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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic


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The Weekly Journal : Or British Gazetteer Being the freshest Advices Foreign and Domestic

Date of Article: 16/09/1721
Printer / Publisher: J. Read 
Address: White-Fryars, near Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 6
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OR, British Gazetteer. Being the freshest Advices foreign and Domestick. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 16, 1721. GREAT BRITAIN. The Continuation of the History of ENGLAND. The SAXONS. ALfred, or Alfred, the fourth Son of King Ethelworth, was in his young Years and Father's Life- time, anointed King at Rome by Leo ; but after his Brother Ethelred's Death was crowned at Win- chester, and is by some stiled the first absolute Monarch over the English. Within a Months Time after his Coronation, he was forced into the Field against the Danes whom he fought at Wilton, where he was worsted. Then the Danes constrained the West- Saxons to enter into League with them, then advanced to Lon- don, where they Wintered ; compelled the Mercians to compound with them, banishing Burthred their King placing another in his stead of their own chusing. Their King Halden gained Northumberland, which he bestow. ed amongst his Followers. In A. D. 876. Rollo, a No- bleman of Denmark, came over with a great Army of fresh Forces, making a miserable Spoil where he came ; but Alfred forced him out of the Land. Howbeit the Danes, who had already seated themselves in England, brought the King many times to such Extremities, that he was forced to hide himself out of sight, and with such small Companies as he had, to live by Fishing, Fowling, and Hunting, having no more of his great Monarchy left him but Wilts, Somerset, and Hampshire, nor them neither free from the Incursions of the Danes. The solitary Place of his chief Residency, was an Island in Somersetshire, commonly called Edelingsey, where in poor Disguise. he was entertained in a Cowherd's Cottage. This Cowherd, who succoured King Alfred, was named Dunwolfus. whom the King after set to learning, and made bishop of Winchester. Yet in these his Distresses he would sometimes disguise himself in the Habit of a common Minstrel, repairing to the Danes Camp, and by his excellent skill in Musick and Songs, would gain the Opportunity of observing as well what their designments were as their Security, which he wisely improved : For seeing his time, he gathered what small Forces he could, and on the sudden, surprized his careless Enemies in their Camp, making a great slaughter of them, to the great Terror of others of them in other Parts of the Nation, who accounted the King dead long before. ' Shortly after this, the Devonshire Men joyned Battle with King Hubba, whom they slew With a great Number of his Danes, near unto a Castle, ' hen called Kinwith. The Body of Hubba was there buried in the Field, and therefore called Hubblestone. In that Fight the English took the Danes much esteemed Banner, called Reafan, wherein a Raven pourtrayed was wrought in Needle work by the three Sisters of Hubba. And now the English Fortune seemed so ad- Vnced, that the Danes sent to the King for Peace, which was condescended unto, and Gormon, 0r Gur- price Three Half- Pence; thrun their King was baptized ; Alfred being his God- father, and giving him the Name of Athelstone, and withal bestowing on him, in free Gift, Gormoncester, or Godmonchester, near Huntingdon, with the adjoin. ing Territories. Thirty of the chiefest Danish Nobility were likewise baptized, upon whom King Alfred be- stowed many rich Gifts. And that the Limits of the English might be free from Danish Incursions, thus the Confines of King Alfred's Kingdom were laid out. His Dominions were to stretch from the River Thamisis, and from thence to the Water of Lea, even unto the Head of the same Water, and so forth streight unto Bedford; and, lastly, going along by the River Ouse, to end at Watling- street. But notwithstanding this Agreement, the Danes were still unquiet, with whom one Hastings a Nobleman of Norway joined, bringing a considerable Force to their Assistance. And in the Year of Grace 901, this excellent King died much be. wailed of his Subjects, whose Body was first buried at Winchester, next removed into the Church of the new Monastery; and, lastly, his Body, Monument, Church, and Monastery, were all removed without the North Gate of the City, since called Hide. He was born at Wanading, now Wantage in Berks, where anciently was a Mannor- House of the King's of England. London that had been destroyed and burnt by the Danes about A. D. 839 King Alfred repaired and made Habitable again in A. D 886. At Edelingsey he built a Monastery ; at Winchester another ; at Shaftsbury a Nunnery, where he made his Daughter Ethelgada Ab. bess. The Day and Night consisting of 24 Hours, did this vertuous Prince design equally ( when State Business would permit such an Order) to three special Uses ; and them he observed by the burning of a Taper set in his Oratory. Eight Hours he spent in Contemplation, Reading and Prayers; other Eight Hours for his Re- pose and Health ; and the other Eight in the Affairs of State. His K'ngdom he likewife divided into Shires. Hundreds and Tithings, for the better and Administra- tion of Justice, and suppressing of Thieves, whereby he effected so great Security to his Subjects, that hon- est Men might travel without Injury ; and that Brace- lets of Gold being hanged in the Highways, none durst: be so bold as to take them away. He order'd all his Subjects