingly. Read a Petition of the Waggoners, complaining of their being stopt on the Roads, and having Money extorted from them, on ae- count of the Streaks of their Wheels, and refer'd it to a Committee. \ The The Lords Yesterday order'd, that the House do on Thurfday next take into Consideration the Practice of building Ships of Force for Forreigners, and that the Judges do then attend. This Day their Lordships receiv'd several more Accounts from the Commissioners of the Navy, relating to the increase of the Debt thereof, but the whole being nor yet ready, their Lordships defer'd the further Consideration of the Causes of Contracting so large a na- val Debt to Tuesday. From St. James's Evening Post December 5. The Difference between the Republick of Venice and the Porte, ceoncerning the Dulsignote Vessel, is finally determin'd, by which Accomodation their Ambassador is oblig'd to procure the Liberty of 200 Slaves, and to transport themselves, with considera- ble Presents to the Ministers for their Assiduity in bringing about this' Affair. The Republick is also oblig'd to write a Letter to the Grand Signior to excuse what pass'd upon that Account, and to pay 15000. Crowns to those Interested in that Vessel- Petersburg, Nov. 17. Yesterday we had a violent Storm at S. W by which the Town was overflow'd, so that that there was 110 passing the Streets but in Boats; several Bridges and Houses of Wood were born away by the Force of the Waters, and several Persons were Drown'd. Some Letters from Constantinople of the 2d Instant say. that there is there a very strong Party, supported by the People in Gene- ral, to engage the Porte to renew the War with Poland, and the He- publick of Venice; They add, that the Mufti is the Head of this Party, which makes us fear they will gain their Ends, even tho the. Sultan himself, and the Grand Vizier; are for observing the Peace. Paris, Dec. ic. The Archers are sent after two Footmen who en- ter'd themselves in the Service of the Dutchess of Ventadour, a lit- tle before her setting out for Spain, and were inform'd against by Cartouche, who, ' tis reported, had disposed several of his Gang to be menial Servants in great Families, in order to commit Robberies." Advices c f the 29th of the last Month from Bonrges, the Capital oi Berry, say, that a Gang of Robbers have stolen the Sum of 70000 Livres out of the Mint in that City, and that several Persons suspect- ed of that Theft, have been taken up. This City is at prefent ex- treamly infested with Thieves, and Robberies in one Part or other are committing continually, B LONDON, ; .7. 10 , LONDON, December 5 Mr. Miller, formerly Steward to St. Stephen Fox, hath lately given the Sum of 500 /. for tbe Benefit of the Charity Children of tbe Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields 5 and we bear that the Parishioners thereof have since made him the Compliment of being one of the Trustees of their Charity School, and a Vestryman of the said Parish. Yesterday Dr. Wilcox, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, and Dr. Reynolds, Lord Bishop of Bangor, took tbe Oaths and their Seats in the House of Peers. Last Week five Sloops were put into Commission which are design'd to Cruise upon tbe Smuglers and Owlets, viz. the Weezel, Capt. Chealey, Cruiser, Capt. Brook's, Hawk, Capt. Hoyd and Bonetta Capt. Proctor. The Wages due to tbe Widdows, & c. of the Seamen lost in the Royal Anne Galley, are order'd to be paid off forthwith. On Sunday Night died Sir David Dalrymple, Knight. The same Night, one Humphry Anger was committed to Newgate, for „ robbing Mr. Philpot, one of tbe Prince's Coachmen, of his Watch and Mo- ney, upon tbe Highway. John Everit, now in Ntw- Prisont Clerkenwell, hath given Informati- on of eighteen Robberies committed on the Highway within a few Months last past, in tbe Counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Surrey; and the se- veral Persons who committed the said Robberies are now in Newgatet where such as have been robbed may come and see them, in order to give Evidence against them at the ensuing Sessions. We hear, tbe Earl of Cadogan has given a Hundred Guineas among the Crew of the Yatcht that brought him over, at a Reward for their great Diligence and Conduct in Working the Vessel during the violent Storm they met with. ' Tis said a Squadron of 12 Men of War, two Bomb Vessels, and two Fireships, are order'd to be fitted out forthwith, to be command- ed on some Expedition under Sir Charles Wager, and Rear- Admiral Hosier. The latter of these Admirals is set out for Portsmouth, to hasten as ' tis said the Equipment of that Squadron. Yesterday the English Captives that have been redeemed by his Ma~ jestys Bounty in the late Treaty made with the King of Fez and Moroc- co, to the Number of above 280 Persons, march'd in their Moorish Ha- bits in good Order through a great Part of this City to the Cathedral of Sr. Paul's to return Thanks to Almighty God for their Redemption from Captivity ; on which Occasion the Reverend Mr. Berryman, Chaplain to. the Lord Bishop of London, who was also present there, preach'd a suita- ble Sermon from Psal. 102* v. 19, 20, 21.1 Afterwards they went up to St. James's to return Thanks to his Majestyt for interposing in their Behalf ; but by Reason of the vast Multitudes of People that crowded to see them, they were forced to divide themselves into several Companies, and to take different Ways thither. Upon their Arrival they were let into the Garden behind the Palace, where his Majesty and their Royal Highnesses viewed them- We hear that his Majesty hath order'd 500 /. for their Relief, and his Royal Highness 2ooL and that above 1oo/. was collected for them at St. Paul's ; and ' tis believ'd that a much great- or Sum would have been gather'd if many charitable Gentlemen and Citizens could have found Access in the Church through the prodigious Crowd. Last Saturday Evening the Richmond Coaches were robb'd near Sheen, and they took from the Company to the Value of near 1ool. ( From Jacksons Letter) A Collection was made last Sunday Night in the French Church in Thread- Needle Street for the Relief of their Poor of 11001. The Lords Yesterday had a long Debate, touching a greater Num- ber of Seamen being imploy'd in the Navy for many Years then have been provided for by Parliament. The Plague in France spreads both in Languedoc and Dauphine, but is believ'd to be less mortal. Some News have mentioned that the Lord Polwarth is to go to the Court of France, instead of Sir Robert Sutton, Col. Lumby to Portugal, in the Room of Mr. Worsley who is appointed Governour of Barbadoes and that three other Ministers of his Majesty's are recall'd, viz. Mr. Davenant from Tuscany ; Col. Burgess from Venice, and Mr. Manning from the Swiss Protestant Cantons. Bank Stock 126. India 341.- South- Sea 98. . Nottingham, Dec. 7. The Bill of Mortality for this Town from Wed- nesday Nigh tthe 29th of Nov. to Wednesday Night the 6 of Dec, Buried in St. Maries Parish In St. Peters In St. Nicholas In all this Week written on 3> ' ...
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