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The Evening Post


Printer / Publisher: E. Berington 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 956
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The Evening Post
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The Evening Post

Date of Article: 22/09/1715
Printer / Publisher: E. Berington 
Address: Silver-street, Bloomsbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 956
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Evening Poft. ggfrgf" From Tuefday September 20. to Thurfday September 22. 17* 5- from the Amfterdam Courant, Sept. 26. Vienna, Sept. 11. HE Difference relating to an Al- liance between the Ecnperor and the Venetians, in order to join in a War againft the Turks, continues to be very wide, our Court re- quiring, that the Alliance include the Imperial and Venetian Domi- nions in Italy, and that the Re- publick make Celfion to hi; Impe- rial Vi- jeftyol the Veronefe, Vioenccfe ani Bergomaf- que wiiercjt on the other Hand the Venetiansdt- ihki- i, that the Mantu- an be yielded ro them. M. Fleifhm30 our ftelidentat Conftantinople is to continue • there rhi* V.' iorer. Vietna, Sept. 14. We underftand, that the French Am- baif'. dor will make his publick Entiy, as if he knew nothing of rhe Death of hi? King, an. i for one Day appear in the Splendid Equipage he has provided, and then no into deep Mourning. Our Court will do the fame for 6 Months. The Turkifh Aga behav'd himfelf in a very courtly Manner, art his Audience of Leave, telling Pr. Eugene, Sbjt He Jhould as long as He liv'd remember with great Ac- Inewledgntctits, tbe Civilities He had receiv'd in this Court: Tromis'd to contribute, to the at moft of his Power, towards tbe Continuation Of tbe Peaae : Recommended himfilf to the Fa- vour of Prince Eugene, jo whom He irffh'd all fort of Hsp fi- ne fs, and defir'd Him to pardon the Faults, Ht may have committed in the Suburbs where He lodg'd. Priuce Eugene anfwer'd Him in very favourable Terms and gave Him Letters of Recredmce, impor ing, among otherThings, that the E- npcror js well pltas'd with his Conduit. That Mlnifttr imba'rk'd Yefierday, for Hungary; and is to b: entertain \ i at his Imperial M jrfty's Charg- s, till he arrives in the Turkifh Territories. From the Amfterdam Gazette, Sept. 27. fiomt, Sep. 7. M. Amtlj:, the French Ambaffador having receiv'd Letters by a Courier, whom He had difpatch'd to Paris, had lali Wednefday, a long Audi- ence of the Pope, and fit < u: next Day for the Court of France. From tbe Hague Couram, Sept. 27. Stockholm, Sept. 4. Five Men of Vvar, belonging to our fleet, are already put to S= a again. The King has apporinred Baron Spar to be High Ad- miral of Fleet, the Counts Wachrnuafter and Biian- der Admirals, an i Baron Taube Vice Admiral. F'om the Amfierdam Courant, Sept. 28. Wj'faw Sept. 13. TheMufcovite Army, which is go- ing for Pom = rania, under the Command of Pr. Repain, marches with extraordinay D; l gence. Vienna, Sept. 14. We are advL'd, that the Turkijh Court is^ rea'ly slarm'd at our Militay Preparations. £> eil, Sept. 20. The Ti& er it fail'd for Dunkirk. Cams in Sir George Byng in the Windfor, with the Antelope, Rusnney, ! he Shark, and Swifi Sloop. Juft t& ut faiI'd the Chcfter and Squirrel for Scotland. Vul, Sipt ii, Re main hit Mijefty's Jhigi, Wiodfor, ( Sir George Byng) Rumney, Antelope, Pembroke, Dol- phin, Shark and Swift Sloopt. London, Sept. 22. Yetterday his Majefty came to the Houfe of Lords, and having Tent for the Houfe of Commons, gav^ the Royal Affent to, An Ait for enlarging the Capital Stock of the South Sea Company. Ad Act to enable hiiMajtfty to fettle a Revenue on the Princefsof Wales, in cale fhe ( hall l'urvive the Prince. And to feveral others. After which his Majeliy made the following rnsft gracious Sperchto both Houfes. My Lords and Gentlemen, IAm perfwad- d you are al) by this time very deftroos of fome Recefi, and that i< cannot be defe; V > 0 ger, without great Incon venL nee to your private Affairs. But brf. jre I can part with you. I muft return you mymoft fincere Thanks for your having finifh'd,' « irh fo much Wifdomand Unanimi: y, what 1 Recommended to your Care; An-! par iculjrly I mutt Tha'rk Yrft, Gentlemenof the Hnufe of Commons, for - he Ptovifion you h^ ve made, as well \ o[ rhe Suppor: of the " Honour' ? fld Dignity of the Crown, as for the - other nect- flarj;! 