possessing two Hides of Land, to bring up their Sons in Learning till Fifteen Years of Age at least ; saying, That he reputed a Man Free- born, and yet illi- terate, no better than a Beast, a brainless Body, and a very Sot. Nor would he admit any into Office in his Court, unless Learned. His Census or Tribute he divided into Six parts; the First part of which he gave to the Poor ; the Second to the Foundation of Churches the Third to Scholars at Oxford; the Fourth, to the Lights of the Church ; the Fifth to his Military Men ; the Sixth to Labourers and Artificers. The best Laws for his Subjects- Good, he rendred into English. The holy Gospel he rendred into the Saxon Tongue; and therein the Lord's Prayer after this manner. Faeder ure thu the Earth on Heafenum, si thin nama Gehal- god, to be cume thin Rice, Gewurthe thin willa on eorthan swa swa on heafsum, urne ge daghwanlican hlaf syle us to daeg ; And forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgivath urum gyltendum ; And ne gelaedde thu us on cosenung, ac Alyse'us ysic [ SI it swa] He was a great Protector of the Clergy, Widows and Orphans, devout in the SErvice of God. ' Tis also said l* Of of of him, that he laid the Foundation of the University of Oxford, and of that College, called UniVersity College. Others say, that Oxford was built by one Mempritius, a British King, and from him was at first named Caer Memprio ; Et crevit ibi posteris diebus noove studium generale, ab inclyta Universitate de Greeklade derivatum. To be continu'd. The Continuation of the Tryal of Colonel John Lil- burne. The Law of England is the Law of God; ' tis no written Law, but pure, primitive Reason, uncorrupted by humane Wills, and has been maintain'd by our An- cestors ; that's the Law of England ; and was it not an admirable Constitutiont we would not meddle with it. There are two Reasons for holding up your Hand, one of which, my Lord has given you ; the other is, that a pure innocent Hand shews a clear, unspotted Heart ; therefore, if you refuse to do this, you deprive your self of the Benefit of a main Custom of the Laws. L. Col. Lilb. Well, I'll take Mr. Keeble's Explana- tion, and lay hold o'that; My Name is John Lilburn, Son to Mr. Richard Lilburn, of Durham, a Freeman of London, and late Lieutenant Colonel in the Parliament's Army ; if you won't believe I am the Man, the Lieu- tenant of the Tower will aver it. Judge Jerman. Ask him again : Hearken Mr. Lil- burn, and use Discretion and Temper. L. Col. Lilb. By the Law of England — [ be- ing interrupted] What do you go about to circumvent me ? k Ld. Keble. Here is no Circumvention ; Mr. Lilburn ; as you profess to be rational in your Words, declare it in your Deeds L. Col. Lilb. Sir, do not surprize me with Punc- tilio's , they are hard things to lose my Life upon. I tell you. I am John Lilburn, Son of, & c. L. Keble. If you talk of Punctilio's here, we will stop your Language. L. Col. Lilb. Sir, give me leave to speak , or knock me on the Head where I stand. Mr. Bradshaw, as Pre- sident of the High Court of justice, ( as ' twas call'd) gave Duke Hamilton leave to speak to the Punctilio's of the Law ; and, I hope you will grant me, that have been in Arms for you, as much Favour as was granted Duke Hamilton, that was against you. Ld Keble, If you will not have Patience, and hear the Court, we will pass Sentence against you without further Proceedings, or any more Proof than what our Eyes see. Read the Indictment. Mr- Broughton, Hold up your Hand, John Lilburn and hearken to your Charge. Thou standest Indicted & c. [ as follows in the second Day's Proceedings ] Art thou Guilty or Not Guilty. L. Col. Lilb. Gentlemen, I desire I may only speak what stands with Reason and Justice. Ld. Keble. We shall deal with you according to Rea- son and Justice ; now, in reason, you are to plead before you can be heard. Lt. Col. Lilb. Sir, I am not to answer Questions for or against my self. Another Judge. Is pleading Not Guilty, accusing of our self? L. Col. Lilb. I know not what Benefit I may lose, ac- cording to Rules of the Law, and humbly desire a Copy of the Indictment, and reasonable time to consult with Council if it be but eight or nine Days. Ld. Keble. You are a better Judge of the Truth than another ; if you say Not Guilty, when you have an- swer'd, you shall have Liberty to make your Defence. L. Col. Lilb. Sir, the Forms, and practick Part of the Law being lock'd up in a strange Language that I cannot understand, it is hard you should take away my Life for my Ignorancc. Broughton. John Lilburn, What sayest thou, art thou Guilty, & c. L Col. Lilb. But to be entrap'd with Niceties and Forms, that cannot be found in English Books, is not fair Play ; therefore, I again desire Council, that I may not lose my Life upon Forms and Punctilio's. Another Judge. Then you will not Plead ? ( 2028 ) L. Col. Lilb. Mr. Bradshaw promis'd Duke Hamil- ton to take no Advantage of his Ignorance in Niceties and Forms of Law. in his Pleading ; give me the same Engagement, and I will Plead.. Ld. Keble. You shall have no Advantage taken. L. Col. Lilb. Well Sir, then Not Guilty of the Treasons in Manner and Form, as laid in that in- dictment. And now Sir I desire Council. Broughton. By whom wilt thou be try'd ? L Col- Lilb. By the known Laws of England, and a legal Jury of my Equals. And now. Sir, I again de- sire Council. Ld. Keble. The Foem is that you will be try'd by God and your Country ; if you will be try'd by Law, that is by the Rules thereof, it includes being try'd by your Country. L. Col. Lilb. Then I hope, my Answer is clear and fair, Sir. Judge Jermin. Answering according to that Form, means no more then this, That God