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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834


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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834
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North Wiltshire Muster printed 1834

Date of Article: 01/01/1539
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Full (unformatted) newspaper text

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32 MUSTERS IN WILTSHIRE, 30 HENRV VIII.— HYGHWORTH, H. John Foxle John Yles James Warre John Ryman Edward Browne John Beryman Thomas Shermour Robte. Neweman Thomas Tellyng Richard Oteley Willyam Cusse John Warre Willyam Pontyng Thos. Sodye John Rythyng John Lane ' harnes, bowe, arrowes ^ swyrde and daggar a harnes, bowe, and 1" arrowes Hygheworth. Thomas Yate John Avenell Xpofer Clements Thos. Aleyn Symon Mathewe Thomas Berye Robte. Russcheton James Dobbeson Henry Harryson Roger Woodschawe John Mathewe Robte. Catroo John Blakegrove Walter Robyns John Rose Symon Yatte Thos. Yate Roger Woodschawe John Evenell John Matthewe Robte. Catroo John Blakegrowe John Bryn Water Robyns Crystofer Clements John Rose L Archers > Bills horse, harnes, bill, $ swerde, & daggar 1 horse, harnes, bill, 3 swerde and daggar a harnes a harnes } a harnes, bill, swerde, ) and daggar ^ a harnes, bill, swerde ^ and daggar y a harnes, bill, swerde ^ and daggar The holle town besyds ) too harnes, too bowes, they above named j too scheffe of arrowes John Kyrton Willyam Theche Henry Sparrowe Thomas Cocks Henry Markerley Walter Arden Westroppe. Archer ^ Bills. ) a horse, iiij harnes, j with bowes & arrowes Robte. Wyse Thomas Arden Willyam Theche Henry Sparrowe Thomas Cocks Edward Bonney John Kyrton Umfrey Rowland John Cowley Henry Makerley John Edys Richard Castelcombe Thomas Robyns Maryan Lewes, widow re, } - a harnes harnes, bill, swerde and daggar harnes, bill, swerde and daggar a bill A bowe, & scheffe of arrowes Sevynhampton. Willyam Cocks Willyam Heyward Robte. Aleyn John Davys Willyam Kame Thomas Packer Henry Bance Thomas Smyth Thomas Cusse Edmund Brynde John Cusse Richard Burges Thomas Grundy John Beke Richard Churge James Loker Thomas Clerke Willyam Smyth ) horse, harnes, bill, j swerde & daggar horse & harnes | harnes, bowe, & ar- J rowes a harnes 1 a harnes > a payre of splynts <& J a sallett Merston. horse & harnes horse & harne* ^ a harnes, bill, swerde J & daggar Lydearde. I Jane Loder, widowe John Becke Richard Churge Wyllyam Saunders Richard Otteley James Loker Thos. Saunders Edward Neweman James Forde bills a harnes, bowe & arrowes • a harnes, bowe, & ar- rowes Ea harnes, bowe, & arrowes a harnes, bowe, & ar- I rowes swerde & I daggar -. a harnes, bowe < fe arrowes, swerde S daggar
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