0. c- ca lions of the Publick ; efpecially for your having diine f » by Means fo little buid- nfoihe to my People; w hich, 1 affure you, recommends the Supplies to Me above any other Circuralfance wnatfoever. My Lords and Gentlemen, The op^ n and declar'd Rebellion, which' is row aflu- ally begun in Scotland, muft convince all, who do rtot wifh to fee Us girven up into the Hand, sofa Popifh Piie- tender, of the Dangers to which We havebeen, Srd are ftill Expofcd. I thought it Encumbent upon Me, t<> give you the ear liefi Notice of the Dcftgrs of Our Enetttie?, and I Qannot fufficiently commend the- Zeal and Difpatch wirh which yeu impo^. tr'd Me, ar a Time when the Ninon was info Naked and Defeccelcfs a Condition, - to make fuch Preparations as I fhould thihViNeceflafy for Our Security; you ( hall have ho R/ e^ fori to Repent of fhe Tiuft and Confidence you repofe in Me, which I ( ball never ufs t » ajay other End than for the Pro'redtio'n and Welfare of my People. It wasfcarce to be imagined, That any of My Prote- ftant Subj- tt., who have known and enjoyed the Bene- fits ofour excellent Conftituaop, and have heard of the great Dangef* tt^ y were ^ onderfully deliver'd from by the happy Revolution, Ihould'by sany Arts and Manage- ment be drawn into Meafures that mult at once deftr y their Religion and Liberties, and fubj;.£ i them to Popery and Arbitrary Power; but fuch has been our Miifert one that too many of My People have been deluded, and ma4e [ aft. uniiintal to the Pretenders Defigns, who had never dared to thiak of invading U>, or railing 3 R. e- bt- lli. m, bad he no^. bcei) encouraged by the Sucfef; hit EwilTa. ries and Adherents have already had in ftirring up Riots and Tumults, and by the further Hopes they enrertainofRaiiipg Icfuxrettiom in ijia& y Parts of My Kiogdcmi. The endeavouring to perfwade My People, That the Church of England is is Danger under My Government, has been the main Artifice imploy'd in carrying on this wicked and traiterout Defign ; this Iafinuation, after the folema >< ( finances I have given, and My having laid hold on all Opportunities to do every thing that may tend to the Advantage of the Church of Ecgland, is both Unjuftand ungrateful; nor can I believe fo groundlefs and malicious a Calumny can make any Impreffion upon the Minds of My Faithful Subjeas, or that they can be fo far mifl- d, at to think the Church ofEogland ii to be frcured by fetting a Popilh Pretenderon the Th.- one. My Lords and Gentlemen, The Proofs this Parliament hat given of theirunfha- keo Duty and ^ ifeftioa to Me, and of their Love and Zeal for the Intereft of ( heir Country, will recommend you to the good Opinion and Etteem of all who have their Religion and Liberty truly at Heart, and has laid a lafting Obligation upon Me, and I queftion not but by your further Affiftmce in the feveral Countries to which you are going, with the Bleffing of- Almighty God, who has fo frequently interpofed in Favour of this Nation, I ffiall be able to disappoint and defeat the Defigns of our Enemiei. Our Meeting again to do Buftnef* eatly in the next Winter, will be ufeful on many Accounts, particularly that the Sitting of Parliament! may be again brought into that ieafon of the Year which is moft Convenient, and chat at little Delay may be given at ii puffible to your judicial