is every where, and knows all Things; and by your Country, is as much as to say, by your Neighbours and Equals- L. Col. Lilb. Sir, under Favour, God is not cor- porally here ; but I will be try'd in the Presence of that God, that knows if you are possess'd with premeditated Malice and Design to destroy me, right or wrong ; and by my Country, that is, by a Jury of my Equals, ac- cording to the good old Laws of England. Ld. Keble. You have done like an Englishman ; and I promise you a Jury of good and lawful Men- L- Col. Lilb- But the Indictment's so Very long, that neither 1, nor any Man, can carry it in our Heads; therefore, that I may makes Defence like an english. man, I desire a Copy of the Indictment, Council to ad- vise with, and Subpoena's for my Witnesses. Ld. Keble. If Matter of Law does arise, upon Proof of the Fact, you shall have Council assign'd- L. Col. Lilb. My Lord Stafford was thought a no- torious Traytor, and he had Council assign'd ; besides, Sir, my Estate being gone, I cannot send after them; so desire I may have Council and Solicitors too. Ld. Keble- You cannot be allow'd Council for Fact in Treason, but must plead it your self. L. Col. Lilb. If I proceed farther, I know not what Benefit I may lose.; therefore, if you will not assign me Council to advise with, before I am ensnar'd, order me to be knock'd on the Head without further Tryal. Judge Jermin. My Lord Stafford was try'd by Im- peachment, and his Attainder by Act of Parliament; but till Matter of Law does arise, the Court is of Council for you. L. Col. Lilb. Sir, my Life is at Stake ; and ( as I told you) ' twas allow'd me at Oxford, and their Com- mission was ( I am sure in Law) as legal and just as yours ; and my Lord Chief Justice Heath as legal a Judge as any of you. Ld- Keble. Your Life is, by Law, as dear as ours, and our Souls are at Stake, if we do you any wrong. L. Col. Lilb. I wish you take Notice of that: But I desire the same Privilege from you ( the Nation's pre- tended Friends) I had at Oxford, from it's declared pretended Enemies; for I hope, you that pretend to be Preservators of our Liberties, will not be more unrighte- ous than the declared Destroyers of them. Judge Jermin. We cannot grant Council to plead to the Matter of Fact contain'd in your Books. L. Gol. Lilb. My suppos'd Books, Sir : Pray do not Skrew me into Hazards and Snares. Ld. Keble- If they ate not prov'd to be yours, you are in no Danger. L. Col. Lilb. If you, for whom I fought, won't be as just as the Cavaliers, against whom I fought, I am re- solv'd here to stand and die upon the true Principles of an Englishman. Judge Nichols. You had better follow the Proceed- ings of Law ; for know this is not Oxford. L- Col Lilb. I cannot follow better Rules than I there met with ; and Sir Thomas Gardiner, ( who was one 0f my Judges) if you will enable me to summon him, shall testifie what I say, to be Truth. Judge Nichols. We are not to walk by Oxford Pre- cedents, but act by Rules of Law. To be continu'd. ( 2029 ) Letters from Santa Croix in Barbary, of the 12th of July say, that the Drought has been so great in the Countries along that Coast, as to raise the Price of Corn foor times above its usual Value ; that many of the Inhabitants have died of Hunger, and great Numbers quitted the Country, and retired towards Sal- We have receiv'd Advice by the last Letters from Antegoa, that the Pirates commit great Disorders in those Seas, and that one of them appearing on the Coast of Martenico, put out the Signals of an Inter- loper laden with Negroes. Whereupon 15 or 16 Sloops followed her as far as the Isle of Grenada, with Mo- ney, which they took with them to purchase the pre- tended Negroes. But the Pirate, after having Murder'd their Crews, Plunder'd the Sloops of their Money, & c. and left but two or three alive to carry the News to Martenico. On Wednesday 7- Night last, about 11 a Clock, the Corpse of the late Sir David Hamilton was interr'd very privately at St. Catherine Coleman, in Fenchurch- Street, where his first Wife was buried ; six Doctors held up the Pall. There is said to be Advice from Antwerp that Mr Knight is much Indispos'd there. We hear, the Bank of England intend to purchase 5003 I. per Annum of the Annuities charged upon the Civil List Revenues, by an Act of the last Session of Parliament. We hear the Rev. Dr. Greene, nominated to the Bishoprick of Norwich, i: to hold the Living of St. Martin's, in Commendam, till Lady Day 1723. He is succeeded in the Archdeaconry of Canterbury by the Rev. Dr. Bowers, a Prebendary of that Church ; and in his Prebendary of Canterbury by the Rev. Mr. Wake, a Relation of his Grace the Archbishop. We have formerly mention'd the Death of the Rev. Mr. Trelawney, Son to the late Bishop of Winchester. The present Bishop ( we hear) hath given the Living of Cherinton in Hampshire to the Rev. Dr. William Trim- nell, his Brother, lately Fellow of King's College, Cam- bridge, and Rector of Althorpe in Northamptonshire ; who is succeeded at Althorpe by the Rev. Mr. Clagett, Chaplain to the Earl of Sunderland. Mr. Trelawney's other Living of West- Meane, is given to the Rev. Ste- phen Unwyn ; and his Prebendary of Winchester, to the Rev- Mr- Sturges, Archdeacon of Huntington, Chap- lain and Nephew to the present Bishop. By the Removal of Mr. Clagett, the Living of Great Pulham in Norfolk, is fallen to the Crown The Rev Mr. Offley, Dean of Chester, being lately dead, is succeeded in that Deanery by the Rev. Mr. Allen Rector of Stafford ; in his Living of Barthomley in Cheshire by the Rev Mr. Wells, Vicar of Sandbach ; and in his Living of Muckleston in StafFordshire, by the Rev. Mr. Jenkinson. Wednesday 7 Night, the Spanish Ambassador, and the Envoy of Parma, accompanied the Earl of Peterborough in his Lordship's Coach, to wait on their Royal Highnes- ses the Prince and Princess at Richmond. Last Tuesday they began to pay at the Pay Office at the Horse Guards, six Months half pay to the 24th of June last, to the reduc'd Officers of his Majesty's Land- Forces the Marines. According to a private Letter from Stockholm, da- ted the 3d Instant, the sole Obstacle that hinders the Signing of the Treaty of Nystat, is, that they are not agreed on the Sum the Czar shall give the King of Sweden for the Cession of Livonia ; but the same Ad- vices adding, that even that Point was as good as settled, We daily expect the News ofthe Treaty's being sign'd. Letters from the Hague, say, The States General have just publish'd a new Placart for making more effectual their former Precautions for keeping off the Plague : The Substance of which is as follows. They forbid the Admittance of Ships from any ef the Provinces of France lying on the Mediterra. nean, on the Penalty of destroying the Ships and Car- goes, and putting to Death the Crews, Pilots, and all concerned directly or indirectly, in sending or Naviga- ting such Ships or Vessels to their Coasts. If Goods ^ ny of those Provinces be brought to Holland, by the Way of other Countries, the same are to be destroy. "• lht" Convoys, if they have any, to be Confiscated, and the Captains, Owners, and all concerned in, or even privy to the sEnding thereof directly or indirectly, to be put to Death without Mercy, whenever they can be apprehended in Holland, and a Reward of 1000 Flo- rins is promised to any that shall discover such Goods, Ships or Carriages, or the Makers of the Ships, Carriers, Bargemen, Owners, & c. as aforesaid, so as they may be seized, With promise of Pardon to such Offenders a,- shall discover their Accomplices. No Ship bound from any other Part of France, or from Jersey, or Guernsey, and the Islands on thac Coaft, shall be admitted into the Ports of Holland, with any Goods, without a Certificate upon Oath, that they do not come from any Places that are or have been infected within these two Years and even then the said Goods shall not be put ashore without leave from the General Officer or Surveyor of such Quar- ter, on Pain of Confiscating the Ships, destroying the Goods, and Subjecting the Captain to arbitrary punish- ment ; which may in some Cases extend even to Death. And the Merchant who lands any Goods without Leave from the said Surveyor is to pay double the Value there, of, besides being subject to the same arbitrary Punish- ment. All Ships from the Levant, in which are includ. ed the Coasts of Egypt, Syria, Caramania, Natolia, Greece, Morea, Cyprus, and all the Isles of the Archipe- lago to Zant inclusive, are to come only to such and such appointed Stations in the Goerce, the Texel, and the Vlie, till further Orders from the Admiralty at Amsterdam. Friday 7 Night, the Sub- Governour, Deputy- Governour, with many of the Directors of the South- Sea Company, presented the following humble Address to His Majesty, ( agreed upon in the last General Court) being introduc'd by the Rt. Hon. Rob Walpole, Esq; Chancellor of the Exchequer. They were received Very graciously, had all the Honour to kiss His Majesty's Hand ; and His Majesty was pleas'd to confer the Honour of Knighthood on Rodger Hudson and Tho. Frederick, Esqrs; two of the Directors. To the King's most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, THE South Sea Company in a General Court as- sembled, having a most dutiful and grateful Sense of your Majesty's great Goodness and Regard to your whole People, humbly crave Leave to approach your sacred Person, expressing their hearty and unfeigned Thanks for the eminent Instance of your particular Care of them in your late Treaty with the Catholick King, whereby they are made acquainted, that by your most gracious Stipulations, they are not only restored in the most ample Manner, to a Trade which they now hope to see flourish under your Majesty's Protection ; but that a just Restitution is also to be made of their great Ef- fects seized in the Spanish Dominions. As your Majesty has thus signaliz'd your prevailing Influence in procuring this seasonable Justice to them by the Treaty, we moft humbly beseech your Majesty's Pleasure may be so signified to you Ministers at the Court of Madrid, that no Delays there may prevent the happy Effects of it, nor any Difficulties be put upon the Trade which they are now carrying on, and by which they hope to give fresh Encouragement to the In- dustry and Labour of the Woollen and other Manufa- ctures of this Kingdom. Your Majesty's great Clemency to your People, and your unwearied Endeavours for their Good, make it our Duty, but more our Inclination, to profess a steady Zeal and warm Affection to your Royal Person and Go- vernment, to set up fervent Prayers for Success in your Negotiations, and that you may enjoy along, peaceful, and happy Reign. By Order of the General Court of the South Sea Company. London, Sept. John Eyles, Sub Governour. i, 1721. John Rudge, Deputy- Governour His Majesty's most Gracious Answer. IReturn you my Thanks for this dutiful Addresss, and I am very glad I have had an Opportunity of procuring such ad- vantagious Terms for your Trade, which shall always have my Countenance and Protection Extract Extract of a Letter from Paris, Sept. 17: _ ' The Fears of the Plague daily increasing, and it be- ing not unlikely that Foreign Powers may be lmpo- sed on by the common Accounts, which are too often aggravated, and sometimes intirely false , and be thereby engaged to take hasfty Resolutions, to