Proceedings; and MiaD at prefent give fitch Orders to my Lord Chancellor, at may sot put it long out ef my Power to meet you on any fuddea Occafion,. Jtnd then tbe Lord Chancellor, by bis MajeQ/ s Command, faid, My. Lords and Gentlemen, IT it hit Majefty's Royal Win and Pleafare, That both Houfet fhould forthwith feverally Adjourn themfelvesi to Thurfday the Sixth Day of Oftober Yefteiday an Exprefsafiived from Scotland with Ad- vice,.. that the Rebels having receiv'd their Reinforce- ments, pa ( Ted the River Tay and had fciz'd the Town of Perth, before the Lord Rothet with hii Vaffals, to whom the D.. of; adrgyU( who had arrived atEdinburg the 15 th) had given Armi, Coujdarrive there. Some High, landers, at ordinary laffengeri, came by one or two at a Time, and loitering at the Gate, found an Opportuni- ty, to feize the Guard of Townfmen whom the Magi- ftratei had placed there, and immediately a Body of tep Horfe appeared and enter'd the Town, where they Imprifoa'd the Magiftratei and createti others is the Name of the Pretender. The Earl ofMarh. spubliflied a Declaration, fummon. ing the Nobility aad Gentry to appear with their Men fet to bear Arms under the Pretender's Standard, by the Name of King James the VII!. Aad he forbid 1ithe Men that are under him, or thofe who ( hall join him, to ra- vage or plunder the Country, and promfei them Pay as Regular Troops, affoou at they arrive at the Place of Rendezvous Reinforcement! will immediately be Tent to the Duke ® f ^ rgyle to ftrengchea hit Camp at Stirling, where he it arriv'di. The Citiei of Edinburgh and Glafgow have Lifted Troops, which they pay, aad put in Livfiyai their own Sixpence. We have ai ^ ccouat from Edinburgh, that an At- tempt had been made to releafe the Perfont that were imprifon'd in the Tolbooth for their Difsffi Uien, but it mifcarried and the Prifoneri are remov'd to tbe Caftle. The following Memberi of Parliament are ord. r'd to be taken into Cuftody, Sir William Wyndh-. m, Sir John Packington, Corbet Kynafton, E g; E w..' d Har- vey of Cmob, Efq; Thomas Forftci, Eiq; indJobs An- ft is, Efq; which laft we hear it taken. Orders are given for two new Companies to every one of the Regiment! in England. Orders are alfo given for feveral Regiirents of Swifs. and Dutch in Holland, to embark for England forth, with. We are alfo affur'd, that Major General EvansV Re- giment now in Ireland, is order'd to embark far Scot- land, and that he it gone thither from henec to meet them at > 4yr. Yefterday Morning the Lords Lanfdown and Duplin were taken into Cuftody, aad Warrants are iffned out for taking 3 014 mure. Y- fterday South Sea Stock wai 93, 91 one half, 92, go, 9.1, 91 one half, to 93 one qr. Bank 129, 126, to iz8. India 134, 130 one half,. 10 131, one half. Afri- can 16. Thit Day South Sea Stock was 92 one half. Bank 12&. India 133 one half. Blank! 1.710, 9 I. 2 s. ADVERTISEMENTS. Juftpublijh'd, with tbe Approbation of Mr. Jones, Mr. Defx. fuliers, tni other eminent Matbemxticiuns, tbe Cuts done bj Mr. Scnex. ' f-||-|- A Compleat Treatife of Gatoptricks and Dioptricks. Made Englilh from Dr. Gregory's Latin Original. To which is added, l. A Method for finding the Foci of all Specula, as well as Lens's unjverfally. As alfo for magnifying or leffening a given Objeft by a given Speculum or Lens in any aflign'd Propartier^. i. ASolutionof thofe Problems which are left urdemonlirated by Dr. Gregory. 3. A particular Account of Microliopes and Telelcopcs, from Mr Hnygens. With an Introduction,. Ihewing the Dilcoverie„ made by Catoprricksand Dioptricks. By W. Erown, A M. and Med. Praft. at Lynne in Norfolk. Printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible againlt Sr. Dunflan', Church in Fleetffreet, and W. Taylor at the Ship in Pater- naller- row. pr. js. JuH publijb'd on Superfine Piper ( in 2 neat Pocket Vols, aiom'i with Cuts) ** The whole Works of the Pious and Learn- ed Robert Nelfon, Efqj confifiing of the following Treatifej. i. The whole Duty of a Chrillian. i. The Practice of true Devotion, in Re- lation to the End, as well as the Means of Religion. 3. A Letter to a Rornifh Priett. 4. The great Duty of frequenting the Chriffian Sa- crifice, and the Nature of thePreparation requir'd, with fuitable De- votions* J. The Life and Character of Bifbop Bull. 6. An Addrtfs to Perfons of Quality and. Effate, concerning the different Ways of doing Good. 7. A Companion for the Feffivalsand Faffs of the Church of England. 8. An Account of Mr. Nelfon's Life and Writings, a true Copy of his laft Will and Teltament, alfo his Charafter by Dr. Mirfhall. Thewhole compendioully method; z'd for the Ufe of Fami. - lies. Printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible againft St. Dunftan's Chutch in Fleetfireet. pr. 6s. Sheep 7 s. in Call's Leather, fillited with Gold. Juftpublijh'd in two neat Pocket Vols. *#* The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulyfles ( alio the Adventures of Ariflonous) written by the Archbifhop of Cambray. Done from the new French Edition, very mnchenlarg'd throughout, and divided into ten Books. By Mr. Ozell, aiiorn'd with twelve Hiltorical Cuts finely defign'd andcurioufly engraven by Mr. Vandergnchr, and a Map of Telemaehus's 1 ravels. To which is pre- fix'd an Account of the ArchbrQiop of Carnbray's Lite and Writings, by Monfieur ! e Clerc. Printed for E. Curll at the Dial and Bible, J. Pemberton at the Buck and Sun, both againft St. Durban's Church in Fleetlireer, and W. Taylor at the Ship inPater- nuftet- ro*. pr. 61. I — m this Day is publifii, tbe li Eiition torrefied of, ** A Lift of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal: As alfo a very exaft and correCt double Lift of the Honourable the Knights and Commiflionersof Shires, Citkens and Burgefles, return'd to ferve in the Parliament of Great Britain, fammon'd to meet at Weftminfter, March 17, Alphabetiully Digested : viz. I. The Names of the Members of the prefent Parliament, with the County or Borough againft the fame refpeftwely. II. The Counties, Cities, Boroughs, & c. With the Names of the late » nd prefent Parliament a- gaintt the fame relpeCtively. By which Method, if either the Perfon or Place be known, they may both be im'roediatly found. Printed for Abel Roper and SamHel Butler, and fold by John Morphew near Sta- tioners- Hall. pr. 4 d. tfdxt IVcekvoiU be publijb'd, 1 Devotional Bools, vif. 013 The Elements of Piety being an Explanation of the Commandments, Creed, Lords Prayer and Sacraments to which are added fome Meditations and Prayers by Mr. Theobald, defign'd particularly for the Ufe of the Charity Schools and recommended by the late Robt. Nelfon, Efq; pr. 1 s.. 6 d. Printed for Jonas Brown at the black Swan without Temple- bar. Alio Directions tor the Praftice of a Chriftian in all tbe Points of his Religion, and which may ferve asaS- iution to moft Cafes of Confidence, ablirafted chiefly from Dr. Hamond, and the Author of the whole Duty of Man. fuft pubhjb'd, *-{-* Trojan Tales bennz iar more ancient, ufe- fui, improving and entertaining, than either the Arabian, Perfian, Turkilh or any other Tales, from whence all the Plays, Characters and Plots fince Shskelpear's Time, have been drawn. Printed for E. Berington at the Crofs Keys near Eflex- ltreet, without Temple- Bar. price i s. ABy Coach fets out on Monday next for Bath. Inquire at the red Lyon the Corner of Red- lyon- ftreet in Holborn, or at Noah's Ark in Dyot- flreet, St. Giles's. Lately pubiijbed, C*} An Eflay on the XXXIX Articles of Re- ligion, wherein ( the Tent being firft exhibited in Latin and Eng- lilh, and tbe minuteft Variations of 18 the raoft ancient and authen- tick Copies carefully noted) An Account is given of the Proceedings of Convocation, in