the Prejudice of this Kingdom, the Cardinal du Bois has assured the Foreign Ministers here, that Care shall be taken to let them have Extracts once or twice a Week, of such Letters and Memorials as the Court shall receive upon this Subject, that they may be exactly inform'd of the Progress or Decrease of the Contagion, which is not yet come on this side the Gevaudan, and still di- minishes in Provence. ' Tis very much to be hop'd, that by the good Measures already taken, the farther spread- ing of it will be prevented. All the Goods of the Ma- nufacture of the Gevaudan are happily discovered, and order'd to be Burnt, and the Fair which used to be held in October at Bourdeaux, is put off till next March. Commissions are sent in the mean while to Holland, for buying up a considerable Quantity of the Neces- sary Remedies, in case the Distemper should spread ; for the same reason, Magazines of Provisions are also laying up in this City, and ' tis reported, that the Troops of the King's Houshold have Orders to hold themselves in a Readiness to March. The She Rivals. Engaging Phillis to her Bed decoy'd A Spark of Mira's, whom she'd had long enjoy'd. Hussy said she, you're a damn'd treacherous Jade, On my Right and Love thus slily t' invade ; I wou'd have giv'n you half of all I had, Had it been Linnen, Silks, or half my Bread ; But not an Inch of my Gallant, you Wh - re — And then her Rival's Coif the Fury tore. Phillis cry'd out, forgive the Wrong I've done, n Two is indeed, too many for a Drone ; s I must confess he's not enough for One. ^ ' Tis said the Spanish Ambassador has receiv'd the Compliments of the Court and Foreign Ministers, on Account of the Marriage declar'd between the King of France, and the Infanta of Spain. His Majesty hath been pleased to appoint his Grace the Duke of Portland to be Captain General and Gover- nor in Chief of the Island of Jamaica, in the room of Sir Nicholas Lawes, Kt and Colonel Charles du Bour- gay to be Lieutenant- Governor of that Island. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Colonel John Hope, to be Lieutenant- Governor and Commander in Chief of the Bermuda Islands. His Majesty has been pleased to translate the Right Reverend Bishop of Bangor to the See of Hereford. And on Tuesday kiss'd His Majesty's Hand for the same. A Transversion of Love, from the Original in Italian. LOVE backwards writ, put I for O is Evil Add D before it, and then it is the Devil! A Devil ' tis, and Mischief more doth work, Than ever yet, did Pagan, Jew, or Turk. Thursday 7 Night, a Courier arriv'd from Paris, with Orders to M. Destouches, the French Secretary here, to notify to his Majesty, that a Marriage is agreed between the young French King and the Infanta of Spain : This Princess is nam'd Anna. Maria Victoria, and was born the 2oth of March 1718. They write from Brussels, that the Honourable Mr. Vane, Son to the Lord Bernard, was arriv'd there, from Lorrain with his Family, designing to pass the Winter there. Last Monday the Countess of Barrimore, Daughter of the late Earl Rivers was brought to Bed of a Son. The same Day the Reverend Mr. Lesley, so well known by his Writings and Principles, set out for Ire- land his Native Country, to end his Days there, being in a very advanced Age. We hear Sir Tho. Wheat, Bart, stands Candidate for the Borough of Woodstock in the room of his Fa. ther, and will be oppos'd by Tho. Crispe Esq; ' Tis likewise said that the Earl of Peterborough is preparing to go Abroad again. They write from Brecon the 3d Instant, that the Week before, William Gwyn Vaughan, of Trebarledd, Esq; was unanimously chosen Knight of that Shire, in the room of Sir Edward Williams deceased ; being attended by above seven hundred of the Gentlemen and Freehold, ers, and by the whole Body of the Clergy of the said County. The Reverend Dr. Lupton, Preacher at Lincoln's- Inn, and Lecturer of St. Dunstan in the West, is to preach the next Eight Sermons at St. Paul's in Defence of our Blessed Saviour's Divinity, being the Lecture founded by the Lady Moyer. On Craft, and Wisdom. ABsurdly Craft and Wisdom we confound ; , That's fine and slight at best, this strong and sound That a meer Proteus. this is still the same, Craft packs the Cards, but Wisdom plays the Game Mr. READ, Grace- church Street, Sept, 13. IDon't find that there are any of the rest of the Pa- perS one can apply to, when one wou'd say any thing in Justification of the Government but to yours; Your unfolding that scandalous and malicious Story of Poysoning the Grenadiers at Kensington, and exposing the Design of it, had something of a true Spirit of a Whig in it, as well as some other Letters and Matters which you have inserted lately. One of our Weekly. Writers amuses the World chiefly with a florid Dis- course, frequently taken from the Writings of some ce- lebrated Author, and in the Application hints at some. thing or another, that nine Parts in ten of his Readers, can never find the meaning of, yet many praise it for the sake of having their own Judgement commended, or the Fear of having it Call'd in question if they shou'd not commend it. This Journal I take to be esteem'd for the sake of the Titilation it has given the disgusted Whigs, for Interest has made abundance of these. Ano- ther sticks to his Talent of being Scurrilous with the Government, as often as he sees Opportunity, and as far as he dares, for a burnt Child dreads the Fire, he is the standing darling Dish of the Jacobites-. A third wou'd be something if he knew what, sometimes he Bites, sometimes Trims, and only gleans after the Harvest of the other, so that his Labour is like to come to little: But it will be to your Credit, tho' not to your Interest, that you keep your Integrity; a Time may come when honest Principles may reign again and reward you, tho' the Devil, and a certain Party, have play'd their Cards so cunningly of late as to set the Nation in a Ferment. What signifies it tho th' infected Town, Cry up Mist's Jackish Stuff, and cry you down : And tho' there many more so partial be, Before you to prefer dull Appleby. That th' London Journal do's abuse the Court, And is forgiven nay, commended for The Bent of Party may a while prevail, 7 And honest Impudence promote their Sale : r But Honesty at length will turn the Scale. J What I had chiefly to say to you is this. I was sitting in a Coffee House in the City not long ago, where a Person reading a Paper threw it down in a kind of Pet, saying, This is enough to make all the Nation Tories. I re- solv'd to know what it was which gave the Gentleman the Spleen so, and taking up the same Paper, . found it the London- Journal, with the Abstract of the Report of the secret Committee. I enquir'd, upon this, who the Gentleman was, and was told that he had a Place in the late Reign, and then was a profess'd Whig, that he was re- mov'd in this Reign, and now is become a notorious Grumbletonian, curs'd the Mismanagement of the South- Sea, but never had a Penny in the Stocks. I thought of the old Proverb. A scal'd Head is soon broke, and so came away well satisfied. I am, Yours Georgius. They write from Coventry, that last Friday 7 Night; about ten, a young Man, a Silk Weaver by Trade, was robbed and murder'd near Nuneaton : He had been to see his Sweet heart, and murder'd near Nuneaton : he had been to see his Sweet heart, and upon his return was set upon by two Foot- Pads, one of which held a Pistol to his Breast, and he making Resistance, the pid try'd to fire the Pistol. but it not going off, they beat him about the Head With the Pistol, and cut and bruis'd him in several Parts of the Body in a very vio- lent minner. They then pull'd off his Breeches and Stockings, but found only Eleven pence in his Pocket, ty'd his Legs together, and Hands behind him, and a Handkerchief before his Mouth with Whipcord, and left him. He was found about an Hour after, and car- ried to Nun- eaton, where his Wounds were dress'd ; but he died the next Day, One of the Persons concern'd in the Murder and Robbery was taken the Night following, with the Deceased's Breeches upon him, and committed to Coventry Goal. His Majesty has been pleased to order Letters Pa. tents to be passed under the Great Seal, for creating the Right Hon. Sir George Byng, Bart, a Baron and Viscount of Great- Britain, by the Name, Stile, and Title of Baron Byng of Southill in the County of Bedford, and of Viscount Torrington in the County of DeVon. The Preamble to his Patent is as follows. AS the Grandeur and Stability of the British Em- pire depends chiefly upon Knowledge and Ex- perience in Martime Affairs, We esteem those wor- thy of the highest Honours , who acting under Our Influence, exert themselves in maintaining our Do- minions over the Sea. It is for this Reason, that We have determined to advance to the Degree of Peerage Our trusty and well beloved Councellour, Sir George Byng, Knight and Baronet, who being descended from an antient Family in Kent, and educated from his Youth in the sea Service, hath, through several Posts, arrived , to the highest Stations and Command in Our Navy by the Strength or his own Abilities, and a Merit distin- guished by our Predecessors and Ourselves, in the many Important Services which he has performed, with re- markable Fidelity. Courage, and Success. In the late vigorous Wars, which raged so many Years in Europe. Wars fruitful of Naval Combats and Expeditions, there was scarce any Action of Consequence, wherein he did not bear a Principal Part; nor were any Dangers or Dif- iculties so great, but he surmounted them by his ex- juisite Conduct, and a good Fortune that never failed him. Particularly, when a Storm was gathering in france, and it was uncertain upon what Part of the it would fall, with wonderful Sagacity and Dili- ence, he flew to the Very Place of Danger, rescuing ur Capital City of Scotland, from the imminent At- tack; of a French Squadron, which had many Rebels, nd numerous Forces aboard, and by his very Appearance defeated the vain Hopes of the Enemy, obliging them to relinquish their disappointed Enterprize, and to seek their Safety by a Flight towards their own Ports, atten- ed with Loss. With no less Vigilance, he repressed not long since, the like Machinations of the same Traitors in the Ports of France, who were so discon- certed at his Presence, as to abandon the Schemes they had projected ; for which prudent Service, We conferred on him the Dignity of Baronet, the first Mark of Our Favour. Moreover lately, when new Contentions were sringing up in Italy, and the Discord of Princes was on the Point of embroiling Europe again in War, he did, with singular Felicity and Conduct, interpose with Our Squadion, crushing at one Blow the laboured efforts of Spain to set up a Power at Sea and advanced the Reputation of Our Arms in the Mediterranean tos such a Pitch, that Our Flag gave Law to the contending parties, and enabled Us to resettle the Tranquility that had been disturbed. It is just therefore, that We should distinguish with higher Titles a Subject. who has so eminently served Us and his Country, both as Monu- ments of his own Merit, and to inflame others into a love and Pursuit of Virtue. Know ye therefore, See Letters from Rome say, that the Pope has been so ' that his Physicians had twice ordered him some metic wine, which is a Prescription they seldom ven- to