framing and fettling the Text of the Articles : The controverted Claufeof the zoth Article is demonffratedto be genuine and the Cafe of Subfcription to the Articles iscpafider'd in Point of Law, Hiftory and Confidence. With a Prefatory Epiftle to Anthony CeHins, Efqj wherein the egregious Palfehooes and Calumnies of the Author of Prieftcraft in Perfection, are expos'd, by Tho. Bennet, D. D. ReCtor of St. James's in Coledftfler. Printed for W. Innys at the Princes Armesin St. Paul's Church- yard. Where may be had his Di- rections for Kudying a Body of Divinity, 8vo, Lately pubiijbed, A Difcourfe of the pretended Apoltolical Conftitutions; wherein, all the Principal Evidence, both Externaland Internal, brought by Mr, WhiflOB, in his Ellay on thofe Eooks, to prove them Genuine, is examinATaiid confuted. By Rob. Turner, M. A. Vicar of St. Peter's in Colecheflcr, and Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. Printed for W. Innys at the Pri. ice' » Arms in Sr. Paul's Church yard. fivo. Where may be had Mr. Derham's Phyllco and Altro- Theology, Mr. Ray's Phyfico- Thcol gical Difcourfes and Wii- dom of God in the Creation. 8vo, London, Printed by E. Berington in Silver- ftreetBloomsbury, and fold by J. Morphtrv'nearStationirt - H* t ' T t M | fcarr! ed by the Pofi; a Bank Note for 10 J. _ No. jlj, payable to Mr Robert Bi'Oiop, Dated, Jd of Sept. 171 J. Whoever brings it to. che laid Mr. Bifhopat his Houle in Throg- tuorton. llreet in. Lord' » , tbali have half a Guinea Reward and I16 XjueVtonr^ ikttl. N. B. Payment is ffopt at the Bank. L' i A 1' the Rcqueft of feveral Perloiis of Quality, U \ who have appointed to rte. on Friday the ijth Intt. at j in the Evening, the new Addition* < • be thewn, viz. Venus'* "' turn from. Mount Ida, with the geldcn Apple, with Cupid's Doves and Swans attending , her, the Graces adorning her with Garlands, Apb1- lo is bathing with his Attendance, bis bclov'd Dapbney he turns ia a Trie, aud the beautiful Naiciff; s is clung'd to Flo. wers j the S^ a Gods and Goddcffes are attendrg, Incenle burning, fweet' Waters falling into deltghtfuj Calcades, J » ; fh Fij-' e mingling with it, to the w Ei pence of f> po Tuns of Water exr. iordinary. The curious Bafrel will entertain tfieSpeflators with'Fruit, livectFlowers ^ iayii': gWater, Cskes, Cheeftcakes, Coffee Tea, and ferera] Sorts of fciqiters, Hot and cord, .. without Mixture, Bolts 3 s. Fr. xs.' Sd. Firft Gallery 1 s » 6 d. ' Upper Gall, 6d. and is for the Benefit of his Widow, . STot'n or ftray'd out of" the Ground of the Rt. 1 Hon. tbe Earl of Uiiridge, at Weft Dravton in Middlefei, on Sunday Night the iSth of Kis^ ftff, a'black Mare about x- t'ttands and half high, with fon » - Sadl » Spots, and no other white about her fave little on one of her binder Feet, H> e was galt'd lately ort her near Side; and h^ s a Mark at tbe Root of her Ear on the fame Side, from the Bite of a Horft : W& o. vtr will briftg the faid Mare, or give No- tice where fhe is, fo that ff. e may be had again, to Mr. John Gould- ffon. Farrier in ths Hay *~ i/ ket near the Play Houfe; or to William fiWidg- e at Weft Dray , T Middlefex, fhafl have a Guinea Reward and reafonable Charges, fhe Mare is full aged. Next Week mill be pubiijh'd, [*" j Nothing but Religion will fecure our Peace and Happinefs in this Lite, as weil as that which is to coine. There is no Peace faith my God to the Wicked. A Sermon preaclj'd at the laff Warwick AflSzej, before the Honourable Chief BafonDod, arid Judge Prat, by R. Cock. t, 0. D. ofGreat Rowlwright in Oxfordfhire. Pubfifhed at the Requelf of the High Sheriff, and the Gentlemen of ths Grand Jury. Printed for Jonas Browne at the black Swan without Temple Bar. Alfo the id Edit, of the great Importance of a medk and merciful Spirit, a S:? mon by the lame Author. . . • • 1 »
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