give in this Country, unless the Danger be very nevertheless, ' tis said, the Success has answer'd ' and that the Old Father was much better the Courier came away. the extract of the Advices concerning the Plague, Which are come to the beginning of september. Toulon becomes more Healthy daily : In 14 Days, but 48 persons died ; and the 20th of last 119 Persons had recovet'd to the Hospitals, by performing Qua- y discharged. The Distemper has conside- bly decreased in the Neighbourhood of Toulon. Ne- 1 Roussillon, who were detach'd there, not six are left. Le Puget, Forcalqueret, and St. Anastase:, are better. Marseilles keeps in a good State of Health, and Salons grows better. Roues and St. Remy are bet- ter. Maillane had not any sick for a Fortnight; on the 25th of August, a Woman who came thither from Fri- geolet, died with Marks of the Plague. Aries conti- nues on the Recovery ; it is hop'd the Quarantain will clear it of the Distemper : Ic is observable, that more Persons of Condition have died there in Proportion, than in other Places. All that Part of Provence which is si- tuate on the Left of the Rivers Verdon and Durance, is at present in good Health. As to the Gevaudan, La Canourgue is on the mending hand : The Distemper is not violent at Banassac. Mende is in perfect Health; Marvejols is in a very bad Condition ; between the 9th and 18th of August, 800 Persons died there • M. Lini- on a Physician, and two Surgeons, are dead, and two other Surgeons dangerously ill. The Village of Moulins on the Tarn near Spain, is infected. The Contagion has likewise newly got into the Parishes of St. George, la Capelle, and St. Leger. No Place in Rouergue, in Auvergne, in the Vivaretz, or in Languedoc, is in the least infected with the Plague. And all the Passages are so strictly guaded, that there is ground to hope the Distemper will not spread from the Places it is now in. Caprain Stewart, by a Letter from Tetuan, dated the 17th of August, O. S. gives an Account, that he was come thither from Mequinez with all the British Cap- tives, and with some other Christian Slaves, and de- sign'd to take the first Opportunity to carry them over to Gibraltar, Whereupon His Majesty has been pleased to order the Remainder of the Presents in Cloth, Gun- Locks, &:• agreed to be given to the Emperor of Mo- rocco for the Enlargement of the British Captives, a- mounting in the Whole to near twenty Thousand Pounds, to be dispatch'd to Tetuan with all Expedi- tion. One John Smith, frequently call'd Half- hang'd Smith, in regard he was some Years ago turn'd off at Tyburn, and hang'd several Minutes, was then Repriev'd, cut down, and soon after Pardon'd by the late Queen. He afterwards kept a Publick house in Southwark, and liv'd some time in that Capacity, but took to his old Trade again, and was committed for breaking open a Warehouse, and on his Tryal had the good Fortune to escape, by a Special Verdict: Notwithstanding which terrible Warnings, he WAS again, on Tuesday last, com- mitted by the Lord- Mayor, for breaking open a Mer- chant's Warehouse Since the first Instant have been exported 35,633, Pieces of Callicoes for the West Indies Germany, Holland, New- England, New York. Jamaica, and other Countries. Wednesday the right Honourable the Lord Mayor of this City held a Court at Westminster, for the Conserva- tion of the River of Thames. We hear six Sloops are fitting out with the utmost Ex- pedition to be employ'd against the Smuglers. Last Week the Right Honourable the Lord Visc. Townshend's Lady was brought to Bed of Son. On Tuesday last Capt. Thomas Mercer, a Half Pay Officer, was suddenly seiz'd with an Apoplectick Fit at the Roe Buck Tavern in Bow street, Covent Garden, of which he dy'd upon the Spot. Mr. George Griffith, chief Manager of the Theatre Royal in Dublin, is appointed Master of the Revels in Ireland. Wednesday the Corpse of Sir John Mordaunt, Bart, who dy'd last Week at Kensington was carry'd out of Town, in order to be interr'd in the Burying- Place belonging to the Family near Warwick. On Tuesday Evening the Barrington, a new East India Ship of four or 500 Tuns, Capt. Hunter, was launched at Messieurs West and Hackets Dock near Wapping Old. Stairs. Some Hours before she was launch'd, a Boy on board the said Ship had the Missortune of falling into the Hold, whereby he broke his Back, Arm, and Thigh ; and a Cooper by catching at him to prevent his Fall, fell down with him and broke his Skull, so that he dy'd at that Instant. , , , „ By a Letter from Gibraltar of the 4th of August, we have the following List of the Prizes taken by the Moors, and carry'd into sallee and Larache, in the Month of July last, viz. . , A French Tartane with about 800 Quintals of Snuff, whose People were carry'd Captives into larache. The Anthony Galley of Hambourg bound for Lis- bon, Capt. jerome Tourmoy, 10 Guns, 14 Men, taken about 14 Leagues of Lisbon on the 18th of July, and carry'd into Sallee. Her Lading was very valuable, consisting of Cambricks, glaz'd Linnen, Cloths, Da- masks, Copper Plates, & c. A French Ship from Cadiz, for Havre- de- Grace, car- ry'd into Sallee July 25, from which they made 26 Cap- tives, among them two French Merchants, and an Eng- ish Gentleman's Son of about nine Years old. Her Lading consisted, among other Things, of 600,000 Dollars in Gold and Silver Coin, 50 Quintals of Cochi- neal, three Boxes of wrought Plate, 900 Quintals of Soap, 50 Buts of Oil, &-. A small Vessel, carry'd into Sallee July 28, said to carry Portuguese Colours, having on board four English Men and five Portuguese. Her Lading was too Hydes, 50 Rolls of Tobacco, 40 Buts of Brandy and Oyl, and vail Quantities of Snuff, besides other Goods that were not reported. Dublin, September 8 YOU have already been informed, that our Lord Lieutenant Landed here on Monday the 18th past, and was receiv'd by the Nobility and. Gentry of this Kingdom with the highest Demonstrations of Satisfaction and Esteem Mr Secretary Hopkins, who was by Busi- ness detain'd, and had therefore the Aldborough Man of War to attend him at the Head . came here also two Days ago, viz- Wednesday Noon, August the 30th. The same Day the Lord Mayor and Aldermen ot this City attended the Lord Lieutenant at the Castle. and the Recorder made a Speech to his Grace in the Name of the Corporation, as did also, the same Day, Dr. Howard a Senior Fellow of Trinity Ccllege at the Head of the University. His Grace has likewise receiv'd the Com- pliments of the French Clergy, of the Presbyterians and Quakers, in Speeches made to him by Persons deputed by each of their Bodies respectively some of the princi- pal Members thereof attending at the same time. These several Addresses were full of Expressions of Loyalty to His Majesty, and of Personal Duty and Respects to my Lord Lieutenant. Our Parliament meets the 12th In- stant. SIR, AS I find you deal now and then in Scraps of Poetry, pray give the following short Epistle a Place in your Paper From a Coffee- house Politician, who was order'd by his Physicians to retire into the Country for the Recovery of his Health, to his Friend in Town. IBeg dear Tom, you'll let me know, How all Affairs at London go ? ' Tis Death to me to live recluse, And never hear a Word of News ; Send me again, I say, to DICK'S, To spend an Hour in Politicks ; And when important Things are stirring, Over my Tea to thrust my Oar in. I long to know how Squares go on, And how th' Affairs of Europe run ? What's done at Court and when they say, The Treaty'll open at Cambray ? What Peace the Czar and Swede have made, And how We carry on our Trade ? Whether the Turk will War again, And how the Emperor stands with Spain ? A Country Life suits me, you know, As Hedging and Ditching, wou'd a Beau: Where noisy Fools make their Delight To Hunt all Day, and Drink all Night ; Who know no more of Politicks,- Than you, or I, of Juglers Tricks. ' Tis true the Air here may be good, To cure a Cough, or thin the Blood; But, as Philosophy agrees, Happiness, is a Mind of Ease. You sent me down I thank you for't, A Book, to teach all kinds of Sport: Pox take you for the Joke, say I, You know I hate ' em mortally: Your Hawks, and Hounds, and Pastimes, burn all Prithee send me READ's loyal JOURNAL • ' We hear the late Sir David Hamilton, the Physician, has by his last Will and Testament left 1500 1 towards building And endowing a Persons School in Scotland Great Numbers of persons are daily admitted into the ancient Society of Free Masons- Last Thursday they run a vast quantity of Gold- Dust into Ingots, at the African House in Leaden Hall Street, for Exportation beyond Sea, each Ingot was 31l Weight. The same Night one of his Majesty's Messengers was dispatch'd Express to Sir Robert Sutton, at the Court of France. The Petitions for incorporating the Towns of Bod- min in Cornwall, and Christ Church in Hampshire, are to be heard in Council next Month. We hear a Parish Nurse near Kilburn, who took Children to Nurse from some Parishes in London, was taken up this Week for starving several of them, she was accus'd among other Things of boiling a Cat, making broath, and giving it to the Children to Eat, which was discover'd by a good big Girl, who saw her kill a strange Cat that came into the House, skin it, and put it into the Pot, which she telling to some of the Neighbours, they came and found the Cat's Skin hid in an old Table Drawer, which one of them knew very well to be her oWn Cat We do not hear yet what is done with her, or what the Justice of Peace has thought to order about her. Christen'd Males 180. Females 170. In all 350 Buried Male; 225. Female* 237, In all 462. Decreas'd in the Burials this Week 28 Yesterday Bank Stock wa< 132 India 142. S Sea iji, London Assurance 8. Royal AssuranceS . Afrrican 28. Our Correspondents which sent us the Letters, one signed Plowman; a Poem on her Royal Highness's Picture; and a young Gentleman's Answer to a fair Lady, shall be Inserted in our next. ADVERTISEMENTS. AT Penkethman, Miller, and jubilee Dicky's New Theatrical BOOTH in Blew- Maid Alley adjoyn- ing to the Half- Mo0n Inn in the Borough, this Day and durng the residue of Southwark Fair, win be presented A Celebrated Droll call d, The INJURD GENE- RAL • OR, The Blind Begger of Bednal- Green, and the Woman never vext. With the Comical and diverting Humours of Squire Sousecrown, and his Man Gudgeon. AlL the Parts by Comedians from Drury. Lane. Sousecrown the foolish Country Squire by Mr. Miller. Gudgeon his Diminu- tive Servant by Mr. Norris'. alias jubilee Dicky. And at the particular desire of the Quality, Mr. Pen- kethman will begin on Monday next to speak an Epi- logue on an Ass, during the Remainder of ihe Fair. With Variety of Singing and Dancing as will be expres- sed' in the Bills 1 To which will be adde'd, a particU- lar Entertainment of WATER- WORKS, in imitation of the famous Gardens at Versailles, the finest that eVer were seen in England, by a famous Artist lately arrived,. N. B There is a Passage thro' the Half- Moon inn for the Quality to the Boxes, and a handsome long R00m joining to the Booth Where will be Raffling, and other Diversions, particular Care being taken to have every thing made Commodious, for the reception of the Quality. LO. NDON: printed and Sold BY j. Rt a D, in White- Friars y near Beet- Jirest.-
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